Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 21, 1820, p. 1

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kingston i vol it 45k friday jfteityooyj april 21 1820 no 16 notice the land board for the midland district for the enfuifig fix months will meet on wednes day in each week at the court houfe in the town of king ton at the hour of 12 oclock at noon for the pnrpofe of receiv ing applications for lands from the under mentioned defcriptiou of perfons vis emigrants and others coming to the province and bringing due certificates of being bruifh born fubjedls all able fettlers that have reilded in the dillrift previous to the late war and pro duce certificates of having done trieir duty in its defence the terms of the grants arc the perform ance of tire fettling duties within eighteen months from the date of the location and the payment of the following fees eftablifhed by an order in council of 14th december 1819 on grants of jo acres to indigent emi grants no fees on grants of rob acres h sterling on grants of 200 do 30 payable in three tqunl inllalmtntss viz the firft on the receipt of the location ticket the fecond on certificate filled of fettlement the third on the receipt of the fiat for the patent no petition can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a vvriten charaer or a fatisfaftoty reafon fnewn for fucii net being produced dy order of the board james nick alls junr clerk kingfton feb 14th 1820 8 jap i n- b t prevent difappolrtments to perfons applying for lands it is neceflary to late that the board has no power to grant lands to the children of u e loyalists militia men who lerved in the flank companies daring the war navnl or military claimants all fuch muft make application to yoik notice is hertby given that i william tay lor as heir at law and administrator t the estate of the late allan taylor de- eafed have this day afligned all the real 4nd perfonal estate of the late allan tay- ior and all the interest in the concern of taylor parser and thomas parker junto john kirby alexander oliphant pe- f trie and thomas parker as truster f j the benefit of the creditors william taylor administrator if the estate of the late allan taylor day sf martin the subscriber agent to messrs day mar tin begs leave to inform the merchants of upper canada thai lie expects early in may by the ewretta and supsic from lon don one hundred casks of gen uine an blacking which yill be sold for cash only also for sale 100 acres of land in ihe town ship of portland county of fron ted ac benjamin hart montreal 2sf march 1820 14k is government trans port any perfon or perfons defirous of con tracting for tranfporting fuch na val stores as miy be required during the navigation of this year between lachinc and this place will fend in fealed tenders to tins office on the ist of may next at 12 oclock at noon fating th cwt as follows articles under 10 cwt to 20 e rate per j i kingston august 2s 1 8 1 9 36tf kingston branch of the mon treal bank any furn required my be obtained at the office for good bills on mon treal quebec bills of exchange on lon don or for specie note alfi will be discounted at thirty iixtv jiid ninety days thomas maliklaud agent kingfton 3d nov 1f18 23 valuable lands for sale in the issiliand district county of prince edward to w n fh i p of a n- elia fb u rg h lot 2 in the front concefton on lake ontario lying to the ealiward of nicholfons ifiand lots 22 and 24 in the fecond con- cefllon of faid townfhip the whole con taining fix hundred acres for particulars inquue at the office of the kingfton chrntvclc or of the hon- james baby york n b all perfons are cautioned a rainft cutting or deflrying the timber on the above lands ad they will certainly fubje ihemfeives to a legal profecution if detected kingfton march 7 1s20 eotf notice for sale frveral acre rnd two acrelots on the main street being an exttnfioi of storestreet application for price and conditions of payment to be made to the snbfcviber who will give information o per ions delirmg to pur- chafe joseph murdock king lor march 8 1s20 10 tf notice an taaignmcrt having been made to the subscriber of all the lands goods and debts belonging to the late firm of james ranken co of ernest town merchants as vell as those belong- james ranken individually for the benefit of creditors notice is hereby- given to all persons having claims against the said firm or against the said james ranken to present them forthwith duly authenticated and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respeive accounts to chr a hagerman esq of kirs- ton on or before the first day uf decern 1 berncxt john kirby kingston utsenimhtrt 3 19 6 anove 20 two fnfficicnt furcties will be required the parties who tender or an agtnr in their behalf mull attend at the time cf opening thepropofals edwd laws naval storekeeper naval yard kingfton 3 ift march 1820 j 13 ode sold dnd immediate pos- seflion given the following lota of land in the 6th conceffion of the town- fhipof elmalcy viz 192022 24 29 30 moft eligibly situated on the north side of the rideau lake which forms their southern boundary the great road bi the perth settlement leading through one of the lots they abound in excellent timber which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to montreal at a trifling cxpence the qua lity of the foil and other advantages arc fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to farmers or perfons engaged in the lum ber trade for terms of payment and other particulars apply to william mar shall esq perth settlement john kiiby efq kingston or the fubferiber in wood- houfe london difltitf robert n1chol november t8 iss 4tf a reward uf land for sale near ihe town of kingston acres in the townfhip of pitts burgh being lot number nine in the fecond con cision on the public road leading to montreal and not more than nine miles from kingfton also qqa acres in the fame townfhip be- ing lt number thirty two in the tenth conceifion near the iron works for information apply at the chroni cle or herald office kingfton 27th march 1820 13w4 yorkshire clo ilis cafrsl- meres q bales of the above aftorted quali ties and colors are opened for fale at thefubferibers store either wholefaleor retail at very reduced prices for cafli be- ing a confignment from the manufacturer also pocket bibles teftaments and prayer books of the eoglifh liturgy neatly bound in red purph blue black and yel low morocco fupeibly gilt with ltraps at r per volume thomas askew kingfton march 28 1820 13 lately arrived from ireland and wants employment as gardener or gaidencr and land steward a fmart ac tive young man th has been regularly bred to both depart meats underttands the pruring and cultivation of vines and all other fruit trees fo as to produce abun- dant crops fuperiov in fizeaud flavour to thole managed in th common way al- fo the cultivation of culinary vegetables- can keep accounts ark has rood charac ters that can be vouched for in this coun try any commands addrelted to g m l at the office of thi paper fhall be du ly attended to pjarch 30 mtf john martin 3 xis w- to inform his frind arid fl public generally that he has opened a lousi ol public enter- rai rim tut near i rt ileury under the ign of ii richmond hotel where he hopes uy a strict attention to those who may fatou him with a call to merit a share of ptiblic patronage 1 1 will aluay- have u hand ill kind of liquors of tho b t quality kingston 1 th ltmitiru 1820 n b good stahiiuirr ii ses 2tf the fubferiber bejrs leave refpeftfttl- ly ti inform his fends and ib pub- t two flu wind and fiiht pound i ic in thac tajcibbwtaft rill he paid by the subscriber to pais t bllo any perfvn who lhall duoner and a few rods fouth of mrs patricks t give fuch information 83 will con vis tlu pei fon or pctfona whoj on or about 1 he 29th or 30th cf june lafl i fiom george ridout esq t walker hotel a parcel containing montreal bjiik lill of five dollars each to the amount cf two thoufund pounds by diredfon of the directors of the montreal bank thomas markland agent kingston igtlj ncv 1819 47 notice 5 hereby given that william taylor 1 heir at law and adminitiator of the late allan taylor hath affigned all the real and peifoual estate of the late allan taylor deccafed unto john kirby alex arier o 1 etrie and thomas parker in trrst for the benefit of creditors all perfons having any claims against the late allan taylor taylor parker or thom as parker are requested to prent the fame for adjustment and payment and thofe perfons indebted to either the late allan taylor taylor and parker or thomas parker are requeued to make immediate payment to the above trustees who aie fully author ifed to give difcharges for the fame john kirby a o pertie thomas parker kingston august 28 1810 36tf agenenil meeting of the agrtcultu rat society of the midland diflrtb wil be held at the court lloufc on i hurs- day the 27th inftant at 2 oclock members are particularly requclled to give their attendance by order of the prtfident george h markland secy h april x820 jsotice the fubferibers being duly nomina ted executoie to the laft will and teftament of the late edward keating efquire phyfician to the forces rcquelr all perlons indebted to the eftate to make immediate payment and thofe having de mand agaiult the faid etlate to bring them fonvard without delay waltrr nfccuniffe peter m40tijju kivr qth hprl z 0 t i tav- crn where will be kept conltantly all kinds of paints prepared rcaty for the biulli likewife all kindb of floutf 4sfgj waggon thigh and onanuntcd painting done at the horteft notice together with raw an boil d oil wiiich will be dipo- fed of a cheap as can be procured in this town for cafh only theodoue brockett n b two gotd workmen journey men paintero will find employ by apply ing to the fibfcriber kingston 6th april 1820 14 to let a commodious house near xjl doftor kcattngs two stories high with seven 100ms a kitchen and a cellar ui der the whole a good yard and stable also a very good soring near the house fur further particulars apply to jame- robins kingston 4 a june i s a 23 valuable lands for salt in he township of hamilton lots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- ceffion containing 400 acres ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th con ceffion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceffion containing 200 acres the above lauds are all lying in the townfhip of hamilton newcafth piftrift and will be fold on the moft liberal terms tor further information enquire of eliaa jones efq hamilton or the fublcriber in kingfton thomas s whitaker kingfton may 28 1819 2tf servants wanted a man and woman who under- ftantj the management of the indoor work of a gentlemans houfe the moft unquettionable recommendation will be re quired information to be had at this of fice 15th mrch 1820 ii government contract for fresh beef notice is hereby given to all per sons who may be willing fo supply fresh beefforthe use of thegar- rison and royal naval establishment at kingston thiit proposals fo contract for the same will be received at this office on or before the sil of may next at noon for ihe period of twelvemonths commencing on ihe 25th of june follow- the conditions of cnntnict form of tender and other particulars may be known on application at this office orat the cormnisssriat office at firt george and no tender will be noticed unless made in the form prescribed nor unless the pnrtg and his sureties or an agent on their behalf attend at the time of open ing the tenders which must be sealed and endorsed u tender for the supply of fresh beef edwd pine coffin depycom gen i commissariat office kingston 10 april 1820 14 boot g shoe factory leather store sisn of the golden last store street mwilmams co beg leave to return 1 heir grateful thanks to the inhabitants of kingston and it vicinity for the liberal encouragement truy iavr experienced fiuce commencing bufinefv and relptclfuly inform them they have nn hand an elegant aftormint of ladies foli tjje kingston cuuu5iclc clu vaccination fcovcrudtn it appears to mej hat from a fair con jsiou of those numerous experimeuts we may cleailv infer a belief that ought to produces strong conviction on every candid mind that vaccination did in those instances prove an actual subbti- nte for variola the plain fact seems to be this that the question has been handled in too leoe nd hypothetical a manner by the opposes sol vaccination to be decidedly relied on they did at first universally attempt to arrive at ihe truth by a mere dint of themuing but as the judgment of medical gentlemen ev- erhave probably will tillcontinuesofar variant as to draw different conclusions from the same causes and also theoreti cal to deduce different causes from si milar effects we need not be surprised that they should fall into various opinions on the subject therefore b ing unable 10 arrive at the focus of pathological facts theorising from fleets to causes and unable to develope the true princi ples which were not only new but also xtremt ly obscure and difficult to inves tigate a- d to this their ignorance of the peculiar mode of action excited in the system by vaccine infection and also of the cause of such effects as simply xisting in the matter inserted or how the effects were chemically varied by be- ing brought into combination with the system and we shall not i say be it ft fo wonder why they arrived at errors the true causes why vaccination might be considered a preventative against va- and gentlemens boots and ola was formerly unknown to the med- v a shoes at their old ntand nearly oppo fitc to m iqrefl c ffc houfe in store street where they will be happy to attend on thole who may favour them with 1 heir orders nd will convince them that f rfu pen ity of materials and elegance of work manfhip they cannot be excelled a b a good supply of sole and up per leather always on hand april 1 1 15w5 three farms for sale or if mit fold to be rented for tht en filing year viz one at the prefque isle harbor one at waterloo and the picket farm fo called a contract alfo will be givn for cutting iooo cords of wood b whitney kiagihn 1 6th june 1s19 25 tf j f b srilsruuy f sunaeox r n lute surgeon of il ms prince be- gent on lake ontario i intends practising in the various s branches of bis profession at his res- iidence next door to john mclean lq- sheriff kingston oct 6 1819 41 notice a ll pcrfors indebted to the late co- jl- partner fliip of richard robison and david seeordj arc requelled 10 make im mediate payment to the furviving partner david sccord and thofe to whom the fatd copartnerfhip may be indebted are ie- quelled to fend in their accounts for ad juilment and payment kingfton 27th mav 1s19 26tf notice books of subscription for the lattji of g0nto will be opened at the dircflora itoom the bank of upper canada on the 241i1 auguft next and kept open each day from the hour often till three oclock until further notice kingfton 27th july 1819- 31 to clothiers for sale a quantify of presspapers tho s whilaker co august 19 1819 34 i ieal world except hy analogical reason ing and probably still remain- so to a considerable proportion even to this day luit if there arepny and it is presumed here are who by the assistance of mo- rn discoveries aided by their own re- earches to acquire know ledge have ani- iriattbe true theory of tne ubjet nan ki rid would probaby have been made acquainted with the result of their investigations had they been unfavour able to vaccination but instead of this we find the whole strensth of their oppo sition to be grounded on the old argu ment viz that it has in some instances been known to fail of acting as an effec tual preventative still having no re ference t the genuine or spuriou- prin ciples of the matter employed now that vaccine as well as variolous matter nay and actually does b come v tiated spurious and even inert from various auses is a fact indubitably established fi 1 instance we have the best authority to say that variolous matter becomes both vitiated and destroyed by being embined with the contagions matttr of mie plague and iso that vaccine matter becomes spurioii and completely nuga- by repeatedly and successively passing from one diseased habit to ano ther as has been shown by the experi- meuis before related this variation of quality in the matter the argus eye- of trict observers have distinctly maiked iiid hence have acquired the knowledge f determining by its effects from the for safe at this office a few copies of a sermon preached at quebec on the 12lh of september after the death of ui grace the dlke of richmond- by the reverend g j mountain a b bishops official in lower canada and ltoctor of quebec 41 to let on the firojof may next for one or more years a stone houfe for sale a house opposite mr d browns x inn together with a leate of the ground on which it is ctuated for fur ther partteulan apply to the fubferiber on the premiss john evans with 17 acres of land 6 of which is in tended for a meadow and the remainder for pa hire and garden on the front near mr daltons brewery and oppofite mr kllerbecks brick iloufe for particu lars apply to smith butterworth kingfton march 21 itzo i2tf for sale 4 quantity of hed cedar a pickets from 7 to 8 feet in length- apply to mr john dawson tailor william ye1usx kingston juijf 17 1s19 30 fifth until the eleventh daj whether the mall pox will tafc effect or not the opposers however appear to have overlooked these observations and stilt idhere t thir former argument which inly appear- to prose the spurious quali ty of the matter ued anrl no more shows th inrfficacy of vaccinnation as a pre- venfative of variola than variolous in- lectinri is shewn not to be an antidote against itself for several persons have been known to have had the small pox twice therefore if the small pox has sometimes been known to affect persons after vaccination it no more proves its nonefficacy as a preventative than the second appearance of varioja small pox proves its inetlicacy as a preventative a- tgainsl itself hence if we suffer ourselves to adopt the method of our opponent we qotonly reason falsely but ungene rously in a medical point of view it is extremely unsafe to attempt to ascertain unknown causes from known effects as by such unhappy methods of theorising we are liable to fall into erroneous con clusions much to the expense of the suf- feiug victims of disease the next objection to vaccination as a preventative of the small pox appears to be tat it is only a temporary remedy this idea has been introduced and pre- tendedly supported by those who appear not to understand the true mode in w inch contagion acts upon the system and who consequent possessed an opinion that there existed in the animal economy a certain predisposition to variola which could not be brought into general action uuless solicited by certain exciting cau ses one of which they acknowledge to be vaccination and also that if does for a certain time either reduce 01 destroy this predisposition to small pox but it seems incorrect to admit that this pre disposition is so far destroyed by vacci nation as to free the system from any lia bility 0 the small pox for a time and should still not be so far destroyed as to prevent its future regeneration it is a plain fact that if it prevent- the small pox a day a month a ar or semi years the predisposition must be so far

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