from the leadian recorder march 11 the meeting of the provincial agricultural society took place in the houfe of aftembly at 2 oclock on wednefday laft according to advertifemenu the houfe was thronged to excefs and his excellency the go vernor in chief took pofleflion of the chair he then lofc and dated that the purport of the prefent meeting was to lay before the society the fcheme of pre mium which had received the approval of the direors for next vear the fcheme would he commented upon by mr young the secretary and it was in the power of the members to make what al teration they houd deem proper on this the secretary in compliance with his lordfhips wifri addreffed the numerous affembly to the following cffe t my lord before i proceed to fubmit the agricul tural premiums for next year to the con- fideration of the fociety it may be proper to retrace the various ileps of our pro grefs during the laft and mark whether there be in them any fymptoms which indicate a change to the better there are three or four circumftances which in this review ought not to be overlnoked becaufe they evince a per ceptible advancement and prce that the efforts of the cential board have not been unavailing the firft of thefe is that new modes both of culture and man agement have been introduced into our lyttl of farming i allude here my lord to h more enlightened ideas which prevail regarding the neceffity of a rota tioo of crops formerly it was euftomary to exhauft the il by injudicious cropping till it refufed to repay the feed and la bour ad then it wab thrown oot to the til it recovered a little ftrength and again was fuhjetfked to a fimilar deterioration the manure by thia means which was occasionally mixed with the foil was literally wafted for it is an eftahlifhed axiom in agriculture that each fpeiefl of grain and pulfe feeds upon certain elementary principles in preference to others and on this account an inter- change of crops is effentially neceffary to bring forth the inmoft pofiible pro- dnftion the earth foon become tired of raifing always the fame kind of vegetables and it feems a relief to its expended energies to change the plants which are to grow upon it after the convertible fyftem of tillage and paf- turage wai introduced into the european kingdoms population made a fudden ftart forwaid becaufe their territories could then fupport a greater number both of people and of catrle as a proof my lord of thefe im proved ideas fummet fallow is gaining ground in all parts of this province in pictou on the eaft as well as in annapolis oi the weft in cumberland on the north as well as in mufqnodohoit on the south and what is dill more dtcifive in all the intermediate range of country jlime too is univerfally in requeft the while province as if by one fimutaneous movement is aroufed in fearch of it public kin6 are ercfling and more of thh foffil has hern incorporated with our foil during the laft year than in all the former periods of our agricultural biflory a beter mode alfo of managing and prepar ing our manuie is getting faft into repute our farmer are hftginnrng to difeovet tftat the preparation of the dung hi and the cir qf cumpmftinjrimftitiite the true and fo m mfr of good hufbandry and ac- cor n great exertions in this depart ment of rural mdaftry ate making in every dfhvct the fecond great circumflance which i fhall ring brfute the notice of this rtuviinj i the expended cultivation of oacs this my led will copftitutc a new aeca in the annate of our gricuiuie this irrain in 3 country like novascotia which i- juil entering on the career of im provemeut will oe found an excellent fob- flitutt for wheat until more enlightened coifes of management and a more p1enti application of lime fhalj have pavdthe way tor the general mtroduc- t n of the more valuable farinaceous tribe our marfhes and intervals are at the tmefent moment well calculated for the i dutftion of bread to our whole po pulatinn but our habits have converted tum i to artificial meadows on which the traces of the plough are feldom vilible on the upland we rely for fupport and o c crard caule of the dependance of this country on foreign fupplies is rhia perver- fror in our fyftem of management- it is gratifying to me to bring btfore your lordlhijs notice the very extended cul tivation of oat during the laft feafon and the ftiii greater preparations that are mak- jnv for the next the number of mills which have been etesed under the aufpi- c of the board and have grown up like enchantment are of lheafelves proof fuf- firient of our progrefs not left than twentytwo are now either in operation or in a ftate of completion whereas laft year there were not more than two or three within the limits of nva- scotia and thefe remained in a great meafure un employed were any further evidence my lord wanting on thib peafing fubje of gratu- laion 1 hnild mention one which though feelingly of trivial import i hold to be ot a inert decided charafier our farmers in all their private circlet and pubic meetings arc making agricultural ftirjctr the icpic ofironverlation thry a taking a intcrcft in the events ate paffng before them their en ergies are aroufed their attention awak ened 1 perceive my lord a remarkable degree of illumination in the public mind from the tone and language of thole let ters which are fent me in my official ca pacity from all parts of the country my correfpondents can now talk with fome portion of fcience about foil and its dif- tinive properties about implements of hufbandry and their fitnefs in preparing the ground about manures and the pro- cefs of putrefaction and in faft upon all thofe various fubjetts which are connect ed with their profeffiom they are riling to the honour and dignity of agricultur es the face of the country is changing under the plaftic hand of their induftry and ceres will foon beautify the carpet of nature on which they tread our cattle hows of laft year although only two in number have not been with out effeft it was unfortunate from a different direction given to the funds that two places of the province were only bene fitted by thefe exhibitions but there my lord a wonderful fpirit has been excited and i doubt not that at the approaching cattle fbows animals of very fapcrior ex cellence will be brought forwaid it is by contrail and comparifon that the hu man mind in every art and fcience is ftimu- lated to energy and unlefs we can call u the aid of emulation to carry on our plans of improvement the beft concerted fchemes will end in vain i have thus my lord gone over the internal marks of our progrefs and 1 hall now dwell a little on thofe which arc externa the conftitutron of our central board the fplendid proviflon made for it in the grant of laft year are becoming objefts of public attraction in the neighbouring province of new brunf- wick an attempt is on foot to imitate our example on the 12th of laft month a meeting was called at frejericton and council and of the houfe of affcmbly as well as of all the diftinguiflied and ref pedtable chaaeflers of the city for the purpofe of taking the preliminary fleps toward the fot motion of a central agri cultural society the speaker of the houfe of affembly was in the chair and at that time a committee was named to prepare a fet of rules and regulations to be fubmitted afterwards to a genera meet ing then appointed on 3 future day this is not all our agricultural energy is matter of triumph 2nd of unlimited ap- plaufe throughout all the canada at quebec at montreal at kingfton at niagara and along all the lakes and hores of the st lawrence nova scotia is held up as a point from which the rays of light are emanating to difpcl the darknefs whicli hung over agriculture as a fcience and from which are expecd inftiucttions in it as an art such my lord are fome of thofe fymptoms which mark an evident pro grefs and lam well aware that to the zeal and induftry of the centra board the whole of this is to be attributed the deep iutereft which your excellency has taken in the offuirs of the fociety your patronage both in public and private the attention which has been paid by the mem bcrs of his majeftys council ana by the gentlemen who conftitute the committee of directors the fervour and enterprife which have been diffufed thtough all the counties and diftris by the perfonal in fluence of the members of affembly the pecuniary aid given by our own numerous and refpcftabc fubfciioers the citizens of halifax are among the caufes which have enabled us to achieve fo much during tlw hf rear raur a trp f vam in the attainment of that otjet tor which we are aflbciated let us then my lord unite hand in hand and lay afidc all mur muring and jealoufy and the piofpecls which are now dawning in our hoiizoo will ufherin a day of iplendcur and glad- nefs mr archibald next rofe and ftatcd that it would be proper to lay before this meeting the application of the legislative grant of ioo voted laft year by the hnufe of affembly this would be the more leciftary becaufe fome alterations had taken place owing to the progrels of events and the central board hid ac commodated itfelf to thefe new circum dances he held in hi ha d a fcheme of appropriation which had received the fauion of the directors and which he would lay on the table for that of the ciety it was true that the whole funis were not yet expended becaufe the agri cultural implements which were to be given a prizes to the fuccefsful candidates were net yet gotten from the hands of the contractor neither were the iilver medals completed yet it was neceffaiy to fix a fum to meet thofe demands upon the cen tra board neither were the live ftock all imported for the canadian horfes had only arrived but we expeed in the fpring a ftallion from britain a bull and fome other animals he read then the follow ing account agricultural prizes to be dis tributed among the differ ent focieties now eftablifhed in nova scotia importation f live ftock 400 o o cattle shows at horton and 1 tr u 10 j oatmills 160 o o incidental charges 90 o o salary of secretary andi r 250 o o i reaiuiet total oo o o judge haliburton next addicfled his lord hip and faid that it was now ntv ceffary to call the attention of the meet ing to ihc fcheme of prizes which were to be held out r rxt year for the encourage rnent of our agriculture great pains 00 o o ioo o o had been taken in e digefting and ar ranging of this fchone and as he had been appointed chairnau of the committee which prepared it ie withed to make a few remarks illuftratve of its general prin- j ciple the two graid objes mainly in view were the exteuion of tillage and the improvement of live lock i and fur this purpofe fever al cmeidati ons were intro duced on the plan u laft feafon as he had formerly been ie fecretay of this fociety he had takei a more than warm intereft in its affairs and was extremely anxious that the poocil farmer in the pro vince as well as the reheft fhould be able to contend for the jremiums to be heid out the commits had therefore fixed upon an acre and itsiroducc as the fub- je of competition irnong the members of each county and nmor iociety but in order to draw capital to the plough the committee had agncd to offer general prizes to fuch as in the whole 1rovince fhould raife the greatlt quantity of nvhte and of green crops s would afterwards be derailed at length y the fecretai their attention hal alio been ftrongly turned to the improv uncnt of live lock and they had concluded that the beft way of encouragement w to eftablifh a cattle fliow for each counts a then to have four general ehibitios two in the wef- tern and two in the eaftern divifions of the province at whic fhould be aflembled the animals of fupeior excellence that had gained the couy prizes and thus would be collected itfoone view the belt of every kind he hoped that this p would meet the approbation of the fofy 5 for as the cen tral board had no pa c interefts to con- fult but was folicftc to extend its pa tronage and aid to aft without diftindion this plan was now iubmiited that the members of his mftys council and thofe of the houfe r affembly may have w njpg tb jfili8ipl68j and correcting its det the secetary ad his lordihip andftated that as th ta 0 fi the premiums had been devolved on him he would beg leave to m one or two pre liminary ebfervation the committee had kept in view tw g ohjecs the- encouragemeit of thfcg orc lo p duce bread corn for the population and the improvement of i ftock as it was uncertain what fum the legislature might give in aid to the central boaid the premiums propped were calculated on the fcale of laft rears giant although at the fame time it mft be diftfnftly un- derftoad that thofe premiums would be either increafed or ckmiriflied i amount in proportion as the fum vted this year would exceed oj fall fliort of the laft the fecrciary then went into a very lengthened detail f all the items which werecomprifed in the fcheme but a committee was afterwards appointed to ex amine ics ffifftfa and report to the next general meeting which is to take place during the fitting of the prefent legifla- ture it 13 quite unneceffary to enlarge upon it judge hjliburton then moved the tvo following refoluiinu 1st relulved that the account of the expenditure of t 500 granted the cen tral boaid of agricuiiure laft year be ap proved of and confirmed 2d refolved that whatever fum may be granted this year by the legislature ftiall be expended tlii year according to theplanjuft defcrihed by the ftcretary upon which a due fh n arofe and a va riety of remarks were made by mr liitch- ie of anaioijuttge haliburton judge stewart mr faivfcmn r pohi- i mr la ion the chief 0 of the 4it cufljon wa- the item of xzo to the sec retary and treafurer iitr j t fcheme of laft years expekdhr we re gret that our limits will i a u3 co mfert the very able fpeeci 0 fa attorney general which embraced muc agricultu ral information and poinuj out t bene fit likely to ariie from thu cftablifhment of the central board he a toj occa- fion to cxprels his full conviction that tlie foil and climate of nova cotia were quite adequate to the fupport qf population and that the general intjdttion of oat- meal was itself a flittcriir and decisive proof of our progrefs the neceffiwy explanai having been given his lordthip read t fi refolution from the chair which ws carried without a division the fecond refolutir w then with drawn and the following committee was appointed to examine the fcheme ofpre- miums for next year and eport upon it to the next general meeting judge haliburton chairman judge wiswall eiiha dewolf efq john allison efq petr mcnabb kfq wa chipmanefq jarxeb fleming efq thomas koachefq gfiorge smith efq mr archibald obfervtd that a commit tee had been appointed to prepare bye laws a copy of whicli he now held in his hand but he thought that it would be beft to defer the confiderationof them till next meeting and to add to tht committee ap pointed by the dii eftors feme members be longing to the fociety there were then nominated s b robie ffq s g w archibald efq h h cogswell efq w h o ualibirton efq thomas ritchie efq william frafer lfq j- j chipman ifq it was laftly ftated tjat a committee fhould be named to make ipplication to the legislature for further ai in order to car ry into effeft the plans of the fociety and for this purpofe the following gentlemen were appointed john fryr efq peter cnab efq w richardson bftj the meeting was then adjourned kingston tannery tr underhill co refpefl- j fully beg leave to inform the shoemakers saddlers arid leatherfellers in general that they have now lelefted from their extenfivc affutment of different descriptions of leather and are preparing it ready for sale upwards of cue thou- fa nd fides of upper leather from one to twenty thoufnnd lbs of light and ftrong fiile leather and one hundred and fifty fides of harnefs do together with twenty dzen of calf skins and a number of hone hides dog and sheep skins too numerous to inlert and which can be delivered on the fiiorteft notice and lowed terms for cafli t u flutters himfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their ordersfwtll find the above articles by far iuperior to any yet offered for sale having already been proved and acknowledged by the beft judges in this province kingfton november 5 18 19 45 isle oftanti the following valuable lands on the ifle of tami for fale from lot no- 35 inclufive round the fouth fhore lo lot letter c except letter b 8283 8 2n 85 and all from mr stuarts to the town plot the fecond conceffion where not granted the pre ference to be given to thofe who poffefs and have paid for their lots if fettled for as above mentioned mr stuarts nos 23 24 25 26 and rear half of no 27 lots no 35 36 37 38 and down to 85 inclufive letter a refcrved lot9 fold no 1 kii to no jit in front jf the above lots will be fold on modeiate terms the foil is remarkebly fertile and fitted for all the purpofes of agriculture the fi m at ion of the ifland will how it is particularly adapted to pafturage it abounds with fifh wood of almoft every kind a cenfiderable proportion of which is oak for further information application to be made to the underfigned at bath and for undifputed titles to the hon sir john johnfon in lower canada j farley december 28 1819 tf t 1he fubferiber feels it his duty from jl the villainous treatment he ha9 receiv ed to guard the public againft any impo- fition n the part of mr solomon johns by his offering to fell any part of half an acre lot with buildings thereon in the vil lage of krnefl town bounded on the eaft by the farmers store and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late john davy as any tuleto the laid property held by him was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for the purchafe made of it in 1806 when johns was at low wages and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination ot his tranfaftions in 1812 had no fhadow of a claim peter gr knt theperfoa who is ftated to hold a bond for a deed for half the above property from johns was acquainted with my juft pretenfion in the firft iiftance but any thing to anfwer the purpofe p g 48 fororiufur commission business tffe subscribers beg icare to inform their friends anil the public that they have formed a connection in busi ness the object of which is the trans- portatioti of produce down the st law- rencc and of merchandise of every de scription horn montreal 0 any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent fo the lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted by w hub bell at ogdensburgh and under the firm of iv l whiting co at prescott to prevent delay all property desti ned for kingston or any part of the kay of qniule will b forwarded from pres cott by the steam boat charlotte which leaves here twice every week the subcribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who arc en gaged in the business and pledging their united exertionstogive satisfaction will be grateful lor every favor w l whiting w hubbkll prescott qth may 18 19 23 fok7sale t a very ion price for cash the south or front half of lot no 12 in the first conces sion of loughborough for par ticulars apply at this office dec 7 1819 50 alexander asher merchant tajlor has received from montreal a molt choice and excellent aflbrtment of the beil weft of england fuperfine cloths and cassi7neres with trimmings and every thing com plete a as her informs bis friends and the public that he is now working up thefe cloths c at his old hand where orders will be thankfully received and executed n the ftmrtcft notice and on the lowed terms foi cafli or fliort approved credit i kingfton sept 10 1819 3ytf valuable govebnment property for sale at auction the ground upon which the r rack see are situated in the town of kingston will he sold at audift at 12 oclock on the rst of may cxt u lots of one fifth of an acre and under the plan hewing tr e fevtral lots may be seen at the royal engineers of fice in kingston until the day uf sale tens ot payment one fourth of the purchase money will be required upon the delmrycfthedecdn- the remainder in three payments of niof months each with interest j b payne king ron feb 26 1820 1 executive council office torky 1 th november 18 r 9 wlhl7 hereas the prefent lease v w of the ferry from the town 0 kingdon to point frederick will expire on the 2jth day of june next notice is hereby given by order of his excel lency the lieutenant governor in coun- cil that fealcd propofals for a new ltafe to be given to the highdl bidder will be received at this 0c until the 10th of june 1820 49 john small c eg henry fowler merchant tailor crateful to hh frierds andthff public for their former patronage and fupport begs refpcflfully to inform them he has returned to kingston froot montreal with a complete and handlomc aflbrtment of goods comprifing the best west of england fuperfine broad ci tbf and taflimeres florences silk and fancy veatings nnd every at tide ncctftare in his line which he offers low fr cafli or to make up to order at the ftcc adjoining captain anderfons and till lately occu pied by mr john watkins kingston 29th jan 1820 y anchors cables william iiudden will receive by the earliefl fpring vefiels and keep conllantly c hand at quebec an affortment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors jo well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation i4tf i quebec ift april isig on monday night the r8th inft the store of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 dollars or upwards in cafli carried away alfo a feir large cotton shawls one remarkable fo reign red scarf upwards of four yards in length one end of which richly ornamen ted with gold thread i fie other end plain whoever may give fuch information as will lead to the recovery of any of faid articles will be handfomely rewarded by applying to the fubferiber for samuel ayicroyd donald vutchrson kingston lgtbod 1819 45 noiice rphe board for miutia k- sions mnb meet on the tajl monday in february j and continue fo to do the fame jay in each month until the luftnrfs ef this dijlria as regards the fame is jinfbed join fkrguson kingfton feb l 1819 6 blank deeds and memorials for sale at this oifiee terms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillinrs per annum if sent by mail twenty four shilling subcripion to be paid in advance to the ktof july or the istof janu- arv f price of advertisements cfjt lines and under 2s 6rf first in avj sertioiu and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and unaer 3s 4rf first insertion and 107 each subsequent insertion above ten lines ad per line for the f rst insertion and d per line far every subsequent insertion advertisements without written direc tions are inserted till itsisn and charged accordingly orders for dizrontiniiinz advertise- ments to he in writing and delivered ly ivednesda t noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the day of publication atknts henry cowan esq quebec edward silh fq tkrte rivers james william esq montreal messrs j sc j dun top lancaster paul glassford esq matilda alpheus jones esq prescou henry jones esq brockoille n b tommas esq perth ii whitmarsh esq richmond j- k hariwell esq bastard e webster eq gananoque j kanken esq bath allan mcpberson eq napanee thomas park r esq blimtk joseph a kfeler esq cramahc james g bethune esq hamilton john d smirh esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ross eq vittoria john crooks esq niagara t mccormick esq queenston johu wilson esq amhemtburgh kingston u c prlntiid tor jul editors