laws of upper canada an act to amend an act passed in the 59th year of his majestys reign en- titled an act for vesting in com missioners the estates of certain trai tors and also the estates of persons declared aliens by an act passed in the 5ath year of his majestys reign entitled an act to declare certain persons therein described aliens and to vest their estates in his majesty and for applying the proceeds thereof towards compensating the losses which hs majesty s subjects have sustained in consequence of the late war and for ascertaining and satisfying the lawful debts and claims thereupon w hereas by an act of the par liament of this province passed in the 54th year of his majestys reign entitled u act to declare certain per sons therein described aliens and to vest their estates in his majesty certain estates in this province have become vested in his majesty having been found by inquisition to have beeuon the first day of july one thousand eight hundred and twelve in the seizen of persons de clared aliens by the provisions of that act which estates were after the said first day of july and before the depar ture of such aliens frm this province conveyed to bona fide purchasers with- outany intention of fraud r were sei zed and old in execution upon judg ments lawfully obtained before the de parture of such aliens from this province as aforesaid and whereas the provisions of the said act in that behalf were only intended to prevent fraudulent sales made with intent to evade expected for feitures it is expedient that relief should be afforded to boua fide purchasers in the cases above mentioned who io some in stances have made large improvements lip on lands acquired by them before thp passing of the said act and who would be wholly ruined unless provision is made for such relief be it therefore enacted c- that the commissioners appointed under the act passed in the 59th year of his majestys reign enti tled an act for vesting in commis sioners the estates of certain traitors and also the estates of persons declared aliens by an act passed in the 54th year of his majestys reign entitled an act to declare certain persons therein descri bed aliens and to vest their estates in his majesty and for applying the pro ceeds thereof towards compensating the losses which his majestys subjects have sustained in consequence of the late war and for ascertaining and satisfying the lawful debts and claims thereupon shall and may have power to revise all such claims as have been brought before them tnd whether the same have or have not been decided on appeal and if it shall appear to their satisfaction upon the proof brought before them in support of the same claim that the sale by the alien or under a judgment against him made or entered before the departure of such alien from the province and before the passing of the said first mentioned act was bona sde and not for fraud or eva sion or with a knowledge of the purcha ser of his intention to desert the province then the said commissioners shall and may have power to decree such estate to such claimant proving good title to the same and that it ha11 and njav be lawful for any person or person iiautig any claim under such bona fide sale as aforesaid to prefer the same to the said commissi ners within the period of two months from the passing of this act any thing in the above recited act passed in the 59th year of his majestys reign to the contrary notwithstanding ii and whereas it appears upon the petition of thomas ridout esquire and others that in some cases from a mis take in describing the lot or other error in inquisitions certain estates have been erroniously returned as forfeited and the persons owning the same not having observed the public notice thereof until after the expiration of the eight months limited for claiming before the said com missioners by reason whereof the same have been absolutely vested in the com- missioners above mentioned who are compelled to proceed to sell the same notwithstanding such manifest error as aforesaid be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid that it shall and may be lawful for the said commission ers to inspect the respective inquisitions together with the minutes of evidence thereon and compare the same with the returns furnished and published by them according to law and that on its appear ing to the said commissioners or a ma jority of them from such inspection or otherwise that any estate has been re turned manifestly by error it shall and may be lawful for them at any time be fore the sale thereof to decree the same to such person as shall prove title there to or in default of any claim therefor to forbear proceeding to sell the same iii and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that when any bona fide sale of any lands or tenements shall have been made by any person or persons who may hereafter be found by inquisition to be an alien or aliens un der the said act passed in the fifty fourth year of his majestys reign when such sale shall have been made previous to the desertion of such alien it shall and may be lawful for the commission ers aforesaid upon satisfactory proof of ttch bona fide sale to decree such lands and tenements to the purchaser or pur chasers thereof or the person eutitled to claim the wj iv and be tt further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the bona fide debt by specialty or simple contract due to any his majestys liege subjects heard and determined by the said commission ers against any person whose estate is now orhereafterraay become vested in the said commissioners sbal be paid out of the funds of such estate in like manner as if the same was alien upon the said estate any thing in the said act of the fifty ninth year of his majestys reign to the contrary thereof notwithstanding jvo- vided such claim shall be made within three months after the passing of this act kingston tannery tf underhill co refped- fully beg leave to inform the shoe- makers saddlers and leather fellers in general that they have now feledted from their extenfzve aftortment of different defcriptions of leather and are preparing it ready for sale upwards of one thou- fand fides of upper leather from one to twenty thoufand lbs of light and ftrong fole leather and one hundred and fifty fides of harnefs do together with twenty dozen of calf skins and a number of horfc hides dog and sheep skins too numerous to infert and which can be delivered on the fhorteft noiice and loweft terms for afh t u flatters himfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their orders will find the above articles by far fuperior to any yet offered for sale having already been proved and acknowledged by the beft judges in this province kingfton november 5 1819 45 isle oftanti the following valuable lands on the ifle of tanti for fale from lot no- 3j inclulive round the fouth hore to lot letter c except letter b 8283 4 and 89 and all from mr 6iuartd to tne town nut 1 tie lecond conceffion where not granted the pre ference to be given to thofe who poflefs and havepajd for their lots if fettled for as above mentioned mr stuarts nos 23 24 25 26 and rear half of no 27 lotsno 35 36 37 38 and down to 85 inclufive letter a referved lots fold no 1 2 3 to no 22 in front the above lots will be fold on moderate terms the foil is remarkebly fertile and fitted for all the purpofes of agriculture the fituation of the ifland will how it is particularly adapted to pafturage it abounds with fifti wood of almoft every kind a cdnfiderable proportion of which is oak for further information application to be made to the underfigned at bath and for undifputed cities to the hon sir john johnfon in lower canada 1 farley december 28 1819 53tf the fubferiber feels it his duty from the villainous treatment he has receiv ed to guard the public againft any impo- fition on the part of mr solomon johns by his offering to fell any part of half an acre lot with buildings thereon in the vil lage of erneft town bounded on the eaft by the farmers store and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late john davy as any title to the faid property held by him was fraudulently obtained by a ftrnher pf a vinn thi was hi rry w name tor the purchafe made of it in 1806 when johns was at low wages and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his tranfaions in 1812 had no fcadovv of a claim peter grant theperfon who is ftated to hold a bond for a deed for half the above property from johns was acquainted with my juft pretenfion in the firft inftancc but any thing to anfwer the purpofe p g 48 forwarding commission business the subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have formed a connection in busi- the object of which is the trans- oess a stray cow came to the prcmifesof the fubferi ber in december laft the owner by proving property and paying charges can have her by applving to richard kllerbecr kingston itb april 1820 5 nefvgo ods ft he fubferiber refpeftfully informs jl the public tlut he has received a well feleed aflbtmrnt of dry goods adapted to the feafon likewifea quanti- groceries which he will fc cheap for cafln- waltes mccunlffe kingtton id december 18 19 49 government work any person or persons desirous of engaging torn some picketing on print frederick and fence round a piece of ground bclging to the naval establishment the rk to be done can be seen by applimion ht tlis yard will send in waled nders for the per formance of the sae on the 4th may next e- laws xal storekeeper navalyard kin ton 20th april l j l notck the cdpahnerfhp heretofore exifting between the stmcrthfiwi under the firm of mcdonald 3c aykroyd i this day diffolved by mutual iotlfeflt all perform having demands aaiii the faid firm are requeued to prefect tl for aijuftment to peter mcdonald ar- a perfons indebted thereto arc requeued make immediate payment of the arootf their refpeive accounts to the fail peer mcdonald who iftdulyautb rizd to receive the lame mj ft jfl petlt mcdonald charl es aykroyd kingfton apiil 20th i20 16 n b the boooefs will be continued as ufual by peter mcdonald tpersons having bonlw belonging jl to the kingston library are requeft- d to fend them to the fuhfcriberi at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay s prfiible john ferguson t2th april l8f9 16 the fubferibers being duly nomina ted executors to the lad will and teftament of the late lawrence herchmer efquire merchant requcft all perfons in- debted to his tftate to make immediate payment and thofe having demands againft the faid eftate to bring them forward with out delay john kirby geo h markland kingfton 9th nov 1819 46 a rood portation of produce down the st law rence and of merchandise of every de scription from montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted by w iiuiibell at ogdensburgh end under the lirm of w l writing sf co at prescott to prevent delay all property desti ned for kingston or any part of the bay of quinte will be forwarded from pres- cott by the steam boat charlotte which leaves there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are eu- gaged in the business and pledging their united exertions to give satisfaction will be grateful for every favor w l wijitinc w hubbell prcscoff mh may is 19 2 jotfv martin begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has opened a house of public enter tainment near fort henry under the sign of the richmond hotel where he hopes by a strict attention to those who may favour him with a call to merit a share of public patronage he mill always have on hand all kinds of liquors of the best quality kingston xith january 1s20 nli good stabliug fur horses 2t bargain for sale the houfe and premifes in the town of kiftgftoii at prefent oc cupied by the fubferiber for particulars apply to samuel anleyjun kingston may 5th 1819 19 for sale or to let 4 two ftry framed houfe and a lzt large and commodious ftone store fuuate on the waters cige in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchaftr or lessee enquire at the office of chr a hagehmano kingfton 26th february l8lo 9 to let a stone mouse upon the ioj j hill above the methodilt cha pel a ftory and a half high with kitchen and cellar under with two fifths of an a- cre well enclofed ftt prefent occupied by mr underbill poffeffion will be giv en on the ift of may next i for terms apply to major corbett or william mitchell efq kingfton kingfton 3d april 1820 1 4tf to let iie houfe lately occupied by mr edmund penley fituated near mr hugh earls for particulars apply at this office kingfton 15th march 1820 1 1 1j families may le fupplied with wood delivered in their yards at 10 per cord orders direfted to mr samuel mccrea and left at moores cof fee houfe will be duly attended to kingston 4th feb 1820 5 for sale at a very low price for cash the south or front half of lot no 12 in the first conces sion of loughborough for par ticulars apply at this office d 7 1819 50 a 0 tice the fubferibers being duly nomina ted executors to the laft will and teftament of the late edward keating efquire phyfician to the forces requeft all perfons indebted to the eftate to make immediate payment and thofe having de mand againft the faid eftate to bring them forward without delay walter mccunlffe pkter mcdonell kingston fyh dpriil 1 820 1 4 alexander asiiek merchant taylor has received from montreal a mod choice and excellent aftortment of the beft weft of england fuperfine cloths and cassimeres with trimmings and every thing com plete a asher informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe cloths c at his old hand where orders will be thankfully received and executed on the frorteft notice and on the loweft terms fot cafh or fliort approved credit kingfton sept 10 1819 3 ytf yorkshire cloths cass u meres q bales of the above aitortcd quali ties and colors are opened for fale at thefubferibers store either wholefale or retail at very reduced prices for cafh be ing a confignment from the manufacturer also pocket bibles teftaments and prayer books of the englifh liturgy neatly bound in red purple blue black and yel low morocco fuperbiy gilt with ftraps at 58 per volume thomas askew kingfton march 28 1820 13 to be sold and immediate pos- seflion given the following iota of land in the 6ih conceffion of the town- fhip of elmaley viz 19 20 22 24 29 30 moil eligibly situated on the north side of the rideau lake which forms their southern boundary the great road to the perth settlement leading through one of the lots they abound in excellent timber which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to montreal at a trifling expence the qua lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe o ivraw rvvptfemgogsgl bttjiyain- ber trade for terms of payment and other particulars apply to william mar shall esq perth settlement john kirby efq kingston or the fubferiber in wood- houfe london diftridt robert nichol november 18 1819 47tf to lef a commodious house near door keatingft two stories high with seven rooms a kitchen and a cellar under the whole a good yard and stable also a very good spring near the house for further particulars apply to james robins klngston qth june 18 19 23 valuable lands for sale in the township of hamilton tt ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- ii a ceflion containing 400 acres ditto ditto 1 1 and 15 in the 4th con ceffion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceffion containing 200 acre9 the above lands are all lying in the townfhip of hamilton ncwcaftlc diftria and will be fold on the moll liberal terms for further information enquire gf elfas jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingfton thomas s whitaker kingfton may 28 1819 22tf notice is hereby given that william taylor licir a law and aiiuiuuatiatot 01 tlic late allan taylor hath affigned all the real and perfonal estate of the late allan taylor deceafed unto john kirby alex ander o petric and thomas parker in trust for the benefit of creditors all perfone having any claim9 against the late allan taylor taylor parker or thom as parker are requested to prefent the fame for adjustment and payment and thofe perfons indebted to either the late allan taylor taylor and parker or thomas parker are requested to make immediate payment to the above trustees who ate fully authorifed to give difcharges for the fame john kirby a o petrie thomas parker kingston august 28 18 19 3tf a reward of two hundred and fifty pounds will be paid by the subscriber to any perfon who hall discover and give fuch information as will convift the perfon or perfons who on or about the 29th or 30th of june laft ftole from george ridout esq at walkers hotel a parcel containing montreal bank bills of five dollars each to the amount of two thoufand pounds by direftion of the direors of the montreal bank thomas markland agent kingston 19th nov 1819 47 servants wanted a man and woman who under- ftand the management of the indoor work of a gentlemans houfe the moft unqueftionable recommendation will be re quired information to be had at this of fice 15th march 1820 11 1 valuable government property for sale at auction 111 g the ground upon which the bar rack c are situated in the town of kingston will be nold at auaion at 12 oclock on the ist of may next in lots of one fifth of an acre and under the plan fhewing the feveral loti may be seen at the royal engineers of- fice in kingston until the day of sale terms of payment one fourth of the purchase money will be required upon the delivery of the deedi the remainder in three payments of nine months each with interest j b paynfc kingfto feb 26 1820 u executive council office torty 17a novcmber j8iq whereas the prefent leasg of the ferry from the town ol kingfton to point frederick will expire on the 24th day of june next notice is hereby given by order of his excel- lency the lieutenant governor in coun- cil that fealed propofals for a new lcafe to be given to the bigheft bidder will be received at this office until the loth of june 1820 49 john small c ie henry fowler merchant tailor rateful to his friends and the public for their former patronage and fupport begs refptflfully to inform them he has returned to kingston from montreal with a complete and handfome aftortment of goods comprifing the bt west of england fuperfine broad clothl and caflimeres florentines silk antf fancy veatings and every article neceflfff in his line which he effera low forcalbfot totfke up ro order at the store adjoinwg captain anderfons and till lately occa- pied by mr john watkins kingbton 29th jan 1820 5 anchors sf cables williambudden will receive by the earlieft fpridf veffels and keep conftantly on hand at quebec an aftortment of patent proved chain cables of alj sizes anchors do well worthy the attention cf thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ift april 1819 nt on monday night the i8thinft th store of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 dollars or upwards in cafh carried away alfo a few large cotton shawl one remarkable fo reign red scarf upwards of four yardi in length one end of which richly ornamen ted with geld thread the other end plain whoever may give fuch information aswih lead to the recovery of any of faid article will be handfomely rewarded by applying to the fubferiber for samuel aykroyd donald murchisoi 4j kingston 19th 08 1819 this diftris as regards the fame is ftnijhc john ferguson kingfton feb ly 1819 6 blank deeds and memorials for sale at this offiec 1 terms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent by ma twenty four shillings subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of july or he 1st of janu ary price of advertisements for sale a house opposite mr d brownie inn together with a lease of the ground on which it is fituated for fur- tlier particulars apply to the fubferiber on the premises john evans kingttobf ftb a8 it 20 9 cf ix lines and under 2s 6d first w- kj9 sertioti and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and tinder 3s 4l first insertion and qd each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per tine for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written direc lionsare inserted till forbid and char gei accordingly orders for disvonunuing advertise- ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received afi ten oclock on the day of pubucatiom agents henry cowan esq quebec edward sills eq three fivers james william esq montreal messrs j j dun lop lancaster paul glassford esq matilda alpheus jones esq preacott henry jones esq brockvillc n btommas esq perth h whitmarsh esq richmond j k hart well esq bastard e webster esq gunanoyue j ranken esq bath allan mcpherson esq piapanoc thomas parker esq bellvilk joseph a keeler esq cramahe james g bethune esq hamilton john d smith rq port hope william allan esq york daniel roes esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara t mccormick esq qucenston john wilson esq amherstburgh kingston u c printed for the editor