cultural societies of th province for the adminiftration of juftice and for the preventing of the fpreading of conta gious and infectious difeafes which i deemed it neceflary to recommend to your confideration has been prevented and fhe public deprived of the benefits which ihey would have derived from thefe ats by your refolutions which my duty con strains me to fay 1 do not admit to be in any relpeft well founded a mcflage being announced from the honorable the legiflative council mr speaker faid that the extraordinary fitua- tion in which the houfe was placed com pelled him to decide and the houfe would fet him right if he erred that the mcflage announced ought not to be received and the door of the houfe ought to remain clofed accordingly then it was jiesolved fiemine contradicente that it appertains folely to the houfe to judge the qucilon of its competency or in competency without the intervention or concurrence of any other branch of ihe legislature after which the houfe adjourned until tomorrow legislative council monday 24a slpriu 1820 this day at thiee oclock his excel lency the adminirtrator of the province came down in ftate to the legiflacive council chamber and being feated on the throne the gentleman ufher of the black rod vva fent to command the at tendance of the afternbly which being come up his excellency was pleafed to addrefs both uoufes as follows gentlemen of he legislative council and gentlemen of the house of jlnsejabnfo lam under the painful neceffity of de claring to you that it hath pleafed al mighty god to call to his mercy our late sovereign lord king george the third of blefted memory by whole de- ceale the imperial crown of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland is folely and rightfully come to the high and mighty prince george prince of wales who is thus beeome our only lawful and rightful liege lord george the fourth by the grace of god king of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland defender of the faith and then the honorable the speaker of the legislative council faid 44 gentlemen of the legislative council and gentlemen of the house of 4sscihhltf i am commanded by his excellency the adminiftrator of the government of this province to declare that as it hath pleafed almighty god to call to his mercy our late soveieign lord king george the third of blefted memory this pre sent provincial parliament by his de- ceafe and by this his excellencys pub lic notice and proclamation thereof is dif- folved and this provincial parliament is hereby declared to be and is diffolved from henceforth accordingly from lite montreal herald of april 29 the proceeding of our jiuuse of assembly if such they can be called after declaring iheir in competency will be read with amazement bat wc hope not followed as an example b aflei ge nerations without entering minutely into their views or intentions for these are perhaps impe netrable to mortal ken even to themselves we shall rest satisfied wiih a few remarks on the sub ject it would be absurd to dwell on the incon- bistency of a body acting and deliberating a such after rhey had made a declaration of their incompetency to proceed to aoy business it would perhaps be iolca useless ri enumerate all ihe blunders and injuries which arise from such a mode of procedure let us therefore examine the groundson which they say they act by the law of 1791 the province of lower canada is granted a house of assembly consist ing of 50 members for which number writs must be issued the time allowed by that law between he date of the wris for the election oi the said mtrnicrs and their reiurn shall not ex ceed ijfy days subsequently this period wa found too short fot jc return of a member iron gaspe and in the 45fj year of iiis late majesty 9 reign an act was passed arthcrimug the gover nor or person administering the government to extend the time for 1 lie return of the gape wrii to not mure than one hundred davs this law therefore virtually implied that the parliament thall act and sit if called upon before the gape member be returned had not this been ihe in tention of the formers of that law iustead of gi- viiiggaspe 100 days to return ihnr member in they would at once have repealed that part 01 the acr 01 i7ji which allows only oodas to the restof the province and made the writs all re turnable within the period of 100 days for it is obvious if ail must wait until the gaspe mem ber be returned before proceeding to business and if thai return be noied within the hundred days it is not neeessarv to return any writ with in a shorter period tills would be absurd and the law never provides for absurdities an o- missiou has occurred in the law prolonging the gaspe writ in as far as regards the number 0 members but this is a fault attributable to lh formers of that law and hiiherio produced no in convenience as it is provided in 1791 that the parliament shall consist of 50 members koinc part of that act oeglit to have been repealed be cause before the return of the gaspe mem be 1 there isonl 49 this however is not of grea consequence as it is not necessary the whole num bers be present unless in the case oi a call of tin house we believe there i- a rule of the house by which lifteeo members present form aquorum and are able to proceed to business and al though ihe specified number is 50 it is by ni means necessary that the public business sboult be interrupted when that number is not com plete ifo the death of any of their members at aoy time would produce a suspension of then whole proceedings for the space of fifty days o until another should be returned in his place and the above rule providing for a quorum would al to be absurd it may be further observed that the act pro viding fr prolonging the return of the gaspe writ does not compel the governor to make thai writ returnable at the expiry of one hundred days it only authorises bim to do it if he see proper hence the date of the present writ a issued for that province is not incorrect being made returnable within tiie rime specified by tin- act of 1791 a to the difference between tin date of the return of the w rit and the time speci fied in the proclamation it is according to usage is not contrary to law there being no act reg ulatiog that point and in our opinion can onl be employed on the principle ihatdotie want reasons toconnrm their will jutetlj a light glimpse of the proceedings of our late houeof aismihly will be sufficient to convince any reasonable man of their incompe tency taere a no necesahj for a declaration to that eovt every roau ot common sense knew it before dial incompetency anim noi from uny illegality of informality in the mode of qp- sembliiig themasa body but from i he individ ual defect of many of them as they are now dissolved and our good people have an opportu nity of again making a choice it is lo be hoped llioy will pitch upon men who are competent as their representatives those whom hey last re turned having shown by their acts and their own declaration that they were not so monday last being the anniversary of saint george and the da appointed to be observed as the birthday of his royal highness ihe prince regent now become our sovereign george the fourth at tnidday the troops h red on the champ de mars three volleys and the corps 01 artillery from the higher ground a mal salute yesterday being he day appointed for pro claiming his majesty king george iv in tills city the ceremonial was performed with due so lemnity and appropriate hccompnninums about half past eleven oclock the minute guns commenced tiring on the champ de mars in commennnoratioii of lib late majesty at one a number of the most respectable citi zens with all the dignitaries of the iseucli and the church assembled at the court house to as sist on rhe occasion soon after hat hour the sheriff of the district accompanied by some members of the executive council lb judges t e clergymen in their proper habits and rlie gentlemen of the bar came forward on the plat form and lead the proclamation followed by the cheers and acclamations of ihe immense cou- coure of spectators the troops on ihe champ d mars hen tired a royal alute in honor of the accession of the new king and the band of the 37th regt which attended on the occasion play ing ihe national air god save he kiflg the sheriltthen went to proclaim his majesty in ihe dilfrrent wards of rhc city accompanied b a procession in the following order 1st strumpelerson worse back 2d band of the 37th regiment 3d lieut col burerand liie staffofflcers 4th detachment of the grena iters 37th fvrgt 5th herald ai arm gift soertff supported by special constables with their slaves of office 7th a deiaciimenl of the 37h tegi- 8th a lodge of free matiis in their appropri ate insignia 0th gentlemen on horse buck 0th executive counsellors 11th ine judgis of the court of k b istll- clergymen 13th the magisfrae i4lb privuiegenuemen i ilicir cirriages and on horse back and n ln train of persons on root who manifested iheir zeal and loyalty by the most unequivocal apprubutinar monday last in commemoration of st george rhe tutelar saint of lnglund and lo celebiae ihe birih day of our sovereign kiljg george iv a few gentlemen sat down loan elegant dinner composed of every seasonable delieaey lrepared by mr martiuam in the mansion houe the evening warpeut wiih cordiality among others we have procured the following toasts a- a specimen of what were drunk 1 king george iv god bless mm may his reign be long prosperous and happy and may his majesty live 10 see main returns of this day 3 timcs4 2 si ciiuliand old kngland may the thistle the shamrock and the leek with the rose be ever entwined 3 limes i 3 queen caroline of england 4 the memory 01 our much beloved and la mented king george 3d in silence 5 h r li duke of york and the army 3 times 4 6 h r h duke of clarence and the british navy 3 times 4 7 the memory of ii r 11 duke of keut si lence 8 prince leopold mav his virtues be appre ciated a they deserve 3 times 1 9 the memory of if r h princess char lotte in silence 10 the o ke of wellington and may the memorable battle of waterloo be thoroughly ap preciated 11 bis excellency the earl of dalhousie our new governor 12 the memory of our late lamented govern or gencal hi- grace the duke of richmond 13 sir p mauland and he siller province 14 colonel birer and the garrison of mon treal 15 com barrio and the efaw on he lakes 16 the r ghl rev the lord li hop of que bec and h clegy of all penozasions 17 the united sates of america mav we alwavs respect hem as neighbouis and live in ainit anil peace 18 the judges the trial by jury and the brt tsh constitution 19 st andrew st patrick st david and the mother of all saints and her sen 20 his majesty ministers and me parlia ment of the united kingdom may the never ubinit in peace or war 10 be refoi med hy a nob and may the daring auhoiand abettors of the late outrage ottered i hero meet tiie punishment the atroci y deserves 3 rimes 3 21 agriculture maniactures and com merce the best relief for the distresses of the poor 22 prosperity to montreal u4 fyrsh mskkttts tte fait sagb ters of canada 21 a safe arrival lo the inward bound 25 the son of union may they increase in number unity and concord and may rhey never fooe the day rhev relebrnte a meeting of the agricultural society was held at the court house on the 7th april at which the president vict presidents and a majority of the members being present the rules of the society were read and the fol- ioyving report made by the secretary gentjuemkn in consequive of these resolutions vyjuch were made at hath in rbruary ispj a sub scription was opoued in this place by which the sum of two hundred and twenty dol lars was raised pamphlets containing the regulations of the society were also distri buted through ihe country and the members of the committee in each township re- uestd to obtain such sums as tiie inhabi tants might feel willing to contribute in aid of the society it is with regret however that your committee are under the necessity of stating that throughout the midland district returns were made frara only four townships notwithstanding this inauspi cious commencement it was hoped by your committee that if a cattle show should take place the benefits to be derived from such 1 society ably supported would be mani fested to all classes of the community ac cordingly monday the 2th of october was publicly announced in the gazelles us the period when premiums to the amount of one hundred and fortyseven dollars would e distributed at adolphustown the list here prepared for the inspection of this meet ing together with the amount received by the treasurer will shuw that although the field of competition was not large nor the sum to be expended very considerable yet lhal it was all which could be afforded and hould have been sufficient to convince every mprejudiced person that the public goud was the sole aim of rhe establishment on the day appointed the meeting dd take place and according lo the notice prizes were distributed to the great satisfaction of the judges and apparently with mtceess much emulation having been excited and prospects afforded of that general concur rence through which alone permanent jand can result from this institution in conformity to the second rule of ihe have attended for th purpose of supestintr any iuiprovemcru in ww plan of the suciety which might render tiioru useful or more generally acceptable to peopfe in tin just expectation your connniilee was yy holly disappointed no on appeared either to ap prove of or amend ina he funds remaining iq ihe hands of tlm treasurer were too small to furnish prefinis for another exhi bition the secon yearly show has not therefore taken pldc- arid ilis meeting has been assembled nrd only for the appoini- ment of iiiw oilic- r- but also to take into consideration some means of removing thai indifference which has been shewn to the lst interests of the country by neglecting the otters held out tioouh the society and to adopt such other filed as may hebeuthvial 10 the welfare oftre establishment and ren- hr it more populat ntnuug the farmers of the district after which the following rules and regu lations were adopted- 1st tliat the affairs of the society should he conducted by a president five vice pre sidents a secretary and treasurer and a coimnitteo of 50 members ten in each county 2nd the officer of the society shall be elected yearly in kingston the third day of tiie april quarter sessions 3 tlat there shall be annually one ge neral i attle show at such place in the dis- trie as the general meeting shall appoint 4ih that any county raising the sum of 2 shall be intitled to a cattie show to be appointed by m general meeting at such place in the county as may be deemed fit 3th that the sum of five shillings shall constitute a member cth that all persons hnna fide residents j yvithin the districi may become candidates for pr17es whether they be members or not but any person not a member on obta ning a prize shall have a deduction of one quarter from his premium for the benefit of the so ciety h the judge for making the award shtl ml t soifvltb is not a member of the society shall b chosen aa judge ztlu thar tiie committee shall apportion ihe prizes and publish their amount in the different wewsjwpei of the district and for wlval t be given l the names of the successful candi dates and the premiums they have received and for wirat received together with the oilier proceedings of each meeting shall be published in the newspapers of the dis trict ida that premiums shall always be in mouev ov in farming utensils 11 that the funds of the society shall be exclusively appropriated to objects con nected with it tdft that the accounts of the society shall lie open lm inspwifou it eci jeuiiui meetinjr and hall he ndited and closed at the meeting appointed for the election of officers i8t6 that ihecor-mitte- whenever thev deem it expedient sliril publish the proceed ings of the society u the form of a pam phlet hut iiol uftener ban once in ihe year 4lh that the coimiitee of the county meetings shall ho enpoered to meet at such times mid place as they deem lit upon a reouisition of not less tnan three of its nierubers fth the commree shall likevfise be empowered to frame aich lawsj and regula tions for tl e on ridance as may be re quired provided tha no infringement be thereby made on ths fuudarnenta articles of the institution icttthat these rues and regulations shall not he tun jbiil the gcicral meetings of fhe sier v the murvying ofers were unanimouidy choen 3 art- fiiv souiic president thoirs dor oil tons lj ssfjuires penjat it viritvy kc presidents kingdom a complete revolufim has been effected in the joveruinent the restora irni of the cmtes etiuformahly to the con stitution established inu12 appears to have been the grand objeel in view tiie army and tlte nation a wiih oneeouseul demainf- ed this of feidinnndatid lie has trjanted theii tlernand etlugjohn of kntcland in onler to ueserve his throne and kuiirdoin signed the magna clutrta so ii is catholic majesty ferdinand to preserve his crown and digni ty has been compelled to raut to his people h constitution and trill tf rights llow the spanish nation will use he freedom which iliev hftvf now acquired remains to be seen hut if wc may he allowed to judge from the moderation which has been observed hy he friends of liberty ill effecting tliis revolution we have certainly better reason to hope that it will be productive of much good than to fear for the possible eyils that may arise out of this new order of things k as was to be expected from the extraor dinary proceedings of the house of assem bly oi lower canada alluded to in our last paper his excellency sir peregrine mait- and has thought proper to dissolve the par liament and to permit the members to re turn to their constituents with their resolu tions oi incompetent- if in iheir bauds the official account f hie late majestys heath and of be accession of hi majery george rhe 4 1i1 ru the throne having reached quebec and been communicated l hi frllency the 4iiministraior and prehiden of the invernment hi present majesty ha- been proclaimed in due form both at quebec and montreal accompan ied viah eveiv demonstration of lovaliy and at- fcciion by the inhabitants of ilie places ft 1 lie juuues tor making me award h ah be appointed by th majority of the nembers piesent on the day of exhibition phrecuidsem shall be required and no per- ehweeiashwi j w vi will v e q treasurer mr h- r i jn secretary frontiivac rev weo o- su thumiis mark land esquire lt col macpherson geo li markland esquire anthony mcfiutn esquiioj iievdjno wilson thomas shaw esquire mr smith iartlet mr micajah furdv thoinas sparhamesquire addivgton matlheyv clark fnuire david locfewona effy davis ifawley esjuire mr adambowen mr sheldon hawley isaac fraser esqure benjamin fairfield esquire daniel hagerman esquire j no carscalleu esquire mr colin mackezie leox william crawford esquire mr benjamin clap andrew kimmeru esquire revd mr macdowell willet casev esqre j church esq mr allan macphcison mr g h dotior a pattenjesip mr aaron vandyke prince edward herry macdonneb esquire mr samuel motpe mr jacob crook james cotter est mr m haneox archibald smaodoroell esquire mr wiiams b dorland esq james young esquire mr simeon wasl burn hastings mr g harris hr jno caniffe mr g w meyer mr thomas coleman wm bell esq mr thomas jones mr w ketclieson mr robert smith mr r lea vans mr abel gilbert y george h markland secretary kingston bd apri 18 the proceedings of the midland district agricultural society amhe general meeting held at th court house on the iittii ult are given in this days paper it will be seen that some ot the old regulations have been alte red and several new ones introduced the number of officers and members of the com mittee hae been increased in the differeiu anecdote rotating to hs iale ia- the following rnrerefting narrative 13 from the ncmoiru of the lac oroide ar- dinge eq one rrf the welch jndg and well known for hie cu fiia aeqi ic ments and general incrar atajnmcjts it is of himle f he lykn and his inter view with the late wing t ok place at windfor in the fi merer f i8y j ier vvaitiia buit time he vaa thus intro duced into the royal ptfence m 1 went through a very han fomc apartmriu mt 1 another mofl beautifully iittcd up with a crtlinjf nf the modern work 4 done a the lvi fdd mtr i- a week into rhia eom i wa- hint and found in it ftanriing by ht fiie without anv form ihe iviuy qeen ihrcc pnn- ciffcs and h bed rhjjnutrwomau who ever fhr was for 1 have not made her nut but liked her v ry much beomfc flic fectned to like me li u rmpogible for words ti exprds the kind and compa nionable good humour oi he vf ole p i almoft forgot that anv one of thtfrn was my fuperior the kin looked 15 yenra youner and much better in the face though as red as ever lie faid a number of excellent things and in the molt natural yvay thcqeen with amazing addrefa and cleverness ave a turn to the convcr- fation and mixed in it jolt at ihe right places you will not believe me when i tell you that 1 paflcd half an hour at lcaft in the room the rsneefles locked as they always do the pink of goodhumour the prircefs royal had a very fine colour the two others were pale the king lid counties and very arrangement made to en courage the farmers to become memhers of j a very odd thing by the princefs royal the society and it is to he hoped hat among the great number of individuals of which the committee i now composed proper exer tions will be made by some of them in their respective divisions to bring the object of tin society into notice ami to render the institu lion generally useful t atuy cf- imliebs anu hadisrks on the 23d ultimo st qeorgesday ra dishes and lettuce were pulled and toe 3d instant cucumbers were cut in the garden of mr john howley near kingstou m juried at waterloo by ihe he ofthial stuart on 1- ni jijmiu iisitin i aim in h5c i-li- zmietn drown vn sunday the 30th uh in ihe towosblp of kutsion mr barnlet cole wricht to misa nancy phkws at aine on wednesday the 19th nit by beadu dorland lq mr andrew deacon o mi ay am a lonv lieu at ernest town on saturhav the 22d ult mr ira smith a aativcofthc united states national school ft the annual meeting of the mem bers of that society will be held at the school houfe on monday the 8th initant at 12 oclock the steamboat i assengers wagons llorses cattle sheep mnwivmuw i t soph i a has rtcommcncej running asa pad eu between sackctvlj arbor and kingston as fallows via leave sacket8 harbor for kingston on monday we nesda1 and f id ay of each week at six oclock in the forenoon siid departs from kingston for sacketvharbor on tuesd y thursd y and saturday at six oclock til the rbretvoon rates two dollars each two do do two do do three do do twefty five cents each freight emigrants and families con veyed on the most reasonable terms sachet harbor 1 may i 1820 1 3 to lkt a nd immediate poftcflion given the i lioufe and premises belonging to the subscriber samuel merrill kingston th may i 8zo- l8tf thomas whitley boot and shoemaker mesi ectfullyinformsthe pub- lie that he has removed from the ftore formerly occupied by the two crohvs whom he fucceded in bufinefs to the premifes of mr fiflc oppofite the market where he intends to keep an aftortmeut of boots and shoes on hand cuftomera fupplied at the ihorteft notice as he intends to be punc tual to all orders thomas whitley kingfton a ay ift iszc 18w5 dr richmond as moved lo mr a3 kroyds buildings 18 bur 1 invrd him foi it he fid 4 he would afl me as d man of dle what 1 thought oi the ceiling and rhn called upon ie lrintcf r yal to explain the alb cal figure- on the ceiling which flie did blnfhing a little at firft in the fweetcft rnnnner with lilrinfl voice and gitfat propriety cf errpluifis this onq nt would at once demon ftratc how very kiid they were the rig began ry iflciug me how j could run away from ondon and give ip my fee v i told him tint i never minded fees but lej vh ihe interfaced y rijv faae l rlii theqium then came up to me ai 1 fatd you have kfmiit in the villi i caufe a little bird has told mc that ycu are on your way to your circuit ti pro duced ihe topic of m cirruit atd the king laid that he uttdettotd syfcy to be a good nan in domcllir life m we went lap dafh into panics queen ad ail the king laughed heartily at rhe rets by that dame and faid they were me boldcil rats be ever knew for that al the calculation waa againft them even f faid if was probable ijhould recover not that am recovered according to fomeof them and yet i have read the laft report of the phyficians which is a tolerably good proof that i am well by the way your uncle is confiderably better and i flatter rnyfclf that my getting well has done bin god i then faid th t i had left him ir fome alarm how he was to wear the windfor uniform with a tiewig over it from the far that he fhoud he miitaken for an old general that had fought at the battle of dcttingen queen faid oh i plead guilty to that and j fee you enjy it 1 faid hardinge will enjoy it for though he is very goodnatured he loves a little innocent mif thief the king then told me the whole lory of his conference with i itt commended the houfe of commons and faid his illnefs had in the end been a perfts blifs only 10 him as proving to him h w nobly the people wouh fupp rt him when ht was confined phi tempted nu to isy tliai fc it was no ir political debate but the crtft between generou humanity and man cruelty and itinteiefted human nature the king feemed very much plea d with ihi idea and worked upon it i commended the conduct of the bifhop 2nd it nude them lauyh said the king y u mean to commend it as a tvondrrv he talked over lord north abd the dukf of portland he talked of the chancellor of loughboroughi and even of mr- bmia hotham and fad y 11 re almoll the only man nvho loves the land for us own fahe then we takrd of ivira siddons jordan c and the queen faid siddona was going to germany to make the edfrlun find cut by her abfence that fhe was good for fomerhtng then we flew to handel after which the king made me a moll gracious bw and faid c i am going 10 my dinner i was neat the door made a low bow to the females and departed earl camden 11 society agom id mooting wi railed the 1st monday in kchrurv aud it was cxpect- edjit wembera iivni the country avould kingston mav 5 1820 4 9 w 99 treceding columns will be found in our news from spain of a most interesting nature the dkitfecrion which has for some time been publicly manifeiid by the troops in the vieinit orradiztowurdstnedespotickoveni- lnent of ferdinand has it would seem been gradually extending hsftlf among the inhabit ants throughout ifce different pfovihcesof the for sale a superior constructed plea sure wagon a stout broun iturse excellent tor sodtlie or harness enquire at this office 18 baize a french gentleman totally unacquain ted with our language being introduced into a circle of young ladies and gentle men after the ufual compliments bad paflcd feated himfelf ufide a beautiful young lady and being deprived uf the agreeabe latisfaftion of converting with hei his countenance however exprefled the emotion of his heart he ieized her by the band ibe requeued him to be eafy which he miftook for the french word baiac itifs me and began kiffing her to the great mirth of the company the couftquence was that the ladies came to an unanimous determination never to fay be eafy to a french man blanks for the courts of hcqucst and various other kinds for sale at thin ojjice i