in hour the jur7 brought in a nr i do manual dial dc genera governor of gui or the 3j nj 4th counts viz i of st sebaftian and marflial de camp confpiring to levy war and adually le vying war against thr king the trial of joseph harriion common- ly called parfon harrifon took place at chester on the isth cf april he was tried upon two indictments for edition found guwiy on both and fentenced to two ears irnpnfonmtn in the county gaol and to find fecuritiee for his good behaviour for two years the new parliament affembled on the iist of april in the houfe of com mons the rt hon cliarles manners sut ton was recleded fpeaker the queen has been publicly and fo- icmuly recognized in all her rights and privileges by the firft tribunal of the land on the 23d of april an explosion of gas took place in bondstreet by which accident feveral perfons were feverely inju red the duchefe of york is in a low flafe of health nothfig had occurred in england since cur laft advices to disturb the general tranquility the perfon who headed the radical troops at uuddersfield was formerly a captain in the 84th regt of foot he is now in custody since the bank of england has been compelled to pay in fpecie there have been only three ingots iffucd from the bank to the public a cabinet council was held at the fo reign office on the 24th mr rothschild is appointed by the em peror jaf auftriq jamml gflfffjili jjp srsxfe in london at conftantinople on the 18th feb a fire broke out which deftroyed between 2 and 300 houfes m the lofs is eftimated at eight or ten millions on the 2 1 st of april the grand jury for the city of london having gone through the bufinefs of the sessions prefented the keeper of newgate for not granting them permiffion to visit theftate prifoners some altercation took place between the court and jury the court obferved that mr brown the keeper had a moft awful res ponsibility on his hands and the court could not fay that in refusing the gen tlemen of the grand jury admiffion to the prifoners he had aded improperly the jury protefted againft the power exercifed by the court the jury then proceeded to newgate and in the afternoon returned with the fol lowing prefentment the london grand jury refpedfully beg leave to piefent to the court that in their opinion the alarming increafe of crime in the metropolis efpecially among the juvenile offenders 16 to be chiefly at tributed to the very inadequate state of newgate ptifon for the purpofc of clafs- 3ng the prifoners according to their various degrees of criminality thus boys and girls who may have been committed for fome flight mifdemeanors are forced to affociate with the bafest and most harden ed felons and are confequently returned upon fociety when the periods of their imprifonment are palled in the poffeffion of all the theory of the most pradised of fenders the grand jury therefore earnestly implore the court to give their most ferious and immediate retention to this deplorable state of newgate prifon and to adopt fuch meafures as hall effect ually remove this great difcredit from the metropolis i the grand jury beg leave respedivc- jy further to prefent that in the cxeffciie i of their duty they have been refufed ad- iriffion to that part of newgate where the state prifoners are confined thus the rights and privileges which have been hand ed down from their predeceffors to the grand jury have in their humble judg ment been infringed signed geo allen aylwin foreman don manuel de vclano governor of madrid spain the king defirous to accelerate the meeting of the cortes has iffucd a decree fixing it for the 9th of june inftead of the 9th of july admiral villavicencio had arrived at madrid from cadiz and was to take charge of the organization of the national army tranquility had not been reftorcd at valencia elio is the principal objed of diflike the inhabitants had burnt the effigy of this man and demanded that he hould be brought before the tribunals the madrid gazette ofthe3dofa- pril contains three royal decrees- the iirft confirms that of the cortes dated 19th july 1813 and abolifoes for ever all privileges and exclufive revenues pub lic and private which belonged to the crown under the title of i royal patri mony the king alfo oidains that all the arrears of the faid revenues due on the 9th of laft march hall be exclusively be llowed on the children and parents of the people who were maffacred by the foldiers of cadiz on the 10th ult the fecond decree with the view of removing all the obftacles that exifl to the improvement of agriculture in spain conrtrm3 the decree of the cortes dated the 12th of odober 1812 and abolifhes the rights known in divers parts of spain by the name of the 4t vow of st jago and alio ordains that the arrefts due to the 9th of march lhall be devoted to the fime purpofe as thofe mentioned in the firft decree the third decree abolihvs the right by which the flocks were allowed indilcriruinatcly to traverfe the country in paffmg from the winter to the fummer pafturage the fourth decree appoints brigadier don jo seph martingssan martin military go vernor cf cufdad rodrigo brigadier london april 21 the queen our readers will now fee that her majefty has been fully publicly and folcmnly recognized in all her rights and privileges by the firft tribunals of the land the high courts of juftice meffrs brougham and denman on thurfday appeared in the courts of chancery and kings bench and in the vice chancel lors court and were called within the bar ashermajeftys attorney and solicitor general it is fingular that three judges ufed different forms of expreffion the lord chancellor faid it having been intimated to me that her majefty the queen having been pleafed to appoint etc the lord chief jul fee you having reported to me that her majefty the queen has been gracieufly pleafed to ap- point etc the vicechancellor her majefty the queen having been gracioufiy pleafed etc you will take you place within the bar among his majcftys councel with all rank and precedence belonging to the office of attorney or solicitor general to her majefty thefc gentlemen then took their places and were called upon to move accordingly in each court upon this proceeding we forbear to offer any remarks except that it is cur rrtitiy rumored m die mgiicr circles that the kingf mfnfers having had the option of another courf- preferred the one now ftatel thereby at once evincing to the world their final determination to attempt nothing whatever againft the queen but how does this agree with the previous determination of the privy council aded upon by the bffoops of excluding her majeftys name from the liturgy of the church and thereby of withdrawing from her the religious duty and prayers of the people there is an inconfiftency in this procedure that muft ftrike every obferver her majefty is rejected by the church and recognized by the courts of law and both thefe ads emanate from the confidential counfels of the king have they given up their first advice to his majesty upon the conviction of its error or did they in the firs instance give a promife to his majesty which they are not now ready to fulfil lon mor chr mttifi of lords april 2 1 yesterday the first parliament of his majesty king george the fourth being the feventh of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland was affembled at westminster the members of the other houfe began to affemble by twelve oclock and at half past two oclock the lord chancellor the archbifhop of canterbury the duke of wellington the earl of westmoreland and the earl of shaft eflmry took their feats in front of the throne as commiitioncr9 the lord chancellor direded the deputy gentleman ufher of the black rod to proceed to the commons and lummon that ijoufe to attend at their lordlhips bar forthwith mr quarme the deputy ufocr pro ceeded accordingly to the houfe or commons and foon after returned ac companied by the clerks of that houfe and a confidcsabl number of the mem bers amorwf wbwti were hr pi- of the exchequer and the lour representa tives of the c ity of london in their robes the lord chancellor stated that his majesty had been pleafed to order letters patent to be iffucd for the appointment of certain lords therein named to open the parliament which letters patent the lords and gentlemen prclent would now hear read the commiffion being read the lord chancellor as organ of the commiflioiers addreffed both houfes as follows my lords and gentlemen by virtue of his majestys commiffion under the great seal to us and other lords direed and now read we have to state to you in obedience to his majestys commands that aa foon as a fuffieient number of members of both houfes foall have been worn the caufe of his ma jestys calling this parliament ftiall be de clared and it being ncceffary that a speaker of the houfe of commons hould firft be chofen it is his majeftys pleafure rhat you gentlemen fhould repair to the place where you ufually fit and there pro ceed to choofe fome fit arid proper perfon to be your speaker and that you do pre- fent fuch perfon fo chofen as your speaker at the bar or this houfe tomorrow at two oclock for his majeftys royal ap probation the commons then withdrew and their lordfhips adjourned pro tempore for the peers to unrobe 2 the ele co 0 e fa partment is comp of eledors who are moft highly tasecj the number of mem bers of each college is equal to the fifth of all the eledor provided that it be not lefs than too no greater than 600 with the exception of the department of the seine the departmental college of which confifts of 800 elrdors 3 the electoral college of each dis trict arondifferrient is compofed of 3ii the electors who have their political dom icile within the diftrid and who do not belong to the college of the department at all times when there are not more than 50 electors in a dill rid they join with thofe of the neighboring diftrid where the college is more numerous and form with fuch cledors but one and the fame college 4 each diftrid college nominates by abfolute majority 2s many candidates for the deputation as the department has dep uties to choofe if the fame candidate is nominated by feveral colleges of dftrids his eledion is accounted as of that diftrid wliere he ob tained moft vote and he is replaced for the other diftrids by the next eligible per fon who has obtained moft votes 5 the eledoral college of each de partment nominates deputies to the cham ber it choofes them from among the candidates nominated by the colleges of diftrids m 6 not important 61 7 tn proceeding to the eledion of candidates and deputies each eledr writes his vote on the bureau or caufes it to be written by a member of the bureau on a flip of paper prepared for the purpofe he gives it to the prdident who places it in the urn m 8 provides that the property or pa tent which gives a right of voting fhsll have been enjoyed a year before the elec tion continues in force fo much of the law of 1817 as is tot repealed by the pre fent prvjed if carrcd into a law 44 given at pari april 17 in the year of grace 120 andof our reign 25 signed louis cuuntcifigned l simeon troope with palms in their hands the battalion moved off to their quarters and i went on to fee qnirogas entry but how can i convey to yoc a idea of this pleafing and tender fight scarcely was his com ing known and the whole of the ground from the coitadura tc the square of san juan de dios was thronged with people balconies tops of the houfes all filled e- ven the city walls and towers fo anxious was every body to fee this brave and dis- tingnifhed man to whom his country is fo much indebted and who little more than three months ago was an inmate cf one of our prifons the party from la ifia reached the ccrtadura and was received with difchar- es of artillery and every other dcrhon- ftratiou of joy the people forced qui- roga and thofe who accompanied him to alight from their horfes and they afcended a beautiful triumphal car prepared for the occafion in which fat quitoga riego lopozbanos our new governor don caetano valdes and odonnjhu drawn by the people parties of foldiers prece ded them and an immenfe concourfe ol the moft diftinguihed inhabitants on horfe- back generals ferraz and cifneros at tended in coaches on reaching the fquare of san juan de dios qniroga alighted at the governors houfe but the people de- manned he hould fhow hfmfelf at the bal cony there the governor placed on his head 2 crown of laurel and rofes which had been prepared for him the fcene w3s too much for qulroga he was fo greatly affeftcd that he burft into tears and they wore obliged r lr viimn a more interefting fpeifccle was never wit- neffed it filled me with a thonfahd recol- ledions would to god thofe could have been prefent who think we are inca pable of appreciating the advantages we have juft attained in ihort we are all happy with the exception of a very few too fervile and too mercenary to prize the bleifingg their fellow citirens enjoy but this is only a dark fpot in the general fcene and they will be left to the remorfe of their own confeiences paris april ts louis by the grace of god c- m ve have ordained and do ordain that the project of law relative to a new mode of eledion which we caufed to be prefented to the chamber of dtputies on the fifteenth day of the month f februa ry lad ftial be withdrawn and replaced by the following projed and that it hall be prefented in our name to the faid c ham- ber by our mnfller fecretary of ftate c 44 art 1 there is in each department an eledoral college of the department iind electoral colleges of diflrids u neverthelcfs in thofe departments which have but one deputy to nominate and in that of corfica all the eleftors kail be united in ingle college madrid april ir the provisional government eiiablifhed at barcelona in tieir fitting of the roth ut framed feveral refutations reipding the organization of the provincial militia the nomination of jldgee sec and a proc lamation was to be pubiilhed proving to the people the advantages of the couftitu- tion some spanffh officers who had taken refuge in foreign countries having requi red paffports from the captain general of navarre mina in order to return home the latter confuhed tha govern ment to know whether they were com prehended in the decree auihorifing the return of spaniards abfert from the king dom through their political opinions in conformity to the report made to his majefty by the secretary of state don antonio porcel anfwer was given that it was not the intention of the king to in- teifere with the deces of the cortes rela ting to thofe whohd ferved the intrufive government it wa therefore neceffary to wsit the coites en tlm fubjefl or ders were confequely fent to the fron tiers to prevent the entry into spain of fuch as are thus impeated royal decreg of the eighth tc tl king umltlg ftcti with pain thai an individual of his guard by unguarded if not criminal expreffions yellerday gave occafion for fome momentary agitation in this capital in order that falfe fuppofitions may not hereafter give rife to uilorders of a more ferious kind his majefty wifhes that the commander in chief caufe it to be made known to all perfons of the roy al guard that his maj fty wore to the conftitution fpontaneoufly and in a volun tary manner that it has now become the fundamental law of the state and that his majefty is firmly rcfolvcd to maintain it by every means in h power bis majefty will treat all thofe as guilty who by thsir adions or words may be wanting to thefubmiftion due to the foetal compad tfcat tightens the bonds that binds his majefty to his people it is to be hoped that thofe who are nearer his royal perfon fll be the moft eager to give proofs of iheir fidelity to their sovereign and attachment to the exifting government the king has juft given a proof of his fidelity to the oath he has taken to the conftitntion a lonk who no doubt was ading in the fatereft of fome malcon tents made a report to him in which he fought to prove he could annul the oath the king had take- w learn his ma jefty gave ordeis fr the original to be fent to the junta of sovernment a circular from e minifter of the in terior invitts soani to open fubferip- tiona for the cadiz lj orders have been tued to fend veffcls of war to capes st vrcent and st ma rys to cruize agair privateers cadiz april i was juft going to dine when i hear hat the valiant qni- roga was about to m hs entr int the town and that even preparation was ma king to receive him haftily finifhed my repafl and on reach the flreet of san francifco i faw defcending from the fqnare of san antco the battalion of arajton 800 men belonging to the la ida patty whence ihc had j arrived having firft gone to he fqnare of the con- the cortes cf cadiz has been tebf m mfata of grace and jsjw who has been st the head of that dena meot fince the 9 of march last p m jenet is appointed mincer of marine to the room of m i salazar m garcia ilerreroshas been appointed to the ministry of the interior gobcr naciondela peninfula m jacob p had the diiedion of this departm ad interim during feveral days the above intelligence was brought by an extraordinary courier who left madiid on the 10th instant and addrcflcd to the new charge d affairs of spain at paris doubtlefs under the belief that the duke de ferman nunez was already on hii route to return to madiid madrid afril 6 count abibal strives in vain against public opinion the journals recommend retirement as the wifcfit courfe he can ptfrfuc the justificatory memoir of the duke de san fernando has produced little im- prefiion it is not known what has become of the duke dalagon 5 he is iuppofed to have fled to portugal elio is still in the citadel of valencia he is proteded by the authorities and the people given up to joy arc beginning to forget the severities of his government extrad of a letter dated st thomas ma n vrticu continue to arrive daily f the united states with provifions and have fo glutted the market that i think ir very doubtful whether there is fale for barrel of flour three months to coo the stores here are all crowded ho long they may remain fo ic is difficult t fay three veffels anived yesterday from america and an equal number come in almost every day the iflands to the windward are in the fame iituation ftitution to falutc th colors the ohdiik raifed there w honor of our na tional code the balconies were hung with filks and crowed with fpedators and the inhabinwt w before the new- york may 31 foreign news london dates to the 25th of april were received by the arri val yesterday afternoon by the hercules cobb in 30 days from liverpool the following is a summary view of their contents the cotton market had been more lively and prices had improved a little the sales of the last work amounted to upwards of 15000 bags of which about one half was american the new parliament met on the 19th but our correspondent at liverpool states that the kings speech would not be re ceived there til the 29th the right hon charles manners sutton was elected speaker of the house of commons the trial of the catostreet conspira tors was continued lfext to that of thismcwood he trial of thomas bruut took place and lasted two days on the 25th the jury brought in a verdict of guilty of conspiring to levy war and actually levying war against the king it is stated that the refugees from spain who were adherents of joseph bonaparte have hitherto enjoyed a cer tain stipend from the french govern ment which is now to be withdrawn from them since they received permis- sion to reenter their native country mer adv london apfuzs 1 tf dock 1 his is a holiday at the bank the stock exchange is however open the funds are without variation consols for account 69 78 and 70 the general opinion entertained in the city is that there will be considerable fluctu ations it gives us much pleafere to state that the accounts from the manufaduring dif trids are more favorable as to trade we have been favoured with the perufal of let ters from manchester which mention there was a very considerable improvement in the demand for goods and for cotton yarns the writers appear fanguine as to a gene ra improvement in the trade and raanufac tures of the country glasgow april 18 the 1 1 perfons apprehended on the 15th inst and faid to be radical delegates have all been liberated without bail they were all cotton fpinners paris april 22 a feditious placard containing the most heinous outrages against the king and roy al family was last night posted on the wall of a houfe fituated in the palace des vidories the anonymous author calh himfelf a friend to louvel paris april 22 one of the editors of the bibliotheque flistoriqucy mr chevalier was arrested yesterday caufe not known a pamphlet entitled aptrcus historiques has been fcized by authority ic the journal de paris fays c we can inform certain propagators of difaftrous reports that their efforts are ufelefs no one believes either their affeded good intentions or their bad news whatever they may do or think france enjoys in every quarter the most perfed tranquility it is faid that the cabinet of st james has replied to the official notification of the changes recently produced in the government of spain that it fees with pleafure the adoption of a fystem which england had long confidered ufeful and even neceffary for the welfare of the spanifh nation from the gazette de france spain new changes have just taken place in the spanifh ministry m a aruelles one of the most distinguifhed orators of charleston may 22 from st thomas rrom captain hubbell of the bug seagull arrived yesterday in 17 dayi from st thomas we learn that a day or two before he failed h b m fhip sail bury arrived there from caraccas fur- nifhing information that that city was in a stateof alarm and consternation io con- fequenceofa general fifing among the natives and an expeded attack all the troops in the city were under arms a report was in circulation that morillohaj been killed but was generally difcreditcd boston may 28 latest from india captain west in the hip georgia 108 days from calcutta arrived at salctn brought papers to the 3d of feb last the calcutta journal of jan 24 con tains an official account of the capttre of the town of rafulkhyma the rendeztoi of the pirates in the perfian gulf by tie britifh expedition under major general kerr after n reiistence of fix days the lofs of the firirifh was about 50 killed aod wounded among the former major wolefworth the arabs effeded a re treat to the neighbouring hills aod date groves one of the chiefs after the retreat returned and gave himfelf op co the britffli calcutta feb 3 by the arrival of the aufpicious which was announced yesterday from java and penang we have received letters from the latter place dated jan 3 which inform u of the defeat of the dutch at ralembaog and of the malays having made prifonerof the governor of minto whofc head the have taken off and fent it as a prefent to their rajah or chief the lofs of the dutch in their attempt on palembang is faid to amount to up wards of 500 europeans befidcs a great portion of their native troops which fuffered as much from ficknefs as any other caufe the entrance to the palembang river was blockaded acrofs with stakes driven into the botom formed of pretty large trees and the fmall ifland of goram ia the centre of the entrance was fortified with about 100 pieces of cannon amon which were all the guns faved from the wreck of his majestys fhip alceste and a large fupply of foot and ammunition thelignal defeat at palembang coupled with their previous difa3ters at banca must w think g far to ficken the dutch of their prefent policy towards the native over whom they would extend their rule their admiral walteibeck has bad fense enough it feems to advife his govern ment to give up every place to which they make pvetenfions with the exception of java and the moluccas and we thiokthcy could not do better than to follow hifl ad vice private letters from dutch refidents a java admit the fad of the failure of their expedition which they attribute to the rainy feafon and a combination of other untoward incidents the batavien gov ernment gazette will we fuppofe m a month or two hence give us fome official accounts of the affair in which according to their ufuat method we hall perbapi hear more of the loyalty and attachment due to the nether lands government to fupport its claims either by justice or by force mauritius by a letter which reacrij here yesterday from ingiram dated jbc 20th of jan we learn the arrival at that port of the georgiana capt ry from the i fie of france which fte the 8th december thh vdfel bnngi w