the old export duties 00 trine and fruir were continued in spain a tenible accident occurred at the circus in cadi on the d of may at a bull fight givtn for the beucfit of the foldierj of qujroga8 army a wall of theampbithea the fide appropriated to the lower order9 of the fpeclators fud- denly gave way and fell killing and wounding feveral hundred peifons mcr adv from the commercial advert fer circumstantial evidence about 50 yrars ago elizabeth blanch who kept a public houfe in sunderland a feaport town of england having miffed a fum of money which he kept in an un locked drawer tn her lore accufed a per- fon othe name of jofeh humphreys a boatman of the theft she had given him change at an early hour iu the morning and having dtfeovered her lofs only a few minutes after he entertained no doubt of his guilt on uu telimony and feveral circumftances unfavorable to the accufed he wai conviacd at the next affixes at duiham received fentence of death and was executed hot with ftanding the mod lolemn ard reiterated pro testations of inno cence to the jatl sometime after a tailor or his return from along voyage fcil ikk at plymouth and having learn the fate cf humphreys he made a full and satisfaory confeflion rtfcfca robbery which was published at the o british minuvy wouid ever dream of in troducing into their country thisuewood tod his wretched accomplice were suspect- od of meditating desperate and mischievous designs against he peace of the kingdom and the ministry found an individual willing to act as a spy on the conduct of those mis guided men the nature and character of tile conspiracy justified the means used to counteract and defeat it as waa readily ad mitted by mr brougham the most candid and respectable of the oppositionists had the ministry indeed waited till the mine was sprung they might have not only been the victims of their own want of vigilance litf they might have been blamed tor slumher- ing at their gosts c been justly charjred with incapacity or neglect iu providing for the public tranquility an for the assertion that ministers employed edwards to instigate the conspirators to deeds of violence and give him money to supply tvun wita pikes rind other warlike hnplenaur the tale is to absurd to gain a moments credit what are not the ministers mun of common sen are they not englishmen and as such is it not their interest to poihotc the welfare and prosperity of their native land surely none hut persons themselves of the most depraved nature can imagine thatmiuisters for the sake of sitting more securely in their places i would deliberately instigate men to the most 1 atrocious oiinv- nd after drawing them into the snare use detection of the plot as a means of abridging the liberty of the british nation gdtvard though he answered the purpose for which he vtis employed must no doubt be a despirihle character and if as aljenmm wood alleges it was chief ly through ldivanjv exertions that the plot was formed he should be punished accord ing to the turpitude of his crime it is how ever most probnhfe that he merely mixed with the unhappy cousoirators and wormed that wfamt handing tiie fails or 3 hip in i the habor pear to which elizabeth blanch lived he faw her depofit her money in a drawer and going on flinehe called at her houfe tor a pint of ale while fhc was jrawing ic lie contrived to fecure the money with which he returned unfufpeded to the vdfel as this tranfac- rion 100k place the rrujhl previous to the discovery it efcaped notice and tue prose cutrix unwarrantably charged it on hum phreys who had unluckily been hirviluor witho t any fraudulent dejwn atone of ihe provincial a5ep in eng land a gentleman was itud and couvided upon circumir jntml evidence of ihe murder of hit niece it was worn that the uncle jird ncce wett f ei walking tn the fields that a perfon a- a imall dintaiiee heard the niece exclaim dnut kill me tuiele t dost kti rre and iha mktaalt a pistol or fowling piece na- bred off upon thefe circumitmccs the gentleman was found guilty and executed near twelve months after the niece who had eloped arrived in england and elucidated the whole tranfaion it ap peared ihat fre had formed an attachment for a perfon whom her uncle difapproved of when walking in the licld he was earnestly diftuading her from ths connec tion when fhe replied m that ht was refolved to have hip or itwond lie her death and therefore faid u dont kill me uncle dont kill me at the moment she uttered thefe words a fowling piece was difcharged by a fportfman in a neigh bouring field the fame night she eloped from her uncles houfe and the combination of those suspicious circumllances occasi oned his ignominious death rxectioxs on monday la t the election for the county cf rroutenac was heid near ij ciwrt house ttic writ having been tmdhy vviuwmw mitnetl l5 qtue ilie lieonniioiioer hwriinars pre- wiirrj them rives w amuu itacl as uquim and r auihony mcgyin mr clun vi o hri adtjmratf lire elwrins cmuneaecil bv re- mindiirg them iai te iul m nvn a rocir rejiremuiive in faijivtittit toi ihr period of iuu yeirt in tjif coiirae of tthkfe le tti ei- tu avliirrj lojiiebarg ihr jirjio v duties of ni ouatitjii uiiu a view yineir aeifatr aniiseeun- t lie remarked that in tiracut war wliro ite lrniec vai menaced iii mcon uven found oecear m vci ilu tiimernmeim wirti ex- iriijiumv vkts but the a nentcif ieir ub rir- wasouly ittnporary and they viere anw at iiif iii eijovme ta ibnr luiiivaued cousi- mum insptuuij in 3 ervue in- teeliugi at 1 oiled loltiipersuual exehons thesosies he nrtj siaiued 111 uu faintl durieg the ar ue novi advened tn the pfidvuvuub bw up i zl iifcisw 1 1 if jiiaiat i prepared to riuu- all ihctr ehtr- among iuiihui heb d thai ttpi 1 oeenaceujeri 1 having b hvarijtgyutea3etakr gven to tem r nri- lsoq0 tar ihc puidiav of a ri- vviofplaie ilr however assured litem thai 0 far trtttt the quemion heuig drridd iu that 014 iiser ti a carried b the unanimous voice 01 1 ik tioue aier rejutug eiat other caluro- ne heaid h fre j forgave all those who had s bus attempted lomjaretmni and rouclndrd by ouerujghih vice tm ihrrmmi pariiamefl lviricgimi ihen oc and aiu a tew rod- o the ejerior whom he addressed fts friend- ami filiate mfftttrs he aid lie was aware of what 1 hey nail milierej ani if chosen as their repre- keiiative would tlo atl in his po er for their re- lcl veeajiecied ina mr mcginn would have ejeplaiurd ni wiar uilennghe alluded but c ens diappoi aed a ioll was ihrn ile- luaadedi whc aim remaining open until four oclc- wa- closed by deaueoi mr mcuuin the votes being a- loilows a letter from a refpelabe houfe quebec mentiouo the at rival of a vtdel which left liverpool on the 17th may the potts had twsi days before her departure been opened fjr canadian grain and floor other produce remained as before markets dull can cour lf macloan ivk wcuuin wajvirjty 116 bo t 1 kixnsrux jvtv 7 isco 4 ur latest difen irom england this verk srv- to ih2 1 ftii may f ranee appears to be in an ftjfizui il tc ti l c 1 tmufl v atttuipti to aiin the koyal faintly tif disatfution p- lt in t kiugdoxn are prubtdly imici serrted a de c ot vn uapurtanrt has akon place in ihehruhh psiriiaintkf t oth prsnt fvsteir lcniurcid oly in tlw rosv of vlikhj it was riivr rtiuuued tht re o f- iri rui i injurluua o tlie prosperity otiuf couriiy tiw jlcr- ehsuitsoflondvoiutijoiip u rtffrcseiwunt fill aholitiorj 1 nerejtel ui isuv to t vive tie drooping cwivc of irroat jintut arjd arfiviate th diiirosska of the 7ajaeturh e- mr liaring ii lay ing th petstiou ovfirs- iht parlkuoesii jicak very despuiidiuly ari thirds that fcnjrlaud is on the deehm a cotruvorcial cvzy but thooh t pvatefit dva ice l due- to the opinion ot thi enliriiteued wd oxperwo ced mrciianr we vroukl fa hope thnt iieis mistakn i in hu corclusio i rum theses- timr expte- el by mr bohinstn pwai- dt of the board of trade is is to b infer red that lh htie3 vi luuibhr fruin the aorthof kuropo hnpoeo principally for the rjcorvnrient of canada wiii soon be re- mnvtsu utiles urgent remonstrances on the nulycl br uln hythvsr colonies under jitgx circumtauce indeed the trade as ihr as regards the lurabfrpctteris bhurious ucil the riihj uncertain and precarious 1 111 1 kttt should lj- ihiltic lumberbe ndrriitted itto the british tort on the same termy as ours the trmle would become a ruinous one and would in conieueuce be speedily aban doned a reat deal has been said respecting the cruelty of the minbiry towards the unhap py men who lately suffered the dreadful pun- rchmeut awarded by the law o traitors and they have been severely censured for the con duct of a person named edwards whom they employed to detsct the plots of the conspi rators for ourselves we must confers that we dr fcot perceive wherem consist the jus tice of these dijrp ii the ministry sus pected thsecleer ofaplof tu overturn the state how wro tlny to obtain vorre t itne- ligenee or proem prorfslo convict the per sons gasd in rj so unlawful how were thjy io pna i violi a car rxvzpl by eirpoyin sy to watch t rt tapnirtd pafmfcis a ktrsiv ef vyi rdt si ct ss that essbrd v buouftt eanuot in- sfvd he utr severe jvrm r i ii ytsde- mdiner f jv i cvm a pd e r t t sj 4 r i mr ia- ian r a rojscqi uly declared duly elected wecwiitjruiolitteji teiion electors ou tte return of tin vcisnu oji jt-prf-enta- lie to i wlicretie a- during tvu jcce5i teno ulled the cilice oj eai r with ioiiitn ii iniiijeli and ills curtmimietit and with ajiaotac to the ilovimea la ge uu monday la- 1 at letiovioci ihe liftim fr the lucorporaled cnyunefe of lnttix aoij d- dttiton wa- commeuved at the court llvustai atloiplmstovin b jann- uatlkeii i quire the keiuuung otoeer daniel harinan laac iraser samuel casey butnaba- isidwcll ami fifoipe dotlor ivire itred themselves as canciidaub a tuilanituuivuiativ dtfniand- rd wincti wa cloed ou the same day at six oclock and ieopcnej litti iitxr morulug hea vlr leijir fcvifjtirew oil swdncilav at foui jrl 4 jr it j v v aliiu 1 ii iei contest and mr traer rem i ueriirdtau k af ter mr hagermna and ir jibe were deelared jul- elected at the rioc of lifi poh ftw votes stood as fol lows mr harmar tr 1 ra t au fcelvu mr ietlor the r cituoi the counroof dorjiam and noitiumtvf land vcrc alro ftrld m monday lat ut tie lime ut which da tue iull siood a iul- iovifor moributnberlin j henry ttuiuo iq 61 major kodgen 57 mr lvting there were at arse five candidate of these mr biruhatn the former iucitflkt and air snith declined at roithv creek the candidate for the coun ty of durham rc george boullmi lsq ana air wilirioi we have not irani ite ejeuct late 01 the poll on the close of the iirbt day though t is ail to be well contested the election for the counties of york and sun coe commenced on monda tiie 26th june and ended on the succeeding friday wheo meisr itouiuon atd lialdniti vre declared duu e- lecled the inciease of inhabiianti in uiose counties admitting the return 01 two members tie lulltmiug staieiucni is extracted fiotu the york gaete the numleaat the close erf each day wee for 1st day 2d day 3d day tola prevailed in fa country agaiiuf this profession and though coiioider them unfounded c must acknowledge thai a should not ourselves wish tosee he uoe contiuted entiielv either ol lawyers or of any one description or persons the true iutpj call of the country are likely to he besl undented and promoted when the hotie of assembly i ompoed of intelligent members from the commercial anj agricultural elapses of the comftunit j icfl a due proportion of gentle men learned ii tuelaws and famjiiaily acquain ted wuh ii nature and principles ut our consti- tutiou ii is stated in lilarkione thai it was ordained by t kings writs for the iarlia- ntent holden m entr6 henry 4 ttjat no ap prentice oroi wan or the law should be elect ed a knight el the shire therein in return for wiucii orlaw book and historians have branded lbi iarjiant tlh the name of pnrlinmentum indottumc he lackiearaing parliament and sit 1 a rd coke obterves with some spleen that there ner was a good law made thereat 1 bat appellat n eamo at least for the same reason be a lil to our new house of a9ent- wy which r ucr merits to he staled puriiamvn- tufnqctusimn orticimt learned farliauteiit we would in short fcerimly adisfl our tellow subjects not ri ii alarm at th return of so ma ny profession a guleuieii 4ie them lime to prove themeivs and recollect that by ihelr fruits snail- ifhow them mr uouhlay therfiagafa argus of is2nd june contains abater writ- by this almost forgotten per- sonage addrsdto the editors of all british newspaper and published at dundee in march last mr courlay commences by pointing ouf ac iguoranee of the britisa peo ple on lauahii ulfaiu he states the peace able object ol his visit to theuppjerfrovinee glosses over reaaoas wliich induced him to form a convention ad prepare a petition or rariianiery enquiry and after remark- in oi tiie riing of the seditious meetings bill and hs owu lamentable imprisonment and haniit ntder the authority of the 44th iebre d he declares his intention to lay hu ease before the king and imperial paruament what beneficial object tills restless dtan pects to gsila by this measure we cannot divide it is true aesys lvoin itteah frhit kdtnburgh from london the repia oisaostr speciahje lawyers were liuifon taai ky ii3jmuniueot was illegal arid the late sir arthur plggutt deeuedihat iioi only shoi uld chiei justice of upper canada have geanua uiy liherty ujhediur by writof mivtoi eotpus bit that a good nc- luni ley aaut the iiuitiate3 who impii- suaed me the perswn iurvevcr who tra ined te act m cpestou was one of the fc si iyvj that tver graced otu courts and it 1 vi ajpear yatler hnpfobable lhat our pre- scut cuief isttedce aid attorney general butnot who j are unqnestionahly men ol taouts should not be able with all the facts before tiicui lodecici on the legality of 4r uourliya ukjprisonmeat as correctly as the lute bir artur wggolt hi the other euii- iini lawyers said to invc been coustuted uu nntst liive giveti their opinions on ev parte iiiiotmatwn li utnuiuy- iucomuiu- uieauug wiiii l counsel probably forgot to state to them that he might have easily avoid ed the odtoo- f3isecutioa gejisl which he inveighs by tamngthe athol allegiance the veathv for fotne time has been very luitry an opprtluve the thermom eter ranging lrtlic lall fottttight between 78 and 90 trgiecb in the hade at mid- uay the wanto rain is greatly felt as none has fallen witho the lait three weeks in eonfequentf of this unufually long drought the irdens are parched and tiie vegetables arc withering under the heat of a glowing fui the meadows alio are fulfering anauayinthis vicinity will be far ftom abuncaut klfes the albary gazette gives an account of a dellruclivs fire having broke out in the town ot hoy in the hate of kew- yorkonthe cth j one by which one hundred and twenty houlcs were deltroyed the lofs c property is cllimaitci ai million 1wllare 521 vm 102 41 the new york papers late that on the 22j june between thirty and forty hoofed were confumec in that city by a fe whli a originated in diftillery htuated in the vear ol ijtoadcay the icfa is luppofed to be about scvety thoufand dollars his ejtcelleoy the lieutenant govcrnnr lad carah maitlaid laoniv ad suite anived here yesterday uioruing 1 ttie sieuoiuuui irnieii- from quebec ltavi been onj 9eveiidaoa the way tocjuduig a lu of uo dav ai hlgatuu i- iaeite- diately funk from the viewofthefpeftators every attempt was made to get the body hy diving and hauling with a icine but it was in vain niagara gleaner married at bath on wedncfday the 4th july by the rev john stoughton mr robert ljark junto mifs elizabeth stover both of erncft town jb li vemuimng in lac post kj- jice at kingston on ihe 5th july 18iu ms abbot samuel ansley aiciaudei andersun jame anus john alk joiin armtretifr hubert aiken 2 thomas bowes w lliam liussell mr isarnard john bell john haiei illiaia rjetimm domph linker james liaker fames lirady jwari bui i jb son autliew iwan matthew uaijey john tilake luke barrett patriot black joseph bissetl 2 daniel baker 2 uetir brinder j0i111 linckley jobn butler oeorge beekwili mr boselly samuel breaihour patrick black i bowden margaret bell david burnside uautel buckley 1 hu brown adam brown i brown siepnen d hotincl thomas mosier will 1 am ivioore3 iveuonaldi mcciillis malcolmtfc a mccuaig charles marcbese fat wuilov jmr- mclloaaldi w illiam mowat finlay mckao thuiia mcqueen mar ajcdouald john ivicdouild atigostln morisaeite uuliam mckee eli k miller lhilip murry friend muiuuck james mcfatlane duncan mckenzie itichard martin margavet mouutaiu john macguire trevan uotgan john mac bean angus mcqtuug w illiam michael p patrick mckeebcr stephen noble jacob naylor nancy navlor wm nome jauiesnowlau john ollara edward oconnor peter o don uel robert dweile francois ivoux erah poor thomas pke whereas my wife permelia ha eloped from my bed and board without any juft or lawful provocation therefore i forbid any peuon or persons againft harhouring or trufting her on my account as i will not pay any debts of aer contracting 7 george thomson the fubferiber takes this opportunity to inform medical practitioners and apothccariei that he has imported from great britain a general aftortment of drugs which he is felling wholefale at very reafonablc prices he has alfo received a few ft ts of apo thecaries scales and weights peftles and mortars graduated meafures lancets fn cafes houfe and dillillers thermo meters barometers and thermometers attached a few doxen bottles of real cheltenham salts soda powders and es sence of spruce amarshall member of the college ofsurgeons london n b britiflj patent medicines and perfumeries of every dtferlption imported this feafon kingft ju 4th 1830 274 prices current in the kingston market ciaacois x bertrand thomas puce j b belanger russel barrel nancy d burris francis busell joeph clement samuel crtnk vi illiam i lough james lollins james coulson ldv ard cuinile john corry polly corbin aaael cook p conklin iiuannuli lone charles petry or v iliiatn jelleion charles perry william pie geo pedlar or holmes alex u feme robert patterson mieajah furdy ljttugln s prentiss daniel pickett jane pauersmi gilbert purdy pal quia airs william robinson james kussel jun mr ota crawford 6 koben c ro- c aakm 11 e lubulj aiej iluckwrll artirlec per from 5 d to j d i remarks mr robinson baldwin hawk play if r 04 ug 8a 11 j boulton bb 1c7 62 75 0 4m sib 1 id 147 1j5 the latter gentleman withdrew on the third day the contest whmall prcoabuy close to day as mr row woo 5 so far ahead and has a large number f ltdo yet in reir e should there bi- anv occaiioii it wu harol i- deemed improper to mention thataverj fie toned aid peuse heil rir d y es ecay by ir st-an- hi at a iieseni from uufc geutiaiati t our i p bojial courch pmmthe tcturnaairear- madeas tb information received fcr dios lvitiue ivhcre ihe euetictn are out ye v irtittieii wewt hcrvr u r the c will hr an uii udly a p miii i mrrnher in te e a i utarrejil ii loiii- to ihe- piefrsv n ic ia n a yererday at 2 oclock his excellency the lieutenant governor took the ufual oaths upon icluuing the government after which the cullomai y falute was tired i v tv julv ut died on monday morning the 3d in ft mr henry fowler merchant tailor aged 40 year 6 ou ihe 20th june at sydney francis ii01ut at l erie on ihe 19th june 1820 margaret the wife of william stanton lq dcpty alttt commiftary genetal whole irreparable lofs will be ever moll deeply felt by the ahied furviving family could pruleliional kill have faved her to her very numerous and anxious family there was a teaioiiable hope that fuch might have been the relult and infpired by this- in common wxili her friends ihe heroically fubmitted to a moft painful and dwtrefling opeiation which ihe ludained with a degree of patience and fortitude almolt unexampled but alas the inveteracy of het complaint was fa great and the polfcflian it had obtained over her whole frame was fueh as mull have baffled all human ikill in hti al momenta ihc evinced that calmnefs of louli and rcfigna- tion to the will of prov that might have been expeed fron one who had fulfilled all the relative duties oi life in fo exemplary a manner drottxhld on monday left aboqft two oclock f- a lucks john clerken illarn croan jo caldwell bewis cramer lucy cole alcxr carkadeo uaarei courier koii it cairns ahaham conklin margaret clark joun cattery charles dawson joan uivme air urlsdeli w wdavis ttnxnas bnty koben doupias iainck dyle tuon as draper ciiorge deak beloiii duperoua jorin lvans lii chard i urrbeek ldard 1 oiar5 james foster v lliam kurd 2 daniel lurde jon 11 pi user thona teema2 join t orbff ldvard pinch charles rerun pat minn george kuljhouse m i ier peter grant b glennnp win cam n fc 1 r jvho giant 5i iaucv lioriiam lieorge kttiuan samuel hill lury iliinzau charles llarnuson t jiuntly sarah hasrty mardiu uowe 1 anry hale liiahetti houghman hiram 11 tlarback john harris james horsey iliiatn jlare catharine hamilton jcthro jack son benjamin james john johnaion ira jones mr lirnlss john a ii jones w illiam jluion thaddeus kelchum michael kei nedy jatues kehoc s jonathan king riioma- layburp ilemau laic ins charles laveidure j nil n leaky samuel loekwood david lowe gabriel l febvr 1 raucois lona 5 ai- liwigamn matthew c kowe join ryder james kvan hosev angus koujuiij george kaynslord geoige kuilierloid maej koiison tuuiiici keisl joseph kaittonor johu ii- wood william rtutherford tnomos iteade thnma- kixou bolouiou rwwe john ituyter mrs scott jamei sheriff joseph saint germain wary anne swan johu vtirerseit matthew sharp laarus siooncr dennis sullivan 2 b c miles jouv scot 1 2 james shaw johu smith jun 3 bryan sjiike thomas sigmvoub x illiam suns j hunter titron wiiliaui smaii tediy snifh alexr scribaex i omas bcott iargarel smith henry scarle charles spence nancy sampaon andrew stark johnston smith samuel swhu abraham truax georpe 1yas james rddumii samuel p taylor 2 charlotte tapin hthisile james todd johu vrootnan daniel vttnslyke gilbert andresar johu vincent jane wright l 11 watktus benjamin n onj john t walker liect wishaat john wikon juhn j n nod joveph walker hugh vvuhs area iha id wilson jianria wilson daniel walker sauorl wood erastuh wiman j uam m ula ju pb vallu mi tiam- ume wiivm n iliiatn wibon william woodhai william yourex daniel yoing ay pies hesh bread loaf 7 beef lb s 5 bacon 9 1 butter m j 8 barlev hush xeeu cider bbl cheese lb e s cabbages head carrots bush ducks pair eg doz i 9 fowls pair flour bbl 17 6 1 do cwt 8 9 10 geese each hay ton 2 10 3 lard lb mutton 4 5 oats buih peas potatoes 1 3 1 6 parsnips a pork am bbl s can 8 10 straw bun turkeys each turnip bush tallow lb l veal 4 5 venion wood cord 10 12 0 at a meeting of the committee of the midland district agricultural society held at the court house in the town of kingston on wednesday the 21st june it was 1st resolved that a cattle show be held at the napanee mills on thursday the 19th day of october next and that the following premiums be offered viz for the best bull 20 2d best bull best stitch cow 2d best do best raih 2d best do best 6 ewes from one flock 2d best do do do best boar 2d best do best breeding sow 2d best do do best yearling heifer or steer 2d best do do do 10 it 5 10 b 10 10 5 4 4 2rf resolved thatthe following premiums be offered for the year 1821 viz for the best field of wheat barley or peas as to quantity and quality not lesfi than 2 acres 20 for the 2d beat do m 10 best acre of potatoes 2d best do best j acre of cabbage turnips ruta baga beets carrots or parsnips 2d best do best ploughing of not less than of an acre 2d best do dd best do h c thomson secretory kingston june 21 1820 u 10 f 10 a 5 i l- on sale anded from the alexander from london 20 pipes of fuperior spanifh red port wine of the very firrr quality 100 calks of day and martins real japan blacking 100 calks of nails 6d to 2sd fry pans sad irons patent scyths carpeting bot tied port wine eaft india suga and feveral other articles all of which will be benjm hart montreal 2 1 ft june 1820 new store recollet street near near the recollet church 26013 liverpool markets may 13 american flour per bbl none do in bond 28 a 30 four 35 a 37 1 r frow m mv- robertr n in george young john mac allay f m for salc or to let on a long credit that elegant two story stone house delightfully fituatcd on the main street in brockville the lower part of which is well adapted for a grocery store or bar room and the u per part well finished adapted for a public house appertain ing to it is a yard shed stabling with outhousea and in the rear a very exten sive garden in a high state of cultivation with a weil of pure water for paiticulars apply tothe subscriber jameshall brockville 29 a june 1820 27 brick for sale crupiuee he had gou to the river for th pnrpoie of bathing zm immediately went to the water audi r diving as he j wi n r rufe and madfc ggns as it was t the subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of july any quantity of brick of a very good quality smith bartlet kingston jure 16 1820 27 tiie mail robbers extract ofaktur to the editor of the american daily advertiser dated baltimori june 2i knowing the interest the humane inhabitants of your philanthropic city took io the fate of young hull one of the mail robbers i can now inform you that his life will most probably be spa red the governor and his council have adjourned without coming to any conclusion upon the subject and do not meet again until the tirst monday in september the latter it is said advised the execution of both while the former contended for his prerogative of commu ting the punishment this the council denied and the governor refusing t sign the warrant has spared the lives of these unhappy men until another gover nor and council shall be appointed which will not takeplace uotil the month of december next friendship real friends are like ghosts and apparitions what tuaoy pec pie talk of but few ever saw