Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), August 4, 1820, p. 4

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o pok pale or to let n lont credit that elegant wo stoiiy s i one house dettghtfntly situated on the main street iu brockville the lower part erf which is well adapted for a grocery store or bar room and the upper part well finished and adapted for a public- house ap pertaining to it is a yard shed stabling with out houses and in the rear a very ex tensive garden in a high hate of cultiva tion wi a well of pure water for par ticular apply 10 the subscriber james hall brockvule 29 1820 27 neff goods t brick tor sa r e 1 she subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of ju y any quantity of stick of a very good quality smith bartleti king ton jure j 16 tslo 27 notice n a asignthcnt bearing date at mon treal lower canada in a tig lift 1817 having been granted by messrs robert armour and george davies late of montreal merchants and copartners under the firm of robert armour and davies to and in favour of the undersign ed and the late richard pattinson de- ceased of all their estates real ana per sonal moveable and unmoveable 23 well belonging to them individually as such copartners also all and every their rights claims and pretentions as well in the es tate of robert armour and davies as in the estates of henderson armour and co heretofore carrying on trade at the city of montreal and william hender son and co heretofore of the city of 1 whvflifl 1 f f tf h tvm- ift ea t for ditors of them the said robert armour and george davies who become parties or accede to the said assignment all persons indebted to the said iate firms of robert armour and dalies henderson armour and co and willi an henderson and co or to either of tne part es who composed them ate hereby required to make immediate naryment of their respec tive debts to either of the unde fitted trustees or- to their attorney duly au- thonged and further notice is hereby gi- ven that in default or immediate payment legal recourse will be had to obtain the same fred w ermatinger g moffatt surviving trustees to the estate of robert armour 28 w6 and davies he subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he hasjnst received a choice assortment of dry ftoqds among which are the following west of england superfine and com mon cloths cassi meres flannels bom- bazettes bombazeens irish poplins ginghams stripe cotton cotton shir t- io india cotton irish linen turkey stripe checks chintz furniture cali coes long lawn cambrics muslins corduroy fustians nankeens 84 di apers canton crape dresses canton crape shawls and scarfs spittlcfield silk bandannas india do silk romals black silk handkerchiefs cotton shawls and handkerchiefs hosiery gloves ribbons thread laces bobbinnett tapes bobbins thread buttons c one hundred dollars reward also a very handsome selection of millinery consisting of fancy dress caps and turbans morn ing walking dresses muslin robes embroidered india dork and leno dif es frills and half handkerchiefs best stays which he will sell very low itt his si ore opposite he kingston me dicinal laboratory kingstreet archibald mcbowell kingston july 14 1820 m on sae if anded from the alexander from a london 20 pipes of fuperior spanifh red port wine of the very firit quality 100 cafks of pay and martins real tonn e lacking 100 cailcs of nails 6d to 28d fry pans sad irons patent scytli3 carpeting bot tled port wine eaft india suga and feveral other articles all of which will be benjnhaht montreal 21ft june 1820 new store recollet street near near the recollet church 26103 valuable lands for sale m the townsmp of hamilton con con- t r advertisement the subscriber has jufl received from london ten pair belt french millstones 4 feet diameter and 300 bed picked french burrs to snake mill stones also fots o 6 and 12 in the 3d a celnon containing 400 acres ditto ditto 11 and k in the 4th ccflfion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6ihcencetion containing 200 acres the above lands are all lying in the ownfhip of hamilton newcallu bill rid and will be fold on the moft liberal term for further infoi nation enquire of eiias jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingdom thomas s whitakcr kingfton may 28 1819 2 2tf tolen about four weeks ago from a room in mr wwdens inn a trunk three feft long and two fet wide covered with n fawn kin whoev er will deliver the uid trunk at the chro nicle office or give information to the editors fufficient to difcover and convict the thief hall receive the above reward gabriel rollette kingfton 71i1 june 1s20 23tf anchors fy cables william dudden thctlll receive by the earlieil fpring f 7 vdlels and keep conftantly on hand at quebec an aftortment of patent proved chain cables of all sixes anchors do well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec tit april 1 iq 14if notice l real and perfonal eflate of the late john vcintom of thurlow having been legally aflincd over to me by the panics iniereited i d- hereby requeil that all tfeflfe indebted to the faid eflate either by bond vote of hand or book accounts will make pay ments on or before the lit october next cattle or product will be taken in pay ment feter grant belkille july 19th 182 30 a isdrews cuurch nrihe committee respectful y request limine svrflwjfi wfllfb the hands of the treasure mr alexr pringle their rejspectivesubseriphons the committee would liktsecall upon those individuals who have not yet sub- scribed to give their support to the un dertaking they deem it superfluous to enlarge on the advantages which are likely to arise from an establishment such as the one contemplated becanse they must he evident to ever one to tloe however ho ore presbyt rians and t i norice 48 punclieons tine flavoured old jamani spirit with a general a of dry goods nails fee c which will be soid on reasonable term at his store no 67 st paul street montreal judvh joseph montr al otbjuly 1820 28v4 i government employ merit at the contractors for building a store houje in hh majestys naval yard at this place having failed to perform the ontract notice is hereby given that masons stosecutters and quarry- mfn aie required to compltte the build ing and tht they will bt employed and paij by the officers of this ard only the bell of work men need make application edward laws naval stotekeiper navy tar j 71b july 1820 2 st f a ll perfona are hereby cautioned a- i gain 11 purchafing certain notes of hand given by the fubferiber to jame he re f bearing date the 29th january 1820 oi e for twenty five pound payable the iftjanuary 1s21 one for l 2 10 pay able ill january 1822 one toii2 10 payable i ft january 1823 one ror j 2 10s pry able i ft january 1824 and one for 12 10 payable ill january i8jc the four ltl bearing interctr as the ffd notes were given for a t of ai d fold by and fur which he ran give no legal title josfpil sherv3an bellvtlk 26th may 1820 22- for sale or to let sff two lory framed houfc and a iszul large and commodious lone store fituate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchar or lessee enquire at the office of chr a hagerman kingfton 26th february l9iq parti calarly to those educated in the forms and doctrines of the church ol scotland the committee beg respect fully to addrefs ihemfelvcs and to s ilicit h ir support not oulj by ubscribitig what they can themselves afford but b the influence which hey may possess vitji their friends of other peiuasions subscription papers arc left with the treasurer mr pringle and with the secretary dr marshall also at point frederick with mr robert graham ham merchant a marshall secretary 17 thinly 1820 30 notice a ny per fn willing to contract for be delivery of six teen tons of good rx l imotfh clover liy will send their oropofala to lieut and adjutant sumwn 70th rcr the one half of the hay 10 be delivered before the ft december next and the other half du- i wrtceiin mrthter at kingtvuii yoa henry and fredrick as may be re quired 29tf kingfton july im t motice 9 g h hakt book- binder ana l stationer r espectfully informs the in- jl habitants of kuigflon and its vici- niy that he ha3 commenced the above business next door to mr moores cof fee- house in store st reft n b account- books ruled to any psttein kingston 1 1 1 h ju ly 1 8 2 0 28 w 4 land aoeicy 1- ff he fubferiber for many years the tunior tlerk in the office of the honourable executive council of this ptovinc and who has for fonie time pad occasionally afted as a land agent hav- ing reiigned the fituation he held in th above menticutd office and not being m- gaged in any other employment will now transact land bufinefs generally andrew mercer torh ih mcy 1820 20 ti for sale a t a very low price for cash the soil th or front half of lot no 12 in the first conces sion of loughborongll kor par- iicniars appjy at this olfice dec 7 1819 50 porttie cmris of request tmdviifiow i er hiwhfor sale at urn office john martin egs leave to inform his friends and the public generally far he has opened a house of public eufer- taumunt near fort henrv under the viprn of tlje richmond hotel wbere he hopes by a strict attention to hose who may favour him with a call to merit a share of public patronage be will always have on hand all kinds of liquors of hie best quality kingston 11 h january 1s20 n b good stabtwfor horses 2h land to be cleared s person willing to undertake to jl p rform the settlement duties on a tract of exeelleut land in the district of newcastle 2nd to take part of the land in payment for his labour will have an opportunity of making a good bargain on applying u the office of this paper kingston 27j april 1820 j7 t for sale farm in the front concession of the township of augusta three aiuka half miles below brockvile con taining 150 acre- about 75 of which is under improvement there i a large two story bouse on the premise bvdlt uf square limber and boarded outside a fiaivbarn c this farm is well wor thy the attention of any person desirous of a pleasant country esidence will be sold on liberal terms an pop siypiiiitmikiiately for furtherpartku a lieivjnn n wi a euperior and general collection of dry goods vtt l l be p- by ihr subenbe to is now offered to the public and inhabi- t f any perfon vo hall discor and tants of kingflon imported by the sob- give fuch information as wfll mnl th fcriber this ipring purpofely for this mar- j perfon or ptrfons who on or about the ket and are particularly well adapted for 29th the ufe of private families his fancy goods beinrr r of rhc richcfl and moil fafnionable and plain goods all of very fupertine texture tlie subscriber has taken the loiser rooms of a new houjeln the marketplace on the right hand side near the main guard house for the difpofal of his goods and as his ftay will be only for a few days he moft earncdly folicits the error of an ear- y viht in his affortment are a few ettra fine ft raw bonnets very fafhionable and rich full trimmed dreffes made in liiidcn as patterns a gojd affortment of the bell maje th or 30th of june lad dole from george rtdout esq at walkers hotel eogtafnfiiff montreal b bill millinery 5 c flounces infants dreffes c thread laces and edgings french cam brics artifical w reaths flowers and coronets thread lace drefa caps veils and shawls c a few new patterns of full chintz furniture prints and nch iilk fringes to match marseille- quilts and counterpanes sheetings haberdashery and ladies ucots and shoes very fuperior also gentlemens drefs coats and pantaloons surtouts boots and drefs shoes of the befit london make with many other articles at one regular ind low price henry a trinder kingston july 20th 1820 2rtf notice fjvcvk dfe ffewpil refe nxj two 1 acre lots on the main street being an exttnfion of storestreet application for price and conditions of payment to be made to the subscriber who will give information to perfona defiring to pur- chafe joseph murdock kingfton march 8 1820 10 tf for sale a small collection of books juft received from newyork amongft which are peters letters to his kinsfolk omearas memoirs of napoleon the spectator alfc greek lexicons and gratmars lempricres claffical diction ary and a variety of other school books alfo an excellent surveyors compafs of the moft approved kind john macaulay on may 12th 1s20 10 parcel of five dollars each to the amount of two thoufand pounds by direction of the directors of the montreal bank thomas markland agent kingston t iqth nov isn 4- ahorsk suspected to have been stolen 4 fcrfor calling himfelf john reev or eareefc apparently 45 or 50 years of ge dark complexion flat note and rather a dewncaft look arrived here on sunday iaft with a very fine horfe which he o tier ed for fale fo very low that it excited the fufpicions above mentioned fie wa9 re cognized and fuppofed to have ftolen a horfe from benoii polly of younge in 1814 and felling him to a mr yeiks of flollowell he has been taicn on mr pollys complaint 1 and committed co the cells for fnrther fcsnsmjbatiti the horfe is heavy and wtil rrdc col our rather iiglit bay daik roan and tail a little white on the left hind foot a large white fpot 1 think an arriicial one on hi forehead snd faid to be 5 or 6 years old kingflon m notice letters of a dminiil ration having been granted to me on the eftace of the late roderick mackay efquire it is requefted that all who have claims againft that eftate will preicnt the fame to me and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due with as little delay as poisble james ranken adminijlrator bath 78th june 820 i purchafed the jfoifc from him be for he wm taken into cuftody for 10 and mail endeavour to keep liim for the rightful owner uiy further deicriptior or information will be given by writing to the fubferiber brockville june 27th i20 26tf valuable lands n th midland sctola me diet no 7 v a lars apply to a w morris co rckviue 19th il 1820 all perfons indebted to the estate of the late h fowler of king ston tailor deceafcd either by note or book account are requested to fettle the fame without delay application to be made to the sul who is duly appointed the administratrix to the faid estate ann fowler who otters for sale the remaining stock on hand eonfisting of tu per fine cloths caftimeres vestings and trim mings of all kinds thefe goods having been felecred with reat care are worth the attention ofthole wanting to purchafe and to clofe the concern will be fold very low for cash kingston july 2oth 1820 29w4 wa tt heh and clol ks repaired in llu best manner by so tazewell north side of the qjfarket place kingston who moll refpefully informs the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he hat commenced the above bufinefs and hopes by paying uricf at tention to bufinefs to gw the utmoft fat- isfaion to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ having had many years experience in london is perfectly acquainted with the patent lever horizontal and duplex scapements repeaters cc c kingston may 13th 1820 2otf whereasjohnmcbeanhassworn that he is the owner of the whole of lot o 19 fasi of the rock in ma- rjshurghi i hereby give notice that the said oath is false and thai persons who wish fo be better informed of the partic ulars of the same may bo satisfied by ap- plvjnj to archibald mcdonald esq or dauil wright esq who both live in the same township and are perfectly ac quainted with the ctocumsiances aaron connor king ston 1 9th july 1 kuq u9t 1 v established in mont col november 1st llj m r a s l fa fa htifie i cond courfe in the above es- jl tabifhment will commence the firft monday in september the lectures during the fir fl month will be free to the public the private courfe will commence the fir ft of october and continue till the month of may the courfe will conftitute lectures on anatomy phyfilogy pathology surge ry aod the practice of i by fie lectures during the public courfe on mondays wednefdays and fridays at fix oclock in the evening p s- dr s will take a few medical gentlemen to refide with himfelf as ev- ery arrangement fhall be made to render the courfe of confiderable advantage thofe gentlemen who purpofe ftudying in the eftablifhment are requefted to give early in formation anatomical theatre 18 st paul street j yune 22 1820 26wio por sale a quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to 8 feet in length apply to mr john dawson tailor william yerex kingston july 17 1819 30 notice a n assignment having been made to jr the subscriber of all the lands goods and debts belonging to the late firm of james ranken iff co of ernest town merchants as well as those belong ing to james ranken individually for the benefit of creditors notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said firm or against the said james ranken to present them forthwith duly authenticated and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respective accounts to chk a hagerman esq of kings ton ou or bcre the first day of decem ber next john k1rby kingston 1st september 1819 36 blank deeds and memorials for sale at this office for sale district county of prince edward townftiip of ameliafburgh lot 23 in the front conceikon ea lake ontario lying to the eaftward of nicholfonslhanj lots 22 and 24 in the fccond cor- ceflion of faid townfhip the whole con taining fix hundred acres for particulars inquire at the ofnce uf the king tun chronicle or of the hol- james baby york n b all perfons are cautioned a gainft cutting or deftroying the timber on the above lands as they will certainly fubjeft themfelves to a legal profecution if detected kingtlon march 7 1820 lotf notice rjlhe board for militm pek- sions auill meet on the lajl monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day in each month until the bufinefs of this diiril as regards the fame is finifhed john ferguson kingflon fib ij 1819 m 6 notice egbert tuunbull from j mindrlaa on the fouthern border of scotland v o is now fuppofed to be rea ding in fonepat of upper canada 19 re- of the kinglton chronicle for the infor mation of 2 relative who feels interefted in his welfare and is defirousofcorrefpon- ding with him 26 montreal almanacks for 1820 for sale at this office terms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent by mai twenty four shilling subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of july or the 1st of jaiiu- price of advertisements ofly lines and wider 2s gd first kui serf ion and ld each subsequent insertion 10 lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per tine for the first insertion and i d per lint for every subsequent insertion advertisements isithout written direc tions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at ike latest no advertisements received after ten oclcck on the day of publication agknts henry cowan esq qnehec i dwarf sills eq three rivers james williams esq montreal messrs j j dun lop lancaster paul olassford esq matilda alpheus jones esq fresco tt henry jones esq brockville n b tommas esq perth h whiurmrsh esq richmond j k hart well esq bastard webter esq gananoque j ranken esq bath allan mcpherson esq nap a nee thomas parker esq beltville joseph a keelcr esq cramahe james ci belliune esq hamilton john d smith esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara t mccormtct esq queensten john wilon i mi sfmhtrstburgh kingston u c printed eok jul editors-

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