i c npplv to me and i do declare tint no possible coiidtlration would induce ijiv publicly to attack an individtnl vvmh t tii fin injure ms private reputation r moral chamfer but when a man hold a public situation i coucviw ins official coihuci a lair and proper snbjitf of pub- lie investigation and 1 btioilj think no ktsoii will deny that it is the duly of jvrry member oi society to detent and expose malversation in office- i moan nocrtviicctomr giuisrm in these oh- servatirns m jiu li arc unwillingly drawn from die by the unwise zeal uf his cham pion a lor he vljcct vj the end arse- mentj which it is said i ought to haw considered i never presumed to say if was other than good and vwil intended i have no remarks to oflw relative to the treatment ol ihe class of immigrant who are ciiiinij or nearly stita of moneysthe benefit indvpinident- jy of the doubilal ecrtiiii ate v hich are said to be conferred on i hem sp ak high ly in favour ol the ittialir v of the sari- ct and are in euaj reyrnci uououiablo to its ha inanity and sieuevultmice i do not agree with the ediiohn think ing that the fault of the settlers uol c in- prchcodiug their instructions ftp eh n their inaiteution and upidify ur it ry be doubted whether himself or any other person if placed iu a iinilarsiitia lioity would find his memory sufficiently tenacious of names situations and dis tances the aeut may be very polite end assidutu in his explanations hot verbal information even to the most in- telligetrt stranger cannot be very ser viceable the whole substance of what is necessary for settlers to learn conlj be printed t a trifling ex pence on half a ihtet of paer and in sueli z our would not civy trj the aicrt much trouble liut prelect ihe applcnt fa m mktkkc cr micotcepiion indeed lain at a loss fo comprehend how the aent though f the moat indefatigable habits pan gite to all who inquire t he particour infor mation slated by tne ivditorof the coin jant aiid the apparent impossibility of doing so tends to ccnfitn the statement of the emigrants on tlio mihject as for the ingratitude manifested by emigrants gcw ih it is no di id t mor tifying lo ihe ieelisigs of benevoh ure but wfh il to be o motive for rein in to iltcu to tin in or relieve them the i ha- lacur cf the canadians for humanity mould miik vciv low j latitude indeed for benefits receipt d is not ufbui looked for by those who are acquainted with human nature ihe true reward offer tevolence is a self approving conscience i shall forbear touching any other of the assailable points of this defence for j fhoiuh i have endeavoured to be as brief as possible i find i have already tres passed much too far on your limits i annex affidavits which shew that 1 have not grounded my opinions on idle com plaints of proilipate and dissatisfied indi viduals many more might be dally ob tained on n average uie dispropor tionate to the editors calculation but their insertion in your paper would beau unnecessary monopolization of yrur pa ges i am an utter stranger to mr gil christ and am actuated by no unkind motive towards him cr any other individ uai my sole object is to protect the emigrant from unnecessary cxpence and as 1 firmly believe the charge made by the agent improper and the certili- cate useless cannot in my conscience make any m coutesh n till mere satis factory proof of the misrepresentations oj the emigrants and my errors be adduced than are to be met with it the zealous though inaccurate exposition of he ed- itcf of the lcuiant bexisvolus personally come and appeared before mt ieter smith inquire olli of his majestys justices of the peace in and for the midland district william camp bell who being duly swum drposcth and aitii that on his arrival at montre al on the twenty fourth day of juy 1820 in consequence ofeemg u public iiofice that there v as an emigrant oilice kept by mr john gilchrist from whom sjcji iuformatioti might ie obtaiurd as would be serviceable to himself and oti- ers in proceeding t- upper canada umli the view ofsoitlin ill the rroviuce he accordingly called at tin olfiee and vas told by mr gilchrist that he mr- ci- christ wz net acqeainted either with the itudtion or the junliiyof the lands which were to be granted to settlers but that this deponent would receive infor mation from gentlemen in upper cana da mr gilchrit also informal him that he might receive a grant of one hun dred acres of land by paying fees to the amount of twelve pounds at three differ ent instalments or a grant of fifty acres freeofcxpence mr gilhristtiiuigave him the following certificate william candle ami spouse has- lately arrived from scoilaitl is von- proceeding to the upper province or ihe purpose of settling by profession a labourer signed john gilchrist agent- w emigrants office montreal zitkjuly 18io the deponent paid for hie above cer tificate one shilling and ihm pence tin- fee demanded by mr giuhrist and which was paid b ovoral other persons for the like cerftts i it deponeo furtner sweat- t i i ahon rerfilirate has been of no u t liioi and thai he is satfctied since li snirsil in kinsioo that it car- oi b v jm vivtc tohimasthe cor mffl niact in thii place have kji u informahob within their power cralial i h deponent has heard a number offol- 7 emigrants complain of the rtwrne of one shilling id thee pence made by mr gilchrist as an imposition asmuch as they found hi certificates of no advantage to them eitlior at lu chiuc or elsewhere william campbell sworn before mc the 12aj day of augusts 1820 ul kingston upper canada lyru smith j i ti thkartidavit was obtained from a decent moienman possessed of alj the native shrewdness and intelligence of his country and was pvtn without any ran cour or ill will he said mr gilchrist behaved towards him with great polite ness though the information he commu nicated was scanty and the certificate of no more value than waste paper he evidently was not addicted to the bad habit of dancing fiddling and drink- tltf was void of that rt propensity to ggpmtm which is said to be so piev- ieiu among some classes of etui grants ind ids- teaimony was in short most credible ccssmn will hrroade byus to that geitie- mana wounded fefliog ii our remarks weoertniuly did allude to those charges bu we must observe tbait it was jar from ouriri- tention to hurt mr fyilchrisis feelings in o doing we do not owevr ptreeie what concessions can jutly he demanded from us or though we expred our opinion chatthe society did not autlviiany fee far eertifi- eates we auo said w- shuld fee grifiried al v his exculpation from the allegations made against h in our concludingseutence will perhaps hear when taken separately the never before experienced and fuch haabecn itb flccl on the farmers throughout the midland diftria that that valuable grain has been cultivated to an extent hereto fore u n preceden t ed in th is provinc e our petitioners have therefore feco with concern that the native brewers have not been proteftcd from oppofition in their own market i torn the brewers of the u- nited stalc8 and your petitioners arc deep ly fenfible that a continuation of fuch op- construction placed upon it by the editor of j l enable that a continuation of fuch op- the couraut but it must assuredly was not pofition would infallibly be attended with the meaning we attached to it wo spoke of the moft pernicious confequentes to them- b personally appeared before m tbofll- asmarkland ksq henry jmtes who iwaketh oath and sfh liifti shortly after arriving at montreal from ireland he was induced by a public notice to call at the oiice of tfco society established in tiiatcity for the relic i of saniratits tht be applied for a certificate on be- ing in formed t hat it would be of maeru al advantage to him in obtaining work in the upper province and that on produ cing the ccrfiiuate he would have a pre ference over uii other tner wh h j net tintflirr papers naf the teuifiuatu a iu the lol lowing wo da c henry jo 16 has lately arrived f row irclinj is hdl proecediu- to the ffpper inntncifor th- purpv tf ettiffg by projttssiott u fui nter jous gilchrist agent ejnfgraut ojjice tomial th jiffy 1820 tho deponent further uih that the sum oi one shilling and three pence was d manded for the rertiltcateand that as lie had onlj one bhtlling in hi pm bet that aunt was accepted thai he saw sev eral other eminirnts receive and pay fur eeitihcites wiin out an questions beiu asked respecting ttietf ability to pay and he further saith that the foregoing clililicate has proved of no use whatvcr lo him either in facilitating his avegc up the river or iu obtaining work iikmiy j0xc sizarn before e at kings ton it is fourteenth day oj august y isuu tuomas iarktand j p perth sth aog 1r20 on monday evcuiug the 7 inlant his lejdsinp bishop mountain arrived nere and left the place at seven otflock tllis morning as this vist had been for koine time ex pected and anxiousl looked lor b a grt ii uunilier oi the members of the es tablished church it is much to be re- jjmtted that his lordship could not re main in 1 nh for one day- as it would have high gratified the people in geno- ialand lurnished an opportunity for tlic many rcspectohle inhabiiuits of perth and its viesuitv u have paid tiieir respects t hu lordship and euableii them to jmoht by such advice as iiis lordship might deem expedient to bestow parti cularly relative to lhbuildiujjaclunh- ofvr w ftofmqrtiifeb t v v hlxgston jvcvst is 1s20 we have received via niw y t des from london t tin 2lth tune and tvoni li v rpool to ti 1st july te itugrh cf this coxnnaunitaiitns on donvstic iuuii tuii week prevents na from devoting as mnch ppace as we cotdu desire t the very import ant discussions in england relative to the oen which dftepen iniiiieret as they pro- reed our readers v ii observe that the te- gociatirnw between the duke of welliitgn and lord castlereaii on the cne parr and messrs brougham and leninan on the oth er have failed in producing the mueh debfred result the main obstacle to theeumpron- ise was the demand made aa j ertiuacoisly adhered to by her majesty that her nanu- should he restored in ih liturgy to which the king would not consent we must con fess we do not comprehend the reasons why this point which as a national eouaiiisa flo lilit as air was not conceded for though it be i rue that her mjticrfv i graved for 2e- nerally i t i the resl ofthe royal family and therefore is not deprived of the pray err of iter people it has always been customary to piny for the queen particularly by name that good reasons exist for rirt conceding this point however is mry probable since an overwiielmiug majority of the bouse of commons advied her iluiesty to accept ihe proposals made hr by the- sliuiste s while yr callow due praise to iier majesty fit her ei ergeticand resolute defence of her honour we think that ii maintaining her ovn rights she eetn to forget the national consequences whichaheiher she come out of the trial wth an unsullied character or not mt follown nhlic investigation wearealso afraid hr utrunung forth to shew lcrrelf at the rod call ofthe rabble and her appearance at cbg iheatres during the pending diacusfioi look too much like a desire to eoorl the popularity of the low er classes which under present eir cioustunces it would certainty nave been more prude it delicate and dignified in her to avoid we make these observations with eret ut they uaturalljrohtrudethenrfiivea on our minds on perusing the english news- papers the certificate as iu doubt whether it had been given or not and the succeeding part ol the paragraph wa indited in the same mind assuming as i faet the assertion of the editor of thai respectable paper that the e large is made li that it is authorized by the society we must acknowledge our dibap- pnintment while at tlic same time we hold 0 opinion of its impropriety a ve also think it must have henaumitted without a due consideration of its injurious consequen ces and this ve tnit we may say without any disparagement u ue excellent and mr- itorioua institution b whose direction it has been made the following paragraph is copied from the buffalo patriotv the 3d july into the new wrk spectatofj and as it may in con- sjuencij travel the juunds of hi the united stales and british newspapers we cannot suscr to pass uncoil dieted so gro s an as peison of the fame tfl canadians and their tarjiamentary representatives 4 cuncdini ijfarvciimi that the late election for members of parliament for up per canada has terminated in the almost tt- nammouo cuovc of lersons who are tire po- litieitl friends or mr6ourlay it would ap pear by this that thepopular voice in canada ia opposed to the administration mr fer- jnsii4 who was fine and imprisoned forpub- iilms svme of mr gourlays writings was eentv released frcrn confinement and has marge of the niaam spevtatr and dc- j eloivg o h public adiaress that tiie spectator j h prove arf frrror ij tilth grant si inv in writing this article the editor of he b iiliu patriot must have been cgreg- iy misinformed for to the senrallty of us ta diae- it is well fclovn that the cliarac- te of our octobers o iailcmorait are verv i icrttii iv tin v hat he has mjdc diem appear u he 0j referiu to uie iir of members returned we cmmt discover more than fne errous who ever were iht decided sttpoait- ers of vir ioua pioeiediups una not iitoe chun four oihei who thoutji tin v liu- mver publicly vowd uvr 1 e- way yet he scertrjly tavniiruuc tb ihe same pnticijnefi tilus ot of forty me d ri of which the llooscuf asstuuhly is now conkiitmed nine only a uteuieutranhe considered as 4t phticdli iilflli f- tii a linn indeed wiiu tinrdms of pood and loyal subjects wire i atray by th imhl and ojfhiuit aertious i the cksuirber of rii repee tin- rproch o e- ditinn ln nnw pawej ay ivooj the laud audveiylftw of hisa leren tht found who are notashamed 1heir nioporary de lusion the iufere tieieore diavo by the editor of the pa it iud wheh if his iuforination vverctrup ohi bvfttiatf drawn init under aclu i ri iucc be rrep- id and thejiisi ponui rttyof the udmiuis- tatlt ko maiutame mr fvrgusou huh- w public iidoms ki n of dos not di proper ehation nl tlii favour e eroi evlwidcd towards him bj his exceuunc al lh snteiressdion of the house in abridgh the term of his con- a o liav perniciou- confecj felvea ioafmach as it could not fail to h the effect of dcflroying the market of the native farmer for his grain your peti tioners hnmbly delire that your honoura ble jlcuk may be pleated to take their caie into coniidcration and apply fuch re medy as in its wifdom and juftice it may ice tit and your petitioners as in dutv bound will ever pray c c c which being approved of by the meet ing was unanimously adopted and teceived the fignaturttt of every one prtfent mr- richard lowe then propofed the following resolutions rtschcd thai mr dalton be requcfted to v rite to every member of parliament for the midland diafift folicitingon the behalf of the meeting thcit fupport to the petition in the lioufe of commons car ried unanimously mr perry then moved that the thanks of the meeting be given to mr dalton for the encouragement he has hitherto nffvrd- ed to the farmcrsof ihe midland distiilt and for the zeal and activity with which he is now endeavouring to fecure to them a permanent advantage from their labours the above refolutioo having met with the hearty concurrence of every gentleman preient ihe thank of the meeting were cordially voted to the refpectablc chair man for his able and judicious conduct in the dtfeharge of his office and the pro ceedings of the meeting ordered to be prhud three times in the kingiton chro nicle and herald in the in pc that the farmers throughout the piovincc might fee ic their intereft to puiiue the example held out to them by the counties of le nox and addington after the bufinefs of the day a large psrty partook of an excellent dinner pro vided tor the occasion by mrs goidonicr good iuuixmr- cwlv ofthe pi int ed circular addrcfled by mi daltont to the lepresentatives of the midlttid didridj agreeably to the dcgreof the meeting expreflcd iu one of the foregoing ref lutions kingston brewery august 15a 1820 sir at a general meeting ofthe farmers of tie counties of lenox and id- dtngtottf htld in ernest town at the house of mr john gordonier on friday the 1 th instant bad th honour to he requested to address the representatives ofthe mid land district 1 soliciting their support in th dependency of cuudnrf hi political matters but we coiskicrhissk about little tyrants as inapplicable to the ulersofffais five and happy province as it i soulless and disgust- mg to virraokrfvts pubticofa caine too late for incrion in thu da paper omitted in our lilt of members of parliament thonus 11 orntr efq county of oxford at bath on tuefday the 15th ind by the rev john stughton mr lfaac carfcatlan to mifs either shorey both of fredcnckfburffh lieu at tobago in the month of march lieut robinfon h foot a d c only fun of major general sir f p kohinfon governor of that ifland the editor of the canadian courant in concluding ins v indication of uu- a sent ofthe alontreal emigrant society from tht cliargea bill apiiist fcnn by one of our cotsuui vni wbn riipn 5 te nature of bctieo- lusexrn ssesci eipeetauctj -ome-co- iie house in briiisr nw ivu j wiw c r n q 1 1 iithiwr ih iiwflv imnod house of commons to a petition then una incident and remiltviu ne juiij impost a j av- admire freeioin ofojljntou and in- mmously approved and signed by every per- ssn present and which you will find at length in the kingston papers in compliance with the desire of that nume rous and highly respectable meeting i beg ihe liberty to call your attention to the said petition and to solicit for it your able support in the house i have the honour to remain sir tour obedient humble servant thomas dal70n n b the petition is left with mr- george ham at bath for the fignatures of such of the farmers as were not appri- fed ofthe meeting in confequence of fome dcglcft in the delivery ofthe newspapers copy ofthe petition to the legislature from the county of frontcnac now lying at mr william d ikons store fox signatures to the honourable the commons of the province of upper canada in parlia ment altembled the humble petition of the underfigned magiitrates bankers merchants farmers lankecpc j traders and others rcfident atbeccdty vi fimcnac shcwcth j that your petitioners have feen with inexpreffible regret that not withstanding the breweries of our native country be lully adequate to fupply our population with a ftifficiency of wholcfome malt liquor large quantities of united states beer have been poured in upon us in confequence of the fmall duty that was impofed by the last parliament upon united states beer and ale your petitioners refpefully beg leave to fubmitto your honourable house that they know of no bufiness whatever which difiuies fuch univcrfal benefit through any country wherein it is eftabliflicd 3 the brewery and that confequently they re gal d it as meriting in a peculiar degree the protection and patronage of every wise government whether your petitioners turn their views to the parent country or to the u- nited tates of america thry find the go vernment jealous to preferve their markets from intrulion uf foreign brewers and when your petitioners confider the valt powers of the brewery in promoting the health riches and good morals of the i ople they cannot but admire the wis dom oi their policy your petitioners entreat permiflion of your honourable houfe to call its moft serious attention to the deploiable fcarcity of cafh which prevails in this province with grief your pctioncrs have fern fo large a portion of the little it poflvites withdrawn from it by the united slates for the payment of articles of neceltary confumpuon which it has been pretended our province could not furniftv and their grief hath been greatly augmented by fee ing it drained tu the vcty dregh f an ar tide which it is notorious can be inanutac- proecdins c general meeting of the farrrrs a the counties of lenox and adutsglm held ir ernest town at the iloxft of s 6bf gozdcniek on fri- djy the 1 th itfiletfti mr davis hawley having been una- nimoufly called to the chair mr dalton cf kingston after a few prepfatory re mark propofed to the meeting the follow ing refolution resoved that it is the decided opinion of this meeting that the fuccessful profe- cution ofthe lirewety effentially promotes the agricultural interest and that conle- quently it ought tfl receive elteual pro tection from the oppoiition oi foreign brewers to which end we deem it ueces- fary to addrefs both koufee of the legis lature by petition the above refoution having been fe- conucd and carried unanimouly mr dal ton preferred to the chairman a petition which was read to he meeting as follows to the honorable the commons of the province of upzer canada in parlia ment affembled the humble petition ofthe farmers of the counties of ltox and addington shcwcth that your petitioners are deeply interested iu every thing which is calculated to promoe the fucces of their agricultural labours on which they entire ly rely for fuhustaocc it is therefore that your fetitoner humbly beg leave to address your honorable lioufe on the fubjeft v hich appe to them to be inti mately connected vvit their own particu hr welfare your petitloncrb allude to the brewery which from the happy in- create of the codfunp c malt liquor haa lately afforded titm a degree of encou- i ragemeot for thr p of barley rtiey turfd among owrfelves of better quality than is generally imported fr 11 the united state and in any required quantity your petitioner think it poflible that your honourable houe may not be a- ware uf the fact that there aie no le3 than five breweries in the town of king- hon alone which coufidenng ihe infancy of the place and thr jreat exnenfe attend ing the formation of fuch ehbiifhroent9 yonr petitioners think 11 matter of great congiatubtion not only to kingfton but to the province at large your petitioners have witneitcd the be ncficial effects refulting from the eftbhfli- ment of the aforefaid breweries the liber- aliry of their proprietors having htld out a degree of encouragement to the farmers of the midland dillrift for the growth of barley far fuperior to any that could have been offered by thofe noble inititutions the agricultural societies and having confe quently given an impetus to agriculture which if not checked by an injudicious fuf- fc ranee of oppofition from foreigners may lead to icfults the moft happy aud fortunate for the province your petitioners enter deeply into the feelings of our difappoiuted and neglected brewers and your petitioners will doubt- lcrfa foon have to commiserate the misfor tunes of the general mafs of farmers un- lefs your honourable hoolc immediately condefcend to pdfs an faft impofing fuch duties on thebeer cider and barley ofthe united states as hall effectually prevent their open admiifinn into this province which your petitioners moft humbly but ardently hope your honourable houfe will fee it juft and expedient to do with all convenient defpatch and your petitio ners as in duty bound will ever pray c c ac doctor morton from dublin informs the inhabitants of kington and its vicinity that he intends to commence the practice of physic surgery and midwifery in this part of the country hi recom mendatory certificates from eminent practitioners in dublin and kdiabuigh aa well as from heads of th colleges in thofe cities will be hewn on application 10 ruii u ois tppafcftiuaa in toc nouic ot mrs thibodo kingfton 8th aug 1820 331c government contract notice is hereby given that ten ders will be received at this office untill the 15th of september next a noon for the fupply of the undermentioned quantities of forage at this port viz 1500 bushels of oats 50 tons of hay 15000 ptttmcu of straw ia bundles of twelve pounds each no tender will be noticed unlefs made in the piefcribed form which together with the conditions of the contraft and other particulars may be feen on applica tion i he parties making piopofala or others duly authorized on their behalf mull attend at the time of opening the tenders and fufficlent fecurity will be required for the due fulfilment of the agreement to be enteied into commiffaiiat office kingfton i5thj auguft 1820 y ed- pine coffin dept com general 33wj lost on sunday the 6th inft between mr povvlcysand mrbadgelcys inn on the york road a silver watch made by h cornwall london no 292 who ever may have found the faid vvatchj and will leave it at the chronicle office fhall receive a handfome reward from wm read kingfton aug 12th 1820 wt public entertainment tiiefubfcriber refpeflfully informs hit friends and the public that he ha rented the houfe lately occupied by mr- frederick bufh where he now keeps a house of public entertainment sign of the travellers rest and hopes by ftri attention to the comforts and convenience of his cuftomers to merit a hare of public pauohage edwakd iunn good yard hd stabling kingfton aug 7th 1820 331 0- not ice whereas it is abfoluttly neces- fary that a certain quantity of coppers fhould be kept iu circulation for the convenience of change we the subfcn- bcrs agree to receive the for that pur 1 fe as ubal with the exception of th c denominated waterloo harp c halfpenny token having britannia on the one lide and a jhip nn the othei montreal ship coppers and brock cop pers until public notice be given in the newspaper of this town of a general meeting to be holden for the purpolc of flopping the circulation f thofe which the meeting may deem expedient t which place the public will hate an opportunity of attending and judging fur themfclves j signed by 66 refpnfhble merchants and ethanic- kingfton aug i6ih ibzo 33wj 1