kin vol ii friday jtptbnkooy august 25 1820 the kkonten ac steam veftel will dart from kingfton for york and niagara on the id iith and 2j day uf each month and from i- ara for kinthm on the 5 r h 15th and 25th days of each month with as much punctuality as the nature of the lake na vigation will admit of ktogft m may 12th 1820 19 notice t thk fubferiber having rented that commodious stone ho tile the pro perty of peter grant efq and latey occupied by mr daniel brown propues keeping a houfe of public entertainment sign oj vie black horse for the accommodation of strangers and others who may have the goodnefs to fa- vmr him with a call fvery attention will be paid to the comfort and conveni ence of cuftnmera and the ftaalleft favour gratefully acknowledged by the publics humble servant samuel merrill ktngfton 5th vi ay 1820 19 i f b spilsbury slatc surgeon of t m s prince rcj gjfi on lake ontario intends practiin in the various- v ibrnnrhesof his profusion at his res- ihkuro tioxt door to john mclean i ivfj sfiirib v hmgtm oct- 6i i si f i 3 house gti the fubferiber begs leave rcfoeclful- ly t inform his ft lends and the pub lic i general that he has edabliflicd a palm huot a few rods fonth of mrs patricks tav ern where will be kept conllantly all kinds of paints prepared ready for the brufh likewifc nv kinds of waggm sleigh and ornamental painting done at the aborted notice together with raw and boild oil which will be dispo- fed of as cheap a can be procured in this town for cafh only theodore brockett n b two good workmen as journey men painters will find employ by apply ing to the fubferiber a in gs ton 6th apt it 1 8 2 o 14 ftlhe fubferibers being duly nomina- j ted executors to the lad will and tclament of the late lawrence herchmer efquire merchant reqtiell all pcrfons in debted to his eftale to make immediate payment and thofe having demands againft the faid eftnte to bring them forward with out delay john kirby geo h markland kingftoiii 9th nov 1819 46 me land board for the midland district for the enfurag fix months will meet on wednes day in each week at the court houfe in the town of kingfton at the hour of 1 oclock at noon for the purpofe of receiv ing applications for lands from the under mentioned defenptfo of perfons viz emigrants and others coming to the province and bringing due certificates of being britim born fubje6u all able fcttlers that have refided in the diftrid previous to the late war and pro duce certificates of having done their duty it its defence the terms of the grants are the perform ance of the fettling duties within eighteen month from the date of the location and the payment of the following fees edablifhed by an order in council of uth december 1s19 on grants of 50 acres to indigent emi grants no fees on grants of 100 acres 12 sterling on grants of 200 do 30 payable in three equal inftalmtntig vi2 the fird on the receipt of the location ticket the fecond on certificate filled of fettlement the third on the receipt of the fiat for the patent no petition can be entertained ufdefs accompanied by a written character or a fatisfactuy reafon hewn for fuch not being produced by order of the board james nic x alls junr clerk kingoion feb 14th 1820 8 n b to prevent d ifap point men ts to nerfons applying for lands it is neceffnry to ftate that the board ha 00 power to grant lands to the chidicn of u e loyalists militia men who lerved in the flank companies during the war mavj or military claim mts all fuch mutt make application to yvk rjmk iuc soi l and immediate pos- jl selfion given the following lots of land in the 6th conceflion of the town bip of elraaley viz 19 20 22 24 29 30 mofi eligibly situated on the north side of the rideau lake which forms their southern b tundary the great road t the perth settlement leading through one of the lots they abound in excellent timber which from its beinrr contiguous to water communication may be rafted to m ntreal at a triflirg expence the qua litvofthc foil and other advantages arc fuch as to render this a desirable purchafr to farmers or perfons engaged in the lum ber trade for terms of payment and other particulars apply to william mar shall esq perth settlement john kirby efq kingston or the fubferiber in wood- houfe london difuict robert n1chol no 34 watches and cloi ks repaired in the best manner by a o tazewell north sid ofthe imirkl place kingston who mod refpeel fully informs the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he has commenced the above bufinefs ad hopes by paying iliicr at tention to bufinefs to give the utmotl fat- isfaion to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ h avjn g had many years experience in w london is perfectly acquainted with the patent leer horizontal and duplex scapement repeaters c sec kingsto may 13th 1820 sotf j i rjleas john mcijenn has sworn tiit ho is the owner of the whole 01 lot no 19 east ofthe rock in ma rysborgh i hereby give notice that the said on th i false and that persons who uih to be jottt informed of the partic ulars ofthe same may be satisfied by ap plying to archibald mcdonald facj or daniel v ht esq who both live in the sarr touhip and are perfectly ac quainted with the ci feu m stan res aaron connor kingston 19 sulfa 1820 c no ce a n assignment having been made to ol the subscriber of all the lands goods and debts belonging to the late firm of james ranken co f ernet t vn merchants a well a those belong ing to james ranken indoijually for tlie benefit of creditors notice is herebv given to all persons having claims against the said firm or aanst the said lames ranken to present them forthwith duly jnrhi rn s vv s- 1 ijl are deired to pay tliir fespelfve accounts to chr a llacrkman eq of kings ton on or before tin first day f dceom- ber next john kirby kingston ist sepf miter t 1 8 1 9 36 november 18 1819 47tf to clothiers notice hooks of subscription for the will be opened at the direft rs floora in the bak of upper canada on the 24th aiveutt next and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three oclock until farther notice kiugllon 27th july 1819 31 kington brarch of the mon- trcal bank for sale a juantity of presspapers the s whitaker co august 19 1 8 19 34 for sale at this 0iee j- a few copies a sermon preached at queboc on the 12tn of september after the death cf li grace the li kf of kicumovd by th kverond f 1 j mountain a u bishops olfuial in lower canada and hector of elipc 41 any the ny fum required maybe obtained at office for good bills on men treat quebec bills of exchange on lon ion or tor specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty forty and ninety days thomas malt kland agent kir nov 181s 23 fviiidow glass a superior and general c uctlion of dry goods u now offered to tie public and inhabi tants of kiiigfton mporud by the sub- l fiber this fpring rurpolcly for this mar ktt and are particularry well adapted for the ufe of private trilie- his fancy g ods being of the ricijeft and moft fa fh ion able and plain goods sd of very iuperfinc r the subscriber his taken the lower rooms of a eiv h in the marketplace on the rfgfet hand sick t near the alain guard house for 1 he difpctal of his goods and as his ftay will be oly for a few days he moft earneftly folicits the favor of an ear ly vifit in his aff- rtmen are a few extra fine draw bonnets very fafhionable and rich full trimmed dreffcs made in london as patterns a gojd affort merit of the belt made millinery flounces infants drcfltes c c thread laces and ldgings french cam brics artificial nnreaths flowers and coronfitfj thread lace drefs caps veils and shawls see a few new patterns of full chintz furniture prints and rich iilk fringes to match marseilles quilts and counterpanes sheetings haberdashery and ladies boots and shoes very fuperior also persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requeu ed to ferd them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingilon and with as little delay as pouw-e- john ferguson 12th ap 1s19 l6 notice a llperfons indebted either bynote or zl bok account to the eftate of the late chard robifon efq deceafed are requefted to pay the fame witliout delay and thofe to whom the eftate is indebted will prefent their accounts duly atitiienti cated foradjuftment t alan nfaclen efquire one of the executors to faid es- t tate kingfton june 5 1 z o zatt he fubscribcis have on hand a con signment of window glas3- of 7 2 by 8 1 2 9 by 9 s by 10 10 by 12 of excellent quality and warranted to open in good order for fale at very low prices for cafh or fhort approved credit thos- s whitaker co may 17 20 alexander asher merck a n t taiylo r mas received from montreal a mod choice and exeelent aflortment o the bell well of england fuperfine cloths and cassi meres with trimmings and every thing com plete a asher informs his friends and the public that he n now working up thefe cloths c at his old land where orders will be thankfully received and executed on the fhort eft notice and on the lowed lerras for cam or fhort approved credit kingdon sept 10 1819 lsif gentlemens drefs coats and pantaloons surtouts boots and drefs shoes of the oest london make with many other articles at one regular and low drice liemy a trinder kingston july 20th 1 820 29tf nojice letters of adminiflration having been granted to me on the etlace of the iate roderick mackay efquire it is requefted that all wlo have claims againfl that eltate will prefent the fame to me and that all who ate indebted to it will pay the amount due with a little delay as pofiible james ranken adminijlrator bath 28th june 1820 26tf proceedings of the qeneral meeting of the farmers of the counties of lenox and addington held i ernest town at the houfe of mr jfcttu gordonihr on fri day the l l to insu mr davis haw having been una- nimoufiy called to he chair mr dalton of kingston after a f prefatory re marks pro oild to tl meeting the follow- rng relolution notice cedar s o t ml a quantity 0 lied a pickets liom 7 to length apply to mt john iwsoh tailor will a l v wz kingston ju j 17 ibi o 0 1 sale feveral acre and two relotsonthe main street being an txtenfioo of storestreet application for price and conditions of payment to be made to the subfcrilxr who will give information to pctfons defiring to pur- chafe joseph murdock llingfton march 8 1820 10 tf resolved that t the decided opinion of this meeting thai the fucceasful profe- cntion ofthe brewety effentially promotes the gricultural interest and thnt confe- quently it ought to receive effectual pro tection fom the ppoition of foreign krewers tr which e we deem it neces- fary to addrefs both houles ofthe legis lature by petition the above relout having been fe- comed and canied uhanimonsly mr dal ton nrefud t o the chairmau a petition which was read to the meeting as follows to the honorable the commons of the province of upper canada in parlia ment affembled the humble petition of the farmers of the counties of lenox and addington sheweth that your petitioners are deeply interested in every thing which is calculated to promote the fuccess of their agricultural labours on which they entire ly rely for fubfistance it is therefore that your petitioners humbly beg leave to address your honorable houfe on the fubjccl which appears to them to be inti mately connected with their own particu lar welfare your petitioner allude to the brewery which from the happy in- creafe of the confumption of malt liquor has lately aff rded them a degree of encou ragement for the growth of barley they nevei before experienced and fuch has been its effect on the farmers throughout the midland did rift that bat valuable grain ha- been cultivated to an extent hereto fore unprecedented in this province your petitioners have therefore feen with concern that the native b ewers have not been protected from oppofition iw their own markets horn the brewers of the li nked sta es and your petitioners are deep ly fcnfible that a continuation of fuch op pofition would infallibly be attended with the moll p rniciou- confequeuces to them- klves inafmuch as it could not fail to have the efft ct of d ftroying the market of the native farmer for ins grain your peti tioners lvmbly delirc that your honoura ble houfe may br olealed to take their caie into coniidcration and apply fuch re medy as in its wildom and jufiice it may fee fit and your petitioners as in duty bound will ever ptay c c sec ing was unanimously adopted and received the- fignatmes ot everyone prefent mr richard lowe then propufed the following relolutions resolved that mr dalton be requeded to rite to every member of parliament for the midland dillrici foliciting on the behalf of the meeting theii iuppoit to the petition in the houfe of commons car ried unanimously mr perry then moved that the thanks of tte meeting be given to mr dalion for the encouragement he has hitherto afford ed to the farmersol the midland district and for the zeal and activity with which he is now endeavouring to fecure to them a permanent advantage from their labours the above resolution having met with the hearty concurrence of every gentleman prclent ihe thanks of the meeting were cordially voted to the refpectable chaii- man for his able and judicious conduct in the dtcharge of his office and the pro ceedings of the meeting ordered to be printed three timet in the kingdon chro nicle and herald in the h pe that the farmers throughout the province might fee it their intered to purfue the example held out to them by the counties of le nox and addington after the bufinefs of the day a large party partook of an excellent dinner pro vided for theoccafiion by mrs gordonier and the evening was fpent in mirth and good humour copy of the printed circular sddrefled by mr dalton to the representatives of the midland ditlrut agiceably 10 the defire ot the meeting exprtflcd in one of the foregoing refolutions kingston brewery august 15 1820 sir at a general meeting of the farmers ofthe counties of lenox and ad- dington held in ernest town at the house of mr john gordonier on friday the 1 th instant had th honour to he requested to address the representatives ofthe mid land district soliciting their support in the house of commons to a petition then una nimously approved and signed by every per son present and which you will find at length in the kingston papers in compliance with the desire of that nume rous and highly respectable meeting i beg the liberty to call your attention to the said petition and to solicit for it your able support in the house i have the honour to remain sir tour obedient humble servant thomas dalton n b the petition is left with mr- george ham at bath for the fignatures of such of the farmers at were not appri- fed ofthe meeting in confequence of fome ncglecl in the delivery ofthe newspapers copy ofthe petition to the legislature from the county of frontenac now tying at mr william dalton s store for signatures to the honourable the commons of the piovince of upper canada in parlia ment aflembled the humble i etition of the underfigned ma urates bankers merchants farmers innkeepers traders and others refident in the county of frontenac sheweth that your petitioners have feen with inexprefiible regret that not withllanding the breweries of our native country be fully adequate to fupply our population with a lufbeiency of wholtfome malt liquor large quantities of united states beer have been poured in upon us in coniequence of the fnall duty that was impoied by the lat parliament upon united state beer and ale your petitioners refpeftfully beg leave to fubmit to your honourable house that they know of no bufiness whatever which diffules fuch univerfal benefit through any country wherein it is edablified as the brewery and that consequently they re gard it as meriting in a peculiar degree the protection and patronage of every wise government b whether your petitioners turn theic views to the parent country or to the u- nited states of america they find the go vernment jealous to preferve their markets from intrufion of foreign brewers and when your petitioners confider the vaft powers of the brewery in promoting the health riches and good moral of the people they cannot but admire the wis dom of their policy your petitioners entreat permifiion of your honourable houfe to call its rood ferious attention to the deplorable fcarcity ofcah which prevails in this province with grief your petioners have feen io large a portion of the little it poffeffes withdrawn from it by the united states for the payment of articles of neceffary confumption which it has been pretended our province could not furnifti and their grief hath been greatly augmented by fee ing it drained to the very dregs for an ar ticle which it is notorious can be manufac tured among ourfelves of better quality than is generally imported from the united states and in any required quantity your petitioners think it pofiible that your honourable house may not be a- ware of the fact that there are no less than five breweries in the town of king don alone which confiderfng the infancv of the place and the great expenfe attend ing the formation of fuch eftablifhments yonr petitioners think l matter of gi eat rhtot4thafcww to to the province at large your petitioners have witneffed the be neficial effects lefulting from the edablifh- ment of the aforcfaid breweries the liber- ality of their proprietors having held out a degree of encouragement to the farmers of the midland did rift for the growth of barley far fuperior to any that coud have been offered by thofe noble inftitutions the agricultural societies and having confe- quently given an impetus to agriculture which if not checked by an injudicious fuf- ferance of oppofition from foreigners may lead to refults the moll happy and foitunate for the prove your petitioners enter deeply into the feelings of our difappointed and neglecled brewers and your petitioners will doubt- lefs foon have to commiserate the misfor tunes of the general mafs rf farmers un- lefs your honourable houfe immediately condefcend to pafs an faft impofing fuch duties on the beer cider and barey ofthe united states as fhail effectually prevent their open ad million into this proviace which your petitioners mod humbly but atdently hope your honourable houfe will fee it jud and expedient to do with all convenient defpatch and your petitio ners as in duty bound will ever pray c- c c st mari foundry the subscribers proprietors of the aint mary foundry polojnz ucouisuburos nave to aacuuuee that they have lately made a confiderable reduction in the prices of their cast ings and having now a cupola in operation at their works they are enabled to execute the orders of country corref- pondents on the fhortest notice from the general improvement made at their works they are confident that the differ nt ods of their manufacture will be found equal in quality and appearan- e to fimilar arti cles from the mother countty castings in brass uoring and turning patent screws of a- ny sizefit for clothiers or to bacco presses steamengine machinery all kinds of mill work and blacksmiths work v will be executed with difpatch and finifhed in the bed dyle they have eondantly on hand a com plete aflortment of stoves single and double dutch ovens dog irons cart and wagon boxes pipes for spouts and sets of weights on an im proved construe rion c c orders left at the ivor fcs or at their office in st paul street will meet with prompt attention allison turners co c3 a few bark mills for fale on an improved plan montreal 29th july 1820 32 w6 just published and for sale at this office s barrows 500 questions on the new tes tament