Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), August 25, 1820, p. 3

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let the radicals look at die compo sition of this famous legislature let those in england who entertain them- seltqs penning diatribes against the house oj commons admire the result of uni versal sullmge on this side the atlantic jiovv would they be pleased to see a ma jority of la ivcrs in the british parlia ment in lite senate ofthe united states mhich cuiimsis of forty two there are twenty three lawyers and in the house of representatives consisting of one hundred and eighty six there are one hundred lawyers it may easily be shewn that su ha power as this in the bauds of any single profession must in time produce the most pernicious effects and wfipqthis profession is the law restless and ambitious- giving sharpness and sub tlety of intellect rather tian great and extended views evils wiijfce seen felt it may indeed be added that the uni ted states are governed by lawyers they are the majority in the state as well as in the general legislature they engross ueaily all the high oincs of stale at home or abroad tke presi dents have let nail lawyers except wash ington trie state governors zvj com monly of that orofessiouj siucl all the ambassadors by the way i ivpe ymw correspond et scrutator feasoj fallen asleep i see ihftt vvalsh with genuine american van ity boasts of his succest til his appeal though furiously attacked from canada c but it is caror to boast than answer i wish scrutator would take in the national gazette and reply sometimes to the malignant slanders with which it teems against great britain it is melancholy i admit to behold such a man prostituting his talents for a daily subsistence but his literary chumcter vends his poison and it is uur duty to counteract it as much as we can were the othcreditors to attend to this as much as you do they would doerve well of wit caradas but their papers especially fim the lower province contain al most nothing but advertisements they furnish nothing original themselves roi are they disposed to copy from ou the articles on the improvement of lite saint lawrence the lrftcrs to valh and many oihei vauahle communications which have appeared in your paper they have passed over ill iilcnce while filliutf the litile portion cf their journals which they spared from advertisements with trash from the united states 1 hope such conduct if perseve red in will soon be punched with tlie loss of all their subscribers in upper canada in the states when a ood article ap pears in any paper however remote it goes the rounds for the editors have a little more regard for their renders than those of quebec and montreal cu1to mmtm esbfomteb same time that it exposes the tentofthe evil we know not whether the same inconve nience is felt in other parts of the province utft it is probably the case and as it is on the increase some means should he devised to heck the issue of such quantities of spurious halfpence by speculators who in vending hem by the pound or cask realize a profit oi cent percent the importation of this sort of money was commenced at the close of ihe var when there was a general scarcity of small change and the facility with which the coppers were vended added loan eagerness for greater profits has induced these specu lators to import furtherquuntilicsof the same illegal halfpence though still lighter and less intrinsically valuable the evil has now reached such a height that some measures must be adopted to check it or the commu nity will sustain a very heavy loss those inueed who will be the greatest sufferers are the poor and the ignorant the grand ques tion is how is the evil to be remedied and the circulation of worthless coppers effectu ally checked not we would answer by any combination of persons agreeing to take one description of coppers and refusing another for all are deiicient in value as well as illegal halfpence it is true of some sort or other are iudispensible for change and in the mean while the most objectionable kinds might be forced out of circulation by the unanimous resolution of the public to take only the bet ter kinds but the true remedy can only be applied by the legislature all others are merely palliatives and inefficient in their op eration the necessity of a good copper currency is acknowledged on all hands and proved by the attention paid in a measure adequate to its importance by all govern hents this province from its peculiar situ ation has hithe to been left without any good copper currency and ii consequence all cop per coins the refuse of other countries have passed current amongst u3 and wehave been besides the jiey of speculators who have coined halfpence for us of as little value as woods halfpence so famous in irish histo ry we therefore conceive tin the only way to put a stop to abuses so injurious to rha internal trade of the country is for the legislature to cause a certain uianiity of halfpence to be coined in england for the use ofthe province of the proper provincial cur reucy and this coinage would thus answer all the purposes of change ust would not he current in any other country would always remain with us- it may he iid that a cop per coinage for the tise ofcauada is unneces sary because a quantity of english halfpence might be imported but tfiis could only he dour by rhe government and it is not cer tain hov king tliey would v heji thus import ed lenah iu the country no merchant would import them unless they could be ob- iiiined from the british mini at a rate much below the standard value for besides the expeiiees of transport he would lose the dif ference between sterling and halifax cur jucv nothing etfectua can therefore we itiu ru dune towards obtaining a good cop- percytyeocy but through tfiu iuedium of me lcgkkturc tis trite any peion rlteruig a bad h if penny could complaint hi tig edged heiore amagtsutue be condemned to pay a lc but if this lav v rigidly enforc ed who would escape ctnyictton cr ho could g half pence oe cilthjued aoi rhe jur- posesoi change we are certainly much imlebttd to te editor of the hahfax fan press for ne v ay in which he hr5 condosc tided io n lice us in his paper of ttu- 13th iaie just self ict alone prevents u fm leplyhs to taste noreasily diesfra hut as this mutton is sold by the bufehors at a lower price fa proof of its inferior quality it is in demand attiofigthe owrers of collieries and the nien employed about these works and hence has obtained the appellation of coalheavers mutton from the well known character of the ayrshire cow we are under no apprehen sion that the province of nova scotia will suffer any injury bv u their introduction residing as farrom halifax aa we do it is not our intention to enter more particu larly into the merits of the question respect ing the introduction of livestock yet we can not hutperceivc in thclunguage of tlieeditor of the free press a marked opposition to that very description of stock which has been re commended by the secretary and approved of by the agricultural society of nova sco tia when ie spoke of the existence of a party evidently hostile to the whole of the agricultural interest ofthe country of a par ty who have spared no pains to bring mr zoungand the excellent institution of which he is a member into disrepute we did not even name the editor of the free press as one of that party but qui cnpil ule fecit it is not a matter of consequence to us by what wires thepuppi t is mo erf nor is it ahvay s necessary iu stating facts that we should as certain the motives of those whose conduct we may sometimes hae occasion to w cen sure or praise but where we see attempts made under any pretext to oppose or to ridicule useful experiments in any practical branch of art or science we arc strongly in duced to suspect the motives of those persona by whom suchuttempu are mads on tuesday last as icme workmen were occupied iu renewing ire old clapboarding of a house belonging to mrs oiseale in this town they accidental discovered between the roof and the collai beams a small box containing from 7 to mod dollars of coun terfeit american ban xotes in various sta ges of preparation stvne being signed and ready for immediate nrculation and others just as they left the pate there was be sides a quantity of blank paper of the kind employcdiu the manufacture of the notes tin- forgeries were nriiripalh committed on ihe manhattan and nlumhh banks and the completed notes bear date in ijtos and 140 it is conjectured th tlis counterfeit money was deposited where it has so long remained concealed in ihe jear 1810 or 1811 by two persons named rtmmingwhl and oc- eum both these men were concerned in ut tering forged notes in tds place ihe former a notorious character reeled his m cape the latter was apprehended convicted and pu- ed at bis rrfi fence h lophiafburgh on the l8lh iiift after a lon a painful hlacfi rrfigaatioa john hawvll efq in the 67th year of his a one ojf the firli 8ctlers of tlii- diftrir he was a tender parent an affccliouat friend und n kind neighbour 1 was rffttrarkalde for his luitlv loyally and v irai attachment to hi king and gvcn ncnt which fenti- ment he rcialucd alt m postii till 0 f kingston august 25 1830 i 7 n extract hathd we have no lat r news from england res pecting ihe queen flipta was received last week but we lay before our readers a few additional particulars the accounts from turkey assume an air of interest and threat en a storm in that iparter a rebellious spi rit is said to have h en shewn by several pa chas in different parts of the ottoman em pire which it will require all the energy of the sublime porte to reduce to order the most formidable of these governors both in cha racter and means is the celebrated ali pacha of albania who conscious of thefate to which rich and turbulent pachas are invariahly daomedhy the suflan has declared himvclf independent and taken the most effectual steps to render his bold schemes successful this pacha who is as able and fortunate a- he is cruel and rapacious possesses a eountrv well adapted for defence and abounding with strong positions parjra the town lately ce ded by england is a post of great importance and with prevesa protects those points of coast most assailable by the turkish marhe the albanian and independent mountaiu- eerswho compose hi army are fierccou- rju ttifti iiaiiij nut j tiij inniid i main s ted fast in liis cause he may bid defi ance to all the efforts of his enemies tosuhdite him his tyranny and pfrlldy are however so notorius as to expose him io the chance of treachery and disaneetimii and should the least reverie ef fortune overtake him in he deep gome he is vmv plnying hlshesd like those of many of h predecessors may adoru the gate of the seraglio and hia riches go to well the treasures of the j rand seignior some good rrmirfts hm e appeared in a lata montreal ho id on the subject of emigra tion and it is indeed matter of juiit surprise that no measures hve been adopted by ihe tveahhy land jiewh of lower canada to retain within the lnnits of that province a greater number of the entrants from the british isles a rreenr t believe scarcely a man who anives at quebec remains in the proviree all xvh are dcirous of settling cr iandsand o zrc possessed ofthe meins push on either t this province ortullw 1mt- 4edstete liis true the climate of lot rr canada more vere arid the ttpdiie against feudal l- itch siitinje et the c ob jections arocou raavd by u- jruinii- ty of the s tiler u i cncecrt markets tf quebec an j a mviuy ofthe ries contain large nets of lad as fert a 1- roost any in this province or the neijd-ur- ing states mid if the proiietrswer en- terprlriog i the land nolaers in the luud state those lends row lying waste wottld speedily beeoverpdwit n indutrioiis p uiation those ciiletun while thus ai- nently ser-in- their ow interests tvottid athl to tlie wealth and gecitrjiy of canadn fttid save to great britain many valuable suhiecs who now pass over annually to lite tblnu in ignorance of tin superior advantages hefd out in this -country- and become incorporated with the citizens oi a futvgn power the attempts made by several individum- in this town to stop the circulation of ti spurious cnjper cin lately introduced in midi quantiucr nito tic cnilry though iiyl- cu6 and well tti nhd will ivk concede tail wholly fat accmsj the objii ndrrd teopposiiiiiie dj e irniuilni persons whi ip mediate inlere- ptn them to uphold rn hisiifiiids of hall j i proves ihe ioncacy ci e rstusrttj at i nus in saturdays paper irr observe an frttn the kingston chronicle which siq the agricultural sotdetywhich has bun reunl- ly established in this province has had to contend not only against the prejudices ari sing from ignorance and attachniehts to old habits but against the machination of a par ty evidently hostile to the whole of the agri cultural interest of the country of a party who have spared no pains to bring mr young and the excellent institution of which he iia member into disrepute jyotv we hi under take to jaj chat tins is as false and burejin ed a libel as was ever uttered by an editor j u newspaper or reiterated by one residing and fostered in a community thus calumniated and uaduced vteurc accused of hating uttered a false and barefaced libel in saying that th agri cultural society of novascotia fc has had to contend against the prejudices arising feofci ignorance and altacliments to old babit yet ow accuser in the very next sentence admits that ix some few instances perhaps tin force f liuiit and dcp rooted prijndi may have en for a time opposed to modem improve- ttnis is not this virtually granting the truth of that part of our remaps r but he adds rhi the provincia riodhnml riftftia met with every sup jjvri dtui cotdd ppssihty fu re been cmtemjnoletlp and in proof of thishe tells us u whi it ou3 disroot mi tiiol mi young the stcid tm ofthitt society had bun incorrectly informed upon the subject ou whir a he wrote and that he was recommending u de scription of livv static which woidd be mgldy injurious totht province public spirited ana discc rting individuals stepped forward und fearlessly ventured io avert ike j i dot error 11 three good const pitn continues the ed 4tfi resulted fron the discussion rmpbrial n hi vant koiji 01 tt tajitljr 4 tuji tj ill report rj istitiitie tvc i f han cv- to lay on ih ia l e rcci i lie sec i t umiaiitcc ii n mijji i h rape run ntl auhria 5lajtiy meaeuatlu en reuric tid o the same be aon aj n i tie clerk read n- report hsvi in v lie l l- commituc appoihtcl a sccni idi nit feu xainine iie ppeia laid btuw e lie housifo litoun tucd die 6th of jc last in scilrd li- ay ins majemya coiriiiuinl audio rcprtri tlierciipoc a iicj fliallcc tii and to v iium liavc since beoeu iilciicd several ailduio al papers iu two ealetl bgs relative io the subject matter of bis jlajedty s moti grarloua menage of the otli jane last orderetl j re- jjii whilst the principle of intt rnal arrange ments of ollice acting upon an attraciivi focus connected with a corresponding agency in europr will promote the in troduction of ample means in support ol the landed interest of upper canada the most important branch of this in stitution must therefore necessarily arise out of the collection of local reports and tmr operative effect upon foreign cap ital through which the rise and progress of the state of agriculture in this pro vince will hereafter be made known by the public journals as a desideratum for the attainment of so desirable an ob ject it is proposed to receive statistical accounts from resident holders of estate fwith a further viezs to the protection of labor of whatever improvements have been made since original surveys and grautsof land iu each tovvuship wheth er of public roads bridges canals mar kets or improved farms together with the increase of population and of cattle c whereby the relative value of land may be justly computed to form a price current for public use dutas the transmission of such localrc- ports from every township to yorkwhere the scat of government is held will be attended with a certain expense of pos tage to this office and with other contin gent charges necessary to the arrange ment o them for the press no reports will be received unless the conveyance is free from expense and two dollars are remitted with the same for every words contained in the said reports it may therefore be important to point out some prescribed form with the most simple mode of collecting and forward ing such statistical reports from every township this is easily accomplished by local information obtained at any parish or other general meeting held by the in habitants when it can also be ascertain ed what each individuals share of the expeune of subscribing to the report will be according to the length agreed upon to be transmitted which in few instan ces can exceed 13 or 2c currercj reports of large tracts of land from private individuals will be received and faithfully published upon the same terms laiu vroprietors who wish to en- gafte by contract with axemen for the clearing of timber by communicating their proposals for the payment of labor xchcther in land or money and one dol lar rc of postage for the regitry ol the same will be duly recorded in the book of this oritcej for the inspection ot laborers axemen who take land in lieu of mo- ey can register their names and places ol abode at half a dollar those who take half land and half cash onu dollar and others who take only clh one dol lar and a alf iinid circular letter of information for every class will be forwarded to all i gedbie kith postage as occasion may require all original reports will be regularly filed and published yearly in a quarto volume 1 ublic sales of estates will be held at york monthly this ollice will open near the crown othce in york on the 1st day of au gust next e angell director yorkjuiv 12 1820 schola medicinte itor st r licltsiajtire itid rt now so well ifhhm havt resulted j u the canadian brtedof floras hus ltd a knoiphd fed to he of an inj trior qutftittfo ttt south ooton yhcep rtioinmtndid by ihe eretary has yielded lo th and the jfyrshire cores a as u- prevent tnyr introduction from doilg utueh permanent injury thin ve are lo suppose that the kind of w tupporp which tin ocieiy has met uhh frnai the editor and his b discerning friends consist i de- trcting the ignorance of its secretary and in injuring t q avert tjicfedal error into which he was leading r by hteimpmper uarummen- duiiouma certain dvsertfilion vfjt jkf nanetv u canadian breed of m i iht souih down steep and i the j ihin u canadian bn tf lorsu ch was a- last season uxiported im quetee tollattt by liis ivcelleucy ihe kail uf f ulhoute the noble patron and founder 0l lie society iaready condemned witbouta iiial a id denounced by ihe editor as being tftmi nrufufi while it is universal ly maintained flirnughout the miadus and dinitfedbv at who have yisited thec pro vince li vf the canada hoiks inferior i o none ineneral usefalnes aul iiipiee 1 hy nunc in their eiaiuraiceof liaixlhip abd fatigue the south din stucp ncow njedlj the hrnjnry we ate cow h litis yielded io the m6crtthm imtiv nov tnough we w ould n i rsitme b decide v inch beat adapied m i cim awd past pmivu coiia we iuicv tli tiie woo of rmi seuih ijnwu and hiw ui sheep if not so lob is i a liner lein- lhn ihev nol ol t- iieees- i e and mu brew u and thnt i t uton t forrm r fa more deu ie bhre and v i -ft- riij ihau that f lie iitl wi mm theeinea of bit 1 i ihe coin e established in montreal november 1st 1819 by william willcocss slzigh m r c l- fyc sec thauhe committee have examioed with all hphe fecond courfc in the above es- jl tablifhraent will commence the firft monday in september the left urea during the firft month will be free to the public the private courfc will commence the firft of oftober and continue till he month cf may the courle will conftuute lectures on anatomy phyfiology pathology surge- ry and the prafticcof 1 hyfic lcfturcs during tht public courfc on mondays wednefdays and fridays at fix oclock in the evening p s dr s will take a few medical gentlemen to rcfide with himfelf as ev ery arrangement fhall be made to render the courfc of confidcrable advantage thofe gentlemen who purpofe ftudying in the eftablifhmcnt arc requefted to give early in formation anatomical theatre t i il its f l t ij l the atiiaini due to so a imponaut a subject tite documents which lavc- breu laid hfote them ami ihe liaa thai itue ojcumews canain alio aiiiiie upjorted t tin conenrrcftt rcsthwmij of a great auinbcrof perrns in varioussituaitons u bte ul residing in uitrrent parts of europe which deeply antcd tlu honour ofuiqeen ehi- u0w imuis-j- ron willi i ireijfar in lieriemce in a menial capacity ntj attributing u her ma- jsi cwjii jtru of cut unci highly uubc- fomiua hei nijess rank and station and of thei il ivfitti ilu acicr i cirgcs aj- car to the committee so ir tunlivcl uoi only me honuurof the queen tui ain e ditiii of ihe ciown aotl tne mo ral tiij and honooi of the country thai ii iheiroimoo i is fcodispensftbte that they should becoifttf in subject of a utcinn inquirv winch it appeal the liiuuniet mav bebet effected in iic ccoiav tf a ijcgiiiive proceeding the nc- ccbit ofuhldi ihevtirnoi but most deep i do- plore the imrimof saxc voburg has adopted the infant ivichiernf tlie dakc of kent si declin- ej ivy jrai hi liii favjnr troin pailianui vihui nccnunta fwti liverpool biate that lord ltvci uldshitl cuorace a divorce between the ir i tiicm iod other painand penal- tii tei ior majr- ajdret- iv coniiiu to be preseitd to the q c from diflvrein part of the country to wii it her alajeaiy rplie verbally i ind talk in h vi the mslignh ind bitterness of her pcr- secnurs a uieptintr lias to te held in westminster for the purport- it vtitfugan address of conjrratula- tton lie- quveii rpolar meet log a that pkce arc generally f ublesome aud we may cxpeci loinurulmort broken windows and bro ken heads iitqpectus u the york estate directory n lad price cujireht office the otjfr and use of this ofsce will be fc end in aid of lands which have been and bprtsft i ma ho granted by tlie bmkh cinvfin c i tn individuals of ev ery hiv for faiilratjiig both the settle ment utici and a futuie sales i c a gcacril exertion of foeatedhlui ai likrwtati of imp vcd farms to l sold or cxihangedi a tv mation f estate will constitute if luc to llow iu vant ol cnphwrnt j cpifofiste desl- 18 st paul street june 22 t820- 26w0 york land pricecurrent office king stkeet wanted axemen to contraft for clearing lands in the town- fhip of lincoln niagara diftridh and in the townfhips of york chinguacovvcy and simcoe in the home diftrhft land will be given in exchange for la bour at a price to be agreed upon also the use of 35 acres of newly cleared land lituated within one mile and a half from the town of york will be given for a yea 1 to any person who may be defiroua o inclosing and cropping the fame upon e- quitable terms with ihe proprietor capitalills wilhing to purchase impro ved farms or wild lands in upper a- nada may be furnilhed monthly with 0 periodical pricecurrent lift of estates on fale in vatious twwnfhips on payment of four dollars per annum one quar ter in advance commiffioni for buying letting leafing and registering lftates faithfully execu ted terms for the registration of land a d for 100 acres and under from 100 and not exceeding 200 200 to 250 250 to 300 300 to 500 500 and upwards x 2 2 3 4 s 3 o 6 o o o 03 all letters addreffed to mr akgell direor of this ofsce mult be gpflfc on rhe 1 ft day of september next will be pubiifhed a monthly land price- current lift of eftatee on alc in upper canada to be circulated hereafter in en gland ireland and scotland and wales 34 in pound a bay horse with a white scar on his fore head right eye blemish ed white right hind foot the owner is requefted to come and pay all charges and take 1 im away m he will be fold at public auction ar the kingfton market- place on the 2d day of september next henry baker p k kingft n 17th auguft 1820 s5 gpublic notice whereas large quantities of bafe copper coin have been lately introduced into the town of kinglton by feveral individuals who have endea voured to force the fame on the public and till continue fo to do we the under ligncd feeling defirous to put a fto tothisimpofition havecometoa litfohition to receive no other copper coin than the fame already defcribed in hand bills agreeable to a meeting held at robert walkers hotel on the 14th inllant viz thole denominated the old british coppers american cents and halfpenny tokens ac cording 10 the dcicription in faid hand bills and as it appears that fome perfons who may be interefted in having this un- jull traffic continued have agreed to keep all fuch god copper coin out of circulation as may come into their poftcffion with a view to inforcc and continue the circulation ofthe bad u e therefore to defeat fuch an unfair tranfaion have thought proper to petition the prefiden and directors of the bank of uppercanada to iffue bank notes of the following defcriptiou three pence fix pence nine pence and one hilling to the amount of two hundied poundb for the purpofe of fmall chaiige until fuch time as good copper coin can be obtained for that purpd therefore we che underlined think it our duty to give thi- public notice to fanner and all others to be on tueir guard againft impofitiou we are aware that farmers get a very low price for their produce which they bring to market and therefore truft they will not fuffer thcmfelves to be further impofed upon r thofe who have been in the habit of pu rcn as ing bafe copper coin at fix pence per p und weight by the cafe and forcing it on them at feven times its value jerry whitehead john gilttay samuel merrill walter mccuuiffe patick quiu henr casbaday john mair w tackebury michael cole arch mrdjnelf wmb lamb charles avkroyd jacob natlor john johnston john wat kins robert stanton christopher f collins a i ferns thomas turpi o j c morrill robert walker jina fcuef3f0 samuel ykroyd m petrie benjamin oleott roken tolberl abraham truai if l st ciermain samuel san a richmond peter flat robert richardson khwd ufiharr n palmer fair ac kussell henry baker joseph murdock wm b smith nicholas morin siephen wood wm evans robert bod l norton t in mas 5mi th kmsion august 23d 1820 54w6 post office kingston i tth aug 1820 it being in contemplation with the deputy poft mafter geneial to eltabhlha new line of poft offices from bath through the county of prince edward to cramahe i beieby give notice that i will continue to receive propnfala for the conveyance of a mail once a week by that route until the ift october next john macaulay pm extras from the minuses of she montreal emigrant society the secretary then read a letter from mr stanton secretary tt- the kingfton companionate society addreited to mr gilchrift wifhing fome explanation rea- pctfting the charge of is 3d which had been exacted from fuch of the emigrants as applied for information and defiring to know if fuch a charge was authorifed by the society the society inanfwer dated that mr gilchrift is authorifed to exad the faid fee from thofe who apply for information only and who are in abilkica to pay for it and from no others the society have to exprefa their unqualified approbation of mr gilchrilta conduft fincc he bas been their agent and take thi opportunity of recommeding to the writer who pubiifhed fome infinuationa againft them in the kingfton chronicle a few weeks ago to be in future more guarded before he iffuea any illiberal remarks on a public body or an individual and to remember it is neceffary to enquire into and weigh fads before he publilhci falfchoods montreal herald a norwich paper states that on the 17th of may the venerable bishop of that dio- ege coufiracd ioo person

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