Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 8, 1820, p. 3

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t t an n i but he wj r q4tca itiiigttt very pro- nul rficd her luit to ik fni mto iter family h tiic itlc oflady of ho- hi huiivcan excufe unissilr cuulltuttl in cofeqknce of the postponement of th ronauon a bumbo of the workmen cepyci in westminster abbey have bttn difckurtri an iinlifhnin who was taken up at naz during the riots told the jude in his defence that nt understanding french and bing accustomed to fecnes of far more hostile charaer in his own country he remained in rhe crowd not thinking ha a tumult had commenced lady douglas who fomc year ago made a confpicus fure in the m delicate mtrfgatiea of that period now refidcs t edinburgh ic h in contemplation at halifax to er reft a fpfertdid monument to the memory f the late iuc oi kent ccn mirror rtl exreucncy the eatl of dalhoufic jcvernor in v hief arrived here on tues day ia cq his return from the 0towa rcrr vre he had hern examining the aurjt carryfr on in that quarter by the stetary zra ytfedoy morning at eight elocfc bh lonlihip ift thh city under a irachrecf artillery for the ifle aux noix titcbcc it u undjrllood he will descend the riefcelkri to sorrclu where he contemplates diag for a pan of his time duiing the fscnmtc aonths mof herald the rejeted treaty k w had greed co a restricted intercourse with r west india coloninn for he bad no xpectahon that great britain would gvoup her colonial monopoly flow hen it may be asked did he agrfc to a vicri destroys this intercourse jtf rained the federalists by it the islands must starve england fpu re- the ports of her west india is andsmust be opened nud then what a brfb t for the new enjjtanders should we neglect the present opportunity of tfpptjtag the islands we shall lose it perhaps for ever and vet the states will not be benefited provisions will be selt lr he baltic from the levant and pork from irelaud in a shori time the spanish colonies in soulh america will afford abundance of provisions of all kinds uexdes the pjantrs raise more food for their negroes than thev used fo do and require less quantities from for eign countries our neighbours have exerted their right and hae topped all intercourse with the west india islands but neither tiie planters nor the blacks are yet starv ed a double trad- is thrown intn the hands of british ship ovvucrs aud jona than sucks his thumb in anxious expec tation of a free trade which vull never happen crito rerlain exists trom quelle and rvfuireal ontytoafl bat asbttie demand these articles it present abroad fld as tlie ruppjy prod i- d within the country is only jubtbcpnnini mr mfcmtmwawm f ho excellency has been pleafed to raat x to ward the cxpence of erjrcfcnt tie iotestaut epifcopsl church ai- courant kixgts shptiimulh 8 1820 t oa taefdry ii between eleven and twelve oclock the stea nboat lauzon oa her paxie from goudies wharf and acavkct frrry biut belonging to point levi vrilu bad proceeded undt fail fcim the nrkt landing olaee ran f ui 6t eh qur n i f- frmt iic v t ferry boc immedtateiy upft and of ftkgjktecu prcfaiu iu tie b3c eight were rvcird tlu others wre uved by the pcplcrtffhe stcarfi lar and the chcr hasa tatci3 to theft ui7iric colivlcauix f i a 4 i a i r mr exop our nvighbpurs are beginning to feel the wisdom of their nonuerccure laws already and they will feel them more severely in a very short time a respectable gentleman u ho lately passed through this place declared that he could purchase wheat in new vork state at twenty cents per bushel yet mr walh is angry at rhe ear of liverpool frr as- verting ihat the distress which prevails at present in every country in europe is much inferior to tlmt which exists iti the united states of america they are now retrognuungi retracing their im mense strides and will fail hnck to tiieir original situation oi tweruv years ago now sir the distress in all foe seaport towns in the united states has no par- nllel in europe no money no couii- ientv no ctmumeree and the most promiin rents sealed up aperthc missouri question thesoath- cru ptatittn with a view of not appear- ingtoout too mncli in the signal victo- ry which they had obtained andwiiicfa teevms them a majority whenever they fnc m f- iv- nern dlsonyffd to il- jow the larn poojite to feurn irioir lin gers vuh a sort o xijatiou lav- per- hapi they auticipittd the aisefy which it is producing a eousidrtod it equal ly eifeetua in dresittg the new eng land and middle us as the missouri triumph bill h hs been a f ivnrite policy with fits united states to break down our colonial system for i a secret and cotl- dintiil letter to the present president ia isqoy vhetj li and mr pinkuey were nigociatiog the treaty which mr jffor son rejected it is said u relates to the west indies aed north american colonies it must be a permanent object of the unwed stsles to have the inter course with them made as free as that with tue dates from europe tbu week are to the nth july oi the lol of ihi month the r- crtiiil rradlnoitlie lill ot pains and peoaltie- v i 1rj1iuvh raffd fur ihc 1 7th attgust we hail urn ufferauy commeat oa the rint of hi- uuwriou per mrpv accused or on the pro- ccirdings adoiecf aainm her becauw we aie rt ti riiui f fo be arcurati iic mii ven respecting die tw circiimsian- c no before hc pirbie we miali oceamoual- lv give obervattn of tlie english journal- iioi beih sides of the quenon rave it itfoiir really draw their own coutlusiuos- fn rhe iian mir uerrsi asund ttiat if the qnefn be ioaocent and the knur- ronodence abused llie irvii il be made maaifet in due teaion aad s also not to be doubted ttrat hivwevee nui iii- kirtr evidence on which the bill of pains ani piialnes u found d ilie hijri ene or itn- nor hfve of justicr ftil i ic inrjraruaiit l ruirll lliff jlju of lrd is emoieniv dihtin- lilld nsll 0oj ii licr iljwv iiy fair op- eorumirv toxtuie ih- charges brought against iter and lovlodicau h iactpr tue ioii fro r i- of averj inf- rtij deacjiptioo 7ne ini prrvi crhnol the cuilez aso the beiaviourof tht- kinjj plan ihe character of that nation in a very tavom able kkm of view aii are cajci latcd to inspire i easing hopes the revolutiou tthrch lias b on rttvcted iti ho now ruirplte i without par all el in hisiov aud lnokinor liter a tale of ro mance i3n a aignu reality bbottd uie ardour olibim ulnch vow tiros hr bfeatfts of the yauutrds no rfnoiatc inw dmmicrnc hm on mi couirar snbmde into a tempo raie and fixed lov of limned monarch foru uic indeed there rai i eon agreai panialitv spain uill rapid- v rite from a state of lnmgnvficame into a nisi rate poo ers and tu order to prerrif vic equi- poi t ihe diplomat isi of lurope uiil brobjed o cmuilel their poll teal sjitem uud furoi ccn reauebaiid uewailraacef v jarope the rehhive situation ol thv united states and these colonies and particularly tho wants which we can alone supply iust necessarily produce that cifct fit no ver distant period and itbhoud nor be voluntarily rctard- either by abaudnin by treaty the strong hold iii- h our right of stepping the intercourse gives us s or by accept ing any titrflporary y trilling privileges the cxitise of which would diminish the probability of wan obtaining a perfectly iree tradt now mr editor the wants which this passage says the united stales can aloue supply are exactly what these provinces can furnish vi provisions and lumber of the latter article we can already sup ply al that is required if instead of cla mouring about the home market ve turned uur attention entirely to the west indies even hour might 1l had ill suf ficient quantities fof the m nsumption trf our ijiiauds uer- out great capitalists in quebec a jid mihttreal to exert themselves and that our rnouid mm may with gieat confideucft tntploy i befr capita ioj part of then in vciins our inteiourae with our fitter coimiieiti tho west hi- we have seen a circular from a vary nz- l6ciabie mercantie house iu momrea to ttieir frleuds in upper canada giving ex- lfacts mux the law6 oftilfi luwu iroiuce relative 10 ibe mode of packing and inspect ing iorb beef and flour and recomiutna- irig to ail exporters a cuunnnhy to those iaiws we nave bceu induced by a sense of iiiu importance uf the sjubject to look into jur owa laws more niuutely and compare uxsm witii tlie laws of lower canada the act tu regulate the curing packing and lospeclioo of beci ttud pork u n exported iioui lower tauda was p isediii mtry ihoj aii act for a similar purpose was pasaed by uu legislature in march isojitnamdeqiience ofaclavuti iu the lower canada law ex- enpting from rciaspecdoa all upper canada bewf irl ioik viiich should be branded aud puckvd agreeably to oar own laws and sent celow for saie there or tor ex- urttfuotitoforpiga markets our act fra med apparently on tue model of tbe lower canada act yei dillers froui it in many par- ticulars aioi c w iss important of which we give the following instances the act of the lower froriuce requires each barrel of beef u be sailed with 75 pounds uf salt aiid four ounces o saltpetre whereas ourlaw wijitirea only io pounds of salt and two oilc oj aii petre 1 he lower uanadii law particular ly specifics that each band shall measure 1gj iuelies between the chimbs aud he g inches long while our law conleots jlseji with re- quiring that the csk shall m he of a larger guage than thirty irhou thus leaving the iorm of the cask w hull vat tue discreiiun ad fancy of the cooper te lower canada law admits of thre distinct qualities ol jorlc viz mess prime aud caro while ours recogilizes otily mess and prim- the former requires tiial each barrel of prime pork shall contain not more than three shoul ders nor uiore than twenty pounds of head liiat shall have the earcui oil aud t e snouts hove tije tusk and the brain and bloody izzle taken out the latter allows six shoul ders or les with the shanfcs cut oil but no heads iueuch barrel tia former requires iless por to b cut as nearly a pes ible into pieces of fuur pound weiguttndpflbaeand uargo not to exceed twele nor l under four pounds weighty the latter provides that boi mess and prime shutl be cut us ncarlj aa possible into four pound pieces the for mer regulates the iking of hah barrels ol pork aud reelin the same way as barrel but the latter makes nu provision vuatever respecting them such as for as we observe are the principal dllereiuvs btween the two acts hut whether the alterations made by uiir legislature in framing our act he pru- dtt reasonable and an improvement on the model we do not possess information oryx- perience sufficient to determine there is a curious mistake in the third section of run act as it appears in the hte edition of the statutes which provides that every barrel of prime beef consisting of eltoice purees oj oxen steers cows and h tiers shall b branded by the inspector with the vtcr- primk pork as however our pork and beef are tot sb- ieet to reinspection in lower canada the tmcpnveuience of a diflvrent rale of inspectiorj is jot 50 much fidt and 3 feras reiarnv tin- cihjiparative excellence of these different rules obsorvvdin the two provinces it caioily be to excesd tlif i cousiimpiion this fact will not perl iap a ry soon disterivtfned what is of paramount iniportanee tt ibis mo ment is the quality at id character oi the great staple of thecountrvi viz flour the circu lar to which ve havfl already alluded justly directs the iloiir maiiwfecturers atteniionuo lie cfeauing nf the whea the manufacture and packing of the fbr aud a careful adhe rence to the description of the barrels as abnulutely nee3sur i rtrieve tbe reputa tion of the article d it further remarks unit the inspectors tlow are resolved next yeir not to pass a single barrel unless it be in every rt peel eonforiebie to the letter of the law notwithstanding all the care of our inanufacturersthissrwson it appears that the hour of upper canada is stil far inferior in quality to the ilour from tlie genessee conn- try on referring tu the statute book thin that the fir t art regulating the packing and inspection of flour iu lower canada was passed in iwtf and that this act was amend ed in the year 181 our first act on the ubject viiich went merely to appoint in spectors waspassed iu 1801- anotiier regu- ialingthe packing a well as the inspection and branding and nfescribmg the various pe nalties was passed in march last but they both are very defective in their provisions particularly as there appears to be no clause in the lower canail act exempting our flour from re inspect ion i vlienlt is cimlhd to have passed inspection hrre the lower canada law of lictij third provid- that all flour to he packed after that period or ex portation shall be honestly aud carefully packed in new oak beach or ash barrels with headd of tnc sme well seasoned and bound with at least 50 wooden hoops three whereof at each end frith a lining hoop with in the chimbs the whole well secured by nails kc tlie fctfrth section regulates the packing of fiour in cash- which may either contain 1wj or 2313 the fifth designates their diivennt juaiises of superiine tine mid dlings and farmc itiere and requires not only the initials oftiese different qualities to i be branded on the msk but also the letters kiln i when the wheat has been previ ously kiln dried tlethird section of the actcf i jl 8 directs that all casks containing flour or mr brought to the cities of quebec or montreal ice for sale or exportation shall be of the following dinensiwns tout is to say the staves of all barrels to be of the length of twenty seven inches and the diameter at the head to he seventeen inches u the sixth describes the size of the inspecting instru ment and prohibits itsexceeding five eighths of an inch in diamcrer within the cuage or bore if after reading these paijculars our own jaws be ecionifd their defectiveness will be maniiest and u aw- understand it our lour though inspect d bere be not ex empted from inspection beicnv it must be li able to be rejected when not packed agreea bly to the laws of the lou province a conformity to thai laws therefore appears necessary fur as wc re4d our net no prson exporting flour is cornpciled to have it in spected here and in such a case every manu facturer will naturally look to his own inter est and regulate the dimensions of hisbar- reis andthenualitynfhis dour by the inspec tion law of the lower province when lie i tends shipping to a foreign market if on the other hand ouriloui mut be packed whether for exportation or not according to ourown laws and if the inspectors beow ad here to tli letter of tiieir law tlie manufac turers and dealers ii flour ate placed in an unpleasant and rather perplexing situation to obviate all inconveniences an amendment of our laws so as to render their provisions similar to those below h hinhly desirable utr the diameter of our flour is confessedly so unfavourable the eoinpetrjon of our neigh bours i the lower canada market so peat aud the foreign demand so dull that no means oiimproveineat in this important article of trade should be neglected conflicting laws on commercial matters are productivw of se rious injury io both provinces and sirre what aiiectsihe trade ofone has a direct influence the king vs cfaarlrs taylor is peter smart thfkmg vs owen deloury am- early the king converted of keeping a dis orderly house scutcnccd to paj aiineof 10 convicicil of keeping a dii- irderly housc seaituced to laaltueuf xo convicted of a riot the for mer sentenced to jiy a liue of lioiiie latter of g convicted of grand larceny sentenced to be imprisoned in j haii smifli the eonimon jaol 1 muniu tu be once privately whipped tbe king convicted of petit larceny vj enienced to be imprioned in ym nobinconj the common jaol 1 moulli and to ijc once imbliclv whipped tdekintc convicted of hore stealing science ueatl t av michel cone- the king vs thttn ilearns 1lie king vs robt mclntyre convicted of horse stealing sentence death convicted ff a rape sen tence dka1il quebec mercury sep 1st 1820 total ships arrived this ieafort 487 tettlcrs ai rived 10501 we have this mo ment received new- york papers to the 1st september which contain liverpool dates to the 89th july it id stated that u the house oflordg adjourned on the 26th july to the 15th august and the house of commons to the 51st august a revolution has taken place in naples ferdinand the king of the t o sicilies has been compelled urraut 10 his people a con-ii- tution mimlar to that adopted by tlie spanish ones in 1612 and acknowledged by the king of spain in 182ft died at niagara on monday the 21ft ult after a few days illnefs john syraming- on efqagcd 58 years lately in suffolk in the 89th year of his age the rev- robert aialyn who was chaplain on board the prioce fredetick man of war at the taking of louifbuigh and was picfent at the death of general wolfe and the taking of quebec in 1759 for the lali fiftynine years this venerable clergyman had been redorof kirkton in thebavecouny on friday laft after nine weeks fevere cckncsa chriilian ann cldeft daughter of mr marshall surgeon notice t for the lor th e on tbeprosprityof the otbr weconceirp that on point embracing however slightly any commercial interests proper cprrtssjjono- eace shotild exist between the ljljttures ijojer unison be observed in their enact- meulri 0 sisr province in truth is more directly benefited by our increasing com- trirce and pro revive improvement than we are by hers and as she besides possesses the seaports we are iu some measure controled bv her regulations our act of the iast session directs that all ilour shall be nnde marchatitahlc and of dueibiene nod aftajj be honestly and well packed 111 good and 5ulficiut cu tteoi tavtjt well seasotii 1 ind bound vlth ten hoopsc earh esl tocoutuiu lm poiuitts- tlte fixing of the pr- je dunnions 01 tue staves and hwifirng of ilour bnrnd 1 w consul- er an cxci lleut poviiu in iln i aw oftbe lower province well deservin w adop tiuu for it prevents thai eudle- variety 01 shapes and 9ies which at prust nt coine un der daily ubsentatjon ltm frc queutlybcbcen shorter than others kytwo inches and proportionally larger in circuni- terenceandas some also are made both loug aud broad the hour must be pacld more or less loose according to circtunstauces ano5 cannot couseipreiill beall keptweetfer an eual space of time no altcrnliou in oyr law respecting die seasoning of laves would probably correct the inattention to this mal- ter so remarkable at least iu iisu disuitt jr if interest will have no eilcct the law will be uf little ise the act of 1301 appoints inspectors of pot and pearl ashes but it is very agne and ge neral in its provisions there i iiotliing said oftheweignt form or size of the barrels and it does indeed seem desirable that something should be done on the subject by both legis latures it is stated iu the canadian cou- raut that at several sei port towns in england fourteen per cent is deducted for tare were all barrels made according tu fwteiri preseri- bed rules perhaps much of the loss said to be sustained by the shipper would be aiuidsti ro far as regards the ashes manufactured in these provinces u it is probable that 1 be de-i- kfs ii ashes on the other side of the lines would be induced 10 conform to the same standard we bave rather transgressed our limits on clua topic but such is its hvportanee that ve iiid it duiicultu be conse ite land board midland district enfuing fix months will meet on wednes day in each week at the court houfe in the town of kinjwror at the hour of 12 oclock at noon for the purpofe of receiv ing applications for lands ftom the under mentioned defcriptiou of perfons viz fmigranta aud others coming to the province and bringing due certificates of being erilifh bom fubjeas all able fcttltrs that have rcflded in the diftrid previous to the late war and pro dace certificates of having donr their duty ir its defence the terms ox the grants ate the perform ance of tbe fettling duties within eighteen months from the date of the location aud the payment of the following fees eftablifhed by an order ia council of 14th december 1819 on grartsof 5oacc3to indigent emi grants no fees on grants of too acres iiz sterling on grants of 200 do 30 payable in three equal tnftalnuntss vi the firft on the receipt of the location ticket the fecond on certificate filled of fettlemcnt the third on the receipt of the r iac or zw pucenc no petition can be entertained unlcfs accompanied by a written character or a fatisfaftory rcafon fhtvvn for fuch not being produced by order of the board m nick4lls jvnr clerk kjogfton feb 14th 1820 8 n b to prevent difappointnerts to perfons applying for lands it is neceffary to late that the board has no power to rrrant lauds to the lhiidtcn of u i lyalistfl militia men who ferved in the flank companies during the war naval or military claimants all fuch mull make application to york whereas john mcbeao ha sworn that he is the owner of the whole r lot no 19 east of the rock in ma- rysbursh i hereby k notice that th aid oath is false and that persons who wish to be better informed of the partic ulars of the same may be satisfied bv ap plying to archibald mcdonald k o daniel wright est who both live in the sam township and are perfectly ac quainted with the circumstances aaron connor kingston 1 qfh july 1 820 29m w a superior and general collection of dry goods is now offered to the public and inhabi tants of kingfton imported by the sub- fcriber this fpnng purpofely for this mar- ket and are particularly well adapted for the ufe of private families his fancy good being of the richeft and moft fashionable and plain goods all of very fuperfine texture the subscriber has taken the lower rooms of a new houfe in the marketplace on she right hand side near the main guard house fot the diipolal of bis goods and as his lay mil be only for a few days he moft earncftly foliate the favor of an ear ly vifit in his affortment are a few extra fine raw bonnets very fafhionable and rich full trimmed dreffes made in londcn as patterns a good affortment of the bed made millinery flounces infants dreftes c c thread laces and edgings french cam brics artificial wreaths flowers and coronets thread lace drefa caps veils and shawls c a few new patterns of full chintz furniture prints and rich lillc fringes to match marseilles quilts and counterpanes sheetings haberdashery and ladies bcots and shoes very fuperior also gentlemena drefs coats and pantaloons surtouts boots and drefs shoe- of the best london make with many other articles at one regular and low price henry atrindert kingston juiy 20th id 2ytt st mar if foundry the subscribers proprit ir of the saint mary foundry foot of the quebec suburbs have to announce that they have lately made a confiderable reduction in the prices of their -ast- ings and having now a cupola in operation at their works they are enabled to execute the orders of country corres pondents on the ihortcst notice from the general improvement made at their works they are confident that the different goods of their manufacture will be found equal in quality and appearame to fimilar arti cles from tbe mother countty castings in brass boring and turning patent screws of a- ny size tit for clothiers or to bacco presses steamengine machinery all kinds ot mill work and blacksmiths work generally will be executed with difpatch and finifhed in the beft ftyle they have conftantly on hand a com plete affortment of stoves single and double dutch ovens dog irons carl and wagon boxes pipes for spouts and sets of weights on an im- ijioveil cuicsu ucuou jik lcc orders left at the works or at their office in st paul street will meet with prompt attention a ll1son turner co a a dijfirenzt tfzt is af m rtuy nil w vdwttdlttr the barrel lciruuld to tvutuin 196 0is4 pounds fr hit oak is considered the htst timber tbe conrtrf oyeraod terminc and getie- r saul tleliornaft ad i hrbi wlnrii 4iw opeoetllcrihu t i the at ultimo closel w- prtaccinig s da the kriboner in tin tfouowiug cats vree moibt ire u hud lrkf justice 3oy rlard rvcd watches and clocks repaired in the best 7ianner by s o tazewell side of the markk place kinjrstnn who moft refpedfuliy informs the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he has commenced the above bufincfa and hopes by paying ftris at tention to bufmefs to give the utmolv fat- isfaion to ail thofc who may plcafe to favour him with their employ having had many years experience in london i perfectly acquainted with the patent lever horizontal and duplex scapements repeaters c c kingkton may 13th 1820 c3 a few bark mills for ale or an improved plan montreal 29th j 182c 32 v6 notice ta meeting held pursuant to public j notice at moores coffee house oa satuiday the 2d of september lost it was unauimously resolved tliat no cop pers shall be hereafter received or paid out hy the subscribers ex ept which by statute are the only legal tender name ly the old british coppers and also that the same be published in tbe new papers of this town 20tf notice bd lumiicici f lie co tbe kr tm jtsirt aiiu 1 aiding uno a nr w 1 1 i ii urovwvft by thepricv vvmuitnel ork aria it j the atumuo 1aml- r mm ttprs iu it huhf of upper d lwt- c ja bnar r f t0 2 1 j great iu uhl ud u ihav i ivi is u fonn narketsa tac c ae r veajcuha u riuid fe ttts tf va alucaitisuiiathe fraf -hsdipimi- 1 jjatb 28h june 1820- letters of adminiftration having been granted to me on the eflate of the late roderick mackay efquire it is rtqucllcd that all who have claims agaioft that ellate will prcfent the fame 10 me and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due with ab little delay as noflible 1 james ranken idminulrator 6tf p wctsel john straiige johnmowat alex mclcud james young john moore win donaldson it tolhert h mcdonell s o tnzewcl jfames hair john wilson thomas smith f le fehvrc wm willi mis david morrison john darley david smith william carred j davtdson john coy john w jpergusnn h g nerthron- wm chesnut j b babineau john jenkins thomas jenkins alexander asher john harkcs james atkinson william atkinson robert scllars james nickalls william powed enos relaw john blake kamucl boydcn james delay john l young hm gough peter nowlan jolm scantlehury william rennic william hves orange hayea henry cassndy sylvester holden samuel ftjeofrs james c bud wi white kingston september 2d 1810 so a defence of the q een has bn pub lished under the lirle of fc4 mrwiir of the queen with anecdotes of barlob mo p rumi her majestys late cbabc- laiu

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