for pale or to let on ion credit that elegant two story stone house delightfully situated on the main street in brickville the lower part of which is tvell adapted for a grocery store or bar room and the upper part well finished and adapted for a publichouse ap pertaining to it h a yard shed stabling with out houses and in the rear a very ex tensive garden in a high itate of cultiva tion with a ellof pure water for par- ticuljr6 apply to the subscriber james haxl erockvuk 2qth 1820 2 7 1 bhick for sale the subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of july any quantity of brick of a very pood quality s itu bartlet jsrj ton juney 6 1820 2j 1 1 land agency ihe fulcribtr for many years the junior clerk in the office of the honourable executive council of this province nd who has for fome time paft occasionally afted as a land agent hav- ing reiigne j the fstnation he held in the above mentioned office and not being en gaged in any other employment will now transact land bnfinefs generally andrew mercer to itb may 1820 20 for sale at a very low price for cash the south or front hall of lot no j 2 in the first conces sion of loughborough for par ticulars op ply at this office asfec f my so t contract will be given for fl ploughing fifty acres of ground and also for cutting bushes and clearing a quantity of laud b whitney kingston aliff 9th 1820 32tf public entertainment the fubfenber refpefully informs his friends and the public that he has rented the houfe lately occupied by mr- frederick bufh where he now keeps a house of public entertainment sign xf the travellers rest and hopes by drift attention to the comforu and convenience of his cuftoftiers to met it a hare of public patronage edward dunn good yard and stabling kingfton aug- 17th 1820 33tf notice all perfons indebted to the late co- partrerfhip of richard r obi son ana david sccord are requeued to uiake im mediate payment to the furviviug partner david stcrrd and thofe to whom the faid cppartnerfkip may be indebted arc t- qoefted to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment kjngfton 27th may 1819 2tf nefv goods the ubfcriber refpcafully inform thcir frie- dand the public that thej hive received of the laft importations a weli feleed aftortment of jdmy goods adapted to the fcafon likewife a quantity of strang jamaica spiiit6 cogniac brandy hollands gin vioes teas sugars molaffes c and a number of other articles tedious to men tion in an advmifement which they will fell cheap for cah walter mccuniffe co kingfton auguft 2l 1820 31 if notice notarial business at tended to with punctuality and dispatch by the subscriber p f hall nary public kingfton 1 at auguft 1820 3 1 tf the subfcribers have received a confignment of american cotton f17ie subfcnber bega leave to remind thofe who are in his debt that the liar- veft ifl approaching and that confequcntly it is an objeft of peculiar intereft with him to collett his outstanding monies if they will give the mattera little confider- ation they will findiheiriuterefts are identi fied with hisforreafonwill point out to them that the quicker they liquidate his demands the quicker the money will return into their own pockets with additional profit money hoarded in a chest is of no benefit to the world it con fers no good upon any one not even on its proprietor whereas if itbequicklycirculateditinfpires life and vigor in its continued round and increafea the property cf all who are lucky enough to hfmger if as it files i the subscriber trufta that he need fay no more to induce his cuftorners to flock in with their money and fhouid there be any among them who are through unavoidable misfor tunes unable to pay they have only to ftep forward and convince him of itand he will frtely give them a full di charge from his claims and more beer to help them on a- gain in the world trultirg they will be morf fortunate in future with every kind wifh to his customers and the ftrongeft defire to promote by his humble endeavours their profpomty and happiness which he can only do by get ting pundlually paid he has the honour fo remain their grateful and obedient servant thomas dalton kingftdn brewery aug 3d- 1820 3110 notice the khfcriher begs leave to infurm bis ft lends and the public that he has received a very extcnllvc and well fclectcd affoitrnent of hardware cutlery c c all of which he has imported direct from birmingham sheffield and other manufac turing towni in england which he offers for fale at much reduced prices for cafh or fhort credit amengft which are english and swedes iron hoop and rod iron assd nails steel tin plate window glass spikes sheet iron double and single putty paint linseed oil ploughshare moulds anvils vices trace and log- chains wagon and cart boxes grindstones fry ing- pans spades and shovels hollow- ware of all descriptions 3 good aftortment of fnclf goods in the ii at d ware line alone john wat kins govern ment contract notice its hereby given that ten ders will bc received at this office untill the 15th of september next at noon for the iupply of tlte undermentioned quantities of forage at this pod viz 1500 iushrotot 50 tons oii lay 15000 pounds of straw in bundles of twelve pounds each no tender will be noticed utllefs made in the ptefcribed form which together with the conditions of the contrail and other particulars may be fectl on applica tion the parties making propofals or others j duly authorized on their behalf muit attend at the time of opening the tenders and fufficient lecurity will be required for the due fulfilment of the agreement to be entered into comraiftauat office kingflon ijth auguft 1 820 ed fine coffin dept com general 33w5 st andrews church to with y flour and salt for sale kingfton july 17th 1820 3 xtf confiding of bleach m and unbleachd shirtings and sheeting bed ticking and stripes which will be fold at very low prices thos s whitaker co kingfton aug 4th 1820 3 1 tf one hundred dollars reward stolen about four weeks ago from a room in mr wordena inn a trunk three feet long and two fact wide covered with a fawn flin whoev er will deliver the faid trunk a the chro- nicie office or give information to the ivitor fufficient to difcover and convict the thief fball receive the above reward gabriel rollette kingfton 7ih june 1820 ajtf blanks for the courts of request and various other kinds jlr sale at this oiics v notice all perfons are hereby cautioned a- gamft purchafing certain notes of hand given by the fuhfeviber to james he ne fy bearing date the 29th january 1820 one for twenty live pound payable the iftjannary 1s2 i one for z 10 pay able lit january 1822 one for jji 2 10 payable ift january 1823 one for 2 paraie ill january 1824 aftd on for 512 10 payable ift january j 825 the four laft bearing intereft as the find notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faid jamea ilenefy to tlie fubfenber and for which he can give no legal title joslpk shearman bclkille 26th maj 1820 22- valuablc lands for sale in the township of hamilton if ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- la a ceition- containing 400 acres ditto ditto 1 1 and 15 in the 4th con- ccflion containing 450 acres ditco ditto 10 in the 6th conceffion containing 200 acres the above lauda are all lying in the townfhip of hamilton ncwcaflle diftvia and will be fold on the mod liberal terms for further information enquire of elias jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingfton thomas s whitaker kingfton may 28 1819 22tf on salk it and ed from the alexander from 1 a london 20 pipes of fuperior spanifli red port wine of the very firft quality 100 calks of day and martins real japan blacking i oo caflcs of nails 6d to 2sd fry pans sad irons patent scyths carpeting bot tled port wine eaft india suga and feveval other articles all of which will be benjnhart montreal 21ft june 1820 new store rccollet street near near the recollet church 26013 toilet a commodious house near j-m- doftor keatings two stories high with seven rooms a kitchen and a cellar uiiocr the whole a good yard and stable also a very good spring near the house for further particulars anply to james robins kir s ion 4 j june 1819 23 blank deeds and memorials for sate at this oieee doctor morton from dutin informs the inhabitant of kingftor and its vicinity that he intends to corrnce the pactice of physic surgery and midwifery vi this part of tltf country h8 rtcoai- mendnlory cerscates from eminent praiiicners in publin and edinburgh as well as fmm hs of the colleges in thofe cities will be hewn on application to him a his apartments in the houfe of mrs thibodo kingfton 8th aug x2c gjtf for sak g lit rfl two llory framed houfe and a 2j- large and commodious ftone store fitu2te on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purclafcr or lessee enquiip at the office of chr a hagerman kingfton 26th february 18194 9 john martin bcgs leave to inform his friends and the public geuerally that he has opened a house of public enh r- lainmciit near fort hecrv under the sign of the richmond hotel where he hope by a strict attention to those w ho may favour him n ith a call to rnetft a share of public patronage he will always have on hand ai kinds of liquor of the best quality kingston 14fi junuury 1s20 n b- good stabhnsfar horses 2h for sale a farm in the iront concession of the township of augusta three and a half miles below bu kville con- eailtldg 10 ates about 75 of which is under improvement there is a large two story hoc on the premises built of square timber aud boarded outide a frame barn o this farm is well wor thy the attention of any person desirous of a plsant country residence and will be sold liberal terms and possesion given immediately for 1urtnei particu lars apply to a w morris u co brchdle wlh may ifiiio ltf rtik commifoe respecffotly request 1 it the subscribers will pay into the turnd of the treasurer mr alexr pringlj their respective subscriptions the committee would likewise call upon those individuals who have not vet seb- senbod to give their support fo the tin- dorraxing they deem it supcriluoos to enlarge on the advantages which are likely to arise from an establishment each as f he one contemplated because they must be evident to every one to those however who are presbyterians and particularly to those educated in the forma and doctrines of the church of scotland the committee be respect fully to addrtrfs themfelves and to solicit their support not only by subscribing wiu they can themselves afford but by tlh influence which they mny possess wiih their friends of ether persuasions subscription papers are leit w ifh the treasurer mr pringfe and wiih the secretary dr marshall also at point frederick with mr ltcbert graham haai merchant a marshall secretary 27th july 1820 30 a reward of to let oltbc iotvttfiup of comden on th- napancc hvr for further particulars apply to john gward on the are mitjcsi kingffon september ift j 2 3- public notice jtf whereas v t bafe codoe large quant it tea of pper ccfn have been lately introduced into the town of kitgfton by fcveral individuals who have endea voured to force the f3tre on the public and ftill continue fo to do we the undcrhgned feeling defirous to put a fop tothisinpofiiion havecometoa liefolutioa to receive no ether copper coin than the fame tready defcribed in hand bills agreeable to a meeting held at robcrc walkers llmel on he j4tl1 mftant viz thofe denominated tht old lirhish citr american cents ard halfpenny tokens ac cording to the description in faid hand biiis and as it appears that forne ptrfong who may be intercfted i having this un- juft tratiic continued have agreed to keep all fuch good copper coin ot of circulation as may come into their pofleffin with a view to infurce an j continue the circulation ge kidout esq a parcel containing montreal bnk bills of five dollars each to the amount of two thoufand pounds by direilion of the direflors of the montreal banfc thomas markland agent kingston igth nov 1819 47 notice ancmvt qiitus the subscribers having eiitered into copartnership under the firm of fair and rumskll propose on tuesday iext to open that shop now oc cupied by mr thinner opposite the marfcetrpluce here they will keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of spirits wiiies groceries of the best quality which they intend to seil on the most reasonable terms to those who may be disposed to favour them wth their custom john fair wm russell kingston ima august 1820 c2ic6 pounds for the purpofe of fmall change until fuch time as good copper coin can be obtained for that purpofe therefore we the underlined thnk it our duty to give this public notice to tanner airci au olliero 10 be 01 tneir guard againtl impofuion we are aware that farmers get a very lew price for their produce which thev bring to market and therefore trut they will not fuffcr themfelves to be further impofed upon by thofe who have been m the habit of purchasing bafe copper coip at fix pence per pound weight by the caflc and forcir it on them at leven times its value william budden will recede by the earliefl fpring veitels a keep conflautly on hand at quebec an affortment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors 4b well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ift april i8iq itf notice t tie real and perfonal eftate of the late john mclntofh of thurlow having been legally afligned over to me by the parties mtereftcd i do hereby requeil that all thofe indebted to the faid eftate either by bond v of hand or book accounts will make pay ments on or before the ift odobcr next cattle or produce will be taken in pay ment peter grant bellviue july 19th 1820 3 government contract for fir e wo ob tvtoticeis hereby given that ten- jjv ders will be received at this office i until the 9th october next at noon trom such persons- as may be desirous of contracting for the supply of the under mentioned quantities of firewood for the u e of the troops in garrison at kingston and tu dependencies viz 350 cords at kingston 400 do at point hcnrv 6ju1ta at oint frederick the deliveries to commence as soon as the ground admits of sleighing and to be finally completed by the 20th march 1s21 the wood to be of sound and merchantable quality consisting of black or yellow birch maple or white beech and to be of the following dimensions viz he stick to be cut full four feet long and the cord to be eiiiht feet long by four feet four inches in height no tender will be received for a less quantity than one hundred cords nor unless made in the prescribed form which together with the further condi tions and particulars may be known ou application at this office sufficient security will also be requi red for the due fulfilment of the contracts entered into and the parties making proposals as well as those offering to be come security for them or agents on their behalf duly authorised will be re quired to attend at the time of opening the tenders which must be sealed and endorsed fc tender fcr firczvood edwdwnk coffin depy com gen commissariat ojjicc kingston 30th august 1820 35 samnei avkrovd m petri benjamin picon robert t rt abraham t ai ii l s uenuain sanvie sra a rich nj peter fin robert richardroo kdwrf urquiiart n palnvr fair ri- heory baker joseph murdock wm h smith nicholas morrn stephen wood wm kvans robert boyd l nnrn thomas smxtb jerry whitehead jofen gilnav samnej merrily walter mcciuiite patrick quin henry cassaday john mair w tackebury michael cjpyle arch fcduilctt w rn b lauil chark5 avkroyd jacob nailor jofrn johnstod john wat kins robert stanton christopher f collin a 1 ferns thomas turpio j c morrill rolierl walker joiiti butterwonb kingsloii august 23d jgtio 316 p est ofi singstqit zt6 aug 1820 it being hi contemplation with the depury pofi mailer general to eftabliaa new line of tot cfiiccs from bath through the county of prince edward to cramahr i hcteby t notice tlpt iwil continue to receive jropofals tor the conveyance of a mail oner week by thai route until the 1 it 0ftber next john macaulay pm notice all perfons indebted to the e late of jrsltlw late oliver ihidodo de- ceafed are requeued to pay the time with out delay and thofe to whom tb eitate 13 indebted will piefent their accounts duly authenticated for adjuftment to henry w wilkinfon one of the executors to faid eftate kingfton auguft 30th 1820 35tf i valuable lands fortsale n the midland district county of prince edward townfhip of arteliafburgh jiot 23 in the front conceffion on lake ontario lying to the eaft ward of nicholfons ifland lots 22 and 24 in the fecond con ceffion of faid townfhip the whole con taining fix hundred acres for particular inquire at the office of the kingfton chronicle or of the hon- james uabv york n b all perfons a 3 cautioned a gainft cutting or deftroying the timber on the above landx as tliey will certainly fubjeft themfclvo to a legal profecution if detected kingfton macb 7 1820 lotf for sale a small colledion of books jufl received from new- york amongft which are peters letters to his kinsfolk omearas memoirs of napoleon the spedator alfo greek lexicons and grammars lemprieres claffical diaion- ary and a variety of other school books alio an excellent surveyors compafs of the moft approved kind john macaulay kingfton may 12th 2820 19 notice rphe beard for militia pen- sions will meet on the lajl monday in february and continue fo to jo the fame day in each month until the buftnefs of this djjiria as regards the fame is hnifked v a r ftr kingfton feb ift 18 19 5 tl h ms rv tue kingston chronicle twenty sbilhngs per annum if sent hj mail tweoy four shilling subscriptions to be paid in advance iu the isi or july or the 1st of janu- price of advertisements cft lines und under 2s 6d first in- a3 seriiun and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and unccr 3s 4d first insertion and0d each subsequent insertion above ten lines ad per line for the first insertion and id pur line for eve rji subsequent insertion advcrtisctunts without written dircc- uonsurc inserted till forbicl and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered faf wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten cciccc en the day of publication agents honrv cowan esq quebec edward siludsq thrc rivers james william esq mjntretl messrs j j dunljp lancasitt paul qfecsford eq matilda aliheu jones esq- prescott hcnrv jones kq brockvuh n b torairj- esq ptrth h whiimarafti fq richmond j k hartwell esq bastard e wrbstpr lq gananoque j rjrkrn ewj- bath allaii mcpl crown twj napcnet tfcoma parker lq ftdottlc joscji a kc hq grarftahe jamea ci bvihure lq hamilton jon 0 smhh frq fort hope vviliiarn allan eq york panir il fq vittvria loiin crook lq siagara t mccormic- fsq quecnxfon john wilson es amherstbucgh kingston u c frin3xd ton rau