kingston rpvn t m im miiiimbiiiimi chronicle vol i friday jfterkmp september 21 i8g0 ggvimvmrxt onct for firewood ttotlceis hereby givrm that ten- x ders will be received at this oilice until the 9th october next at noon from such persons as may be desirous ol con rafting tor the supply of the under mentioned quantities of firewood for flic use ot the troops in garrison at kingston and it dependencies viz 350 cords at kingston 400 do at point henry 20 do at point frederick the deliveries to commence as soon as the ground admits of sleighing and to be finally completed by the 20lh march 1821 the wood to be of sound and merchantable quality consisting of black or yellow birch maple or white beech and to be of the following dimensions u the stick to be cut full four feet long and the cord to be eight feet long by four feet four inches in height no tender will be received for a less quantity than one hundred cords nor unless made in the prescribed form which together with the further condi- lions and particulars tnay be known on application at this office sulhcient security will also be requi red for the due fulfilment of the contracts entered into and the parties making proposals as well as those offering to be come security lor them or agents on their behalf dul authorised will be re quired to attend at the time of opening the teidvrs which muvt he sealed and endorsed u tender fur frenud edwd hnkcofkin depy com gen commissariat office kington sort jttgitstt 1820 35 i no 34- r to let 0public notice whereas large quantities of bafe copper o have been lately introduced into the town of kingfton by feveral individua s who have endea voured to force the on the public and ftill continue so to do we the underlined feeling lefirous to put a lop tothisimpofitionhavecometoa uefolution to receive no other copper coin than the fame already defcrihed in hand bills agreeable to a meeting held at robert walkers hotel on the 14th inflant viz thofe denominated the old british coppers amman cents and halfpenny tohens ac cording to the dtfeription in faid hand bills and as it appears that fome perfons who may be interefted in having this un- jufl traffic continued have agreed to keep all fuch good copper coin out of circulation as may come into their pofleffion with a view to inforce and continue the circulation of the bad w therefore to defeat fuch an unfair tranfaltiou have thought propei to petition the prelideni and biredors of the bank of uppercanada to iflue bank notes of the following defcription three pence fix pence nine oenceand one hilling to the amount of two hundred pounds for the purpofe of fmall change until fuch time as good copper coin can be obtained for that purpofe therefore we the undcrlijned think it our duty to give this public noiice to farmer and all others to be on ueir gisrd agaiull impofhton we are nwaie that farmers get a very low price for thefr produce which they brtig to maket and therefore trull they will not luffer thtmfelves to be furthei impofed upon hy thofe who have been in the habit of purchasing bafe copper coin at fix pence per p mnd weight by the caflc and forcing it on them at leven times its value t 8 a grist and sxwmill in jl the vownfliip of camden on the npanee kiver for further particulars apply to john gibbard on the pre- dttatfs kin september 1 ft 1820 jtf nimte a charity sermon will be preach ed in st geokges chvrch on sudiy the 2 ith inft in aid of the funds of the kingfton compaffionate society for the relief of dirtreffed and fick emi grant- kingston 15a sept 1820 372 pest ojjiit kingston 2th aug 1820 it being in contemplation with the depuy poft mailer genet al to eftablilha new lint of foil offices fiom bath through the county of prince edward to craaiahe 1 hereby give notice that i will continue to receive propofals for the conveyance of a mail once a week by that route until the 1 ft oober west john macaulay pm m ivoie benjamin 01 rot t roirr ttflbert abrujircm tma it l s germaiu sainni swan kufimnnd peter flat robert rj hardiq ltlwd urtprliari v pujmit fair itinoell henry hakm joseph m unlock vn is smith nicholas morin sit hen wouj wm rvatrs robert iod norton thomas smith kingston august 23d 1820 ti-rr- wliifhiitnrl john iiln u samnp merrill walter wccuniffe patrick quiu ilii cassaday j oh u mair v tackebury michael cojle arrlt mcdtmell win h lamb cliarli avkroyd jacob nalor john johnton john wailiin robcrl siatuou chrmnjhcr i collin a i i cins tlnina- turjin j morrill robert walker jom butterivortb siwfi f b splsbury j sunnron r n i latc surgeon of ii- mh prince r2i gew on rtffas ontario y intends pnuiis ui i5 vitrfonsg branches of his jrofesmou at his res- cidenci next dop to john jlcieani ksq sheriff kingston fht 6a 1819 41 the fubferibe hegs leave rcfpeftful ly to inform his friends and the pub- j in general tlm he has eltabliflicd a paint shop a few rods fouth ti mrs patricks tav ern where will be l conftantly all kinds of paints prepared ready for the brufii j-ikewif- a kinds of house sign mow sleigh and ornamttol painting done at the fhortell notice together with raw and bnihd 09j which will be rlispo- fed of as cheap as n be procured in this town for cafh only- theodoe brockett kmgflon 6th aprd 1820 i4tf fbi he fubfcribc3 being duly nomina- i- ted execute to the lall will and tetament of the irte lawrence herchmcr efquire merchant requeft all perfons in- debted to his tu to make immediate payment and thof- having demands againfl the faid eltatj to bg them forward with out delay joii kirby geo h markland kingfton 9th nov 1819 46 kingston branch of the mon treal bank notice a ll perfons indebted to the eflateof jslthel oliver ihidodo de- ceafed are rcqueiled to pay the fame with- ou delay and thele to whom the eltate i indebted will pcfuu their accounts duly aiiihenticated for adjulnent to henry vv wilkinion one ol cue lxcluiuis to faid eilatc- public notice tp1e subfcriber in the ycai 1812 re ceived from george rvfe of the townfhp of encft fuvvn a note pay able with inter eft for jj2zi 19s 5d halifax currency which note having been placed in the hands of daniel wafhburn efuire cannot now be recovered notice is lucreiiv lieivby nivcn that the faid note has been fully paid and fcliat he faid rowfe holds my acquittance for the fame aind whereas on various occafi- ons the subfcriber h8 authorifed perfons within tht province to tranfact his affairs rj to fell and to difpofe of his lands further notice is hereby given that all jtueh powers are 1 evoked and that hence forth no act will be acknowledged no deed ratified by the subfcriber but fuch aj aie executed by or under the direction of allen mlean efquire smith bartlett and daniel jones junior efquircs to any of whom thofe who are ftill indebted to me will confer a particular favor by pay ing their accounts charles smyth kington 31h auguft 1s20 jfwb york land pricecurrent office king street wanted axemen to contract for clearing lands in the town- fhip of lincoln niagara diftricts and in te town hips of york chinguacowey and simcoe in the home dillrift land will be given in exchange for la bour at a price to be agreed upon also the use of j acres of newly cleared land fnuated witiiin one mile ad a half from the town of york will be given for a yeai to amy perfon who may be delimus r tnchshz snd eropphg the fame upon c- juitable terms with the proprietor capitaluls wifliing to purchase impro ved larrns or wid lands in uppr a- ntda may be furnilhed monthly with periodica priejcuneni lilt of estates on fale in vauou townflups n payment f four dollars per annum one quar ter in advance cornmffinifor buying letting leafing and regilienng eilates iaithfully execu ted terms far the registration of land s d 3 any fum required mybe obtained at the office far good bills on mon waaqjcbcc ekcjiitngebn lcn don 01 for specie notes alio will be discounted nt thirci ixtv and ninety days thomas makkland agent- kingfton 3d nvv 1818 23 sviile books of stdsenption for the io will be opened at he dielors ilocm in the br k of upfr canada on the 24th au gull uex ud wpt ootn each d3y fiom the hour of tea uil three oclock until further notice ktngltun 27th july tsip 3 york land pricecurrent office o 6 o o o r riie filontjsnac for 100 acres and under i from ico 2nd not exceeding 200 2 2co to 250 2 250 to 300 3 300 to 500 4 500 and upwards 5 je3 all letter addrefttd to mr angell diieftor of this office muft be poft paid on the ifl day of september next will be publifhed a monthly land price- current lill of eftates on ale in upper anada to be circulated hereafter in en- land ireland and scotland and wales mr angell refpeetfolly informs the public e id emigrants who may be deftrous of forcing a fettlement in this province and to parehafc improved farms th t he has en lu keiller fur fale or exchange an excenove variety together with many thoufand acres of uncleared land producing the valuable timber peculi ar to the moft fertile foil which he is di rected to difpofe of in quantities at from half a dollar to ico dollars per acre the e hates are advantageously situ ated in the defir2we part of well select ed town oops within the province or upper canad and watered by navigable rivers creeks ad moft brilliant fpvings the caitaift may at all time find an opportunity ofinveiling money at this of fice fecured upon fee simple estate which wil affnd to him an ample inte- eft nonreiident landholders may de pend upon the moft faithful and aive at tention being paid to any agency entitl ed to the cart of the director terms of rendering lands either to be fold leafed exchanged or for the per formance of fettling duties s d too acres and under 0 i 3 100 to 200 0 2 0 200 to 250 0 2 6 250 to 300 0 3 0 300 to 500 0 4 0 500 and upwards 0 5 0 window glass the fubscriber8 have on hand a con signnent of window glass- of 7 12 by 8 12 9 by 9 8 by 10 10 by 12 of excellent quality and warranted to open in good order for fale at very low prices for cafh or fhort approved credit thos- s wh1taker co may 7 20 to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers f ho s whiiaker co august 19 1819 34 for sale 4 quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to 8 feet in length apply to mr john dawson tailor william yerex kingston july 17 1819 30 si- eel 11 of j os el il mark at esq in the ho use o t tumai offis i steam vcffcl will hart from kingfton for york and niagara on the ift nth and 2 ift days of each month and from ni agara for kingfton on the 51b 15th and 2cth day of each month with as much punctuality as the nature of the lake na vigation will admit of kingfton may 13th 1820 19 the fubferiber having rented that commodious stone houfe the pro perty of peter grant efq and lately occupied by mr danitl brown piopofes keeping a houfe of public entertainment sign q the black horse for the accommodation of strangers and others who may have the goooncls to fa- n b these rates include the charge for infertion in the general land price current which will be revifed and pub- lifhed monthly and hereafter circulated throughout great britain ireland and the weft india iflands all letters addressed to mr angell dhector of this office mud be poft paid york near the crown office 1 22d auguft 1s20 j 35tf vour him with a call every attention will be paid to the comfoit and conveni ence of euftomers and the fmalleft favour publics ant s muel mekiiiil kingfton 5th may i 19 gratefully acknowledged by the humble serv alexander as11er merchant taj lor mas received from montreal a moft choice and excellent affortment o the belt well of england uperfine loth i and cassitneres with trimmings and every thing com plete a as her informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefc loths c nt his old ftand where ordera will be thank ally received and executed on the fhortch notice and on the lowell terms foi caflt or ihort appioved credit kingfton sept io 1819 jjtf pf0 iesuld and immediate pofi- jl seffion given the following lots of land in the 6ih conceflion of the town- fliipof mcy viz 19 20 22 24 29 30 moft eligibly situated on the north side of the rideau lake which forms their southern boundary the great road to the perth settlement leading through one of the lots they abound in excellent timber which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to montreal at a trifling expence the qua lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to farmers or perfons engaged in the lum ber trade for terms of payment and other particulars apply to william mar shall eq perth settlement john kirby efq kingston or the fubferiber in wood- houfe london diftritt robert nichol november is 119 47 tf notice the land board for thi midland district tor tlu enfuing fix months will meet on wednes day in each tetk at the court hoofc in the town of kingfton at the hour of 12 oclock at noon foi the purpofe of recttv nig applications tor lauds ltom the under mentioned dcicripiiou of penons viz emigrants and others coming to the province and bringing due certificate ol being brinlh born iubjas all able fcttler tliac have refided in the dillrict pievious to the iate war and pro duce certificates of having done their duly in itrf defence the tems of the grants are tlie perform ance of tbc icttling duties within eighteen months from the dale of the location and the payment of the following fees eflabiilhed by an order in council of 14th december ih ig on grants of 50 acres to indigent emi- grat no fees on grants of loo acres 12 sterling on grants of 200 do 30 payable in three equal inftalmtntss viz the fit ft on the receipt of the location ticket the fecond on certificate filled of fettlement the third on the receipt of the fiat for the pitent no peti ion can be entertained unlcfs accompanied by a written charafter or a fatifactry reafon fhewn for fuch not being produced by order of the board james nickills junr clerl kingfton feb 14th 1820 8 n b- to prevent disappointments to perfons applying for lands it isneceffary to ttate 1 hat the board has no power to errant lands to the llnldien of u l loyalists militia men who fcrved in the flank companies during the war naval or military claimants all fuch mult make application to yk h al jliis and clocks repaired in the best manner bv s o tazewell north side ofthe market place kingston who moll refpeftfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he has commenced the above bufinefs and hopes by paying itricl at tention to bufinefs to give the utmoft fat- ifaftion to all thofe who may plcafe to favour him with their employ having h3d many years experience in london is perfectly acquainted with the patent lever horizontal and duplex scapements repeaters c c kingston may 13th 1820 zot persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requeft ed to fend them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as poflible john ferguson 2th april 1819 24 notice vllperfons indebted either by note or book account to the eftatc of the late ilichard robifon efq deceafed are requefted to pay the fame without delay and thofe to whom the eftate is indebted will prefent their accounts duly authenti cated for adjullment to allan mac lean efquire one of the executots to faid es tate king june y 182 juit published ana iui oav a lhs oilice s barrows of questions on uic new tes tament ccttumttrc an evil nf great magnitude that would arise from the loss of the trade with the british colonies la the diecouraetnent of emigration nothing can be ot wore importance to a couutry having a re dundant populition without adequate means of employment at home than te send ber surplus numbers abroad to vit iations where their labours will still con tribute to her advantage with this view we voted last session of parlia ment 50000 to assist individuals em igrating to the cape of good hope- and this sum 1 understand has not only been expended but exceeded without plod ding means ol couveyaue for more than a small proportion of those who wished toeiubaik tor that destination within tnese few years not lcs than fifty 1 u and individuals are said to have emigrated te auada at tluir own expense and more art coiimantl embark ng on ihis point i pi akiioui actual kuowicdg- several families having gone some unit ago from the place which 1 havethe honor to rep- lescnt and fromm having been tniploy- i within ihcst- lew wreks to engage a asae lor oiheis who have been udu- eed lj their iepreseitaitui to hhow neii xaniple 1 unuersiaud too lirat mir tide il population vyjuch ever lollops k neouiatement has set in v ry struly o our colonies fivm the ironti is if the his timber trd and 1 tirmlj btiieve hot hethei we shall establish in laua- ji a numerous flourishing and weu-af- i- ted papulation able and wiiliug to rve as an effectual barrier against the futu e ambition oi the government ol thd united stales or whether wi shall have a thin distressed and disaffected popu- latioo ready 10 submit to the first inva der depends upon the decision we shall eome to on the present subject the house ought to know that the existing da ties on timber so far from de priving the northern powers of europe of a fair participation in this trade and operating as prohibitory duties actually give them a greater share of it than is enjoyed by our own colonies i have moved for papers which will give full in- formation on this head but iu the mean time i am enabled to state the compara tive imports into the port of london for the last year which were as follows pieces of timherfrom our american colo nies 523 1 uitto from the baltic and norway 28094 deals fiom the former 812699 d tio from the latter l6s44u staves from our am colonies l236tf5 ditto from foreign powers iuu790s from this comparison the house may judge of the probable import into the other ports of the united kingdom and the conclusion to which it leads w that nothing ran be more unreasonable tlnn he complaints of foreign powers of those xiiiii dolus which place tin in al least on an equal footing with our colonies the complaint would come witn more justice from the other parties that u do not give them that full protection in ur n liai kri which according to our colonial system is the return to which they are entitled for that double monop oly we impose upon them of taking eve ry thing from and sending every thing to the mother couutry in british ships thus making then marts for the consump tion of her manufactures and the foun dation of her naval power even the most strenuous advocates for free trada have applauded this system dr adam smith speaking of our navigation law avs it is not impossible that some of tf regulations ol this tumous act may have proceeded from national animosity they are as wie however as if they had all been dictated by the moit deliberate wisdom in a subsequent passage hd oberves the act of navigation is not favourable to foreign commerce or to the growth of that opuleuee that can arise from it and after explaining this point he concludes thus as defence how- ver is of much more importance than opulence the act of navigation is per haps the wisest of all the commercial regulations of england this testimo ny is the more valuable as coming from the mouth of an unwilling witness one of the greatest opposers of all commer cial restriction who however ac knowledges that every other cousid-ra- tion ought to give way to the paramount object of maituaiuiug our naval suprnwi- cy some foreign writers of considerable eminence have urged the same system that is now contended for by many of our own couutrymeu the taking iff all commercial restrictions and tin ow ing trade entirely open one ofrhem a man whose views ot commercial md colonial policy are equally acute 4d profound 1 mean the abbe jc jpradt