x i n vol 11 ton f v friday afternoon october 13 iwhx lands for sale belong img to the eltateof the late charles stuart efquire lot no 20 in tiie 5th conceflion of vittsbnrvb containing 200 acres lots nos 20 nd eail half of 19 in 8th conceflion of do 300 acres lot no 19 in the 12 conceflion of do con 200 acres lot no 1 1 in the 3d conceflion of kitley con 200 acre lot no 16 south half in 8th conceflion of auvusta con oo acres lot no i in the 4 h conceflion of escot now torije con 200 acres lot 1 5 do do con aco acres lot no 1 2 in the 6th conceflion of ivcl- fonly con 200 acres lot no 8 u the 4th conceflion of nepcan con 2co acres lot no 37 in the 7 conceflion oi camden con 200 acres lots nos 6 and vvcchjfof 14 in the 2d conceflion of richmond con 300 acres lot no 25 in the 6th conceflion of do con 200 acres k lot no 14 fn the 5th concefli n of port- k land cod 200 cres lot no 38 i 1 the nt conceflion of hun- gcrfordy co 2 go acres lot o 24 in 2d conceflion of do con j 00 acres lot being letter g and of ff prince imwards cliff buth fide of great welt bay marjsbugh con 300 acre lot no 26 i ft conceflion in weft bay fo ith f black river do containing 200 acres lot no 1 fc out conceflion eafl of van alumes lake d con 200 acres lot n c in lit coicefli m well or no 1 weir of the rock do con 150 cre ot no 8 in the 2d coceffion lomh fide rf tt-o- fke in hallniucll contain ing 200 acres lot no 10 hi the 13tl1 conceflion of rawdcn con 200 acres loto no 10 in 9th coiciilion and no 1 1 u loth couceflioii of cramahe con 350 acres lot no 24 in the 7th conceflion of alur ray con 2 00 acres lot n 5 in the 7th conceflion do con 200 acres lots nos 22 and 23 in 9th conceflion do con 400 acres lot no 23 id the 4th conceflion of do con 200 acres lot no 19 in the 6th conceflion of do con 200 acres lots nos 28 and eafl half 29 in the 4th conceflion of do con 300 acres lot no 29 in the 4th conceflion of hatdi- mand con 200 acrcsl lots nos 9 and 10 in the 5th conceflion of do con 400 acres lot no 12 in the 5th conceflion of do con 200 acre lot no 10 in the 5th conceflion of percy con 200 acres lots nos i 7 a nfl weft half of no 1 8 w the 9th conceflion of do containing 300 acres lot no 59 j ft 2d ftaiige from the bay or no 41 notice letters of adminflration having been granted to me on the eftate of the late roderick mackay efquire it is rcquelled that all who have claims againft that eilate will prefer t the fame to me and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due with a little delay as poflible james ranken ad mint rat or bath 28th june 1820 26tf for sale 4 quantity of red cedar rx pickets from 7 to 8 feet in length apply to mr john dawson tailor william yerex kingston julu 17 1819 30 to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers ti10 s whitakcr co august 19 18 191 34 york land priceunent office king street wanted axemen to contract for clearing lands in the town ship of lincoln niagara diftris and in the town hi ps of york chinguacowey and simcoe in the i ionic dill rid land will be give w exchange for la bour at a price to be agreed upon also the ue of 39 acres of newly cleared land fituated within one rnile and a half from the town of york will be given for a year to any pet fori who may be defirous of enclosing and cropfiig the fame upon e- quitablc terms with the proprietor capitalills wifhing to purchase impro ved farms or wild lands in upperca nada may be furnifte d onth1y with v periodical pncecuuent lift of estates on fale in varfou3 twnfhips on payment of four dollars per annum one quar ter in advance commiffionsfor buying letting leafing and regiftering eftates faithfully execu ted to let t conceflion other- v i e sophiaaburgh con ico qmnte acres lot n 29 in the ph concflion of dar- linrtxtt con 200 aero lot no 18 in the 8th conceflion of ivhitby con 200 acres lot no 7 m the flu cunceifion of kin co 200 acres a grist and s vw mill in the townfhip of camden on the npanee river for further particulars apply to john gibbard on the pre mises iiielln september 1 ft 1r20 3 5- tf notice a ll perfon indebted to the eftate of xslthe late oliver 1 hibodo d- ceafed are requeued to pay the fame with out delay and thofe to whom the eilate is indebted will picfent their accounts duly authenticated for adjuflrrent to henry vv wilkjnfon one of the executors t faid eftate kingfton urruft 30th 1r20 qctf public notice vw ixl e subfcriber in the yea 18- re- l ceived from george r wfe of the townfhip of ernell town a note pay able with inurelt for j22l 19s fd halifax currercy which note having been placed in the hands of daniel wa gib urn efuire cannot now be recovered police is therefore herebv iven that the faid note ha been fully paid and lhat the faid rowfe holds my acquittance for the fame amd whereas on various occafl- ons the subfcriber has authorifed perfun within this province to tranfact his affairs rod to fell and to difpofe of his lands further notice is hereby given that all fuch powers are revoked and that hence forth no act will be acknowledged no deed ratified by the subfcriber but fuch as aie executed by or under the direction of allen mlean efquire smith bartlett nd daniel jones junior efquires to any of whom thufe who are lill indebted to me will confer a particular favor by pay ing their accounts charles smyth kmglton 31ft auguft 1820 35w8 tjrms for the registration of for ico acres and under from ioo and not exceeding 200 250 300 500 land 9 d 2co iso to to 300 to 500 and upwards 2 2 3 4 5 3 o 6 o o o all letters audi eflcd to mr angell director tf this ofhee muil be poll paid on the id day of september next will be publifhid a monthly land price- current lilt of ellates on alc in upper anada to be circulated hereafter in en- jiwd ireland and scotland and iv ales 34- s r building an if on a 1 jilujirvni everal lo- for ment contilliii nvc i ft sovo eallernextrrmity of the town of king flcn application for the ymrchale of the above land and lots to be made allen mclean esu geo ok ill stuart feting executes to the estate of c stuart esq kivfton october 6th 1823 the fkontenac ling and improve e tvo the four ti tjjiiuic a blitf s- i ria the fubferiber haviog rented that com m odious stone houfe the pro perty of peter f jrant elq and lately occupied by mr daniel brown propufes keeping a houfe of public ilyiltrtidnmcnt shu ot the black horse for the accommodation of strangers and others who may have the gnocnefs to fa- vur him with a call every attention will be paid to tr comfoit and conveni ence of culumers and the fnailcil favur gratefully acknowledged by the publics humble servant samuel merrill kingfton 5th lay 1820 19 the fubferiber begs leave refpeciful- ly to inform his mends and th pub ic in general that he has eltublihcd a pa 1st bilo a few rods fouth of mrs patricks tav ern where will be kept ronftantly all kind- of paints prepared ready for the brulh likewife all kinds of i louse sign waggon sleigh and qmanimlal paw ting done at the ihoitell notice togethef witli raw and boil 1 01 which will be disco- led of as cheap aa can be procured ti this town for cafli only theodose brocket l king ion uih april 1820 lati he fubferibers beino amy t gov erniiieut suie n moncby the lei novem ber next will be sold bv fjtotie mctithi in his jlijerty naval yard abut five hundred of knitted worsted pain sdieto coamimtce at n radlgeli k loociock tvm whij bss mt from kiagou f yo k and niagara on the ift nth and 2 ift days of each month and from ni agara for kinlton on the 5th 15th and 25th days of each rumth with as much punctuality as the nature of the lake na vigation will admit of kinflon may 12th 1820 19 notice a llpei for indebted either bynrte or xjl bok account to the eliate of the late richard rbifon efq deceaid aie requefted to pay the fame without delay and thofe to whom the eilate is indebted wih prefect their accounts duly authenti cated foradjuttment to allan maclean efquire one 01 the executors to laid es- duly nomina- td executors to the lafi will and 7v5ajselui nfths m lazurcncp herhmr efquire merchant rcquell all pcrfons in debted to his eilate to make im mediate payment and thofe having demands againft the faid eftate to bring them forward with out delay john kir by geo h markland kingston 9th nov 1s19 46 york land pricecurrent office mr angell refpectfully informs the public and emigrants who may be defirous of forming a fettlement in this province and to purchafe improved farms that he has on the rtegiller for fale or exchange an extenfive variety together with many thoufand acres of uncleared land producing the valuable timber peculi ar to the molt fertile foils which he is di rected to difpofe of in quantities at from half a dollar to 100 dollars per acre these eflates are advantageously situ ated in the deferable parts of well select ed townfhips within the province of upper canada and watered by navigable rivers creeks and rooft brilliant fpriogs the capiralirt may at all time find an opportunity of inverting money at this of fice fecured upon fee simple estate which will afford to him an ample inte- reil nonrcfident landholders may de pend upon the mod faithful and active at tention being paid to any agency ent rutt ed to the care of the director terms of regiilering lands either to be old leafed exchanged or for the per formance of fettling duties 100 acres and under 100 to 200 200 to 250 250 to 30 300 to 500 500 and upwards n 13 these rates include the charge tor infertion in the general land price current which will be revifed and pub lished monthly and hereafter circulated throughout great britain ireland and the weft india iflnds all letters addressed to mr angell director of this office muil be pod paid york near the crown office 1 ii ah4tml t- 8 3l notice 3 d 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 2 6 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 books of subscription for the will be opened at the diredora room in the bank of upper canada on the 24th auguft next and kept open each day from the hour often till three oclock until further notice kingfton 27th july 1819 31 tt alexander ashelt merchant tatlor ftfys received from montreal a moft 1lj choice and excellent affotment o the bell well of england fuperfine lot lis and gassimrres with trimmings and every thing com plete a as her informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe loth c al his old land where orders will be thankfully received and executed on the fhorteft notice and on the lowell terms foi cafh or fhort approved credit kingilon sept 10 1819 37 tv at cues and clol ks repaired in lit besl manner by s o tazewell nftrth sld ofthfi a place kingston who moll refpetfuly informs the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he has commenced the above bufmefs and hopes by paying llrict at tention to bufmefs to give the utmoft fat- isfactinn to all thofe who may plcafe to favour him with their employ having had many years experience in london i perfccvy acquainted with the patent lever horizontal and duplex scapements repeaters sec sec kingston ay 13th 1820 20t tare kingfion june 5 1820 i6tf window ola qq kingston branch ot the mon treal bank any fum required maybe obtained at the office for good bills on mon treal o ebec bills of exchange on lon don or for specie notes alfo will be discounted at v irry fixty and ninety days thomaij maitkland affient 23 kingfton 3d nov isrs cliief ork naval store- keepers 4 ortice 5th oct 1820 on sale the fubscribos have on hand a con signment of window glass- o 7 12 by 3 1 2 9 by 9 8 by 1 c 10 by 12 of excellent quality and warranted to it a anded from the ship alexander from london 20 pipes of fupeiior spanifh red port wine of the very xw qrlity roo eai cf day inl martins real japan blacking 00 cails of nails 6 to 28d iry pans sad irons parent scythes carpetitrg bot tled port wine eaft india sugar and fevrral other articles all of which will be fold at reduced rates benjaiiallt montreal2lft june i8o licet near the at very- open in good order for fale prices for cafh or fhort approved credit th03 s whitaker co to low tho may 17 20 persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requelt ed to fend them to the fubfenber at his houfe adjoining the town of kiigtlon and with as little delay as prffible- john ferguson i2th april 1819 24 to 1b sold d immediate pos- seffi n given the following lots of land in the 6th couccition of the town fhip of elmley vi 192022 24 29 30 moll eligibly equated on the north bide of the rideau la which forms their southern boundary j th- great road to the perth settlement leading through one of the lots they abound in excellent timber which from h 3 being contiguous to water coiraunicatio may be rafted to montreal at a tiifling expence the qua- irt v of the foil and thet advantages are 1 7 store rccolkt recolkt church kew 2 ri pl i k deeds ixn memorials tor sale at this offi fuch as ti lender ch a desirable purchafe tofarmcrd or perl in cnaco fn the lum- ber trade ror lerf u payment and other particular aply to william mar shall esq perth sem john kiiby efq kingston o- ib fubferiber in wood houfe londci ditm jertnickol november t 4ttc auiicr is land board for he midland district for the eutumg 6ss months will meet on wednes day in each week at the court houfe in the pon of kiuguon at the hour of 12 oclock at noon for the purpofe of receiv ing applications for lands from the under mentioned defcription of perlons viz emigrants and others coming to the province and bringing due certificates of being bririfh born fubjes all able fettlers that have rcfided in the district previous to the late war and pro i duce certificates of having done their duty ir its defence the terms of the grants are the perform ance of the fettling duties within eighteen months from the date of the location and the payment of the following fees eftablifhed by an order in council of 14th december 18 19 on grants of 50 acres to indigent emi grants no fees on grants of 100 acres ii2 sterling on grants of 200 do 30 payable in three equal inftalmtuts viz the fuft on the receipt nf the location ticket the fecond on certificate filled of fettlement the third on the receipt of the fiat for the patent no petition can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a written character or a fatisfadory reafon hewn for fuch not being produced by order of the board james nick alls jmr clerk kingfton feb 14th 1820 8 n b to prevent dilappointments to perfons applying for lands it is neceltary to late that the board has no power to errant lands to the children of u e loyalists militia men who ferved in the flank companies during the war naval or military claimants m fuch muft make application to york the queers lett eli to tiu luvg london ug the london papers of monday contain the queens letter to the king ii i a very long document far too long foi our limited fpace it is a retrod eft of her majeftyslife fince her marriage to the prefent period it concludes thus on thefe grounds i proteft againd this fpecies of trial i demand a trial a court where the jurors are taken impartially from amongd the people and where the proceedings are open and fair such a trial 1 court and to no other will i willingly fubmit if your majeily perfevere in the prefent proceeding ifhall even in the houfe of parliament face my accufers but i hall regard any decifioni they may make ngainft me as not in the fmiieft degree n fleeting on my honour j and i will not except compelled oy aftuaf force fubmit to any fentence which hall not be pronounced by a court or juftice w i have now frankly laid before your majefty a llatement of my wrongs and a declaration of my views and intentions you have call upon me every flur to which the female character is liable inftead of loving honouring and cherifhing me agreeably to your folemn vow yon have purfued me with hatred and fcorn and with all the means of deftruion you wrelled from me my child and with her my nly corrfort and confolation y011 lent me torrowing through the world and even in my forrow purfued me with unrelenting perfecution having lefr me nothing but my innocence you would noflpj by a mockery ofjuihce deprive me even of the reputation f poffefling that the poifoned bowl and the poniard are means more manly than perjured witnefle- nd partial tribunals and they are leu cruel inafmuch as life is ief6 valuable thai honour if my life would have fatisfied your i ijet ty you fhouid have had it on the fole condition of giving me a place in the iatie tomb with my child but fmce you would fend me dishonoured to the grave i will refill the attempt with all the means that it fhal pleafe god to give me signed caroline r brandenhurgh houfe aug 7 1820 on tuefday her m jelly under the recommendation of her advifers wrote the above letter with her own hand to the king it was defpatched by one of her majeftys meffengeistohis majelly8cottage in wind- forpark where his majelly has been refiding fince the late reviews thearrival of fuch a letter having been communicated to the king he did not helitate to decline re ceiving it through any other fource rhan that by which communications are ufnally made to him namely through lord liver pool as his prime m miller with this anfwer the meffenger returned to branden- burgh houule the fame night the en filing morning the letter was forwarded to the earl of liverpool with a command from the queen that he hould lay it before his majelty at his eanieft convenience the earl of liverpool acknowledged th receipt of the letter and intimated hi in- rentioni tvitttoat1fcf9of jlg to with her majelty s direction i has matters remained till friday when no anfwer having been received another letter was fent from her maj fty to lord liver pool referring to that which fhe had directed to the king and expreffin fur- prife that fhe had received no official acknowledgement of its having been con veyed to the quarter for which it was intended this letter was forwarded to lord liverpool who wrote the fame day from coombe wood that he had not received the kings commands to make any communication to her majelly ia confequence of her letter from the neio 1 orlc evening post of september 30 after our form was made up we re ceived by the hip magnet in 34 days from liverpool london papers lo he 22d and liverpool to the 24th of au gust inclusive the trial of the queen proceeded with out any extraordinary occurrence until monday the lt when alter finishing bis ooeuing5peech th attorney g ne- rai introduced his fir t witness oy the name ot theodore mujtcti on hear- ius his name called says the courier she turned round and screamed aloud what i theodore and ha ly darted from her seat through the door of her apartment followed alter a shrt interval by laity ann hamilton this was about hali past twelve oclock her m m of the queen operated upon the feelings of the house with electric effect along pause ensued peers counsel and strangers looked as if they doubted the evidence of their eyes and ears cot a as auoui mm pa sc va lajesty had not been seatedabove three mutes the scream and exclamation