Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 13, 1820, p. 4

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from blackteootts edinburgh magazine the vegro8 lambnt for munco park 1 tvbcre the wild joliba rolis his deep waters saie ai lh ir evening oil afrits dark daughters where tbe thick mangrove broad shadows were flinging each oer her lone loom ben mournfully wuging 44 alan for the hultc manl oer desertsa ran ger i vo rore vhall we welcome the white bosomd btaugcr 1 n timsogli the deep forest fierce lion- are prowling mid utvkt emailing ilycui are howling there sboatd lie vcatsder u her- danger lurks ever to h vtne u here ih sun sets retflm shall he never ala- far lb niiftc nan oer ilescru a ran- l mure shell we welcome fll ffhittf bosoniri strang r 3 11 the hallds tff the moor in his wrath do ibe uind him oh ad a his doom if lue ravage moor find liiia more oercc ifiaii hvenas through darkness adtaociug is the cursor ihe moor and his eye bcrj glacing ala lor the widie man oer deserts a ran ger io more jam we welcome the white bosomd bor on wednesday and thursday the remaining five transports may be expect ed here in 8 or 10 days the 1st bat of the 2d reg c remain for the present to garrison has ul khyma sirwgkeir has proceeded to bushire in the liver pool for the purpose of making some ar rangement with the persian government respecting our occupying some station on the persian side of the gulph to keep in check the piratical spirit of the inhab itant- of the shores of arabia sir w g keir is expected to return to bombay in about six weeks brick for sale the subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of july any quantity of brick of a very good quality smith bartlet kingston june 1 6 1820 2j land agency- stranger 4 u a voice from the desart my wilds do not hold iiin pale thirst doth not rack nor ihe andstorm infold him tluj deathgale pasd by and his breath faild to smother yei neer shall he wake to the voice of hie mother alas for the white man oer deserts a ran ge r no more hall we welcome ihe white bosomd stranger 5 o loved of the lotus thy waters adorning pour joiiba pour thy full streams to the morning the halcyon may fly to thy wave as her pillow t but wo to the white mac who trusts in thy billotv i alas for the white man oer deserts a ran- g no more shall we welcome the white bosomd stranger 6 he launchm his light bark our fond warnings despising and naild to the land where he daybeams are rising his wife f om her bower may look foi ih in ber sorrow bui he bhall neer come to her hope of tomorrow alas for the white man oer deserts a ran- no more shall we welcome the white bosomd sranger the fublcriber for many years the junior i lerk in the office of the honourable executive council of this province and who has for fome time paft occasionally afted as a land agent hav ing refigned thr fit nation he held in the abovt mentioned office and not being en gaged in any other employment will now trarieaft land bufinefs generally andrew mercer tori th may 1820 30 for sale at a very low price for cash the south or front half of lot no 12 in the first conces sion of loughborough for par ticulars apply at this office dec 1 1819 50 a contract will be given for ploughing fifty acres of ground and also for cutting- bushes and clearing a quantity of land b whitney kingston am 9th 1s20 32lf public entertainment font the huston liailj advertiser of september 20 war in the persian gulf from variou- accounts which we find under different dates in calcutta papers we harp made the following narrative of the brim h expedition against the arabi an pirates in the 1ersiau jutf a brit ish and kal india companys squadron sailed fjom uomhay under command of m jr general sir william ci rant keir lifiviug on board two regiments of fot one native regiment and small detach- ffltik fir otiw r76ops bey arrived ffif kuhrna their place of rendezvous in the persian gulf about the middle of no vember lat on the 2d of december the expedition proceeded against itas ul khymab where about2000of the pirates were assembled they carried on an ac tive siege against this place for six days the arab princes made a stout resist ance but finding themselves hard press ed thy on the night of the 9th evacuated the place and retired to the interior ha ving lost during the siege 150 killed and 200 wounded eighteen or 20 nun were taken by the british and 15 large dows and 100 smaller vessels were found in this harbour on the 11th one of the mosl powerful of the arab chiefs came in mid sunendered himself on the i8ih a detachment proceeded against the town of rumps and the fort of zyah about 12 miles n e from lias ul khymah after a siege of three or tour days in which the arabs suffered great loss the town surrendered 398 men vith hossriu bin ally at their head jnarcfied out without their arms and 400 uomen and children were found in the town we find no further accounts of milifa- ry operations but the following pnrn- graph bhow that the war was brought to a close bombay feb 26 1s20 the tautilus has arrived from the teriian gulph with despatches and a copy of a treaty with the pirate chiefs who it is said have agreed to the terms dictated to them it is expected that the troops wfth the exception of the ne cessary garrison for the station to be re tained in the gulph will return to this port in the course of the next month or in april at the latest bombay feb 24 the whole of the arab pirate chiefs we art informed have come toour terms grat commercial advantages and pro tection from other tribes are expected from this alliance bombay march 11 the first division of the transports from the gulpb with detach cuts of the 4 th tud65li kegioients returned tothbhor- tiie fubferiber refpeftfully informs his friends and the public that he has rented the houfe lately occupied by mr- frederick bufli where he now keeps a llou6e of public entertainment sign of the travellers rest and hopes by drift attention to the comforts and convenience of his cuftomers to merit a hare of public patronage edward dunn b- good yard and stabling kingfton aug 17th 1820 3jtf notice vll perfoni indebted to the late co- part nerihfp of richard rooison ana david seeord are requefted to make im mediate payment to tc fnrvivtng partner david sccord and ihofc to whom thefaid copartnerfhip may be indebted aie ie quelled to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment kingfton 27th may 1819 2 6tf stolen or strayed i mom kingston about live days ajro a blac k house with a white streak down his face small lump on hi left eye both hind feet white with one of the hoofs split from the hair down and had when missing four good shoes whoever uill gitc iufornration where the said horse may be found shall be hand somely rewarded j by the subscriber john nadeacj kingston sept 30tk 1s20 403 s7stureas thomas llairis now of t the townfnip of frederickfburgh has been guilty of a breach of a prorniie ol marriage to me the subfcriber and has by his falfe tnfinoations- caufed me to go allray from the path of my duty to myfcifandmy god and by that means has involved me in trouble and fliame and caufed te difpleafure of my parents and my g d to fall on me by depriving me of my home and the fwcet communion which 1 formerly held with my brethren and my god and whereas the faid harris has now forfaken me andis about being mar ried to another woman i think it my duty to forbid the marriage of the faid thomas harris and for that purpofe i publish the above ftatemeut and that all perfons may know what deception tire aid harris is capable of therefore 1 do forbid any perfon marrying the faid thos harris to any woman within my knowledge her mary bowen widow maik frederickfburgh sept 29th 182040 3 notice whereas john sparrow late of bellville merchant has as- figned all his real ellrte notes and book debts to the subfcriber in trufl for the benefit of hia cudttnrs notice is hereby given that thufc notes and accounts which remain unftttlcd after ihe firft day of february next will be pot into the hands of an attorney for collection h c thomson kingfton sept z9 ljfoo 406 notice all perfons are hereby cautioned a- gainft purchafirg certain notes of hand given by the fuihfcriber to james he ne fy bearing date the 2 january 1820 one for twentyfivc pounds payable the iftjanuary 182 1 on f it 10 pay able 1 ft january 182 one for 1 2 to payable iftjanuary 823 one for 10s payable id january 1824 and one forl2 10 payable mt january 1825 the four laft bearing intereft as the faid notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faid james heiiefy to the fubferiber and for which he can give no legal title joseph shearman bellviile 26th may 1820 22- valuable lands for sale m the townsmp of hamilton tt ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- ii a celtion containing 400 acres ditto ditto ri and 15 in the 4th con- cefllon containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6111 concefiion containing 200 acres lie above lands are all lying in the town flu p of hamilton ncwcaftls uiltritl and wil be lold on the mpft liberal terms for furth r information enquire f elias jonefl efq hamilton or the fublcriber in kingfton thomas s whitaker kingfton may 28 18 g 22tf doctor mortm from dublin inforniaih inhabitants of kingfton and its vicinity that he intends to commence the praice of physic sargery and midwife n this part of the country his recom- mendatory certificates from eminent practitioners in dublin and pdinburgfa as well as from heads of th couees in thote cuii will be fhewn on application to him at l appartments in the houfe of mrs thibodo kingft 8th aug 1820 3 3tf for sale or to let at two ftory framed hottfe and a 9jl lareand commndfous rtone store fituatc on he waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedinely ad- vantageou- terms to the purchafcr or lessee enquire a- the office of chr a hagervfan kingflui 26th february 1819 9 sdhn martin kgs leave toiufortnhis friends and the public general thai he has opened a iioise ol public enter- tainmeut near fort ilenry under the sign of tlw richmond hotel j where lie hopes by a strict attention to those uliornay favour him with a rail to merit a share of public patrouage h- will ahvap have on hand all kinds of liquors ot he best quality kingmw uh juuarjfi i880 n ii tlood siablincf rflorm whereas john mcbeau hassworn that he is the owner of the whole of lot no 19 east of the rock in ma- rysburgh i hereby give notice that the iaid oath is false ana that persons who wish to be better informed of the partic ulars of the same may be satisfied by ap plying to archibald mcdonald esq or daniel wright esq u ho both live in the same township and are perfectly ac quainted with the cirmmstancps aakonconxok kin 19th jq 130 29 1 s doctor murray having studied the different branches of medicine and taken out the necessary tickets and certificate for each in the colleges of dublin with a diploma from that of st andrews scotland now stops at mrs thibodos and trusts by his unremitting attention to his patients to meet with a liberal de cree of patronage from the inhabitants ofthis town nn its vicinilv n ii- genuine medicines to his pa tients on moderate terms 3 attendance and ad ice to the por gratis kingston isft sept 1890 37tf i netr goods the so fcribere refpetl fully inform their friends and the public that they j have received of the lalt imp rutia u wep felrded flortment of dry g 0 ojd3 adapted to the icafin likewtc a quantity of strong jamaica spirits ogniac brandy hollands gin wines teas sugars ivlolaffes c and number of other articles tedious to men tion in an sdvetiiement which they will fell cheap for cafh walter mcfuniffe co not ice otarial business at tended to with punctuality and dispatch by the subscriber p f hall nolan public kingfton 1st auguft 1820 3 1 tf the subfcnbers have received a coniigrment of american cotton sv andrews church the committee respectfully request tint the subscribers will pay into the band of the treasurer mr alexr ivingle tlnir rrspcclive subscriptions thccommutee would likewise call upon those individuals who have not yet sub- scribed to give their support to the un- dertakii- hey deem it superfluous to pnlarge on the adwntages which are likely to arise from an establishment such as the one contemplated beeaue they must be evident to every one to those however who are presbyterians and particularly to those educated in the forms and doctrines of the church of scotland the committee beg respect fully to addrefs chemfclves and to solicit their support not on i j by subscribing what thy can themselves afford but by the influence which they may possess with ttipir lieids of othrr persuasions subscription papers ere left with the treasurer mr trirgle and with the smretarv dr marshall also ar point fuderiek with mr robert graham haul merchant a marshaij secretary 27 juli 1820 30 4 a confining of bleactvd and unbleachd shirtings and sheetings bed ticking and stripes which will be fold at very low prices thos s whitakerco kingfton aug 4th 1820 3uf one hundred dollars reward 5 for sale a fahm in the front concc an j3l the town hip uj usfa tlr r and a tin i 1 nii- v v uruikvihe con- taining 150 acre aboi 76 of wfebh i- under im rovemeiit there is a taro two story iouse on the pn mises iniiji of square ti tn for and bearded ocride u frariii cnn- thi ana is w ii wo- thy the arntion of any pttsoa desirous stolen about four wttks ago fiom a room in mr wardens inn a trunk three feet long and two feet wide covered with a fawn flcin winev er wi 1 deliver the faid trunk at the chro- nue oibce or give inf imation to the editor fuffioent to difcovei and convict the thief hail receive the above reward gabriel aolletts a flhwaim of two ihmfralemd fifty rvh j l be paid ly iht subscribcf to v p rfvn who ball dhcnwtwd r fori f ikii fi wi conviq th rfor or pr c urfc c asoul lite 129th or of june laft dole from i george rid- at gfcj a walkers kctd i a parcti contciumg montreal bank bills 1 of five dollar cai to t- amount of two tlioufanrj pounds by direction of the dncclors of the montreal bank thomas markland ageut- ktngston lya nov ibi to let a commodious house near door kcatings two stories high with seven moms a kitchen and a cellar under the whole a good yard and stable also a very good soring near the house for further particulars apply to j mes robins kingston pfj june 18 19 23 john goodeaijlr egs leave to inform his friends and 1 the public that he has removed from his atc land and has raken the houfe late ly occupied by mr scougal blacksmith opposite mr uatchschair store in store ftreet where he intends carrying on his bufinefs of wagon sf sleigh maker he returns his friends thanks for the encouiaetent he has received fince his comniencing b s in kingto and hopes for a coutncnce of their favour- kingston stjpt j 1820 39 kingfton 71i1 june 1820 zxtf doctoaemstsong 71 f tugatbd at dartmouth college tjtjttrarv and medical hv ng r ndnarv- and more recently a licence to given immediately f further partku pcfi v- sic surgery and midwifery in this province all of winch may be seen on application after ah extensive lihl wllv be sold on liberal vrms and peiou just published and for sale at this office s barrows 500 questions im the sew tes ta iumlt no t ice i 1 lars apply to a w morris co brckvillc 107 mali 120 sltf noff op t he real and pnfanal eftate of the late john vklotofh of thurlow having been legally affigned over to me by the parties imereited i do hereby requeft that all tlaofe indebted to the faid eftate either by boed ote of hand or book accounts will make pay dents on or before the 1ft oftober net cattle or produce will be taken in pav- ment peter grant bellville july 19th 1820 so valuable lands for sale n the midland district county of ivince edward townfiiip of amelafburgh lot 23 in the front conceflion on like ontario ivffig to the ealtward of nicholfons ifland lots 22 and 24 in l fecond con- ceflion of faid toufhip the whole con taining fix hundred acres for particulars inquire at the office of the kingfton chrdpde or of the hon- james baby york n b all pet one are cautioned a gainft cutting or dtftoying the timber on the above lands s they will certainly fubjeft ihemfelves a jgal profecution if deteded kingfton marefe 7 20 iotf for sole ahouf an lot in the town of kilgft with stablrk other convenient flwt hcufes for par licular6 apply to sam merrill kingfton oa 5 l820 4 practice for nearly four yars now oili rs his servies in the various branches of his profession to the inhabitants of kington and its vicinity and assures ttigsr whoma honour him with their confidence that ever attention will be paid which ma cortiibute to the com fort and welfare of his patients he has taken lodgings with mr n palmer druggist on the west side of the marketsqoare where every call will meet with prompt attention and every favour gratefully acknowledged kingston september lith is20 32 wanted for the public service 4 strang- draught horses warranted sound in all respects and about six years of ape persons having animals of the above description to dispose of are invited to bring them to the ofiice of the royal engineer department at kingston on any thursday between the hours of 11 and 2 oclock kingston 1 uh sept 1820 37 signs wiil meet on the iajl monday in february and cominuc fo to jo the fame day in each month until toe huftnefs of this dilrujy as regards the fame is finifhed jo n ferguson jo kingjhn feb l 18 19 wanted and it i wi br for a medical gntlerrn f lihtrsl edu jca cation and undoubted ioyaity to prac tice in the village of lam perfon of the above difcription will receive the rood liberal fuoort and encouragement bathy ivv 85th 1820- 39 stolen or strayed from the subfcriber on thurfday the 14th inft a light dun colored cow wth a white line on her back from her fhoulders her horns ra ther drooping coiiiierably fpread and giving mik out of but three teats the o thcr having been injured whoever will give infbrmationi to as to lead to the dis- covrv of faid cow hall be handlomelv rewarded peter asselstine ernest town 20th sept 1820 3sw4 for 5ale at this office a few copies in boards q a collection of 9w airs and melodies peculiar to the highlands of scotland and the isles univetfally admired and allowed to be the bed ever publifhed in scotland the work is approved and recommend ed by the highland society of scotland and harmonized to the pianoforte iiarp organ or violincello the names in gxlec and encdifh e- dited by captain simon prafcr and pub lifhed by mtflys duncan steveufon and co edinburgh kingston sept th 1820 37 stoves fwllie subfcriber has juft received a ji quantity of double and single stoves of qtute new and haudfome patterug which he ffers for talc at the montreal price and charge for cafh john watkins kingfton sept 22d 1820 di just received an elegant aflbrtment of paper hangings theodore brocket kingfton september 1 ft 1820 3tf blanks for the courts of stcquest and various oilier kinds for sale at this ojjicr

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