cncr he neapolitan revolution mul nk irii s nv- r i j caiinit nibuf in hh slitic la which s aspinw this ffi nyhium u i politicians ulo hi i al fairs ii is i it ir f bn mi cialwur i rna biruahi ujmti theulnn of he lnli ucfli u- in slir poiifedv- faryfau ifd be ami pratatou in or pnivpiiousehan in aiy othir eir- cumsfaiccs but in- prosrjnt arrange meulsof kurope will not so nudiiy ad- rnit rf chn execution oi a project i h km j ad rices from favtmoa iiu a august 13 rrtfivic at sttrm lasa- chuetts tfhc the wuisfa lory in forma tiou that tin havoc of lvcs iu tle bsov oivioy in the sicilian nhrvis was u d foreatad had bot statudj but ttwy detail horim rocitics conwuiltird by be ktctiurkd tuis peoplr has not chand si co the time of the wjijrs in 1s0 a french ship from vfypt pat into am of t ir harbors with a french colonel ou board and joo sick ab ve a hun dred blind with the opthalmia and de manded to land temporary hedsw re eroded on tho beach and ihey wcredls- emburlicd but three days after the people of ho country row as by cox- tnoi consent and uthout giving any uotice to the gairiioi pat the whale of fheni to death and miy wtits buncl in tie sirods sad13ia taring aug 1 i the following doc ument is saidto have foen actually id- dressed to his hardin la j uncy by his piedmontese army jfid the army is loyal and faithful and ives a solemn pledge of it to tlteii sovereign sire it is reported that your present ministers are soliciu a succour of austrian troops the austrian u ere are aud will be not only th natural c cinlis of lite liodcnorum but of ail the ether peoplj of iialy the recolh ctiun of 1815 not far o sfour ttdjiers know trltat is uicant by having auri- aasni the country although as frvnds they have aivvta usurped tiie honour oi our exploits the atttiutf are the ex ecration of italy jour ouiieri sire iill not have them bt enende- to ask their assistance would be an i jsup- portable insult io the honour ol yoi sot- die who boait tliat thry are sufficient i in- ueencc oi ut iiu uo cuaui ald tic ccxiilitllou extract ofaprwurc litter dated ioutamuutli au 17 i much regret to have to aim ounce to you the following melancholy allair extracted from communication from liio janeiro dated june 16 lbio the hou capt- spencer of the owen glen- dowcr frigate wishing to have hh ship worked without too much seventy to- wards the men gave tie qccoisary or- dcrs to the first lieulcnaut coining on board the frigate during the absence of sir thomas hardy who was gojie to maldouado aud having occasion to com- plaio of the want oi punctuality to in orders he reprimanded the licutenaiu who told him it was impossible to carr 01 the duty unless he was properly sup ported- ou this capt spencer threw himself into a violent passion bcrt to quarters and sent c vry body down to the main deck guns leaving himself aiid the tirst lieutenant on the deck capt spencer then drew his sword ordeiii the lieutenant to defend himself he re monstrated stating that lie wa a much better swordstfkui than the captain ha ving a deal ot practice while c oil lined a a prisoner of warin france but il capt spencer was determined to light he would meet him ou shore capt spen- gr tlkui ctud iu i 3 d co u dh rascal aiul it is said tiutk his side up on this he lieutenant drew his sword on the defensive and di played some iuo- ness- iho cooluessexakperuted the cap lain aud nvakini a violent thrust he over iubt himseli and fell on the lieuten- uw tfce aenommatfoo of iodepend- fire behind fauk daves wind milottlts j maintaiiiiiis th same threatened dcltndio to every dww wc helpline out tofofag hi cwi go- cached the road behind this fie- home fafc took tea thinking ourfelves fafe went to afliit the french who were moving young franks houfe in fldmes and others not to be feen for the fcirnke wc ibid perhaps 20 minutes returned met one of the children crying clarks rjoofe was on fire we run our brl met women and children flying before the teinpeit the mill barn and houfe with zoacrtfftof land in a blaze trees falling in all wreqiona we got through 40 rods ofaliuoft folid are threw trunks- sic c into tie well took a bed tied a woollen blanket round it and cfcaped for my life the fins flyirlp on me like a heavy fliower of hal i fill under the bed got breath and ri fell again neatly melted with heat and fuiocated with smoke i rofe once more dod fell aain quit my load faw my bvs ahead bare foot could not enter the fit they met me and we got the bed fufe through mr clark came up with a book i his hand nothing more laved all burnt in the well fences and fields of potales fwept clean my fields though not ajch burned are all laid open to the mercy of cattle and hocjs at fuufet found myhrtifeand uncle kdthanlels crowded vith omen and children who lefc their a i al tied before the fiery tempclt from tuc neighborhood of beaver river rveftefday morning 7 oclock a fine raiu hat deadened the fire heard the fettle ami at beaver rie w3s all in aflies m sanders cuik and myfclf went to their jffiliiee found hut three houfes iranr t fi rjulea in length thomas j2i hi loll ids houfe new grift and faw mill rv barns full of hay grain sc a v ie jf oxen one horfe two or three cows tevt hogs ail their furniture and a hit- boy 4 ytarsold burnt in ihe houfe laving crept lato a cradle and was left unru together with a truily dorj whij jay b its fide daniel has loft all acovv two hog furniture clothing c the ujrd at funict was to efcape for thefr lives dinivltaofe up his child and bid vriiaioiit ai their prenchprs like the rimitive teachers of christianity chum pciinhv reward for their labour io mi iin new east lo and rhdi vieiujfies llu an- rapidly inrrearfu aud bwral- earf 14 chnpefsand phtcs of public worship which are supplied by twenty- e vrcaclwr durluon chronicle arctic land expedition accounts f hren reci tvid in kdtnbtirgh from a ilewun attached to the antic land kxifdition dad in janiary hut at aifieli peiiiid rhn party vrerin comfort- le winter quarters at ciimbrland iluij thecnid was very severe the thermometer stancdj at 30 dtg below tro but owing to the dryness of the at- btotphere it waamot so unpleasant the cold wet wather in en iand the riv- crs and lakes abounded with fish of va- nous kind- particularly trout of a very large sie and thehijuteisbrou moose leer and buffalo from the woods hothat tuttc ts no scauif of provjmons at their preut btatiod it was intended to proceed to the northward as soon as tlicseason would prmit and haying the uiole summer before th n th expect ed to makt reiij progress in their joar- ney but owing in the qrtsak distance to thesuppscd northern shores it is prob- itblc that it would take hem th- great est part ol next 3 to make any v- rv exteniive svrvcy of the eoafcc and that they cld hare to rtio t- rbn southward during the etisuii g vv inier hut it was nncertji where tv tould lake up their quarter as tii v ced gnln ro lntetlienetf of tito be- yond the tisnus of the f tradr tfto officers 01 the wntu iiaymd jforth- west coniinie had paid every atteuli j to the party fran sb jpfaci u f wjiije- u j of a large body ol itwp iu rhe turt of the thuilenv on this o jciy prefentcd a parr cf colour- veies of which were walked uy th duchess j ingoukmt io the of the viilitnry school of sw cy niicnry rent the airwiih the cry h rot vt confiirncv latcv ieiv untl in it as much nidjief ad fo a it vi atrocity and ingratitude i was onjec cd by lome hot heads who frei rvr to he hitpy bnt when fjgcd in miljhtf but after all the efforts rnde to jna complices the number did u t atjrnni tt more than ne in a million trf the kiua buhjectji and riu officer en rajh w uj of a hiyhei ide than 1 aptaie i 1 fihe thtt aiy 1 f the cviaifhal- eotiitiiancej the dibolica pint ihey knew better they know in w ohm thy wre hifnitel and buffetted hy their upllart i eailer nd treated as mere iuftruc ts aithy ftel that they are no7 treated as gettlt rc and relpetted a- counlt 11 rj alhdiog to the plot th king iu hi anfwei to the addrefa of tit lunic of parjy ju it an event in which inie wicked trad ni en tn endeavored to diituib the public tranquillity co sun lv th- i l iu tuuow hini and my brother others ci icd which way hall we hi u mifwcr to the lake fornc reached ic the were cut otfnd drove up tlie road r mile 01 more before an opening ivan r i to the fci hiore hufbands and an did not meet aa until the next diy dnnicl took his wir- very lick on his back to the ede of the lake iinl waded ot lonc mis to ab -c- which funic with them hui he foundl iliff and raio it ioihat his wife fo hi the vjtei until momiug i i tliem he waded up to hfs neck and thtr- hood twelve hour the hve ofteu ilrcarri in hi face when he wa obtiyed to u under then life and take breath i uyi him en wednefdcy an 1 to k him home with tnt le ld eat nothing for twenty hears it was a chncholy fecue to tee fcicet fwept away c-d- of gratuj potei id turnips ail ruiitnp gfteat mil lfs ui cauie flieep r near the road ittle which 1 a id hoga lying dead the accounts front ialerrro if true are deplorahl a vesel w hi h ft unu iitoi the 20th btufes thai the mo1 frightful di mcts reiau d thin- lii it thegiluysds vsjiiud n ilh ine pea41ts had reized on the public authorily ud t vraunized over tin city that thj vol di- uere diaitied in prison aud houij threatened with death rhul an oinci named aceto wa- af the juari of the in surgents but hat tiie fear of fa nine it id ai length decided them io iuvcat iv jtli cardinal archbishop gravina fcas i ic- sident prince attolica had leea be- headed and hh head stuck upon a pole thks as ths principles on u bich th- aemhly ij to be framed are hose of the spanish 0 tistitution we need not derail them to our readers the grcs number of dep uties for the unitd kingdom calcula- f d on th preftusnptibu tliot sicifv may ill form a part of it i tuu ill 06 ot vlich 7 1 are to reprckunt the xi li- tan population amounting to jujijui snub and tho remaining j the bland- ers of sieil consisting of lgsih7 mtcds thus the census of ihe whole kingdom otei the respectable and f-r- udduble sumtotal of g7jj mhab- itants ot farshoit of rhatoj england the prince viargcuerai ii r pnh- lished a decree couvokio the rarlia- antsword sboxtly after whichie died for the lt of the ensiling october this melancholy aliairas thrown a great plcom over the countenance of all naval characters at uio the fint iluteuaut cauvc is jitmes imdonald mur ray list gives the name of kvans lit ita for merly ht of tiie cieole then second of he creole front some error and then went fits of thn owen giendower a- bout m mr xluonald was mid- jtiiomiinof the pougaill v hen the was taken by the atneiieari wasp the hon capt spencer was son of karl spencer who has also another soil the hon i speiuvr a lieutenant of the superb sir thonas liarda ling 11 ip a schsm of considerable extent ap pears to have taken place anun the nei lccists in the northern counties n well a in iio si nth oin prinrtpuh to the folly d some of their preach r in iutcrfruf i tin political opinions of the people this began about rhe luttei cnci of ustycar when iheii comniifti e cf privilege in ioudofi in ccnivfit with his mi- government issued lircu- laisto the diffeitit preachers in iheccn- dtfctvou in all jiaiisof the country todis- countenance annngt their people all those who ntit he attaclud to 1 oltica ilcorm liiiuiedi tcy tl sivrhchhm pulpits every liere reoenii v in th muidrmiis urtrrup i 1 asiw nb-tii- we have converfed with fome intel ligent gentleman fiom the united stated who defcribe the late ot their commerce in the mo ft gloomy colours their produce can find no purcnaferh at any price and their vffcto are laid uo for want of employmcut in this general late of depreffion the whole clafi of merchants farmers and feamen are involved in fufrcring general diflmll prevail- and thofe who poflefs the moll extended circle of conefpondents and have the beft information can find no favourable intel ligence nor any opening for their trade in any direction ur agriculture on thurfday the 19 inft the midland diftrlct agriculturahtiociety held at the nappanee millj their fecondanuaal catle how the day was plefmt and a great number of refpectable farmer frcm differ ent parts of the country attended we wm however fome what difappjinted at not meeting with a angle individual from either the county of prince edvaid or haftiogs this apparent neglect on the part of fo refpectable a portior of the district inust furcly be attributable to fome fortuitoua circumstance rather than a want of zeal for fo ufeful an institution the various kind of stock exhibited were allowed to be excellent auc the ploughing match was conducted iu a manner highly gratifying to the fpecutors mcfirs sheldon hawley johofralick and peter itutian were unanimoufly ap pointed a committee to award the premiums they were avarded as fol lows tj ilr andrew rusk for the ut bet bul 10 10 5 10 5 1 5 baps 60 considered the procurer of finr prided wtathtr jhi tank is iqderd prv uaturel clad in iite card of winter for we have till 10 looic tr ihe injld itfukberl iviotu aud oft mellowed ubic wf iidmii unimer vsrorriiig for the cd do do urn haulrfor the ii 1t ram h l iriilforliii for ihe 2 di do ilnl j 1 liubl in for rhe uldu 6 ewes uo il jed or inhevd do do u hck for the t bet btar tiiiiiuii liiiuiiiun lor itiesd do do aiiail mac iiu1 mo iorllie im do sow x cluuc germain lur ihe vd do uo 4 t sinin for li u uesl to 10 iin cine tn uih 2d do uo 5 mar veil gurri oniw ihe 1t bet yentllngs oroh deior for ih id du do 4 jacto ill 1 torthbrptougldog io t omad jluluk for ioc 21 do do b o kulliiifiui loriiie si do do a u d wales uuoit flo years ao conflagration on ihe jppenmu a fiishtftt conflagiation which began on the 2 2d f july and fcarcciy ctir- auifhed o the loh of aujiuil has lid willie the hige forcd which crowns the ppciues i the vicinity ot luioli at the lad accountb the eommule ot fondi w s en all fide fiirrotinjed oy ftimcs the e had cxtciidifd to the tenuiny of fume pcrfolis were lvauung ctt were nor too much isirnt wthers looking up their ibck i law two large hua lyiug tojjethci alive burnt a as not to walk and wc are n- left alone i have jult hnd from yaivoutuand chebonc that irucb damage i- dune my huufc barn nills e- bmnrt aid rlf iluouh tfie french fettlement above moofagan a great many houfes barns mills ic arc delhoyed ths freaih chapel with uie prkli houfe ate con fumed one old nero burnt un f much hay loll that ic i- fuppofed half ihe tock cannot be winter ed 1 ole from yarmouth j on hearing our ddtreis came op with ox and horfe l3ts cllairs and horfe to remove the inilrcrs an i i believe there was not two cartload of furniture faved out of fif teen houfea from john clarks to e coinings evca miky daniel has nothing utt but a fliirt and trowfers which he had 00 his wife a ij child nothing but whit was on their back d fct nut for yar mouth on her hocking feet the iaft 1 heard nflier but wheie they will go or what he wd do this winter 1 know no hs fas nothing to cat or wear c saturday l6tli news has juft ar rived that as far as annapolis one hun dred mile above this is moihy in allies many lives loft grain and hay morly diirtd how we are to live through the winter 1 know not daniel has not yet come here perhaps he ha followed his vife to yarmouth cr he may be irving tn five fome of ilia ootatre- c 1 fiiall fmifh this and go in a arch of him wc aie am employed that i me and my lwotrys in trying to fav what little crop i nave left my bad- wheat u near 1ii mr rufk not being a member one fourth of hi premium was retained in the hamu of the treafurcr for the benefit of the society r ircmiitjnce ihouiu operate as an inducement for all thofe who intend becoming caudidatea for prizes to become membeim oi the society alfo jir sicker ploughed a quarter of an acie well in 32 mmutca mr george liidlman finilhed the fame quantity iu 33 minutes but mr comad huttman was nearly an hour completing his task though the judges awaidedhim the fecond best priie in conlenuence of his work lein- better dune than that of mr geo hoffman it hould le recollected that it u not tliepcrfon who ploughs the quickest but he who performs his labour the bet a icalunabe time that is entitled to a prcauum were it otheiwife the con- t would depend upon thetiength cf the cattle rather than the fkill of the plouh- inaiu several fine fpecimens of barley were ex hibited aa iillo lample of uncotnmen arge potatoes vve wcie much gratified with the fight of eight large hogs just killed by mr maei btrfon one ot which weighed 405 pound 3 u c her we readily comply with the official noti- ncatlou oj th secretary of the midland dt8- nct aricdtural society by eupviag from the ldnorul column o the herald tlie list of premiums awarded at the lad cattle show we at ihe same lime feel rather disappointed tiiat wc have not been furnished by thai een- tleinan with an official report of thh whote proceedings of the meeting regularly dniwa up in conformity tu the bth article of the regulations it is some encouragement to the friendi md supporters of the society that its funds have this year enabled the general commit teeto advertise a hyt of premiums and to hold a second gisiieral cattfeshow we were ourselves prevented from luing present to witness this show but we understand that some very fine animals of dicftfrenl descrip- 110113 were exhibited il is however to be resetted that notwithstanding the eifons of individuals to promote the interest of am- culture so rftuch indifference to this object should still prevail imong many of ourfar- mer- the alterationa made in the regu lations of the society lat april which pro- vdeu for the holding of cattle shows in ech county induced us to hope thai by the ju dicious amendments then introduced some thing like a feeling of emulation would have been excited first between the individual habitants of tfati same county aud after- wards collectively between inhabitants of the aiflerent counties iit we lament to hear that so far from such a effect having been produced not a single application has beea made for a cuttle show j any one county this seeming apathy so disreputable when compared with the zeal of the carman iiw england in the united states and even hi- our sister provinces can be defended on no ground either ol public or individual interest the pressure of die times it is true iagteat and tlie jow price of all sorts of produce re duces the farmers to grent difficulties hut then there are few men of substance araonp them who might not were ihey favourablv disposed contribute whhoul ucouiajerice the criflia- sum rejuired to constitute them members of the society we do not indeed yet despair of seeing the institution nourish though it would seem that such a de sirable result is only to be accomplished through the laudable efforts and unwearied real of a few public spirited individuals on thurfday evening the 26th mst by the rev o o stuart mr valentine embury of the barrack department to mifs lranda paffoid on the fame rvcaing mr aegustua bennett to ifs abigail cunniogharo i stogpto mt wfou 4 9 4 tclxgstot rrjuir 27 1820 we have iu r intelligence from euruilc tiian was iveu is rtcelc- the ex- ainaum oijliumn duinchu wa coticiuiiud on lieemiii f thedof septeiiibr alter which we have nothing hai llu- report hro edit hy the m t r of the myperiou that this re j ion raaj be truw certainly admit but m are lined to giveil mnh credit be- c 1 il m ji u h nerveuin between the v tn i 1 1 ih hh nu mjipvar td allow sufficient tiiua v uouie all tar witnesses that were tube hroihi forward on the part of the rwn iur less to go through wilh much ev- idence on the defence it s slated that idi witnts were to support use prosecution and as the examination of deven of these pruhbly the must important consumed 17 days t imii t au equal space of uire it may he conjectured would hi- allotted to theox- aiiiiuatu of the remaiuder mademoiselle uiitnotits explanation of the reasons hiph induced her to write the let ters produced on her cross examination are noi wry satisfactory and hor avowed mo tives u rt l cut w ic the 1 ca mih uxm ufiii iiiie lismc un rrnt ni ii 11 1 oil ii rne iier to inmi d hu tyt rv 1 n a ll ji um v h i fi m u- r 1 ic 1- jal 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 i u dnli- 1 la- iit andre along the confuhr icad thro the ttnitoiy of scrragliooe and of sella tbs fire in korjscotst si fdrt n u sept z extraft of a letter fiom nir john et- more to hi fpn iu tl city 00 cturnint fiorn varmutuh w runnn 6it bute polci ia btftid th lvcatlr he tops of the mofl diilant mountains to the northward vifihle from luia ci y were cover td with fnow on friday lad the 131i1 inft for til e fill time this leaf uk on saturdiy evening abuit di thtfre coonnenced a heavy rin which laild till monday evening mny fmall budges ard fences have heci carrred awy by the rifiogi f the ireymsard livers which were higher ihan they have been kuewn to be foi j riat many years lusiuciory ano ncr rowou mo- iferj creditable though 1 lev are quite iu keeping with the character assigned to that elass hi european females called femtnes de cliambnst class so vridely famed fiir iiitiigulng arts if it be true as she al- led that letters wi re liable to le inler- cektedinhiu quws household il is a cir- cicnnce uulvurj bivouwhle o her ma i jtv since acts owacia such dcgradingsus pinnd hut ill cumpurl with pretensions to liiihleniisiied hoitohr and innocence ww have eivwi few specimens ol the mrimirr in which her ftfajwrty repfies to the addrrsses htiiy ntesented her and artlully appeals to the naiional feelings of the eople resident in difiermit portions of the uinud kingdom vv- rfiall leave our rnden to their wii niirkr- ni vly obenntf lor rritrsefves that we do not much admire eith- ihe style or the matter i iccueney sir peregrine maiilandand suite returned to york iu the steam boat fruntenacon tuesday last we haveheen requested to contmdict the in weuhtlion respctnig the steam iw 8tmti and oy khutbe vvillcontin- oir i forrr2ut bates that a rrauy o 10 aj bwirn this port and sockets died t quebec on the 15th inft willian rojt eiq commiflariat department passage tvom dublin to quebec next spring ffot ftphe fiffi failing coppered bjts a shipkliz jamei purdy maflcr 263 tons rcgillcr a tegular trader io intended to leave dubin for this pun april ift 1821 settlers in canada can fecurc a paftage for their friends by application to the snbfcriber and paying heir paflage or carneft on o before ll january next wm pm3erton agent for the owners quebec 14th 0 1s20 43 the subscriber being ap pointed administrator of the edate of daniel washburn late of kinglton efquirc deceafed rtquells all perfotvs having clcims againft faid eftate to exhibit their properly vouched and all pcrfons indebted to fettle and make paymerft withom delay b bidwell krgiloo oftobcr 23d 1820 43tf wantedl by the subscriber from 3 to 4 wheat thomas dalton kingston brewery oct 25th 1820 tf moxtkeal academy wm ryan a b master in this institution conducted accoiding to the most approved modern fystems the education of young gentlejnen i completed in about half the time ufually required and except in exireme cafes without the aid of corporal punilhrhent hitherto fo unjustly conlidered as incis penfible to this only can be afciibed the unparalleled patronage received by ths institution which by enabling the principal to proceed on a liberal and enlarged scale secures to the public advantages not to be met with iu the establifhments of this country which are generally fpeaking of only an ephemeral existence the premiles are perhaps tlc bet calculated of any in the country for a lare establi foment the houfe is very spacious and comfortable the plcafurc ground aid garden extenlivc and kc1j enelo td the courfe of studies compiife tbe greek latin french and enlifh ian- croages ioic mathematicks history geography chronology writing arith metic 13iok keeping c malic dancing and drawing are alfo taught at hours that do not interfeie with the regular claffes liver lp the rsje waa up we p a mvaas wet in the uwbw and j h 1 1i1 i i 2nehotcdf foedthe vi ue fliot i hume cuiwii uiidcd near a j ualiuwrd ihcihtc al smmod broke out k the early tait of septc iibtr in the firil wtd indh rriment ilati- the l0 l n a ii e v 1 l v ut cned at t wwjp sir frederick kwbulon on hcinjj of hulked ir barbidoe with a part t t kejrtmcrt and arrived hi time to liurl i diflarbue u tyez j pi ivaiinj harbour till lhe elr of ii uaviin with 3 lauch pcs ilwt us the weather vll per mit terms u d 0 the 1 n t twitref srom whavc rcii ihisswon fell n wcdedn im dpf inftri sin of n mili ri iu h i ou rlir i nl lli -norn- l ffl ttlirn u i ih l i 0 0 board s tuition per annum 40 day scholar who learn cite fl scs day scholars who learn w f q q i r and vrillinntir kc montreal october 4th 1820 n b luformatioo may be hid by reference to smith harlct tfq k eton oi in mr thomas dalton ot the v tem u i i i h pnginn brewery wch of whom kns a taj ion at the montreal acjcny 43