brick for sale the subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of july any quantity of brick of a veiy good quality smith bartlet kingston june 1 6 1820 27 for sale at a very low price for cash the south or front half of lot no 12 in the first conces sion of loughborough for par ticulars apply at this office dec 7 1819 50 a contract will he given for ploughing fifty acres of ground and also for tutting bushes and clearing a quantity of land b whitney kingston aug 9th 1820 32tf notice all perfons indebted to the late co partner fhip of richard robison and david secord are requefted to make im mediate payment to the furvivfng partner david secordf and thofeto whom thefaid copartnerftup may be indebted are ie- quefted to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment kingfton 27th may 1819 6if notice notice notarial business at tended to with punctuality and dispatch by the subscriber p f hall notary public kingfton ist auguft 1820 jltf all perfons are hereby cautioned a- gaind purchafing certain notes of hand given by the fubferiber to james he nefy bearing date the 29th january 1820 one for twentyfive pounds payable the iftjanuary 1821 one for f of for sale a farm in the front concession of the township of augusta three and a half miles below bror kville con taining 150 acres about 75 of which is under improvement there is a large two story house on the premises built of square timber and hoarded outside a frataie barn sec this farm is well wor thy the attention of any person desirous of a pleasant country residence and will be sold on liberal terms and possession given immediately for further particu lars apply to a w morris co brckvitte i9lh may 1820 ii tf doctor murray having studied the different branches of medicine and taken out the necessary tickets and certificate for each in he colleges of dublin with a diploma from that of st andrews scotland now stops at mrs thibojos and trusts by his unremitting attention to his patients to meet with a liberal de gree of patronage from the inhabitants ofthis town and its vicinity n 13 genuine medicines to his pa tients on moderate terms f attendance and advice to the poor gratis kingston 5lhsept is20 3ff able 1 i january 1822 one for jjiz 10 payable ift january 1823 one forjpiz 10s payable ift january 1824 an ouc for 12 10 payable ift january 1825 the four laft bearing intereft as the fa id notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faid james hcnefy to the fubferiber and for which he can give no legal title joseph shearman bellville 26th may 1820 22- valuablt lands for sale in the township of hamilton 1 ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- jla ceffiodj containing 400 acres ditto ditto 1 1 and 15 in the 4th con- eeflion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceffion containing 200 acres the above lands are all lying in the townhip of hamilton ncwcaftle diftrift and will be fold on the mod liberal terms for further information enquire of elias jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingfton thomas s whitaker kingfton may 28 1819 22tf m notice letters of adminiftration having been granted to me on the eftate of the late roderick mackay efquire it is requefted that all who have claims againft that eftate will prefent the fame to me and that all who arc indebted to it will pay the amount due with as little delay as poflible james ranken adminijlrator bath 28th june 1820 26tf notice book9 of subscription for the will be opened at the direors room in the bank of upper canada on the 24th angn it next and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three oclock until further notice kingft 27th july 1819 t foil sale a quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to 8 feci in length apply to mr john dawson tailor william yerex new goods the subfcribers refpeftfully inform their friend and the public that they have received of the laft importations a well felefted afibrtment of jdmy goojds adapted to the fcafon likewife a quantity of strong janyica spirits cogniac brandy hollands gin wines teas sugars molafles o and a number of other articles tedious to men tion in an advertifement which they will fell cheap for cafli walter mccuniffe co kingfton auguft 2d 1820 31 tf the subfcribers have received a confignment of ameiican cotton goods 3 confifting of bleachm and unbleachd shirtings and sheetings bed ticking and stripes which will be fold at very low prices thos s whitakerco kingfton aug 4th 1820 3 i tf window glass kingston july 17 1819 30 for sale at mrs finkles king street irish linens white and irown linen check and bed- tick thicksets corduroys thread pins and cambrics imported direct fiom great britain terms cash kingston dnov 1820 4tf for sale or to let jl two ftory framed houfe and a 9jjl large and commodious lone store fnuate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchaferor lessee enquire at the office of chr a hagerman kingfton 26th february 1819 9 notice to stockholders kbanlt of upper canada t nov- ith 1820 tlie board of dfrcfton have declared a dividend of threk per cent for six months on tlte capital paid in which will be paid on the firll day of december next until which time the transfer book at he bank will be clofed s baktlkt fatten the fubscribcts have on hand a con signment of window glass- of 7 12 by 8 i2 9 by 9 8 by 10 io by 12 of excellent quality and warranted to open in good order for fale at very low pfrices for cafhor fhort approved credit thos s wh1taker co may 17 20 1 the fubferiber being legally appoint ed administrator to the estate of the late john symington esq of niaga ra requests all thofe to whom the faid es tate is indebted to prefent their accounts for adjustment either to himself at kings ton or to thomas mccormick efq at niagara and all thofe who are in any way indebted to the faid estate are in like man ner lequested to pay the accounts due by them to either of the above mentioned par ties with as little delay as pofiible claude brown kingston nthoft 1820 42 tf contract for making jvtoticlj is hereby given thnt fen- xl ders will he received at this ollice until the 8th december next at noon from such persons as may be witling to contract for baking bread from govern ment fleur for the use of the troops at kingston point henry and point fre derick for one year commencing on he 25th december next but determinable by either party at the end of six months the terms of agreement form of ten der and other particulars may be known on application at this office and no offers will be noticed unless made in the form prescribed nor unless the parties and their sureties or agents duly authorized by them attend at the time of opening the tenders which must be sealed and endorsed u tender for baking ewd fine coffin depycomy ceil conmissariat office kingston bth nov 1820 45 unclaimed goods there have been left in the store- houfe of the subfcriber at sundry times the following articles which have nut been claimed by any peifou viz a parcel of saws one barrel of merchandize two barrels salt three do flour the owners of which are requefted to take them away smith bartlet kingfton 161i1 nov 186 47 st asdrew church the committee 1 rspc request that the sub3crt w j the hands of the trea mr alexr pringle their respective subscriptions the committee would likewise call upon those individuals who no y sub scribed to give their hvpport to the un dertaking they deem it superfluous to enlarge on the advai which are likelytoarisc from an tstablishmentmch as the one contemplai because they must be evident to evey one to those however who are lvesbyterians and particularly to these educated in the forms and doctrines f the church f scotland the committee beg respect fully to addrefs themfi an to solicit their support not only by subscribing what they can themselves afford but by the influence whlcf tin y ma possess with their friends of other persuasions subscription papers are left with the treasurer mr prittgle and with the secretary dr marshall 2jo at point frederick with mr robert graham merchant a marshall secretary 17thjuhj 1s20 30 d rewatld of two hundred and fifty pounds t7ill be paid by the subscriber to f any pcrfon who hall discover and give fuch information as will cgflnfi the perfon or perfons who on or about the 29th or jotfa of june aftj ftole from george ridout esq at walkers hotel a parcel containing montreal bank bills of five dollars each to the amount of two thoufand pounds by direction of the directors cf the montreal bank thomas markland kingston utl nov 47 just published and for sale at this oifico s bjrrotvs wo questions on the new tes tament not v tee all pcrfotig indebted to the imitate of theiatc oliver tiiibo dodc- ceafed are requefted to pay the fu me with out delay and thofe to whom the ellate is indebted will prefent their accounts duly authenticated tor adjutlment to henry w wilkinlcn one of the executors to faid eftate kingfton auguft 30th 1820 gjtf night school i 7t maxwell teacher of the jf 9 grammar school grave street refpectfuhj informs the inhabitants of kingfton that he will give inflructions in the following blanches writing arith raettc liook keeping geography geo metry plain frigonometry and algebra kingfton oct 19 1820 421 25 reward wanted ard much wished for a medical gentleman of liberal edit cation and tsidoubted loyalty to prac tice lit the vilhge of bath a perfon of the above difcriftion will receive the mod liberal fupport md encouragement bath sept 2nh 1820- 39 stoves the subfcriber has jnft received a quantity of double and single stoves of quite new and haudfome patterns which he offers for laic at the montreal price and charges for caftu john w atkins kingfton sept nd 1820 83tf just received an elegant aflbrtment of paper haugings theodore brocket kingfton september ift 1820 3stf notice allperfon8 indebted either by note or book account to the eftate of the le kfrv hifc iq- faxxd are requefted to p t f without delay and thofe to vhom the eftate is indebted will prefent t accounts duly authenti- eated for adjanent to allan maclean efquire one uf t executors to faid es tate kingfton j 5 1820 i6tf to clothiers for sale a quantity of pkfcsspapers tho s whitaker co august 19 1819 34 james pickering who emigrat ed from ireland in aug 1818 and is now fuppofctj to be living in th province of upper canada is defued to come him felf or fend his addrefs to mr daltons brewery in the vicinity of kingfton which is at prefent the refidence of his aged father john pickering kingfton oct 19 1820 42 lost ktween john darleys ink and the ferryhouse a gold chain 2 seals and a brass key the fmallcft vf the seals is in the form of a flower pot with the glass cracked the othci has a lafs bottom any perfon finding the fame and leaving them at the herald office hall rective a reward of one guinea 47tf kingston nor 17th 1820 tub s a lis of lots in the township of tyend1naga will be continued at the court- house at twelve oclock on tuesday t le 5th dee next kingston nw 17th 1820 n b til purchasers at the late fales are requefted to pay their reipettivc ad vances without delay 47 blank dlkds and memorials for ale at this oiliee vsthereas the subscriber on the v7 night rf the 6th inat while on his way from the carrying place head of the bay of qmnte to the river trent was aflaulted by tivo men and hob- bed of his pochi booky containing pa per monty to the amount of three hundred and seventy three dollars and sundry no teh of hand agreeable to thefollowingdeacrfptions the above reward will be given to any person who may make fuch difcovery of the robbers as vll lead to their convic tion notes of hand as follows oue not skoed by f fc f vwkrt payable to the subscriber lo one ditto signed elisha tinker pa3able to the subdciiber 63 one ditto signed john tills payable to montreal academy wm ryan a 13 master in this institution conducted according to the most approved modem fystente the education of young gentlemen is completed in about half the time ufually required and except in extreme cafea without the aid of corporal punifhment hitherto fo unjustly coniidered a indis- penfible to this only can be afcribed the unparalleled patronage received by thii institution which by enabling the principal to proceed on a liberal and enlarged acale secures to the public advantages not to be met with in the establillirrents of this country which are generally fpeakingof only an ephemeral existence the premifes are perhaps the best calculated of any in the country for a large etablifhmerit the houfe is very spacious and comfortable the pleafur ground and garden cxterdive and well enclosed the courfe of studies coraprife the greek latin french and englifh lan guages logic mathcinatick8 history geography chronology writing arich- metick book keeping c muiic dancing and drawing are alfo taught at hours that do net interfere witl the regular defies terms 0 0 0 0 0 q the subscriber s102 one jit to signed e wheeler payable to the subscriber st three ditto signed ezr osborne payable to the subscriber s27 one ditto signed martin shuterley pay able to truman kimptoo s8 one ditto eigoed calvin rawbn payable to caleb norton sll 50 one ditto signed thomas ward payable to janses graham 0 one ditto signed martin hush payable to the subscriber g4 one ditto signed barton philips payable to william calkins for amount of j less endorsed l 3 one ditto signed josiah proctor payable to the subscriber 3 9 one ditto digued george simpson payable to the suscribcr 10s together with fundry notes and ac counts which cannot be particularifed of the paper money fix were ten dol lar bills of the montreal bank the others were altogether cf the liank of u c one of which was ten dollars and the others of fmaller denominations there wad alfo contained in the pocket book a licence to peddle granted to the fub feriber on or about the 24th day of may last philip whelpley v bellvlllc 9th october 1820 42tf the fubferibers duly appointed ex ecutors to the lall will and tefhment of the late william mitchell efq of kingfton hereby requeft all persons who are indebted to the ellate either by bond mortgage note or book ttccoww to come forward and fettle the fame without delay and ah thofe to whom the faid eftate u indebted to prefent their claims for adjuftment at the office of the late william mitchell allan mpher80n james mckalls jun kingfton osober 17 1820 42tf n- b the bufincf heretofore car ried on by the late u illiam mitchell efq will be continued by thomas r cart- wright and neil j mclean under the firm of thomas r cartwright co to be sold and immediate pos- seffion given the following lots of land in the 6th conceffion of the town- fhip of elmaley viz 19 20 22 24 29 30 moft eligibly situated on the north side of the rideau lake which forms their southern boundary the great road to the perth settlement leading rtirough one of the lots they abound in excellent timber whichfrom its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to montreal at a trifling expence the qua lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to farmers or perfons engaged in the lum ber trade for terms of payment and other particulars apply to william mar shall esq perth settlement john kirby efq kingston or the fubferiber in wood- hovfe london diftrici robert n1chol november 18 1819 7tf notice the fubferibers having taken for a term of years the store and premises belonging to the late wm mitchell efq in kingfton intend 10 carry on the bufi- nefs as heretofore of forwarding and general merchants they have on hand a felcft aflbnment of goods which they offer for fale on liberal terms and hope by their attention to merit a fhare of that extenfive patronage which their predeceftor enjoyed the bufinefs will in future be conduc ted under the firm of thomas r cart- w right co thomas r cartwright neil j mclean kingston october 17 1820 4ltf board fc tuition per annmn 40 day scholars who learn clnsj day scholars who learn wrilo iu and arithmetic c montreal october 4th 1820 n b information may be had by reference to smith bartlet efq king- i stonor to mr thomas dalton of the 1 kingston brewery each of whom has a fon at the montreal academy 43 watches and clocks rqpahnl in the heal momiw ju s o tazewell north side of the market place ktatffai 1 who moft refpeftfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he has commenced the above bufinefs and hopes by paying drift at tention to bufinefs to give the utmolt fat- isfaftion to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ having had many years experience ia london is perfeftly acquainted with the patent lever horizontal and duplex scapements repeateis c sec kingston may 131i1 1820 2otf kingston branch of the mon treal bank any fum required my be obtained at the office for good bills on mon treal quebec bills of exchange on lon don or for specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty fixty and ninety days thomas markland agent kingfton 3d nov 18 18 23 at a meeting of the stewards and leaders of the wesley- an imjthodist society held in king fton this day it wa refolved that a re- monftrance be sent to the british missio nary commit tee again ft their late decifion relative to the withdrawing their mifliona- ry from this place and that the fenfe of the public be obtained by receiving sig natures to a petition for the continuance of a british missionary here this is on the preemption that mifreprefentations have 4ccn xfiic o wl goi dy the ame rican delegate the particulars of which on their arrival will be laid before the pub lic as biitish subjefts we are refuwed to fupport a british ministry by order n mleod sttvft kingston 6th nov 1820 t the subfcriber respectfully begs leave to acquaint the public that having commenced brewing for the feason they can be accommodated with beer of various qualities from nincpenee to two shillings per gallon as a wholesome and pleasant table drink nothing can exceel the beer he now offeis to the public at nine pence it being fuch 33 in any part of the world would be esteemed good genuine beer and recog- nifed as the unfophifticated produce of the barleyfield and llopyard thomas dalton a b grains constantly for sale at six fence per bushel kingfton brewery oft 31ft 1820 44tf wanxbd by the subscriber from 3 to 4 thousand bushels of wheat thomas dalton kingston brewery oct 25th 1820 43tf the subscriber being- ap pointed administrator of the ellate of daniel washburn late of kingfton efquire deceafed rtquefts all perfons having claims againft faid eftate to exhibit them properly vouched and all perfons indebted to fettle and make payment without delay b bidwell kingfton oftober23d 1820 43tf the fubferibers being duly nomina ted executors to the laft will and teftament of the late lawrence herchmer efquire merchant requeft all perfons in debted to his crtatc to make immediate payment and thofe having demands againft the faid eftate to biing them forward with out delay john kirby geo h markland kingly 9th nov 1819 46