Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 29, 1820, p. 4

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brick for sale the subncriber will have ready for gale early in the month of july any quantity of brick of a very rood quality smith bartlet kingston june 16 1s20 7 for sale a t a very low price for cash j the south or front half oi lot no 12 in the first conces sion of loughborough for par ticulars apply at this office dec 1s19 50 noticeo otarivl business at tended to with punctuality and dispatch bv the subscriber fk f hall notary public kingfton let augult i8o ltf n wanted i by the subscriber from 3 to 4 thousand bushels of wheat thomas d alton kingbtor brewry oct 2511 1820 43tf 8t andrews church a a contract will be given for ploughing fifty acres of ground and also for cutting bushes and clearing a quantity of land b whitney kingston aug 9th 1820 32tf notice all pcrfons indebted to the late co partner hip of richard rolison and david secord are requefted to make im mediate payment to the furviving partner david svcnrd and thofe to whom the faid copartnerfhip may he indebted are re queued to fend in rheir accounts for ad juftment and payment kingfton 27th may 1819 6tf notice all perfona are hereby cautioned a- gainft purchafing certain notes of hand given by the fubferiber to james he tidy btafwg dte the zgih jinuzry 1820 one for twentyfive pound payable the iftjannary 1811 one for t z 10 pay able ift january 182 one for 12 10 payable ift january 1823 one for t i os payable ift january 1824 and one for 10 payable ift january 1825 the four laft bearing intereft a6 the faid notes were given for a iot of land fold by the faid james henefy to the fubferiber and for which he can give no legal title joseph shearman bellville 26th may 1820 22- vahiablt lands for sate in the township of hamilton it ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- j a ceftion containing 400 acres ditto ditto 1 x and 15 in the 4th con- ceffion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceflion containing 2co acres the above lands are au lying in the townfhipof hamilton newcaftl diftria and will be fold on the mutt liberal terms tot further information enquire of euas jonea efq hamilton or the fubferibtr in kingfton thomas s whitaker kingfton may 28 1819 2 2tf notice for sale farm in he front concession of the township of augusta three and a half miles below brockville con taining 150 acres about 75 of which is under improvement there is a large two story house on the premises built of square timber and boarded outside a frame barn c- this farm is well wor thy the attention of any person desirous of a pleasant country residence and will be sold on liberal terms and possession given immediately for furtherparticu lars apply to a w morris co brockville i9tk may 1b20 21tf doctor murray having studied the different branches of medicine and taken out the necessary ticket and certificate for each in the colleges of dublin with a diploma from that of st andrews scotland now stops at mrs thibodos itnd trusts by his unremitting attention to his patients to meet with a liberal de gree of patronage from the inhabitants ofthis town and its vicinity n b genuine medicines to his pa- tienls on moderate terms t attendance and advice to the poor gratis kingston 1 5 sept 120 37tf ivjeff goods letters of adminiftration having been granted to me on che eftate of the late roderick mackay efquirc it is requefted that all who have claims againft that eftate will prefent the fame to rne and that all who are indebted to it will pay ne amount due with a iitclc delay as poflible james ranken admtntjlratqt bath 28th june 1820 26tf for sale a quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to 8 feet in length apply to mr john dawson tailor william verex kingston july 17 1819 30 for sale at mrs finkles king street irish linens 1 white and crown linen check and bed- tick thicksets corduroys thread pins and cambrics imported direct from great nritain terras cash kingston d nov 1820 44tf for sale or to let at two ftory framed houfe and a wjl large and commodious lone store ituate on the waters edge m the centre of tjit village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchefer or lessee nqutr at the office of cha a hagerman kingfton 26th february 1819 9 to brewers wants a filtration as manager or affiftant in a brewery a young man from england who has a thoiough knowledge of the bufinefa in the following branches j the making of porter ale iter malt- alfo the brewing of porter ale and beet likewife the bottling any application addrefsed r s thro the medium of this office will be duly at tended to kingfton dec i 1820 348 a wav ted 8 an apprentice in this offi ce boy- abut 1 5 or 5 years of age who can read and write a lad from the country will be preferred dec 15 1820 the committee respectfully request that the subscribers will pay into the hands ox the treasurer mr alexr pringle their respective subscriptions the committee would likewise call upon those individuals ho have not yet sub scribed to givi their suppct to the un dertaking the deem it superfluous fo enlarge on the advantages which are likely to arise rom an establishment such as the one contemplated because they must be evident to ever one to those however who are presbyterians and particularly to these educated in the forms aid doctrines of the church ef scot- and the coimwittbefl respect fully to addrefs then cives and to solicit their support ni by subscribing what they can ift ckcs afford but by the influence nl ihiy may possess with their friends i persuasions subcriivi arc leff with the treasurer air pringle and with the d marshall also at point wjth mr robert graham noficb all perfons indebted to the eftate of the late oliver thi bodode- ceafed are reqnelted to pay the fame with out delay and thofe to whom the eftate is indebted will pfefent their accounts duly authenticated for adjuftment to henry vv wilkinfon one of he executors to faid eftate kingfton auguft 30th 1820 night school j maxwell teacher of the grammar school grave street refpectfully informs the inhabitants of kingllon that he will give infl ructions in the following blanches writing anih metic hook keeping geography geo metry plain trigonometry and algebra kingfton oct 19 1820 42tf 25 i alexandefc asher merchant toy lor has received from montr- 1 a raoft choice and excellent aitortment of the bell well of england fuperfine cloths and cassimcrcs with trimmings and every thing com- plete a asher informs his friends and thfl public that he is now working up theft cloths c at his old ftand where order will be thankfully received and execute on the irioi tell notice and on the lowc terms fci cafh or fhort approved credit kingfton sept 10 1819 37 tf reward er n tarry merchant a marshall secretary miijuih 120 30 a hhaiiu of tzco hundred and fifty peuwh kjtll be pam y the subpniber to t any pef- l discover and give fuch inforflwmon will convifl the per fun or ptinns who on or atom the 29th or 30th cf june lft hole from l george ridin fsq a walkerv hotel rjflhe subfcriber refpedtfullr inform a parcel containing montreal bank bills of civr dollars racb- to the amount of two tlioufand pounds by rlirertio of the directors of the ji their friend and the public thar they have received of the laft importations a well felecd eftortmert of jdm y goo i3s 1 m whereas the subscriber on the nightofthe 6th inst while on hi way from the carrying place head of the bay of qiunte to the river trent wai altauhed by ttuo men and kob- eedofhis pocket book containing pa per money to the amount of three hundred and seventy three dollars and sundry notes of hand agreeable to thefollowingdecriptions the above reward will be given to any peron who my make fuch difcovery of the slobbers as will lead to their convic tion notes of hand as fallows one soiy signed by e f tinker payable to this subscriber 75 one ditto signed ellsha tinker payable mo the subscriber- s68 adapted to the feafon- likewife a quantity of strong jamaica spirits cogniac brandy hollands gin winefi teas sugars molsites c and a number of other articles tedious to men tion in anadvcrtifmcut which they will fell cieap for caflu walter mccunlffe co kingfton augult 2d 1820 31 tf the subfcriher9 have rccivd a confignment of american cutton goods 3 cnfiring of rleachd and unbleachd shirtings and sheeting bed ticking and stripes which will be fold at very low prices thos s whitaker ft co kingfton aug 4th 1820 3 itf window glass the fubscribers have on hand a con ignmrnt of window glass- of 7 12 by 3 12 9 by 9 8 by 10 10 by 12 of excellent quality and warranted to open in good order for fale at very low prices for cah or fhort approved credit thos s whitaker co may t7 20 the fubferiber being legally appoint ed administrator to the estate of the late john symington esq of niaga ra requests all thofe to whom the faid es tate is indebted to prefrnt their accounts for adjustment either to himself at kings ton or to thomas mccormick eq at niagara and all thofe who are in anv way indebted to the faid eftate an in like man ner requested to pay the accounts due by them to either of the above mentioned par ties with as little delay as poflible claude brown kingston llth 03 1820 4tf government contract persons willing to contract for fupplying his maieftya naval yard at point frederick with seven hundred cords of fire wood cut from found hard timber will fend to the dock yard gate6 on the 30th inftant sealed tenders endorfed tenders for fire wood 4ls0 perfona defirous of furnilhmg hi ma jestys naval yard with teams of horfes and oxen for the enfuing year will fend to the dock yard gates on the 30th inst sealed tendeis endorted tendera for team work the tenders for the above contracts to be opened on saturday the 30th inftant at one oclock 48 n r a dig er chief clerk naial storekeepers office thomas mar eland agent kingston yh nov s f 9 47 just piibluhed and for sale at ihis offices s barrows 500 questions on the new tes tament wanted and much wished for a medical genrleran rf literal edu cation and undoubted loyalty to prac tice in the village of bath ft perfon of the above difcripticn wi 1 receive the mod libera fupport and encouragement- bath sept 25th 1820 39 stoves uc ditto signed john tills payable to the subscriber- 108 one ditto signed e wheeler payable to the subscriber s3u three ditto signed ezra osborne payable montreal academy wm kyan a r master in this institution conducted according to the most approved modern yttmj the education of young gentlemen 11 completed in about half ihe time ttfoaljfl required and except in extreme cafes without the aid of corporal punifhmentj hitherto lo unjustly confidcred as irdii penfible to this only can be afct ibed the unparalleled patronage received by thii institution which by enabling the principal to proceed on a liberal and enlarged rtalc secures to the poblm advantages nit to be net with in the establishments of this country which ar generally fpeaking of only an ephcmcr existence the premiies tre perhaps th best calculated of any in the country for large establishment the houfc is very spacious and comfortable the plcafure ground and garden cxtenlivc and wct encloed the courfe of studies comprife tld greek latin french and enlilh ian guages logic mathcmtick history oeoorrlir ttr wm metick book keeping c muiic dancing and drawing are al taught at hours that do not inteifere wit the regular claites terms v to the subscriber 27 our ditto signed martin shutcrley pay- ablo to trumai kimpton gi oijo ditto signed calvin rawson payable co chleh norton- si 1 50 hoard tc tuition prr annum 40 day scholars ho learn ctef sic5 14 day scholars who learn writ i 10 0 0 0 d 0 0 0 the fubferiber has juft received a quantity of double and single stoves oi quite new and handfome patterns which ht offers for fait at the montreal price and charge for cafh john watk1ns kingfton sept 2 2d 1820 83tf notice or he allperfoid indebted cither by nrtc book account to rhe eftate of t late richard hbifon efq deceafed are reqnefted to piy the fame without deay and thofe to whom the eftate h indebted will prefent their accounts duly auihcnti cated for adjuftment t i allan maclean efquire one of the executors to faid es tate kingfton june 5 1820 i6tf the subfcriber respectfully begs feave to acquaint the public that having commenced irewing for the feason they can be accommodated with beer of various qualities from nine pence to two shillings per gallon as a wholesome and pleasant table drink nothing can exceed the beer he now offeii to the public at nine pence it being fuch as in an- part o the world would be esteemed good genuine beer and recog nifed 2 rhe unfophifticated produce of the barleyfield and hopyard thomas dalton n b grain constantly for sale at six fence per bushel kingfton brewery oct 31ft 1820 44tf government contract 1st december 1820 i 0 provide for w inter comfort th0masaskev respectfully informs the pub lic he purpofea to have rady for infpeion on tuesday next a fupply of fafhionable 8 fuitable for the approaching fcafon fdet ed by himfelf in the montreal and que bec vlarkcts and cm very reflfonabjc terms for cafti only at hit 3toiijs adjoining captain andcrlona houfe kingfton ift dec 1820 4tf surveyor generals office york nov 2 18 notice i hereby giren that sealed proposal will he received at this office on or lefore the 21th day of jan- nary 1821 to be opened on that day for the survey of the undermentioned townships iotb midland district the township f sheffield hlnciiinbroke and bedfohd confattiing about 66000acres each and for the residue or northerly part of the township of hingerford contaiuing about 40000 acres the survey t0 be p for in land by a percentage on the land surveyed and to be performed after the manner find on the erms and conditions ex pressed in the notices from this office bearing date he 14h december 1818 and the 8th of february 1819 t110s ridout surveyor general obe ditto signed thomas ward payable to jayues graham 5 ouh tliiio signed martin rush payable to the subscrilier gi one ditto signed barton philips payable to williamcalkins for amount of 5 less endorsed 2 j one ditto signed josial proctor payable to the subscriber 3 9 one ditto signed george simpson payable to the subscriber 10s together with fundry notes and ac counts which cannot be particularifed of the paper money fix were ten dol lar bills of the montreal bank tbe others were altogether of the bank ofu c one of which was ten dollars and the others of fmaller denominations there wa9 alfo contained in the locket book a licence to peddle granted to the fub feriber on or about the 24th day of may last philip whelpley bellvlle 9th oaober 1820 42tf the lubferibers duly appointed ex ecutors to the laft will and teftament of the late william mitchell efq of kingfton hereby requeft all persons who a e indebted to rhe ellate either by bond mortgage note or duuk c6unt to cfme forward and fettle the fame without dkayand au thofe to whom the faid eftate is indebted to prefent their claims fl adjuftment at the office of the late william mitchell allan mpherson james nic kalls jun kingfton oaober 17 1820 42ii n b the bufincfs heretofore car ed on by the late william mitchell efq ill be continued by thomas r cart- right and neil j mclean under tbe m of thomas r cartwright co 10 be sold and immediate pos- 8efion given the following lots of and in the 6th conceflion of the town- f of elmbley viz 19 20 22 241 29 p mod eligibly situated on the north le of the rideau lake which forms their luthern boundary the great road to le perth settlement leading through one the lots they abound in excellent imber whichfrom its being contiguous to rater communication may be rafted to iontreal at a trifling expence the qua- v of the foil and other advantages are rh as to render this a desirable purchafe farmers or perfons engaged in the lum- x trade for terms of payment and her particulars apply to william mar- all esq perth settlement john kirby q kingston or the fubferiber in wood- iondon diftrid ing and arithmetic montreal october 4th 18 20 n b information may be bad b reference to smith barilet efq kin ston or to mr thomas daton of t kingston brewery each of whom has fon at the montreal academy 43 kingston branch of the treal bank jvlon any fum required maybe obtained the office for good bills on mo treal quebec bills of exchange on l01 don or for specie notes alfo will discounted at thirty fixty and ninety day thomas markland kingfton 3d nov 18 1 8 agent notice 4 ll prrfons indebted to the subfcribj ia er either by notes of hand or bocl accounts are reqnefted to come and fettl tbem by the firft of march next or the will be put into the hands of an attornej for colled ion james parrot sen 71lliam holroyd and fa mily who emigrated from leeds 5 oikshire england in march laft and i low supposed to be living in the diftric i newcaftle in the province of upper c lada is d fired to send his address to hii rother john holroyd kingfton kingston th dec 1 820 cw terms op the kingston chronicle 1 twenty shilling per annum if cnt by mai weiiy fowr shillings subcripinns lo in pa in advance to the bto july or the 1st of jan rice of advertisement in e robert n1ch0l november r8 1819 7tf notice the fubferibers having taken for a term of years the store and premises belonging to the late wm mitchell efq in kingfton intend to carry on the bufi ncfs as heretofore of forwarding and general merchants they have on hand a fcled aftortment of goods which they offer for fale on liberal terms and hope by their attention to merit a hare of that extenfive patronage which their predeceftor enjoyed the bufinefs will in future be conduc ted under the firm of thomai r cart- wright co thomas r cartwright neil j mclean kingston odber 17 1820 421 oy lines and under 2- 6d first i kjj serf ww and ld each subsequc insertion 10 lines and under 3s 4 first insertion and qd each subseque insertion above ten tines 4d per lit tor the first insertion and id per in vr even subsequent insertion advertisements zcifhout xvrittrn dircc ions an- inserted till forbid and charge accordingly i orders for discontinuing advertise trents to be in writing and delvend h wednesday noon at the uust 1 ao advertisements received aft ten oclock on the day of publication agents henry cowan tsq quebec edward sills jw tkrre rivers james williams i montreal messrs j sc j dunlnp lancaster paul glaford esq matilda alpheuk jones esq present henry jones eq brockviltc n b tom mas esq perth ii whit marsh esq uchvtontl t k jlai twll esq bastard e webster esq iananoqtte j raokcn esq bath allan mrphcrson esq napanee thomas parker esq buvittc joil a keeler esq cramahe james r belhone esq hamilton john d smith esq port hope william allan esq york rtanih ross inq yutoria john crooks lq niagara t mrconnirk esq qurensttm john wilson esq amhtrstburgh kingston u c printed foit nie iimtousi

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