Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 14, 1826, p. 1

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kingston chronic nec rege nec poptjlo sed utroque i vol viii rriday afternoon july 14 1826 hos2 axaxance british foreign life fi assurance company of london established bv act of parliament 9 five millions sterling boad of direction presidents john irving esq m p francis baring esq samuel guruey lq n m rouiciidfsq moses mooiefiore lq directors j a lexander esq m p g m ftarueit iisq charles bevan esq john bnwden eq arch campbell ksq win crawfrd eq timothy o curtis ivq francis cressweli esq ch greenwood e j heygaie jun esq wm howard esq john lnues eq m p william kay ls oswald smith esq h m thornton esq thomas wilson esq the subscribers being appointed agents to he said company have llic iionor to announce that they are now ready to take risks and grant policies of assurance against loss or damage occasioned by fire in any part of the provinces of lower and upper canada the names and wealth of the presidents and directors of this association are so widely known throughout the commercial world that it would be presumptuous on the part of the agents to suppose that any observation of theirs could increase the confidence uf the public in an association composed of such distinguished individuals a cnqtlal of ftvr millions ptrlin r a- mount tar exceeding thai possessed b uuj similar institution must ailbrd perfect securi ty to the assured mkexzie betkune co montreal 4th june i the subs siiseer dfivg appointed aront for the said com pany in kingston is aoc to receive ap- plications and grant policies oi assurance a- gainst loss or damage by fire suffbrer9 will at all times experience the utmost liberality and promptitude in the settle ment of their claims against th company james macfahlane corner of vvater k brrick streets kingston 9th september 1125 british foreigx life s fiite assurance company of london participation in the profit of the institution by the assured the agents oftfm company have received instructions from the board of directors io place the assu red in canada upon the same footing a par- txcipaiion in the profits of the establishments wifli those in england they do therefore announce to the public that the profits of the fire department ap propriated to the assured will he distributed at the close oi each successive period of five years in the form of a per eentae upon the premi ums parties who obtain the settlement of los ses from fire ate not thereby deprived of the right to participate in the profits of the cwin- pany the agents beg leave to call the attention of the public to the advantages hereby held out to those who insure with this company viz a participation in the pro fits ofthe establishment those who insure lor a period of five successive years thereby become virtually stockholders to the amount of their premiums and without being subject to any of the liabilities of the compa ny as they will receive back a portion of their preuittiifs in f jukt n w w ws other words at the end o ttrv successive fve vears they will be paid a bonus proportionate to the extent of their transaction with ihe company this advance so far superior to what is offered by any other company in this country connected with the circumstance of the large capitajoffive millions sterling the respectability of the directors and the uni versally acknowledged superior method by which their alfairs are conducted the aents cannot doubt will be duly appreciated by the people of the canada and will point out the alliance company to those who wish o insure their proper v against fire as that which will best suit both their interest and se curity mackenzie bethune cc a ok nts ahance office commissioner street u5r6 august 18if will be paid for gjf bushels kye sbooo d0 indn corn 00 hogs suitable for distillery yard bv wm garratt hear of the market square kindlon scptih 1325 for sjle the horse lately owned in thin town by major cmbior royal artillery a strong s four years old colt fet blrtck m well broke a handsome sor rel broodmare eitu years old and a stout canijjun pony siv veas old apply atmarmora to mr maualuui or at kington toiho snbsciibcr james mcttciion vheeisraif maguires john maguire begs to iaform his friends and the public that he has obtain ed a renewal of the lease of the premises at present occupied by him aud that his wharf storehouse are in such a state of repair as to ensure safety and convenience to all who mav favor him with their custom kingston 7th april 1826 for sale on reasonable terms the brick house and two lots opposite the residence of mr briscoe ot the royal engineers also a very valua ble property situate in the village ofbarrie- field near point henrv apply for terms to c a hagermanesq or the proprietor john w ferguson adolphustown 12th april 1826 to let a large twostory house comprising shop and every convenience for a family situate on the napane river a short distauce below the napane mills- attached to the premises are three acres of ground and a very good store house apply at this othce kingston 10th april 182g 3 9 for kingston mrs twiog having for raanv years con duced a boarding day school io the nunh of ireland and having reined a large school in miat country in consequence of induce- rnei beine held on to her io emigrate to upper canada has taken a house in quarry street kington with the view of establishing a similar tttelitilftan in that place her long experience andlhe credentials which he ha biouht with her encourage her to hope that rm who may place their dagher ulfcer her crr will lind hrr at fro live io i heir education and mural reference may be made io the rev g 0 stuartand the rev john barclay feb 18 1825 bank notice the stockholders of the bank of upper canada are hereby requested to pay a further instalment of 10 per cent upon the capital stock subscribed on or before the 1st day of july next ensuing- equal to l 5s per share pursuant to a resolution passed at a ge neral meeting of the stockholders held this day as the act directs thos g ridout casuikb bank of upper canada york 29th march 1826 for sale that stone dwellixg house and garden situated in barrackst adjoining the commissariat office recentlv occupied by dr sampson for particulais apply to f a hamper kingston julv 22 1825 i to coopers flhe highest price will be paid for two thousand good sots seihlfc deliverable in may june and july for fur ther information inquire of john watkius esq kingston or to c fcjmdonald a few journeymen coopers men of steady habits would find constant emplo ment by application to c fcjm giuanoque aprd 14 1826 dry ccobs m he subsr riber returns his sincere thanks to the pub lic far past fivours and at the same rime begs to inform them j that he is now disposing of his extensive stock ofdry goods at very reduced prices fut cash or produce he respectfully in vites those who may be disposed to purchase to call and examine his goods as he trusts the will be found inferior io none in the province arch imdonell kingston april 11 132ij o sane noises t notice is hereby given that the directors of the institution have this day declared a half yearly dividend of four per cent upon the capital stock paid in which will be payable at the bank on and af ter friday the 7th day of july ensuinjr and tliar the stock and transfer books will be clos ed from the 1st to the 30th juno next in clusive by order of the board thos g ridout chier uank of upper cnnnda york ma whole ale and retail boot shoe store jl j ferns oot k shoe maker cor ner of store and king street bgs leave most respec- fullv to inform his customers that he has just received direct from the manufactory in london au assortment of ladies walking and dres3 of a most superb quality he is in hourly ex pectation of receiving his usual spring supply of goods consisting of ladies gentlemens youths and childrens boots and shoeb of all sizes and descriptions all warranted to be of the very best quality being ali made ex pressly to his orger jllso all kinds of materials used in his line such as white lamb fy sheep iioans and skives binding galloons boot cord h mp and flax of all kinds best bend leather squares boot wvhb shoe horns rmates kit tiles pwllfcbed l sting tacks tinmiri buckles c also a small cousujument of ladies md gentlemen s a a v a from the first manufacto xu england tle whole of winch he engages to sell at a much lowerrate than the sanr quality of goods can be procured for from oher store in cana da orders from an purt of the province will be punctually attended to kingston june 9 1112 501 1 2 s cornek of r kkf1t k kl g stkee r the subciber respecfuhy informs the inhabitants of kigion and the public in general that he has opened the large and commodious house wih all its improvements formerlv occupied by jackson mac kenzie jteab 7fie market place t begs leavf to stac lhat he has fitted up this establishment in a rraiucr which he trusts will ensure comf i and convenience to those who may favour him with their patron age from a strict altentiou to business he hopes to merit public patronage and others can be accommodated with board ld lodging on moderate terms by the ek bv the dav or by the month gaud stabling and an extensive yard king january commission store the subenber b to inlorm his friends and the public p ihji having taken the extensive premises recently occupied bv mr n j mlean he il li undertake to dispose of produce fee be on conssnment and wdl lereive commissi ons for lie purchase of wheat ashes frouk and other produce in the se lection 0 which the utmost care will be taken to give utisfjctioii to those who may favour him will their orders john smith kii2on2d december u25 the subscriber liaving been duly appoint ed administrator to the estate of the late hevry m la ren inkecper at the napane mills rionmond in the midland dis trict requests all persons having claims a- gainst tke said estate to send in their account duly attested and all those who are indebted to the sud estate are requested to make im- medite payment to tbc subscriber james macorkgor administrator napane 2th april 1820 turpitj fie parker 50 have just received and offer for sale dozen folanstes americaa grass aud cradle scythes and 8qq ss3k3 eikm 15 wt warp and filling yarn 5 do caudle wick and cotton wool gilt and mahogany framed looking glasses 500 pieces factory cottons saltinetts plaids and stripes 00 pieces paper hanging and bordering uq box window glss 20 cwi sole ami upper leather 10 bbk sperm cod and paint oils 20 chests twankay and hyson tea sperm candles spirits turpentine seal skin caps dress whale bone chocolate plug and piperto- bicco macaboy scotch alui rappee suuff sjanitih segars weavers reeds iron steel 100 barrels pork and a verv treueraj ami extensive assortment of merchandize conshug of dry m 9 ororries crockerywares he jar j lji millinery fc mrs ofarrell respectfully arquainfs the ladirs of kingston and iu vicinii that lie ha- snadi an angemeiua which mill enable her io have me hues fasiiions in thf above lino from montreal and newyork she returoi her grateful acknow- lcdgoeii5 for farmer fiiviurs and hpe from a sfncl determinarion to eecuc all orders comroii- ted io her charge in the bet style to merit a con tinuance of the ine kington 2d june 1825 n b three appi entices wauled tu the abae bobinesda n the first day of july uext on ile pre mises if not disposed of before by private contract those valuable premises celled tl kingston brewery situate in the town of kingston and fronting cataroque hay consisting of a dwelling house containing three rooms on the upper floor with excellent cellars together with a malt house with about one acre and one half of land these premises are worthy the attention of persons in business are suitable for an e- tcusive brewery or any other me tile con cern or may be converted into the residence of a private family being in an airy and pleasant part of the town will also be sold at the same time the red house and leg house adjoining the said premises with about one tenth of an acre of land attached thereto for further particulars apply to the sub scribers john ivrnv allan iy1lian wtiimam crawford executors of the last will and testament of james robins sale to commence at 12 oclock noon kiugston 17th april 1826 to e for a term of years and imme diate possession given the properly at present in the occupation of john grant in barriefield consisting of a good dwelling house rake house bdrn and other outhouses with the lmd attach ed this property will be leased for a term nf years on advantageous terms apply to the editor of ihe kingston chronicle kingston 5th may icsc kotzce a 9 m11sx j pcr cannda y 2 1p2c i j the subscribers having obtained the con tact for furnishing fresh beef for the gamson of kingston and its dependen cies wie pay cash on delivery fcr fat cattle deliverei themin ali the ensuing 6 aaon beach u vainalstine kingston 9th december 1k25 notice hereby request all persons indebted rtfa 10 rue io pay the amount ol iheii res pective lebts to john smith ksqr comnus- siou mrfcliant kindlon he having my au- ihoiity receive and giant acquittances for the saint edw low wu charles beeves kigsron mav lfitli 1m0 aving taken their brother collin mdonald into copartnership the business in future will be carrricd od under the firm o c srjmdonaldsjco who will ilsu sellle the business of c k j macdonalj cilirlks jipdojmld jo ha jtidomi ld collly jidoaild gananoque may 18 1826 notice 4k w j a a ws tcj wv j ust uece1ved by the sub fccrlber 50 dozen american scythes cash p tl for clean lines and cotton bagg a hub office 1v li of superior quality which he odgrs for sale on reusonable terms john watkixf kingston iptb may iy msicellaneous from the john bull edward g v akkfirtd and miss tuukril k cotinled it may be aslted if 1 had found her ugljc iglioranti and vulnir as she had oue been described romp what shoulu i have done my mind bs quite made up i should havo fufcen her ik ck io liverpool desire ihftscttoot- mnlress io send immediately fur mr turner and shuuld have left with her for him a par tial account of my freak urging him o cn- cenl ii for his childs sake 1 had nut often oneil marriage u her a nv tootjves fbi taking ler hack wiuld never have hfr sus pected so my nimiivs tor taking her ivay would never iaw been dirovered 1 inteiw ded io refuse all explannllott upon ihe sub ject beyond admitting an uct of seeming folly r and in part describing what would have been considered an unfathomable mystery i trusted to mr turners good sene to jceep the secret at ali events that was my in tention if she had felt alarmed and had objected to travelling vvih me i should have made for buxton bnd should have sent her home with the landlady of rhef buxton hot in this case asoiy object in lakms her avvay would have been suspected i should neither have ap peared nor have riirpii and 1 had by many precautions taken carp to conceal the real actor ru what would have been callfed u tin- successful attempt ro run away with ims tur ner but instead of havms to fulfil eiihpr of these inieuiims every thing consnred tu con firm my main resolution no one can imagine the pains i took to know my future xrife awl tailing her as i did all that is delightful howlsimve to in- lerest hor and to make her pleased with me that i succeeded there can be no doubt for when having marie up my mind to propose marriage to her i asked her whether she knew where she was going she said u bill i suppose tou do and 1 jo not wish to be mid i rather enjov the uncertainly t informed her that she wa4 going intc york shire and that she would probably meet her t rher jit hndderfield very well she re id sbe then reverted to the comer- atiou i i b hart hen broken off by mv bnesi lion this ncouied after we had left mau- chesier aboui lliree hours as we prot eeded we stil talked incessantlji and often allu led to the iiradkimitss of aiar ituanon i gradually assufned towards her a inner which i cannot readily describe it was not studied it was perfectly natural i behawl to her as i would to a beloved sitei whom i had joined after separation fiom childhood and whom my whole soul was bent upn pleasing with careful reserve and yet with hp most affectionate frankness with intimacy without familiarity and with the greatest the most marked and thoughtful kind ness but with no more tenderness than any man of feeling would display to a helplesl woman accidentally placed under his sole protection she was i suppose pleased by this manner of treating her by what means i cannot tell further but that she wa pleased 1 had soon ample proof a we approached iluddersfiold mention ed ihe possibility of our not meeting her father there and of her having to travel on with me till the following day now her love for her father is unbounded and forms per hips the most marked trait of her character yet as she has since often assured me she was agreeably disappointed ai heniin ihat shr might not see htm so spun and thai she might continue io if aud with me uli ihe next dav few will believe this but it is strictly true and i knew so well her love of truth and sense of justice that i atn sure she will confirm my assertion i am not such a cox comb as to say that she was in love with me hut as i was already delighted with her who had taken no pains to pleasp she might well be pleased m ith me who had spared none to captivate i cannot explain this secret of her heart but i state the fact according to my belief aul her assurance on reaching h udder hfietd my supposition of her regret at the thought of our scperatimi was confirmed by her high spirits whilst we were at an inn there after i had told her that wc had no rltnnce ofsetsrffi her failtcaull the next day a e staid an hour i believe at r lie inn where we eat drank talked laughed and almost played as if we had been una pojiv of pleasure it was then dart she exppcfed k travel afune with me all night and bhe knew neither w what place she was going nor v iin what object so strarlge a journey had been un dertaken but she hid continue the journey not merely without a sign of hesitation but wuh eveiy mark of delight l our inces uu conversation and the hurry and excitement uf the who adventure at halifax my servant ou whom flight and fatigue had brought on a it of ihe sour re mained behind openly nd fo that he must have heard me but in pretrrh which i rliil not then know she perfectly understands igae hint orders 10 return to london lie asked me whether hfc should enage family rooms forme in the brunswick hotel i siid yes hut do noi tell an body ilrit i iiltl married and go to bwl and btay in ben di or wi ii till von see me three tittjrs liene th is i suspect did partially open herevt s to ruy ultimate uhj it for nosm aftehvattuj as i was t ilkmg to my brother in kreneh about her and the lone vhen we inighl renh scotland she desiied us not lm tell se rets in preach unless we wished hei louudt iiarl tiiem be thi- as it iimv we cuuiimicd to travel tin mgh the njuhl occnnlyrl as befuie wuh in- eessant couvei sutinii llcr f rns uver tjig- tivd lor a mnuieiir iverv thing ttluiom wl cum cried iutu an cxvusk 1j langhue th

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