Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 14, 1826, p. 2

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all bur dangerous rapidity with which ilic yoikstttre postboys drove through the datk- ness tne significant request of more than one landlady on the road that wfi would honour them illi our company on our return my snuggles after two sleepless nights with an almost overpowering drowsiness various petty accidents and the probability ascer tained hiring the night that ihe carriage would break into pieces before daylight all furnished us with reasons lor rather excuses for bring so uicnv that anv one who could have seen and heard u must have been satis tied ol the perfect puid will of both parties lo lose no nine in reaching gretna green i of course continued to direct my whole attention to improving her partiality for me not merely by sharing and encouraging her joyous eond humour but also by entering into all her feelings and by bestowing upon her such personal aiteniions and caresses as with out bring indolicate or calculated to alarm i e modesty were an unequivocal declaration of my wishes and intentions and i un- doubled ly succeeded for before we reached kendad she lieatcd me with all the affecti onate confidence and gratifying intimacy that a ehenshcd friend and admitted lover could have expected from her at kendal after breakfast i was about to undeceive her to explain the stratagem i had used tn odcrto know her and make myself known nnto her and to atienipt by a common course of supplication and argument to per suade her to many me the devil reminded me that besides the mean of persuarion furnished by our already established intimacy i had a very powerful argument to ne she had passed one ivhou wight with me ami i could have urged that for her sake she would do well to become in wife without delay tine it was that i h ul treated her with the utmost delicacy and her conscience would have heeii clear though she had not married me but then there was an illnatured world which knowing how much i had done would never give me credit for any degree of forbearance and would laugh at any saving declaration of mine as the mere result of fear or repentance the ar gument was indeed at least to a gentlewo man tremendously powerful but 1 felt an invincible repugnance to using it a roman tic fit for which no stranger will give me either mime or credit a came noon me c and under its ititiuetice 1 dreaded to appear a brute in the eyes of ibis sweet girl who was already so well inclined to like me and whom bad i used mint irngeneiousargtunenti should have nm tied by a means which promised to insure me her dislike instead of the tender love that i then iclt certain of inspiring her with still what other chance had i of obtaining her free and lull and openly expressed appro val of an immediate marriage even though as i halfsuspected she should not in heart object to becoming mine she must for the fc of her pride have made objections w hich i could not have answered and it therefore behoved meto furnish her with some excuse for yielding to my wishes there was no time to lose whether or not i should use the ungenerous argument i had passed one night with her i had gone too far to recede if it were possible to advance by any means short of constraint te ungenerous argument recurred 10 me continually but 1 always re ceded it and sought till my bead ached for this life full of years and full of honours on the evening of ihe 4th ins as the bells were ring ing for the conclusion of the celebratton of the auspicious day we learn that the venerable patriot rose on the morning of the lib in bis usual health and spirits rejoicing thai he had been spared to witness the jubilee of bis coun trys freedom towards noon he became ill grew gradually worse and ai six oclock fell asleep me was one of the earliest and ablest and most fearless champions of his countrys freedom and his name fills a wide space in its history but we leave his deeds for the records of the biographer and historian only two of the signers of the declaration of indepen dence now smvive and in the course of hu man event- they will shortly descend to the tomb death of mr jefjerson just as our paper was going to press we learnt that mr jeffer son late president of the united states died at his residence in virginia on the 4th of ju ly w ten minutes before one in the afternoon it is certainly a most singular coincidencetbat those two venerable personages should have paid the debt of nature on the same day and that the fiftieth anniversary of that indepen dence which they so essentially contributed to achieve ministration the fruits r i nrsl dawn 0 enterprise in this province the vessels that this proud day are seen floating over the lim pid waters which untu ontarios lake with the bayofburlingion loretell the future in- portance of this beatil section of upper canada nor is it too bold to presage that but few years will elapse et it will be the empo rium and grand depot nf the industry of ex tensive fertile and populous regions to effect this great object the god of na ture has beets all bountiful and the pleasing task is left for man to accomplish hj the ap plication of practical science and enterprise his most sanguine wislus your excellency is surrounded by a faithful and loyal people who know how to appreciate duly the ciil s political advantages of ihejr present constitu tion the experience before their eyes of the convulsed volcanic state of almost ever go vernment of continental europe whilst the dazzling sun of liberty is blazing in various experimental shapes over the greater portion of this western world presents to their view- no tempting example that could induce a wish to change their allegiance from their beloved sovereign the king of the seagirt isles of bri tain long may it be their happy lot as it is their most fervent desire to enjoy his pow erful and generous protection and may future generations to the latest limes feel as grateful as the present united inseparably with heart and hand to support the glorious constitution that has given birth to us as a people we wish your excellency every earthly happiness and entreat you to accept our assurances of profound respect con district july irf 1826- to which his kxcellency was pleased to give the following reply gentlemen on wednesday forenoon a military specta- i request you to accept my warm acknow- cle of great splendour and interest was exhibit- ledgnunt for lids dutiful ftfld loyal address i ed at the excercistng ground on the com- receive with much pleasure the cordial wel- iiioii the old colours of the cist regiment i come with which you hae greeted my arrival under which that distinguished corps have y imstriefc novascotia garrison of halifax presenting colours to h m cist regt brilliancy by any thing that ha- occurred here for many years that beautiful sheet of water being neaily covered with pleasure boats containing groups of the fair fashionables of the place at 4 oclock the boat race gfcob entertained a party of from 80 ti 90 on garden inland the dinner was sumptuous and in ihe general arrange ments elegance was happily blended with the mot substantial comforts the sounds of the bugle of ibe6tffh light infantry proceeding from the aboriginal forests in rear f the temporary encampment combined with the noble view which la presented to the eye from garden wand of the town of kingston the military defences of fort henry the dismantled iiulls of the uoal ships in the navy yard and above all i he con fluence of the cniamque and the majestic saint lawrence with her tt0lllld isles heightened exceedingly the interest of 1 tie scene in the cool of iic evening a few quadrilles were danced and between k and 0 the party embarked for kingston seemingly much pleased with the amuemeiitsof the day mrs hunter and mr valicre having collect ed some monip tor im he a dilreed per son in kingston beg to acknowledge ihcir having receded in rash the sum of nine pounds h c for the outlay of which together with any addi tional items promised hut not yet paid iliej will be happy to give an account at some future period jods of either kingdom except where it fa otherwise express agreed in these 31 titles it may be said why did not llio act ajtei stat ing- that the said presbyterian guvnnieiit shall be the only govcrnim fti of the chinch within the kiirguorn of fecuiland mention and the territories thciennto ik ion nig us it provided that the episcopal chut eh gu- vermncrit should he established in koghuid 8 iu the territories thereunto belonging the answer is obvious there wcio no terri tories at that tune belonging to fccolluud and therefore the addition would have been an un- mcaniog one fought for these 28 years and which waved over them iu the actions of ma id a and cotun- na fields from which they derived so much renown had become so defaced and wornthai the oflieis deemed it necessary to procure a new pair the eeteniony of presenting them agreeably to public announcement took place on that day and the anticipation of witness ing this solemn and imposing sigjif attracted to the spot a large and fashionable concourse of the inhabitants about lai ovlock the ilnee regiments now in barracks the iilst 74th and the rifle bri gade were thaw n uj inlo a hollow srptare one side of which remained open the area thus formed was occupied by his excellency sir james kempt and staff admiral luke c you do me justice h believing that i de rive very peculiar satisfaction from the new proof of our increasing prosperity which has beeo afforded me in my isit to the important work which wanes lake ontario with the safe and commodious bay before us he assured gentlemen tl will always afford me very sincere gratification lo promote by any means in my powew the welfare of your nourishing district t ris rxeelleney sir peregrine maiuand k cb lieutenant governor of the pro vince of upper canada major general commanding his majestys forces therein tc tec ma it please yocr excellency ave the burlington bay canal commission vie are requested to ay a circus will dee pened here in the course of the ensuing week at mr moores mansion louse the troop are now performing at brockvtlle and are expected in town on suodav due notice wilt be given a to hie time of performance and particulars made known iu the bills of ihe day theweailierdnrinpthe early part of the week has been oppressively hot the thermometer rang ing on monday tuesday and wednesday from 86 to 90 drs in the shade yesterday morning if it be said why did net this article go oil to provide that wucn inglund and scotland thus muled into gnat hruam should after wards conquer or iu un other wa become possessed uf new territories their chinches should botbol them haw equal fights privi leges aod advantages in them 1 uiimei iu what plainer terms could this have btoit stulvd than those which have autoull lctn ucd iu article 4th above recited shall it stul be said that the clause 1 uitbln the kiiigiloin ol scotland cxcltiot 11 tuulh- crn part of great bnlain 10m cl xxhlltq lor her jlmrchanj right 1 n ilege wiauuitc saving in scotland only 1 wimiil uuht that 11 is is to ado to this clause a w unpoii- aut word only and that n 1 to itm rlutk the circumstance thai all wtich wu wanted u t- deitogivc to yvv1i intain vvhenittdtcd with tfouth iiritam aright 10 ciuiin it c right privileges and auvauhigts lor law ghtuch was tout the act of bnion bllould sulcnuds re- cognie her church a a pan ol uj ctitbiih- meul of great iiriiain in oilier words apart of the establishment oj ihe iiriush lmmie bcollaud nas no right to ulami an uti dear- es or advantages for hurchuich in an ffua golony hi a lurrtsii coioiv it ujia 11- liucncuouiywbich uanwithuold ibem fruiah r the position advauci ny tut author o ih briei exaunuauon in uic paragtapli inirlod i and umchruu thus i o show uat th- cler gy oi tne lsiuomhcdc huch oi tghauuavu uo exclusive nglit lu tin clergy kumta iu canada hie act of the lirrjenal j rluueti lbl geo lid chap jl i ciuo by which il appears thai these rtscrrcs wciu specuilly set apart for the cndowucm 01 ihectoin and some other means of inducing ano ex herapproval of an immediate marriage with out destroying her ood opinior of me at last the device struck me which i ulti mately used with success and i declare that present the colours immediately afterwards the ceremony commenced by a prayer and an appropriate address being dtliveied hy the rev j t twining chaplain to the forces at the conclusion of this the banners were placed in the bauds of his excellency the lieutenant governor who is colonel of the regiment and who immediately stepped up to the carriapand presented them tomrscteagh with the following words the colours of the 81st regimen will come with peculiar projitiety and grace from your hands and i request you will do me the ho- hour of presenting tiiem stepped forward and imrs creab delivered to them and to the regiment ihe handsome ad dress which is given beneath il in having the ilattcrinn honour conferred that pretext wns emj and easiest means of persuading her but as the only one which would enable tne 10 marry her without in the very act of marriage risking ihe os of her good opinion she entered at once and i may say eager ly into what site thought a scheme for secu ring her fathers foituoe there aa no hol ding back no leiiation yes she said wiih pleaurp for papas sake she evi dently eiulicd at the idea of betng useful to her parents and expressed so beautifully her admirable leelings towards them uwt i was very near clasping her in my arms and betray ing all here in order to shew hint i am not the ruthless ravisher and that she is not the con summate fool that we have been described i most proceed with considerable detail as soon as she bad expressed not only her consent but her wish to narry me i said to her w ellen you have one other important consideration if you feel any repugnance towards me if you do not feel that you shall be able to love me and to be very happy in livin with me entirely henceforth tell me so without hesitation there is no absolute ne cessity for our marriage i beg of you to re flect most carefully upon this point and to examine your feelings towards me you have seen very little of me but still we arc become as intimate as if we had known each other for years i hope and do not doubt to treat you always for your own sake with more than the tenderness which your peculiar situa tion has hitherto obtained from me but think and do not decide rashly if you dis like or object to many me say so and i will take you back to shrigley when your fathers affairs must he arranged in some other way to be continued and which will remain a monument of your administration of the government of this pro vince to the latest posterity as well as give effect lo the measures adopted by your kx cellency to bring into cultivation thecxiensie and fertile regions in its vicinity that your kxcellency may long continue to cijoy the confidence oiour beloved sovereign is the sincere prayer of your excellencys alol obedient ami most humble servants james crooks manuel ovkufikld w ciiiswiu v iuiam m j arvts commissioners burlington beach st july u2o we hada heavy shower of rain which had iheef- 1 iarsonages to which cicnn t en l7 it fwffl eotffittieifliic sn materiafclj and ttoduy aiii a ft i and that the king himsclt isdistincuy pnliilui- cool eagerly breeze prevails aobrding a refresh ing relief from the suffocaring beat of the previous mr jeffers letter a well as j ms commu nication will appear io our next died last evening after a lingering illness mrs mary flock ajzed j on wednesday the 6 h inst jane mcleod infant daughter of lic thomson esq mp aged 3 months communications ml i 0 ol pn cohinw to a regiment in which my ttuderest atlectionsand most iriend- y regards are couiered it is difficult for tne to give expression to all the feelings which a ceremony so imposing and so deeply interest ing to my heart excites 11 i cannot priy for more than that while serving under these new banneis you may display the same ardmir and invincible bravery which so brightly short- forth under your old colours at maida when the 81st was so g-lo- rioiiilv ld l i f irt vujmidu4 general may maid corhnna and the other glory- commemorating inscriptions on your colours he always present to your minds and with the blessings of the armiunrv ver lead and pre serve the 81st in the path of honour and virtue into your hands my yoiiog friend i pre sent your kings colours and into your charge my beloved son i give the colours of your regiment at this part of the address kn- stgnade itotteiblirgdud creagh stepped for ward and were each presented with a banner when your country requires their defence i even as a mother can say they never should be abandoned hut tn death and may you while fighting under them and during your whole military lives endeavour to pursue the splendid career of your industrious general km upper canada june 21 1u2g at the council chamber proem his excellency the lieutenant cover- nor this day jafttea iwchavav macaocay em vjuswora of his majcli lionoiable kxeetnite council auj look lib place it the iioaid accord ingly i to tick ediok of ttoe kixgston chronicle sip as mr samsons commuuieauon io your pmr otu jaih uiu carries in a ffreai men sure its own conviction with it i forbear 10 make those observations which it justly chal lenges and although possessed of other evi dence i shall rest satisfied for the present with rccjucstine you lo insert iu the chronicle the following certificate which refers not lo the conversation in which mr samson made ihe admissions set forth in my former communica tion but to asubsequent one on the sun e sub ject 1 am sir your obedient servant r n h t 1 womm campbell rclniue july 7 ib26 opemno oe tuf brr cx al thiceremony look place on 5 instant and ihe novelty ofmeh a ijlijr w u canada at- i hereby certify that 1 wa- present at a conver sation between mr campbell and mr samson i bellville in which mr sampnu acknowledged a want of candour in tfaat part of ihe leiterm lord edby the said act i rum rppropriattng- ihcui lo any other uac this position ismciby dt- rect denial these reserves arc not specially set apart for the endow incut of redout tc the arc set apart ior uiu tl aiiitcnancc ol alro- lesiant clergy and ilcn mis act gocuti to specify in regard to i tn li gitah cimrch thti inauuer in which tbeclcfgwrod ibulciiurcii shall be appointed 1 10 particular mode ol apporlioniueiit to the vff4 dlltifth t hurch has not been pointeu oul but the rcatier oi this communication la nieiuu to uic nnmuch- ed arguniculb in tbc luicr ju which 11 1 intimated that he delect oi the act jlt cm 3d in regard 10 the ftoriii bruih cburcli it no that u fails to provide lor fit jor uin ic docs as well a lor the burii 1mi i e huv under tbc general dciuounaton ioauit church but thai klailiojn 1111 ouiaii i lit sc of the episcopal cbutcii thy pa lie liar irty in whicb tlie apportionmcut is to be a3igtcu go the paragiaplus mai ked jh il u oih it is needless to iiuke at aihiutations il may bo proper ho we vur m reference to the observations made in the paragraph utaiucdt to observe that the pari of jlr imj s j beginning with the word flodtcbred which i extracted and inserted in uie jjuei exatnioation apprta to the paitiof them geo 3d winch iclale to the lliurdi ot jinff laud specially not to those pa c 5ilij which relate to the geucial apjroj natnu the mauiienancc oi a 1rotesiant clmss bwtt treats not of an absolute but conuuiooti now- er which may be cxvrwvd upon the conim- ol the 31st geo m cu jo read till it i r in governor of the prouncs o lppcr siluwur canada rcsoecltvcl or the puro 1 udiihiis- terinir the ffovflrntiicnt tbcicin irom lime u i trncied annmber of neoole f7 hivnm77rv ttffbl w hich refers to the church at bcllrvillt- j time to constitute and erect wuhiu every of the countrv rom auceui parts and prinini ponion of ii nhich repre- tne gore militia uerccalurf out an furnish ed a guard of honour which r ecived hi kxcel- lency che lieiueuant nver rj hands of the 70th regiment wnb auo u attendance his kxcellency wiih the t commissioners in a barge passed through life canal uniting the ivaterb of ontario witi tliekirljtginn lake jlis excellency afrerwarrh proceeded hi compa ny with the commissioners to burliueton heights were ho wasmei by ihe ma piracy and inhaliiu amsof ihe ditrct of gore uho presented his excellency wiih a most loyal and dutiful address e 1 ie andl mdstonersau presented his lx- u may yon like htm he distinguished with the eellencv with an address on che occasion tc well merited rewards of a grateful country addresses and answers will b sc in this days united states from the albion national jubilee the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of the united states was celebrated in this city and throughout the country on tuesday hist in a manner befitting the occasion the military parading firing of guns ringing of bells c having been gone through the old english custom of roast ing two oxen and distributing the same with copious libations of nut brown ale pro bono publico was carried into effect near potters field to the manifest gratification of all con cerned the day was as the fourth of july commonly in very fine and it gave us sincere pleasure to observe that the feelings of the people were those of pure joyous exultation unmixed wuh the baser matter of party spirit or rnncourous national feeling the toasts and sentiments too which we have seen published are of the same honora ble and patnotic nature death of john mams laic president of the united states the news of this event reach ed town yesterday morning mr adams was the second president of the united states and he first ininisier sent by this country lo great britain alter the acknowledgment of inde pendence we copy the following from tht commercial advertiser death of tht tnic president jldamste following painful intelligence we have receiv ed in a ship this morning frm boston the lite president adams is nomoie lie depuit- thetwo ensigns haling retired to resume their usual station in front of the ngiment colonel jreach spoke in the following man ner those colour which hy thedisthiguished favour of his excellency sir jaefs kemtt have just been presented to the 8lst in a man ner so truly kratifyhtgto mv feelings shall i can promise nvrvr he sullied by the corps i have the honor and happiness to command and in the day ofbattk i trust i hey will ever wkyc as triumphantly as did our old colours when tie path of victory was pointed out to the 81st by ihe general under whom we have nowthegoed fortune to be placed the colours were then paraded round his excelencyand the fair donor attended by the gre adier company and the band play ing appropriate music these different regi ments werrstbfttl formed into line and having marched round the exercising ground were deployed oittn their respective barracks we have been informed that his excellency has presented to the regiment a ver liberal sum commemorative ol the day nova- scotiav domestic jazete u ii loyalist cent tiie congregation a rusffistius of 50 persons oho aifenri two or ihrcc limes a year and so far s he from maintainins that his statement was hm the chronicle klygswvjult 14 186 fhom tne upper canana gazett to lis excellency sir peregrine maitland e c s lieutenant governor ot the pro vince of upper canada and major general commanding his majestys forces therein sec fctokc may it tleasf vouit excellency we bis majestys most dutiful and loyal subjects the undersigned officers of militia aiagistrates gentlemen yeomen and oilier inhabitants of the gore district beg leave to kreet your arrival anrtjngst us with a most cordial and hearty welcome and toassureyou of the high sense we entertain of the interest your kxcelleney has taken in the welfare and prosperity of this colony we felicitate your kxcellency on the pre- sent occasion it affords to you the peculiar satisfaction of seeing iedied during your ad- latest from esgland i5ya recent arrival at new york from liverpool london papers lo the evening of the 30ih of may have been received fall of bhurtfore the official accuuntof the fall of this fortress have been received in englaoi tne burmfjg the albion states that rumours have recently reached the united state from several sources that hostilities have been renewed in the carman territories there appears however no positive intelligence on ihe tubjecl on the 20i h may jajfi the albion the roval assent was given by commission loagrcatnom- hernf bills amongthem wc find tht upper cana da election hill the boat race ou tticdoy last the inhabit ants of kingston were much gratified with ihe stgltl of a race between the pleasure bual of lieu- lenaut jones of the ftoat navy and lieutenant obrfen of the royal artillery the boat were moored off the commissioner wharf and ai 10 oclock on a signal gun being fired from point frederick proceeded roend ftardn hand and back again when mr vbrievs boat ai rived ai her moorings about 10 miuufs before the other the light winds that prevailed operated much a- gainst mr jodes boat she feeing considerably larger in sie than her opponeint during the contest the bay ar river in from of the town exhibited a tyecttttic eaequalled in correct in every particidar that he did not ai- lempt to defend a single panieular il roniaiued jojly orler minister of earning place july 7 1825 kingston 10th jcry 1g2c mr editor m a brief examination of a pamphlet en titled aletter tothc earl of liverpool kc 4 relative to the rights of the church of scotland in british north xvmcrica has been printed at york and is now in the hands of the public its character will i trust save it from any thing farther than a newspaper no tice lest however the nonappearance of a pamphlet in answer lo it should bo misunder stood i beg through your paper to state the particular views concerning it which should in my opinion exempt it from the more formal flagellation of a pamphletshaped reply it is a series of declamatory invective di rected against individuals not a fair combat ing of tbc arguments advanced in the u letter to lord liverpool for proof of this charac ter of the tfc brief examination those who are fortunate enough to have a copy of it are particularly referred to pages 3d 4tb 1jth 11th 18th those who have a copy of it mar also be t pleased to look at page oth and at the para graph in that page marked jd they will find it to run thus in order to prove that the kirk of scotland is as much the established church iu canada as is the established church of england the act of union of eng land and scotland is quoted by which it ap pears that it is enacted that presbyterian church government shall be the only govern- ment of the church within the kingdom of scotland the presbyterian church goycrnment of scotland bv the article of the act of union to which reference is here made and a part of which is here quoted became equally with the episcopal church government of england a part of the establishment of the mother coun try great britain and another article in the act of uniou of scotland and england spe cially provides u that all the subjects of the united kingdom of great britain shall from and after the union have full freedom and in tercourse of trade and navigation to jk from- any port or place within the said united king- jom and the dominions and plantations there unto belonging and that thorn be a commu nication of all other rights privileges and ad vantages which door may belong to the sub- towuship esc one or more parsonage nr it lory or parsonages and recloilcs nrctittlutg to the eslablishiiicutoftlicchurcho kujrlurid and from time to time to endow even ci parsonage or rectory with part ufthc ii n allotted tc appivpiiaicda a6rcsaidi i kr the rapport of a prolcsutut clergy is rioi abt- lute but conditional or dependent 011 vi tiugeucy viz thai the governor or uanl governor shajl judge it to he cira nt under the then existing ciivunistiiirv of ih township or parish no governor lieutenant governor nt person administering the government iv vtm lik ly with the advice of bis exccntirncotui- ciu lo think it proper or cjpcduii to pive i scveuth part of canada to a litboratn ollrtr small portion of the popidaluji r 1 ro to raise up in the bosom of the country a t porate body possessed of wpallh mhucv j fortnidablc and wcalih iu a crlain witm i power il were to raise if in ir bnim im ihe land a body pcycsrd of mich iyralhi m such power as might lc found ineoosiitiie somewhat troublesome mtuo diauu tlt t political machine let any unbiassed person tmflurj t bwer the question v bclhej 1 s pnfj il can be expedient tiiaf mrsonagrs tif ivi in ries according to the ustobimuneul ot tii church of enghwd rgroiiijrl f fits of the clergy it ve muid heron tulcd and erected uroghout a outrun tin genious ofafeoul ii- ti oj jm4i s oppner to thejjcfifcfus ol the lfiqlish emeope t that sfill answer qncvriou in th- uiru tive though calling burflfj briton u surcdly have imbiood nriuciplcs oftnlnn economy very diiijmf from jlrilwi do not direct to thenfot ring ijfui u in out regard to oicfieliihntiiu aw wit people the position advaneed m the marked 10 iu whicho uitimijtj i v pears from one of tin x ji of union lhallbetv pressly restneted to tlr iiuun s r is also met by a direct donnl it h sary to repeal what ins already le r ed respecting the little- word truth that by artirleh of lie ae 7 onlhenoth british church iv mw u j constituted a part of the esvm tl o i united empire lhereafieri eoi olc 1 to share in all tho tit pm a advantages enjoyed by the ur vl of great britain except lmlm jjjj thorwiseonpicslv ygoodu urt theluygeutieinuiaidodroi may p haps if ho at all uidit bxpiwsbmlientlfnpotsonemtbiei posed to adopt the w is u l u mjic

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