Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 15, 1826, p. 3

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ot was no more o ibfed villi tlio quarrels of loo unn owl mr hawley should have dune tliti suric ttiesttticih irnt rt now entered upon the ileo ace he sued 10 the jurj that the case was not of such consequence as they misrht hive boeo led to suppose from ihe opening- sooo h lie with much eloquence ami abili- l to k a comprehensive riew of im case t contrasted ihe serious and evu awful charges brought forward in the opening ad dress with ihe evidence which had just bee a iduced for the prosecution he observed that if his client were such a beast such an absolute brute as they represented him he iho solicitor would not stand there to defend him tie reverse however he was happy to pay was the case and lie could now tell tin jury that mr ham was a respectable man that from a poor shoemaker and labourer as iwy would make him he by his own merit ami pood coil luct raised himself to wealth and r voectability were he such a monster as 1jv woul i mike him to be yes if he kepi five or six women in bath if he really kepi a seraglio like ihe grand turk a ihev al- 1 jed how was it that he is now associated with and respected by his oeiffhhoars he contended that his client mr ham wis at that moment fully as respectable as mr h iw- jiv or any of his connections and he would say further if his client were such an aban doned monster as they represent him why h is he beu so long ou the lisi of magistrates was there an instance he would ask of a bro- lior magistrate complaining of him no gen tlemen he has alwavs conducted himself wiui d ce irv ani propriety and how gentlemen i wuld ajrain ask has it come about that in tie verv face of the slanders and the caluru- riis of his enemies this very mr hum bus bien on one occasion elected by his neigh bours to represent them in parliament the foamed gmtleman in goiug into the merits of rhe case staled that he could prove to the satisfaction of the cout and jury thai to niji f i nl tinif m i hawley was most imorooer he could prove that when he vi liivvlwj came for hi daughter he said 10 ihe defend mt fct you d 1 rascal vou hwc illused mv daughter i was able to sup port her before she married you and i am sj et this wis a sample of the conduct of tins mild immaculate cleik of the church toe learned gentleman put the jury oo their jr card aiiast tlie elouueuce and iogenuitv listen to the speeches of this gentleman espe cially in cases like the present calculated to create strong excitement vve hare heard those who could perhaps reason more closely than mr hagerman but very few indeed whose eloqueuce in our estimation is more powerful at the commencement of his speech the learned gentleman adverted to the high culo- ium which the learned solicitor had passed n the character of the defendant he howe vercontended thai there were many then pre sent who knew well to the contrary and evei a stronger proof of the absolute baseness and depravity ofthe mind of that individual could not be adduced than the scaudalous aud most damnable plea now set up by him what gentlemen of the jury says the learned coun sel does he attempt to piove ii is gentlemen that ihe wife of his bosom is a prostitute and his child a bastard the learned gentleman went at great length into the law and facts of the case he observ ed that the greater part ofthe witnesses were hams near relatives but he would put miss mawleys testimony agaiual the whole mass of evidence brought against him it was always with regret that he found himself compelled to differ iu opinion with the bench in i hi present instance notwithstanding what had fallen from his lordship to the con t ran he would deny that at the present day a man was at liberty to chastise his wife that was the law at former times but the day he was happy to say was now too far advanced to admit sqch doctrines gentlemen he continued what inference are yon to draw from the modest request of the defendant to his wib that she would sub- mil to having another man sleep in the same room with her r is there any man who now bears me whose blood does not bnjl within him at such a proposal whose sou docs not revolt at the coldblooded brutality of this bad man he was to derive either of two advantages from this proposition if she rejected it as she did with silent but expressive indignation he then would make it appear that it was entirely her own fault if she did not live with him if she submitted what theu would follow i gentle men you have perhaps heard of an atrocious circumstance which occurred near the napa- ne mills some time since john clark i suppose yon all know him induced an unfor tunate female lo consent to marry a man then living at his house the worthy john proceeded to join the parties in holy wedlock a the das with its festivities being over the happy couple retired to bed as was concerted before be tween the bridegroom 6l clark tbt former whenever his unfortunate dupe fell asleep got up u leu llits room for a lew oiiuuus la k no p wcsion of ihe bed the bridegroom iihmeiiiaieiv returned and attecteo uj uicu vrr that his newlv married wife was false to ids bed upon which the marriage wa9 imme diately declared void gentlemen do you k hi ilk that mr ham with the knowledge of a stra gem so sailed to his ideas of right wrong wmjld ihogood an opportunit v escape him as his wife fl submission to his proposal would give him to red himself of her forever towards the close of his speech the learned gentleman havinu been frequently imeirupted bv the solicitor as lo ihe indecorum of mime of his evpt fusions beced pardon ofthe court jury if ill lp ilea ol speaking lie had trans gressed the bounds of jeceniy ie darned how ever ill ii he did observed that the defend ant by his infamous conduct had brought it all upon himself bu my lord continued he against the continued iuienuptions ol o- hers i pui oivsili under the protection ofthe couu i stand here my loid as t barrister ind a gentleman in the former capacity the court w ill protect me and in the latter 1 snail protec mvself hi lordship after telling the jury to divest iheii nmids o ui declamatory address which had just been made entered into a discission ate recapitulation ofthe evidence stated that he would at once have gianteda non suit but for the defendants letter already alluded to he was of opinion however that that letter ought not now to make any difference he as also of opinion that not a farthing of d- mages mghi to be even at least excepting for one month and even was not certain as to that mouth his lordship then left the case with the ju ry who after retiring for a short time re turned a verdict for me pluintiff damages ibq7mi offlfiom mr moores mansion house f positively ihe last night saturday 16ft sept 1826 for the benefit of master leslie i am an artless liule youth who sought the public lo amuse if vou censure be it mild one kind adieu d not refuse the performance to commence with the grand ejvtrm which will introduce iht whole stud of horses by master lesshe the undaunted youth who will introduce a number of surprising feats never attempted by aov person of his age being only ten year old iu which he will leap over whips through hoops lc c and conclude with ttie arduous task of biding on his head 3 s bvxv est s by the troop comic and skn i imfclntal song9 i v o thf opposite counsel complimented mr hidwalls address it had one material fault however it wis not true pawards the close of a very lengthy and very eloquent speech tie leaned genthman disputed the validity of tljn marriage beiwin the parties the evi- -nr- on shi jwntl will iiiipar helow t f- r uw ojttut jmhna pvrtj was present when mr hi n tjivu aw i his wife from plaint irtshouo di 1 not see im r ham flourish a whip or say anv thing ailgrv be had a very small whip in his hand but did not shake it over his wife ms htm made no objection to go home m ii why proposed to vi r him to get a witi i wtiioh was done and the went home quietly witness saw ol i mrs hawley shak- inr her fit undor m- ilms nose old mrs hawlov was iu a fret supposes it was bucatie hi r laugnter wh g home recollectd mrs hawley saying thai she wished hr daughter was in her tomb before she married the defendant peter perry went to the house of mr haw- jev with mr ham defendant asked hi- wife logo home with him mr hawley wished him togo for a wngon saw nothing improper ou the part of mr ham when defendant fist went into tho house and after the usual siilutations defendant asked the plaintiif if lie owed him anything on account of his wife id was answered in the negative aaaeu ims h iwley the same question and wa al- fc answered in the negative did not see him stake a whip over his wife if be had c at so must have seen it mint perry was present wheu mr hawley took away his daughter from defendant he told his daughte she tuns go with him as he would not allow her to live any longer with h husband she did not wish togo but her father i listed he ordered her to takedown the curtains from her tied mrs ham sal down on a chair and cried but old mrs ilaw- jvv tok away the cuaiis thought the con- hmm rtfthg nlatntiffand his wife verv oiirrao oi tvftttc h swutf le uelenuaut liv ed m the name house with defendant and his wif while they wee together and uevrsaw defeudant strike ner mrs ham told witness about sjk years ago that her husband netr struck her thinks that if mr hawley and hi wife had kepi away there would have been nothing wrong and they would never have been separated john ham thinks that the difficulty had ori ginated between george ham and his mother inlaw thought so from certain reports thai she had been circulating for instance sb insinuatei at one time that witness had treat- e- his wife harshly henry ffm was present in october last when mrs hatn came home defendant said so you are come hack to live with inc you tiink that i ama better man now than i was before but vou are mistaken defeudant said he would let her have the best room in the house and if that was not good enough ho would build another he would uoi cohabit with her she might go out and in ts s lik ed but he would be the proper judge of what visitors should come to ids house jthn htm is father to the defcndent ins son goorge ham is about 33 years of age- was christened bv the ftw mr langhorn was married in lfil1 bv the rev rob maxdowal he his wife hvd happily together for the 1st year next year hawley took away his daugh ter job aylssworth and elisha shorey saw hawley the dav he took away his daughter met them on the road talking to one ofthe neighbours heard hawley say i hav taken away my daughter i supported her beforehand can do it again she shall not live with him a- gain rev rtibert m tcdowalj identified the certi ficate of m irriag between george ham and esther ii iwley witness is a presbyterian of the reformed dutch church bv the solici- tor were vou ordained by a bishop wit ness v are all bishops his lordship ob served that if witness had been ordained bv a bishop he could not be a presbyterian de fendants parents were communicants in lm churchy and george ham the defendant wa a regular attendant but never communicated p lint reserved for the court above upon tin- legality of the marriage as above celebrated hrr the defence closed mr hagermau now rose in behalf of the plaintiff in one of those bunds of elo quence peculiar to himself carried along with him if not the conviction at least the fcelicg tu hisfeearers it is always with pleasure we bellvjllc sept i84t frozey would a wwing go or high ho nays rowley by master leslie in the character of a clown the comic duet of polly hopkint and tommy tompkins b mr g blauchard and master leslie song harry h h master eesie died at ernestown on tuesday the 5th of sept eliaaun oungesdnughlerof the late mr darius aud martha fisk in the eleventh yeai of her age on saturday last charlotte only daughter of mr win carrol aged about 3 years same dav elizabeth dauguler of mr g w armstrong aged 2 years on sunday last mr francis pember aged 36 years same dav mr john counter sen aged 52 gm bo let on shares j rfhoui i acres of land 10 the township ot pittsburg near the village of birriefihd thirteen acrs of the said land has been mowed for hay this summer the ue of a yoke rf oxen mav be had if required and the use of a barn apply to mr marks at the dock yard or to fltnifr mcallister in barrietield a conlortabie cottage will be allowed to an industrious man sept is mk public aotmje atjl persons hiving claims agaittm the esiate of the late david randall ol krnesttown milkr are herehv requested to present them for adjustment and all persons indebted to the said estate are heiebv requir ed 10 make payment ol the several amounts due by them to the snbcribr benjamin booth krnesttown isth repteuiher 1886 office ofthe b ink of upper ctmula kingitm 1 4th september 1826 1ght per cent advance on the sterling value of british silver coin is at pre- given at this olfice govrrjsmejvt contract for building materials the wondbrkulshktland will go ttonah many surpiisii irnks such as leaping bais fetching lirtndkerchief nn girting and tailing off hi saddle mr g blanchaid will shoot a pigeon which the pony will feie hke a spaniel dog to conclude by leaping through a balloon still vaulting by the comply riding master mr g blancbard clown wjones ctomfc banrr in the character of clown by master leslie grand trampoline over i number of horses bv t jones doors open at seven and performance to comrucmt at 6 precisely tickets of admission to be had at the box in front of the circuit boxes xs 6rf pit s 3rf jsot1ce the subscriber having been appointed inspector of weights and measures jor the midland distiict informs nil persona con cerned mat he has received the standard for said district and is prepaied to examine and compare all weights and measures which shall be presented to him for that purpose with said standard and has annexed the sixth ot penal clause of the act relative to weights and measure robert richardson inspector ot weiglita ami mestmtres midlaud district kingston 28th august 1u26 vlth cla4eoftheact relative to weights and measures vi jird be it further enacted by the autho- rity uf on- sud thai all storekeepers shop keeper- mdlers distillers butchers bikeis hucksters and other trading persons inhabit ants ofsucfl district for which a standard of such vvgiefals and measures as aforesaid shall have been obtained who shall after the expi ration of six months after such standard of weights and measures shall have been receiv ed and inspector appointed as aforesaid have in his possession any weights or measures whereby he buys or sells any article for the weighing or admeasurement ol which such standard of weights and measures are gener ally used any other than such weight or measures as have been examined and stamp ed or marked as aforesaid shall forfeit far e- vety offence two pounds provincial curren cy being thereof convicted before any one or more justice or justices of the peace on the oath of one credible witness which said penal ty together with all reasonable costs shall be levied by jistress and sale of the offenders goods hint in ihe default of distress such of- le rider shall he committed to the common gaol oflltp district for a term not exceeding one month notice is hereby given thai tenders will be received at mis office until ihe inst november next at noon liuni such per sons as may he willing m furnish timber scjlytltq boards plajvk laths shingles and cedar pickets to such extent as may be required for the service of the public military estahiibineni at this post for one year to commence on the 25th december 1326 the conditions of contract and form of tender to be made out iu british money may be known on application at the commis sariat office and no pioposal mill he noticed unless made in the form prescribed aud sign ed by rwo snmcient sureties willing io become bound for the fulfilment ofthe contract as well as by the party making the ofter whu or an agent duly authorised on his behalf must attend ar the lime ol opening the tend ers to give any explanation required and it will be a condition ol any contract that may be entered iuio that it shall be optional with the commissariat officer in charge to pay lor the building materials that may be supplied either in british silver monev at its nominal rate in other specie at the par of 4s id sterl ing the spanish dollai or iu bills ol ex change on his majestys treasury at thirty days after sight ol 100 for each 103 due upon the contract any further conditions and particulars may be known on application at this ohve the tendeisliiim be sealed aud endorsed tender fvr buvding materials cominisanat office kingston 15th september 1826 thori hill d a 0 to br sold or lrt and possession given in the course ufa few that stone dwelling house and garden situated in barrckst adjoining the commissariat office presenile occupied b lieut marlow ofthe royal en gineers for particular applv to f a harper kinpston sept 8 12fi t nke ontario prontenao 8c queenstoh the public are informed that both the a- bove boats have commenced then re gular trips aud will during the present sum mer leave ihe different ports as follows wea iher permitting the frojytenjc captain mkenzie will leave kingston every wednesday afternoon upon the arrival of the steam boat dalhousie from prescolt for york niagara and qneenston and leave niagara on her return to kingston every saturday evening the que ens ton tantain whiting with mr j whitney as sailing master will leave prescott every sunday evening upon the arrival of the stage from montreal for kingston york niagara and qneenston and will leave niagara on her return to kingston and prescolt every thursday morning about 10 oclock the accommodations aud fare on board both the above boats are of the best descrip tion aud every endeavour will be made to render it convenient aud comfortable to pas- seugers kingston may 26 1826 bv auction will he sold on thursday the 12th of october next at the subscribers auction jwm positively without reserve tot no 9 in the villate ol adolphosiown lately oecii- eupied ny noxeu hhines as a tavern con- taining one acre ol land with a two stmy frame house erected thereon and an excellent well ol living waier also an oickarn with 50 bearmc trees ofclroice grafted frnir conditions i t4 ofthe pm chase money to he paid at the tune of sale 14 in six month it m twelve months and the remaindei in rwoyaars sale to commence at ifiuciiek noon jorin strange a ii b kingston i5th aug t82 the subscriber intending to set aide competition in this proviucc ii the foundry line oilers for sale pot rfsk kettlps which be warrants delivered at the trent or kingston at 2fs per cwt pot ash coolers sugai kettles of all sizes dutch ovens bake pans and covers bellied pou sptdeis dog irons griddles and the usual castings mil be sold in the bauds of agents at 27s td per cwt mill irons all mill machinery stoves ami o- i her castings not enumerated will be charged at a proportionate rate and produce at the current cash puce in kfngston will be re ceived iu payment for the saint the bar men generally made from under the hammer at the marmora iron works being far superior lo the english bar iron usually impjited the subscriber expects that the merchants of this province will rather take heir wpplj from this establishment at the rate of twenty pounds per ion cash delivered at the works by the quantity than purchase at a higher rate at montreal an inferior qualily supplied with good mouldings as the works now are all sorts of cablings reqi red iu the province can be had thereatand all orders addressed to the subscriber will i immedi ate v attended to tor further particulars apply to messrs a rent for the proprietor marmora iron works loth augusi ib26 worft steam boat capt gilder sleeve the 8taatn fwt charlotte will until further notice leave kingston for the ba of quinte even mondav at 10 oclock aud after making her usual slops will arrive at ihe carrying place on tuesday morning leave ihe carrying place at 1 1 oclock the same day and anive at hallowellin the even- mg leave hallowed at 7 oclock on wed nesday morming and arrive al kingston early in the afternoon leave kingston for bhi- ville every thursday morning at 10 o clock and arrive there in the evening leave bell- ille at 8 oclock on friday morning and ar rive iu kingston iu the evening leave kings ton for prescott every saturday morning at 10 oclock stopping at ganauoque and brock- vide and arrive in the evening leave pres cott for kingston every sunday and arrive ou mondav morning kingston 25th may 1826 n b the boat meets the regular line of stages at prescott and the passengers are bj that means enabled to proceed direct to the lower province and the passengers arriving in the stage from below on saturday have also an opportunity of proceeding direct to kings ton aud the bay of quinte the stage also meets the boat at the carninr place on tuesday morning for the conveyance of pas sengers to york or intermediate places on thai route the charlotte having latetv undergone a thorough repair affords to the public as spee dy cheap ana comfortable a mode oi travel ling as there is to be found iu this province 2s heretvr given that tenders will he nv ceivi j from such persons as are willing tocontract for the supply of 750 coftdb op fzhswooid to consist or hard maple beech birch white ash hickory and iron wood to he delivered in the pockyarr or sucn other places as fflftj be pointed out as fol lows viz on or before the 1st denmler next 00 carji on or before the oth felt u27 suo do on or before the 3ut march do 300 do the tenders will be received until the 6th october uext when uiev will be opened at one oclock p- m at my office where ibe pavties are to attend and two responsible sureiioi will he reonired for the due fulfilment ofthe contract jn f- clover naval storekeeper pock vard 31st august l8 boarding schcox upper canada stones the subscribers having been duly appointed executor ami executrix to th estate of fh late peter smith esq merchant of kingston request all those who maj have an claims a- gainsi the said estate to send in their account duly attested to david john smith b all those who are indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the said david john smith whi is duly author ed to grant acquittances for the same john kirby john macau lay dai id john smith executir3 ann smith executrix kingston 1st september 186 the business will in future be carried on br the subscriber on his own ac ount dat id john smith t notice the partnership heretofore existing be tween william h walbuilmie rtiiriohattles clark wihivda dissol ved by mutual eonnenf 11 iflux h waimridcf charles vlahk c ndrr the patronage of lady sarah jlaitland jjfottrc miss purcelx and miss llosxi respectful inform their hituua an the public that their school will recommence on wednesday 6th september the also btff leave to sa lhat a lady of the first resptctabilil is to join their etahlibh- went wlu w reach the french lan- gu age and duawing besides several other brashes iu the tiraistjle the have also engaged a first late professor of dancing fliini moii volk ar 6 ii btartks tor al al iis offi is hereby piven that tenders will h re ceived until the 14lh september next from such persons as are willing to contract for the supply of 1000 bushels charcoal to be delivered in the dock yard on or before the 1st november uexl the parties offering tenders are to attend at my office at one o clock pm on the 14th september and two responsible sureties will be required for the due fulfilment of tne contract jn r glover navai storekeeper kingston dock yard notic2 he subscribers executors and fxecu- iii ot the last will and testament jf the late neil mcleod esq of kington merchant lequesi all persons indebted t ihe estate either by book debt note bond or otherwise to make immediate pay me it to mrs mcleod who will continue the busiues as usual in behalf of ihe estate john tohkynt charles tolkien john mcleod jane mcleod kingston 10th au 1886 in the press and will bf publtshkp at this oy ffcffv abou the liter end of next month the kingston almanac for 1ss7 two vnnn i for a fa km new kjustuc jifjres for imiiiir ij iv iu f aiukpkiw kingston sept b i

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