Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 15, 1826, p. 4

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poetry iir pasv flow of conversation marked llv few oi the peculiarities of the scorch dialect in council fittst kovrmber lii5 j thr scotch exiles fn france m by allan cunningham the sun rises bright in france and fair sets he 8ni h ha tint the wythe li nk he had hi my nin countree o iadoess comes to many i sorry comes if inc as i id ik oer the i e ocean to njj ain co u ii tree o its not ni ain ruin tn u ijfni ave mv ee bur ih- love i left in galloway wy bnnntij bairns tut e my namelv hearth burnd bonnie and smile i mv fair marie ive lell o my heart behind me in mv am con hi ee the bud comes hack io dimmer an the hi sniii 10 iri bee bui i wni bark on never to mv aiu ronnlree im leal to the luli heaven whieil hill be leal to me an ilien ill meet ve a soon fiae ii v am couutree lmc utwut-h- foriheiiiloimjuiohorpersoiisainvingintp- aiii emuuint a varietv of topics among m m 6 r v per canada us seniors the tnllowmc siuntna- wmimi were her inquiries ol her liieiids in aew r- i l ii i- ry of tite rules w hi iii- maisw ouvcm- mk protracted our call to a visit ol more r 5 r o i i i ment has thought lit lo lav down lor the rit- lbitcrs froji aouflanu 6 ret a l green d jvoccuiher 1825 on the following morning al 10 oclock we look lie coach lor dumfries a distance of fifiysevtn miles the route which lead up tome vale of the clyde to its source is with out much imhrem ol any kind at hvudford a nindiome budge is thrown across tlie rivei the bank of which are in many places rural and plewiil to ihe soulh are finiok hills the- highest in lanarkshirethouh of moderate elevhiol in the afternoon the weather was so rainy and unpleasant as to drive us from the top of the coach and thereby contract the sphere of observation descending into glen givel by a terrace on the road which for the ronnd the stnnoih green hill and passing the tiargfl manufacturing village u tornhill we traversed the banks of the nilh and reached dumfries at 6 oclock afier a dull ride fortu nately furnishing few incidents to add to the volume of this letter the evtiiintg of our arrival was too dark and inclement to permit us to go out even to the theatre wiiere kean first wore the buskin and than hal an hour she showed us with a great deal of apparent satisfaction an elegant setofsilvei candlesticks and snuffers which were ihe gift of a few scots in sin ftielil to the widow oi bums the tray bears the fol lowing appropriate inscription from the pen of mont go u ery 41 he pnssprl thro lifes tempetuoits night a hi illiant trembling northern light thro years to come he shines from far a fixed unsettine polar star having received al parting the same warm pledge ol kindness which bade us welcome with the addition of many good wishes we stepped into a postchaise which drove us off io this place with all possible despatch a dis tance of about 20 miles from dumfries but embracing few objects which could interest the reader curiomiy as well as the necessity of talcing some refreshment prompted us to call at the large hotel standing on gretna gieen hi which all the clandestine marriage in enala ud are celebrated and such weie the epiiet comforts it afforded that we concluded to take lodgings foi the night in preference to riding a part of the way to carlisle in the dark in the course of the evening davie lang to whom an english lord after the celebration of his nuptials gave the title of bishop of gretna was introduced to us and disclosed a volume of anecdotes relating to the irious fortunes of those whom this u blacksmith had welded in wedlock some of the stories were extremely interesting abounding u the adven tures of a romantic passion and the consequen ces of good or ill to which it led the bish op as he is familiarly called but who seems to have few qualifications to entile him to ihe ap pellation has married between 9u0 and 1000 couples of all ranks and characters whose names with the place of residence and other circumstance are registered in a book kept for that purpose in the volume of facts which lie has collected the novelist might find mate rials foi the wildest tales of romance the last of these secret mairiges tok place but a day or two before our arrival and was between life coiutuencot his dramatic career early the ue morning we walked over a considerable paitot d no files which is a large town stand ing upon both sides of the xth and containing u population of about 15000 the high tides of sol way fuih reach as fu as this place al- thuugu at low tvafei the river is bioad anil ra pid it is rrosssed at the hcd of navigation by a bridge rested on ninesrateq arches and erected in ihe ljih century the port owns a good dttil of shipping and thries an active trade in a small way hats in stockings are almost the only articles of manufacture hiini understood nnm our friends al ir vine that the widow of robert burns was still living ai da affile zml rhai she is accessible to trnigftrs without formal letters of introduc tion nller breiuhst this morning we addres sed a note to her stating that two gentlemen from the united states who are among the trans irfcuitic admirers of the scotish bard wht i id just viited his birth place as well as ihe gctsnes which li is muse had consecrated vrere uaxioits to pay their respects to mrs burns n the course of the morning if perfectly agreeable the request was communicated by our clever and obliging landlady who lives within i few doors in he mean time while this interesting suite was pending we walked to the village kirk to visit ihe tomb of the peel himself our old guide was personally acquainted with him and had parsed many a social bight before his own he trth tl e church yard coniains an unusual number of handsome monuments rnanv of them being finished with little turrets 10 the gorhtc style the mausoleum in memory of burns is creditable to the liberality ami taste of the public at whose expense it was erected it consists of an octagonal temple supported by ionic pillar surmounted by a handsome dome in the back part there is a statue of the pool as large as life with his bosom open and in ihe attitude of holding the plough a- bove the nius is seen throwing him i the in spiring mantlis the design wasaken from a passage in the dedication to the caledonian hunt in which the author alludes to his early o id subsequent pursuits there appeared a defect in the representation since the whole of the plough u seen with th poet in the awk ward pistttitof holding it without a team if there was 1101 room for the whole a part of the rural implement might have been conceal ed so as to render the defect less obvious the mouimenl is inclosed in a neat iron rail ing and the little area perhaps 40 feet square is covered with apiufiimon of shrubbery con sisting o holly the wild rose laurel yew and other evotgreens vhich beautifully shade the tomb j on our return to the hotel the hostess com- mnuicued the compliments of mis burns wiih thfi gratifying intelligence that she would be happy to see us at any hour we may choose to call beiuuanxious to leave town as soon as possible we promptly accepted her act of kindness she lives in a neat two stoiy house tn burns sheet not far from the church wis wore received by her at the pa lour door w it ii a cordial shake uf the hand and by every in irk of hospitality the apartment is taste fully famished with nil that can conduce to comfirt and is ornamented with an original portrait of burns by naismith of edinhtirz whence the other likenesses are deiived in tin house the poet died and in the warmth of jcotish feeling blended with conjucal af- fijitj on t he surviving partner of his bosom in- foioied us that she would not exchange it for a palace she lives comfortahlyon an income of 3jii a year with a little auburnhaired grindehild not yet too old to give each of us a kiss to occupy her attention in the hours of retirement she has three children all ol whom are absent one in london and the o- ther two officers in the army now in the east indies mrs burns is apparently at the age of be tween 50 and jo retaining traces of those li- neantents of beauty wi icli the poet found in his 4 bouv jean she has a good form and her dark full eye is slill quick nd animated in it- lancet her pieuv baud was tastefully set olf with rings and the perfect neatness of ho dre lift no regret thai in order to show rci every mark of respect something beyond urdiuaiy attention had been paid to dill own a servant and his masters dmiyhtpr who deepened flic slory oi ilieir loves by luumng away on foot this veteran in illicit practices who has now arrived at three score and ten gave us one of his certificates of marriage the w hide au- ihonty rests upon no belter foutidati m than an ingenious quibble bishop lang ascertains in the first place from the parties themselves in what paiish and county they nside with other circumstances and then makes out a certifi cate exactly corresponding stating that he frc two others were witnesses of the marriage ac cording to the forms subscribed by law he informed us with what claims to credibility 1 know not that he has lately met successfully one or two suits brought against him in i re ho id and that the couit of chaucerv has decided his marriages to be so far valid as io form i legiti mate descent of property i so happened that our last night in scot land ifter a satisfactory and agreeable visit of 6 weeks was on the anniversary of what is denominated in the legends of superstition halloween and its mystic rites were duly ob served by a group of rosycheeked lasses at the hotel near the witching time of night half a dozen groped their way into the garden to pull cabbage stalks but a description of the ceremonies would be too long for the end of a sketrh already too prolix and if any of my reade rs are curious to revive their recollections on the subject they have only to recur to the graphic poem of uurns u some merry countra folks together did convene to burn their nuts and pou their stocks and baud their hdlowtffn ture regtilaium ul grants of land in the pro vince hi cimfoi iniiy to the system winch has been recently adopted with respect to other colonies of his majesty has been prepared in conformity hi instructions from earl bathurt 1 a valuation will be forthwith made of ihe laitdmbrooglioui ihe colony and average prices will be struck for each district 2 a u the lands in the colony not hitherto grained and appropriated for public purposes will be tiered for ulf ai the average prices thus fixed 3 all ersons proposing to purchase lands must transmit a written application io ihe government through the office of the surveyor general in a certain prescribed form which i will be delivered io the pany applying bv the surveyor general or 5j an office i id br appointed bv iim for that purpose ui the seveial districts on pav ment of a fee of 2- id 4 all correspondence with the government res- peding grants of laiid ipusi take place through ihe same office 5 the purchase miney is to be paid by four quarterly or five annual instalments a ihe pan applying ma desire btii m me latter rase legal iniercsi snail be charged and hall be payable annually from ihe lime of making ihe agicement a discount of 10 per rent will be allowed for read money pdmui 6 on payment iif ihe money a grant will be made iu fee simple io the purchaser at he ex pense ot the row n wnli the usual reervaiions of mines minerals and uf white pine timber 7 the largest quantity ol laud which will fee old toanv individual is 10000 acres and when put j io ale it will be ottered in such tracts not les than 100 acres a may be directed persons wishhig more extensive puiclia musl apply in writing through ihe lieutenant governor in coun cil to his majesty- principal secretary of state for ihe lonuie with full explanations of their objects anil means b laud may ato be obtained wihout purchase but upon di tie rem conditions 9 persons desirous io acquire lands without purcjiamug ill make their application tolhegn- veiuuuui in wiling through the surveyor gen- cra office in a prescribed form copies of which will be furnished by ihe surveyor general upon pay me m of 6 j 10 the largesi jrant that will be made without ui rrlttf- iv iii iw hit ciholls i f xi nrt0 ii no grant w ill be oade 10 any per on wiih- uxitfd empire continkntal assurance assooiatxoh for the insurance of cont1ngfnt assurances anp strvtvor- ehip endowmkms for chhnkfn for thk plrchask am sale of annuities and reversions and to grant annuities 10 waterloo place pall mali ww honorary directors thoip marked thus are also tnmres iv bivthe the niint i and apothecary respectfully acquaint his friends and the public that he ha- jm received from new york and montreal a fresh supply of genuine drugs chitcvlxcaxs viz sulphate of quinine carbnnorp anil snpcr-carbo- nae of sods phosphate of podae citric tarlar- c nitric sulphuric and muriatic acid c c patent xvifdicines perfumery paint oil dye stuff lorrillards suplrior maccoboy tuberose rappee aud scotch and a great variety ofmfcrellancou aniclesome of inch are ihe follow in via sponges hue and coarse harveys conical spiral spring elt- adjuiin truss uperiour in au ever yet inveu- pri lancets soda seidliiz or rocliel powders tooth brushes and tooth jowders lip saue pink saneer rouge or ladys paint fine soap of various dfccripiions red aud lilack ink powder india rubber valer inhoxeor by he lb camelvhair uruhe black lead pencils iocket limits of the bei ipialnv spices fjg blue poland starch suoili j indigo lamp black rosin glue salt peter spirits of terpen tine spirits of wine venice tui pemine gum thus lacshell and copal 6fc c ac which togeiher wiih hi former tork comprise a y general and extensive aortmn all which are warranted of a goo i quality and having been purchased low will be disponed ofal very reduced prices jtfillinery fc mrs ofarkell rfsplctfully acquaints the ladies of k i ton and us vicinity ihat she has ioijr uiianeutenis which will enable her lo nave the latest fashion iniheahoveline from muntreal anil newymk she returns her grateful acknow ledgments for former favours and hopes from a btrfci detenninaiioii to execuu all order- commit ted to berchaigf in the bek8ivte lo merii a con tinuance of the snuic kingston 2d june 1826 n b three apprentices warned to the above iii iu his ex count mini ster r hon earl of el gin k kinkardine r hon lord vis count torrinjton r hon lord ro bert fitzgerald rhon lord george seymour directors sir e colebruoke bart chairman lieut col m hhawe deputy chairman j r birnie ebq i john kingston esq harry cook esq nugent kirkland esq h t colebrooke sir john scott lillie esq frs j sir james m r hon sir george oiiseley m g prcndergast esq 1 p charles tcniiison esq m p r hon lord blav- ney lieiitgenwetberall major moor f r s for a term of years and iumie- t sir fraucis desanges wd fellowes esq f r s captw a montagu rn auditors h coock esq i n kirkand esq r akeimau esq c j campbell esq j g lynde bankers messrs dnimmonds co charing cross chief physirian to the institution of the cana- das doctor forbes inspector of hospitals quebec physirian and medical referee at montreal dr caldwell ditto at kingston dr bone physician to the force ditto at perth dr thorn ea shirs to the rones h p mil purchae uules thf goerntnent is satisfied i ditto at yorjc c widmer esq do do do diate possession iveji he properly at prewiit in the occupation of john grant in pnlffiejcl cohmslilig of a jrood dwelline hoi bkr house br and other onthotises iih the land attach ed this property i ue leased for a tcim of years on advanlaec tenns apply tu the ejirorofthe kmam i chronicle kingston 9th m uu new cicors the subscribtr has lor yw ui his loc in montreal a very choice asortiiicnc pf goods from london manchester and glasgow with a very superior selection of coivsistixo of thread gimp bobbin laces plain fy figured bobbinnetts black sf while veils tippet fa sc robert armour st josrph sneei montreal nexi dour to macniilei k scolfs july 1 18en 4- p or thfo pe j brown friends and meoced wanufiictitriuu bcu leave to inform hi ihe public that he has com- thai tne granln- lia boihlit power and ibe inten tion if exptrnditi in tie cultivation of land- a ca pital equal io hall hie eiimai d alneor io ease we grant do not exceed ox acres ihat he inteuda io reside upon and impl ivfttae auie 12 a quil rent oi a i pn iem per annum up on ihe esimated value ill be hxed upon the land granted wilqoul pmchae 13 the quit rem wik be redeemable withio the tirs s5 years next following the graoton pay ment of a sum equal to tweuiy time the annua auiount of it 14 until the expiraionof the first seven years next succeeding each giant without purchase no qui rent will become due upon hie laud compn- ed in it 15 every gautee million i pnrchae must at ihe expiration of the foie mentioned term of seven years prove to inc satifacton of ihe lieut governor in i ouncil mat he has expended in the cultivatiiui and improvraeui of h laud a capi tal equal to half us vajte as that value was eu- maied at the time of lis gram or o case ihe gram shall noi exceed hundred acres that hr ha duriuj ihai time reided on aud improved his land on failure ofmch proof his claim io ibe land sball be forfeited aud cue same may be gran ted to another applicant uwfo be understood however that if al anytime within thai period ihe condition of expenditure and cultivation s have been complied witmhe paieut may imme- dialfly isinf 16 no additional ginl of land ill be made many perionwliohomoi puived alasi meiiti- nnd the necosarry expcoduureofcttpiiaj ou the lauds already giftiued o him 17 persons receiving a cand grant of land withoui purchae ftill become liable topay a quil rent upon ihe lands fompnked in tacl second granr imiuediaieu fon- jl aie of it 18 persons de- iiou- rrctive grants of land without purchase on icm diltereui from those above uated must laj berire ihe lieut gover nor iii cnuiiiil a fiili exnlaiatiou in writing of the circumsances hd wliceir io ex- empl th ecu from the fail operailqli of ihee general rne iy li e lova1is u other persons eniitled to gatuitous grant by i peieral riglation of h majestys s arenot lobe affected bv these rules the above rules lo ti rltecifiom ihe 6rsl of january 1826 by order of his excellency the lieutenant governor john small t ex council aget for the district of montreal lt col isapier aget for pfrth adjoimng settlement captain tailor p m perth age nt for upper ca ida mr fi smith kiusloii the undersigned having been appointed agent for upper canada lo the above asso ciation is now ready lo receive proposals and negotiate policies of life insurance and beos leave to invite the attention of the public to the prospectus which mav br hud on applica tion at the office of messrs thomas sum co principal agents quebec or to either of the abovementioned a gems the following are amongst the facilities and advantages offered tn the public by the above society no addition to the london rates are demanded for residence in the cuiadas and these will be found on comparison to be much lower than are generally taken by other offices no entrance money except the price of the stamp or additional nonappear ance tine will be exacted one fifth par not exceeding 200 of all claims will be paid immediately upon satisac- loiy proof of the decease of the life insured aud the remainder within three months the agents at quebec assisted by the principa physician to the institution will meet every friday at oclock tot the purpose of con sidering proposals h smith kingston god j 1326 j w a t k i ns eos leave to inform his friends and th public that he is now receivii- lus usual suppv of cutlery sec kc jjiil hnpfts in at fan daw hvhw t ion- sive and complete assorluicnt consisting ol english 6t swedes r a ti l s which lie will sell lor cah oi approved bllis as low as they can he obnnetl at any manu factory in the united states port hope july 1 m j justhscklvtjh and for sale bv the scjjbcki- p 1 james mcuteilon kingston 15lh sept ih23 all persons baving claims against the estate of hie late tbootjw r cartwripln lquire deceased are requesid to preem ihe ame duly attested to the wbscribrr and nil those ilo arc indebied io the vaul kstate are likewise requested to make immdiui payment john s cvrtwrioht kingston july loih 1826- execmor nctticet the copartnership heretotore existing be tween wither mctiinifie and patrick qnin merchants of this town who carried on business under the name aud firm of walter mccunifle co expired on the 30th of apt il last the bu siness will in future he conducted by the under signed in his own nnne and to whom all debts due the firm arc to be paid walter mccuniffe kingston 20th july luiu sfdntjq9 the copartneinutp heieiofoie carried on under the flkm ol smith bw terworth as h atteks m the town of kingston is this day dissolved hv mutial consent all persnns indebted to the concern are required jo make inmedine payment to thomis smith wlm is hulhoiised to discharge ihe same ami ihue to uhoin the finn is indebted air rem tested to present their accounts foi adjustment thus smith john butterworth kingston 9th dec 1 vow sale that valuable farm in the 7th conces sion of the township of finestlow lately th property ol mr samuel ward it is composed of lots no 25 ami 26 in snid concession and contain- by adniensuremen acres of coojd lam ol which ahout too acres- aw imilr cul tivation there is a rood orcha ri lvvelliilnlsk barn and nthr out honsis on nrifctis a liberal rm u pan f the purchav money and possession may be had mimccliiin iy for further p-rticulo- apply o jol hiriy eso kington or to allan macpher- sop esq napnncn mills ihe t eiven lift a 0s8 v f at round and hoop dilto anvils vices steel pots sugar kettles tin sheet iron grindstones window glass nails log and trace chains fee sec with a vnnety of shelf goods which he proposes selling reduced prices kingston june 25th 1828 t3m mishit egs leave to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the very liberal support be has experienc ed during his residence in kingston and as sures his friends that no assiduity or attention snail be wanting on his part to metit a conti nuance of their future patronage the subscriber has recommenced brewing this season and has already for sale at his new brewery adjoining the residence of the hon g h markland mild jlle and iiv tosbllor leasio several thousand acres of iaau on ihe hie of tnuli for partict lars enquire of gfo macaula agent jw ik projirielor bafh 6th oct 1824 owing law blanks lor sale at this office for s1jl a valuable paim of laind containing 100 acres being the east half of lot iso u in the 3d concession of kingston silu- ated on the road to fork 4 miles from the town of kingston between 30 and 40 acres cleared on the premises there i a small bouse aud darn likewise a frame house partly finished uti feet by 26 it will be sold on accommodating terms to the purchaser application may be made to the editor of tliechronicle kingston 20th jan 1026 for sale 0g potash kettles and a large pw cpitutitv ol 6ugar kettles potash coulei hollow ware aud other castings 5 tons j j or horn bar iron j9jstd a few ploughs apply ai ihe work to ftl manalh al lillvll mi clial wihardnr loilinbiib- nur jamks mcucthon kingston liih sfpi4ubor iftss and will have on hand the lo al the luw undermentioned rntes for cash or for produce on application to the subscriber brown stout and strong beer 70s per hhd and in proportion porter 55s per hhd and in proportion brown pale and amber mild ale bosper hhd fr in proportion small or ship beer 20s per hhd and in proportion exclusive ok casks bottxed beer brown stout and strong beer in iid porter and mild ale is p table beer i j doz exclusive of bottles which are to be returned town and country orders executed on the shortest notice cash paid for baret delivered at his store thos molson of the late firm of john motson son montrfal ktngftfqp sept 12 1825 i thk is printfd and published pvpry friday afternoon uy james macfjjrlane al his office comer of water and barraek streets kingtun terms seventeen shillings and ixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings subscriptions to be paid in advance o price of advertisements six linesaud under 2 6d hrst inserlion and 7j each subsequent ineniou s ffw lines and un der 3s 4d first inseition and lod each subse quent inertion above len line 4d per line for the tirl insertion and id per line for every subsequent iiertion advertisements without written directions in serted tiltforbid and charged mrdifrly orders fr dicouiiouuie advert iu lueos t be in writing and delivered by einknay noon at the latent no advenuscmeniireceived after ten oclock on the day of publication 3 produce received inpayment at the mm ket price agents henry cowan esq quebec phillip burost eq three rwen james william- esq munietal messrs j j dunlip lancaster john caineion esq lochitt wm kay esq cornwall george browse esq malilam alpheus jones eq prtcott heni jones esq urmkviflc j os iota taylor hq ifrth h whitinarsb esq rivhmond j k hart well ksq histard mess ci j mdonnld uunanoqua j mkenzie eq bath allan mcpheroii t q stipanee thomas parker esq ttrllvillt jiseph k keeler eq ramaho james fi reibuue eq itnwitton david smart esq port tope william allan etq ioik dimiel kohssq it tor fa john crookii em niagara charles bipgnr kq canal rw afirrm rev mr jolinon amln rvth linn wunon eq rfttplpkwdiukh hugh macdnnuld esq liny hj-

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