Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 29, 1826, p. 1

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kingston i chr le nec rege nec populo ed utroque vol viii friday afternoon september 29 1826 c sine a1ixance british fc foreign life si fcie assurance company of london estaelishfi bv act ok pari iament pive mxxixixosrs sterling boarl of direction presidents john irving esq m p franri baring kq samuel guruev et directors n m rothchild esq moses moutefiore esq j alexander esq h p g it uaraeit ijsq charles bevan esq jonn vwlen esq arch campbell tq win orawfurd eq timothy o cmiis kq frani iesivell eq chs greenwood bq j hevgate jun eq wm howard kq john lime- kq u p william kay lis oswald snitli fao it m thornton esq thomas wllson ksq the subscribers being appointed agents to the said company liave ihe honor to announce lliat ttcv are now ready lo lake risks and grant policies of assurance against loss or da i afije occasioned by fire in any part of the provinces of lowjr and upper canada ti names and wealth of the presidents and directors of tliis association are so widely know i throughout the commercial world that it would b presumptuous on the part of the aortitis to suppose that any observation of theirs coul i increase the confidence of the public in an association composed of such distinguished indi idnls a capital of five millions sterling an a- muiiit far exceeding that possessed by any similar iistuution must afford perfect securi ty to the assured m krs7ak retiiune co montcal itii jnrws l5 r i 103 subscriber tsi appointed gent let the said om- ptr in ivinrann is now read to receive ap- plir i linns and iriimt policies of assurance a- pinl loss of uuukgo by fire s krvrs will mi nil times experience the nun st liberalii and prnmptuudo in tiiesteule- atetit of their claims agninsl llie companv j 05 macfaklank cunil of abater rirrack streets kingston uth rft lieinhttr i82f british foreign life sc fire assurance company of london participation in the profits of the institution by tiic assured the anents of this company have received instructions from the board of directors to place tbe a-su- red in canada upon the same foxuing tt pur- tiripiilion in the profits of ike estahtisli minis with iiiosr in england thev tlo therefore announce to the public thai the troitts of the fire department hji- piopriatco to llie assured will be dilribmed at the cloven eaeh sneeessive ptriod ol five ens in the form o a per ceniage upon the premi um- parties who obtain the settlement of los ses mini fiiv ne not t hereby ilfjifivoil of i he right 10 participate in tne profits of the c in- pat i v the agents beg leave to call the attention of the public to the advantages hereby held out to those a insure with this cfinpanv v p tcipvho in tmepiu- fitkthiikmwlbhmh it uiue miu- niv for a period o live successive yens thereby become virtually stockholders to the amount ol iheu ptennums and without being sublet to iinv of tlie liabilities of the com pa ll v as they will receive back a portion of their pieiuimis in the shape a uer ceniae or til mini words at the euo o v ry successive five years ihrv will be paid a bonus proportionate to me extent of their transactions with the company tti advantage so far superior to what is oftied by any other company in this country c- nncted uh ihe puxmlptsttfitce of the large capual of five millions stirling the vcsin tdility of th directors ami the uni- vfrrsuly acknowledued superior method by which their adairs aie conducted the agents cannot doubt will be duly appreciated by the people of the canadas and will point out the almance company to tnose who wish to iumtre tlnur property against fire as that which will best suit both their interest and se- curitx mackenzie bethune b co a u ems rfhianee qjfim commissioner street ftth hizusu 185 8tt cssi will hr paid for m goo bushels rye iuqifio doindn cok i hogs suitable for distillery yard by vm garrtt head of the market square kingston sept 27 wi 125 for sale k iw mavuires inn it tfohn maguii1e begs to inform his s friends and the public that he has obtain ed a renewal of the lease of the premises at present occupied by him and that his wharf storehouse are in such a state of repair as to ensure safety and convenience to ail who may favor him with their custom kingston 7th april 1820 for sale on reasonable terms the brick house and two lots oppusile the residence of mr briscoe o the royal engineers aiso a very valua ble property situate in the village of barrie- ficld near point henry apply for terms to c a iiageriman eso or the proprietor john w ferguson adolphustown 12th april 1g26 i to ist fik large twostory huse comprisinrra ij shop and every convenience for a famiiv situate on the napane river a short distance below the napane mills attached to the premises are three acres of ground and a very good store house apply at this orfice kingston 18th april 1888 notice the subscriber having beenily appoint ed administrator to the estate of the late henry iyplaeen in keeper at the napane mills richmond in the midland dis trict requests all persons having claims a- gaiust the said estate to send in tkeiraccounts duly attested and all those who are indebted to the said estate are requested make im mediate payment to the subscriber james mcoregor administrator napane 25th april 183 jvotice the subscribers having chtaned the con tract for furnishing fresh beef for the garrison of kingston and js dependen cies wih pay cash on delivery for fat cattle delivered themin all the ensuing ica5on beach vasalstine kingston 9th december lo2a to capitalists wholesale and retail notice a second dividend will be payable at the office of john kirby esq in kingston outuestlav the ith sept next to the credi tor of tli- faf titan tnyutr ej ayj 6 lift late inn of taylor and paiker joh- kikbt alfx o pktrie trustees thus fakkkr j kingston ilst inly 1838 d1t coops mm1 ie subscriber returns bis iiuhie thanks to ihe pub lic lor pa1 favours and at the same time begs to iufonn thei that he is now disposing of his extensive stock of dry g001s ai verv reduced prices tot cash or produce- he respectfully in vites those who may be disposed to purchase to call and examine his goods as he trusts thev will be fou dinferior to none in die province arch mdonell kingston april 14 ui26 to coopers jjjjiik highest price will be paid for two tiki thousand good j y if5k deliverable in may june and july for fur- ther information inquire of john watkius esq kingston or to c sij mdonli a few journeymen coopers men of y tiiihns tmulo fillil i uirilnii liilpln nirnl by application to csc j mcdonald gaoanoquc april 14 iu20 notice to printers for sale on reasonable terms a print ing press constructed on the most ap proved plan and which has not been in use for more than four or five weeks also a complete assortment of new types and furni ture application may be mad to the editor of the chronicle whoisagenl for the proprietor kingston 18th august 1826 eu2uhff pare2e so have jtst received and offer kr sale doex folausbes americau grass and cradle scythes and the horse lately owned in this town by major pw jtrf ciirkorv rnvnl ff ii iiu artilbry aslrong ftsjiivk a -j- our years old oh fet black and well broke a handsome fcoi- rel brood mare eight veais old and a stout canadian pony six years old apply at marmora to mr manahan or at kindlon to the subscriber james mcutciion september i- 1436 1 pwt warp and filling yam 5 do candle wick and cotton wool gilt and mahogany framed looking glasses f00 pieces factory cottons satrinetts plaids and stripes 500 pieces paper hanging and bordering 80 boxes window glass 0 cwt sole and upper leather 10 bids sperm cod and paint oils 0 chests twankay ami hyson tea sperm candies spirits turpentine seal skin caps dress whale bone chocolate plug and paper to bacco macaboy scotch ahd rappee sniltf spanish segars weavers reeds iron steel nads 100 barrels pork and a verv general and extensive assortment of jaecfmwdlzis cqiasiltng of dliy v 8 groceries crckekywares kc june iwti job pkinting skativ bxecctbn it this office foot 8c stilts stoxie df j fern 8 wvu snot yukcr cor- wi f more ain kig street btgs leave most respee- fullj i inform bis customers that h ha j t recniveu direct from the manufactory london an assortiiicni of ladies walking and jress scots o g30s ofa most supech quality he is in liotirly ex- poctaiinn of receiving ijv usml spring supply of good roumsiinjr of 1uliis getleruct s youths an- ivi s poots and mhoes of all sizes stul d-siiptiits- 11 warnled lobe of hie v r i quaktj- being all uule cx- prossly lu ins order also all kinds of iaterialts us d in his line such as white lamb sheep skims striped binding do sea lo white k yellow rodas and skivers bi ing galloons boot cord hemp and flax c all kinds bes bend leather scju arcs root vvehb shoe morns plates kil r polished lading tacks trimmine b kc c aio a small consignment of ladies md gentlemens from the first manufactory iu england the whole of which he eng iges lo sell at a much lower rale than liiesasn quality of good can bi procured for from aov other sure in 4 au- da orders from any part of the froviice will be nnnctuuih attended lo lvionmou juit w atia n b v j stomis r la kivgton t r mrit tv usfi beg lw tn return thanks fr the libera woiifavineffl which ihpy have received and to rnrjuiiin their friends and ijv public tint tey eniuinue to reeeiv boarders sc daypcimes at iheir house in ar st eet wheie the fol lo inn branches aie as usual taught english and french languages iriiniiitilnaln history geography compositions ainsic drawing dancing needlework writing and arithmetic from mrs twijos long experience and the credentials which she has brought with her she having for mmy years conducted a simi lar establishment in her native country thev hope fur a co tiuuance of that support which the shall make it their study to merit reference may be made to the rev rchdeacon stuart and the rev john barclay each young lady to bring her bed c sec two pair of sheets nd six towels august lath ibg notice s hereby giv that the copartnership heretofore subsisting in the town of king ston between the subscribers as painters and glaziers is this day dissolved by mutual con sent all person indebted to the said firm are to pay their several amounts to mr theo dore brocket wfcli duly unthorized to giant acquittances for same and all demands against the said partnership are auo to be sent to him for litutdar jas kt titeooifpe brocket kington july gjj un u the busi m a linn will he carried on in ltn bv the mihsciibfir who icels grileful 101 avouisand icrjuest a continuance of th simf theodore brocket kingmon jul valuables propefity n the first day of august irilt between thehouis of twelve oclock a vi and to oclock pm will be ui b public auction to the i igheat bidder at kingston in the province of upper canada artje jhtfrtfiora zeon woee5 these works are situated in the township of marmora in the county of hastings in the midland district of the said province and are esteemed one of the most valuable properties in the founderv line in british north ameri- ca and one it is considered which cannot fail under proper management to realize to a purchaser profits seldom arising to capitalists from other investments of capital thee works n the establishment of which upwaids of ihiry thoosand pounds sterling t vebeeu expended consist of two furnaces the one capable of yielding two tons and ihe othe oiie lone of iton in f the twentyfour boms ivjih ihe necessary buildings connected ihprcith a forge for the manufirrure of b ii irpn with fotll fires and two hammers a saw mill flour mill bark mill and tan nery all impelled by water of which there is an abnndnnl supply carpenters and black- tnillts sh os veil teovided wjth the neres- swrj tonls baking house and fourteen com fortable dwelling houses three of which are ucli smted for taveius or large families wuh m w acbss or jfc iii iii siiinnvnu sllr tdnig tlie holrh and 8534 acres in the ndjninirtg township of belmont in the new-cath- district for which a deed in fee will be given and upon which aip inexhaustible mines ra qbe generally of n good fjualiiy with 1500 acre f laid gtantfml ronduiiualk in perpeiuu hi ihe g- w nineut is fuel reset ves tin enndliion hing ihit th w tks iip ovei peinnttedto ccafj lhree successive vears the dismnce at present at which the works are supplied uh chaicoal is between two and three miles the lake ore is brought by water five miles and oilier o e useful to be employed iu the making of good 2t being intended to build a bridge a- cross the river c tamqui from kingston to poiu fteciich provided ue ieghlatu shall grant an act of incm pomion jsotice is hereby gv en that a premium ol twenty pounds currency will be given lor ihe model and esti mate ofa wooden budge most approved of by the directors and ten pounds foi the second most approved of ii being undeisroodrhat the bridge is to be so fee wide with a faot path in the middle and eai i iige road on either jde of sufficient strength for the passage of artillery that part of it nearest kingston to be a draw bridge or otlwive moveable the length ol ihe limine icquiied is sixteen hundred feet the gi fates t depth ol water is about fourteen ftet gradually decreasing on either side lofour feel the hotinm of the river aflat rock partially covered with mud trie budge is not required to he eoveied or by any means oriiameiud but substantial to be eight feet above the level of the water and to have a toll house either on or attached to it and the cost not to exceed five thousand pounds the models and estimates to be lodged with ilie treasurer mr george f corbett at kingston on or before the first day of novem ber next willi ihe address of the parlies who may furnish them and the said models and estimates to be sealed up john r glover pi ksilikvt john s cartwright secretvrt kingston 21th aug lfi26 tortsale sail i irq v is brought by land a distance of six miles ore of the pmest quality known in the british provinces may be had ai an unfixed expense of mining within a f w hundred yards of ihe woiks mixed with which i yellow oehre red earth and black lead in great quantities these works aie established on crow river a mile below ihe grow lake this rivei intenttpteri by many largi ra uis con nects with the river treni the distance by land to the month of the trent the head of navigation is si miles the limits of an advertisement will not ad mil of an enumeration of the many advantages o tins property neither is it the purpose of be proprietor by any exaggerated statement in induce persons desirous lo purchase to trust bis representation and save the trouble of personal inspection that it is least equal to ihe representation the wieks irft at the different advi ii- offices in london liverpool newyoik philndelpbin montreal and kmesion will be sa tilled add d to which this circumsiauce is of consideration thai this works are sufficient to supply ihe province of upper canada with 3sav irtoti c kron karr and al 3 price much loner than they can be bmnghl from ihelowci province the objed m ielltna is to fulfil the conditi ons upon which this property was placed in the hands of the present proprietor namely to pay over the proceeds to the creditors of mr charles hayes the original proprietor such sale bring demanded by the majority in amount of debt of the said creditors for further information application to be made to messrs gould dowie co in london mr manahnat the works or to the sub scriber in montreal peter mgill montreal july 15 1828 willi a tf ct7nictghaiue ot no 22 in the broken concession ill the township oi wutta i imtniy d nimiii- u k m uh itimmbj in v- mi tajiiiiig two handitd lws of land there are on tlie premises a commodious dwlung house bam stable an out houses the land is of an e ii ni quality well watered ad in a sta ol ii i i ilioi jilso- luis io 14 and if in the 6th concession and nos 10 t sand 24 in the seventh couoi of the township of rawdon county oi hastings in the midland district for further particular apply to george macai eav agent for the proprietors september 9 i25 3tijc tcam moat zaoaba j moster master has commenced running her regular nips from present to york and nuipara lea vina the former place every thnrsdny morning at s oclock a m and the lattci every monday niorninji at 10 ovlci k a m touching at ktngstoo on her way up and down kiigston 29ih july l26 miscellaneous from the missionary lleraio ijfterestijvg account of the osige lydmjvs by the reverend william f vail cocntrt l jsiksffii i5rfu lfi wv vfllv nk at this hfe from glasgow wbespectfully informs the public jsivm that he has commenced his business al the house of mr hafiel coy where he will execute in the neatest style fancy turshm on wood ivory and metals according to any pattern likewise makes and repirs philoso phical apparatus surgeons in struments razors scissors and all hinds of cutlery skdfullv ground and polished musical instkinatdnts from the lew burp to the cluoeli ornn vicnidicillv repaired wooden clocks flax and wool spinning wheels made and rejiir- edfcru the idea of a general mechanic or artist rather uncommon but let those who duub his abilities come and sec kmtiston july ssih taifi- p cash 1d for rlean uwk and tottok k ac s at ihitolhw m ay i o a few years since part of the nation resided on the waters of the missouri but now the whole tribe resides on the waters of tlie arkan sas liver thev are divided into several villa ges about four of these are on the grand ri ver called by the osages neosiu and tuo on ihe verdigris these livers descend into die arkansas from the north and form a nine- tion with it within one mile o each other the width of grand river is about 0 rods and that of ihe verdigris 10 rods the former i navigable in high water with keel boats a- botlt fioo miles and the hitter onlv four mile to the falls these falls aie a natural eurioi- ty on account of the regularity of the stones ech being square and laid in a straight tine froinoiip side to the other risitu like tr sieps the 0age country is health and in viting t0 strangers having g0od air and being well watered and richly diversified with bills and plains some parts are rouh and hilly and covered with limber but ilieuaier part is covered with grass called prairie the prairie are not low and wet land but often bil ly and always dry and have been occasioned bv the annual fires that spread over the coun try the indians that they may travel more easily more readily see thoil game and lint yoiiu grass iu thefprinv for their depf ard buffalo and elk set lire to their prairtes and the fir- sjrrieml into ih neihl im iim u iod lanri every vear therefore rh prairie ken- largins i holders at hie expense ol ihe ihirler- d ten itory in vtune pars uf the uohiurv bills or mound rise from the plain and aie indeed a euriosjiv soiug are circular ohlew have an oblong hape several nai o- iciher an i all i ixe to ihe height of rt n- bove the geiuiitl level ni ihe lin rni tlie i ue of the open country is for the most pan undulatory efaue amh haratten thev call themselves irausdskc froia hence osage

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