i veal in ihe falls wo understand dial the j ftoiitalfcac will now be laid up for tbe season a hi our steam boats have of late been truly 1 unfortunate in addition to hc catalogue of disasters already noticed we have to state that the toronto ran aground last night in coming up from prescoii but was got off without sus taining any material damage tbe steam jioat quecnston also ran upon a shoal near reeds bay at the upper end of wolfe island stme time in the course of last night and capt whiting has been obliged to come in and obtain the aid of the fronlenac and of some boats to lignten his vessel and get her afloat the wind has been rather heavy during the morning and ihe queenstonis said to lie in an exposed situation nevertheless we trust she will not receive any serious injury the following- extract from the new york enquirer will rive our female acquaintances a little insight into life in yew york wlnttr parties the fashionables are about returninrinr to towu from tlrir summer excursions and coun try resiliences every thing is in preparation for a winter campaign carpets newly laid curtains festooned new candelabras and mantel ornaments purchased the piano new tuned sc es cf italian music procured and all the parapharnalia o fas ion arranged ao- corjiug to the london and paris beau mantle already wr near 0 liew ro and quadrille parties being tinier discussion iu t ue boudoir and names of nw families wlioare cominir ou have been placed upon the invitation lists we have been culled upon for our extracts from london qaxottesau1 mirrors descriptive of new drcses and drawing room fnniture a row card of invitation for grand routs ha bcn d ceiled upon among the fashioaables the formula of which is as follows dibd on he 2fiih instant ihe kkjoii barclay minister of ihe scotch presbytei rfan church in kingston upper canada mr birclay had but a few davs prcvij oils to his last illness returned from a jour- nc to the township of auldborough in i lie loudon district he went to that place at the special request of a dumber cf scotch set tlers who wished to obtain his counsel andl advice in making an application to the church of their native land for a clergyman of their own profession on tins fatiguing journey through an immense wilderness tra velling under a burning sun it is supposed was laid the foundation of that complaint which terminated in the vigour of life the highly useful and pious labours of a manj whose like in all respects wecan scarce- ly hope to look upon again as a public teacher he stated and illus- fated the general principles of christianity with much perspicuity and precision andl enforced the practice of all those duties which christianity inculcates by a winning and persuasive eloquence peculiarly hisl iwn he was particularly anxious to im press on the minds of his hearers the laws of brotherly love and kindness and in all sis conduct he set a blight example of the precepts he taught his momon will be ever cherished will sincerest affection by his congregation an ill who knew him as uniting iuaneminen iegree the amiable goodness of a christian vilh the manners of tbe perfect gentle nun governlwent fob baking efrean n otice is hereby give j jftjf v ho may be willing to bake bread mr blm prixs j at home 1 dec 0 an jnwr juddriffcsat 10 1 vw the issuing of these cards presnpposes a grand supper a tner simple invitation or pod is adopted for a private soiree now on onl one piece of advice which we hope our male and female cnuvivials will take from us in good pat and that is not to cat themselves fa dent hi according to custom our summer an i fall bills of mortality present melancholy instances of consumptive and despectic pa tients who canglit their death at some fashion able squeeze and actually ate themselves into eterni indeed these excesses iu eating are as fatal as those of drinking and we do hope th ti our liomiilahles will materially curtail that inficnsiv of 2td things thai flood our draw ing roo ns o i v imagine an evenings cata logue and we defv the whole materia ld on to arrest tlie fatal issue waiters with tea toffee hot mb p pound and queen cake in ample quantities jumbles mixed cake bread and butter toast tyc these a- vawtt couriers have scarce disappeared when spoons and empty plates go jingling round preparatory to green sweetmeats preserved giwcr ore then we have lemonade and wine anl conversation commences the line is drawo and gentlemen retire to the other room leaving the ladies primly alone a vile cus tom the next in order after a formal interreg num of tin minutes are waiters filled witli pachs apples petrx and fruits of various kinds ihesyare followed in quick succession wiih sanjarre lemonade and xvinc ladies move towards the piano and gentlemen to the card table after de tnnte and una vorlte a charming duet is interrupted bv monsier ton- son tbe waiters with pyramids of white and red ice cream before which amusement and conversation instantly vanish after puick and hquers rose cinnamon and parfait d a- maor aflfuirs become tgaiu settled ante belam a contilhon is scarce made up and conclud ed when in marches igaii those sable cft rio ters willi drird fr tils ica fin v uns nuts 6 ftn pwh and nc ihen waiters with bin httt pituos nmfit ires su- gur fjfnms and las thftugh not leasl sandcihe ham inipukledirrs a- and if the route is a grand one zrund sup- i per caps the climax j we advise ajudicioils curtailment ii tlksc hospitabte arrangemeiits iu charitv to the health and long lives of our estimable youig ladies and in order that thev mnv not b tlicsi excesses cut short a career rendered de sirable bv the charms of beautv and aecom- plisliments light fare and early retirement are thf best preservatives of health and so our new college of physicians will tell you when they gel under irtigh died in kingston on the 20th of september last thomas ovens a native of the county fer- mmnuaugh in ireland aged 24 years his funeral was attended by a large and respec table assemblage of his brethren and friends com on the 2lst inst mrs isabella brawley aged 30 jeas on the l inst miss catharine read in the township of pittsburgh on the 21st inst mr aaron leonard suddenly at hallowcll village upper can ada of the cholera morbus on the eveuing of tuesday the 19th sept thomas hermans youngest sou of john mcnaig esq aged 9 months and 1 days at york on the 30th inst mrs smith wife of the hon samuel smith aged 48 years from government flow for f use ol lle g risou of kingston and lis fpendencies that ealed tenders will be recj at lhs 0i ficeon or before the d of omber next at noon for the period of tv months com mencing from the 26th dec kii6 the quantity required to be bal wl be al lhe average ol one hundred af ten barrels per month the conditions of con ald fovn of tenders to be made out t brftfeh money may be known on appmcat at ln w and no proposals will be m muie bj bakes in the form pre ancl s bv two sufficient sureties willing to become hound for the fulfilment of thf contract as well as by the party making offer who or an atient duly authorised ufl their behalf must attend at the timeoi opening teudeis to give anv explanation required a it will be a condition of any contract fat may be entered into that it shall be opnoral with the com- missarit officer in charge m pay for the ba king that may he done either in bntish silver money at its nominal rnehi oll specie at the par of k 4d sleiliu spanish dollar or in bills of exchange his majemys trea sury at thirty days elt of jloq foi each imos rue upon the oioact any further conditions a ij particulars may be known on application a pi office tlie tenders uihsi bt srahd and endorsed li tender for baking brrad thoshill d a c g commissariat office kingslm sept ito 1025 mqsbua bayne emigrant from fn fl land who rcsiled iu ihjoin tlie township of nfipean is requested 10 mnke knows his addrfss i lie subscriber al the post oilice richmond bat hurst district g t burke cobonrg 3d sept 1826 kok f li o cj i the following passengers came in tlie trans- porf layton which arrived at quebec on the 18th instant captain william smyth lieutenant donald moonald ensign il madclev of the 6iih jiigbt infantry ensign t b sbeao assist ant suigaoti robeitson of the7uth reftimeut ensign eyre stack of the 7 1 t lishl infan try lieutenant p le pore trench ol the trtth regiment 1 115 men 8 women nod 0 children for the different corps in f humda also 7 1 men 26 women and l is children of ilir royal veteran corps 2 men one woman and children of the royal artillery fiom new oundland for europe pnrrrs current in the kinctov rtarkrt boef 4d to 5d pr lb mutton 4d to 5d- veal 4d potatoes is to is d butter 9d egffh 7dl2 oats 9d per bushel peas fid barley 2s rye 2s 6d ha 10 per ton birth at quebec on the ibtli inst the lady of captam baieman paymaster of the 79th high landcrsof asoii married on wednesday toe 20th smt at the coun try residence of pretlerreh win kt malinger esq near the city of montreal by the lev l stevens george garrett esq m i snr- fuon of his alajslys 70th rvgl of fool to anna maria ermatinfcr loih of the cit of montreal qfrjpotice is hereby given to all persons skw who ma be willing to suppl pim n- p cted flour for the use of the garrison of kingston and its dependencies that sealed tenders will be received at this office on or before the 3d day of november next at noon for the period of twelve mouths commencing from tbesstb december 1826 the quantity required will be at the average of one hundred and ten barrels per month the conditions of the uootract and form of tender to be made out iu british money may be knowu ou application al this office and no pioposal will be noticed unless made iu the form prescribed and sigied by tvo sufficient sureties willing to become bound for the fulfilment of the contract as well as by the party makicg the otter who oi an ag6ut duly authorised on their behalf musi attend at the time of opening theteuders to give any explanation required and it will be a condition of anv contract that ma be en- tered inio that it shall he optional with the cfiminiamt officer in charge to pay for the hour that may be supplied either iu british silver mom at iis nominal rate in other specie at the par of 3 hi sterling per span ish dollar or in bills of exchange on hu via jest 8 treasury at thirty days after sight ofjjlou fir each loj due upon the contract any further conditions and particulars may be known on application at this office the tenders must be scaled and endorsed tender for flour tiios hill l a c g cmnmissariat office kingston sept 22d 1826 governmbit for bread tmpotice is hereby given to u persons jklm who in iv be uilfiuij in supply brmad im lhe use of the gaitison of kingston and its dependencies thut sealed tenders for the same will be received at this office on or be fore the 3d day ol novem er next at noon for the period of twelve months commencing frumthesth december 18ji rthecondituiona of contract find form of tender to be made our in british money winy be known on application at rliis office and no proposals will lie noticed unless mde by bakers iu the form prescribed and signed by two sufficient sureties willing to become bound foi the fulfilment of the contract as well as by ihe pariv making the oiler who or agents duly authorised on their behalf must attmidatlhe time of opening the tenders to eie any explanation required anil it will be a condition of anv contract thai may he entered into that it hill be optional with the com- imssaiiit officer m charge to mn for ihe bread that may be supplied either iu british silver money at its nominal i ate ill oilier specie nl lhe par id k 4d sterling per spanish dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury t thirty days after sight ofl00 for each lui due upon lhe contact anv further conditions and particulars may be known oh application at this office the tenders must be sealed and endorsed l tender for bread thoshill d a cg commissariat office kingston iid sept isst for prime inspected pork notice is hereby given to all persons who mav be willjntg to supply t o hundred barrklrf of pi mb in spected poi1k ol miie produce of upper or lower caiiuda for the ue of the garrison of kingston and dependencies thai sealed tenders will ho inyeivptl at clfltc w n befoie the 3d day of november ar noon the conditions of contract iiu form of tender lobe marie out in llrhish money may be known on application hl ms gffice aiifl no proposal will he noticed unless made in the form prescribed and kitd by iwo sufficient sureties willing to become bound for the fulfilment of lhe contract as well as by the party luhking tiie offer ho or agents duly authorised on their behalf nust attend at lhe opening of the tenders give any ex planation required and will be a conddion of any cmi r rrt hai mnv he eelen d mm ihal it shall he oplio will riir cninimianai offi cer in chaioe to pay 101 ihe puifc llm a iy h suiplhj either in ihiush stlv money at its nominal rate in othei pe ie t the pur of n 4d stei lin t the sdhiii d illar or in uims ofexchanaeon bi majeiy treasmv at thirty days after sijn oflrlt0ibr each ill 03 due upon lie contract any fuithei conditions and pfticnlairs may be known on application a ihi office the tenders must oe sealei and endorsed tender for prime fork thos hilt dacg commisirint ofkr kiiigstim srpt it 1356 foe fresh heef jmpotice is hereby given lo all persons jth who may be prilling to furnish fresh reef for the use of the garrison of kingston and its dependencies that sealed tenders will be received at this oifice on or before the 3d day of november next at noun for the period of twelve months commencing from the 251 h december 1826 the conditions of the contract and form of tender to he made out in british money may be known on application al ibis office and no proposal will be noticed unless made in the form prescribed and signed by two sufficient sureties willing to become bound for the fulfilment of the contract as tvell as by the party making the offer who or agents duly authorised on their behalf must attend at the time of openiugr the tenders lo give any explanation required and it frill be a condition of anv contract that mav be enter- ed into that it shall be optional with the commissariat officer in charge to pay for ihe fresh bcf tht may be supplied cither in british silver money at its nominal rate in other specie at the par of 4s id sterling per spanish dutlai or in bills of ex chancre on his blajestys treasury at thirty days after sight ofifloo for each 103 due upon the contract any further conditions and particulars may be known in application al litis office the tenders mus be sealed and endorsed tender for fresh bcf thos hill d a c g convmwtsariftt office kitn 182 3tolitc ws hereby given ihat tenders will he rc- ijii cetved from such persons as are willing to contract for the supply of 700 cor75s gt go v kra jf izjs t for building materials to coinsist of hard maple beech imieii white ash hickory and roil wood to he delivered in the dockyard or such other places as may be pointed out as lol- lows viz on or before fht 1st december next 00 cordk qnorhefrt lh fbu 1827 ssa d on or before the al jtfarrji do 500 do theteuders wt he received until the 5th october next wh n he will be opened at one oclock p m- at my nrscc where the panics arc to atieud and two responsible sureties will be required for the due fulfilment of the contract j p gloved naval storekeeper dock yard hjpoticr is hereby fcrveu thai tender finl will lie received at this office m id ihe li november tirxt a noon fiym mich per sons as uiin ie vtlltnsr to furniih timber a v77jv0 no nws pllvk f1th shingles and cedar pickets to pitch extent as may he required fbrrhi service of ihe piihho aljluary bstabllhliiuearm at i hi- post for one en to rummened on i fie ti5ii december ik26 th condittonn of contract and form of tender lo be made out iu british nemey may he known on application at the coimuis- sariat office and no ptoposal will he noticed utdess nnide in the foriii preset ibtd mid sign ed by two sufficient sureties willing to become hound for the fulfilment of the contract s well as by ihe party making the oilei who or m agent duly authorised on his behalf must attend at lhe lime of opening ihe tend ers to give any xplnvii m required and it will he a condition nl anv contract thrft may be entered into that ir shall be optional with the commissariat officer in charge i pav lor the btnlding materials tht may be supplied either iu bi i isb silver money it iis nuuuual rate in other specie i the par of 4- d sicrl- ins tlie spanish bo i hi r or in bills nl lix- chanjie on h maje tv tieastnv at thnt v days alter sight ol 100 foremen loi tiue upon ihp cnntuict any hiiiher conditions and air may- he knoun on hppiiciion at this cilt the tendeis him be senlcd and endorsed tender for b mdnz av coinniisana otii p jungsloo 15tll september 1828 tho hill l a og to be sold or fsl and possession given in the course of a lew that stont dwelijikg house and vjarbrn situated in llnckst adjoining the omu isari office scnilv occufq o jictit mah w of tin i oval in- piocors tur paiticulaisapd to f a harper kington ept f 1828 wlliti he sold on thursday the 1 th ol htoter next at the mibsrrihers auciion komu posiively without teerve lot no 9 in the vilhaeof atudphnstowm laielv oceu- enpied b pfoxon harries a a tavern con- lainmu one acie ol linil web a two storv frame house erected thereon and an exceth nt avel of living water also on onhard with p 3 1 si anfftist lfi- lc0tff ftsjf ui persons indebted lo the estate of the a late andrew kimmcrli esquim of kichmond are hereby requested to make pay ment of iheir respective accounts to mr jin- drew kimmerly junior on or before the 1st day of may next as any of the debts remain ing unsettled at that date will positively be put into the hands of an attorney or collecl- rqpart mclure admimsttator to the estate of a kirnmerlv 20th sept 1826 n b lumber seat and ashes will be received in payment t want op a farm ncix kingfcl m two young jhj1res fur particulars auplv to f aflauper kingston sept 8 182 beimel una lien demon vhnginekks and milwkightshav sgl uig commenced business in that large house hi fcvellinjtoo reet st aun suburb lately occupied as a ail factory be leave lo acquaint tlie public that they will al all times be prepared to receive and execttlein a substantial and supenor manner any orders they may be favoured with in lhe above line and that lhe fullest couudence may be placed in the due performance of whatever branch of iheir business they nay undertake to per form montrea 11th sept 1826 notice 4t subscribers executors ami execu- ail n ix of tiie last ui and testament of the late neil meleod esq of kingston merchant reotiem all persons indebted to the estate either by boot debt note pond or otherwise to make mmediate payment to mrs mcleod who wll continue the business as usual iu behalf of tie estate john torrance charles tolkien john mclkod jane ilclfod kinaston 1 9rh awg hjiiii hereby iven that tenders will he re- h ceived llotil ihe nth september next from such persona as are wilii j- to contract for the supply of ov charcoal to be delivered in the dock vard on or before the lsi nnvnhcrtext the parties offering- tenders are to attend at my oilice at one ociock pm on the nth september and two responsible sureties will be required for i he due luliimcut of the contract jn u glover naval storekeeper kingston dock yard 31st aujrust l828- the subscribers aving been duly np pointed executors and execturix to ihe estnie of the hue ieiersmithemimerchani of kingston request all those who may have any claims a- uniust the said estate to send in their accounts duly atiested to david john smith all i hose who are indebted to uih estate ate i etpiest i t imike immediate payment to the sui i david john smith who is duly authoris ed to grant ai quittances for the same joily kij1by john macjiulay dai ii jobjfmith kxeculors 1aw sjtitft executrix kingston 1st septemhr 1840 the business will hi future he carried on by ihe subscriber on his own account djuii joily svitii ol choice grafted fruit conditions ol s de 14 of the purchase money tube paid at tbe lone of side 14 in six months i 4 in twi he months and the remainder in twovears sale to commence at 14 ocjnru noon john strange a k b kingston s5th ans 126 mot ice bfnhe suhscriher having been appoimed i inspetlor of weights and mtgsvtts jot thx midland disfnd informs ill persons eon ceiuid that hfhs received the standard for said dii i and is piepared lo examine and ram ire v am m sures which shall be j tented to win en hai porjuise wiili ntid st i iiti n u a n- i the sixh m penal cl c of hi act relative to weights nd vieaures robkrt richardson inspector of weight and mrures midland disrric kingston 28tii august 1856 rift clause of the j rt retjirve to jvihsard vi 1nd beit furtpr enu mby the nau ritjf t foresaid thai all stme-kccpei- slnw- kchpers alillers disillers butchers bakers huckster and other trathnc perwuis- inhabit- niits of such district fiir which a s anoard of mich weights and measures as aforesaid hflli have been obtained flio shall alier ihe cpi- ration of six months after soch standard of weights and measures shall have been icceiv- ed and inspector appointed as aforesaid have in iiis possession anv weights or measures whereby he buys or sells any article for the weighing or admeasurement of which such standard of weights and measures are gener ally used anv other than such weights or measures as have been examined and stamp edot marked as aforesaid shall forfeit for e- eiv offence two pounds provincial cnrien- cv being thereof convicted before anv one or more justice or justices of ihe peace on the oath of one credible witness which said penal- tv together with all reasonable costs shall he levied by distress and ile of the offenders coods and m the default of distress such of fender shall be committed to the common gaol of the district for a term nor exceeding one month so jfarmvsi to lei ou shines about ql acies f land in the township of illlshurg near the village of banicfielil thirteen acre of the satd land lias been mowed iu mav ibis summer the use of a yoke ui oxen uitti ho lunl if required and the use of a bain apph lo mr marks al ihe dock vanl of to innie mcallisier in batucheld a cotnloilhble cottage will he allowed to an indumiiuus man sepi 19 l2j m kowlev begs to acquaint the ladies and gcivjemen of kingston that he ill give an enu ainment on saluuiav evening the sofh in- at sirs dai leys lm i eohsistiite f slack- wire performance tuntin 1 for particular sec b set 2i a piriac jsotive ll permirs havint claims auaini the estate of the late davih hamailoi ernesttown miller me hereby reqtield prcseui hiem for mdjustment and all persons indebted m the jid estate at herebi requir ed to make payineul of the cveial auioouts due bv them to iliesnbenher benjamin booth adnnuimilor lruesttown j3th sejuenihetj u o tiir partnership heretofore existing be tween william ii wal bridge adhaklks claltk isthuda rtusoir ved b iiuitual const m william r wjlrridge charles clark bell die sept 1 1826 ojfice of the bank ol f frppr fonada kingston 4thsrfittwbtf iflj vj1ght per cent advance on the sterling bfl value of british silver uoiu is at pre sent given at this office james snxzizr saddicr and harness maker fiwm mjllvd egs leave to inforoi ur public in aeuer- al thai it is ln intenti cm in a fcw weeks to cany on the above business in the town of kingston and hopes lo live sulisfnciion tt ihone gentlemen lhai will honoi htn ui h iheii favours as u ill be m s power in iiaw regulill snpplv iroin icllulalid ol the hi m ni- iniils which will enable him la make nnni sadilles tie prndncfd iii mv patt ul oiwst biitam ami on reinmiable lerm stpicmbci b 12q