Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 29, 1826, p. 4

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ttt poetu y the chamber of death leave me to nigbt iii watch the corpse lrc st hie lump ih re tha its fetal jtgm may rest on 1s pale fioo fold back the windim- ehect lor tlw white arm above the sable pall iv coh and miif thou tremblosl boy po reliant e tvm never st on death before air ay it b no sight for thee hie thee to bed an 1 k me hear by footsteps as tbay pass alxic 0c eorri lor so he is gone aftd atul i i a i am tktin ibc sinfrigidity of death a hiwgofsowmo and mysterious meaning silence i round us but it i no et tbcapp otiitecj hour ai midnight thou will cog to aniratc again this inert clay an l if tlie laui thai govern i bee permit iart lo me a sign thai i may bitnw we vet fchall inel hereafter 1 tbis world wc grew together like two trees that twine tbir branches into ore and if to die b but to pas- awiy io other realms be they of light or darkness our twin souls will there be found united o god 11 is a fearful thing to see the strong man stretched upon the bed of u ath writhing iu agony beneath the grasp oruiisecu power even as its victim strives t shake the tiger from its throat he strives against the shadowy tyrant and et why if death be hut the herald to a stae ofalered being why should nature shrink with horror from his touch alas look lb re and thou art answered in those stiifening linbs thai cold blank piece of nothingness a weight of passive matter destined for the worms what can wp read of immortality say that twas but the casket for the gem 0 igiij we not still t cherish wha has held a h of si much price is thai black box and ihe damn earth a ih reeeptacte has not the light of life been in those eyes the eloquence of health upon those cheeks the grire of action in those manly limbs the lignily of virtue on that brow thoughts thoughts ye madden me how still is ibis lone hour the lamp burns feebly and casts a flickering shadow on the dead hark i from a distant turret midnight sounds xow bean be firm i ii gaze upon the corpse and m ive not breathe not till it look on me the win i is up an i murium moanigly 1 hear it in the corridor ha 1 no tuat slow and measured tread is something more the corpse the corse it is not where it lay the door is opening how those eye balls flare oh heaven and earth tis he as when he lived but wan and sad and changed changed tbo the same the lamp expires his breath his touch are onine and lo i see him in the darkness still the dead cannot become invisible it speaks not slits not but strange mean ings flu across ita pallii countenance- and now just poners this is too horrible e weep not far her there is no cause for wo j but rather nerve the spirit that it walk rnsiuinking oer ihe thorny paths bchw and from earths low defilements keep thee back so when a few fleet severing vearshave flown shell wetil thee at heavens gate and lead thee on weep not for her j in council 21 st november 1x5 for the informhiionof persons aniline in up lake ontario thf public are informed that both the a- hoe boats have commenced their re gular trips and will during the present sum mer leave the different ports as follows wea ther nerniitliiurl the froxtexac captain mlvenie will leave kingston every wednesday afternoon upon the arrival of the steam boat dalhousie from prescott for york niagara and queenston and leave niagara on hr return to kingston every saturday evening the queexston captain whiting with mr j- whitney as sailing master will leave prescott every sunday evening upon the arrival of the stage from montreal for kingston york niagara and queenston and will leave niagara on her return to kingston ami prcscoit every thursday morning about 10 oclock the accommodations and fare on hoard both the above boats are of the best descrip- iion and every endeavour will be made to render it convenient and comfortable to pas sengers kingston may 20 102g a dirge weep not for her oji she was far too fair too pure to dwell on this guilttainted earth the sinless glory and the ihe golden air of ion seemd to claim her from tier birth a spirit wandered from its native zone which soon discovering look her for it own weep not tor her i weep not for her her span was like the sky whose thousand stars shine beautiful and bright like flowers that know not what it is to tlie like longlinku shajelcss mouths of polar light like music floating oer a waveles lake while echo answers from the flowery brake weep not for her weep not for her she died in early youth ere hope had lost its rich romantic hues when human bosoms seemd the homes of truth and earthtill gleamd with beautys radhnt dews her summerprime waned not to days that freeze her wine of life was run not to the lees weep not for her weep not for her by fleet or slow decay it never grieved her brothers core to mark the playmates of her childhood wane away her prospects wither or her hopes grow dark translated by her god with spirit shriven she passd as twere in smiles from earth to heaven weep not for her weep net tor her it was not hers to feel the miseries that corrode amassing years gainst dreams of baffled bliss the heart to steel to wander sad down acres vale of tears as whirl the witherd leaves from friendships tree and an earths wintry world alone to be weep not for her weep not for her she is an angel now and treads the apbire floors of paradise all darkness wiped from her refulgent brow 3in sorrow suffering baoisifd from her ees victorious over dewh to her appear the vistad joy of heavens eternal year weep not for her i weep no for her bar memory is the shrine ofphkmt uioiigiits soft as the sccrt of fl wrs calm as on windless eve the sons decline stfrecl a the gong of birds among the bow ers rich as a rainbow with its hues of light pure the moonshitie of an auturn i night i weep not for her steam boat the steam boat charlotte will until further notice leave kingston for the bav of quinte every monday at 10 oclock and after making her usual stops will arrive at the carrying place ou tuesday morning leave the carrying place at 11 oclock the same day and an ive at hallowellin the even ing leave hallowcll at 7 oclock on wed nesday mormiog and arrive at kingston e- dv in ihe afternoon leave kingston for b ii- villc every thursday morning at 10 oclock and arrive there in the evening leave bell- villc at 8 oclock on friday morning and ar rive in kingston in thceveuing leave kings ton for piescott every saturday morning at 10 oclock stopping aigananoijue and brock- die aud arrive iu ihe evening leave pres ent t for kingston every sunday and arrive ou monday morning kingston 25lh may 1826 n 13 the boat meets the regular line of stages at prescott and the passengers are by that means enabled to proceed direct to the lower province and the passengers arriving in the stage from below on saturday have also an opportunity of proceeding direct to kings- ion and the bay of quinte the stage also meets the boat at the carry ins plce on tuesday morning for the conveyance of pas sengers to york or intermediate places ou that route the charlotte having lately undergone a thorough repair affords to the public as spee dy cheap and comfortable a mode of travel ling a there is to be found in this province m palsies and apothecary 7 rkspectfully acquaint hi friends and ihe public lhal he hasjlsl reenved from new- york and montreal a fresh supply of genuine drugs czrzbxzcals viz sulphate of quinine carbonofp rind nper-carbo- na e of soda phosphate of soda cifiic tartar ic nitric sulphuric and muriatic acid sccc patent iwridrozkas perfumery paint oil sr dye stuff lo r 11 iji lards suplrior maccoboy tuberose rappee aud scotch isum and a great variety of miscellaneous articles som of which are tlie following viz sponges hue aud coarse harveys corneal spiral spring elf- adjustfng trus uperiour to an ever jt uiven- red lanceis soda seidlitz or rochde ponders tnmh brushes and tooili powders lip salve iiuk saucers rouge or ladys paint pine soap of various dieripiions ked and black ink powder india rubber wafers in boxes or by ihe ih camel v air brushe bjack lend pencils pocket lights of the best quali spices fg blue poland search spanish f indigo lamp black rosin glue sail peter spirits of turpen tine spirits of wine venice turpentine gum thus lacshell and copal c c c ulncli lopeiher with his former mock comprise a vtt general and extensive assortment all which are warranted of a good qnalir and having been purchased low will be disposed of at ver reduced prices per canada us settlers ihe folloblttj miitiina- ry of the rules which his mjestys guvern- meru has thouglu fn to lay down for the lu- kure regulation of gtnt of lafld in the pro vince in conformity the system iihigll iws beet recenih aduptrd wllh respect to other colonies of his majeyhas been prepared in conformity to instructions from karl bathurst 1 a valuaiion will be forthwith made of the lands throughout the tohmy and average price will be struck for each district 2 all the lands ill the olonv dot hitherto granied and appropriated far public purpose will be offered for sale at the average prices thus fixed 3 all persons propouflg to purchase land must transmit a written application to ihe government through the office of the surveyor general in a certain prescribed firiu which will be delivered to the party applying tlie surveyor general or by an officer to be appointed by him for thai purpose in the several uiirict on pajmeiu of a fee of 2s 6d all correspondent lv ir government res- pepting giants of land must lake place through ihe same office 5 the purchase mucy is to be paid by four quarterly or five anno instalments as he party npplwnginav deiiej in ic latter case legal interest shall be charged and shall be payable annuallv from ihe limf f making the agreement a discount of 10 per icnt will be allowed for rcad money payment 6on payment of the money a grant will be made in fee simple the purchaser at the ex- penseoffhe crown wih the usual reservations of mines minerals and of white pine timber 7 the largest quan if and which wilt be sold oanv iodmdual 10000 acres and when put up to sale it will dp nfterd hi mich tracts not less than 100 acres a rna be directed persons wishing more extensive purchases must apply in writing ihrou the lieteuani governor in coun cil to his majesis pmicipal secreiar of state for the colonies wiih fh explanations of their object 0 and meatus h lands nay aho be obtained wrhnut purchase but upon different con 9 persons desirous lo acquire lands withoui ptirchaung will make application tothe go vernment in writing through the surreyor geo- eral office in a prec bed form copies of w hich will be furnished by csurveor general upon payment o 2- 6d 10 the largest grari i lnal will he made without purchasers 1200 acre be smallest 100 acres 1 1 no gram will w made w pson wiih- dot purchase unless im goverumen is aiiaied thai the erantec has hf br peraud ihe lotea- iiuu urespeudingin thecuthvauonot land a ca pital eqal to half the i u mated alneor in case ihe grant do not exceed orjo acres that he intend lo reside upon aud improve the same 12 a quit rent of i 5 pr cent per annum up on the estimated value v u be fixed upon the land granted without porctiae 13 the quit rent will heredeemable within the first 25 years nei fallowing the granlon pay ment of a sum equal in tweut limes the annual auount of it 14 until theexpiraiionof the first seven years next succeeding each grant without purchase no quit rent wilt become we upon the lauds compri sed in it 15 every gianfee without purchase must ai the expiration of the fon- mentioned term of seven j ears prove to 1 lip satisfaction of the lieut governor in t ouaril tbat he ha- expended in the cultivation and improvement of his land a capi tal equal to half t c ne as that aiue ua ell- mated ai itieiimeof ti iran or in ease the gram hall 001 exceed wo hundred acres thai he has during thai lime resided on and improved his land on failure of such proof his claim 10 the laud shall be foifeitedand the same may uegian- ted to another applicant ilia 10 be understood however that if at any lime within that period the condition of expenditure and cultivation hall have been complied with ihe patent may imme diately isue iti no additional grant of land will be made to an person who has not proed a iai tetili- onrd the necessarry expenditure of capital ou the lands aiiead gianted io him 17 persons receiviig a econd grant of laud withnui purchase will become liable topay a quit rent upon the lauds comprized in such second chain immediaiel from he dale of u 18 peisois ddirotl 10 receive grants of land without purchase od terms duiereut front those above stated must lav before the lieut gover nor in council a full explanation in wilting ol ihf circnoisiance which they mav conceive to ex- eirt hem from the fair operaiiouof ihee general rules 0 v f fffvrtltn nndolher peronb entitled to gratuitous grant by ihe general regulation tn itis majesty goernnvni are not lobe affected by these rules the above rules to take effect from the firsi of january iss6 bj older of ilia esccllency the lieutenant governor john small clk kx couueil millinery fyc mrs otarrell respectfully acquaints the ladies of kingston and its vicinit that she has made at catlftements which will enable her lo have ihe latest tashiotis in the above line from montreal and newyork she returns her grateful acknow ledgments for firmer favours and hopes from a strict deterniiiiat iou 10 exectiie all orders commit ted 10 her charge in ihe best style to merit a con tinuance of the same kingston 2d june 1820 n r three apprentices wanted 10 the above husiiicss law blanks for sale at thi office all persons bating claims againsfl the estate of ihe late thoma- k carl w rijjhi inquire deceased are requested to present the same duly attested lo ihe saftcriber and all those who are iudeh ed to the m fsiate are likewise requested lo make immediate pavmenl join s cartwright kingston july 10th is2i kx ecu tor n ot ice the coparinershif heretofore existing be tween waller rcciiniffe and patrick qtiitl lerchnnts ot tlis town who carried on business under the tame and firm of walter mccuniffe r co expired nn the 30th ri april last the bu siness will in future be conducted by the under signed in his own naire and to whom all debts due the firm are to be raid walter mccuniffe kingston 20ih july 1826 unitrnimpirikcontinlntal liife 9 asfiociation for tiif insurance of rontnnfm ssibacks avh srnvivor- simps emunnikms for chh nnrn fou tttk purch wl am sale of anmmtiks and rkvkrs1cm5 awq to grant kk9ix it1fs 10 waterloo phtcc pallmall ffl fen 5j r- r s- wsftisi i in hi p 1 j 41 fc n 1 iu l honorary p1rfctors those marked thus arc also trustees his ex cuunl mun- ster 11 ffon earl of el gin kinkardine r mon lord vis count torringtort r hon lord ro bert fitzgerald rhon lord george seymour r hon sir george ousdoy m g prcndergast esq m p charles tennison esq m p r hon lord blay- ney lieutgpnwetherall major moor f r s directors sir e- colebrwlce bart chairman licii cob m shawe deputy chairman mm t t a 11 j r birnie esq ham cook esq h t colrbrookc esq frs sir francis desarigesj wd fellpwesjesq h coock esq r akerrnan esq john kingston rsq nugent kirblandesq sir john scott liliie sir jancs mcgregor f r s captw a montagu rn atjuitors n kiruland esq c j camubcll esq j g lynde hanhkrs messrs drnmmonils i co cbaring cross chief riiytiriitn t the institution of the cana da doctor forbes inspector of hospitals quebec physician and medical referee at montreal dr caldvcfl ditto at kingston dr bone physician to the forres ditto at perth dr thorn esq surgeon to the forces h p ditto at york c widmer esq do do do aget for thf district ok montreal lf gob jfcjujirti- agent for ikkth aojolm ng settlement captafn tailor p m perth agent for vppfr caada mr h smiih kingston the umlersiiiiuri having been appointed agent for upper caiatla to tlie above asso ciation is now ready to receive proposals and neociate policies of life insurance and begs leave to invite the attention of the public to the prospectus which may be had on applica tion at the office of messrs thomas stott co principal aa quebec or to either of the abovementioned agents the following are atnonpsi the facilities and advantages offered to the public by the above sociery no addition to the london rates are tlemaurletl for residence in the cattftdas and these will be found on comparison to be much lowei than are generally taken by other offices no entrance money except the price af the stamp or addition nonappear ance fine will he exacted one fifth parr not exceeding 200 of all claims will be paid immediately upon satisfac tory proof of the decease of the life insured and the remainder within three months ihe agents at quebec assisted bv the principal physician to the institution will meet every friday ai 2 oclock for the purpose of con sidering proposals ii smith kingston qgdj lfisfi j watktfs 5gis leave to inform his friends and ihe pvbic that he is now receiving his usual snppy of for a term of rears and imme diate possession giv n fhf property ar picwnr in the orrnpifrnn t3u of john iiani in faiijrfirld o srminff of 1 good duelling hor- rrke houe bflrn and other outhiuinps a nil ihe land aftach- etl tbis property i lit- leased tot losin o years on advaiiiitper stcims apply to the editor of the kingston rhronrcle kingston shi l ijiit wmw icthe subscriber ba for snlv ol h ptore ilk in montreal a very choice 11 rim cut of goods from lodou manclt tcr and glasgow with a very sr wijor spleciion of consisting rtf tlrread gimp xohhin taces piahi fy figured bobbiniktts black if wink veils ti fa rqbeut armour si iiiiii shpi 1 1 m it 1 i 1 nexidooi to micniile scscoii july i hli lfb j poktllupe j brown hep i w lipiiiiakheii i iiieuced rtlamiliiciiiiinu ofeyery descripiimi of serur nniir winch he xvill sell for as low as hiey chi be liijncl m mhv i lim faciorv in ttr- i p011 hope juk lusul jus1 laclivlld and for sale uy jul i s jif- 13 eft i 150 bess fi2l i jaimes m utcjtion kingston 15th sopl lliij a for sale valuable pak3of lanri con taining- 100 acres beipff tlie east half of lot no ti ih the 3d concision of kingston situ ated on the road to yk 4 miles from the town of kingston bween 30 and 40 acres cleared on the prftnises tlicre is a small house and barn i ik- wise a frame house partly finished 36 feel by 26 it will be sold on accommodating terms to the purchaser application may beade to the editor of tit ecbron tele kingston 20th jan 1828 rf cutlery e fcc and hopes in a few dnys to have an ttoti- sive and romplrtp norimrit ofl- english swbbzs round and hoop dilfo anvils vices blcejpots sugar kettles tin shpei iron grindstones window glass nails log and trace chains kc kr wiih a variety of shell goods which he pioposes selling at reduced price- kingston june 85th 18fi 1 the opartncivhi htrrti cnrrictl on tinder the frrm of smith st lit t- tkrwohth as h attei s he town pf kingstcui ill is dy thsoiveo iv miitial coueni all persons indebted in the concern are required i mikc niiiueuni e payment to thomis smith wk ts ouuorif d to lisrharge the snnr ami thoe to ttjtoth he firm is indebted aie rqfled iu ptesent their accounts for ndjndtihent tl ob smith john buttertvokxh king 9th dec i82 for 8 ale that valuable fnn in ihe til conres- sionofrhe tinvnsiip of emmton i buhy the properly of mr samm w d ii is composed tl lotsino 25 jmhi g in wrid oneespiou and contain hj idir mtvn n j i acres or good lam ol which ihoul 100 hi tivation there i a iitl olitlulm dwelltnghou barn and ilr i u n- lihr1 rnli ul tj pan i the prrl and oswiii ai fuithpr rnrlirnbs apply km eftu kmfrum r to all vi r sod rsq niin- mills lttvtni rtfi m to sell or lijasi skvkralrhnushfftarrhf m land on ihe isle of tnnli kr jhihcl lars enquire of ge0 macau lay agevljtr the l balh 6i h 0l isi4 marmoha o a q w a tiff for sjle potasii kettles and a large ovj quantity ol suar kettles potasli coolers hollow warr- and oilier castings 5 tons jiarmora liar iron ajsd j few ploughs apply at ihe work air manahan at bellvilieto mr 1hurk wilhrdor totliesuh bfriber jaalls mcucthon kingston 12tji sepifiuher i6s the subscriber intendino to set aside competition in this province in the foundry line offers for sale pot m kettles which he warrants delivered at the trent or kingston at 25s per cwt pot ash coolers sugar kettles of all sizes dutch ovens bake pans and covers bellied pots spiders dog irons griddles and the nsnal castings will be sold in the hands of agents at 27s fid per cwt mill irons a all mill machinery stoves and o- tber castings not enumerated will be charged at a proportionate rate and produce at the current cash price in kingston will be re ceived in payment for the same- the bar ikon generally made from under the hammer at the marmora iron works being far superior to the english bar iron usually imported the subscriber experts that ihe merchants of this province will rather take their supply from this establishment at the rate of twenty pounds per ton cash delivered at the works by the quantity than purchase at a higher rate at montreal an inferior quality supplied withguod mouldings as the works now are all sorts of castings roquet in the province can be had thereat and all orders addressed to the subscriber will be immedi ately attended to for further particulars apply to messrs mcutciion cross hn at kingston or to agent for the proprietor- marmora tron works 10th august lrtf in the press nd wiif he published at tims pce about the intfcr end nf next month the kingston almanac kor 1327 hfttpitott irnttfrlt is printed and published even friday atvrnoon james v u f ii eawb ai hfe office corner of watei and barrack sire- i hiiimnn verms seventeen shilling and mp ncr per nniion if em hy mail twenty shillings subscriptions to he paid in advance o price of advertisements 8i lines and under i fid hrt hiwrltov- atid 7j each nhbeqnent inei tron ten line nix tn der34d first insertion and md rach lhe- queni insertion i above ten lines 4d per ifnr lor the hrst insertion and id per line for etj iiheqient insertion advertisements uithoui written hireciion in serted titlfarbid and charged nccordinglvj orders for disrontlntmiig advert irrtnent to he inicrithigy aud delivered by wedncsda noo ai liie latent no advemsemcntsrcceived after tkn udock on he ua of publiralion jf produce received inpayment ai ihe mar kei price- agknts henry cowan ksq quebec 1nillip burns ksq three riven jainea william- liq montreal mesrs j j dun i op lunuisttr john cameron lsq lacftiel win kay eqcorrioii george browse lv matiulm alphens jones yi prcscoit henry jones isq hrtukvhtc joian taylor bsq perth hwhitmarsh ksq ririmnni j k hart well ksq bmfnrd mess j si j mdtinaltl innanoqmi j mkenzi q hath allan mcpherou lq isaponer thomas parker vq brjlmlfa joseph a keelei lq raninh jatnes c beihune i q hamilton david smart kyq furl it ape william allan lq fork daniel ross iw i ittoria john crooks 1 sq magara charle isipuar kq canal ffetf marg rev mr johnson amhirtftuerh georr hiijhev imi dtlalpftwtttiim hugh mattoiwilil i q iy itiy

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