Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 2, 1827, p. 3

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v j which shill lnivo cleared ffm any port p ce iri tin cilifiim or possessions above i ribcd mtwl iycu iff taking iu a citco i flj f r lnr in iiv ilftlue colonics or asijkt aforesaid ur which having nlear- fi inun aor port ur il e in ihc colon i or or r ij ssiofl stftftwaicl with a cargo shall ifier- said in fbr hoffw voyage have touched at ti ani iiciritl from urij oihr port or place il mstrertln lt no deemed to have come a pl1 or fafi in fhe colonics or posses- ne foresaid w iihio the meaning of this act ji ever vessel so excluded as aforesaid rn fne sor s of the cnired states that shall piijf in foim ijie sain iu viola- l ijishct shall iii her nckle appa- r an i furniture lojethrr tritti the cargo 0 hoard bo forfeited tn tlio united stales sec 2 it further enaicd that front after the thirtieth day of september itxi thaow is- cominee or geut of eve- r vessel fwutd wliolly or in pari by a sub ject i vujr of his briannic majes ty which shall have beeo duly entered iu anv port of the united s and an board of which shall have been there laden for ex- porithu v article or articles of the growth produce or mimifacture of the united slates niter than provisions and seastores necessarv firths rovage shall before such vessel shall 1 clearej outward at the custom kouse p trefcoid in a sum double the value of such ftufelesi with one or more sureties to the fcnfacion of the collector that the article iu articles ta ladeu on board such vessel for fririlioi shll be landed in some port or jwe other than any port or place in the above mentioned colonies or possessions ano any sllolj vessel that shall sail or attempt to sii trnn any pott of the united states witb- uir wing given bond as aforesaid shall with her rackl apparel and furniture together witi the article or articles aforesaid laden on board tbpsanvjvas ufusaid he forfeited to fti united faies provided a thai no- tiiuf js thi- act contained shall be deemed or s couiruisd as to violate any provision of he convtntfoiis o regulate commerce bc- twefn rin fortitufiv of the united states and of his bhca mic majesty which were eon- cljtled repociiireh on he third day of july one thnidivl eight hundred and fifteen and on th tivrotrclh day of october one thou- earhi hundred ond eighteen se jtnd be it further watted that the form of the boid aforesaid s be prescri bed by the secretary of the dapartment of the treasury and the same shall and mav he discharged mi not otherwise by produ cing within one year after the date thereof a like certificate to tiiat required by and un- uoi ine i egm fciunim coiitauieo ui cu ctnii firu sicfiafi of the ad to regulate the collec tion i inties ou imports ptssed the second day of march sever 4 eon hundred and ninety- nine that i he articles of the growth produce anh manufacture of die united states laden ftsaforsaid wre unladen and lauded confur- pjibly to the provisions of tlis act or in case cf loss by sea by capture o- other uoa- oi table accident by the production of such other proofs as the nature of the cus will al- mi nccor ling to the provisions of the eighty fiist section of the act aforsaid sec 4 and be it farther enacted that all penalties and forfeitures incurred by force of this act shall be sued for recovered distri buted aod accounted for and may be mitiga ted or reinitled iu the manner and according tthe povisions of the revenue laws of the united states sec 5 provided nevertheless and be il further enacted that this act shall not take effect nor go into operation if before the said thirteenth day of september next the presi dent of the united states shall receive satia- tfceorv evidence that the said colonies and possesions aforesaid are open to the admis sion of vessels of the united states corning from the said u states that neither snch ves- sls nor their cargoes are subjected to any cler or higher duties or charges than briish tssels and their cagoes aivng fon the u states in the said colonics and possessions are subjected to that the vessels of the unit ed states may import into said colonies and possessions from the united states any ar ticle or articles which a british vessel could bv law import from the united states lulolhc said colonies or possessions and that the vessels of the v stales may export to auy country whatever other than to the domini ons or possessions of great ciiiain any arti cle or articles from be said colonies or pos sessions whicu vessels ol mol brniuu iuuj export therefrom and if the president oi the uuited states shall receive such satisfacto ry evideuce as aforsaid on or before the said thirteenth day of september next he is here by authorized to issue his proclamation de claring that the said colonies or possessions are open to the admission of the vessels of the u states on the conditions aforsaid and therenpato from the date of the said procla mation the ports of the united states shall be open to vessels of the united states and british vessels coming from said colonies and possessions and also to the vessels of other nations coming therefrom which by treaty r according to the navigation act of the u states may be entitled to bring merchandise from said colonies and possessions iuto the united states aud british vessels arriving iu the united slates therefrom shall be subject neither on theirtoonage nor ou their cargoes to any other or higher duties or charges of any kind than vessels of the united states and from the date of the said proclamation of the president the act passed on the first day of march eighteen hundred and twentythree entitled il an act to regulate ihe commercial intercourse between the united stales and certain british ports the act passed on the fiifreenth day of may eighteen huudred and tweotythe act entitled ad act supplementry to an act entitled an act concerning navi gation and the act eulitled act con cerning navigation passed on the eighteenth of april eighteen hundred aud eighteen shall be and are hereby declared severally to be repealed and provided further that if on or be fore the said thirteenth day ofseptember uext the president of the united states shall re ceive satisfactory evidence that the colonies and possessions aforsaid are open to rhe ad mission of vessels of the united states coming from the said united states that neither sech vessels nor their cargoes are subjected to any other or higher duties or charges than are levied o exacted on british vessels aud their cargoes arriving from the united state in the said colonies and possessions aud that the vessels of the united stales may import into said colonies and possessions from the u- nited statesany article or articles which a bri tish vessel could by law import from the u states into the said colonies or posses sions it shall and may he lawful for the pie- ideqt of the uuited states to issue hu procla mation declaring that the norts of the united states arc open to vessels of the united states and i ki veshs coming directly from svudeoloniph or possessions and also to ves- su of other nations coming therefrom which hy treaty according to the navigation an of the united slates mav be enliikd to brioff merchandise from said colonies and posses sions mto the united saes on the same terms as vessels of the united states and that hnlish vessels arriving in the ports of the u- nited states from the colonics or possessions aforsaid shall not after the date of the pro clamation last mentioned be objected either on heir tonnage or their cargoes to any other or higherdulius or charges of any kind than are levied on vessels of the united states and fhi ir oaigoes of similar merchandise import ed fiom ihe same colonies and possessions and from and the dale of such proclamation the first and second sections of this act shall be suspended this bill was twice read in committee of the whole on the state of the union a number of bills of the bank of montreal are now in circulation which hate been alter ed from one dollarso ws to pass for ten the deception may be enu discovered by holding them up to the lihl when the parts from which he original lelhrs liavft been eraed to make the alteration appear much thinner than he rest of the bill but for this circum stance aud the clumsy manner in which the furores are altered on the vignette they might pass for a considerable time montreal gaz flection would have be omitted but we certainly thought that we- had specially guard ed against any such inter potation being plac ed upon them as has bee u represented to us to this plain avowal we deem it unnecessary to add any thing we tru that it will prove satisfactory rcsistanee s st recc- and will be at tended lo general rturrt of the population and th assessments of up per canada for t 3rw 1826 districts ottawa eastern johnstown midland newcastle home gore niagara london e western bathurst at the north and sooth american coffee house london foreign papers from eerv part of the world are regularly received and filed and il living the intention of the proprietor to htm a library for the use of subscribers and american friends any author editor or proprietor in the cuia das nova pcatfo c ho mav be inclined to forward their vvnrks as contributions will plea address them to ihe care of mr john bairo montreal males fe total amount of a 4 majps as ments 1761 124 39 145 8 7 88i8 821 1 17038 95hl 3 n 7ts8 698 14676 810 13 15h8 i38f 29425 18j3 15 ii 6896 62i 16017 739 10 n 9993 9001 19000 1281 9 6 6907 bo10 13020 1139 17 7 1 0043 90ld 119009 90ns 33 m 17322 3051 sofls 7533 6087 2ii insea 459 2 5 total 81134 7 w0 16417 herald communications the b kingston rb 2 ie7 we have no later news from england the editor of the ohserver has in his last number given his account of the debate on the kingston hank bill we are inclined to doubt the correctness of his report and there fore shall for the present forbear making any observations upon it further than remark that if he has truly staled the language used on the occasion by honorable members suffi cient evidence is afforded to satisfy us that they were hut imperfectly acquainted wiui the merits of the question under discussion a portion at least of our readers will fin matter for their serious consideration in this report which we have hastened to lay before our readers we beg todraw the attention of our read ers to a bill which has been introduced to congress on the subject of the colonial trade it will be found in a preceding column and the provisions of it we have uo doubt wi give geueral satisfaction to the editor ok tu1c kingston chromcle mr edilor having observed by the repeats of procee dings in the house of assembly that the naturalization lau has been reported by the commit lee of the whole house 1 consider ft expedient to withhold further observation on the measure uutil it is ascertained whether il will lioallvpass argus sir kingston 1st feb 1827 last pvvninjr i received a letter from one of our ministers in ireland who was ten yean a missionary in ceylon and madras among other news he informs une that iu the space of five weeks 149 roman cathodes in one parish in the county ofcavan had renounced pope ry and that thousand were expected in a elnrt loop in iullnw ihelv vtrrl nd m that the m priests caiiuol prevent the people from reading the scriptures a dinputaiion was to take place i january between six ro man catholic priests and cfntjsj nien of the established church in ihe city of london derry r is not perhaps generally known here that in addition to our missions in he colo nies we have a missior ib ireland for the sole beoefii and conversion f the roman ca- ihvir- rhep labour hve been very success ful tin- number of ussionaries eujployed is above twent who preach in the irish as well an t english language aud it cannot but afford erery man afgod feeling auden- bhtpaed mind unfeigned pleasure to see ihe united exertions of the clergy and methodists kc tending to produce a happy change in that important part of the univd kindmn when the ligh of the gospel has cha d away ignorance k error fron the minds ol the ro man catholic irhftnd will thcu become one kingston saturday evening 3d feb 1027 from an unforseen accident we have been compelled to postpone the publication of the chronicle to this evening the american mail which arrived here to day has furnished nothing of any interest the yoik and montreal posts appear to have brought nothing new barrack canteens ohice of ordnance kingston upper canada 6th jan 1827 on 27 i cas i wjhfaxtkd 10000 bushels of merchant- for which cash will he paid on deprery wm donaldson kington janv 19 1s27 t3 ll ffiveo that the can- i teen in the undermentioned barracks are to be let upon the following conditions for twelve mouths from the 25th march next no person but of unexceptionable charac ter nor any person for more than one can teen or who will not undertake bona fide to reside in the canteen and conduct the busi ness thereof in his own person will be ap proved and iwo sureties will be required for the regular payment of the rent and of all sums which may become due in respect of the said canteen and for the due performance of the several conditions and stipulations of the lease the person whose proposal shall be accept ed and bis sureties must execute the inden ture of lease and covenants relatiug thereto the particulars whereof mav be kiown by applying to this ollice or to the barrack mas ter at the several barracks the names of two respect tble persons with their christian names profi ssions and places of alde who will joiu the tenant iu execu ting the indenture as his suotios must be inserted in the proposals and the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the ordnance de partment does not undertake to procure the tenant a licence sealed proposals addressed to the respec tive officers kingston with the words ten der for canteen writteu on the outside cover will be received at this office on or be fore 12 oclock uoon oth march next after which hour any proposals received cannot be noticed by the mutiny act canteens are uol liable to have troops billeted on them all persons making tenders for canteens are to take noiice that they will be beld to ihe strict performance of ihe coveuants of their fcjgafccs euiu mil payuicul oi mot icuu without any remission or reduction further than the covenants of the lease itself bet forth the form of thi tfnoerto ce as follows 1 hereby offer for the canteen in the bar racks at for 12 months from the 25lh marlb next the rent of pounds per annum for the tlouseasa dwel ling aod the further rent of per month for every ten noncommissioned oiucers aud private soldiers who may occupy the barracks during thai period and propose mr of and mr- of as mv sureties for the same kingston assemblies the next assembly wilt take place at walkers hotel on friday evening the 2d feb next b order mm aesfectfolli informs the inhabit- arils of bcllville and its vicinity that she intends carrying on the av ittantttamattftig ettsmrss in all its various branches in the village of bellville mid trusts by her assiduity to merit a bare ofike public patronage bcllvde 2nd january 18s7 a p wuxsabb eatcft la6cr espfctfclly informs the inhabit- ants ol bellvilleand its vitmiry that he siil carries on the above business in ail its branches iu ihe village of bellville and trusts by snirr attention to merit a shaie of the public par ronage clocks and watches repaired at the shortest notice and ou re asonable terms bllviue january 1857 itjjlllh tmusui remale bekevo jl lent society being unusually low ihe managers of i bat institution give notice that do patients from the country wml he ad mitted into their hospital after this dale by order of tiie directresses eliza l g ed pes secketart jan 121327 wanted n wet nuke a healthy young wo- ifirft man of unexceptionable characte will he piil liberal wages apply for infor mation at thit office jao llth 127 an excellent twostory house situated near the scotch presbyteriaa cuurui there is on the premises an excel lent well and wellfeuced gardef if let the rent will be low if sold sufficient time given for pavment for particulars en quire of j watkcvs kington jaoy 17 i27 the rents of the canteens as dwellings are lobe proposed at the sums stated ojpomv to each in the following list therefore the bid- of the h connlnfmn the world truth w he upon what is offered for even 10 is ghty and will and must prevail the mcuoccupvm lhe barrack this numbeu 11 found in a prece ling column divine blessing upon persevering exertion shajl accomplish in due time this mighty work gloria patri k pilio spiritui sancto sieui era in princfiu et nunc ic sumper ik in perpetua secula amen yours james knowlan the provincial parliament of lower can ada met ou the 23d ult for the despatch of business the speech of his excellency on the opening of the session together with the answer of the legislative council will bjron wosiks nctzczs 13mqa the hon aud rev dr stracbao arch deacon of york was prosentcd to his majest bv the bishop of londou at the levee on the 7th november 86l o 137 a new pcovel entitled u the las of the lairds by gait was published iu london early in december we learn from messrs carey lee of philadelphia that scotts m life owapoleon will be rcpublished by them early in march and thai the cannungute by the author of waverly will probably appear before tkeu we have received the prospectus of a new paper about to be published in montreal en titled the montreal telegraph under the management of mr hughes late editor of the canadian courant the first number is to be issued on the 3d of march he has our best wishes state of the thermometer since friday last taken at 7 in the morning 34 34 12 12 10 14 22 below zero it has accidentally come to our knowledge that the remarks which recently appeared in our paper relative to the affairs of the late kingston bank have been considered as con taining an invidious personal attack upon the attorney general we therefore hasten to de clare broadly and unequivocally that we are guiltless of the intention of committing any such outrage we have too much regard for our own character to com remise it by offer ing insult to a gentleman who in every rela tion of life is most justly entitled to and eu- jovs the confidence and respect of all classes of the community- in what we wrote we were actuated by a desire to point out the mischiev ous effects of a measure then under discussion in our provincial parliament and which it was said received the support of the attorney general in endeavouring to do this we may in the haste of composition for our re marks were sent piecemeal to the press- lave used expressions which upuu mature re- the subscriber is now sending dewn to the agents of this establishment at kingston belleville the trent cobourg and port hope large assortments of its wares and cnstingswhichin quality and appearance far surpass the hares brought op from the lower province the prices an terms of nay merit cannot be complained of vheu they are compared with those of the imposing merchants as they arc in some instance 25 percent ioworaud in none equalling theirs besides which the subscri ber will guaxanue all the wares under regu lar treatment vuaoug the articles are bruff- lons patent cooking stoves which for convenience and elegance are not excelled dotlbla and single stoves of dif ferent patterns aid sizes pot ash klvvftlsi from 70 to 240 gallons sugar kettles or pot ash coolers from 7 to 2 gallons dutch ovens with cm ers with or without feet and irons of six lifferent patterns and sizes tea kettles griddles cart and wagon plough irons sleigh shoes c c 6c pork whiskey and all kinds of grain will be received her in barter at the kingston cash prices a majfaham agent for peter mcgill ipy be ascertained from the barrack musieia mouthlv returns which are made up on the 1st day of every month and no charges io the occupation of thebarrack which way take place iu the progress of the month cither for or against the tenaut will he taken into ac- couut no less number than ten will be charged against the tenant nor will any odd number be calculated thus if the barrack should be occupied by 148 men ou ike first dav of the month onl 1 10 will he calculated for that mouth the bidders are also desired to introduce no fractional parts of a penuy in their offers as they will not be noticed nor will any tenders be noticed except such as are strictly according to the above form i tetedepont 4 0 0 kingston fort henry 2 0 f frederick 1 york 5 fort george and amherstburarh notice subscribers wing been duly appointed executors and executrix ro hi estate tl the late peter smith esq merchant of kingston request all those who ma have any claims a- u inisi rhe said estate to send in their accounts duly attested to david john smith til those who are indebted to ihesaid estate are requested to make immediate payment to the sain divid john smith who is duly authoris ed to grant acquittances for the same johv kirby johy juacaulat da vid johjf smith fix ecu tort amy smith executrix kingston 1st september 186 the business will in future be carried on by die subscriber on his own ac ount david jqhjf smith 10 0 prices current f tfjc marmora mutts 1s27 o 110 0 patent cooking a tove with u ten- ai0 m silscomplete j lu doublo stove is 1 figured pat- i tern with oven tfjjolbs weight three feet in length vo l3feet3io i higih s single staves 2 feet 6 do do 3 2 feet 3 do do 4 1 foot 9 do do pot ash kettles r s at 25a per cwl all heavy mill cusl at osper cat pot ash coolers fol 25 gallons 1 5 0 or v21 ditto 10 0 sugar kettles 3 16 ditto 8 150 r 4 hditto 0 10 0 pots kettles lf ovens and other wares 27 d per cwl imwahan 5 10 0 4 10 0 3 10 0 2 15 ii mfotice the subscriber will give the highest mar ket price for 2000 bushels of good clean wheat either in merchandise or on arrount of out standing debts he will also continue to pay call for wheat during the winter season john watkins n b on hand a very extensive and ge neral assortment of hardware cut- lettytfee which he will sell very low for cash or produce j w kingston jan 17 1s27 notice whereas mv apprentice ebene- zer martin has absconded frorfi my service this is to caution all per sons from tresting him on my account as i will not be answerable for any debts of his contracting and i hereby offer a rewah of sixpence to any one who will apprehend him but no expences paid isaac do mill dissolution t the copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers under the firm of ffttrgtfti an jarstr 16 this day mutually dissolved all persons having demands against said firm will present them to t turpin for adjustment and all who are indebted are requested to make pay ment lu him immediately to save costs thos tumly jolv g parker kingston december 2h llufi notice to printers por sale on reasonable terms a print ing press constructed on the most ap proved plan and which has not beeu iu use foi more than four or five weeks also i complete assortineut of new types aud furni ture applicatiou rnav be made to the editor of the chronicle whoisageatfoi the proprietor kingston lijui august i8 to be sold or let and possession given in the course of a few that stone dwelling house and garden situated in barrck-st- adjoining the commissariat office presentlv occupied by lieut marlow of the royal en- fpj iti uuikie ml faharper kingston sept b 1826 3sxnk deeds memorials fur salt at tins ofce guieer- public aotice ffk ll persons having claims against the estate of the late david randall of emestiowu miller are hereby requested to present ihem for adjust ineiu and all persons indebted to the said estate are hereby requir ed ro make payment of the several amounts due by them to the subscriber benjamin booth administrator ernesttown i3ih september 1826 for sale w ot no 24 in the du broken conception ri in the township ol murray umuly ofnoith- ioid in the district of newcasile con taining two hundred acrts of land there are on ihe premises a commodious dwelling hoiise barn stable ind out houses tiie land of an excellent quality well watered and in a state of cultivation also hois no 14 and it in ihe 0th concession and nos 19 iu 3 and 24 iu the seventh concussion of the township of rawdou county oi bastings tn the midland district for furlhei particulars appljl la george macallay ajjeut tut the propntiors sepieniber 9 lte uuitlm on the morning of the 8th msi during the fire at mr scaotlebufys bouse aud the piemises t loinitg cfu ifniuustcv containing ahout fwenrx pounds ofgnrtpow- ilcn tueowur can haec it again upou ap plication litis ouvr kiustou- icth lvc 1826

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