Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 2, 1827, p. 4

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rcztivsr address to the uoiis ot the glasgow bible assoc i t10n at thkir first monthly melting by mr c dudley a femnlfl worth and raent bitrsl io view and troii betoi h wreath io virtue de dehueii r asimi hed her brightest ray and rid aid prejudice dissolve away fii when fleiiriov points i hi- sacred beam in foil effulgence art m glofle iream ti lslk divine n- revelation burns a- i ie wirgro l rial ineir golden urns woiiiv i ounr with mild persuasive art to win aij keep iiie empire rtlihe iean to lorm the d ictile mrid 10 roo lie to rest tnr latent care nd orrows of itie bieai and oer hi- varied scene of toil and nirifa t shed ne siifieisweecest charm of life b holier caim- mpenoi c a io oi prove to win out f leailnip ant preei ve our love tannin in krltgioii scnool to ou ti given to leal otir iht oir bo pes oil r ouu id lieaven n- you hfti ueachronu kis ynnf batxodr slung h f yu ilirad linn nh uuhol tongue fou tiieo apostlei shrunk coutdriatigrrs brave ii a hi crihs and earliest a bis grave 1 you diffid lei troths mud radiaoee hine a i dwiaui ua i i i- hcii the light divine li med it silver bam oil be hi hi era plains li glovm intense ia caua enmon staiu li shines rellected in i he aored page tne guide nf youth ne potai mar of age ii- acred light ihe inits f night nbey ah darcoe9 rueet- and hni- into day pursue 0m coure ray friends hie voice of far the glance of doubt can find no em ranee here we kno ojr object and lie star of lav iroerging guide and cieer non our wav aucjdy iliough our jjurney earce b egoo though gatvrtog cloud have veld itie morning sod tb frarunr flowers that spring ljeide jtqvl way esi von- progress arl yout loils repav and humble flime inl dmude have micd ilieir riciiet eeiet tribute on your head pursue voir coure my friends i too igh follj chide thougli vice may sneer or rid cnle deride v- i i ad ut zealbiii with unveard mind proitfiie itii iaiuoe- of iiuiai kind ikd tie pue g ipel wtug i3 gonous llighl jninoivn ioitl ii- ouij nr hlffhl give 10 ifce qa iook wla irt nu igien the guide i link conaeenng earitl ftffli heaven bid nen heboid irsai ro uufurld and pour sauaior uasia ot id f noi eooigh lha brhiiius me should know tft0prig ofcomfori a d tlii balm of woe thai everv collate in her wide domain should hear a saviour did a saviour reign 1 o i m tvnile cna -ireiche- form in vain her feeble hand 7 10 reii ibr menial chain while tbe poor iiiudoo sprnd hi- wear days ajjvf lave ius ipertmous maze tvjc peniing congou eotiris be gale mat bring pce frojn afnr and healing on ua w mg and countle- myriads o lhii leeniug earth reinio iheormalo e of human birin ivmte o h the tliomy ceiif by truth pourirayed n irang iop otimine nod o deep ihe ha ie cai di-ib- deier can o alluie fron rlamso iacreo and a can e so pure cat flem011 biiaai 01 goo religion rind a tak more worihv of riie imiuu i mind pursue vourcourbemv fiiend- bui0 beware of huen i dangers and ihe ecrei snare the pain ofdui ifanariow wa 1 yourj o tivad it in die lieht of dav tae cause 3u advwcaie bid dicord reae be yew rhe fntliwef f ie prinecof peace tgh bv h- pirt be ii yuiirj o iind te remtr aictiii- ihe will ieiirnd vae in hi wisdom uiii at sirencim eidned lei pride be moriilied ami sejf nhrfued von iread ihe paii ou avioir irod h fnre and if reproachm von bear he name aobore i let noi ne breali of vanii v allure n t dun i- t rr- of agem so pure yiir rj ishol tis ihe caue of lieaven taerebe ne i i and there the glory given jan 13 i8l a stolen or strayed large dog of hie newfoundland fpgiie of a dark fni eoloiii and ati- bwers to ihe name of vtoh wlwie- ter will ive sued iiiforimioti s hi iy lend to ukuotwwjvjif snii iwig yv du tunowmwi rtraro l by applying at the royal artillery barracks kingston jan 19 1827 nrvjes william rennie wig ivtaker aim wlmu iam iegs leavo most repectfullv to acquaint his friends and the public that he has ecorninenced business in bis line at the house lately occupied by mr f x hocheleaux op posite the mansion house hotel store street where by an unremitted attention to bis busi ness he will merit the approbation of iiis for- tsr friends and the public kiugston iioihdec 1826 m a e9 rit subscriber intending to set aside competition io th piovince in the fuuadry line offers for sale pot ash kettles vhichbe warrants delivered at the trent or kingston at 25s per cwt pot ash coolers sutgar kcttloa of all sizes dutch ovens bake p- nnd cdrrs lellied pots spilcrs dog irons griddles and ihe usual castings will be iiid in the hands of agents at 27 rid per cwt viilliroii3 vail mill inachiuery stores and o- ther castings not enumerated will be charged al a proportionate rate and produce at the rurrem cash price in kingston will be re ceived in pavtnent for the same the ear iron generally made from under the hammer at the clamor a iron works being far superior to tle english bar iron usually imported the subscriber expects that the merchants of this province wilt rather take their supply from this at the rate of twcnl pounds per ton cash delivered at the works by the quantity than purchase at a higher rale at montreal an inferior quality sunplid with good mouldings- as the works now are all sorts o castings required in the province can be had thereat and all orders addressed to the subscriber will he immedi ately attend d to for further particulars apply to messrs aviwiij k ckossuan at kingston or to a m ana han acul lor the proprietor alliance british am foreign tliu a 8 ifirr qmuvmu company etahlisred by act op pahliaiwent capital five miuions sterling the agents for this conapny b leave ro announce to lit innahitants ol upper- canada that ihey continue to assure against loss or damage occasioned by r i r23 and that they have oi ihe convenience of the public appointed iliefollowiiyr gentletneii as tknr agents in the county towns of the dif- fereni dlsrriers viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs a w jforrissf co lirockillt jtxnw maqfarpne esq kingston mints g httuune eq cobourg ruhl tim prentice esq for john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous of effect illg assurance will please apply the aeiis lake leave to lemind the ptib- lie of the following important and striking ad vaniaues thai will he derived from assuring with the alliance company st pel feet security 2d honor and hberdity in the settlement of looses 3d moderate premium of assurance ftih a miiiciphimi ol prolix 5ib- paities who obtain the settlement of losses from fiiearenot thereb deprived of their right to participate io the profits of ihe com party 4 tn losses by lightliing will be made good 7m tne agents have the power of sen ium losses in this country wiihoiit reler ring ro the hoard of direction in london fllh reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of propeiiy fioin fire will be paid gth in the case of an assurance being made onpioperty for a lessni than the real value thereof the company will pay wh ifpver loss is susrained not exceediufi the smn rsuredv 10h the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the expec tation that the profiis to be divided will be mackenzie bethi ne h co agents montreal 28th september 1828 in cntvcil 21st novrwber lsilj fir the iiilitrmatitm id pertmairivinu m up iii iaia ms ei uers the following summa tljesys uoveui- u- xz- m iftwncrk to be let and possession given imnndiutely the house garden and orchard on smarts point lately occupied hy john niclalu esq for particulars inquire of george h markland kingston 14th dec ta6 notice l hereby eivcnhv order of his excellency the li ut govcruor in couucil that sealed tenders post paid for a lease of the ferry from kingston to wolfe island for the term of seveu years will be received at litis office until the first wednesday in february 1827 on which day the lease will be adjudged to the highest bidder subject to the usual regu lations and the payment of one pound twelve shillings ami six pence currency for the leasu to be paid bv the lessee john small r p r to be let a small house on the grounds of warwick lately occupied by mr bowers fr patuittl lars inquire of george ii markland kingston 14th dec 1326 mi will be paid for g bushels rye iftfl doindn cokn gj60 hogs suitable for distillery yard by wm garb att head of be market square kingston sept 27lh 1825 iv id rb rules willcll men has thought fit to lai lownfor the mire regulation ul grants o1 land in ihe o- vi are in conlji uiitv to the system which bus been tcently auopled will respect tti otiiei colonies of hin majetyhmj been prepavciliis ooulonnuy to iniructions u mu ehii baihurst i ratiiation v ill b- foi hwith made of the land- throughout the colony aiid average prices vitl be struck for each districf y all the lands in the lntooj not hitherto granted and appinpriaied tr public pnrpor will be offered toi sale ai the verage puces tliuf lixd 5 all persons proposin to urchaseland niusi rausmii a wrjtteu application m ihe tuvenitneat ii im0 n the iiflire ol tlie sirwyui general in a certain prescribed loiui ntlictl will berifliveied 10 hie party applying b the snrveoi general ut b an officer to be appointed b him for that purpune in ihe several litrin on pax men t of a lee of 2 6d 4 ah correpondence with ie government re peeling grants ol land must ake place through he same office 5 the purchase monej is be paid by four qtiarterix or live annual iniancnis as the party applying max dene bill in i laner cae legal hitciest 5all be charged arj hall be payable annual i from ihe lime of maurg ihe agreement adirouniof 10 percent be allowed lor readv mouev payments 6 on pay mc in of ihemooej a gram will be made in tee simple ro che pirehatei at ihe ei- peueolihe rowu wnh the ooal reservations of mines minerals and of white nie timber 7 the larger quantity of and which will be mo ioaii iiidivihal is ioofu acres and when pill lipto ale it will be offend in such iracts ooi tew than ion acres a mav bcdirecied peroua wishing mure extensive purchk musi apply in wrimng ihrougliilie lieuienan 6oerorlo coun cil 10 his majestys principal secretary of state for tlie colonies- with full emanations of ibetr objensaiiil means b laud mav aho be obiaind wihoui purchase but upon tlillircio coudii ions 9 person 1cm f io arlirf lands nitamit imirhamtig will make then aphcaiiou tuihego- ve rumen i in w riling ihrwugri he surveyor gen- eiaiv office in apiecnbed iui copres of inch will be furnished by luesurvo general upon pay uit ut of 2 6tl ill the largest eram that dl be made without purchase b l00acres inn acres it nogimj w ill 6c maoe io any person wnb- out purchase uole he government is satisfied that ihe grumeeha both thepowei and the inten tion of expending in ihe ttthivatlon of land- a ca- pial equal toliall ihe estimated value nr in caf tne giant do inn exceed goo acres thai he intend- to reside upon ana improve the aroe 12 a quit rem ol ib per cent per annum up- on che estimated value will behxed upon itie land grat led without purchase 13 ihequii ten will be redeemable within the tirs 25 yeainext following the gram on pay ment or a sum equal to twenty lime the annua amount of it 14 until the expiraionof the first seven years next succeeding each gram without purchase no quit lent will become due upon ihe landvcompii- sed in it 15 every gtanlee without purchase musi at die expiration of the fote meuiioned term ol seven years pfovf to the saiisfacton of the lieui governor in ouuril lhai he has expended in the cultivation impiovemeio of his land a capi tal equal io inlf its value as that value was esti- i maied ai theiimeof bib gram or in ease the grant shall nil exceed iwo huudred acre- that be lias during ih lime resided on and improved his land on failure of mich proof bis claim io ihe laud shall be forfeited and ihe name may begran- icri io another applicant it is to be understood hnwevei thai if at auy time wiihinihat period ihe condition of expenditure and cultivation shall havebeeu complied with the patent may imme diately issue 16 no additional grant of land will be made io any perod who has not proved as last menti oned ihe necessany expenditure ol capital on be lauds already granted to him 17 persons receivings second grant of laud w ithoiii purchase will become liable topay a quit rent upon ihe lauds comprized in such second giant immediately from the daie of it lb person deiious io receive grants of land wiihoui purchase on terms d liferent from thoe above stated uiesl la belore ihe lieui gover- ooi in counfll a full explanation in win in- ol the cirtuidslshc which they may conceive u ex empt i hem from the lair operation of these general rotes 19 u e loyalist and oilier persons entitled to gratuitous grant bj the general regulation ol mis majestys goverqmeot are not lube affected by ilicse rates the above rules to take effectfrom ihe first of january 1826 by order of his eicelleocy the lieutenant governor john small clk li council ff persons indebted to the ktifr of tiie late andrew kimnerut fsqrire of lviclunond are hereby requested to rnnkrppy- ment of their respective account to mr an- hew kwinerhj jmtor on or feite the 1st jay of mav next as any of the debts rcriaii- ing unsettled at that date wil positive be put luto the bandsof an attorocj forcohcr-t- ion robert mclurw adiuutsnater to the eslsteof a jvunmerly 20th sept 1826 for sale or to let th t fir f r nn l t cte c in lowublip f pittsburg sitiint- ii ihm on w 1 n d lumber wheat and ashes will be received in payment valuable lands fop sale m 4fa acres viz lots no 30 ij 3132 33 and j9 situated in the sixth concession of tin the township of kingstou and beautifully bounded iu rear by colliuss lake also lots no 10 12 io the first concession of pittsburgh within ooe mile and a half of point frederick the above lands are of an excellent quality and well limbered terms of payment made easy application to be made to the subscri ber john strange agent for the proprietor kingston 6th oct 1826 n b any person or persons trespassing on the above lands will be prosecuted to the utmost rijronr of the law iue limmnc and smt a miles from kii- gikmtflg vauh of 200 acres ofiv i about u arc i u v- cfcullivaiiuu- m tltfi ijtutai- are leui dwtlliff hm ad tvmi ul stnnt w luvge baiti am utl r cut ittkings ain i good ociard ii unlike r a- iivch-r- p ply uf aharpci ps- ivtttgtuoi toli col macphrsrwi on rtc i mc eitigston27ihoci img tjtte subscribers bn ilier tkcn th store formerly occui led by col j pmith ai cape vincent now oltrr for sale a general assortment of anf inillihirl i 14 id trt m ti m 3 8 9 3 in s 2 1 i 1 ghqbbm together with an addtttcncl rk of fftrcg silkgoodsand crrprs sueb as orrrre brnwo blue lilac and other coloured grohr rrr and grosdeta sirrlc ws ilk vestirg fnrcr dress silk handkerchiefs c fee wbicn will be offered at very reduced pricr fot it dy pay only kelt ocg r fynoi ds cape vincent ed nov 1826 port hope nail xkasjufactcky j brown begs lve m inform h friends and ihe public thai he ijs com meiued maiiulhciiiriug to capitalists vaiuasie i rcperty fffflffi smma e7 a s a few copies of the following works are for sale at this olfice capt parrys third expedition to the north est illustrated by a map denham ami clappertons tra vels ffl africa the atlantic souvenir a christmas and new years present for 1827 handsome ly executed and splendidly embellished and the adventures ok a young rifle man written bv himself on the first day of august 1827 between the hours of twelve oclock a m and two oclock pm will be sold by public auction to ihe highest biddei at kingston in the province of upper canada ie jarmora iron works these works are situated in the township of marmora in the county of bastings in the midland district of the said province anti are esteemed one of the niosl valuable properties in ihe foundery line in biitish north ameri ca and one ii is cousitleied which cannot fail under proper management to realize to a purchaser profits seldom drifting to capitalists from other investments of capital these works in the establishment of which upwards of thirty thousand pounds sleiling have been expended consist of two furnaces ihe one capable of yielding iwo tons and the other one roue of iron in the the twentyfour hours with the necessary buildings connected therewith a forge for the manufacture of bar iron with four fires and two hammers a saw mill flour mm baik mill and tan nery all impelled by water of which there is an abundant supply carpenters and black smiths shops well provided wih the neces sary tools baking house and fourteen com fortable dwelling houe three of which are w r in large families with 2500 aopes op of every description of a superior quality which he will sell for eaflt i irfpwivcf billf as low as ihev can be obtained at any wans factory in the united stales prr hon- if rfl the copartnership herriorie carried on under the ftbm of smjth fr but- terworth as h a t t e k s in the town of kingston is this day dissolved by mutial consent all persons indebted to thfl concern are required to make immediate payment to thomis smith who is authorised to discharge ihe ame and those to whom the firm is indebted ate requested to present their accounts lor adjustment thos smith john butterworw kingston 9th dec 1u25 t the cxd iib ot notice mpkn or about the isth deiember i gave to p charles reynolds of nap- panee mills rote of hand for threen dollars this is to caution any person ir person purchasing said note as i say po- itively i received no value as witness mv baud richd abbey earnest town dr 18 1836 s to set large twostory house comprising jffi shop and every convenience for a family situate on the napaue river a short distance below the napaue mills attached to the premises are three acres of ground and a very good store house apply at ibis office kingston ihlh april 1826 i or sale that valuable farm in ihe 7th conces sion ol the township of frnesttrwn lately ihe property of mr samuel ward it is composed of lotsko sands in aid toncession and contains h ndmeasuienen m acres of good land ol which about loo acre are under cuw tivation there is od or hard dwelling icue barn and otiter out houses on the pre mises a liberal rredii will be given on pari of ihe purchase money and possession may be bad iiiiiuediitrl for further particulara apply to jthn kirby esu kingston or to allan ftjacpher- son esq napaneo mills kingston 20th august 1s34 frolvrsackets harbor to utica by ua of watertown and ouville runs through every day sundays ex cepted the proprietors of this line ot stages have spared no pains or expense in procuring good horses andcarriigesand mak ing such other arrangements as will conduce to the comfort and convenience of passengers a line of stages is now running d uiv from watertown to cape vin cent and kingston so that passen gers to and from canada by taking this route will be sure of a speedy conveyance across tin st laurence at all seasons of the year watertown and syracuse stage leaves wa tcrtown every monday wednesday and fri da and returns on tuesday thursday am saturday through in outt day when the road will permit cas2i paid for corn oats and peas n w kims ion c watertown nov- 0 1uc6 in uf mid township surrounding the winks nd 8534 acres tlltta adjoining township of belmont in be newcantle district for which a lid ill fee v4iba tslve1 ihtwt wfw are inexhaustible mines oi ore generally of a good quality with 1500 acres of lai d granted conditionally in perpetuo bv the go vernment as fuel reserves the condition being that the works are never permitted to cease three successive years the distance at present ar which the works are supplied with charcoal is between two and three miles the luke ojve is brought by water five miles and other ote useful lu be employed in the making of good ir oj is brought by land a distance of six miles ore of the pmei quality known in the british provinces ma be had at an unfixed expense of muucg within a few hundred yards of the works mixed with which is yellow ochre red earth and black lead in great quantities these works aie established on crow river a mile below the crow lake this river interuipierl by many large rapids con nects with ihe river trent the distance by and to the mouh of the trent the head o navigation is 31 miles the limits of an advertisement will not ad mit of an enumeration of the manv advantages oi this properly neither is u the purpose of l he proprietor by any exaggerated statement to induce persons desirous io purchase to trust to his representation and save the trouble of personal inspection thai it is at least equal to the representation here made of it any person viewing plans of the works h f i at the different advertising offices in london liverpool newyork philadelphia monti eal and kingston will be saiified added to which this circumstance is of fdhe properly at present in the occupation consideration that the works are sufficient to jl of john oranu in prriefield consisting supply the province of upper canada with for partial tosellor lease several thousand acies ai land on ihr- of tniti lars enquire of ueo mail a i lax jgentjor the proprietor bath 6th oi 1824 just published axh kor sale at this officii the church catechism for a term of years and imme diate possession given the ztfngston fcijroiurlr is primed and published every friday afternoon by james macfarlane at bis office comer of water and barrack streets kington terms seventeen shilling and tixpence per annum if sent by mail ieuty shillings subscriptions to be paid in advance a good dwelling 0o3i bake house ban ind other ootbodfps vith the land attach ed this property wi he leased lor a term of venrs on atftaniagri sretms apply to the editor of the kineslu chronicle kiiifsion 5th m v 132c l 17nxtz2p empire am continental assocxatiorj the subscriber will receive proposal for the insurance lor lives lor auy period enns and other par ticulata may be ascertain- d on application i0 an f the agents in pperor lower cada to whom alco pros- ccluscs may be had h smith aent for upper canada mv ivon c ktou 2i2ilarr and ai a price much lower thtu they can be brought from the lower province the object in selling is io fulfil the conditi ons upon which ibis properly was placed in the hands of i he present proprietor namely to pay over the proceeds to the creditors of mr charles hayes the original proprietor such sale being demanded by ihe majorilv in amount ofdeblsof the said creditors for further information application to he made to messrs gould dow1e h co in london mr manam an ai the works or to ihe sub scriber in montreal peter h gill montreal july 15 1826 just published and for sale ai this office t at iessr less- lit- s cook store cfjc ainflflton almanack tu price of advlrtimivij nts six litiesand under 2s d tiri insertion and 7 each subeqiif ni insertion lea lines and no der 3s 4d tirsi insertion and lod each subse queni insertion above ten lino 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for everj subsequent insertion advertisements without written diiecrions in serted till forbid and charged accmdingly oiders for dicnniitiinp adveritsenjenu to be in writings and delivered by wednesday noon at iii li-e- no adversisementsreceived after ten oclock on ihe day of publication produce i eceived inpuvmenl ai the mai kei pnci a c u n t s henry cowan esq quvbrc phulifj btxn lq thret rivert jame vriiliaro fesa mvnhcal messrs j a jdnniop fancastet john cameron lq loihitl wm kay y q cornwall george browse esq matitdm a i plte 13 junes ijmj itscottm henry jones bq bfovktiuu joriali taylor rq pah rwhkmarsti esq richmond j k hariwell ksq batferd messcn j mpmnld iatiarcc j mkerzie lsq holh allan mcpheiin lq isapone thomas parker bsq bcilvffle joseph a keeler kvq rumuhe jamrs heilomie kq 1 1 m niton david smnu tq fort william altaa 1vq iotk daniel rovsiq ntu john crooks t a wi chatlei btaptr k n canal ffftr wtnag hev mr juhnfi jfr a rtt rk oorgf hiifrfp ln jifatyh vn hufh mawftauald 1h iimem

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