works or an of them are or shrill h intend ed t beittiule irecied repaired or dne jand in build and construe ihe several lock brid ges works and erections mungini thereto and also lo mike maintain repair 6 altar any fences or pmhes over underjor through me said canal- or hi reiwrvoiri and funnek uc- qmducts passage and gultlrs water courses and sluices respeclivaly which thall coinmu- dicaie therewith h also o make set lip and appoint drawing boat barges vessels or rafts pacing in through along or upon lhe said canals as the snj commissioners shall think co ivenienl and to construct erec and keep in repair any piers arches or other works in upon and across any rivers or broeks fur ma- kins iiaiug nintaining and repairing the said c irjaib and he towing paths orj the sides there of or along or under the bank of the river juryman attending in pursuance of such lum inous the sum of li and he it c that when it shall he necessary o cut into any high wit v in order to conduct any of the said canals through the same flie said commissioners shall within one mouth canse to be constructed a secure suffi cient and commodious bridge for the passing ofcarmftges in order to reestablish the com munication between the several part cf such highways 13 and he it sic that if any person or persons shall wiliully or maliciously break down damage ordesiroy any bank lock gate slu ice or any works machine or device to be erected r made by virtue of this act or do any other wilful act hurt or mischief to dis turb hinder or prevent the carrying into exe- mttrs and flu gs which they shah think m- ipg he silid mm even such person or per- cesary and convenient for the making effec- i w m ui ki u tin preserving improving completing and lining the sail canal in pursuance and within thmrue meaning ofthii act they the said comnissiooeis doing as little damage as may be in the execution of the several powers to iheiu hereby granted 5 and bi i c that afer any lands or grounds abafl be set out and ascertained te be necessary for unking and completing the said canals and other purposes and conveniences herein bfnre mentioned the said commission ers are hereby empowered to contract com pound compromise and agree witli all bodies politic comas imtics corporations aggregate or sole g ianliins and all other person or per srfnsfor theinlvesor as trustees not only for and on behalf of themselves their hir and successors hut also for and in behalf of those woinhrtv represent whether infant lunatics idiots femms covert or otner person or per sons who sh ill occupy be possessed of or in terested in atiy lands or rounds which shall be set out or ascertained as aforesaid for the ab- lolttfe surrender of so much of the said land as shall be required 01 for the damages which be she or ihev may be entitled to receive from the siid comiissioners in consequence of the sai1 intended canils locks towingpaths rail ways and other constructions and erections being cut and constructed in and upon his her or their respective lands and that all ssich contracts agreements and snrrendeis shall be valid and effectual to law in all intents and purposes whatsoever any law statute or u- sage to the contrary notwithstanding 6 aud h tr further enacted sic that if before he completion of the canals through the lauds of any person or persons no volun tary iuieouiiit shall have been made as to the amount of compensation lobe paid for dam- ii according ro tins act the comumsinners shall at anv time after the comuletion of such portion of the canals upon the nonce or re quest in writing of the proprietor of such lands ut bv i u leiilty avuticwwett vvmu o bitraiur who at a day to bo named in such bo- lice shall aiten- 1 upon the premises in question to meet til arbitrator to be appointed bv such clanninr and och two arbitrators shall and mav he ore proceeding to consider to claim appoint a third arbitrator which three arbiiia tors being firsi sworn by some one of his m i- jesiys justices of the peace then and there present to give a just and true award upon the claim submitted to them sh upon thestatc- meuis of the panics and view of the premises and upon the testimony of witnesses to be ex amined upon oath or affirmation if either par ty shall require it which oath or affirmation fcny one of the said arbitrators is hereby au thorised to administer make their award in writing under their hands of the amount of damages to be paid to such claimant 7 and be it further enacted sec that if eithei the said commissioners or the party claiming damages as aforesaid shall decline lo abide by anv such award such refusal shall be declared to writing within ten days after such award and d images upon such claim shall be thereafter assessed in manner follow ing but at the sole expense of the party refus ing io abide by such award 8 and be it further enacted sec that in all caesin whieh awards shall be made to wneb either party shall refuse to conform as aforesaid it shall and may be lawful far the pirtydi renting from such award toserve on the other party a notice in writing appointing a dav not less than thirty davs from the time of serving such notice for having the damages for which he is entitled to claim compensation according to this act assesed in the manner hereinafter provided and that the party giv ing mich notice shall also specify some day therein which shall be at least ten days before the day appointed for such assessment and not less than ten days from the time of serving such notice at which he will attend at the office of the sheriff of ihe district in which the lands lie for ihe purpose of striking a jury to assess the damages so claimed as aforesaid 9 and be it further enacted sec that on the day so appointed as last aforesaid the par ties their attmnies or agents shail attend at ihe sheriffs office and that the sheiitf shall at nil fawnim teh vmw tvww vw ift ti pro ceed in the presence of the parties or such of them their attoiuies oi agents as may be pre sent to select the names of fortyone persons from among those qualified to serve on special juries and in the manner directed by law foi selecting special juries and that the names of such fortyone persons so drawn being fairly written out by such sheriff each party or his sattorney or agent attending for that purpose shall alternately strike off one that party beg inning at whose instance such jury is struck until the whole number shall be reduced to seven and that such shall be a jury for assess ing damages to be paid to such claimant as a- foresaid provided always thstt in caso eithei party shall omit ro attend personally or by a- gent attune appointed the sheriff or his depu ty shall strike in behalf of such party not at tending 10 and be it further enacted he that the even persons so struck to serve as aforesaid shall be summoned by the sheriff to attend sous so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor 14 and be it he that if any person shall float any timber upon the said canals or shall suffer the loading of any boat or vessel or raft navigating in or upon ilie said canals so as by such overloading to obstruct the passage of any other boat vessel or raft and shall not im mediately upon doe notice given to he owner or person having the care of such boat vessel or raft so obstructing the passage aforesaid remove the same so as to m tke a iree passage for other boat vessels or raffs vsrj such ow ner or person floating such limber or having he care of such boat vessel or raft so obstrnc- ting the passage as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay for every such offoice the sum of five pounds currency and if any person shall throw any ballast gravel stones or rubbish in to any part of said canals or locks every such person shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not evceeding five pounds currency 15 and be itc that if any boat vessel or rati shall be placed in any part of the said canals so as to obstruct the navigation thereof and the person having the care of such boat vessel or raft shall not immediately upon the request of any of the persons employed by the said commissioners made for that purpose remove the same he shall for everv such of fence forfeit a penalty of ten shillings for every hour such obstruction shall continue and it shall be lawful for the agents toll gather ers or others employed by the said commis sioners to cause any mich boat vessel or raft to be unloaded if necessary and to be removed in such mannei as hall be proper for pi even ting such obstruction in the navigation and io seize and detain such boas vessel or rafr and the landing thereof or any pait of such loading untii ihe charges occasioned by uch unload ing and removal are paid and if any boat or vessel shall be sunk in the said canals and the owner or owners or the person or person having the care of such boat o vessel shall not without loss of lime weigh or draw up the same it shall be lawful for the agents toll gatherers or other persons employed hy the said commissioners to cause such boat or ves sel to be weighed or drawn up audio detain and keep the same until payment be nr of all expenses necessarily occasioned thereby to be continued the legislature of maryland is now m session there appers to be abundance of important busiuess befiue that body as will be evident to the reader on perusing the fol- fowing article which we copy from the new- york enquirer divorces the legislature of maryland has had the following bills before litem mhe bill to divorce hannab houdelt of the citv of baltimore the bill to divorce elizabeth blakcley of baltimore couuty the bill to di vorce rebecca thrush of baltimore city the bill to divorce maria dstvttt of washing ton county the bill o divorce lucinda m watkius of armearuadel county the bill lo divorce elizabeth smith of washington coun ty the bill to divorce aim culvcrwcll of baltimore city being the order of the day were all lakeo up and passed heres a batch of divorces bfrti at three rivers on the 31st ultimo the rev r short aged 68 and for 26 years rector of the protestant episcopal church there at quebec on the 3st nit after a short ill ness licuteuant colonel ralph gore lately oq the half pay of the army nd ordnance storekeeper in the car r das this gentleman who had lived amongst us some years had ac quired general esteem his remains were his dav interred with fffiilhary honours ano fllowed to the grave by his lordship the commander of the for ces the officers of the staff and of corps and departments at head quarters with a numer ous concourse of the most respectable citi- zeos x 50 reward his excellency the lieut governor baring received a communication from his excellency the governor of the state of newyork by which it appeals that william morgan who some years ago exercised the calling of a brewer in this place and who has subsequently resided at canaiwlagua in the state of newyork was some thru- in the last year conveyed by force from thai place and is supposed tube forcibly detained under false pretences in some pari of this province any person who may be able to afford information respecting i bo said william morgan shall upon communicating the same to the private secretary of his excellency the lieutenant governor receive the reward above ottered government house jls january ir27 chum l casbl barrack canteens communications the kingston f3 9 1327 we have this week received our regular files of american papers but they contaiu no later advices from europe id the absence of foreign news we have de voted our sheet almost exclusively to domestic matters several important documents will be found in our preceding colums the bill for the improvement of the st lawrence will we have no doubt be perused with great interest we are happy to learn that it is intended to have a portion of these improvements completed in the course of the ensuing season tht report of the committee facetiously termed the yankee doodle committee on captain ma thews affair will also be read with some curiosity we shall probably take a future opportunity of offering a few remarks upon this production naturalization bill we observe by the u e loyalist that on the 29th ultimo this bill was read a third time in the house of assembly on the question being put that the bill u do now pass there were yeas ll and nays 19 but the speaker having voted with the nays the bill was again referred to a committee of the whole house the bill has been since reported without amendment and monday last was ap pointed for its third reading the fate of thej bill will of course be known here by satur days post thk wellano canal a bill authoris ing the government to take stock to tke a mount of 50000 in this undertaking has passed through its several stages the bill was to be read a third t on monday last slate of the thermometer since friday last taken at 7 in the morning 20 8 22 10 20 32 12 below zero for the kings chronicle mr editor amidst the variety uf evils with which frail nature is daily surround malignity is per haps the greatest i see i your paper of the ifltb jany a species of the blackest envy that ever emanated from the heart 0 more a christian this proi j very proper ly signed finay than v a more envious feeling in the human b coa dot vvell be manifested if mr mi am the kirk arc to be supported only b siu execrable beings as this envy seems to b case is not en viable a more foolish attempt at scribbling can hardly be made iha pititul defender of the rights of ihe k l af iu ho ca has exhibited and wre it not fov its malig- uity which is so common among bin party it would be totally unworthy of notice the fellow presumes to te of attachment to eccle siastical despotism ta he supporters of the es tablished church wblea more abject attach ment to iufamy and nichrislinn feeling can not be manifested tha j0 ne found through- out that production ud if incase of their predominancy which he si cms to advocate a like feeling should prevail aud we have no doubt that it would the poor defenders of the established church nved look for nothing bet ter than the tiakers vere made to feel uuder the enlightened liberality of presbyferiauism supported by the not tety ancient blue laws he seems to talk of ire church of scotland us though mr morris hid always been uniform in his parliamentary a ccrhgislating on other persons property iv r morris who by the bjtbj is often ver cotblbteqt is nevertheless in this case like the log in the manger who could not eat the strav nor would he allow those whose proper iovince it was to enjoy it the privilege of duig so and therefore tie proposes to throw i to waste by scatter ing among those whofl he hates but in this case of expedience af the devil does holy wa ter if mr morris thought six years ago that the clergy lands belonged exclusively to the established church asd the kirk what unto ward phenomenon in the nature of alfairs haa so wonderfully altered bis mind bui not to digress horn the subject of envy loo far pray wuat charges coniaiued in the letter of argue hs envy refuted noue i be makes mr morriss case like bit own most pitiful he says mr morris feels ike a man who is injur ed and pray who bus injured him is he injured because the s3og will not rob the church of its living aid bestow it on a totally different institution strange injury indeed and as argus charge him with selfishness this spirit of envy stains determined to lead him out in it i think mr editor that jou may fairly unite with nore pity than anger in addressing envy for amore appropriate name the author ofsuch mutcould not assume than envy for in even wtd and sentence it con tains its spirit is poifesled in the fullest degree resistance feb 4 1827 w anted 10000 bushels of merchant able for which cash will be paid on delivery w donaldson kingston jany 1 9 1827 kingston assemblies the next assembly will take place at walkers hotel on friday evening the 2d feb next b order jamesmat tar sec mrs wzxxard respectfully informs the inhabit ants of bellville and its vicinity that mie intends carrying on ihe and kanttiamaftfitji ttusftitss in all its various branches in the village of bellville and trusts by her ansiduuy to merit a share of the public patronage bellville 2nd january ltf7 a p wiiimd auatcjiwciftcr respectfully informs ihe inhabit ants at bellville and its viciuiiv thai he bill carries on the above business in all its branches in the village of bellville and trusts hy siiict attention lo meiit d share of the public patronage clocks and v ruche repaired ai the shortest notice and on re- asonable terms bhiville d january lfi27 thf funds ot the female benevo lent society being unnsually low ihe managers of that institution give nouce that no patieuts from the country will be ad mitted into their hospital alter this date uv order oi the directresses eliza l geddes stckktak jao 12 1827 office of ordnance kingston u pper canada 6th jan 1 827 notice is hereby given that the can teens in the undermentioned barracks are lobe let upon the following conditions for twelve months from the 25th march next no person hut of unexceptionable charac ter nor any person for more than one can teen or who will not undertake bona fide to reside in the canteen and conduct the busi ness thereof in his own person will be ap proved and two sureties will be required for ihe regular payment of the rent and of all sums which may become due in respect of the said canteen and for the due performance of the several conditions and stipulations of the lease the person whose proposal shall be accept ed and his sureties must execute the inden ture of lease and covenants i elating thereto the particulars whereof may be known by applying to thisoftice or to the barrack mas ter at the several barracks- the names of tvro respectable persons with their christian names professions and places of abode who will join the tenant in execu ting the indenture as bis sureties must be inserted in the proposals and the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the ordnance de partment does oot undertake to procure the tenant a licence sealed proposals addressed to the respec tive officers kingston with the words 4t ten der for canteen written on the outside cover will be received at this oilice on or be fore 12 oclock noon 8th march next after which hour any proposals received cannot be noticed by the mutiny act canteens are not liable to have troops billeted on them ah persons making tenders for canteens are to take notice that they will be held to ihe strict performance of the covenants of their leases and full pay ment of their rents without any remission or reduction further than ihe covenants of the lease itself set forth the form of the tender to be as follows i hereby offer for the canteen in the bar racks at for 12 months from the 25lh marth next the heut of pounds per annum for the house as a dwel ling and the further reutof per month for every ten noncommissioned oiheers and private soldiers who may occupy the barracks during thai period and propose mr of nd m r of wanted a wet nurse a healthy young wo mau of unexceptionable character will be paid liberal wages apply for infor mation at this office jan 1 1 ill i for sale or to let prices current in ike kingston market beef 2d to 4d mutton 2 1 2d to 4d veal 2d to 3d lamb 3d to 4d corn 2s upon the premises in respect to which the dam- hn sos to 40s per ton oats is peas 2s ages are claimed as aforesaid giving not less eggsjs to ls3d butter 9dl0d flour9sper than six davs notice of such attendance and hnd ap 3d to ls6d potatoe 3d tint the sheriff or his deputy shall also attend ai the time so appointed and shall administer to the five persons who shall first answer upon being called in ihe order in which they shall stand upon the original list the oaih following that is to say i a b do swear that i will well and truly assess the damages upon ihe claim of c d according to the act in that he- hiilf and thereupon the said jury having viewed the premises st received the testimony upon oath or affirmation ofsuch witnesses as shall be brought before them which oath or affirmation the said sheriff or his deputy is hereby authorized to administer shall dclivei their verdict by the opinion of the majority nf suchjurv of the amount of damages to be pa4d to such claimant 11 and be it further enacted he that the party desiring such jury io he summoned shall pay to the sheriff tor silking aud sum moning the same h for attending d taking the verdict the sum of and to each is 6d indian meal 6s per hun cataraqui bridge bill we are hap py says the l e loyalist to inform our friend the editor of the kingston chronicle that his predictions are not verified and that the bill is not as he supposed consigned to v the tomb of all the capulets mr bid- wells motion for restoring it to the order of the day after it bad to all appearance met with its fate has saved it and we hope we may uow congratulate the inhabitants of king ston on ihe prospect of soon enjoy iag the ad vantages of this great public accommodation yesterday on motion of mr atkinson se conded by mr bid well the bill passed the i louse of assembly and is sent to the legis lative couucil for their concurrence to the editor of ths kingston chronicle sir perhaps one of the most agreeable tasks that can devolve upon man is when occasion calls for a public expression of his gratitude i beg through the medium of your paper to tender my grateful acknowledgments to the protection lvsueaince company established at hartford in connecticut for the exceeding despatch with which they charged their agent in this place to settle the full amount of my demand for my nnfortun- ate loss by fire their instructions were trans mitted by return of putf this fact so highly honorable to the com pany implies nay demonstrates my ohliga- i ion to tender equally my thanks to their respectable agent jg parker esq which i now do from the bottom of my heart oot only for the honesty ard perspicuity of his re presentations to the cornpauy but for the gen tlemanly and sympathising manner in which he has complied with their instructions how admirably have all concerned illustrated the utility of such instituting when conducted by gentlemen of expc honor and feel ing john scajmtlebury- kingston upper canada february 9th 187 f an excellent twostory house lmill near the scotch presbyterian t buret there is on the premises an excel lent well and wellfenced gabdeiv if let the rent will be low if sold sufficient time giveo for payment for particulars en quire of j w atkins kingston jany 17 1827 notice the subscribers having been duly appointed executors iind executrix to ihr estate of the late peter 3mith esq merchant of kingston request all those who may have any claims a- gainsl the said estate to send in their accounts duly attested to david john smith h ill those who are indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment te the said diivid john smith who ls dnh authoris ed to grant acquittances for the same john kirby john macau lay da vjh john sjuith executors ann smith executrix kingston 1st september 1826 the business will in future be carried on by the subscriber on his own account david john smith to be soli or le t and possession given in the course of a few that stone dwelling house and garden situated in barrckst adjoining the commissariat office presently occupied b lieut marlowofthe royal en gineers for particulars apph to f a harper kingston sept 8 1826 as my sureties for the same the rents of the canteens as dwellings are to be proposed at the sums stared opposite to each in the following list therefore the bid dings will be upon what is offered for every 10 men occupying the barracks this number will be ascertained from the barrack masters monthly returns which are made np on the 1st day of every month and no changes ia the occupation of the barrack which may take place in the progress of the month either for or against the tenant will betaken into ac count no less number than ten will be charged against the tenant nor will any odd number be calculated thus if the banack should be occupied by 148 men on tke first day of the month only 140 will be calculated for that mouth the bidders are also desired to introduce no fractional parts of a penny in their offers as they will not be noticed nor will ahv tenders be noticed except such as are tlrictj v according to the above form tete de pont 4 0 kingston 1 fori henry 2 0 f frederick 1 10 york 50 fort george and amherstburgb h errors detected an oration i be delivered by the subscriber at hfo auction room at if u clock noon on thui next i respecting a nun wi took tlie j of telling lies concerning lhe koman calho- llcs of ireland pariio clergy mmiael mohan kldgston vlli i eli ijy7 public jvot1ve all persons having claims against the estate of the late davio randall of einestiowu miller are hereby requesied to present ihem for adjustment and all persons indebted to the said estate are hereby requir ed to mike payment of the several amounts due bv them to the subscriber benjamin booth administrator ernestfown 13th september 1826 iron works notice 26tk jan 1827 the subscriber is now sending dewn to the agents of this establishment at kingston belleville the trent cobourg and port hope large assortments of its ware9 and castings which in quality and appearance far surpass the wares brought up from the lower province the prices and terms of payment cannot be complained of when they are compared with those of the importing merchants as they are in some instances 25 percent lowerand in none equalling theirs besides which the subscri ber will guarantee all the wares under regu lar trealmeut among tho articles are prif- tons patent cooking stoves which for convenience and elegance are not excelled double and single stoves of dif ferent patterns and sizes pot ash from 70 to 240 gallons sugar kettles or pot ash coolersfrom 7 to 25 gallons dutdfc oveo with covers with or without feet mum ota and irons of six different patterns and sizes tea kettles griddles cart and wagon plough irons sleigh shoes c c sec pork whiskey and all kinds of grain will be received here in barter at the kingston cash pricts a manahan agent for peter mcgill- prices current f tfjt armora wlxctn 1827 -ojit- 10 0 11 0 0 5 10 0 on the morning of the lth iust during the fire at mr scautleburys bouse and lhe premises adjoining a cin caiinfstrr containing about twenty pouuds of gunpow der theowner can have u again upon ap plication this office kingston mil dec iu2c i patent cooking stove with uteu- sils complete y double stove no 1 figured pat tern with oven oftfolbs weigl three feet in length no 13 feet sin length single stoves y 2 2 feet 6 do do m 2 feet 3 do do 4 i foot 9 do do pol ash kettles of all sizes at 25s per cwt all heavy mill castings at 25s per cwt o a v r fnol 25 gallons 1 5 0 potasbcooler 10 0 c i ii i ditto 0 15 0 sugar kettles hd0 0 l0 0 pols kettles dutch ovens and other wares 27b bd per cwt 4 3 2 10 10 15 0 0 0 a manahan