Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 16, 1827, p. 2

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jgjisgrs t oandi t the time of the rernhaion id france kllgl i1 odd gmeiuijly extend ed hei protection u man of lb- sitlycls oi thai i tin iv a id it d iivmwi them ati ay- lam in this pv r- wfcwrfl tnets of laud wei e t r- si reneivl for ihm tnee iinl beti wkjrc li iainttj tn ile in lit pro- vine hid boen assisltd to ilo o they were even at the expanse nf the british g rvaratnenl primary assistance was ren dered to ihent and for a certain period fby received rations they had received grains oi lnui from the crown ami hud faithfully per formed il tltednttes which had been recpircd from ihem but h i 1 all this ma i them stib- jects dearly it d nor- and could noi the uflwf aud s ildufis of several foieign coijrt who ii miis moment i were receiving hu i pay and etijiy inv pensions from his majesty were biioiliilv situated tin had ifiosi of them s theii lives in hi ftiajtsstys set vice ftey were alluded to iu the preamble requiring on tlipii own account an am of naltiralizati- jrrr ofiliat sitiiiitc in h it likely that they eyei knew ofihe iiii0p ol icb a sta hire ii fore ihe punted p ion in wrr jot i it ui ilpt mini ciinnly many ol us did not iil we nad been dtann into lusenwons lure which uad enabled us to pi l- nine salif tcioi tlv of these unestions i in oilier hand ihe pnti ions in fiimr ofihe hill wete signed by hno beds ol person who were interested in on issue of ihis qoesiiiin the views nl iuteii- lions 0 ins al tjesu g eminent were fully known 10 them is couunimeaied in the des patch of lord utihurst whiii had been pnu- icil and which iii ihe two he wool i ask e uuugh jv rvaxjn and josiiee to have the itirttl influeucemithedecimoiiol ihe house should live bcnefil be withheld froidlhose ttbo needed and aked for ii ai the iustane of ihosu who i ad no reason to feel lunch iuierem in tlie uiaf- ipf f if the house giving credit to the gov ernment foi the dfcsne ii had expressed of re- inoving all tloubi oft he mdjjet were at pains ia satisfy ihe people ot then kind ioientions j owner m ma ra- rhoc onc pers t0 uievsfirvi and iwtcjta st1 h fomhe and to mark theskutifon cj or other vmsspi which mirk u d be eiideucel tar f ofthe tonoajjein nil v reapecting the payment of the foi id mles or due and if such owner or ma f v l decline 10 choosc a person lij hisfhdf os afmvsaid then the person appo- tlv lilt w1 misioneib op iliew thllgatllftren shall have alone the power ol aerutinriig such ton- sf- and be irkr t all persons what- soever shall bavp it liberty to use with hordes cattle and rwinted the roads and on and no complaint was beard from ihetn nf towards rheni ami embrace for their sake ways to be made u aforeskitl except the towingpaths for the purpose mnveyinel any goods wares iiieicbandt timbir and comnodites whatuover to and from the said i canals and also to navj ihr said canals with any boats bai vessels or rails and to use the said wharvpg and quays for loading and imlaidngany goods war mercltandjze luniberand cotmnntliiisj h to use the towing paths will norses for drawing id drtsthd llion ut hardship on accolllll ol lhepn- virions of the bill n r was any nnide on then behilf topv were doltblle5 satislicd that as the law now stood their rights and proppr- lies were insf cure and convinus that the go venmem who had so ion protected them and whose hoont they weic sull enjoying had no design nfoffbrmg them either insult w injury thev fell none of thai false del i e ac wkimi had been o fppliolv timed in belialfof others thev epiesed no repugnance to complv with conditions which would for ever remove all doubt with respect to their rights and properties hut were willing to avail them selves of the opportunity winch presented it- self of confirming them the address of he ronse nf assembly of 1317 and 1322 had first brought this question into discussion and from ihe fiit moment tiiat it had conp under consideration of his majes- tyi government thev had evincefi the most ardent desire of quieting the minds ofihe peo ple after all tiia was done ami said would it now be proper to view the matter with in difference artd when legislating on the subject and p ifessin to legislate with effect 10 pass inch a bill as might yet leave many persons in doubi whether they were really intended to he embraced in its provisions some hon gen tlemen had said thai they would support the dill iiury e7miliiahp nimwwfwjv wmftb ithf votes thev had oiveu last vear but he would ask those putlemen if their errors were ne ver to he corrected and whether they would return to their constituents and ipii them that having established the infallibility of a for mer session of parliament they must now refuse to provide a remedy which was ac knowledged 10 he necessaiy with respect to the allegiance due 10 other countries and shich some hon members thought it harsh to ask them to retnounce some of the persons al luded to it had often been told us had been magistrates and militia officers and would they be ready to acknowladge that they che rished a double allegiance no oath of abju ration is indeed reqnued but by requiring the oath of allegiance in the bill we are told that we shall bring down on our backs a host of patriots tie hoped and believed there were few such patriots in the country who if this construction of double allegiance were j admitted might in time of peace wear their red coats as militia officers oi even legislate for ihe country and for the safety and proper ty of its inhabitants but who in litue of war might find it convenient to choose a favoura ble moment for exemplifying tie doctrine of double allegiance and join pox enmis tlie people the nsdves he was convinced would disruim such an idea as this the re medy required should be freely and folly given bui nqi in such a wy as to confer privileges if they could iip so railed which biitish born subjects did not posses we wish to put them precisely on ihe same footing with ourselves to extend the relief in h fullest sense to give them all the rights of suojecis with all their obligations this was the desiie ot his majes tys government and more than this oughl not to be the desire of the house what was tin policy of the united stales in this respect ll the hon gentleman wtto had quoted from the rert of ihe legislative council of last vear had gone a mule further he would have found that an oath of adjiratiou was teq tired in that country by which the person who took ihe oath renounced all other allegiance and par- ticnljrlv to the couniry of which he had last been a subject tne government of the uni ted states with a professed liberality opened their arms to the people of every country and if they asked such a precaution independent of other requisitions before they admitted to therights of citizenship shall it be said that we offur injustice or degradation when from the citizens of the saie country we require less it had been said that by the provisions of this bill there would yet be many cases un provided for hut although this had been ad vanced as an objection none had yet been pointed out not that he doubted the bill might be defective and he would in the progress of it do all in his power to render ii complete an allusion had been made to ancient his tory and the romans had been spoken of as admitting foreigners freely to the rights of citizenship but who did not know that no nation ancient or modern ever set a higher value upon ihe peculiar privilege of being born a roman citizen in the present case all the rights and pitvilees of natural born british subjects were to be conferred and yet because certain conditions were prudently re quired for securing the proof of ihove rights to the pei sons interested it wax called degrading and unsatisfactory we were asked what we should get if we passed a law declaring them all aliens he in reply would ask what would be gained for those we wished to serve if we declined passing the law in such a shape as would alone secure to them the rights of subjects with respect to the petitions before the house against the passing of the bill he would re mark that although ihey were certainly en titled as all others were to consideration yet it would be found on examination that the persons who signed them could not manv of them he affected by the measure he had an opportunity of knowing this from his per sonal knowledge of many of the parties that from york was signed by several persons who had emigrated from great britain and could it be supposed that they have examined the measure so attentively or can be so anxious for its being properly disposed of as the many persons whose properties and rights are at stake and who have petitioned for the bill there was another petition from whitby signed by many persons born in tht province or who came from kurope and what did these petitions printed loo ask for why thai all persons should tie considered as hav ing complied with ihe provisions of 13 geo 2 and be confirmed as british subjects now llle opportunity of setting at feat i his discus sion which had aheadv occupied so much time we should hear no more 01 public excite ment and the people would be secured if however by misslhiernents a contrary effect should be produced and the gracious inten tions of government fill of being carried into execution he at least could retire fioul the distismoti w iih a consul usiiess of having used his inmost endeavours in behalf ol those whom the hill was intended to relieve and of having merited most the thanks ol those uho had the deepot interesi in the measuie one i on gentleman had remarked that the people by th institutions aie placed in a straight janket but he thought rather that some hon members of the htuse were in the straight j ieket they hid la ed liieuiselves in tl by their unreasonable opposition to this measure and they seemed not to find it very easy lo escape aptnin matthcies believed as the attorney general bad said that ihe government was desirous of affording wliel to these people but he believed al the same time that the govern ment were laboring under fatal delusions as to the proper course to be pursued in conse- quence of misrepresentation madv to litem on rf of the officers fleik and servants employed sa and hauling snail boats and vessels upon pay- meat of sticll rales and dues as shall be esta blished by the said eoinumsinners 2-2- and be it aj that the said several dues shall be paid 10 such person or persons al such place or place near 0 the said caual in such mnmeraiid under such regulations o the said commissioners shall dtieclor appoint and in case of denial or teglect nf paymxit n any such rates or dues urany part thereof of demand to the person or person- appointed to receive the same as aforesaid tiie said commissioner may sue for and recover the brtbe in any court having jurisdiction thereof or the person or persons to whooi the said ra or dues ought tube piid may and lieisaid the are hereby authorised and empowered lo seize and detain such boat vessel barge or raft for or in respect whereof sucb rates or dues ought to be pud and detain ihe same until payment thereof 23 a d he it sfe that whenever the com- dltaitihers u be appointed under this act thall be named ihei en it shall lie aken and construed to mean ihemajoriiy of in aid rinnmts-ioie- and that ihe said commissioner shall have power io make and tbcibe ncn mile and regulations a to them ball appear nerilfu and proper tonclliug me management and disposition ofthemmricscoiu inseime iheirbandi fif touching ihe dni and con- atnmmftosoorgainadav iti th cfittty nl aoiielhr mnieiel m 65i v 1 1 h 1 1 v ihoti til- tht j unnald pciuai s a very tl e- h a lopieiuteo wadtiit teller of the date i4iilec t leiiei sotes iha the m ae the king nf fvhtol al ili peec i mp i ati in ui ill lihjefl i inroeal were received a- iu rul on do lui ih unple fari i- thai mr coimor speech wa- cuvrce on fiat very jn the 13a dec mr flturincnn iho on nf the in c meoibr iia bee elerted for fork ami lrd julin risel ha been icturned foi ilie hnnmpit of uainu london jan u 137 tkspatcrks from lisbon the ciaifyirij in- lellijjmice nf tiie an ival ill the urinh mtcours in portugal in the river tfljn wa received llti- morning iij llieretllin heme of fie ir kdwird bank m earn vessel tin- vee em lebon mi the evening of hima ra n ijeh inte she 4t and as snror arcouui- cl ill jc n rcimeut hud landed the iraui poenhte jt pervaded he capial at ilie ighi ol ihe hahrts rtigu h nvv innnrgeule rail ihem ami ihis wnv mil a iktfe leigbiencl bv ibe ue9 nf the defeat of ablv of20mof ijec enasaiip bv ihe cuntiiuuni- ilis uho aft- rwaiddiperfd and hed the re- bels were in a fori ore condition i d uiih the x ceptiun of thoc under ilie iinnieuiaie orders of ihe morquio chaves were gradually dslig the doavg of york it is uuh exueme re- prei iha ue hae io announce thai no fart her hopes are entertained for the preservation of the dukrof york l i ttcd nnauthorim on whirh ibe greatot reliance may be placed that uuh a view ot keeping his kal llighnes fire from pain an taiier medicines will be admintefered io him foanes she slow but sure progress of bis n- veeratedisea c in a few dav s a leavt we a it wiih hearifidt sorrow the ptihlic will leaf n the melancholy tiding ol iideprlee to lhai bourne from whence no traveller rcturua mr kean the tiaeda- arrived at liverpotil 1 i i sent j ler royal mihnea- tle iniint the ufniidry iud the fini hers rueaij equal ly wifin id ihe i xju isoin rir uratitode to lii iajeslynol only fur hist majesty lienlv arunoulrijniriit of lb- obliaions n treaty jbnl fr the xtrinmunary proniuti- itnd nith winch effect i ial aiunrg ftlrni ed i hat akun i dtucuf the kinds mwiisc in lln wu unae of prtrliamenl war coiruni ed in chainbirs tht- morning aijvl irceited vritii ihe greatest fttilittudnt the occtipallon wf the i- s t the en trance of the tijmri hj ihe iviiisii ma ri ues has been readily afirefrtl in by tin ofuuue government ami n ll he carrid mto ftct on thursday or i day iec 89tbt pyramtm istheonly vpb e nf the ijuln that has vt ariied but it is said tliit there me lott laeg hips now ii the ofrii cumplet iv hiyaliie city 9 olod the fuid hive impriiv ed oaterially tiis morning hi c of the arrival of the sir elvard biokv strainvessel al 1 nfihoulh ironi lirhiu which left o the evening of igir t he accounts said t in brought h her are r i eiueiv favourable a part of our troop bed ihe fit inject he would include hoth objects in one bill otherwise separated as ihey now w ere one of the led is uiujhr he aseiitej to se- coring civil rights and the other rejected which would leave the properties of these pr- sotis in an insecure state debate o he couli ioed m sill for the improvement of tkentiwgotion of the river saint loicrence concluded 16 and be it w that it shall and may be lawful to and for the owners and occupiers ofauv land adjoining to the said canal- to use any boats thereon for the purpose of hwban dry or for conveying cattle from one fin 01 part of a farm or lands to anv other farm or by iliem and all such other matters a- appertain in ihe conduct nf ihe nu commiioncrs in ear ring into efteci ibe provniou of ihis act ist shall afo have power io appoint sictntfttvr- and clerics and w lib mich alarienand allowances as to them hall eem meet s4 and be it ac thit all penaties and for- feiitires for offences against ibnacor agatftsi a- ny rule oider or by law nfthetid corninitiniierv lo if made in pursuance thereof hatl upon proof of ibe oteoce respeclively bdbre any two jus- icesuf ihe peace for ibr joiiimowd or patern di irclp eiiher b coufevint ofihe party or par- no or b ihe oa li of one credible wiine be levied by distress and aleof tbf onda and chat tel- of the panie offending b warrant under te timid ard s al of such justice and the overplus hiier such penalties and forfeitures and the char ge of uch di- tress and ale ap deducted shull ti be reiurned upon demand to ihe owner or qnvbfni ot uch cood- si cbanlet and incase such suffici ent dinre cannot be found or ftich penalties and iandofthesame owner or occupier not pas- forrvllirc lha no be forthwith paid it sball be singthrouh any withonl the consent of awfll fotstte by warr under iheo nets aware of the provisions the said commissioners or their principle a- jents for the time being without interruption from the said coiniuisstonerand without pay ing any rate or duty for the samo so as the same be not made ue of for the carriage of any good wares or merchandize to market oi lor sale or for any person or persons for hue and shall not obtruct or prejudice ilie naviga tion of the said canals or the towing paths thereof 17 at d whereas it may hereafter happen from flood- or froldftotne unexpected accident that vvi-ur- ilul aei dams banks reser voir- tr-nciie- or otner wares ol tlie said navi gation in he damaged or destroyed and ihe adjacent lmds or the property uiereoo here by dainagedi and ihat it may he necessary uial tiie ane shoold be intmediatly rejianed or rebuilt to prevail further damage if n therefore enacted etc thai wlev and so often as any such caemay happen it shall bo lawfol or i ii e saul coinntwsinoers from titaetu inw or for their agents or worknen without any delay or iuieri ujiiou irum du fhsravu i per sons whomsoever to enter oo any land grounds or hereditaments adjoining or near to the said canal or branches resi voirs or trenches or any nftbein nut being an orchard garden or aid and to din for work vt and carry away and use all stub stones gravel nlher materials as may be oitcessary and pro- er for the purposes aforesaid with nit any previous treat whatsoever with he owner orowuers oci upier off occupiers of or other person r persons interested in such lands grniindb orhereditarnenlsorany of them do ing as little damage thereby as the nature of the case wilt admn of and making recompense for such damages to the owners and occupiers of or other persons interested in such lands grounds property or hereditaments within the space of nx calendar months mxi after the same shall have been demanded lor all damages which shall or may be dime hv means of sue accident and by means ofihe digging for getting working taking carrying away and using such atones gravel and materials or any of them which damages and the satis faction and recompence in respect thereof shall be settled adjusted ascertained and de termined by the ways and means hereinbe fore described with respect to other damage done by the making and completing the said navigation 18 and he it sec that the said enmmis- sioners shall and may in such parts of ihe said canal as shall not be of sufficient breadth for admitting a boat vessel or raft to turn about or lie or for two boats or other vessels or rafts to pass each other to open or cut proper spaces or places in the landt adjoining to the said canals at convenient distances from each other for the turning lying and passing of any such boats essels or rafts and that ihe said boats vessels or rafts being hauled or naviga ted upon the said canal shall ujlou meeting any other bunt or vessel stop al or go hack to and lie in the said places or spaces in such manner as the said commissioners auder their hands shalldirect and appoint 19 and be it further enacted c that the said commissioners shall at their first genera meeting held after any of the said cattahslrall be finished ascertain and fix the rates and dues 10 be taken by virtue of this act and that it shall and may he lawful for the said commissioners to alter the said rate aud dues at any subsequent meeting after giving two months notice of the same aud that a sched ule of rates and dues shall he aluxed on the dirterent public places on the route of the said canal 20 and fur preventing disputes touching ihe damage of any boat barge or other vessel uavigatiny upon th aid canals be it enac ted be that the owner or master of every such boat barge or vesel shall permit ami suffer every swell boat limue or vessel to he gauged or measured and refusing so o per mit and suffer shall forfei and pay lha httvq of forty shilings and it phall he lawful for the commiaionersor their toll gatherer or such other person or persons as shall heap- pointed by them for that purpose aud buch hand and eau io cause uch itfender or oflco- ders to be commuted io the comnon aid of eiihpi of the said districts there to renain without bud or mainprise fur such limeasirh jus ice may di rect not exceeding twenty dayvmlesssuch penal ties aud forfeiture and all reasoiabte charges at tending ilie same shall be sooueipaid and satisfi ed 95 aud be it sec that all imposed bi ibis ac when levied and stfihod in manner afoieaij shalbe paidto lfce std commissioners io he by them with other moots traimiitcd in lii- majesty receiver general oi this province to be accmuie for to h s innjsiy hiopri he lo civ coonnismoners cfhu mhjestys ireastiry in such wlneh have tnanuer a ois majest shall be pleased to direct 6 aiulbe ii vc tnai ff flip plaint shall b bioutfhi o commencea ugainsl peiui in pei- 3tnifor any ibiegdoneoi iobe4tfae la pursuance of ihi ai or in cxecomoil ifnc powers ad oino- rien the rder aed uirecieu befein before pen it i crnntcd cvi cii fuu ba be brought or cmmenceil wiihiii sis caleader mnths ncji htir -tii- net enmin t r s uiere sjiajie acontiiiuaion f flam wl six calen der months afer therh cj of such damages shall cease and hot a ierads and the defendant or defendant i ac suit s and mai plead ittc gnei itsoearrd give thi act and the social ma- ierj evidence a an trial io be had ihereouaiid hat sesame wadone ir pur- iianreandb the auirn v offhiaet and if it shall appear to be done 41 or f my action orsuii shall be brnugtn affer ih ii m limit ed for bringing ihe same eheo a verdict shall be given for tne defendant 27 and be ii c that nothing in thi act contained shall extend o beconnruced toeiiend to authorise the aid coiqibissionen 10 enter into any contract or coiinacis f the complciitou of any other work under thiaci inaiisnch improve- menla- aie necessary in ibejiillgmeni ofihe said coinniisoioiiers betaeen prescott and ilie head of rapid dti plat aforaid before be nexl ensuing session ofihe legislature on the 3 1 si iec in the hip silas rirdardi fitres continued in ihe mailurlctiiring dis trtcis the king has addressed a teller 10 the rchbihops of canterbury and york directing their graces to communicate in he bishops in theii diocese thai it is ihe abll uflils majesty thai charily sermons be preached in all ihe parih churches for the aid ol ihe manufacturing di iricis nhich are represented to his majesty as till viflering the mot evere distress jnbfl brie esq barreverat la was killed in a duel fought near dublin by william hays esq attorney the quarrel look place from some remark mde h mr brsc in favor of the re- pull of mr hutchinsons election and against mr- calaghan paris paper have been received in london to the iolft lf miif thf ftiinikitr ctroniaietl in jai represent ihe proceeding of ihe secret rinniiee of ihe chamber of deputies as beiug animated the speech of mr canning appears to ha e given umbrage lo maay of ihe member- m de bnoulesaid ihat france had been omra- ced in ihebaugliiv speech of mr canning and the chamber onghi 10 express ils displeasure in he addles to ihe king the addrs was finally carried vithoni srch expression bv 200 votes a- gains so the following is an extract from he address i your wfttj sir we render thank 10 divine providence fr a situation vhich promises to your people acontinually inci easing prosperity w see one plge mure for ii in ihe amicable di pnsilioiis of wliicb foreign giverumeni give ou the assurance and io he conformity of their senti ment with yours for the maioieuanceof peace tlie events which have recently disiurbcda pan of he teninsuw have struck all ihe friend of good order wiih paiuful surprise we desire sire that your effort in accordance with those of your ailiemav put an end io ihis siaie of agio tioti and distraction a id that the peace we enjoy may receive no attack france may without feaf of bfing miondcrstood say that it wishes peace ii is known at whai price she would not wi sh to preserve it the king replied i always receive with ihe same satisfaction the expressions of the chamber of deputies 1 see with ren pleasur that the cham ber enters into my views aud will exmuioe with as much care and aueotionlhe important icaosedto he prepared for the hoppmess france u vou desire pece gentlemen no desires it more than i dr the efforts i making u preserve it re dictated by heart i i am happy to announce to yon that my hope in his respect become daily more fumi- already laudq nmu ltwo men n wai were cteiinthe hirhnural thpiiep ti edivarj brokers wras i avh g ihe r ihe first price uf only- n j03 2v ihenenest ipmta fniis is t j rien1 kx- cheooei hills aiv 19 pni the foreign socunties are alsn v bet fer although lh- transactions ar f c cm bindaarv qti vdividind girl nnbian 35 peruvian msft ppnnirh is 84 s 4 greek 15 exdividend mott ol the shares also bear higher prcen anglo sjcxic m 22 i 2 4 djaeonnt new uritt d i 8 to 6 dt colum bian 17 buyers pershae an express hasarriwd from paris x 5 per ceut elost dou satui d y eveiiiogftt 6bl 15 one am my re re v ui ine geni emen as rely 7 r f ii and who may he disponed lo relin 1 oinei wise on yon as i rely 00 all my faithful subjecs and he assured thai the honour of france will remain pure and in fact as it had always been jfoictflu- from thk supplement to the albion new york monday feb 5 1827 the packet ship lcedand canada have arrived from liverpool with lmidmi papers 10 ihe 1st jan we lament 10 siate ihai a great aheraioe has taken place in he health of his roa highoes the duke of york and who has probably ere hit paid he debt of naiure we have iven copious exiractsfrom our paper- below tneteis no danger of any war growing on 1 of he affairs of portugal tlie vapouring nf chateaubriand and his adherence in ihe french parliament isofver lifile importance a is prov ed by the immense majority with which he minis ters carried the addrevs the assurances 100 oi he french minister that england acted by and with the udmce and cos bent of ihe powers of eu rope is ronchimve evidence of their pacific feel- ings chaieaibi iaod wa one of ihe chief promo- ten ofihe invasion wf spain in 1323 and therefore ftcl a liule uetled at some of the remarks in mr cannings peecii which to be expected we repeal then that ihere i n6 thing in the late news loauihoiise any apprehension of a general war grrttoal of tijc droops at ufsfton from the london courier of jan 1 important news from lisbon we have the gratification this day nf communica ting the most atisfactmy inteligence with respect to the affair of portugal the sir edward banks steamvessel arriv ed at portsmouth last night at eleven oclock nnd brought passenger mr black with des patches fur government she left lisbon on the 25th in the evening and made her voyage home in six days private letters speak with the highest en thusiasm and praise ofihe prompt and decisive measures adopted by government mr can- mngs speech has heen printed and circulated and the effect it produced upon ihe public mi id was amazing it seemed to operate like a charm dispelling at onie all the gloom and fears that prevailed and rinimated e- very class of persons with renewed hope and vigour the duke of york at ihe last daies was dan- geiotjsh ill the acranieui wa administered 10 him hv the bishop of l inhonlhf g8ll of dec the austrian observer exprewrty thai the lltfanl doo tmicuel hail nt refund io lake the oam 10 the new iousiiim in of korlnal m polelira laic rntan minister to ihe j stairs has been appointed the emperorof kus- sia to ihe station nf inpei f il civil auilion- liesin the government of petffrhwrgh the new york packet mp canada wasseized ui liverpool by the office f ciomsincon- supience f having on boa d 10 hogsheads purport inn io be lilted wild ii en run bai k bul in reali ty filled vtith tobaciohnd a jremiali pati ihe consignee of ihe hfigljf taken iniocos lodvand proceeded nghi and hnd ux several 01 1 rage have heo roiumiiied bv ibe inrooui apinncrh at oldli the ininry done the mirksaiidwoikineti a inideiille tue con veitfl from tat licisni in piulefciantitro hi- majestys message had been officially communicated to ihe portuguese cortes by whom it wa received with every demonstra tion of gratitude and enthusiasm the extraordinary rapidity with which the succour of england had reached the shores of portugal excited general admiration while they were only hoping to bear of pro mised aid british ships and british hoops had anchored in the waters of the tagus the effect wis aleclrical tiie pyramus was the only vessel we be lieve w hich at the date of topw advices had lauded troops hut four line of battle ships with other detachments were seen off ihe burlings by the sir edward banks as she left the tagos the cundilinn of the rebels noua soon we should think bring matters to a close all the latest accounts represent them as being dis- coinfitted in vever they have come in contact with the constitutional troops the marques de chaves was at lanngo with 1oq00 troops ill equipped and dispirited hi the province ofalemejo the count dt villa ptor had repulsed ihe iusu- gents under the command otmngctasi when ihe 4h kings own hegiment of fool landed they were received oy ihe popu lace with the loudest acclamations the following arc extracts nf private letters received hyihtb conveyance lisbon dec 19 1 1 would be difficult tt describe the jny with which the intelligence of the speedy arrival nf our troops has been received by ihe public h the gloom and dipondicy which had been hanging over all for the last fortnight have at once dispersed and hope and coofi- tat 8lvmg genehal ouder horsf guards dec 27 1rr3 his royal holiness the coionianderin chief having snbui tiled to the kint- that his majesty may be pleased lo take into hiconsi- deraiion the situation and chiims of a very meritorious classed officer of the army the old lieutenants wlni are unable to purchase promotion anil whose prospect of advancement ina m maul itiauiuccj iit mii i iciiiwiti t and being desirous of giving effect to some ar rangement by which these deserving individuals shall be rewarded ot relieved without entailing mich charge upon ihe public as should render the measure objectionable his majesty has been graciously plejsed to command m that ihe lieutenants actually nerving up on full pay in regiments of the line whoe commissions are dated in or previous r the year 1811 shall be promoted at their option to the unattached rank of captain and placed upon ilie old taie of half pay ol that rank via five shillings per diem and m that they shall be replaced by lieutenants from the half pay list who aie in receipt of four shillings per diem that the widows of the lieutenants so promoted shall be admitted lo the pensions of captains idenvs t that the officers so promoted shall be eli gible for employment on full py as captains accordiig to the means whieh actual vacan cies arising from death augmentation c may offer 44 that in order to extend the advantage to those who aie seniors of their rank in the seve ral regiments without depriving them of their better prospect of promotion these and these only shall in the event of companies becoming vacant wirhout purchase within two years from their acceptance ol the promotion to the unat tached rank he appointed to them from the half pay in preference to the next senior lieuv who in consequence ofihe foiuiei acceptance of promotion under this arrangement would have become the senior serving with the regi ment that in order to nflvr reatei farftjty to a carfain an the old rate of ha if pay to return yfaum thy y ie nisposen io retire on the les ser rale the difference in such a case to he fixed at 800 instead of 500 lo make up tne difference between the old and the new rale of half pay that a further facility shall be afforded to old officers who have been promoted to the unattached rank of captain on ihe old rate of half pay by declaring them elegible to be re moved to the full pay of vacancies by purchase where the candidates in regimental succession mav have no claims lo such promotion the yoting lieutenant shall then have the option of purchasing the unattached compeny on ac count of the officer selling the regimental com pany provided such young candidate shall he senior for purchase ill his own regiment and shall have completed two years effective regi mental service as subaltern a that the young officer so promoted shall pay the increased difference f00 to get on full pay the captain with whom he exchanges taking his place on the old rate of half pay the lieutenants of and previous to the year 1811 actually serving en full pay in re giments who any be desirous nf availing them selves of the provisions of this arrangement will communicate the same through the com manding officers of their respective regiments or depots to the commanderinchiefs mili tary secretary by his royal highness the commander in chiefs command htorkens adjt gen uic gcuing to be very nnuyrou souiriiuieibe dence have revived as if by magic from the y commercial advertiser ctk shoraait sfff we learn from the western papers that ano ther convention has been held at iewimon to discover if possible the fate nf morgan the buffalo patriot states that hiifficjanl evi- dence was collected to satisfv the contention that afler morgan had been kept a few days a foil niagara he was deliberately put to death at that place the euquiiej of ihis morning gives another and more particular version ol the story on the authority of a gentleman from albany who had read a letter from a respectable gen tleman of genesee lo one of ottr senators who states names ami places in relation in the ab duction ofmoigan which if true are horrible it is said he was carried across ihe fron tier inio canada hv lluee persons whose tamci are too respectable til hazard without strong proof ihal an application was made to brandt an indian chief and a mason to have morgan conveyed to thu nmth went coast but he refused to have anv thing io do with the affair the persons then addressed them- selves to some masons in ihe british service lo have morgan carried down the s luw-

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