rcnce and pill on board a vessel this was also declined kfcwgati hwii ciwifiaeri with hi- anin piahniedj hi ihefutt auil the fenrlettien kehlsotiic kind of trial in which it was del r- luuied 10 put hun to death nid that before div break ihev wont to vlorgiu and emimiiic- edhu fate and lie pleaded lor a liglll and a bble mjjethof with an hours delay toe report on to state they cot km tin oat and ilnew disbud m luerivcr such is the account of this mysterious irnicnnn revealed by some one who knew ol the affair and u hether true or not a inter commniiieaune i he above lias been received by one of out semtois and ii is added that one of the gentlemen implicit od has since given tokens of insanity u i all round an extraordinary atfiir and we marvel why he heads of the craft do not move in it this story may be true because all things are posiljle bui we have some reasons for doubting it we have this morning had a conversation with a british officer from upper canada he has recently conversed with captain brandi a son of the celebrated bamlt of the revolution and a highly respec- tmle man who knows nothing about the af fair whatever besides it is not likely that he should as he does not reside ai fort george but fifty miles in ihe interior otli informant also assures us that affaifs ate so situated at flit george ihat entrance could not have been obtained for the purpose of enacting thai or any other tracedy ftoi was it believed in the neighbourhood of fort george that mor gan had ever been taken across the river and the whole matter was spoken very lightly of among the inhabitants there at ths same time justice require us to admit th at there is a small coincideice between the above story and the testimony of israel b hall given on the jrnl of shelden and others at canandat- gua it is stated in the story above that an attempt was made at fort george to get some of the british officers to carry morgan down the st la wiener and put him on board of a biitish vessel and mr hall testified that chesebro said morgan was where miller would not get hold of him that he avoided giving witness direct answers to his questions and witness think- he said he guessed morgan was or might be on board a british ship there seems to be no doubt of the fact that morgan was traced to the burying ground between younstown and fort niagara the carriage stopped there and all afterwards is mystery the burying ground is on the bank of the river and within a few hundred yards of the fort 1 inter- 1 uinns that lie is very apprehensive of the faience of b itain i gal being ihe commencement of a universal convulsion he evidently anticipate the possi bility the probability that france may be en gaged in the contest it i said ihat thousands in england will rejoice to hear ol ihe collision with france and in the catholic mediums in ireland this even is upenlv hailed and expect ed ihev expret rheir satisfaction in the pros- even in q redressed till many thousands more of such mwmi bpta mid rwttt j rito wrtmioa bj the same pure motives shall with the same atacrity lly their country and haau0 to our relief injustice to a much injured man i have sketched this little outline but i must not suf for my veneration for truth to be lost in a kindred admiration of bis character there are somethings in his paper on the alien ques- j lion subscribed with part only of his riamelial i mut bay a few words upon and tbev shall pect of it and in france spain poilugal it is asserted that there is a preva lent universal bitterness of feeling against the english the flame of wai ilfcsakl alren hums in confinement all britain is at pre n the tiptoe of expectation to see how the ar mament at present sent to portugal will answer the end for which it has been sent to know whether the ro p bill t e shvs whs indents and whether rculiuand will at once make re- patatian for the agression or whether a con test will be begun first in portugal and then to obtain reparation by force in spain where ihe french troops are it is said it is in the event of british troops coming in contact with them that there is danger in the f b society hospital 12th inst m barnaid a native of france aged 64 titomnumfcatfonj an ittncitiknt schoolmaster some time ago a country schoolraasteroot a hundred miles from cupar left his scholars wfmf iftr rr litfiitortsftl he had daid hie r- customed devoirs at the shrine ot the jolly god and having returned in a short time found his bible class reading in some namely chapter in kiogsor chronicles ho accosted them jo the following manner read awa like gude bairns though you misca the kings theyll no quarrel wi ye uld a the am mmm kingston fsb 1 1827 bo but few mr ie plain sitnplo and satisfactory if by tins ear i he means that it was plant in its ohjrrt sftnptc isetn i ii clauses and satisfactory to him mr barnabas pitt i perfectly concede it other wise not his sagacity in discovering that the preamble was the work of two hands is as ihe bill was reported by a committee ocfir if ought in the common course of lhingsto have been the production of five rather than of one aud bis discover that more than one person was concerned in the bill if the fact be so is not unlike the invention of the young- lad wbo by some fortunate hit found out who it was that wrote shakepcates plays again mr barnabas pitt observes that some three lines or so in the latter end of n clause are strange as it must seem taken in part form mr rolphs bill when jt is considered that lha said bill was expressly referred to ihe commit tee to report upon and that of ihe five mem bers of the committee all but one if the pa pers tell us truth had voted for it in the house the wonder seems to be that so tittle was found which the committee cotid retain and that upon consideration all the rest was with eo lit lie ceremony discarded there is indeed one pint on which mr barnabas pitts fears sem needlessly excit ed he evidently apprehends that the days of herod are returned a that our govern ment is going to destroy all the american little children may he have speed v consolation on this point i will not believe that our pub lic counsels are thus desferate and 1 trust to time to dissipate my fears in the last paragraph rf j paper all the characteristic modesty of m barnabas pitl is phtinhjy smpfjh and sftlufactorhy display b 11 thou hast ci t this matter short sid mi uncln toby to the corporal and i will teli 14 thee in what trim fehen thou offeredst m lefevre whatever wa- i mv house thou 11 shouldst have offered him my house too so might it be said to m barnabas pitt u thou hast cut the maiu s barnabas when thou taikedst j 0 being invite and encouraged thmi ahouldst hav told na tl how thou wast toyit d encouraged th self and thou might esjt have added thai vfc when the government if this coont y invit- thee to bring with thee the money ofthegoud people of the count f b of which t ik our londou dates it will be observed are down to the 1st january a copious summa ry of foreign news will be fouod in our prece ding columns our readers will perceive with regret that at the latest dales the health of his royal highness the duke of york was such as to preclude the most distant hope of recovery the amen qukstion the naturalization bill passed the house of assembly on the 5th- inst the yeas and nays was as follows yeas messrs atkinson attorney general j burke burnbam beaslev crvsler camerou- cumming coleman clark gordon inger soil c jones j jones o jones morris mcleao mcbrtdge mcdoncll scoliick th rnpsnn a york aijvaokoufhnett 2 nvsmossrs baby beardsiey bidwei foihenrill hornor hamilton lefferty l- ons mali hews m call mcdonald perry pptrsnn raikfoll kdph thomson of fron- tenac w atsii all i v utlc lo majority for the bill passing 4 prorogation or parliament we ob served by the it e loyalist that it is the in tention of his excellency to prorogue the parliament on or about the 17th inst the bill for the improvement of tha st law rence we regret to learn has been lost the reasons that could have induced the house to throw obstacles in the way of this important measure we have not as yet heard they would now deprive mice this would bive shewn iu a damning light the treachery of that government w ich row seeks to pun ish thee for thy iuavercoee but alas thy modesty forbade let me for aniomeo hange mv correspon ded and in one word tore address bee bar nabas i am an ild acquaintance of thine and know some i w pa of thy hf and fortunes and hervr f the wrd shall do injustice to th t or ff thy modest shall lead thee to do injustice to thyself shall give to mankind some fragment of iby historv for 1 venerate thy honesty i pjfy thy misfortune and i love to temper the wind to the shorn au6 nichoias whole truth state of the thermometer since friday last taken at 7 in the mornilg 0 4 29 26 10 8 32 below cro price current in the kingston market beef d to 5d mutton 3 to 4d teal 2d to 5d lamb 3d to 4d corn 2s hay 30s to 40s per ton oau is peas 2s eggs is to is 3d butter odiod flonr9sper bun apples1s 3d to ls6j potatoes is 3d 1b 6d iodianmeal 6s per hun the treasurer for the female benevoleut society has much pleasure in adknowledjriurr the receipt of a donation of five pounds from st johns lodge no 5 bachelors general mclure has offered a resolution to the legislature of the slate of new york proposi ng that the tax now levi ed upon rioy ind puppies shall be taken off nod laid upon bachelors this proceeding has brought upon the gallant general the deep ire of the worthy fraternity and even the new york spinsters who have passed resolu tions on the occasion have determined to call him in future the dog-mad- ical general some curious particulars respecting the fate of morgan will be found in a preceding column we are indebted for the following extract fiom a private letter dated dundee 22d dee 1826 affairs or portugal you will see by the british ministers speecli to the coin- mr editor you editors do not make sufficient allow ance for the ignorance of people iu this new country or you would not in questions of great moment like the alien question run the risque of misleading them by giving only part of the name of the writer of an article when if you would but take the trouble to in sert the whole they would know belter what weight to give to the seutiments expressed a great many of my neighbours who had read of the great pitt have said tome the printer of the heiald surely cannot mean him for he has beeu dead for years and how could he write about the alien question now sir i happen to know as well as you that the mr pitt who wrote an article upon the alien question in the herald not loug ago was no other than an old friend of mine mr barna bas pitt well known to many persons about these parts he is a modest man and cither not liking his christian name or fancying it no favorite with the world has begged the editor i dare say to withhold it but it is not fair sir thus to set people wondering and gussing when one word more of three sylla bles would have cleared up every thing and thrown a deal of light besides upon the whole omdootion mr barnabas pitt sir iklow hun well he once lived on the south side ol the line as now established under the treaty of ghent and about 1809 was treasurer of the county of b in the stale of m and being also in congress about that time was very zealous in bis endeavours to urge on a war between the united states and great britain regardless of the trouble bis exertions cost him because it was simply ailing in the discharge of his duty andfulfilliag ihe obliga tions of his natural allegiance lo t tie king beiug at best but a bad accountant he some how or other got his arfairs in confusion and being unable to reconcile the balance of cash to his bands with the accounts he had kept of it it fortunately occurred to him that the shortest way was to walk off with the money aud leave bis successors lo exphiin his ac counts his departure occasioned no small sensation in his part of the country and such flattering attention was paid to oil his move ments that some of the municipal authorities proceeded directly towards the frontier with most ealous and eager haste in tire hope per haps that the pressing solicitations if urged in a taking way might yet occasion his re turn and with the kind intention of relieving- liim of part uf the money with which he was encumbered mr barnabas pitt however a remarkably straightjhruxrrd man and not inclined to wait for compliments kept on his way rejjichtg and having reached the shores of the saint lawrence so liberal was his confidence that without slopping to en quire what security for property was afforded by the constitution of upper canada he ge nerously trusted himself on our soil with his valuable burthen after cotne few vears sir the late war broke out between great britain and the u states there were then as there will be in all countries some persons whose characters were thought suspicious and you know that as a kind of test the oath of allegiance was required to be taken by them it was strange ly thought necessary to call upon mr barua- bas pitt to afford this assurance of lovalty to his king but he urged with great reason that having come from a country where every man is a king it was surely absurd to imagine that he who could bring himself to obey eight millions of sovereigns could have any difficul ty in yielding obedience to one he also pro tested that it was hard to be suspected of at tachment to the united states and want of loyalty to this country since it was notorious that when he had deserted his allegiance to his former government he had brought with him no trifle of public money and added it to our stock of public weallb in short sir he insisted that to ask him to swear allegiance was to doubt his allegiance and that be felt the iusult so keenly at having his loyalty suspect ed that his indignation would not suffer him to comply so strangely indeed did this in dignation impress itself on his mind that it restrained even that ardour which would other wise have most naturally impelled him to re sist the foreign invaders of this his adopted and dearly beloved country and it deprived our cause of a support which might have been relied on in the hour of peril since under all the circumstances of mr barnabas pitts case it is plain the jirst law of nature would have restrained him from running info a country from which he had been obliged to run out the feeling of indignation has never per fectly subsided but he did on one occasion so far overcome his resentment as to consent to be chosen by bis fellow subjects in thi neighbourhood to represent their interests in an assembly which levied contributions and distributed them for publio purposes and had j duly fltlcsicd to david 10 un smith k power to make bye laws for ihe people of th all those who are indebted ti- thesnid fstate ate if m dockyard kingston uc 13th february 1827 uofflott ws hereby given that tenders will hn re- ceived at this yard for the supply of the quantity of a3k sm a ram fakk soars as undermentioned for the service of this establishment until the 1st march next when the tenders will be opeurd at ny office at eleven oclock in iheforruoon od if the low est price otfired is considered reasonable so muh of the said plaik and boa id will be contracted for as the respective ofucers may deem proper oak white plaak 3 inches to ft supr 2 12 i i 2 1 14 1 34 58 12 c8 1 12 1 34 the oak and elm to be not less than twen ty feet long part of she beforementioned plank board will he required to be delivered forthwith and ihe remainder within 5ix months jin r glover naval stoiekeeper elm pine v m m board m 5000 10000 3000 5000 5tli0 10000 10000 5000 0q0 50h 11 000 5000 wmpotite is herehy given that tenders fc3 will be received at this office until ihe 16th of march next at noon from such per sons as may be disposed to contract or 2000 sfrfsrss cf oate2t for the kings on chromclk mr editor as it is te duty ofev n man to render what benefit he can to society i hope i shall be ex cused noticing a subjet that tends materially to affect persons in th tifferent walks of life iu town and ylso the arming class wbosup- ply our market with fov butter flour c such appears at present to be the want of arrangement in our market that neither the seller or consumer of t se articles seems to knov where to resort tor the purpose the truth i in place of lh regular marketplace being as it should be here bojb parlies would meet the places of sale arc bo extended to store street and other quarters of he town and the consequence i that oriftafenr who 4w fvwtfir lie bfeuftftg bur vi a at an under value before tbej reach the mar ketplace and again sell out to the consumer and housekeeper at any advanced profits such are at present the facts and consequent loss to both the consumer and farmer nnd surely there can be nothing that calls more loudly for ihe interference arid attention of our ma- gistrates when the town had no regular market par ticular parts of certain streets vrere known as the places where those necessaries of life were exposed for sale and where both buyer and seller met on fair terms and can it be sup posed that after we have so long enjoyed tiie comforts and advantages of a regular market that we are to submit to he turned into the streets yardwand different quarters of the town certainly not our enlightened magistrates who have in so many other cases shown vigi lance and attention for the benefit of the inha bitants will not overlook a matter of such of twelve pounds each and isoqbtkom 2rcmes for the use of the troops fcc in this garrison im dependencies the e rooms lo be deliver cd on or before the s4lh of march and the straw by the 24th of april next the conditions of the contract and the ftvrm of tender to be made oul if eilt money may be kuown on aoplicapioo at this office and no proposal will be uoiiced unless made m the form prescribed and signed by two stilneieni sureties willing to become honud tor the fulfilment tf the contract a9 well as by the party making the offer who or an agent did authorised no his behalf must at- tend at the time of opening the tenders to give any rxplaunlion required the tenders must be scaled and endorsed the straw tender for straw the brooms teudei lor brooms thos hill d a c g commissariat otfice kingston 14th feby 1827 bjnssrs mcttciion cross- ist wan being about to discontinue busi ness at kingston john strange esq acts there as agent for this establishment a man a han marmora iron works feb 1 i ibs bank of upper canada jft t a general meeting of the stockholders jfc held this day pursuant to public notice it was resolved that a further instalment of ten pei cent upon the capital stock subscribed shall be called in payable at ihe bank on the first dav of may next thosgridout yok 6th feby 1827 cashier barrack canteens office of ordnance kingston upper cafiuja clb jan 1827 ottcefa hereby given that the lan teens fn the undermentioned barracks are to be let upon the following conditions for twelve months con the 25th march next iso person but of iuufepiiimme cfcamc- l r nor any person for more tliawoer cfcij- lltfn or who will no linden bona f lo reside n the cnulcen and condijcl h busi ness thereof in his own pfmu will he ap proved and two sureties will bo required fur ihe regular payment of the ii or andof all snms which may become due in respect of ihe aid canteen and for the due performance of the several conditions and stipulations of the lease tiie person whose proposal shall bo accept ed and his sureties tust execute the lodtn- tnre of laso and covenants relating thereto the particulars whereof may be kmnwi by apph ing io this office or to the barrack mac ter at thi several barracks the names of two respectable persons xviih their christian names professions and places of abode who will join the tenant in etm- tirfr the indenture as his sureties miisl be inserted in the proposals and the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the ordnance de partment does not undertake to procure the tenant a licence sealed proposals addressrd to the respec tive officers kingston with the words ten der for canteen written on the outside cover will be receive at this office on or be fore 12 oclock noon hth march next after which hour any proposals received cannot be uoticed by the mutiny act canteens arc not liable to have troops billeted on them all person making tenders for canteens are to tke notice that they will beheld tj the strict performance of the covenants of their leases and full payment of their rents without any remission or reduction further than the covenant of the lease itself bet forth the form of the tender to be as follows i hereby offer for the canteen in the bar rack a i far 12 months from the 25th marth next the rent of pounds per annum for the house as a dwej- falgv aild the forth- rertof pm- month fv every ten noncommissioned officers and private soldiers who jjav occupy the barracks during thai period and propose m r 0 and mr of as my sureties for the same the rents of the canteens as dwellings are to be proposed at the bums stated opposite to each m the following- list therefore the bid dings will be upon what is offered for cverv jo men occupying the barracks this nurrw will be ascertained from the barrack matters monthly returns hicb are made upon ihe 1st day of every month and no change i the occupation of the barrack which inaj take place in the progress of the month either for or against the tenant will be- taken into a count no less nufnber than tr will b charged against the tenant nor will any odd number be calculated thus if the ivirrark should be occupied by 14h men oo first day of the month oay 140 will be calculated for that month the bidders are also desirci to introduce no fractional pars of a penny i their offers as they will not be noticed nor will any tenders be noticed except such as are strictly according to the above form i 0 0 rj 2 0 0 f frederick 1 york fort george and amhcrslhurgh kingston teie de pont fori fitiry h 10 0 0 0 c 3 mi rosd wores tjotxcs 26th jan 1a27 t 50 reward is excellency the lieu governor having received a communication from j ris excellency the govoruor of the state oft newyork by which it appears that william morgan who some years ago exercised the calling at a brewer in this place and who has subsequently resided at canandagua in the stale of newyork was some time in the last year conveyed by force from tlrit place aud is supposed to be forcibly detained under false pretences in some part of this province any person who may be able to aubrd information respecting the said william morgan shll upon communicating the same to the private magnitude and hv which a great portion of secretary of his exccllencv the lieutenant the people are made t suffer it would be as it were giving our markets up to forestalttrs and rcgrators i have avoided descending to particulars as the matters i have uoticed and the trade of those forestallers are so notorious and so severely felt by the inhabitants i shall however hope that what i have said will meet the attention of the magistrates and that the inhabitants will be enabled lo see and feel the benefit of their exertions plain truth loth feb 1827 notices the subscribers aving been duly afutoiftlgd lxeoufor and fwulrix to the estate of the late pktekhmlth wetebutof kingston request all those who nwij have any clainti a- gaiiist the said instate to seiul in their accounts governor receive the reward above ottered government house 8s7 jlst january i csh w district alas th re vrvrt found there men as shameless as to assert thai mr barnabas pitt was unworthy to he i member of their ho- dv his right as a mioject to sit lliere was even assailed in vo did he urge that when he left the republican uteres of the st law rence he shoolr the du of his country from his feet i ain did he move that he came into upper canada pith clean bunds having washed them iti ihe iivr as he crossed per- 9- eutiou triumphed brnbas pitt ivas ex pelled and the cause of loyalty and british feetiuff received a blow which will never be requested to make immediate payment to tie shjd havid john smith wi ls i authoris ed to grant acquittances lot saui johy kiknv johjv marwulav dai u jt yr sjslti executors jjtov smfh executrix kingston 1st sepiember 26 the hu5ine will in lntti v carried on bj the subscriber on his own a vnnni palin uyuy 8jwtbl anted 10000 bushels of merchant able for which cash will be paid on delivery wm donaldson kingston jan v 19 1 k27 he fiuls of th female benevo lent society being unusually low the mauagers of thai institution give notice that no patients from the country iii be ad mitted into their hospital after this dle bv order mi the oirectrcsses eliza l geddes blxktt rv jan 12 1827 ii for sale or to let an excellent twosfory house situated near the scotch prejdiyterian church there is on the premises an excel lent well and wellfenced gakden if let the rent will be low if sold sufficient lime riven for payment- for particulars en quire of j- wattvlns kiiurstoo jany il 1327 fie subscriber is now sending dwn to the agents of this eslamtshmcnt a kijgstou belleville the trent cobourg and port hope larpe sorfroertts ff vs wares alifl v aslioivhic iiui iiy ao lp earautrey far burpass ihe wares brought up from the lower province the prices and terms of payment cannot be complained of when they are compared with those of the importing merchants as they are in some instances 25 pcrceotlowerand in none equalling theirs besidef which the subscri ber will guarantee all the wares under regu lar treatment among the articles are bruff- tons patent cooking stoves which for convenience and elegance are not excelled double and single stoves of dif ferent patterns aud sizes pot ash from 70 10210 gallons sugar kettles of pot ash coolers from 7 to 25 gallons dutch ovens with covers with or without feet iicufrtj pots and irons of six different patterns and sizes tea kettles griddles cart and wagon plough irons sleigh shoes kc arc c pork whikey and all kirds of grain will be received here in barter at the kingston cash prices a makauaff agent for peter mcgili prices current f tljr sttarmora 8larr 1827 12 10 u i 0 0 patent cooking stove with ulcu- si is complete double stove no 1 figured pal- tern with oven ohulbs weight three feet in length iso 13 foots io i lenrlh single stoves j- h dfeet 6 do do 32 feet 3 do do 4 i foot 9 do do pot ash kettles of all sizes at 25s per cwt all heavy mill castings at 23s per cwt o i- t fnolas gallons i 5 pot ash coolers j j itmo 0 c iil 316 ditto is sugar kettles ifdilta 0 10 pots kettles dutch owes and other wares sd per gwt a manahan 4 3 2 10 10 to 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 27b