t kin ronicjle nec rege nec popuio sed utroque vol viii friday apt2rkoow february 23 1827 no xxxiv bosaoa ton outi0 flutes kingston trwl- mrstwi beg1nvrtnrturn lrjb thanks for the liberal emruuragrmijeril which they hive re ml and fo uruniriiit their friend anil hi- public ifwl they rinitintte to receive boarders e daypupils ai heir house in quarry street v here the fol- oubiy branches areas usual taught english and french languages grnnrtpialhj history geography composition music drawings dancing needlework writing and arithmetic mnwntit from thi ce loyalist provincial parliament of from mi vvvhjgn experience and the credeutiiik whirti ht ha brought tvith her she butiig for imny vciirs coiuluctcd n simi lar est tblisisntt in her lutfce country the hope fur a co thunnvui that support which they shall make it their tidy to merit reference muv be nvul to the rev crhvcun stuart lieut col vrpheronatl slieritf uclan each ycktng lad to bnnz t bed tq itr of vlif is c 1 a07ll litli 13u c n oticc t monday jan 11 vattttaiffatim iirtl ml fothergill was opposed to tiio bill be cause lie thought it contained restrictions with which the house should not comply and such as he was of opinion would not be satisfactory to the people he was a warm admirer of the british constitution but deeply rsgreued that the constitutional power of the house hod been interfered with bj the instructions he would recommend tbue even yar to rr- iraco its steps pass neither of the bills but agoill address bis majesty to submit the cac of the people to the imperial legislature to provide the remedy required the people of upper canada he considered a bravo and loyal people who would not grumble without cause indeed he thought their conduct on the present occasion was the best proof of their being otherwise for if such a question was started in england he had little doibt it would cause an insurrection the conduct of the people spoke volumes in their favor and cure should be taken uot to wound theit feelings unnccev sarily bethought there were many oftheiii who would not comply willi the provisions of tiie bill by registering tneir names he had hiinsejjt known englishman and old soldiers uho would nor ul fur tatida becauv cm h14- kma application they were required to take the oath ol ulfziance having taken it before i and vh should files parsons- b nguin asked i to take it he coniueicd the itvlrui nons 1 i tfijlj iii attempt as htl cver been marie to put tif- susrirs ex and exrrti- j r i a brave and ft d people wli tllc lluu if passed iui mlhct a vvjimd bwu mrurvuu lv til hitoa uhith would not easily be healed the illicit lale merchant reiifi l pr 11 ifuiebtvd to 1 he estate either h book 0 m xur reuiil or otherwise to stiake iioin-i- paviofo to wr m lfod who nil eontiiuu te immiivss ifta usual in behalf of the cj he joh toriuxg ch lf toliatix 3qhs rtlsll notice the subscriber having ivon appointed inspector of weight tnd muara jut fae ailhand oistricu utimus ill etois 1 nn- ccmed that he li 4 leceivd tiie sirndard f r said district and is pieparej iti rxnutnr aid necessary in oruei thntjuilice might be dime compare all weighf end unstmirt which u parliainont would rue in aioh against such instructions and we should do so too am re- jct them the vet of the imperial parlu- ijient tavc tho house the power to leisut on the subject but it wan told tltu the hill litum he cot and carved ijccodtng 10 the fi- nirtion he wootd still proles fou bai k 1 1 tie impru d p uliment have thr nxii- j tr cr ifjr dictm n a hill p ed i eibnd would be siti- fjrray hut v me n tmdr j caniitfeffttioi tvoid i nctct t the appro hu- tion of tlij people if pc this hooe mr jllvan would ak h gentlemen to point out what objections cmi id reasonably be made to ihe prtrarnble nl tie bill us it now vsntid he would ask thf o sy whether every vyllii e cfn wasn strictly true thf iiprit ni ih rois enn ncd render 1 be presentetl t lliiai fr ttiit puipom- uih si standard hm im oneed the mvi or penal clause of the vet relative tu uiiua an j measures robfpt uichakdsox inspector ol ivcirih and xjetne- i kind dittift kingston rh ogust lcjil fllh clzumofth acl rcfttc ft urtigfthttyd vi ad h it tvrthtr cnqchtty thr ttutfah rifc vc- tuit all rri vkwcpcrs biip- keeper lilleis diillers liuteher crkcr huckiers nud othei tra prrvin irint- 1 such wei she md me iiifi as ail stiiij have been obiaiu- i who svtiik ftn tin t -i- ratioii ol six inonis alur m1i ioilafi ul weights and me 1 tis hl h h umfcsv- ed and inspetii ppoiot oai 1 1 1 in his possesmon ain wetlu or m- imiws whereby he buys or sells mj ari for lr weighing or adineasuiemcit ol win u i standard of weights an mcjmii uimf- i lo them that a relrrenor should be made in the preamble 10 ihtae cowisij from the uniti rl rstatfts tlfi address ol ua yenr 10 his ma- jsty for encouraging eutittrafion fiom the ijiiiutl states wrtn to aduot that sueh persons could net be considered as subjects they were hoi so ihrn and cojld out be so now if they j cnine into the province without complying with the ij tirycoull not be resided ps i subjects and the avuto necessity of the hill nuw before the house as v r ii s en immetlt te allusion to lh5i pnrtiular case mist hi apparent oe was nurpiised to beet one hon- gentlcin in say that the lat leal decisions it england had been mad iohservient to m lives if state poiiov anclj an isserlko he consi dered quite ubsurcd unls itconld he supi j h if r 1 i w ft f v j t l h dad hi iopj lecn ivil jir theil 1 1 kiaw- ted- and cozened as rhey aiwfl weea by the etrict tubs of jnue nod honor l4 nt ill repaid for ilv iuhg4ttons ftldch ihekleum oaths iley had taken imposed upfn lljvrn toy mttk jree from any suc rpnmch and would tiii mix rh administra ol lumice with matters of political conrutruou the pw sno alluded to in ile reunlh h having ahv used any other than such w i uu or complied with rbeptovisioni of certain hy measures as have been exiniifiej u mm w thtar first coming bttu the province might hu entitled tlieniselvss ro tiio rights of sub- fsdof marked as aloiesiid t fifeit fa veiv offence tn pottfl pffivlku ctifmii- jr ihr fhrt howevsi wom that hey had rtot lout so miul t ncfssity of a legijlative cy being thereof couvico j ikuv asij gffi tr more juviice or jusiic oftlo- iviotn t oath of one credible witness w4it d mr ty together with all rasoitabl c 1 f levied by distress and vile of rlu o goods and 10 the default oftlitrt a- feuder haii b comuutted to tli- common csol of the district for a term uu exceeding one month temv jo pioiiie fo that neglect was gene- i rally aiunhtc1 tia could himself lear tesi- noriv to theeaham coaduet ofmanv of thec porvm in dcfeocs ofjthe country arj for that reason ft it anxious that the renxd should be ehectual whatever prejudice might be crc- i led jeairl the bill m would not cotlscnt to i ljislntu for 1h3 prejudice ot t top- hut in mich a way s hv wassfttisfnd wouij perma- nently isctuotheti riyh and when fh mir- it of the lil were burl understood hv fell onic tlat by doing 0lc wutild be ei- for a term of rears and iniiuc- 9 j siul an atteuxpi hadbeenmade rojaiss acisnor liate possession iveii the property at present hi m it of john grant in rarrlefield cowifir of a dotl dwelling hoobake iioirt bnti and other outhouses ith the land an 1 li ed this property wt be leased for a tcun 1 f years on advantageous terms apply to tin- editor of the kingston chronicle kingston 5th ivhy 182b wanted a wet nurse a healthy young wo man of unexceptionable cbafuter will be paid liberal tvag apply tor iafor- mation at this office jan 11th 1827 stole jt or strayed gx lrge dog of tho netvfoundlmj fsl bpeeie of a dark ereim colour and an- wein to the name of watch whoe ver will rive stirh information as niav lead to the reruverv of said dog will he hanr1nmlv reward d by applying at the royal artillery barracks kingston jan pj pl agnium the ooverutnenl on litis osessionj tliiiy however had not raised i ofcjetins which iuj been made to the rights i itheto ri- joyed bi these people the jot a- the jn of the land had diseoveroh lhtl tlsie rthti were h dle to br ie nueatiiocd enj oor as this was known and had been bruut undir the consideration pi governrntnt ihej j had iuimcdiaoly taken siitfh steps as tvoald tend to leniovo all legal disabilities and jrcure the people in the penimnetil tnjoyniectni j those nglitm the instructton ho consider i not a a breach of privilege but as exprrmve of ihc terms on which kis maj sy would be happy to afford the desired relief and alter such an explicit avowal if the house passed j bill such as it must know the kin could not asftenl to the refusal to provide the rem dv which the case called fur could not with pro oriel be charged ngauisl mi- mj -rvguv- ernment in such case the hsanifi if failure would movepropeilv be altrilutal toihisliuusr in tf course of debate it had b fin td that s bill passed by the impeiial parlibttteui would have ejveo satufactmsu to the poipl if such a course had been pursued no less cla mor would have been excited against the government for what would then have been termed an improper intrferm with a sdject of local impottauce aud which huoldtuvc been left to ourselves to settle it was easy to prejudice the public mind on uichquemions and he believed pains had been taken to do so he was satisfied however that any errors which existed would in a short time be einoved and that those whose interest wcie concerned would be co minced thot theinsltuctions wero satisfactory and such as the case required in order so ijie permanent securit m the enjoy ment of those rights which urere bow liable to be legally questioned tht peti ion from the eastern district tx a pm bill of naturali zation ascd far it nearly on ttie same tnrnis as cre pointed out in the instructions the persons who signed it were rii jeeply interes ted in the question and iheir petition was signed before the iotructiomi were eominuiu- cnted 10 tiie house in iin his support to the bill he felt that l vjs faiiiifullv ducharg- in his doty to the people nnd when the sub ject was fairly statd to ihrm he was convine- ad that it would meet with uitir decided ap probation mr cjones said thai huonly object was to remove nil doubts on mi wjbjec and to secure the peopio in tie enjoyment of thoo i privilege which thy had biibeto possessed tuaaj arguments had been used in the course of debate which wool j mislead public opinio he therefore felt it nocesry to siate th tt j the 0 icernmenf in his npirriyn feeling itself itound to secure th- people hi their rights and to save time and prevent iinonvemncc had j honestly deciated in hat mnnucr thcktug i wouw exercise the power wl j art ena- blinthe house in hisie ti thefculjeei had i iiveu him thf ijw reserved any bill tht j hltrht be passed here f hh majesty i uk hn iiisirmtionv informed asbnvv tlidt is- i sent would bi- sjm u ii tho instructions had not been coimumieted to 11 e home and a bill pisi 10 wbteh im iient tf the king could ui l l li p jl ttfirt m itlitf in fxecuivcbv with wmiu them had allow ed the house to iciislne without etfect and the cui- of iuuiealuieu would have been urjd attrim tin u it 1 is not necessary that the hune ituiuld ihulutii follow the introtins tbtm wfi stil for its informjtirwi iul to acquaint them ofihi omncr in which hii via- w vid r ehs ueumwer winch was vtt- ej i niii i t pas- id in such a shpe ns voitid enihl iks majesty to givt his aient to i j doff iuc rtgtits 01 inese people would be removed j air hamilton still considered the instruct i 0118 i ilitiaccfulj mu die registry odtoui he j had auas tuol oui against the incisure ami 1 should eonltnuft lodou a loyal people were required to v iiti themnelves and hs fjvor- i abo terms m inj proposed than itnd been kt yr ii ie eie out cmnplied ith thty were tlueatcnec with the lomjflheir e- leetive fraurhwe lithe govctnimeth choose to do pitch ihltlgi lc iheui and he would 33 in jiaps nam take tuvjy tlie cousniulion from us altogether r wiikimon wt not take upon himself to say that any excivmeiu was fflt on this question into distvui he t enretented he be- iiewii howiver thai the bill wa not such as would mert th wisli of the people he pro ffered the bill tiist bfvtrht in b jlr rolpband j thoilpht thai i prcfo would bv lvtn to it i by ins coitsrhjootaa ti people aeneruily mr coleman tuouiu he should not be do ing his duty to his sufjttftueiits wnos interest i he felt deep atheav he did not give his j reasons forvttio bo ii preamble ofthe bill such arjuipf ns had unmt aihuuxd m favor ct 1f1t hi tfeowiiltnnftmf v wp uu iir oioiuuii aui uertlfrtc iupu uiat j tne boiiurable mid learned member fruni lm- tlti 0ld s ie lu- threatened artillery and i itl dvc an hon retreat whill it wan in ins pow er thelaruae of some hon a will as k irifi nirt her ppd to th- bill howevei i uolv erfotccd vascalculntetltuinliaitie ji ir ol the puhic u excite uuiversal dibiontent they were namplmg on the tnter- ewot the peipbmo iiufy their own ambition i kiev were iowietj tie seds of deception end would reap thole of diaappointinent tiny were gripping at tlieahhdow and losing the substance the pieamble of the bill cou- tained tte substance ol the sabaequent clauses wiich very pioporiypriided aaiusl those who might feof disposed if it wasotherwise word ed to take advantage dits provisions h seek- in or claiming a double allegiance as it would i snt their purputu sjch as contended they were not aliens svere ot compelled to sub scribe to umni a dcilon of the judges of pfuuluudhk boru given hi to thoe peuple from the lnikd stated rhu lurve not complied with the imperial acts of naiurahzntion amongst whom he had many valuable friends nd sonn ncai relatives whom lie linen had not mich ni- e scnipli as would make this bill appear 10 tlm eithoi odious or objectiimable here the hon moutber adverted to and read a cuiumu- uicuuno froui one of his conttituers inlommg him those he hvdtpoken to were saiisried w lib the provisioirt oi the btll as reported by tht comnitto it was wordvd with as much dv jcy ns ihft ui umiaiicvofdiecac would admit of and he wnuld pledge his life th bri- tkh government had no 01 hr abject in view thavthatof rvn j fienplewhw by thir rue- ritonous corjjet m tiij ltc war reru qw- dredsft d-viw- isuir rivivjtdnc -v- tli wiio- nitij fr h h wliofoughl and bled in the fcune caum plactd in t in 5iuo biltiauoo thotgll they i d n- ved tie oa buwrl by j stents fci uds they were till coumltrn in the ce of la hiipos si w infonded ihw i ill miii i ive 1 mftijwpcrtiv ti uillj thvy tin- ijnin uiucst luil a sufaer- ibundit popuului fane aictl duseof the coruiuen il diti md tin bad nil more it- ccible cuhiv liable kuda ilteti wa reuuired for hem be hpd the two bills would t separated touri tin ir respective rms ac- nndiog to the uvil histroctious that they miht not cndrtiigei each oilur the one uofeiht receive the cvt ass w litisi the nthei flight require some iwodljicatiuus they were intended o confer all rights and priviluea ol iuiui bvirnftutmuviiiju tho wlio utc ue- i dared bv the judges of england to be aliens i as he had a sincere desire to see them quali fied in those rights in every respect equal with himself he hoped their expectations would not again be frustrated by the sophistry of fla ming patriots or by the declamation of those who talk much ind mean nothing he would pav every respect to the wishes of his constitu ents particularly to thai d ss of people httect- ed by the provisions of the bill and render it ns little objectionable toiheir pnjudiccswhich he would always respect i the nature 01 the royal instructions would warrant whh safety to the bill he would as what would be the consequence at another election if this bill did did not pass into a law would not the re turning officers feel it their duly not to receive thor people whom the law declared aliens either as ea nditales or electors most assur- edlv they would it w as said by some honour able and leaned members that the imperial parliament might at once wiiha dth of the pen have enacted a law to confirm their rights undoubtly they might but he was of opinion as many objections would have been raised to the act as to the present bill before the house we should have mid if they ejve us a right tflrj should e not exercise it do ihc know rjr local necessities why thn shall ihev prfiaihoc lo uislate for us sucli language has been held forth on former occa sions relating to our intercourse la with the united stttes ii through the perversen of members this bill should fail he would cet a private hill passed next session lipoq the pe tition of those whom it immediately concerned in his own neighbourhood mr bidwell said tint the letter produced by hie lion member was from a gentleman of tin at re peet ability but who had not been long coquijh i r the country to foun a very cor- rect opinion no uis questtion he too could itiwfiduoe lotliir from n nfftpunl respec tability who hatt resided here mans veari anu was personally interested in tira bill thi letter which he read stated flint the bill in the part of the country where the writer lived bath was rol approved of by those who had seen it afor come further discussion the preamble proposed by mr beasley ivas adopted we hve aheady tiven it in a former number of our psrper on friday jan co the discussion was a- glin resumed bed mr rilen proposed the introduction of the isiil he had brought in t the commencement of tiie session on the question being put it was lost m roiph tiicu moved an amendment lo the hill to except those from its provisions who had served during the war iosi the committee then roe and reported the bill s amended on ttie question for recevmg the report there were ye 20 nnyi 20 the hon speaker voted with the nays and the committee resumed on motion the committee rose and rcport- d the bill as amended on the question for receiving the report yeas 0 navs o the speaker voting with the nay the committee again resumed and the same result followed tne question being put a fourth time for receiving the report iteassl nays 19 and the bill was ordered for a third reading on mondav adjourned saturday jan 7 the house was occupied this day on the m i cf4il rl if during the disrtiitioit we are unable to give thedehite tho bill wi ordered for a third i cabling monday jan c9 xu turn i is at ion bill thhd reading the atty ganeral motcd that the bill do now puss yeas 10 says iii the speaker voting with the nays the bill wa lost mr rolph then moved that the bill be re ferred to messrs perry patterson and wil kinson as a select committee 10 report there on this was decided to be out of order no bill beui3 now before the house mr- rolph then moved that the naturaliz- tbu bill be bgain placed on the order of the day c aniecl thv controverted election bill read a se cond time and reported as amended ordered for a third reading mr morris moved for an address to his ex cellency the lieutenant governor to be in formed what number of acres cl land am re serve i in the province for a protettant cler gy carried adjourned tin d ajf 30 a joint conference appointed 00 the subject of the public buildings for the use of the le- giilature mr j jones brought in a bill which was read a firtl time on te petition of the mhabi- tantsof thejchnslown district praying to be naturalized as british subjects naturalization bid m committee mr pei iv proposed an amendment to the preamble expressed in gem il terms lost the couiinntee rose and reported the bill without amendrjhni on the question for receiving the report feps t nj it the hen speaker voted with the nays tne cummin numed mr vhkiuon proposed n amendment re- quirhte all persons to take tht oath of llegi- mi according to the provisions of ihe biil losf lr white proposed an amendment that ail persons wo had resided in the province 7 yean before the war and who should produce a certificate of having taken il oath ul dlei- arce should be exempted horn the provisions ol the bill lost the committee on motion rose and report ed the hill without amendments for receiving the report yens 0 nays 20 the hon shaker jt wauht navs the committee resumed reported progress and obtained leave to si aain tomorrow adjourned rrom ttir colonial advocate report qf he select committee to whom wo referred ihe matttrs relating to the reojest of captain ffllattfursfor leave of absence du rifg the present parliament j with the vi- dtnect ac hxasunatiom or c joei esq conthiuedjrom gkronxrle of february 9 q did you notice any thing else incorrect and improper in the conduct of captain mat thews rsn tbat occasion a nothing else except his calling to the best of my recollection k bclieffor hailco- tumbia wbioh being- a national air of the tj stales i considered improper particularly ou uiatoccaica in cocsequence of the discussi on which had tten place that jay in tba house of assembly q vhat was that difcqstion in the heuse of asiembly to wlich you allndc a 1 1 appear npoo tiiy referring to the jour nals to have been upon ihe repletion introduced bj mr riolph upoo the ahea qietiod q wbatu there ia th reslstion or the h cujioh of ibeai whicoaiadeihe rocduclnf captain ma 1 v more imprudf r ou thai thaa ou aoy oibrr 00 htion q 1 thodfhl o because it had been argued ia the lions 3 aaied 01 the said rfsetutioo tbaiatt perfoni brn in ibe american colon ie befere the peaeeof 17s3 or wbteftbertoi a01 and- lathers were brn vithlo thealejisince oftbebri- liili crown nhocaoie oiothii lroioce in great nuner wioa ihe anowleiieje aid approbation ot his mhjm j ittct 1 mi -ii- t ben immediaiely uiluimed and uniformly conside ril to be entitle nitb no uiber reirictiuo innu tdue iiopovfd by ihe provincial legfolator b which ibr weredi q lulled frum eleciio or mu cirid to the ilbulfl llf a h tit iljns ul mr41 htven years continually in the provmcr to all the righti and privilege aud tubject lu all duties rc- pontiblitsei aod obligalioaa tf natuiaj boro bri- tiim lubjeett q in what respfct do you mender the above proposition inrirlirair nd improper r a qeemnse t cooceive u to be ai variance nilli tiie rrral prnanatioru repertnf tbeetoi- graiioa of the citizeni al the united statet coming iino on iumiii q do you consider luch indelicacy to arise frm ilie eiicnuraemeiii it uid- fitrrh to citizeai of te united saies cominie lutotbu province who hate qo right lo cum to brnisb uujcct5 a 1 do q could tach american citizenf upon coming inru iln hiovince be naurnbzed under the 13tb gru2 paied by the briiifh letslature for tho eamralization of turvigu pmtoianis usitliog ia the ornish colonies a x utuctc ihev enulij q doe uot that siaue admil ihem lo the j character of oebjettb upon ukine the oih of au leiaace rerfdiog boca lde for seven yean and takiup the racraoeat in the way required by that act a i believe it do so q va bal material and iubmantial difference in a political poini of view do you bee beiweeo the above requiiitioofof the provincial acuoieniioued bv ou and ihoe you hao ideonouod as contain cd in is sea 2d a some difference in the oath of allegiance which i jo oot precisely recollect acd tliu the sacrament in lome proiestant coagregatioa or church withio iume gieu lime q what eoeouraecneui or facility then do you lee given by ihe resolution you have rueett- oed lorae citizen of the united state wutcu are noi given by ihe vo 13 eo 2u4 a 1 eeo none hoi the forms contained in the 1 ge 2nd aud he lakiu of thtfacrameoi v- io u uwfjwtl a ft4 u uliac vmtm tbethkio f ihe sacramcat indelicate io a reli- riou mural ur political point of view a i do not i thtoll it loighi oe well repealed if it sboald be rousidered to be good policy ia atford further cdoottragesaedi to tbe america emrcn to become uhecis in ihis province j l inn a coniderahlp portion of tbe pope- lation ol 1 it province confined of pcron from the uoiled iare a it ii 0 how did ihev behave during the war a generally gpeaking very well q what thtfo do you ec indelicate in tho poiitini or propositions comprehended in tbe resolotfoo 9iuce thev eord no material facility ro fctich perioqs which with the exception uf the lacracieiii ibey mirbt realise under ibe 13 geo 2d by complying with iti provision a the propositions contained io the reiolnti- on are indelicate in as much as they recognize principles that are at variencewith our consiitu riooal act viz 31st of the kin which requires compliance on the part of aoaliefl who is desirous of becoming natunlized to a kri ih aet of parli ament it also rppear 10 me to have been tbe oh- jet of the frame r of the resolutions 10 place all american citizen upoo a perfect equality witb brill h born ftabjectf without having conformed to m british act of parliament 0 do yoii coniidr that persons naturalized under ihe lih geo s are capable of enjoying all tne 1 ol subjects in this pruviuee a ido q biitiieve6u dotsaid that the provi6tont required by provincial acs persons are 11 all material maiter in a political point of vievr ihe same wnb thoe required by the british uatu raliationlaw alluded to 111 your last answer a i ee no dttctonce between the ivru except io the form and sacrament required by the brituti act q then am i to iiiferfmm whai you have ai 1 a proper observaiion of ihe pninciai acts mentioned in thereseltijtoos wold afibtd u in all material polnrv the sam political pri ttciioa which we ne under tbe is geu sod a i consider that the eoforrementft of provl t ale laote a those contained in those provin cial acts referred to in ihe rroiuiionweulrialfud usvubiranuwlly ili political irotectioi winch we have under the 1 j tieosnd provided ihe oath ofallcetsnce bali he admioutered which dees not appear to me t be lemoned b the provincial law to cniihle a nin io become eligible lo tbe house of rmbly y does not rie 3lt geo sdchaph rrquira ihe otith of alb ptatiee befare he bits asanemherf a u joesso but he may be eleced witnoil it q can anv person- of what rondtitut soevrr hairg been ieirieu u tue united taiev nfhq coiotiiz into tni province to eule be elec ed or voicalo elcvvi viitkukvcb ji rciideuca