raoaf tui liraav gzzte to thf bi6iku tlljf o princely sm uprisiu in tby east pavilioned the crimson xnd the old of clouds before thy flaming- chariot rolled now let mine eyes upoa the glory feast the fi steps of iliy radiant march behold hark the glad feathered choir thy matins sintr a ad rev i re aastreri with its vocal string- yet ah great globing glorioii as thou art kulymious moon is ueaier iu my heart for j am of the still and starry night when tie deep v collects its native mtjht and gathers i quick feehcg and a power of thought preceptive of thior ov u great dower o phcbbus in the dark and silent hoar aixiance british and foreign is coincii 21 t jjovejiberj 1825 for the information persons arriving in up per canada as sett ley follow toe siuwna wohcr c03mepah7 03 host cp st r zlffe aub ificc ggsttranrc rr bu u mnr inem ha thought fi down for the f- hire regulation of gi jltu in p vinee in conformity t symem yhich has tacui recently adopitj with respect to other colotiiesofhh majfc beei prepared in conformity to instruc from ear batfcurst faiiiation will bp orthuih made o ibe land- throughout he o aut average price- wilmw struck for bfi district 2 ah uir lauds j fytuwy not hnlerto granted nd appripr f t foriom i htoffeied for sale al lbeaeratr prices ihu fixed 3 am persons propaujjjg purchase ian4l tnusi transmit a written application to the roveniojeut throtigti the office of the o ovrrd in a certain prescribed for will be dejivered io the party applying byoe surveyor general or by an officer to he appointed by aim for thai 1 porpoein the several districts on payment of a fee of 2s 6d f r yideilcct peinjz deputed to make choice of a house and to order an annual dinner for a party ol gentlemen i determined upon rie pleasantly situated on the batiks of thf thames in ie ivillage of mortlake hiving ace- 3 with ie andford as to term and the precise dishes thai were to be placed en the table i informed him that in the event of the party being like wise satisfied 1 would transmit him a letter by post naming ihe daysic their rouse n i bein sign i tied i wrote merely ti that on such a nay he might expect to r nutubbi ol twenty wo at so mticti per head and to guard gainst any misunderstanding i thought it prudent to recapitulate the dishes we hud pre viously agreed npon begin iitigt lisn veal bam c by the return of post i received the follow ing curious answer the original of which i transmit yoi being aware that without good pi of he merjt of the anecdote might be lot in lie idea of its being manufactured sir i received your commands but i donl know what you means by videlicit asldidnt hear you mention it when you was at mortlake very thing else shall be obeyed yours to command eaw i3 1 oav mrtlakr my v this letter of course aunrded considerable iniith to the party who perused it but it ap peared fo me strang tfiat my umllord should l incapable of understaoding the contraction and vei sre the word at length thoneb iio- properly spelt to reconcile this point i was at considerable trouble and i cannot convey the result of my inquiries in a better form thn as the dialogue acrually took place upon the re ceipt of my letter at winch time the landlord fail wife and a waiter were in the bar why wife did you ever hear me mention such a dish asvtz when the gentleman was down here ordering the dinner lord husband no what u vizi a gentleman who had just paid the waiter for his morning beverage bearing the last question plitely answered it means videlicet madam and passed on here mine host was again at a pause when be suddenly exclaimed w and nhat is videlicet f never heard of such a dish in all my life nor i husband though i have lived id the first fami liesaye and where every kind of made dish has been sent to table thomas do you know what is pideliceft no sir but i oppose its some of those new fancied dishes fhat the french are so fond ot til al in the established by capital five millions slating be agents for this company beg leave jl to nnnuimceto th innabit nt ol upper- canada tint thiy continue to assure against loss or damage occasioned bv nd that they have fw be convenience of the publict appointed the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns o the dif- rert d- rlfcec guy c lrjot esq- cornwall mlm 1 u w mftn c brocfaiue jmri a ifrir1an estj kingston jnme d betunt eq coomrg robi hn prentice esq yorh john doss esq niagara to either ol whom parties desirous of effect ni assurru will please apply us 4 vl correspo- lerup j h govori menl rr- i peeling grama of laud mutt take place through j the same office 5 the purchase inifies i- to be paid bv four 1 quarterly or hieannual instalments a the party applying raadasire bui in ilie latter esse legal m interest sliall be chard and shall be payable the age us take leave to remind the pub- allltat from lbe um of making the sgrenriehi lie of the following important and striking ad a of 10 per rem will be allowed tor vantages that will be derived from assuring j ready money payment with the alliance company 0 on payroeni of ibe money a trsni will be 3tf lvc i security 5d honor and liberality in the settlement of losses qj moderate premiums of assurance 4b a participation ol profits gih panics who obtain the settlement of losses ft cm foe ne nor therefry deprived made in fe- simple i w purchasers ifie ex- penseof the crown with he usual reefaiions of mines mineralh and ol white pine timber 7 tin largest quaniity of lasidihich will be sold many individual 10000 acre and when put up to ale n will beolieied in such tracts not less than 100 acres a may be directed persons v isfi more exteusive purchases mux apply in of their right to participate in the pioits mrjninp tlirouphtbeliruicdant governor in coun- of the company crt to his majestys prrncipal secretary of state m lh persons indebted to the estrte of the a late andrew kimmtrfy esquire of kiebmond are hereby requested io make pay ment of their respective accounts to mr- an- 1 drew kivimerly jnir on or befoie the is day of may next as any of the debts remain ing unsettled at that date will positively he nut into the hands of an attorney for collect ion robert jwcluke administrator to the estate of a kimmerly 20th sept 1p26 h b lnniber wheat znd ashes i bo received i u p rent valuable lands fotale m j a fes viz lots no 30 ivy i j 33 and 39 ssluaied in the sixth coocessicn of the the tewnsbip of kingston and beautifully bounded in rear by collins- lake also lots no 10 12 in the first concession of pittsburghjwiibin one mile and a half of point frederick tiit above lands are of an excellent quality and well limbered terms of payment made easy application to be made to the subscri ber john strange agent for the proprietor kingston 6th oct 1826 n b any person or persons trespassing on the above lands will be prosecuted to the utmost ripour of the law for sale or to let that fine farm lot no 2 letter c in the uw p of pittsburg situated on the si lawrence and about 2 miles from kiugvttifi containing upwards jooacies of which ahum 100 are in a state ofculiivation on the prrtnia are in excel- hoi dwdlng hoqso and stable of stone a lure barn and other on hrtifdings also a good orchard for furtho pcrttcotars ap ply to f aliarpei es linuiou or tolt col macphersoh on ibe pi eituavs kingston 27th oct u26 xotlcf cjftf subscribers liavii g taken the store formerly ocenpied by col j smith ai cape yincert now offer for sale a genera assortment ff if ns2 a n d i 6il lossib lightninshjbeinadegopd rh the atrs have the power oflett- ling losses in this country without refer ring to the board c direction in lonj in 8h reaonahl expenses inairn d ii the removal of propertj from ftie will be paid hln t case of an assurance being made on property for a less sum than ihe real vattjc thereof- the company will pay whatever loss i- sustained not exceeding h ssifii amirttl socipty is formed warrants the expec- forthc colonic mih tell cplauaion of their objects and means js lami may au beobairicd nihoui purchase but u on ilirtvroiu couduions 9 procilm ilesiroiis to acquire lands nvithnut pore auip wilt make then application tothegi- vtfoinul hi tttiiiitg tbroitgti he surveyor geo- eir office io a prescribed forqi copies of which mill he furnished bj iue purveyor general upon pamtut of t 1 10 the latjiebi grant that will be made without purcltuse iooacresibeoiahesl looacre 1 1 no gran i will be made to any person wiltl- yvjiirh fp i on purchase tinier the goverpmenl it satisfied ko v ro few rer ftifit ttar kfoth ne bower and he miefi- cion of expitdiitg v the cultivation i land- a ca- togefher with an additional stock of fancy silkgoodsaddcrapssmch isorange browo blue lilac and other coloured grosdecapj and grosdeta sinofaews silk vesting fancy dress silk ffaad kerchiefs kc c which will be offered at very reduced pricesfor rea dy pay only kelt oco reynolds cape vincent 3d nov 126 pout hope kiltl bsanufactoiir j brown beps leave to inform his fneuds and he public that he has com to c j pit j lists valuable property ffls mls utionthal the profits to be divided will be t lojiasf n vale io casf large itiegranrdouoiexonhl suocre that be intends jl ackijiszic lklli vihjj cc co iort uuooand taprovf ihe ainc agents monti eal 28th september 132g to be let lmf possess ion given in i lediatcbj tut bouse garden nnd orchard on stuarts point lately occnoierl l john niekalls kso for particulars iimuire nf george h- markland kingston uth dec 1826 notice looano rnpi 12 a quit rent 15 per crui per annum op- i on he esiimatotj vai will bcfced upon the land j prai ttd without patihac i 13 thequit rent will beredeemable uithtn the am 25 earnext oollowing else crnnton jaj- men ofasom equasl to vweat tiaiet the annna aiidntol it 14 until the exjtaionof the first oen years nesj succreding esicrt graut viihout purchase no qii rn will becoox due upoo the lauii- compli ed o t 13 every grantee without purchase must ai i ihe expiration of ihe fore nipnttomd term of seven ears piove to the saitsfacboo of the lieut governor in ounciu that he ha expended in the cultivation and improvement of his laud a capi tal equal to half hs ahte a that value was estl- mated at the timed ms graoi or m cae tbr grant shall ootexcecd two hundred ncre that he has ilunnji that timeridrd no and improved his laud on failure dfsoch proof hi claim to the laud ihail be forfeid apd the same ojav be gran- led to another hpplpant it h to be understood however that if at anytime within ihat period ihe condition of eipditure and cultivation shall kitchen the inquiries in the kitchen were equally oosuflpwfill but thomas upcftl tecol- lee tion thought he had heard of a fih of that oame to the betch my landlord immedi ately proceeded all the river fishermen were in torn applied to but i were equally positive that videlicet did not prow in the river thames or else they musi have caught him pfrhaps ii might be a ahwaier fish but thai opinion was not supported by the landlady why decla red that if viijkiicct was any thing it was roiu ilirh jutf noi to expose their ign rmrc they agreed to apologize and inake no further inquiries on the day of the dinner which to do the fondfom yret1it v irr h h as hot forgotten the inquiries tor n were so freq so i hereby ivenby ordrof his excellency imvebeeii complied h ihe patent may intoe- fieut o ruor in council that sealed dtately ibsue 16 no additional fcranl of land v ill be made cie tenders post paid for a lease of the fcrrv from kingston to wolfe island for the term of seven years will be received at this office until the firt wednesday in february 1827 on which dr he lease will he adjudged to the highest bidder subject lo the usual reg-u- i rions and the payment of one pound twelve thllinph and six pence currency for the lease to be paid b ihe leasee john small c e c to let a small house ontlie grounds of warwick loan pern who h t proved as last meiti- oned tbe necessarry upndiiiireof tapnal on he lauds already granifd io hm 17 peros recerk a second grant of land wiieoui purchase wil becotae liable topa a quit rem upon the land coqiprized io aiicti second gram immediately t otnihedai ofit is peious deiro receive grants of land wiiloul purchase on rm hfferenl from inose above stated must ln betre ibe lieui gover- norm council a fid xiaiation n w riiin ot the ciremnsmnce u w lbt way conceive io ex- einpi them fioin ibe fn operation of thes- general rales 0 t f lovfth andoiher ppr-on- eniiilet io g 5 h general regilafion ol on the first day of august 1827 between the hours of twelve oclock a m and to oclock p m will be sold by public auction to the highest biddei at kingston in the province of upper canada rtfr jtitavtnoim i r o i j works these works are situated in the township of marmora in the county of hastings in the midland district of the aid province and are esteemed one of the most valuable properties in the fo tindery line in british north ameri ca and one it is considered which cannot fail under proper management to realize to a purchaser profits seldom arising to capitalists from other investments of capital these works in the establishment of which upwards of thirty thousand pounds sterling have been expended consist of two furnaces the one capable of yielding two tons and the other one lone of iron in the the twentyfour hours with the necessary buildings connected therewith a foroe for the manufacture of bat iron with four fires and two hammers a saw mill flour mill bark mill and tan nery all impelled by water of which there is an abundant supply carpenters and black smiths shops well provided wih the neces sary tools baking house and fourteen com fortable dwelling houses three of which are hi suited for taverns or large families wih me need manufacturing els it of every deseription of a superior quality which he will sell for cash or approved hills as low as they can he obtained al any manu factory in the united states port hope july s loio it e u a m the copartnership heretofore carried on under the firm of smith sf bit- teruorth as hatteks in the town of kingston is this day dissolved hy mutual consent all persons indebted to the concern are required to make immediate payment to thomis smith who is authorised to discharge the same and those to whom the firm is indebted are requested to present tiieir accounts for adjustment tfios smith john bliterworth kingston nth dec i25 cctfrom the first of expr procu the notice was too short but desirious to ob lige he had plaeed on the table iu its stead a iblet pye this explanation produced such an invol untary such a general hurst of laughter that we all sensibly felt for the landlords embar rassment fiom which however he was adroit- lv relieved hy one of the party observing why really mr b i admire your substitution your giblet pye is excellent and so liketi- delieet that i shall never again et of the one without thinking of the other i nm sir yours sic lojtdom mao t will be paid for g bushels rye flft do indn corn cl hogs suitable for distillery yard by wm garratt head of rhe market square kingston sept 27 in 1823 governor the lieutenant john sv14ll clk lx cotiueil o notic whereas my apprentico frene- zer martin has ahscouded rom my service this is to caution all per sons from trusting- him on my account as 1 will not be auswerable for any debts of hii r ontractiog- and i hereby oiler a reward of sixpence to any one who will apprehend lim bat no expences paid isaac do mill for sale few copies of the follow in j works are for alc at this otsce capt parrys third expedition to the north west illustrated by a map denham and clapperton s tra vels in africa the atlantic souvenir a christmas and new year present for 1 27 handsome ly executed and splendidly embellished a no tut adventures or a young rifle man written by himself notice n or ahom the isih december i gave to charles re yn olds of nap- pance mills note of hand for thkeen dollars this is to caution any person or persons purchasing said note as i say po- itively i received no value as witness rny hand richo abbey earnest town dec la i3i6 to list fk lrce twostory house comprisinga am shop and even convenience for a family siiuatc on the napane river a short distance belom the napane mills attached to the premises are three acres of ground and a very jrood store house apply at this onice kingston ljth april 1326 ot no 23 in the broken concession in the township of murray county of north- bui i id in the district of newcastle con taining two hundred acres of land there are on the premises a commodious dwelling house barn stable and out houses the land is of an excellent quality well watered and in a slate of cultivation also hois no 14 and 16 in the rth eoression and nos 19 20 22 and 24 io the seventh concession of the township of rawdon county of hastings in the midland iiistiict for further particular apply to george macaulay agent for ihe proprietors fptember 9 iea ths4jld like o a nnsr t ap continental 5sccxaticht ax i v blaxit deeds u memorials lr mlc at jks ot from sackets harbor to vt1ca by way of watertown and low ville un througli every day sundays cx- m ccptcd the proprietors of this line of stages have spared no pains or expense id procuring- good horses and carriages and mak ing such other arrangements as will conduce to the comfort and coniieace of passengers a line of stages r now running daily from watertown to cave vin cent and kingston so hat passen gers tour- from canada by takiogthis route will be sure of a speedy conveyance across the st lawrence at all seasons of the year watertown and syracuse stage leaves wa tertown every monday wednesday and fri- 1uy and returns on tuesday thursday and saturday through in one day when the roadb vv ill pt rimt cash paid for cokn o its and peas is w keniston aico watertown nov 0 luaii n ita subscriber ill receive proposals for sk the imsurauce for lives for aov pr riod terms ard iher particulars may be ascertain ed on application t any of the agents in upper or lower canada to whom also pros pectuses iuy be liad h smith agfeot for upper canada kingston 5 october lkb witxiam rennie wtg maker regs have most respectfully to acquaint l2 his fniends and the public that he lias pub i recommencd bosioess in his lineat the house late occupied by mr f x bochelcaux op posite the imunsion house hotel store street win r hy an anrernitted attention to his busi ness he will merit the approbation of hi for- iik r friends and the public kindlon 20th dew u26 iu the said township surrounding the works and 8534 acres in the adjoining township of belmontm the newcastle district for u hie h a deed in feenihbe given ami upon which are inexhaustible mines ol oregeneray of i nrd quality wnh fnn grained conditionally m perpettio by the go vernment as fuel reserves the condition being that the works are never permitted to cease three successive years the distance at present at which the works are supplied with charcoal is between two ard three miles the lake ore is brought hy water five miles and other ore useful to be emplcyed in the making of rood i r o a is brought by land a distance of six miles ore of the purest quality known in the british provinces may be had at an unfixed expense of mining within a few hundred yards of the works mixed with which is yellow ochre red earth and black lead in great quantities these works aie established on crow river a mile below the crow lake this river interrupted by many large rapids con nects with the river trent the distance by and to the mouth of the trent the head of navigation is 31 miles the limits of an advertisement will not ad nut of an enumeration of the many advantages of this property neither is it the purpose of the proprietor by any exaggerated statement to induce persons desirous to purchase to trust to his representation and save the trouble of personal inspection that it is at least equal to the representation here made of it any person viewing plans of the works left at the different advertising offices in london liverpool new- york philadelphia montreal and kingston will be satined added to which this circumstance is of consideration that the works are sufx to supply the province of upper canada with bar kton krcn sstlsrr and at a price much lower than they can be brought from the lower province the object in selling is to fulfil the conditi ons upon which this property was placed in the hands of the present proprietor namely to pay over the proceeds to the creditors of mr charles hayes the original proprietor such sale being demanded by the majority in amount of debts of the said creditors for further information application to be made to messrs gould do wje c co in london mr mamah4n at the works or to the sub scriber in montreal peter 3pgill montreal july 15 ltec just pu3xrsxx2d and for sale at this office u at messrs less- lies book store if liiaijston sumanack kon 327 for sale that valuable farm in ihe 7th conces sion of the township of ernesttewn lately the property of mr samuel ward it is composed of llofsio 5 and 26 in said concession and contains by admeasureiofd acres oi good land of which about 100 acres are under cul tivation there i a pood ck hard pwelllncihouse barn and other outhouses on tbe pre mises a iibeial eiedit will be given on part of the purchase money and possession maj be had immediately for further particulars apply to john kirby eso kingston or to allan macpher- son esq napanee mvu kingston 0th auguat 1121 to sell or lease several thousand aees of land en the isle of taofi for partici lars enquire of gfo macaulay i bath 6tgt l4f- just published and for sale at this office the church catechism iitrtsetcn cljrontrtc is primed and published every friday afternooa by james jiacfarlajte at his office corner of water and barrack street kingston terms v seventeen shilling and mpence per annum if ent by mail teniy shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s gd firt insertion and 7j eaeh subsequent insertion ten lines and un der 3s 4d first irertion and lod each subs quent insertion above ten lines 4d per line i for the first insertion and id per lice for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be ittwriting and delivered by wednesday noon at tbe latest no adverisementsreceived afterten oclock on the day of publication flr produce received inpayment ai tbe mat ket price agents henry cowan esq quebec phillip unsesq three river james v illiamft esq montreal messrs j j dun lop lancaster john cameron esq lochiel wm kay esq cornwall george browse esq matitm alp be us jones eq jrrescottm henry jones eq ftrockmtu josiah taylor esq perth hwhitmar9heq richmond jkhartwell esq dastard mess c j mdonald gananoqut j mkenieeii bah allan mcphervon evq napanct thomas parker esq bellvile joseph a keeler eq cramahe jamrs g bethune eq hamilton david smart e q port hope william allan i york daniel ross esq vitloria john crooks tq niagara charles bigfrr eq canal rese munmjf rev mr johnson jwhcrttburgk george hughet l advlplmxtown hugh mdould ebq hy may