Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 4, 1827, p. 2

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fll i 1 the partys namei when ofiii rf where bofil 4 itilitv name j fihii wli1 place removed to tit riovime tf at wlti time 7 present renidenre ft addition decree or occupation 9 sinatu lo d lie of register 11 number of ihe registry if asthf fanners journal says the pari is uot ashamed la admit these facts tv hii harm do liiey i heard last year a post heal about a ieclarntory act now i wonder those so vev anxious about a declarator act did nor discover ilial the present is in fact a de- clatnry act noi a general declaratory act so preposterously advocated bui to each indivi dual having lesidej tven years in f he pro vince clearly a declaratory act il provides that every person who declares in the regis ters the facts above stated mid lakes the oath shall be ipsofwto naturalized vi hut he was before is iwi slated but whatever lie nas subject denizen ur alien tie is ipso facto thenceforth and lor ever naiurblized is not an individual declaratory hn embruriog those who ought to be embraced preferable friable io a general one which must directly or indirectly include almost all the present in habitants of ftp united stares the good people of the country should not suffer themselves to be carried away with the idea tint this act is a hasty iinasuie devis ed without regard to their feelings or their claims they should pause ere they condemn and not view ihe question with a jaundiced eye ihey should 1 iy aside prejudice and arm themselves against the artful schemes of those who strive to mislead them it is self evidani that the government desires to iiainialize all vho wish it equally obvious that in adding to the numbers of h subjects and extending their privileges i must be her interest so tu procee that she may receive into her familv an accession of friends gratified with their in trodncion and cordially welcomed the sell evident facts that in the present case tin- interests of lie people and of the govern mem must be identified that the course most satis factory to the people a far as consistent with either principle or precedent hum he mom a- greeihle to llie king nj that io give lost cause of offence would be unsound policy ami nor adviseanle will alone convince all liberal minds that ihe course puimied is the result of the matures deliberrrl jon and hie suggestion o the niosl patieiii investigation directed lj the comparative claims and the relative siifna- tion of all concerned that it is the matured plan of that government by which all our aneriis have ben so fully appreciated and so amply rewarded by which this country and its people have been fostered and cherished from the begin ing that government which by its valour hail preserved the liberies of other nations and by its wisdom and justness com manded the admiration and applause of all the civilized world aged ponse was giving an account of her mis fin tune- m chambers ton musi allow your wifi gn a week or i shill semi yon lo ijiimoo defendant i hope you will reduce the sum its more than she is worth mr chambers indeed i shall not yon have behaved disgracefully to this pom old creature atd if yon hesitate in paying that sum uii shall go to pi i mi the dclcndaiit reluctantly putting his hnno into bin pocket drw out tin hrm weeks ill- lowince and handing it over to his wife said there i hope j ou will live just to spend that nod no more wife retorting upon him said youll go fist although i am old in ae i am not in constitution tin g vmrnr in gaii itr v rl o it puolif and do essc from the m0ntrkal gazkttfc from jl late london paper uatzost kazii- curious cxsc v a tradesman nam ed myskall residing in lambeth was brought up iu custody by the parish oiticcrs for refus wg to maintain bis wife one of the beadles bavins proved that the defend lflfs wife was chargeable lo ihe parish the poor i7ouian told a doleful story she said she had hern married only twelve months to her present husband and in that short period he not only squandered away a very handsome properly belonging to her but was also in the habit of boating her and nlimatelv within the last few days turned her out of the house into the streets without a penny the magistrate r j chambers esq asked their ages the defuneaol said tbut he was 45 and that his wife was on the verge of 80 the magistrate having r pressed much surprise on the folly of 1 1 tc old lady eu- tertttg into the connubial state at 60 verv late a period of life bor brother stepped forward and said that she had been completely io- lota wpsgk ty thp aikttkiik wte never cared a straw about anything but her property mr chambers your sister this poor doting old woman should have been prevent ed from marrying- this man the brother the courtship between them was keota profound secret until the knot ws tied the fact is the defendant has a great deal of small talk for the women and knowing that my poor old sister who was then and is now afflicted with the dropsy had considera ble property in the funds he gained her ovor procured a licence and they were married and all in a week and i never knew of it for a fortnight afterwards the ceremony was oo sooner over than the husband contriv ed to prevail upon her to part with a good deal of her property j mr chambers has your sister retained no part of her property the brother no sir his contrivance to do the old lady out of all her money was cu rious and 1 should like to state the manner publicly mr chambers well go on the brother your worship when he got ino bed with the old woman he was in the habit of alarming her almost into tits by pre tending to have a conversation with the devil and would frighten her by declaring that old nick woull certainly appeal o her unless she consented to give ap all the money she had iu the funds by ihe above expedient toge ther with ihe harsh treatmeut the defendant being in the habit of beating her with a ham bone he at length succeeded in getting hold of every farthing she was possessed of which he squandered away by the dissipated life he hail led ever since the wife aye indeed every word my brother has said is true then putting on hei spectacles and her head shaking with thvpal- sy she looked towards her husband and said i think after all yon will stand a chance of seeing the devil in earnest yourself you are a base man to have treated me iu the manner you have mr chambers is the defendant the first husband yon evr had the wife i hive had three husbands be fore him god help me im sure i dont know what lempiinl rue to thiow tnyelf away upon him it inusi have been his wheedling wa vs lanchter mr chambers you almost deserve to have been heedled out of your money this should he a imoii for old ladies not to think of en- lamigmio the bond of mintriiuno ai ny rt afii having arrived at three scorn yearst 10 tl defend a til was o debilitated thai ww imiycd lo ail down he said wry hub- during the investigation but smiled tfbuc his the indecent and unprecedented nbie nf go- vernmeiilm mcearnu uid msoonaiirallv prac ticed b the aid quusne iazttte tue cna dian spfxtron and heir uiiwortuy coadjutors call tor an exposition of ihe mm question ai isaue btfineea iln qpveromeoi and asmolv when dripped of mwcprconiaiinu and fabe coloring it amoonmo i m is si m pit prfpo s iall ill goveiamieat of tld provbice beadmi- iisif iciiipon the pruicipu of a mixed nninaicltv oi of a republic or in other word srwtll tlo- zovernnient follow t- example of ih mother couiiirvonr reat coiisiitiinii ctfltl nprie pow er ursfttll the leader of tiic emty be al lowed to nturp the kxrcuiive as well as the le- islaiive autboriij and by an animal von- upon taesalarx of every officer and an annual appro- priaumi of every fund whether before appiopri- aiod l lau nr not erect themselves hit ft power parainonnt to thai of the lldpvrial and provincial parliament v hose kct of pennaiieni appropria- ilmi would by ucti vote bo superceded and anm- ailaed ii cannot be controverted lha loch wttild ren der the popular branch of ihe provincial legisla ture supreme d depot ic xviihoiii other check ban its own will for if emablished every pub lic officer would for tii bread he annnally de pendent upon their capitce favour or prejudice ihe elleei w hereof is dreadful even to be cuninn- dated in ihcorx but iu practice xxouhl be mill oioie intolerable what a ource of low intrigue eorrnpuon and injnnce would thereby u en gendered ii i- eaiei to conceive than describe i i hope i matte meolij f m oiiiue citupse- eusiblc o all xxbo admire our present limited iovemment upon hriijsli principles to at tempi to convince ihose who aim at it destruction tinder hr mali of aiiecfrd patriotism ivovld be hopeless folly lax my account to be assailed by a tor- rem of vituporaive ahue for this aiirmpi but i hall consider it a bufficieiil rompensaitou tl i suc ceed in opening the eyes of au portion oi his tajetys wellmeaning subjects lo the ruiu xxiocb n st result from tlie system of the assembly being established it would produce a revolution in disguifcc ameanre doublcs aimed at by tbeajpi- talon but xxhodare not openly avow it in the year 1810 the assembly addressed sir dames craig contrary to all coufltituilooal pre cedent and said tna ibex lamented having been 10 long a bunhen upon the genernsii of ihe mo- her countrv but tat now happily tlie xxeie ableaud wluipg lo relieve her bv paying 0c whole civil expenses of the province sir jams after remarking upon thai extraordiua po- redure srwipd that h- u tricu men oisfe n a ure pled of their fuulte od diiiiou xvhcii merer his majety skotitd see lit to call upon them for the p meat of such expenses have- ing made no reply to iliia ihey admitted the pbdge winch however ihey had not redeemed although o solemnly made excepting in ihe year lfels in manner k rmrntioned on the contrary will ii be blvcd thai to evade the redemption ihex allrdj ihat it a- naeautonyo pay such expenses as t y thought fit and proper sti catidlotsa breaci of faun is uliexaoipted do tbej consider iba promise ofa wholfnioan only isefdiilmeni of i part and exeu that parr dependent upon ihe v i uf the giver only of which the receiver is not in judge sppoinj thai sir daoirs bad accepted i net r oiler and thereby brought or a discussion of ibe quantum is it not certain thai he would axr repiobatfd bcir de- cepiiois aid consider d h an insuli to luoe pro posed thai the oliuer oiiorcrnioeot should bede- livcrfd over hound hand and foot nod without iihcrerrtrity im tue haiaues il c enjoyed than annual dopeudrftce rpon popular caprice would he not have spurned a ihe iova ot naklng 1 1 majesty arid lux kup reseat alive parties tosuch jjlojin injumjcf ill i life iio pctaon 0111 ilare tojuify icfl conducinud yet ihe assembly iinblusln ngl 3 avow awl persist in it such are the men wboaim at ruling lis by seitloj at dcli- ance every jus principle of public conduct a formal application for pa ment of ihe civil ci- peiura or civillist was however not mad until 1818 in ihe time of sir john sherbroke when the assembly after talking weejcs to consider of ihe requisition under the pretext of waul oi lime ad- dreted him lo pav the amount asked for in pound r shillings aud pence and they would make 5 ii good thus giving the goby 10 ihe legislative ouwcil who afterwards concurred in an act lo htfv coxer it here was a practical proof that the of fer originally made meant the whole civil expen ses and consequently no dtlicoltj could be honesi- l made to any ihtngafiervxa d asked tor if nn- responding with ihe matter of the said gram of i81s utiles in vo lai a uiight relate to air future increaie of salary or penioaor any new office or pennon mibsequeuily created every thing else being in good faith covered by the theoretical of fer io sir james craig aud its practical fuliil- meut m his aid sicccsor in ih government all this however is to be annulled anil give way to the usurpation attempted by the a em- bly who in exiending their pietenions dico- vered that a great impediment hereto vx a- the permanent revenue arising from 4 cis of the im perial and provincial parliaments aud ihe kings usual and territorial revenue all of which were permanently appropriated and placed be yond the reach of their poxver it therefore became necessary tn broach the doctrine of annual vo es bx chapters and items regardless of anterior permanent appropriation and tills has been pftbisicd in notwithstanding the governor in chief by commend of his majtfs- tv required according 10 british practice zsa a lectin ty for the permanency of government and the protection of iitnfnceis thai ft civil lisi ap propriation for the life of the king should be granted this was refused and bills of supplv seut upliotihiied upon their extraordinary claims which wero rejected by the legislative council whoenieifd upon their journal the reasons for such rvjeciiun the aseoibl in a report or address i forget which wherein was rrnbodted their new preten- ions iisscried ihat the appropriation of ihe dalles levied oitder llie j4ih m lit cap s xvas re pealed by ihe i81i1 of jro 1 1 1 cap pi which rv- pull or address being iiaihiumed to england was by hillis majeatvs tiommiimeni refened to the consideration of the law ilrieers of ihe crown who reported lhai the kaid actofl8h geo 111 xia entirely prospective and had no rcrropecnw opeiaiion unless i herein eipeciallv mentioned that it didutj repeat the appropriaiiou by the act of nih geo iii t ap 88 bu if il bad dour so the duties would liave been icpded and liolhldg left to appropriate the hume naoning bad been ucd bv ihe leiiiive loincil in their a- foresaid rcnsons asaium ihe bills of supplj hum the asftubl x and none but person ulliieieil with fncliocs bliudiio could baxr oei looked ihe ubsttf- iln ui then own arguments an aci of the lm- pntal iai liamrul a since declared he i lh cro ill cap h ii be in foee but ihe aseinblx ncvcruicleai pejjllu their crooked traths in acn the serioui in- tnc oihrt of govern cut paid hie atartcs i p nd runrm c- rnrc notwiib lrir rejection of ihoe supply poll muslins to f h rx iraordmary cimiuiauci lir ra lhr act iha- limbing mpaid thai bad not been eaofiioitedln tone- preci panicujarly by ihe ote of imljt md ihe qurnt crtiitifinanou hereof by ihe le urgislamre tor mis hu mane conduct lie mcritecd pi ante no cenmirr and probably ibe facnim creii confided in thai buinanii v liriiijj a tliri i prcv uiiob of me heriooconsocueice wjuch otbcjwue would ban brhj aiimiijini upon tbii mrasiires but i uv tn t hey had n ae ivjnlicc to ue n aa handle l cl moor thioiutc ot ihingfl cntiuinurd until the govern or ueut to luglo ti and wa micceetfed in ihe ail- minisiraiion bx n ivaioris biirtou line h max ol bf iirellivewi io pinne thai hie asemnl hail parsed a bill logiaoii m mm bx domeaii ad- duimiiol nliouaiee tin alatx ad iou inn whili he coutiinird iu one fnvmre this a opposed in the lecitfauvie council upon ibe con- sihutional piiirpl thai salaries phoujd be ioiie oinceaol not the nfficcir for that itfherwise yiem of corrupt favoritito or piejudiceai mrglu snltthe leader- of iteda aouhj be llie couse- jiieitcc the lillfioevii pad ard tas ane- nored bx the fioverunri sr fiance burton itknoduceil a new svstem iu opposition hi the uo ai mnti uction htcil being disapproved ol bv the si- ciai x id vae he snel teied iitmelf imdr the fain that he bad not in his p0viou mich iniructurr or lie xxuuid tiaxe o sexed iliciu tacsecd larx admiifd of iosex- cusc as ii personal exouc aion irom biame bm vs iihout auv aliciaiion of ihe inm c io or ap proval of tie bill uic io ed by mr flancis cou- iraij thereto thex ui remain in foiceandaie acted uptii paction bai mane a nuie about tin pieieiiiiing that ihe ceusure of iuc up ly bill of 1825 was wilidiawu aoiigwnh me censure up on him whereahisovn excuse for acting ai he did irox ihe cuiinarj toe dttierence rsessen- lial and well icoovvn to ihe clique hue they call ed for the letter of september ib2 mih a xu- lamiabiuha chum to get laid before mem tiie correspondence with liii majestys loxcinmeii aihig soprrmely arrogaal and for which ihe goternur has hnnelf par l lo blame lor hi cour tesy oo omc funnel occaiou when a bimilai uppjicotion should have a once iad a direct nega tive whoever heard of an pcrson ovn even from an attorpey his tnsiructiocsr jfese urr be i ween hiua and hi const iineni to whom on- lx he ii responsible foi their fulfilment it the kings representative to meei won les consider ation and deference wi frlxiis ma aly imposed upon by the leaders of die assembl who made iiim believe hi a i they bad abaodonta the matter in dispuie which belief is cieailx jroved by his writuig to the secretary of slate nimcdiael after the cose of ihs scsftioil of 1825 hat lie bad settled every thing this seulrment nhej den by ibcii reroloiioi rcaen ibei toiuer pre tniiuii the fac is thai they cue not one fai ining about him or hievculpatioulioiid tbeiuctlie make ofhiuj lo mive their own purposes had lie re mained here another svgiotl ihere would have been a mom serious bnach between ihem wttfa elimination and lecrinivation in abitjiiaiee a- boin deception tiiat fticy imposed upon him here can be no doubt bin bow mcy citified their puipoe 1 know noi ir how ihe leplaiive couoci i became so ioleciffl a io tuu tail auoii ibeir former principles and thereby receive lire lefihanded piamcsomhc clique all 1 know ix that were t a conncdlor 1 would consider such praise asatt insult in im iii imiiuiv ot 18i conideied by sir irjncts as teriiittihcvig all difticuiires and lauded by the assembly model fur tiie lu- inie the difference in amotint between tns re- quisioil by the estimate do n to itiat iiouse and by that bill was oily somewhat above 3000 sterling cometijqtly it sanctioned e- very thing else cuinprerded in those esti mates ami therefore avoiding to the piinci- ples of equity and common sense nothing of similar import iii futuk estiuiaes could be fairly quoiioiiiible unle h be contended thai the assembly is absolved ww all inie of gut- tluiice bin its own oaprtce now as every article comprehended hi be aforesaid difier- siittal amount wassaoeupned by fouuei pie- rederils and had been tpetedly piid some oftbem even or twentj v rij preceding lte withdrawal of thai anion from me bill could only have beeo for the purpose of leading their idol into error rcg dlessol it a piool of theii own iuconsisteiip and injustice to judge by the cliinru urtificiilly raised ami indostioiisly propa one would sup pose ihat the uruvemnr o beltl ppliing tilt public mouies io private cornqn purposes oil the coniuiry lam hdni mat noi a shilling was touched oy liimpeisonailyjbeyond his own established allowance nor sanctioned by hinti but for a public purpose the expen diture has been annually ic counted for in de tail by the list of vvarrintc issued and accounts sent to the assembly ani mi part of it affect ing the province is htypt concealed the know full well thr ihey are dissemina- iseboods about theexpenditure- mucii has been said about the letter to sir francis liuvton receive and opened by mr daly and the direction in afterwards received to gel ii put upon record but according to my humble apprehension ih governor could only bave been justifiable ta d so by receiving a copy from tiie secretary of state another chanrfel of conveyance isirreular and bears a suspicious aspect and ins extraordinary that the clique howsoever tiey go ihe informati on should have asserted and circulated sir franciss exculpation btiore the communica tion made by mr dal of the letter in ques tion the agitators have for years before the time of ihe present governor been systematically labouring to inculcate dmium of governmerl as a principle this is iicolbpntible with good order in society which atmof exist without government such met call themselves loyal subjects as if mere professions in eppusition to their act ons could etttith them to thai cha racter they seem to rtlo at siue concealed purpose hit be iusufction iliey will fail of their object for the piople enjoy loo much practical comfort and happiness to go to that extent in support of snchleaders but the peo ple should beware of riskng- that happiness by listening to the advice ofa band of political de ceivers who are attempiilg io niaue them be lieve iii ftttevaucagj vvliidl mecontradieed by the evidence of their senos- the conduct of the clique is uol only bse but cowardly for ifthiv tlitl not know thtf ihegreai difference of station i wu3 a personal protection to them ihey would not dare 10 tiu to the kings repre sentative ihe sciinilous lantiae they do through ihe medium oftteir picsses a strong remedy aiiaixsl the present abuse of the constitution is iiidspgnsablo lo prevent its forms from hcino usej lo vvoik its deslnic- tion il is in vain to irvft nr 3 remedy here the imperial pi liaunetf whose power is as- siilcd nuts apply it i i a melancholy ttmb thai the evtl disputed veiy where are alwiysumic active th the well affected thefiiends of ovenmvni arc apathetic in rmuits euercetic fttid jmematic one thins i is curtain ihat no iovniiw can hope lor quiet dmiua his ndiniiiisiratioi here unless he xvil betiuy iii crust and sithwu to be dictated to by a faction vrho from examples ihat could be hcwii would iiiiineirilully fleece the people for their private purposes il they could ac complish what they aim at namely getting all power luto theii own hands all is profession and misrepresentation every democrat is at heart a tyrant aud when he attains office ill variably proves it ol all tyrannies a popular ly emit is ihe most hopeless and unrelenting too asminbly it pnrmiance of lltcii system to make every thin tepentjciit upon their will have been long eitdeavofliin to make the du ration f dels two rears nnlv if they could gl id of perm onill acts iikmi il would be io iheir power p liodirally io dissolve ihe internment unless iheir measures wfrfl acce ded io tins mode 0 legislation makes a shew of a gieal deal of business withnni lite re ality of ii bm exclusive of the erroneous prin ciple ii involve- fexttptinj as to nets of piinitn the si a i lite hook is thereby itselt wily kiadedj anil unnecessary tx pence incurred the astmldv makes a parade of being rea dy to r1 an i supplies upon the principle of the act of 182 which has been disapproved of by his mnjestys government ami must continue to ho o as it would anciioii ihe niosi danger- ens and absurd pretensions and sup- rserie the authority of the imperial and provincial le- glslatiirei as belorp stated it is hib time fr the friends of govern ment to unite in iu snppoitels i they may have reason to curse the fully which induced theii present supmciess a constitutionalist april 1011127 xafurafage of man txrrx plivmnan who re- tierth nil irji bilj ti vvilirmnaitt lltai there are bar dot i oyiog aieclj- abrosid rim rig mn nnc- ixksn immiiehavtr- imiltl dkm f sdr row lcl a man bluiii lee foi it tak tecidni exer cie in flibh an le umpeiaif iu ra nip and drinkitgaud iu all lh habi be pmrt nt m avj- ding epoure and ti a li n d preserve an e qtial dipoiiinii mt miilonn rlierifrtltrss and if he has not oni ehuniiiinial rfi asc bieli bv in- lieriifd front wrjutrfole a fiundrtd yearmuy uiio ilie protceimii ol dixmc piovidence lie in- ponjun on earth tii ii s ae all who tiav a g d i antral con itutjoii miphi linpe toattoiu bx piaciimng the rules above men ioi ivito intil the sskostobj 2say 1327 from the quebec iercfp y execution tu naorninjr a little before nine oclock the two monnnjues who weie convicied with ross aud lie oilier two unfor tunate men who suffered on saturday were laken hum ihe gaol if this ciiy to be convey ed lo ihe place of execution since the death of their associates in guilt ilipy have fully confessed ibeir crime and it is lamentable o add that if any belief is to be given it the statements of these men both kuss and ellice who died protesting heir innocence where each present and active in breaking into mr masse house nt i ui levi a strong par ly of the 71st jiiebl nd vf ntrhy f-rrx- ded as an escort aud the procession moved in ihe following order the high constable and a party of peace officers a division of the sol diers the cart with the coffin of the elder j lite monaique ihe prisoner following on foot then llie cart and coffin of the oiher culprit w ho followed in the same way both prisoners were closely escorted by constables on lea ving the gaol the elder prisoner smiled turn ed round and taking off his hat bowed to the inmates ol the piisuu who were lookins out of the windows both appeared perfectly firm and collected the procession moved in slowtime through ihe marketplace in the lower- town where ihe steamboat was wuiiimr at hunts wharf to convey them across the river notwith standing the state of ihe xveather there xvas a great concourse of spectators many of whom crossed in boats and other crafi to the somb- chmc the cauley rift riot oftut rilffv mirned out with their accustomed alaciiij and piii- baiued as an additional escort a partv of the rifle corps also paraded on the wharf bin for want of room in ihe steamboat the chambly dirl not cross it has not been the general practice to carry the sentence of death into execution except close to the prisou and it was some days past intimated to the sheriff lhai ihe inhabitants of point levy considered the execution of tbfi criminals in then parish as a stigma upon tbeni and that under ibis impression they uiiir ht pos sibly idler some interruption if the escort con sisted only of unarmed peace officers in con sequence of this intelligence the officer made a requisition for a military detachment and from some circumstances which we have not fully ascertained the escort was increased as we have above stated having disembarked at the iiunson wharf the procession proceed- ed io ihe place of execution near the church of poiute levi fulfill iffiwd at the place of execution i he sheriff produced a reprive for ihe youn ger imonarque michel and after some time scent in devoiion the kxecutioner proceeded to perform his office upon the elder prisoner the brothers took leave and the scene was most affecting but an unfbriiumte eci- dent occurred which rendered it truly lis- iressing when the unhappy man alter mounting the fatal ladder had been turned oil the noose being ill tied he fell to the ground he instantly cried for pardon jugagne mon pardon but of course the sheiiii bad no discretion and iiih executioner returned to ihe discharge of his duty the halter was again placed about the neck of the culprit and the law look its course after hanging the usual time the body was cut down and buried at the foot of the gallows the pardoned man returned to the prison about wo oclock as he walked up moun tainstreet escorted by peace officers he sp eared much agitated by ihe scenes he had pas sed throught iu the course of the morning although we have no doubt that ihe infor mation upon which mr young acted fnliy warranted the request he made we ate hap py in adding that the orderly conduct of the inhabitants rendered the military attendance unnecessary and that so far from manifesting any disposition to obstruct the course of jus tice i company of militia was under arms lo assist in preserving order and ihe whole of ihe assembled concouise behaved with singu lar propriety each of the monarqres addressed the pub lic michel speaking fust they spoke to the same effect declaring ihe justice of their sen tence expressing their contrition or their crime and adding that in grating thai a fe male iu mens clothing had been present and aiding at ihe burglary they bad stated b falsehood for which ihey also asked pardon ol god we have ihis week received our regular files of ew york pupcis btil they furnish nothing later from europe titan were contained iu our last number we have much pleasure in giving insertion to he communication of slqmire the wri tings of this xciuleman wu always receive with satisfaction the energy of his diction and ihe peculiar strength of his reasoning powers must have before now commanded the respect of all our readers and il is not perhaps iherefoie a manor of much wonder ihat the opponents of the doctrines whicl he advocates have not in one instance had ihe courage io meet his arguments in another coh mn will be found an able article by a constitutionalist on the same sub ject on which slcpsure treats which we copy from ihe montreal gazette the subject is every way worthy of ihe public attention prices current in the kingston market beef 5d to 3d imutlin 5d to id veal fid iii tulaiues fcggs iu uuer 3d to lod flower cs 6d to 9s hay 8 pe too melancholy casualty as john cameroi esq halppay officer and agent for the town ships locbaber and templeton ays tbe ca nadian courant was on the 12th inst pro ceeding towaids hull on the grand river in a canoe together with mr campbell his son- inliw and a third person whose name we have not learnt the canoe was upset by a floating mass of ice and mr cameron was un fortunately drowned his body was taken out of the water wiihir about twenty minutes and on opening a vein the blood flowed but no o- ther svinpioms of animation appeared as a soldier during the last wr bus character stood very liigft and he posseved mam good quali ties both iu the relation oi a father husband brother and friend he has left an amiable wife and numerous family to deplore bis pre mature fate and fiom the situation which he filled as magistrate and government agent his death will be a public loss birth ai quebec on tuesday the 27th ultimo the lady of captajo john clarke 76th hindostau ret ofa son com married at west flumboro by the reverend r lccming on tuesday evening- the 17th ultimo the fcv a n bet i rune rector of grimsby v c fifth son of the irte rev john beth nne of gleogary and former ly chaplain lo his majestys wtb regiment of foot to miss lane klizs c topic hdff daughlher of james crooks lsq oi ihe former place wo observe that at a convocation of kings college windsor kovascotia on the 7lh february the honorary degrees of doctor iu civil law were confeorcd on a number of gentlemen among- them were the vencrubk archdeacon gcorgeokill stuart of kiogstou and his brother james stuait esq the allot oey general of ibis province quebec jlcr oo saturday last hi excellency the lieu- tenant governor arrived from stamford and was received on landing from the stcura roa canada by a salute from the garrison o tuesday his excelleocy inspected tba4dtti ftegiinent aud oo the same day embarked for stamford v loyalist to ihe editor of the kingston chiouicie sir although tl e constitutional question now at issue betwfen lord dalbousie and ihe commons of lovxei taeaiii docs uot imrne diaiely affect the prople of llti- province ne vertheless as their attention has been directed to it by a wiiier in the upper canada heiald of the 17th instant it may not be amiss to say a few words upon it had not this writer in bis concluding para- graph distinctly assimilated the policy and constitutional right o the measures now pur sued in lower canada and ntbei colonies with the measures pmsicd by lotd north in 1773 had he not endeavoured to shew that as the hitler jntind ittutance so does the former we might be im lined to think mat ibe pious exclamation ill the conclusion of ihat paragraph was sinceie but as ibe whole arti cle hasfl tendency to mislead the people on a great cimswtmional question a tendency to make them dissatisfied with the conduct of the government and to justify resistance revo lutionary resistance with all its horrors he will pardon us if we withhold our belief of his sincerity tor the present and refti the cause for further proof in ihe mean time weean assure him that whatever may be his feelings or his feats we ourselves have an unconquerable aversion to revolutionary calamities lo politi cal persecution or any otbui kind of persecu- lion 10 being shot in our beds or any where else to confiscation of our property and ba nishment irom oui cuumiy even by the so vereign people we wish to live and die in peace in happy british north amcnca and ate lesolved to do every ihiuj in our power to avert from ourselves and i hildien the cvil of revolution nor have we anyl or any cause io fear ihat the government will dnveus into these evils by maladministration jt appears if xve hcliev- chatham that it has become quite fashiuiiuttlv for stjtemen of ui panics ft condemn the policy and nrciple f taxation vvbiih occasioned i lie re vol i of ihe ihii teen tolonies and as aecmdii io him tie quesiion between lotd dalbousie and the common ul lower auada i su h slant ialfj nc same as the qui slum id 1775 lie no doubt think that to but fashionably ctjnisieut all parlies must ihlitv iii ondcinnu his lord ship and their resistance will become quite fasldonaltlt but sir chatham will not bo ihlo to bring us all at once into thiox7 ojiii- bk extreme we think ih it if the nobus loid md mis majestys ministers have fallen into a constitutional error ihey will most readily

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