Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 11, 1827, p. 2

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aaa tbe fteu of the ojj mm sunk into tin i grass n lulc lc was speaking as though the fi nal separation in which he alluded had in hh own case actually ornirud and at the next jusniut ii uctid o wild hoisemen whiiled bv anil carrying tlievoitflgcsl child an well a- liiev could ilii- rnormnnii diauce ai brur ihvy nero relieved bv some kiilth person uliii iave iliie a ubcl 1 1 inti in fui ward ocmititip 1 uliai ruosiend amimij itieinvih consul put iln i ollfui nuiae children on hoiul a vessel which thfiu wub the pmtem rapidity id which 1 j fwr uerethcj aimed seanck might be tuivftinril a troop ufl spectres would f an 11 but worn ut wmi micry tin itcxi pass the uaikdinl flieutig tornta wers al morriiug ihe human ovmer of poverpn htfrnln ready vanished wium the rappee ventured a- a coach for lmntunj 6u neither gav thnm gain lu iaie bis bead to a llvel mith ihe laps food to eat on the road liar o farthing to pufuiusc o the lending herhsniatii a the same ny on th wad ilic grntl man nmi wa in rime lu his cumpanio 910 maintain their po- wiltons an t their silence the ore llmu down 1 he tweflj towards die micaiiij men ie continued in ins for mer guarded loots no they hah in the bot tom and an- eluteiiii together fefce deer in council by the lord tl y are turning again an iaieuot vtl done villi the reptiles i coach heard hat there wete some poor christen oilttide fld a t wim nil tie rain lt handed ni his univeltu a i ithtpt up iai mic w fiimiae aud imaile ciiiltea and leariii fftifn them ja llittl ha i neither loot mr mouev li fed iu in ivnitned ilum board nicir ad tale arid cane mi u 11 1 1 csi 10 london where they arrived at ie nrjock su utghd ai the office where the coach toppt d tijp gentleman save liie touchinatl 0rn innit he sought his friendly iverandj nmwy lo provwu ihin icttrala and lodnin i vol aucccsa pd b j la 1f b 0 i was tw soan us ho if lt s lair ftllff vrt in tmn miniali cajtu beniwt thou hfi iai in jis own men il not vter or cilluigitmifr orhrii ii tuchiait vv bkfsi if hrto tri nidad willi 0 nmen m nmies niarino whftti the trarmn nmoljlllll ul stliu number wouw fc ruvo snrvenderod rr- that rtjrther rsistancc i al been 4 episcopal church hi this place was precjpi- tilled hv some accident inmi liie top of ilif steeple and killed on the spot the deceas ed is a nitivu of ireland and abuul thiif yenrofye ho has lefcaijnv and two lildren rn oimvujf at the tet install live ilirk oiuupwere 10 he see riding in a disorderly nianier oh me ve ry smompit of ihe limie eisviiion h wna now appjfrol h t iliey had retnrncd to ivj theni- siivsnii height of the ground iu order to ex iirine the dim horizon somedismoualed while of hers rode to and fro like men encased rn a local inquiry of much interest happily for the hidden par ly the gyoss iu which they were concealed not oalv served to scree them from the eves of the savages but opposed an obstacle to pre- tch ihtir horses which were no less rude and untrained than thoir riders from tramp- lit- on tlieui i r 1 their irregular iud wild paces at longfh an altiietfc and dark looking- in dian who by his air of authority would seem to be le leader sumooned liis chi fs about lim tf a cuwiultatian which was held mount ed- this ih1v ras collected 00 the very na of 1b1t mass of herbage in which hie ttapperand ii compaolods were hid as the youna nan looked up and saw the threat ening- and tierce aspect of the proupe which vas increasing at each instant br tiie ace s- figne i-a- ji siooofsome cdu entice and rently more fcirlijding than aiy which bad precdjd it he drew his r h b a very natu ral impulse from beneath biti and oouineu- ed duiliofir i in a sate far inslanl sei vice the faritalv at his side buried her face iu the grass by a feeling tint was posiihly juile as iffiiritjj ioi llicr as aisii iljji fca ttwtt b follow the impulses of bis bet blood but bis a- ged and more prudent adviser whispered stern i v in his ear 14 th lick of the lock is as well known to thr knaves as the ol st of a t ram pet to a sol dier lay do wi the piece lay down lb- piece should the moon touch the band it could nut fail to be seen by the devils whose eyes are keener t3ii the blackest snakes the smallest amotion now would be sure to bin- an arrow among us the bee buntorso far obeyed as to conti nue imnoveable and silcul but there was still safficieu light to convince his companion by the contracted brow and threatening eye of ihe young man that a discovery would not baatow a bloodless victory 00 the savages finding ins advice disregarded the trapper t ok is measures accordingly and awaited ihrrvj uha a resignation anl calmness tiat were cbaraotersiic of the individual 1 tuejoeau tnne liie siouxs lor the saga- city of the old man was not deceived in ihe character of his dangerous visiters bad ter- min ied their council and were again disper sed j ug ihe ridge of land ad if they sougt some hid n objet t the imps have heard the hound whisper ed the trapper and their cars are loo true to be cheated in the distance keep close lad kuep close down vttb your bead to the very earth like a dog that sleeps let us rather take to our feel and trust to manhood said bis impatient companion he would have proceeded but feeling a hand la 1 rudely on his shoulder ho turned lis eyes upward and beheld the dark and savage countenance ol an indian gleaming full upon bun notwithstanding the sur prise and the disadvantage of his attitude the youth was not disposed to become a cat- tivc so easily qicker than the flash of hi own gun he sprang uioo bis feet and was thrnttlh his oppon nt with a power thai wjuld s on buretermiraled the contest wluu lie fell the ann of ihe trapper thrown around his body confining his exertions by a strength very little inferior to bis own el fore he had time lo reproach his comrade for this apparent treachery a dozen siouxs were around them anl the whole party were compelled to yielj themselves as prisoners from latcllnifon pptttts singular and affecting cask the disirescd situation of sis children who were in comequenceof their deflate co duioa adipied bv a butcher namd french who resides tit quebecstreet lwiditu auracied much anetumii some weeks ago sir ffaiici- burdett va struck with the singular humanity of the bmcher who haa number of children of liis own and directed thai enquiry should be made into the eircumsian cesof so nnosieuitiikiufaii aci of charily fiud- iug thai the facii urrecoirrctlj 5attd the wor th baronet beol a preseir ol loojuinras to ihe buieher and a serond hundred guineas for the ne of me mof children it seems that sir francis employed a gentleman to inquire into ill circutd- siancs- attending the deerlun of ihee children by the fa her and the adoption if them by this humane butcher and the fptlowds extract from ihe report made to him by the gentleman whu iuatituied the inqnir having iuquirrd the character of mr french the butcher in great quebecstreet and aeriaiucd that it was re- jiecabe 1 went to his home and eutered into convcrsanon with him respecting hr childrei tu be had laken ifllo bii family mr frei cha plain man of few word handed me info the parlour to his wife who be aid would giv me alt the infoi- enattou i desired mr freuch a most respecta ble and intelligent woman told me ibat the fa ther of ihe cbildren ovted ihem the french- neatlj 1500 upon questioning hrr how he came to owe them so large a sum of money she said lhat her huibaod hud become security 10 ihe amount of xi 000 thnt tbr father of ihe children ran awa and left them 10 pa ihemoueiuai the moite uus laied for this purpocfrotn the sale of tuo houses builr by mr french with the saving of a careful life 1 then aked her bow 11 happened thai sh uudor such circuttuncp took ihe children in and how it also happeued th 1 her huband had agraed to ii bhesaiil we vnew ihecliildreu it wa no fauli of iheirb thai tbeir father had defrauded tis they were more ttiiscrable 1 han can be described and not to have tauru them in wnuld have been cruel in be ex treme she fed them cleaned the in put aide then rag- clothed ihcm in the garments of hr ov n children and lodged them iu heruwo house a lull converaiug with this excellent woman a lall p l person ratqc iu and vta intro- dovcd u ini a ihr eiiileiiiau who hud seep the tldfu on the uover koad and fioin him i vi o d the fallowing particular the father of i- 1 id en detrrfed them at homie on the rhine m tin made iheir nainful a to adla gbahc aud ihcocc to bruueb beggioe for food whici lie ttnoex look to do ihe gpiiiletnan a ii he uutild call iiii a the office next morning but ihe brute tiiateild nl pet forming in promise hand ed the children rer in the care of a black nviu who oi jnhhed aboul ihe iffiv and he left ihem at one of ihe mosl wrecheil id our w nich ed hroibek thti people werejionewr finoiui e and boding thai iheonu person in london known 10 the chili en wa mr fiench ih cnl iicn ki his house and he tonk them in nex mirnmg lite geiiileman called a ihe oiiice iv hell all he iuielli- eucc he could obtain was ilai thev had been i- een in charge of a black man all- r several horr- search ihe geiilrman found fit black man find through him traced llm child re u n liie house ol air fieiihaml liere he found tnein tlr cliil- di en 1 ill 1 emain iu the hone uf mr frerch w ho ha eight of his o 11 the youugest uf waici i s ill in aat lour of the orphaa children gi to the natioual school in marvh bone the eldest a youth is variously employed and one of hegiu is afflicted with ague and fever the rx raoni- nary conduct of mr and mis french cannot he 100 highly estimated uud aeii uouiu have been im proper to have hfi nucii worthy people with o heavy a charge upon ihema subscription ha been et on foot wliichil i imped mav oliimately en able iheveiy nonhy people to provide in -oni- way for the children whom they have rescued from deiructioiit sir waltell scott this gentleman bat addressed the fotlowtog letter to ihe editor of the cdinbnrh weekly journal 2i i jxn etirrmeli mrfjp i 1ve no irimnr lo coueci the copy yon sent me of whai lam stal ed to have said at the dinner for ihe tiieairicil fund 1 am nonrator and upon tuch occasions a- are alluded l 1 say aa we lla i can what the lime nqnire however ihtpeour reporter has beeu more accurate iu other instance- than 111 mine 1 have corrected one passage iu vvliich i am made m pcak with great impropriety and peiulence iesicliug ihe opinions of 1100 ho do nor approve of dramatic euetiainment i have restored wliat t aid which oieat to be re tnl as every objection founded in conscience uin roj opm on entitled to beo treited oiher er- rors 1 lefi as i found ihem it being of liule con- ijiui whether i spoke sense or uoscose in- tchat merely intended for the purpose of the hour 1 ain5jiryoir obedieii veimiui edinburgh monday waltir beerr ihonti unavaihug b erglish ihcmsi ives this muaij wasehnged and the new men braug tl irilh tbsni fh hope and no exhaust ed sirrnoih och formed a tain pari within the breach ol uioadoeft and barn is shifs hammocks chn awning- fee filicil with said and nihbi u supplied ibu place nf walls and dilthcs sanson the com mandant prouounccl broach practicable hie opinion was relied 0q xvhh to more con fidence because he u wouactiirauitcd with the place but ihe chplniu who wa ordered lo load theassaiilt thought otherwise ho hail been in ihe spanish m rviceand in garrtona1 lhat very fori and he s thm it whs not pos sible to enter there nevertheless he would make ihe ai tempt if hp were ordered witli the certainty of perishing in it and loading his party lo destruction i uider such nrcunistan- ccs it requires more firmness lo give the or ders than to oh y bul it is of a ditercnt kied th- order was jivco and the officer pirihed sis he had fureseetl an i foretold w lieu the breach had been rendered pracucable a tnoro formidubla assault was made lrd ioeh- ratjrf had prepared for it wifhtbat sporlivuness by winch english sailor wt s itiucb charac terised as schoolrsors- iv not ottir stationed men with bajouels irnmediatety within the breach to give tle assailants ra uimcdfeti grcbtinji but he laid well frreased planks a- cross the breach upon which mny cf tb freacb slipped and fell in en devouring to pass the enemy butfbj 0 1 a severe loss ou an occa sion there was in lord cochranos conducl here and ii all places hie conffrnpt uf dan- fep which iu former acs trould liave htei imputed to a reliance upon chinns and vrkieb never fails lo inspire confidence oucewhile the bseiger6 weie balteriog the fort the spa nish tliif fell into tho ditch b nt til 01 self we have from good authority lhat it is the rnteitiion of government to apply ihe ivarefiousiivg tyacm to the inland trade of tin anurias and that montreal kingston and sf johns ft ill bo declared free ivarehousink poils limited as iescels impous from w to iiiiisii vessels only ii i ino stiid that fresh beef fresh pork and fresh fish will bu ndimted finm be unit ed stalo luiv free but salted provision only as at piosent ad milted loi expormtioo iu iw kundlind tliedutieson indian and french iik goods nu ported fniui the united siuus are to be raised to jj per cent and ihe iiu ties 011 american iiianufntturcd goods to the rales levied on british jods in ihe pons ul ihe untied states there will he no abate ment it is said of the duties on colonial iini her married thw morning h ih rev 1 lh stutut mr jaiiie moms of brofkvill merchant to miss emily murnej of ivi tou s down hv rope through a shower of ball to recover it reurrfld unhurt aud planted it a- sain upon tlu- yvalls hie citadel at length having been battercfl in brearh till it was no longw tenable capitulated and the garrison inarched out with the honours of ar loid cecil ran e then saw thit any further lesistanct in fort trinidad wai impossible and having maintained its shat end waits 12 days aftei they had been deemed untenable he embark ed all his men and blew up the magazine died at williarrston otaflgft on 1 he 97111 ult in the nth year of his ajrt dun- ran alexander eldest son of duncan came- ruuesfj m p p at charbtrenhursrh glcngary on the 2fth ult after n livtgeriig ijls- mrs john mac doocll aged 35 years at lancaster on the same day of consump tion miss margaret maephereoo in the ijiu 1 ar of hrr n- iljl- north west passage a letter from mr doaglas the botanist to dr hookr recenij r- eived dated from ihe great falls oa ihe columbia river con tains ihe following paragraph u there is here u m alacleod who spent ihe last live years at fort good hope on the vlackeozie kiver he informs me thai if the notives ivith whom lie is perfectly acquainted are worthy of credit there is a north- west passage they describe a very largo river that runs parallel with the mackenzie and falls into the sea near ley cape al ihe mouth of which there is an establishment on an isl and where ships come to trade they asert that their people are very wicked having han ged several of the natives to the rigging they wear their beards loug some reliance i should think may belaid on their strlemcnt as mr muclcod showed in some russian coins combs and several uriicles of hardware very iifierent from hose furnished by the british company mr maclepd caused the natives to assmme lust summer for tho puaposo of accompanying him in bis departure for hud- titos kay tliuott la ftail 10 we ua sukl july from s0utaeys his tort tftoe pkmxsular war vol ii on the 16h november 1800 the french attempted to carry fort trinidad by storm they wcro repulsed returning in greater strenglh they forced the outer gate and en deavoured to force the second but here such a steady fire of musketry and handgranades was kept up against them that thty retired a second time leaving many of their men under the walls during the night of the 27th an attack was made upon the town the helpless part of the inhabitants had been removed by sea at the first approach of danger there were about five hundred men stationed there some of whom were peasants the other parts of the garrison thev defended themselves with a courage to which the french who are seldom just to their enemies bore witness but they were overpowered about 300 fell and hardly 50 escaped into the citadel the conquerors immediately established batteries under cover of the houses then set fire lo the houses and cut off the communication be tween tbc citadel and the fort they render ed it also impassible for ihe english to com municate with ihe citadel the ctladel was soon in a desperate slate and the fui t might have been considered so lor it was at this time battered in a bread and a passage to the lower bombproof being nearly atlicledthe marines of the fame were withdrawn at this juncture lord cochrane arrived in the imperieusc duiiug the month of september this gallant officer with his sin gle ship had kept the whole coast o langue doc in alarm destroying ihe newly construct ed semaphoric telegraphs which were of the utmost consequence to the numerous coasting convoys of ihe french al bodique la pin- ede st magnire frontignan canet and foydemolisbed fourteen barracks of the gens d amies blown up a battery and the strong tower upon the lake of frontignan and not only prevented any troops from being sent from that province into spain but excited such dismay there lhat 000 men were drawn from figueras to oppose him the coasting trade was entirely suspended during this a- lann and with such consummate prudence were all his enterprises planned and executed thai not one of liis men were either killed or hurt except one who was singed iu blowing up the battery lord collingwood with his wonted pro dence had intrusted cochrane with his dis cretionary orders lo assist the spaniards whenever it could be done with most ptobabi- tiie c3ec1tig5l our bngljsh dates are down to the io1i1 of april the following icms we copy from ihe albion the eorn dories bw passed to a second reading in the house f commons ob the 2d april by a voce of 51-f- 78 in a loiuton pa pi r rf the ssfll march it is said thai the coftespfttjlence had closed be tween mr canting tffd mi gallatin the times sas me last totei o mr canning shuts the door nj on tt negotiations 01 the present on the trade ol meiica uhh the bri tish colonies lord liverpool continued feeble england and rusil yr stated to be de cidedly in favour of the emancipation of gi eecp tlie influence of ihe english in portugal is men tinned is becoming nnpopular there is some opposition to the appoint- menl of mr inning i sfsl minister bui iiess in parliament ii heen suspended until the new formation of the tntui tiy is complet ed riot had occurred l ai1 election in car- tblt teuw lorinrv rtv ikw bm wj fired upon and killed wounded several persons the hole country a bremen as far as co- id he seen was uij water proceeding from the melliug snow a conspiracy in fav n don carlos the brother of ferdinand psaid 10 have been de tected in spain it is asserted thai sii v clinton fell back from cofmbra to the liu ofztzete m canning iniimned in ihe house of commons 011 the 80th march lhal his mi- jevry had signhed to the friends of lord li verpool lhar he could ot longer delay ap pointing a new premier the corn bill passed as first brought in by mr cjanningi with the exception of rhe alter ation on bailey as mentioned iu another part of our paper 1 r r the albion contain a long gazette a- mong be promotions and appointments we ob- setve ihe following ordnance office jutrch 10 i8i27 royal regiment of artillery see lieut h obri- en to he first lieut v hitchins dec d feb i 18s7 to be hospital asshmt to ihe forces j inics shielsm d his excellency sir fereune maitlaud ar- rived in torn on wedsday morning in the ineenton from york and yesterday fore noon inspected the trdhpta ie garrison this morning his exilency and suite em barked on board the tyeenston for the seat of covertuneiif the montreal pa perl male lha on the c7th ult ihe royal engineer the uidean ca nal left that city to ap through the whole lin from hull to kingllj in order u ihe wotks njoing from one end to the other persons having book heir possession be longing to the kingston library ate respect fully requested to returi them to he librari an without delay as the books of lhat instituti on are to be sold on monday evening next ns will be seen by an admuseiuent in another column melancholy accident this morning be tween and 10 oclock mu had donellyone of ihe labourers employed in building the new arrivals at quebec april 20 brig quebec packet anderson general cargo brig sophia neil greenock geoe- tal cat go ship brilliant barclay aberdeen ballast schooner sarah ann d ecloh st johns n b rum sugar bark ylhan cairns berwick ballat eri oily of aberdeen duibie aber deen general cargo ship eiie stoiidart london ballast sclroiner graspe coffin lo ss camp bell fruit siip sir vvm benslcy smith ports mouth ballast briit marys jacobson newcastle bulla st bri champlain hughes cork 106 settlers ship general ilewit williams wa- terforj 15s settlers may 2 ship friends clark newcastle ballast ship city ol w ateriord tuouora wa- terford 102 setllers ship three bisters ritchie lcilh ballast ottawa douglas london general cargo ship europe mills london ballast brig cherub miller greenock ge neral catco ship priuca george morrison aloa coals brig favourite allen greeuock a neral cargo brig thos farwcll thos baig co setllers brig amethyst london 18 days from plymouth general cargo passed ai anchor at the brandy pots anil in the river waiting for pilots general wolfe stanworth ontario wills cachslone as hull quebec packet alkinson and 4 olhers may 3 7 a ivl 35 square rigged vessels had arrived and 12 more were anaouoced by the telegraph ipomssuhicatioiffs for the kingston chronicle to john rolp3 esq sir however you may treat this communication from he circumstance of its coming lo you anonymously i can nevertheless assure oti ir comes from one who having a slight personal acquaintance with you feels the value of your talents to ihe country both as a lawyer and a legislator and you may lake it for granted thai having been born in ihe country anil having had opportunities 10 observe and be come acquainted with the chaiacier and ge nius of the people that many olhers have not my advice however humble is that of one who feels the importance and fully appreciates the necessity of p rssessiug correct ideas of ihe probable good or evil effect likely to lake place in proportion as thai knowledge in all political discussions is more or less evinced by those whose particular province ii is to guard the subject from the encroachment of power on the on hand and against the evil of no less magnitude on the other hand embarrass ing the government from motives no less im pure hail injurious to the community you will readily peiceive that for the sake of brevity i am applying those preliminary re marks to the matter in point as i go along which is hat of ihe lamentable differences which have during the last sesmon taken place ill not say between the present provin cial administration and ihe mouse of assem bly bul between the imperial government and a very strong patty in lhat house of which yon are ha leader it is said by an authority which as a lawyer i am sure you will acknowledge thai public opinion is seldom erroneous when founded on just information but removed as the far great er part are fiom ihe source of true intelligence how easy is it for dose who have an interest in imposing upon he public to mislead them by false representations and alarm them with vain apprehensions i am unwilling to be understood as accus ing you sir of wilful and direct misrepre sentation but i mean most distinctly to sav ihat as ihe principal member opposed 10 the views of ihe home government and i may safely add of a very grent majority of the peo ple of ibis province upon the naturalization bill aud as one lroin whom 11 was natural to expect a very d liferent course your represent atioii5 although lcs criminal as prorceilhi perhaps r erroneous information aie ue- veiiheiess calculated in perplex and mislead many a good subject ol his majesty and per- imps in some degree immediately to embarrass ihe government ii mailers noi how mischief is engendered whether fiom ignorance or wilfulness the ulftcl i ine same and lhat man only through whose means it comes is res ponsible to he public for ihe consequences aioeof thai public and conscious that i fchill be borne utn in mv vfeus by seven eighths of the population of upper canada nolwitliniandii g the tepeated aliempis by means of inflammatory speeches and writing to deceive them 1 nirfoi feiulessly make tho broad asacitiun that the neasures adopted by fljs majesiys minivers instead 4 beiue by that cjrtvs ul peisois u ik in thev aie likely to life deemed us mjiisi iol illiberal will he hailed as an or iter among te many proofs whiidi the impcirl government iia given of me solniiude and truly paternal regard which u entertains toward this colony in a particular manner inhere be any mjsrie orilliberalitv in ic ai all r h o thov only nd their children who ai a well known peuol cmimatctl tothiscoun- ny undei ie full ass nance of the protection i lie kiiiisl iiveriiiueiw a a reward for iheir loyalty and affectum and who are now to be deprived oftheir birilmghi by an inunda tion of those very persons whose faihers to a man revolted again iheir benefactor in ano ther land i eak of those who have lately come in those who emigrated to this country hi an early day although requiring the same le provision having grow u as it were with our growth we have mi objection iu sharing wiih ihem the advantages of a british govern ment the ae remarks which may be eonsideed perhaps as applying rather harshly even to some of tin- late settlers but hen we hie driven lo 11 we are compelled to be ge- eral and it is now hifli tune that lt tables are turned lei hose who by every means in their power sin- e the uhation of this bill in the mouse of assembly have attempted lo sow discord among the people bv lengthening one very argument and exlvafisfrng over and over again out patience uh ihe i dread bare hue m cry of- dufjanchisenicrt illibeiality sec fcc itc be responsible for the conse- it is said by some on both sides of the ques tion who have delibtiately wriiien upon the subject thai lite country is alarmed and thrown in ihe greatest agitation now i can see no thing of the kind it is tine sir that your speeches in the assembly followed up by tbc representations nl those members after the prorogation whls on their way home who in tht house nodded when von would nod ex- cued many persons and 110 wondei lor we bad hidicito been soolrj fashioned as to place ihe greatest confidence in ihe representations of ihe memoerskf assembly we had not yet learned the modern diplomatic veracity of that body or rather of some of its members well sir meetings were roovened and numerously and respectably attended a great deal of laudable anxiety was manifested but what was the result why perfect sansfaction after hearing the hill read for very few copies had then as yet been distributed by all with ihe exception of a few renegade yankees united irishmen radical englishmen elec- 1 jot jeering peiiieivoi politic preparing lor the next hustings and here and there really a wellmeaning honest man but incapable oi judging for himself ai so short a notice now this is the sum total i believe throughout ihe province it certainly is throughout one po pulous district cut even were ii a fact that here exists great alarm and agitation throughout the country with all ihe americans who have of late years come to the country are we to sur- icnder lo their very refined feelings all the privileges thai have been puichased for us by the sacrifice of the blood and property of those lion whom it is our boat v have descended even our undoubted privilege of a share in the councils of the country kor it certainly follows thai if so great a pioporlion of the in habitants are aliens as you say none but aliens will be returned it future elections rind consequently bul 1 have not patience the nurture to follow fniji irisonm t inun- easily seen than drawn remaps some ol lorn paines descendants or tom jelfeisons perhaps geneial jacksons family will deign to visit us if so we are of course to begin with whereas doubts have arisen whether these persons whose fathers and paternal grandfather certainly were naturalborn subjects of his majesty are not entitled to british birth sfcc fee sec and then follow ic up immediately by i allaying li cir apprehen sions what trash why i am ashamed of ihe country hat gave ne birth this a british province a stranger would not be lieve it he would al once set k down that the population was made up of american subjects that not one british subject whether of american or european birth was left to assert the name we read of one who denied his master a is motive might in some measure be considered laudable as his object was self preservation but the motives of those who virtually deny that anv british feeling is left in the countrygood god what is iheir mo tive it is not self preservation but self ap plause as they fondly imagine they say they can appeal wiih satisfaction i grudge them not their shortlived satisfaction and sir it is scarcely credible lhat you as a lawyer should after the government have gone every length except that of declaring alt american subjects also subjects of his majes ty should affect to be dissatisfied nay should use downright defiance and for what not because these persons are not now by this act of grace entitled to every immunity as if they were british bom no but because ihe grvern- ment would not say in fact a direct falsehood a falsehood the most direct and ihe most palpable that they always tcere british sub jects now sir to von as an englishman and as a lawyer ill not say as a representative i appeal do you believe can you be so in fatuated and misinformed as to believe that an al surdity so gross can wiih impunity be im posed upon a majority of your constituents i know there are those who have flattered themselves and some who pet haps still do so thai the canvassing this question has very much excited the people against the government that 1 hey are in grpat commotion throughout the province thai little short of open icsist- a nee may be anticipated fiom its cftrels every nerve i know has been strained by these patriots to inflame the country but my good sir just allow me to lead you into a secrer however mortifying and you may sec it down as a fact lhat no such fermentation has been raised the people are ns quiet for anv ihiog 1 can ee as ever thoy ere with the exception of some of the description abovt named no soouer were the people 111 pot

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