Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 11, 1827, p. 3

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lvi hw wmtmtma- m session of iho printed bills anil instruction than a general satisfaction therewith vas in i nifesr and all ibe onligliieuerl and respectable pari uf the old sellers to a mm elm js will tell you that notwithstanding whu has been rei terated in the m use of assembly their faith in the british govern in mil is not only no ib ucd bat it bus received addition il force from the great iuterest iiiinifesied by sir peregrine m inland in their bet i ill fully evinced in th despatch from his majestys government on the subject granting them all tuv could ask indeed there has been a total failure ill the at tempt to excite discontent in the country so that the m nintalu has at last brought forth a mouse what a pity the people will not see ii w uvutifying that they still think they have some little spark of liberty remaining tual they have yet some tolerable opinion of the government notwithstanding the line orations made to prove that they are ill mined tila their firms are all wrested from them and their families beggared i 1 it remind- ma of an occurrence in my im- nuduto neiijhb juthood a nn happen ig to be the first si jj rs of o ie of q ir lavs pe titions received 1 very civil and polite c mm i- nicaiioii from til jrernors offie prlliisil his excellency im nediate interference ii his ben til bit as was n it ural ii speeili state ment of tile particular arievance w u required tastlhpor mm was no ibe to mike as tit giui1 iy hid g me and he hil fjrgjt what it 049 p but to return i wvts luntioz at the aojirent inconsistency id the course you haj taken 10 so however with the gentleman wlnwis acting second in this great drama lliougi undr the halo of your co intern us hj without even the de cency of a dt2ue esp uues in detail the principles of rt fweigh government at tins lio one is surprise 1 r mi itiin it w expctej but from yon sir it was not and psruvt me by the way just to hint at the very u louteo is manner in which you treated toe uiiki im portant paragraph in the ijveni ors speech insrely tint yon irtiiht talc vi opu i n v of cram mojj your ijtjin if-iorumlnii- bill j our thrors riui dili vnonir ooe thtug uor another i illy couj n id of neither law phyun nor divinity likz its fa ther tud like its fattier n professed to jj wh it was not on almost all other ocoavio is of m norit i have seen your name stand in the affirmative fox delay in this instance yon usual camion which i mention to your credit seem t hive forsaken you according to your own shew ing this wasaquesii 3l of vital importance to the country and yet with out waiting for even one peril ion nay aim jti before his cjlleucv could descend from the thoiie and mop into tit ujirthljo lid vui wish td pttsk the matter on 11 ist in legislation i and always has been very properly deprecated by every thinking man and every prriot svuto- gerous e tense me if i trouble fou wih una mire anecdote it gives so gtij a picture of hasty legislation tnat i cannot resist tran scribing the substance none of the wars m qinrnny in oflswr was carried to the ii pitiil with a eg siiitteivd by a bill as lie was covered witi blood the sargen wu was rtirmiog pron bnl m bud ordered amputation an j c mm isd iu i in i a leg clotted over with blood was laid h ld of what are imn uir m ij i fliy officer thai ism gjii cj ii wever nol- wuhatuliog his pioisstaiiois aod entreaties astherevas tvjgreat jail to do tl barbs sur- geon cut it oil toe surgeon oujor arrived with his baud ijje petcrve i ills mistake an i anxiously set aboill savtug ell wounded lim which with ill ijii pains and diti ulty ii ef fected mtthepkr ofi er piid dearly frtie oftioijus precipnairti oi the nolftfiltappwrs itctnnot beyonr own co istituaois wio are so alarmed for if 1 an correctly informal they instrnce i v i to sup m iha bill as re- poited by the committee wno tuen 8t tins great maltitu ie toat are r esentcd to be so violently agitated i ci fill none it great ind ed is tilij c ifi lenee of the pope in the governmenr ilut even your orito see ill j 0 h iv- lost its force upon thsm taj winie- ver eflfect iniglit have ben produced by mains of false st itemuts an 1 al imm spcil they are n v completely confirmed in tne bo- lieftint they m iy res seen- an i perfectly n- tisii5d to leave the docisbl of the muter where thsy kiiw it m ist ultimately bo left so the iiijerial gjvemmnt this is not the first itim tie confidence of rhe people in the gnvernm nr has been artempn a f h i t y fr ii n s d el and liob ibho lals of lyilit y uy je u j so easily seduced hv ue colours otv t uv begin to look to mouezs and hoald it happen that their representatives should br detected in sacrificing their public d it v to populr depend upon it that h justice nod e- nemsity in the public not alwis fouu i ia o- dividuals will develops itself and the people will turn their rehentmnt against those wi have deceived and misled them am sorrv to sea that iha executive gi- vemmetit of the pr ivi jce ins baeo djud for i repeat it that u itilin in my opinion out of his bouse has transoired to wirnmt ihe inrn- sensations up rd vvhion put 9lir4 bitluirsts despatch was predicate llm in tn it pin wherc- ii he speak- of dissenii us m the pro- vince to re liive be i n nn dseutiooi yet r do not mean tosiy that i is likely to tor out to the disadvantage oftha province 0 i the contrary 1 am sure it will not it d as ere lit to the heart of a statesman to tru ard against even a possibility of danger an i in this as well as most other instances the advisers of the administration seem alive to ne welfare o country h cannot be denied tuat avery trans action between the two houses and the go vernment is promptly me by the tarter a i dressss received messages and answers sent documents forwarded to the imperial govern ment and despatches comn inicated in a m in ner at once calculated ti imoress opm lite people the constant anxiety of the eeeumve to give ihem every opporiu tity and advantage which di open ana iugenii us course can do i sav all this cannot be denied tnere are those i know who affect to believe the reverse 1 ask them me to shew o ie solitary instance by this time sir it may be necessary fy tne to tell vou a little about myself or tne cry of sycophant or soms miou naughty word may escao you i will tell you fist what i am not well si i am no an e i in this lam sure caitun m uihews mr fo- thergill and yourself will readily believe me i am no scolhktlm fr i am iverse to giving the kirkerf any shire in ih civ it carves i am not an irisati tn for i m ike no distiiic lion between ormgeinn and ttimin catho lics as settlers i am ooi a ytiiktc for i sls pect the rapresentattve of iia t iah subjects i a british province who upaa all occasions i- dragging forward wuhmi djcrun i ni in as worthy of our itnitati m the insiimtions of the united stales and wh prefers enriratiofi from thai country io our brethren i the oihc si je of the atlantic in short i am neither pensioner or placeman neither rich nor poor 1 raeive not a farduu from rflq provi iicm 3 ivrumeur but i am a tme c madian son ofa u b loyalist and a true friend to the true interfkis of the c uutry and now sir will dose this communica tion tlreidy too lengthy willi the advice of wnih 1 spokainlhe couimeneuien and it is sum ue i up in few word as popularity is versatile unless built up in the broad basis of universal justice seei it no falser than that monitor hat still sui ill voice within you will support you in tnere are n false arguments nor flattery that will net ilie cries of a co u- scienee justly alarmed whose precillcla will never be invade j wjiii inipunitv by steps so un hallowed as that of a direct direieciiou of pub lic duty a true b0w cvwdian i against is public b m rcced- log to iislevd md tli ftswho have crossed the rubicon u will p wi llieir deeds j own broadax i foh tilz eins3x0n cixlovicle air editor 1 hivo bjerj sotio timi anxiously wluitjg to see am ing tie rest asj an account of the ilaldirnuil alien moating published but a ii has u it yet been dj la to n kaowllge lovia of course to their modaty it nuy not z codd 1 re 1 amiss to eive u rifcsttch of tuern and nariicul irly sj as fie ardodr fov blazing forth tbir suocess in that wav has wonjjrful- ly abated of late and it would be great pity iaieej to see so much cioijujocc and its ef fect i lost to the world toe port ips mjtioi believe has been not re 3d mr polherill 1 am laformid ob tained at that rnijlin tliirteeu subscribers an j cigutdollars in money ture were also iw i inaetin held in the lower part of this dnet one in crarnihe the other in m iimv at both of which i atn infoanaj mr beaijanii whitney presided as chairman his cl jqusncs must iiave beon irrjsistibi f r i bae heard it w a unani- iiji vu ui one of tliiin that nine tnutiis uf the iah untaats of tne poviqc vore a- uot luformod uianev wav but oi me ilev rohria alder imetiifd deatii ol his nke of are niosl forriblv incul- i in ink it mist havfi sorn ithitti i ilcli mr editor it is generally admir llal whatever tends to mature hval and pi jts priuciphs is an in- caiculiiile advani ge v soeieiand thai mm h principles hive yu roimiud by the circula tion of discourse ctt i1 public occa sions is a fac h i rich wlil contradict permit me tnerefore rftth your uefil pa per to announce to iue pdi mat copies of a sermon delivered by monieal on thu yal highness the linkoot ork m winch these oieful principle cated may be ut4iiih b mymg to ihe stores ufimesrs h sm pnnzis c lesslie yours rpecuully jstinsox p s tlie following extraai will convey a correct idea of the hl4vm ncl sryte of the sermon alluding tou illustrious deceased he observe nor hl n beuppoiejlat bv llu particularly directing yw atttlitiuil tnis afivciiug evpnt i am gmlu uf a or eucimi ol ujy dui t a minis- tcr of i bno im ktuivrft uic lache u rtiai gud httbaa mfuie ulooo ail uaijooh f wen oiui tl til oi all do- are of he earth and tiiat both hie pmc wd the- feastim ihall iiifel al the am iuisuihle inbuual and b- judsed iv itc uamegrmul iaik- h recngfiaw ciil tovfnuneui as eunpuj5 from uif ltrii and civil uik ra his miuisirrs ad ctuninands osio refpeei and obey incin a oct dol oiilvfor wiain bui for couicieiue ake rentfri therefore 10 all iheiruuem tribute to wiom ri- i- j rusiom u ivlioai riibtom far niuiiom fear notour lo vfhim lioosf it lia- been uu- ul in h ae in all countries under eei j form nfgoveffinciniu nnirfe a till peculiar 5metnuiitffl lie idsrquie of rcnuos itniueoi for their birlb their iiurriui w tfedt expluits even in repub licsjeanua the people of any thing like ihe p m hlld parade t totality this c0i0u1 is ob- f i vfii uf allien a nil uc instance tras recently fiorsaiii in a fu ivuolil mg eouuiry on nccanni f hie ueaili fino uf ner mosi ceubiatcrl iac- meii vvfieie men lack iktlie individual who nrai- and deserve ilie naiie ofa iiiilii sutjec thai upon mich occasiou wutud heiiac much 099 rrfiiiio render due homage to a prince wj i- muvtriou- family of llanoter a faunlv lltai is tu clely coinecied with the niom plcodid pc- iijuf british butar 1 1 is now tteaiiy oue loiudredand uurieen jearkance ilie riiii icoige was railed by hie vuiceof a fiee people lo ascend ihe wigiisjl throne and iu dctend vheir ciil and rvljjo privilege aairtbt ihe atiempis of liioiti p iqisuiuta ludiviriuau who aimed at iheir av- intciiiii compare lhi pencil with those huh i preceded 1 1 compare the rrigu of ihe llme ot tt n h iikatttyr i thtr or suutri 5 and cl scoer t iavo condoc iv lonch noeicsu of iic cotiutr a pen- iy err nericun suhjcs i wi what uis success was in 02 02jfl 3 cjosidrabla as we all krnvlu iia oecu vary exteujivsly concerned in that way in w days o long syne ii was mouovo- nominated as one of iho cotmnissioa to pro- ceel to euad mr e via s bovcls yearned so over the aicas ia jlaljinand poor souls that lie had hem convene at throe different times at tfesfsrsi meeting winch was held a very few d ivs after the prorogation of tli2 proviooial parliament bis father a vnry sensible old jeritlmau having had coa jcrtvblo cpcri- iii tha poi of lb mto sts jn country he was also a iiijisaa for intny years told the pjopl that he could dicovjc qothil sj mamtrous in the bill as was luolonlii indeed said he 4 if thoro b a forajiffacr in the country ha fes njver baaa ualualied un icr any act of par- lianjof ii thvi fallows if ho wishes to enjoy all the priviloj of uaiv birth that he inust f so u aturili as wa the case in all 0004- trijs with wuoii uitory be wis at am ac- outiuted and nothing aopeared to him better dongntei of charles lev tvdoulated for that end thiu the present bill wecklcnburh s relit 2 ot lhc ritrv lie thought tint ay it tn whdjoli is he outfit t 1 tovri the ov umeot would hesitate c 1 at cjuso to ta i a nttrlwr of others ipoko bo the moctirit was dissolved and du- unn j further done otice was immediately ivan of ao ther inejitiij at that a number attended fvux tie iinihbouring townships anions thy rest mr iv iitney shooe forih as a speaker iu a con- uou maaner lie vyishej ta kvvv if it as fair if it wajuit if k was x od faith in the government to rr- uj w ie 1 ill poter an constitution 1 which he observed iits royal highness deiies however lo remind ihem fhil troopsj thai mercy 10 the vaivpiidied is one of ilie brightest gams in a stdoiers character and ixhoris ihem not to snfler their resemmeui to lead them to any piecipitale acl of cruelly on ilieir pn which uhv sully the reputation ihey h ive acquired in liie world there are si iiiany evis coiinecterl with a slate of actual warfnre ihat every attempt to mitigate it horrors and lo prevent he wanton waste of ihe lives and property oi men deserves ibe iippiobatioil of evefy human mind it dis plays ihe triumphs of reaann opr passion of ihe benevolo ill over vindictive feelings o out nature like a fertile and lovely spot in he midst of surrounding birrennepreseut u ihe object upon which the mind loves to dwell it surely is ihe duty of british subjects 10 be patterns of loyalty to value ihcir puvtle- es to guard their constitution and to ics- peei the authority uf their sovereign in him self and in his representative for of all ihe constitutions under heaven the british i- demonstrably ihe best it combines the promn- littide and decision of a monan by with the wisdom and ciution of an arisiocrary and ie freedotu of a democracy it is eon illy re- hn ed imn despruisui on ihe one hard and popular licentiousness on the other i his leen long tried and stood the rudebt lests the lapse of ara tends only to invigorate it and render it more effective it is an honour to be bom iiuder it blessing to live undei it and a gfory to dfetid and support it it is ida that mighty tree desciibcd by ihe pro- iihet widely diffused injts ruos and vflft iu iis stem its branches are spread over all the earth and tinder them fowl of every wine find shelter it is the envy of the nations of the world and should be the boasl of its own sons it is the nursery of every thing pure in religi on sound in policy good in law wise in coucil deep in learning and subline to sci ence and let its enemies is now it resistless in mis hi ft required a thousand years to bring it to its present perfection were it des troyed it would require three thousand lo produce on better let us then duly esteem and gratefully acknowledge our privileges lei each of us take the advice of the wise man and cultivate the mnliuient aumngs out neighbours wy son fear thou the lord and rhe king and meddle not with them thai aie aiven focliange peaee be wiliu thv walls o britain and pfosperilv hithin th palaces may god bless oiti king our oniitry and all tht are placed in authority ovtmi may iip bless all he nations of the earth may 1h1t happv period speedily ar- rivc when wtrs shall ease unu the end- of the earih when mui shall every ht i- ciigirizi 1 o ilili 11101 1 oieiil inii a i ther and when all shall know iht lord ftom iho leas- even unto the greatest more cwmtfj balanced w of the crowi aud ihe pri1rgei el ihe people wbetcrdehdedoi r opttwnflul r his bassl highness lac p of r wa me prroodson of ih lr llle wlu george iu and q- cnarloue ouni terdinaud dnu ol ol prince- bui tafarmttlmi i in be obiiwiivjcircittlh afir delapcor haf u tcr lory when ulmua ail lw vaxo directed their juvenile puroui baie j fci limes eiijpttltr mie uitfortuuately lor iheio- sleas well a loi oc princes ajcgeaeral- l placed in ciicinoiancr tumoral and intellcctu olieu ihe evil paionn eaily intiucree orer ihcu infancio baveih wwlm vol ouly sa ficdbui even anucipale- and any ouiaoces who njcavour t extremely unfavorable improveineiil and loo our iiatnifl acquire au iem accukiomcil from gain sui rounded by perftoi dare mom ur10 had rougaii anlbled fur the i tbeir confidence and favfv mattering tlieir a- o jintryi76vt quere how much did mr m and accomtoodatib uiemaebra lo tlieir ca- h i oc the countrv daring the war 1 p ire n wonder inaut- are a ofien educed pjrnvs fi of lh s ssosfston people will iu- ami fall a prey to iflieafm tnri d fjra os mr ej how wonderfully wu- i pfcuwd tliemiacif5 srca- class so ove for i 0x7 vill be drawn on wednesday may 23t 1 1527 in fkot of the city hall mxty mmrek lottert nine ballots to be drawn j b tatk and a illntyre 3lasa3e3 siie all at once are tilosq leaders of the op position to this bill uow much they feel for those w10 fort aid med far the country tay sih ilie weep over thorn i woudor sir if they waul i give the poor things as tuav doild s thjy would gtjra to m tothcrill to raise a rebellion in the country tfh2 could 2 no sir the one half of them would join an enemy tomarrow if they had the opportunity however as there arc but sou hilf dozen or so iu the province well id them j on the length of their tether m powers an american who has been au u 1 oiwi cov0i1 rear an i a vor sen stole mm jfaq a candid clear and i may i a learned exposition on tbeenhject and uitoro f allegiance and notwithstanding his ovn siiuatioi lico an booest mm acquitted hinidf iniirtiillv mr daulton and mr t also spoke uon hie wbalc an ad- jtrniuqt of the meeting was determined u- pon ia order tint time might bi attordod to draft a potition to jj miiesy and one as it ivfta thoaght nure aecordirj vvitti truth ifyoahav leaii to jied preyire lo shed them 1i0v the third meowing was accordingly conveo- od m c cooclu jed hi opeoi 05 speech asehaimu by iccaaiiulatia the disappoint ments that had taliu place al the other two mjiiojs aad slatiny thai he for one never uiiil to tuke th ottit an j wt doiermiuel to sign tha p3ut0u tie fohrill pstilion for vuro ayvjr wis any thing more heard of the illo ij us m ysstj if no olksr one did mr bnkfthe trjasurr spalcein bis usual chaste an 1 afjclia- rttaner ol his uaparalleled suf- feitnjs for ih co no try he has not been in it j j years uril p ihicaxdi during ike lute war a number ofothers expressed their sentiments kotl f partieul irly njticel lint every old antl respectable fomer favoured iho biil well sir whi do you think was the resuli wiiv uier having tiu people of ths most populous townships oxcept one in the district kept on liie alfirt tor i wo m inth9 or m re i will ven ture to say tli it of the 21 igiuture3 ohtatned to the petition ti tvttditts swgrc landhold ers oi wzrr evr likely lo bt an i about five ir wre raijid iicj of which came from lltiiilton tje truth is all the sensible part of ihe co 11 n unity bein to retd and think for them selves an i every mm of correct principles who ii- even one npirk of loval feeling hegius to saiill out the jo tree if j m iy use ha espres- siu of all ihii cl inniir ttev find upon ex- iminaiion thai ihoe only with n few excep tion who have been suspected of a w tot o oroasr lelir toward the b oish governmuit i speak of the leaders deem this such a ill m stiis act indeed it must l a grievous hard itp o h ive the loar ol thai d ruble allviatiee whici they lixvo nieuuilly kept ojjoo and i 1 now completely mtj exprcwly yoi a vie shut aijuril ihem an i are thereby de orived of wiia ihere- are ihose w 7111110 oesitate wol f sy an a 1 en of to wi 1 wird tms hi r- iu lead be 1 icit sicriie- bjr sir now is tne time who is on for us l lobe deplored as w 11 011 lleir owe atfooiu micietv inteicsis et a oil account of which are cioely conec widi iheirconduci i feel it however to i- duiy lo state thai wuatevei opinion we ma ilvr lorinedoflhe con dilci of the deceased j nan 01 a fiance n loitghi not hi lorgel tjtai ewaooe of ihe iumiu- mentremped li uh provutwicforthepie servaou olciica una d 1 in- ihe late pruiiac- tcdajdsatuinan war d winch a- bnwgjn fi a close on iviwl so ravabe to he honour ed pro periiy of our count- cooumruuiion till nn whicii under iod e in a rieat measure indebted tolheconunatiirrlii chif who b hc judcioih aad benevolent tail iich he luioditced i into iheauiv wn mz inlly eflntrthhlrii to raise i itfrdmibetfuetmpllblv ueiuio heb bvasue of ihatous evcni alien aud iontise sucba feeliog into it preparedit ui hum with and ultimate inum wer ilie veteran leeionsoftvauee nor ikwettf task offiminwe in hie brit itr0 5 r coura oa proroineil in our eatil claractr bui iheic waawadt of discipline- ouou which mere per- 9 isoflnle lval1 m a iii0 ol battle thi wain the fnkttt orkmiipled bv doine llii he rende d flu eeniial wnhee 10 hiseoinitrjaad ujomu wrtlw ioiueieem and graaiude it a iheso- c unreduced which prepared the win foril- plcndid vuiorei llai crowned the british a- i the mountain and m he plains or spam ad portugal which pro duced thai cool mirepdty and unconquerable twtuud ihat on soldo displayed in iheenan gnlucd tield of waterltf6i tleir wndocttmt- toned expressions of mitauon from nap deon uloweifj and to it we te in no small dgrre in- dbted for ib overtime- hatstem o despot ism willed foraiuiesprid so rapidly and threat ened to sweep anav all ual was rar lo us as un tih iihjecind as civ wju then we adore cue gracious pweitom of find that watch- 0i ovci our countr i th day of peril and tttril ed the battle from r winle we praise the eternal foi confound n the devices ol htsr adver saries and tor placin- m impenelrftbie shield o- ver tcr whea miecouuvded will ahnuii ihe whole civilized worhlauunurdnol for empire bui eniece let u noi foii 10 iendei the due meed of pfsue to lire dicead prince aa one 01 ihe a- hisli foi ihe acoaio- 1 prize of 84000 10000 4000 ls3 1000 500 200 100 oo ft ft ft ft ft 1 1 1 10 20 50 51 102 153 1530 11475 tickets 80s half 15 ftflftftftlftft fttftftftlft ft ft ft ftftftftftft ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftt fteftftftftftftftftftftftftft 3 olar 12 g 7s od tioksts ft seaess for sale by d ranken kincsion may 8 1827 bvekebffa sa123 ok n monday net will bo sold by public auction ai mr walkers hotel the books beiongia lo tha buificton bosacsft comprising number of standard eflgllml works catalogues to be seen upon appli cation lo m morapf auctioneer j sale to coinmence ai 7 oclock kingston 7 may 1837 3amda company jls majestys lioverniniu having co- mfta traeirl u sell lo the can da company such it rhecrowii reserves ifi upper canada situate tn townships iul out before the ltt day ofmiirrli iji as have not bcendimiucaj for terms ol ears or occupied by written or verbal licetikt of the goveriiinen of were oc cupied jiikhiui wjihrnit any pielfnco of legal title for ihe space otll year anil upward before the 6th day of november j8ii no tice is hereby iveii by riio canada conpa- ovtti alt person whonaay no be in possession of any ciown reserves wtitrh by the said a- greenjent are to be transferred to ilicoinpa- y vfho miy have held tmji posipsiou for a period iesihin ten ytats before the sirl ihh lav of november ill wilhuu any irurl tiile or licence of oeisupnuis w firomue ol t lease ihat thy must either ulioipnsr in tiedi- ately their prssion of such reserves r ireki with the canada company for ihe pur ebase of the same and thai proprisalsin wri- ling poi paidj accordingly will be received at yoik addressed to sue grounded on the valna of uncleared and of erjual quality in the same township joe a yoiku csoihdoc 1326 1 silm4b tr w jid if b a wt u retptesfed that all applications for in ft afe pttcfiase i lands from ilie canada com pany he rnatle m u imo ilalinj the lois desired ttie price in halifax currency per acre offered the mode of payment proposed aucl the applicants place of re- idenee remediate attention will he paid io written application and au answer given with the ienst poskilile ey signed john galt yoik joih march izil a young man who can writ a ifat a hand and iin athoroilgll knoheilve of bookkeepilva none ed apply nn- lets iliey can produce satisfactory testiniouinu a m character and capacity apply at this office srf iviay 177- iflftsb coflttniistoners appointed under 9r o a- oi itiiattoruppcrodnadi lor tiic building of a gaol ra 08wss z9vs4 nt cornwall in ihe bastera district bin an- thorized to raise by loan on the credit of ihe said district at a rae of interest not exceed ing b per cent a sum not more than 1000 the inteiesr payable annually and ihe prin cipal at such i jne or limes as mv he agreed upon hereby give notice that they will re ceive proposals from any person of person willing to advance the said stim or any part thereof till the 17h day of slay next appli cation m iy be made ro donald macduueli 2qr shfirift james pringle or noah dick inson lisqrs the commissioners appointed for the above purpose cornwall 4th april 1327 notice ill be suld ii public auction on sa turday the mh tay of july next at ig oclock noon al the bouse of mr e marsh in llillier r m on ijp tjake shore jo sillier and now in the irecitirmn of mr win bitjhrk consixiing uf onfc hundred and fhty acres of a laip improvement a frame barn dwel ling hnuse finit trees c3 one half the purchase laooey will he required down the re mainder iu twelvemonths for further par f vf blh w- in ifc- rm- mises james dougall esq uallowell or llio subscriber chas biggar murray april 12 1s27 hwrtioflu jssteecinirs s spjjrice 5 dollars per annual and to be had ji of u editor of the kuigstw ckroniole who is authorised to receive subscriptions the americas genl eirjhivrd l tllfi mtfj plislonen of roiiaciou der gna lowmls onr couu- irv and uir preserving tr ifl answer to hie pra- esnf hil people a- a monune il of hi mercy aundsi lhc out lirort of tli- uiotaiicieat llironet and ihe wreck ofseitojudiaic nanooa no 1 piibli icrl h care11 st ieaef phideiiliia audednerfb robert wataii etquirf uftbtt na ti mat iaieuc comnr auierirau bingia- ji g llister liigoootnelty 3 ulogeof jelfcrsrtii ailama 4 raiikiuo i omii teraains wfmiwiwwi- 5- vrphocun hhirineolmitaci ti semi who can forbear minirtng tlie ctfgnmetl j iheold coeprew 7mrs heniaoa po- nod hmimiie eouducl of the late duke of em k kents comcoettiartea on a wericao law fork ivtien the impious and infuriated rob- feofmanolemii by ihe eathorof waverfjfi 10 aspierre and hii agents issued an order lo enesrtifauianoble life almacw ii captain sxmmea thcoi of couceiiluc ipnere the giockvhips hiiiltai neiyoik is the wevul ofiinaiinaiionptibluhed in lnudori and america an ilie new year called snnvrirf with their beaeiesfxirhcted kinetonllih may 1887 too be sold by auction on monday the l4tht a mav all the household furniture plate imated ware glass chiua crockerv ware cuttlerj icarpeting kitchen utersiu sad- dlery wine and spirits belonging to lt col lightfoot at his retidence in this town printed bills of the particulars will be issued before the day of sale -aitgo- a handsome mare and a milch cow sale to commence at vz oclock and io con tinue from day to day until the whole is dispo sed of m moran a b kingston april 23 1327 qgswhgkbas mv apprentice ebene- vsw zer bfartlw has absconded torn my service this is to caution all per son from trusting- him on my account as t will not be answerable for any debts of bis contracting and i hereby offer a reward ot sixpence to any one who will apprehend him but no cxpeuces paid isaac domill liie fciich r ny to slvo no quarter to to englisb or ljinovorwii troops this order was one of the firt fruits of that infde pht- losophv which was then in so much repute irti bv which ili votaties boosted ilicy would rernerfe the wnrm tne prosciptioo of ouuiiiity followed the proscriotion of chris- lanity and minder s legnli2edj by the r- free ofan iuii m conventioi iut mirk t hi dillerenee between ilie conduct ofa rtiutv ho timpcied the gcl and hint of thosr lieud of rnui who derided ii to in exulnijed super si tio i far from adopting erilitiiy incisure which the uw3 of wa otid have pxrmnted he issued a genetii ojcr to the army under his commaud co sb 2est ann immkoiate pssesstpn give hatcomuiotlious and plea- saiulv situate i iu nd piemise near to ilie barrack qte in his town for terms apply to h cas9ady jcx tcingston may h1s27 notice to printers or sale on reasonable terms a print- iul press constructed on the most ap- prored pian and inch bus not been iu use for moru ihd four or live weeks also a complete mirtment of new types and furui- lure application may be made to the editor of the chrouicle wjio uageot for the proprietor ivuigstou istli august iojti fob sale at this office

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