p ja i7rjj so- the dreams of life am men are dreamers from the hour s hen reason fitst exerts its power tjnmindfl of its better blingi to some deceiving hope ire cling thai hpt a urcin the brazen i ruupcls clai g mr gives tlic py on which the vrarior fives and at hi ill j red conmiyi call he teaves his lome ids hen li ms all fur glorys dream the lover hangs on some bright eye av deams of bliss on every sigh b it vriel eyes are dorp in guile and he who trusts their fickle smile trulls in a dream an1 shore are those who build their joys o i pi i ariiors gilded toys who lain trtriih climb the craggy height whose power displays its splendid light but dreaming fall whilst others midst the giddy throng- of pleasures viciims sweep along tu feelings dampd and satiate hearts too worn lo feel when bliss departs prove all a dream and when that chilly call for fear deaths mandate hurthss in the ear we find would we retrace the past een life at best now fading fast is all a dream axifclance lif c british am i onrton 07 jl9is011 a dishonesty knaves live npon fjols as naturally as spi ders llveuri ges but there is nothing worth 5efng ffisftocreat crimes chough secret are never secure for providence has set up racks and gibbets in the conscience of trans gressors and they ell carry cains fears about them he that deserves punishment expects it and is ever ia apprehension till delected bis very sleep is painful and his life a terror bad things an unfaithful sprvant a smoky house a stumbling horse a scolding wile an aching tooth an empty purse an incessant talker hogs that bieak through enclosures n dull ra zor and h pimpled fnce a lone siorv musgui- joes bugs in a bedchamber and a dandy wise sayings of pope fine sense and exalted sense are nor half so useful as common sense there arc forty men of wit for one man of sense and he lhat will cany poshing about him but gold ill be eveiy day at a loss for want of readier change a miti should never be ashamed to own he has been iifthe wrg which is- but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday to be angry is to revenge the fsult of oth ers upon ourselves the world is a thins we inns wf necessity either lanh at or be aar with ife latter at it they say we nre proud if we are angry with it u ey say we are ill nautretf the greater freefoiii i know in bpiu thought a mx by the world is thai it gives one the greater advantage of playing rhe foul flowers of rhetoric hi sermons mil serious discourses are like the blue and red flowers in corn plpamuj to those who come only for a inusemeor bill prejudicial to nim who would reap i he profit from it the difirenrc bet cm what i railed tyrfi nary company and good romp my is only hear ing the same thins in a litile room or in a la ae saloon at sm ill tables or at great tables before two candles or twenty sconces he who maliciously t nkps ibe advantage of the ungual fed moments of friendship is no farther from knavery than the latest moment ofevenin from the first of nieht- lavci uv 2 pa lixizatssnt capital fiit millions sterling 5jw iie agents for this onipim be lean to announce to iiip ionliitmis ol uppei canada i in i they continue to assure agains- s or damage ncearioned hv ad thai they have lot the convenience oft fa public appointed thefolloviofr gnntfotnen a ti ir agents in the county towns of tin riil fere i u districts viz gut c wood esq cornwall jtitssrs jj jlorrisfy co brocfcniu james afacfananci esq kingston james c btlhune vv cohourg root fim prfntice esq york john hus esq ataffwflr to either of whom parties desirous of effect itlg assurance will please applv the ageis take leave to remind the pub lic of the following important and striking rid vantages that will he derived fruui assuring with the alliance company 1st pet feet security sd honor and liberality in the settlement of losses qd 7uorerae premiums of assurance ih a participation of profits 5ih patties who obtain tfi settlement of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company h losses by lightning will he made good 7th the agents have the power qf sett ling losses to this country without refer- ring to the hoard of direction in london qth reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of properly fioiu fire will be paid guh in the case of an assurance being made ouroperty fora less sum than the real value thereof the company will pay whatever loss is sustained not exceeding j the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the expec tation that the profits 10 be divided will be iarrze mackenzie bfnilwe sc co agents montreal scth september lsflu office of the calarthjui bridgb company kiasrtoi 1 5 7t march 1827 t a meeting of the directors this day if was resolved that an instalment of ten per cent upon the capital stock sub scribed slanll be payable at this office on or before the first dav of may next geo f corbett see treasurer 2qujstp a volume of voliaires history of louis xiv apjj at his office i3ih march 1827 50 reward ff exeheno tc governor a having- received a oor m from lis excellency the gocrit the mate of ewyork by which it apt r htiatn morgan who gome year exercised the wiling f a brewer in tliia ptuce and who has ilseqncntli rnswed at cajnisgua in hie late of kcwyoi is w as son j j ear convex td in force from place and is supposed to he forcibly detained under false retencts 10 sotne pan efthlq province any iun who may be aide lo ai information secimcr hie srid u illia morgan shall upon communicating the sincto lh private secretary of his excellency the lieutenant governor receive the rew above offered- government house f 31st januarv 11127 ri fii i ml iii i sill i h in vi 111 tn ill ill ta ll- ijsk l j l iii c to let to capitalists v rw pnorsrtsr executive cousril office york 7th pi 1827 yrtice is in rebv pfei by order of his v3 excellency llic liul gov in council hat tiuless joliu bowntaf late a private soldier in the glengary lfht infantrj be- imenl the original lnra e of lot no- 7 concession c towiiship o hurray in the district of newcastle do w cause withh yw months von this date why the location should not he rescinded the lot will be grant ed lo william m bullock f 3iurra alore- said genuemau jofln small c e c rbreova3 hh e subscriber begs to sfirruainl the ptib- jsb lie that he has remove lo the sltop d joining mr orange hayes coraer of queen and storestreet where be intends pursuing hij business as n the first day of august 1827 between the hours of twelve oclock a m and f i 31 will be sold by public auctiott io the highest biddei at kingston in th province of upper canada these works are situated in the township of marmora in the county of masting in the midland districf of the said province and are rsieemed uneofrhe most ivlwo jiopcrties in the fmmdery htie in uruw nh ameri ca and one it is eonmineu which cannot fail under proper mnnngemem to realty a house and hvo small dwellings lv a good stable also a double garden with a good siirjng of warer iu grave street opposite the bun inge round gate for further informalioti enquire of 3fr john cox airi so 1827 w fa eia w cad the subsenher ill pay cash for2000 bushels ol k2b delivered in eingtoa n john stjrakge kingston 29ih march ii7 ai he bubscriucw havfi g- laken the sinre formerln oocupifid bj col j small- at cape vincent now oiler for sale a gencl assoriuiciii of e io a i pit hits rm p w w he earnestly solicits a share of patronage and be can assure i hose who may favor him with their commands that every exertion shall be used uu his part to pie satisfaction kinjr fnp mqrrh g 1827 mlh bces a vm c0nt1etal he subscriber will receive proposals for the insurance ftr lives for any period terms and other partiuilars may he ascertain ed on application to any of che agents in upper or lower canida to whom also pros pectuses may be bad h smith agent for upper canada kingston 5th october 1826 lui i baser profits seldom arising tut from orher investments of cdpjinl these works in iheestablwuneot of which upwards of tinny thousand pounds areriina tiavebeen expended ronist oiiwo furnaces the one capable of vieldiue wotons atul tl other one lone of iron in the the my eon fjr hours with the necessary buildings couiieitrj i herewith a porge for the niaiufiotue bit iron wiili foiii phes and two hammers a saw mill flour mill bark mill ami tii nery all impelled hy wateiof which there is anabmidnni snpiv carpenters and black- miti shops well provided wih the neces sary tmls linking house md fourteen rcmi- fonabh dttejiinjr looses three of which are well muted for taverns or large families witl mm s ftlber tv il an l 5l0c filrr 1k goods and canwmaeli ns orange brown dincltfac oil coloured grosfltiap aod gr i r bind bilk veshug fan v iress srtl ii i kerchiefs he fee wljch will beoffcrca l very reduced piicesfor rca- ly pay only rnr r occ t teynolds arp vincent i ifjfifi pout hope it 1- m u j rtutactrir iiiolyn iees eats m infom his nul iht jiuhli- ihufhehascom- iiient xii iniaiiiiicinrii ac 3 of eveiy defliplif ol a superior qnajifr inch he ill nil oi pvfhm approved bills s iw ttiev ran i e obialnetl at any manfi ijimy in die inned bnics jtiii 1ip jl l j iioo 32 iciibs of j 2s mm saidtownshfp ajrronndmg the wok and 8554 acres in the adjoining township of belmont in the newcastle district for which a deed in tee will be given ami upon which are inexhaustible mines of ojue generally of a pood quality whh 1500 acres of lard eiamed conditionally in pnrpetqo fay the go- town ol kingston h tins tfaj diolved hv vernment as tuel reserves the condition being j mutual consent all persons indebted to the it 1 s l she copannerhip hefioie carried on 1 under die firm of smith uut- terwohth as h atte r s in the town of kingston is ihis to cis t large twostoi iijuse comprisinpfa shop and every convenience for a familv situate on the n a pane kivxr a short distance hi low tle napane mls attached to the premiseeare three acres of ground and a very good tore fjouse apply at this oilice kingston lih april l mmml 0shi ted 10000 bushels ol merchant able few copies of the following works are jl for sale at this office capt parrys third expedition to thf north west illustrated hy a map demlwi am clappertons tra vels in africa the atlantic souvenir a christmas and new years preset for 1827 handsome ly executed aud spleulidlj embellished an the adventures m a young rifle man written by hmself klzzb qzzj zz or w kv y tice is hereby 2in by order of his j jl ekcellcncn the lietitenanl governor in council that sealed tenders post paid for a lease of the ass 5 across the rideau lake in the line of com- tnuuication leal ing from brockville to perth fo the term of seven years from the 29th of september 1c27 subject to such rules and regulations for ferriage aud attendance as the magistrates of the district in general quarter sessions of the peace may adopt to be endor sed tender for ferry will he received at this office until the first wednesday in julv next on which day the lease will be adjudg ed to the highest bidder who will be required to pay 1 12s 6d currency before the pa tent issues and to enter into the usual securi ty for the due payment of the rent john small clk excouncl for which cash will he paid on delivery w a donaldson kitiffon t 10 1 37 fwszssrs mcutchon sz cboss- kus man being about to discontinue busi ness at kingston john strange esq acts there as agent for this eslablishmont a manahax marmora iron works feb 11 1c27 bank of upper canada t a genera meeting of the stockholders held ibis day pursuant to public notice it ivns resived thai a further instalment of ten per cent upon the capital stock subscribed shall be called in payable at the dank on the first dav of may next tii03g11idout york 6th feby 1827 cashier tae from sackets harbor to utica hy way of wateruwn and low vitlc uivs through every day sundays ex- i ceptej the proprietors of this line of stages have spared no paiis or expense in procuring good iiorsoand carriages and rrak- ing such other arranuieuts as will conduce lo the comfnrt and convenience of passengers a line of stages is now runninir dauy frooi wf a 1 1 ki u vt t po c a pb il- cent axd klgfo so that passen gers toandfitoxn canada by taking mis route yill he sure of a speedy conveyance across the st larrrence at all serns of the year watertown and syrase stage leaves wa- tcrtown every mondaj wednesday aud fri day and returns on tuesday thursday and saturday through iu one day when the roads will permit cash paid for corn oats and peas n w kimsto t co water town nov 20 1826 a 9k just published alt this office and for sale at le9slies tne urcfimans itmemfivaiiccr or a defence of the established church of eng land us government its doctrine and ilsuiages by a member of lit church of england this work may be bad at the u c ga zette office at york at the office ofthe q gazette and brockville recorder pncfe wanted by the subscriber a few bbls of prime pork 7 for which the highest price will be uiverv j warmstrong kingston march 19 1327 per notice persons having b005s in their pos session belonging to the kingston li brary are requested to rotura them to the librarian wiibout delay aril 13 1827 notice sealed tenders for the erection of a stone guard house near the gaol in the town of kingston will be received at the court house until noon of the 24th inst the plan and specification to be seen by application to lr thomas rodgers of kington architect- two sureties will be required for the formanceof the work kingston 9th april i8s7- notice r an order of the adjourned sessions held at the court house in the town of kingston feb 2ctb 1837 ilie subscriber is au- thorized to receive proposals ou or before the 24th day of april next from such persons as may be desirous of contracting lo sweep the ohimniesinsaid town for one year from the above pesiod the proposals to specify the price per flue in each description of houses ii w wilkinson police officer police office feb 27tb 1827 copy of sandoval or the free- si a son a spanish talc by the au- thai of don estesan apply at this oitice march 10 1827 for s1le g ot ntt 22 in the broken concession mmp b hi the township ol j iliirri cpu m ofnoith- uninerland in the ditnict ofnewcaslle con taining two hundred acres of land there are on the premises a ommodiousj dwelling house barn stable and out houses the land is of an excellent quality well watered and in a state of cultivation jilso lots no u and 16 in the 6ih concession and nos 9i 20 22 and 24 in the seventh concessit ol the township o rawdon county of rulings in the midland district for further fariiculas apply to george macaclay fioqm for the proprietors september d 1895 t tea sale he ayenta of the honable east india company in cap give notice that there ml he put up r public sale at their waieho tie in qaebfg n saturday the 5th of j ay a quantity o teas equal to about 1201 cheats and at mbbtreal on saturday the i9t m y about asoocheau pales to commence at 11 oclock in the foieno n catalogues will be ready for delivery and shew chests opon for inspection at each place six days previous lo bf ra forsyth richardson co a to the hod e i c montreal igth april 127- thai the works are never permitted to cease three successive years the distance at present at which the works are supplied with charcoal is between two and three miles the lake ore is brought by water five miles and other oie useful to be employed in the making of good i ro j is brought by land a distance of six miles ore of the puresi quality known in the british provinces may be had ai an unfixed expense of minirg within a few hundred yards of the works mixed with which isyejjow ochre red earth and mick lead in rrit iiuitiiie these works are esiabfihlied uti grow river a mile below the crow lake this river interrupted by many large rapids con nects nun the river trent the distance by and ro the mouth of the trent the head ol navigation is 31 miles the limits of an advertisement will not ad rnit of au enumeration of the manv advantages of this property neither is it the pnrnose ol the proprietor by any exasperated siatemenr to induce persons desirous to purchase to trusl to his representation and save the liouble ol personal inspection that ir is nr least equal to the representation here made of it any person viewing plans of the works left at the different advertising offices in london liverpool new- york philadelphia montreal and kingston will be saiifhd added to which this circumstance is of consideration that the works are sufficient to supply the province of upper canada with 23aiy krom u fcrou tf arr and at a price much lower than they can be brought from the lower province the object in seilina is to fulfil the conditi ons upon which this property was placed in the hands of the present proprietor namely to pay over the proceeds to the creditors of mr charles hayes the original proprietor such sale being demanded by the majority in amount of debts of the said creditors for further information application to be made to messrs gould duvvie u co in london mr 31 ana han at ihe works or to the sub scriber in montreal peter mgill montreal july 10 1g26 notice concern are required to make immediate payment iothomis smith who is authorised ro discharge the same and those to whom the firm is indebted aie reqaested to present their accounts for adjustment thos smith john cu1terwortil kingston 9fh dec ueo william rennie wsg maker eg3 leave most respectfully to acquaint bis friends and the public that be has recommenced busioess in hislineat the house lately occupied by mr f x rochcleaux op posite the mansion house hotel store street where by an unremitted attention io his busi ness he will merit the approbation of his for mer friends and the public kingston 2uth dec 1326 to be leased or sold that frame dwelling house and gar den beautifully situated near the com mandants house at present occupied by d a c g arnold possession to be given on the 1st of may next for particulars apply to john lowe esq kingston or to the editor ol the chionicle march 9th 1857 i oii sale that valuable farm in the 7h conces sion of the township of ernesttown lately the propeily ol mr samuel ward ft isrqrnposfri of lots no ou nnd sfl in said onccssion and contains h tidiueasuretnen ac res ot cooi laij of which about 1 00 acre are under cul tivation there in a ood orchard dwellingliouse barn and other outhouses on the pre mises a liberal credit will be given on part of tlp purchase money and possession may be had iriiinrdiahdy for further particulars apply to john kirby esci kingston or to allan macpher- sooj esq napa nee mills kingston 20th august 1124 to sell or lease sevftualfhoiisruflacies of land on the isle of tauti for jaiticu ars enquire of gfo macaulay jqrrrri h f j a bah 6lh oct- l just published and for sale at this office the church catechism the wtimtstim ijrcfrlr is printed and published ewj friday afiernoos james nacfjlilljufe a his office corner of water and barrac sirerms kingston terms seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum if feut by mail twenty tuillings 5ubcriptiuv to be paid iu advance valuable lands for sale 2b aches vizlos no 30 hvw 31 32 33 and 39 situated in be sixth concession of thelhc tovvnship of kmptou arid beautifully bounded in rear by collins s lake j also l n concessi the noove lands are of au excellent quality and well timbered terms of payment made easy- a to be made to the subset john strange aent for the proprietor kingston 1st feb ib27 r nni tspassinjr on the above lands will be prosccuteu to the utmost rigour of the law price of advertisements six lines and under 2s cd firl insertion and each stilfeequctifl insertion ten lines aid ua der 3s 4i first insertion and mm each subse quent in above ten lines 4d per line ior the first iticn and id per line for every subsequent insertion advrrtiementsu ithoul written directions in- sei led titlforbid and charged accordingly orders for discomidum advertisements lo be in writing and delivered by wednesday tfoon at t he laiest no advemsemcntsrcccived after ten oclock on the day of publication fly produce received h payment at the hjar kei price agents henry cowan esq quebec phillip burnt esq ihree rivers jatne williams lisq montreal messrs j j dan lop lancaster john cameron bsq lochiel urn kaylncornicfl george browse ksq matilda alplieus jones kq prescott henry joueisq tinnkville josiata taylor esq perth iivmiilmarsli bq richmond jk hart well esq bastard mess c j mdouahl ganunoqui fmkenzieisqirta allan mcpherson thomas parker isq betlvitte joseph a keelei ksq i ramahe james j beilmne lq hamilton david smart lisq p hope william allan est pfefjfc daniel ltossi vitloria john crooks esq niagara charlc bljrear k q canal rese murrat rev mr johnson amhcrtiburg oorge hflffbes kiq jttotpamstovn hygu macirenald esq hay bap