Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 18, 1827, p. 3

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country or for shipment to any place other than the west ludies by paying the duty here of five shillings sterling per barrel montreal is not ret appoined as a warehousing port and ontil it is which will soon be the case as al so kiugston uj upper canada flour consing in from the states in bond roust be reship ped te quebec there to go into the ware house till sold or exported to he west indies at as high price as of the same quality of ca nada flour into one shilling sterling- per bbl we are now writing out a circular communi cating this and other important commercial information received via the river st law rence from england of as lata a dale as the 13th april we quote superfine four 27 ct to 28 fine do 25 to 26 pot ashes sfir to 25 6r pearl do 26 to 26s 6cz thomas with loss of anchors and cables and other damage sustained by running ashore in one of the late gales the erato arrived this morning from ha lifax is one of the vessels which was ordered from the unitedsi aies in consepuonce of the presidents late proclamation the sophia cherub amethyst and favourite had all reached monti eal previous to yesterday afternoon no report at the exchauge of any vessels coining up the river cozvibiultfxctzons for the kingston chronicle yours horatio gates k co ovt cf kuefser a rrived may 3 schr echlin from stmiciiicls with fruit 10 brig margaret trcup 1st april from a- berdeen to h g forsyth co with coals 10 seulers brig george canning stephen 9th april from abereeen to iloir heath in bal last brig aid archbold 15th april from ma- ivport to j leather co la ballast bris heroine hall i 8th april from cork to w g peniberton in ballast loi settlers ship lady gordon ball 16th april from to the editor of the upper canada herald sir having observed in your paper of the 8th instant a communication signed by joseph p caverley and anson havden as chair man and secretary of a meeting held at bell- ville on the 7th day of april in which com munication my name is made use of as one of their proposed committee fo obtain signatures ton petition against the naturalization bill i think proper to remark that my name has been made use of in that instance contrary to my consent and totally at variance with my senti ments as i have no reason to doubt the good intentions of government in passing the bill and believe with all of my loyal neighbours that it is ridiculous to petition agninsl it henry ha german sidney 12th may 1827- liverpool to c a holt general cargo ship briton wilson 12th april from whitby to g symes in ballast bark tottenhin thomas 17th april from ross 10 j black in ballast 150 settlers brig laughton dawson 17th ofapril from glasgow 10 ths cringan co in ballast brig calisto mckenzie sth april from sunderland to win price k co with coals be 2 settlers bark harriet williams 11th of april from portsmouth to chapman k revanr in ballast geo iv morgan 10th april from wa terforj to froste co in ballast settlers bark st lawrence harby 1 4th april from london to forsyth walker co general cargo ship jeulus williann 15th april from waierfoid to froste sc co in balust 146 settlers bark marmion wright 17th api from liverpool to geo hamilton in oallust bark quebec trader h um loth aptl from dublin to h gjwaii fy no in bal last 147 settlers 11 brig john callender 4th of april from newcastle tp mt ranlmsoii coals and la may 1 1 brig urania headley 10th april from hull to r meihley in ballst lfi brig elegant gainhwate 3d apil fioin shields te h gowen k co villi coals scht planet gray 9 days fiom halifax to c f aylwin with rtuu and sar brig ann wenlhersion 19th ftlstrfe from newcastle to w budden genera cargo brig mary ann marshall z days from halifax to c p- ay i win with srnr bng elizabeth murphy 15th april from whiieheaven tuit msthley with coals c h settler brig orion craggs i2ih of april from sunderland to order with eoals schr julia wilson 5 weeks from st vincent to vv stevenson wfth rum and sugar bark triton koighiley 3th april from hull to in ballast brig erato robinson jamaica 28th a- pril from halifax to irvine co wiih rum sac ship arabian thompson 21 days from charleston u s to with col ship percinal leithby 6ih april from plymouth 10 p burnet wiihgoods cleared aldy 4y schr jhonda lemieoxkicuiuuc- to irvine k co 10 schr experience thompson hali fax h dubord llschr mary- ann crank st john n brogerson for the kingston chronicle sir an accidental glance at the upper canada herald of the 8th instant presented to my notice a statement of the meeting lately held at belville on the subject of the naturaliza tion bill very contrary no doubt to the in tention of the parties who have ushered said article info being the title given to it of falsehood erposcdis admirably calculated to ideutify it character and has no claim of affinity to the former official and demiofficial account of he same meeting a feeling of pity toward the persons whoso ridiculously and with such arrant presumption called the meeting alluded to and undertook the direc tion of itj induced a hope that eve this they had repeotcd of their folly and that in silence they would endeavour to bury the rccoiloc- 44 t of an event which exposed hcm to public derision as osoious meddlers in nali -r- be yond their kn not such heir choice irith touch effrontery they smc tiistcd upon ihe public a rare production which beans conspi cuous marks of ksvirit ur merit thcv have ventured to assert iai the meeting pro puscd for the 2in of ftjarch 4i vmenot ad but dissolved and another one called oc the 7th of april an effectual refutation of which u could oo readily estab iisruj jn the way they suggest by pealing t to tveipnsn righting n this ptart vrrjo knovs inv fhitiff about it tbo point hoire- vv is very unimportant no doubt the wish to arotd tha odium thai must ueservedlr at tach to the authos of the precious notice calling the nielinjr bui why cavil about that it is merely a particle of the same sub stance a lesser portion of the sarre naureat- tag and filthy drug they have also tbc au dacity to rsert thai u on the day of ihe meet ing nearly lici hundred signatures wert ob tained to he petition a respectable by- sfetlder i- tady to aver that on ihe evening of that dpj wdlc the crowd was dispersing aad not one hundred peros remained curiosity ld him to the room where the aili ministe rial organs had sliulked and that there were then but fine name to the petition and they were pleading for the sixth wiih all the soli citude of a starring mendicaut whose life de pended on the morsel he hoped to obtain it is really unworthy of time that can find any other employment to take farther notice of the choice official it however should not be dismissed without a reference to the vile allu sion to mr turnbull accusing him of low anj profane language in his address per haps in the warmth of argument and feeling all that irritation natural to arise in the breast of a loyal and faithful man while cembating the foul cant of the ephemeral junto he inad vertantly may have given utterance to an ex pression that his more deliberate thoughts would forbid perhaps an innocent d n es- li- vc tjut trlict oc i aim f all passengers in the lady gordon mr wanon and mr poston in the william thompson 16th march li verpool and newyork packet j c rouli tein louis labbe of quebec and others in the last may packet fiom ivewvork james holmes mr may wood the player in the st lawrence from london bit w pattoo mr s wright and sister srss ilov mr w johnson capt nichols fy mr rviig- in the marmion from liverpool capt bir in the john from newcastle mr ralinsoi in the planet from halifax mr starr shipping intelligence mr champman a passenger s ihe harri ot has arrived at quebec the ii utm a- shore on monday last but is not much ding ed was expected to be soon got off this morning a ship of upwards of 400 ton called the thomas from mi goudies ship yard and the brigantine carolixe upwards of 100 tons from mr bruneis ship yard were launched the following with some others were to sail for this port from the west indies itm spring ann and bob logic from jamaica carrington from saint vincents southamp ton princese royal and francis russd from gienada the st charles sailed from london for st michaels and qiehec 16th march the asia and the ann and amelia thf two teaships of this eai tioui the canada have arrived at cnnton the earl of dolhousie was to leave gree nock on the 18ih april the follnuiir is the cargo f ihe rob roy 30 cases oiion 28 cases muslin 79 pipes red wine lg casks hams boxes tfiftl vards lumen 4 hixes printed cottons 30 boxes stone blue 21 boxes 5 bales cotton 1 rase lea ther 87 boxes and about 1 8000 yards linnens and s cases and si bales of the same valu ed m 5or30000 the preccval a rived this morning from st l li vwtf fciut wlcrti uc that the well known character of that gen- tlenan and his exemplary manner and con- criatioo are sufficient to repel the charge of tfi proj unity aud brand with falsehood the fvul accusation corrector beiville may 14 1827 the pjhhe canada company have laid out and commenced the building of a town on jn exensive scale in the county of halton to which they have given the name of gticlphj in honor of the royal family che situation is one of the most desirable in ihe province being on the banks of the speed one of the great blanches of the grand llwer 41 a place where for upwards of a mile and a half ihere is a continued succession of valua ble mill seats a roci has already been opened to the town of qudjphi from waterloo and others in different directions arc planned the build- big lots are being cleared at the expense of the company several mill seals are engaged as well as a number ol ihe town lots and houses o accommodate settlers until they shall have built or obtained houses for them selves are erected at the expense of the com pany the price of the town lots is at present oilv twenty dollars and the half of the mo ney arising groin the sales is appropriated for the endowment of a free school the inst hundred purchaeis of town los when they shall have erected nnbitable house will at govefjotfm transport by steam boats jtotice isherel v f r h proprietors jili of 3emvcspl ihbig to furnish tsusbos8 for the service- of the vernm2nt during the present season for mie conveyance of troops baggage clothngsov k from prescott aiu kingston to forsi buriingtoc zorx fort george on lake ooii and to oieenson in ihe niagara river i an vice vora that tenders will be recepfd at this office oatil thursday the 31st int a noon the conditions of ft contract and for of tender to be r yut british mor may be known upon application at this office and they must express l rates of cabin ard deck passengers he s hardware stores per ton barrels of po beef flour or li quors and puncheon r hogsheads of rum no proposal will br moticed utiles made in the form prescribed ad signed by tw suffici ent sureties willing become bound for the fulfilment of the contact as well as by the party making the offe vho or agcots duly authorised ou their behalf must attend at the timeof opening the traders to give any ex planation required ad it will be a condition of any contract that riay beeutered info that it shall be optional wilb the commissariat offi cer in charge l pay or the transport fur nished either in briirh silver money a its nominal rate in othe specie at the par of 4s 4l per spanish dolur or io bills of ex- chaoge ob his majys treasury at thirty days after sight of jeioo for each 103 due upon the contract any further conditions and particulars may be known upon applicnion at this office the tenders must ic sealed and endorsed tender for transport thos htll d a c g commissariar oiece kingston 14th may 1827 lillt notice t hereby piven that a m uerimnj meeting oj ihe stockholders ol i e sank fl upper canada will be hld at f liner n ii i tnw of york on mondn rhc lui n4j m ian next for the pnrpte of elect ing lv hblltt 1trectors to serve fir the ensuing year as tha act ui inconioratirn direcrs thos g itloout cashier bank of uppei canada vnrk 6tn april lb7 5 n b editors of the everal newspapers in the province sue requested publish the above notice in iheir papers until ihe dav of election and then send their account into the bank for payment ill be sold ct ihe subscribers auc- ion room on monday ih 21st int the stock in trade of a bankrupt emsip consisting of a peroral sssortment of dry goods z superfii 9 and common ciohs aid casimoes blank ets cassimerp shawls and scarh chintz nod imitation do do muslins cambrics shining c sic sic with a great variety of other ar ticles sale to commence at 10 oclock precise by order of the assignee m jvioran a b kingston may 17 u7 garaho qua rattua superfine and fine tor salt by j w atkins mav si27 class no ote rok 1847 willbe drawn on wednesday may ltd 1827 in front of the city hall sixty xcmre1 lottlltt nine ballots to be drawn j n tatei avo a llivrrae uaaos 1 1 1 10 20 50 1 prize of 24000 10000 i m i 51 102 153 1 580 11475 tickets 30s mmiif lmffti can ha f 15s quar 4000 1 000 500 200 00 50 25 12 0 7s 6d for sale cy d ranken kinstnp may 8 18s a cokipaut halfpay pensions and retired allowances payable by the com- missariat the commissarv general licrcby nolifics for the information 0 officers and others entitled to pension iljf l or other retired jloivance within this command and rrhich hi therto have been paid only at quebec ural for their accoctirodat ion and u genera fa cility ofthifl service tiw heroral amounts will be authorized to be piij jt an ot tbeout posts or siatocs br the commissariat officer in charge on due notice being eddnwed to the cororoisa rygenerar oifiee j tt fin time to rrausuul the iectssi dvice by th olscorcr panics cticeraed and who will b ixnuired to vroiucv n usui eerfiiicatea af fidavita and receipts ofliccrof the cnu- nussarialhv rhom tin same shall be issued conmissarygnera s office quebec irth apru 1h27 ovicnb his 1njjbumhnul having rofc- trach d jppl i can td company such of the crown reserves in upper cnvada situate in townships laid out before tiie 1st day of march 1824 as havenot been demised for terms of years pied by written oi inent or wtre ic- verbal licence of the copied although wit bom any pretence of legal lirle for the space of ten years and upwards before the th diy of november lui4 no- tice is hereby given by the canada compa ny io ill persons who mav now be in possession of any ctovn reserves which by the said a- greeneit are to he transferred co tlip couipa- oy and who may have heldych possession for poiiod le- than ten yealbefore th i seii 1 1 day if november j824 without any legal mile oi lice net of occupation or piomisc of e leiijeihii thy must either relinquish immedi- iiely ner possession of such reserves or treat with the canada company for the pur cnic r hc vmi office if the catiranni bridge company kingston 2th may 1827 mpotice i hereby given that tenders jjsm will be teeeived m this office until thura day the 21st of jmc next at 1 oclock noon from such persons as may be willing to enter into a contract for the construction of a wooden bridge across the great river catnraqui from this town to the opposite sid thcxtierne width of the river at the propesed scite is 1600 feet the greatest depth of water aboui 15 feet gradually decreasing to hiee and two feet and the bottom is a regulir flat lime stone rock covered with only a small portion of mud the bridge intended to be built is to be thirty feet in width with a draw bridge and a foot path of eight feet in the centre protect ed by posts and rails wfch a toll house and gates either on or at oie extremity and the lowest part of the flooring to be six feet above the high water line the bridge is to be supported on wooden piers and not to be co vered and of sufficient strength to allow of the transport of artillery and as stability durability and economy are primary objects ornament is not to be uhen in consideration a plan and specification of the intended bridge is to be seen at this office but should any plan or mod bo icj wj jj uijau wil ling to contract with an estimate of the ex pense which maj be approved of by the board of directors sitth plan may be adopted by them if thought necessary sufficient sure ties will be reqmred and their names to be stated in the terders given in geo f corbett sec ktrens tinpot paid accoidinly will be received at yoik addicsied to me grounded on tbc value of uncleared land ofequai quality in the same township john galt york u c 29th dec 1826 wt is requested that all applications for the purchase of lands from the canada com pany he made in writing stating the lots desirtd the price in halifax currency per acre offered the mode of payment proposed and the applicant place of residence immediate attention will he paid io written applications and an answei given wih the least possible delay signed john galt tork20tli march 1327 t8ttit rascoes nsw hot22x st pa d sired montreal prang is hasco takes the liberty of presenting his sincere thanks to his friends aud ihe public in general for the very dstinguishcd pa he has experienced since his commencement iu business and begs to assure them h3t no exertion on his part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of their favour having just completed an edition of six suits or apartment suitable for families to his new hotel he is now enabled to ac commodate a rrwch greater number of guests than heretofore he therefore most respect fully solicits the support of such ladies and gentlemen as mund visiting montreal during the slimmer aspiring them that the comfort dc accormmlatonns to be met with at his new hotel are fully tonal to any house of public entertainment in canada as usual his saloon is supplied with an ex tensive assortment of confectionery jellies ices soups mheral waters c the commissioners appointed under an act of the legislature of upper canada for the building of a at cornwall in the eastern district being au thorized to raise by loan on the credit of the said district at a rate of interest not exceed ing ii per cent a sum not more than 1000 the interest payable annually anj the prin cipal at such tiuie or times as may he agreed upon hereby pre notice that they will re ceive proposals from any person or persons willing tn advance the said sum or any part thereof till the 17th day of may next appli cation may be made to donald macdonell esqr sherilf james prinjle or noah dick inson esqrs the commissioners appointed for the above purpose cornwall 4th april 1827 jjstrgceeed 1jce 6 dollars per annum aad to be had of the editor of the kingston chronicle who is authorised to receive subscriptions the american quarterly jssew no 1 pnbllified by carey lea of pbidelpbia and edited by robert v ulai eiqnire ofllic na ioial taetie contents amercan biogra phy 2 hauler tritcoaoinetry 3 boloie of ic iv i son adams 4 ranklugl fusui remains 5- vrrplauckv doctrine ol contracs 6 secret journal ol the old congress 7 mrs hcroans po- iins s keus cniumciiianes ou american law 9 ifc of naptlctin by hie nniltorof waterly 10- itoglish fahiodobte life aimacks 11 capiaiu symmefl theory of oiceniric sphere is the grekshipi built at vu york 13 the worka of imagination publihfd ia lum1oo and america on ne new year cohed souveoirs wiihlieir hiaiiie extracted k nghoc 1 lib mar 1887 so sslust ad immediate possession givet nnilatconiniodjous and plea- santly suoate and premises near to the burack gate in this town for terms apply to h c assad y kingston may 11 1327- vmpqtlctb is hereby given by order of his e excellency the lieuuuant governor n council that sea led tenders ost pzud for a lease of the eases across he rideau lake in the line of com munication leading from brockville io perth for the term of seven years from be 29th of september 1827 subject to such rules and requisitions for ferriage and atendanc as the magistrates of ths dktrict in general quarter session of the pesce may adopt to he endor sed tender for jferry will be receired at this otfio- until ue first wednesday io july next or which day the lease will be djufr- ed to be big heat bidder who will be requited to pay 1 12a od currency before the pa tent issues and to outer into the usual securi ty for the due payment of the rent john small clk excounci a just published t this office and for aale at lesslies nit notice will be sold at public auction on sa turday the 14th day of july next at 12 oclock noon at the house of mr e marsh in hillier that vaiubl2 2 tff eijuccfjmairfi brmcmtratunr or a defence of the establisiltd church of eng- larul i its government its doctrine and itsusa iges by a member of the cburcb of england this work may be bad at the u c ga zette office at york at the office of the gore gazette and brock rille kocorder price 7d any time ftithin twelvemonths from the date in conclusion h lias only to add that his of their pareliade be entitled to the pre-emp- table conlinwsto support its former unri- railed repute aid that hb stock of wines and liquors are of the choicest descrip tion that can be brocured riou or p iv ilege to purchase a lot of twenty- five acres in the immediate vicinity of the town at tbo low rate ol 7s ticl per acre or plin acres in the next range of lots or one hurdtd acres iu the thiid range at the same i lie payable by live yearly instalments vith ivi ti as the parties may agrpe tie com nys general office is to be ci- labliihed at qudpk but offers adduscd io air o ilt for iiud will ifl the mean tirti continik v be received here john smith junr gompany office yorkj u c montreal mai n ic87 smmrdiathy by the officers of the cisili regimnt a messman also hi experienced took apply at the officers quarter fctngron lslh may 1c27 on the lake shore in hillier and now in the occuuiilion of mr win blllork consisting of onl hundred and fifty acres of good xand a large improvement a frame edrn dwel ling house fruit trees c one half the purchase money will be required down the re mainder in twelve months for further par ticular enquire of mr llullock on the pre mises james douall esq llallowell or the subscriber chas biggar murray april 12 1827 hotzce whereas my apprentice ebene- zer martin has absconded roui my service- this is to caution all per sons from trusting him on my account a9 1 will not be answerable for any debts of bis contracting aud i hereby oiler a reward of sixpence to any one who will appreheud him bat ne expeuces paid it isaac domilia valuable livnds for sale m acres viz lots no 30 jrp 3132 3 and 39 situated in the sixth concession of ihe the township of kingston and beautifully bounded in rear by coliiuss lake a also lot no 12 ninth concession loughborough the above lands are of au excellent quality and well limbered terms of payment made easy application to be rnade to the subscri ber john strange agent for ihe proprietor kingston 1st feb 1327 n b any person or persons trespassing on the above lands will be prosecuted to the utmost rigour of the law for sale 15 ot no 22 in the broken concession in the township of murray county of north- uniberland in the district of newcastle con tenting two hundred acres of land there are on the preuiises a commodiousj dwelling house barn stable and outhouses the land i of au excellent quality well watered aud io a state of cultivation also lois no 14 and 16 in the 6th concession and nos 19 0 ti and 14 iu the seventh concession of the township of rawdon conwy of hastings in the midlaud district for further pnrticularsapply to george macaulat agent fer the proprietors september 9 io

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