Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 25, 1827, p. 3

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the quebec official gazette furnishes the following by authority dovving street iiiot march i87 my lord i have ho honour to transmit to your lordship the ctpy of a letter from jsf lck datd thi i oth iust by which your lord hip will perceive that ii is the in too ion of the lords of iho cunnniitee of privy council for trade to propose some measure 10 enable the merchants to 4vl thiinseives of tho benefits which it was intended lo confer on toeir trade by the acts of 0th geo ivth cap iu and 7th geo iv cap j more particularly with resprct to imioitiog and wareho inj ane- rican flour for exportation to the west- indies as it is required that the duties should be paid on good brought in the province by inland the montreal courant state thar the grand jury have found true bills on indictments a gainst three persons viz ewen cameron fre derick team ilias john team and edmard huotdusl laurtnty tar the murder of ll- bert watson esq and that they are to remain in confinement 10 await their trial a the silling of the next criminal couitin sep tember t the subscribers to the library and read ing room are requested to meet at bt john hail tomorrow at 12 oclock to take the necessary stens for carrying the original de sign into effect fore requested tie lords commissioners of custom- to acquaint iheir officers in both the canada thai all uds which may be lawfully imported by land or inland naviati- un should w permit tud to entry at the pons of entry uoon security lo the satisfaction o the collector of the customs for the dtitf delivery thereof 4l sum trt warehousing port io ooeofior provinces i have the hour io be my lord your lordships most obedient humble servant sigaed batliubst lieut general tho earl of daahouste g c b a true copy a w cochrane sec ojice of comnitteeof prity council for trade whitehall march 16 i8j7 sir it having been represented to the lords of the committee ofprivycouncil for trade that the merchants of canada have not been ahle to avail temselves of the benefits which it was intended to confer on their tradu by the acta of oih goo 4th cap 114 and 7th geo 4th cap 48 more parti ciliary with res pect to the importing and rvarehousing amer ican flur for exportation to the wsi indies as it is rcialrj thai the duties taould be paij on goods brought into the provhoe br inland navigation ou iheir arrival af riio frontier ports through wiih they must of necessity pas be fore they cui arnre at a warehousing port and it umig rjjch lordhps intention to pro- nose some masue vith a vietv to the remo val i ibi lilk litl tl i ai ili u 1 tu ii- quest you will move the lord of his ivlimy treasury to direct the commisaioaejg f iu majestys customs to acquaint their uiioers in both the canada hut all goods wfaitij may 1 iwfully be imported by tend or inland f vigatum sioum bo perm it tad to entry u the ports of entry upon eeuity to the satisfacti on of he collector of the customs fur the due dolivtv thereof al some free parshoobieg port iu one of the provinces i am c si thomas lack j c h rries eq a true coev a wcochrrn sec office of committee of privy council f trade wttlltwvl loth bforcu 1327- sir i am directed by the lords of die commute of pr vy council for trade lo transmit to vou h- ruicjt sed copy of a lite which has thivday hue written to j 0 her- rie emj by thfi lordships direction and i am to rrqiihm tuat yoi will lay the same before jarl batuust fiir his inform i lion and in order that his lodhip may rmnoiuni cate the same to the governors eil upper and lower canada ifhfl sl dlno think fi lam signed thoslack r w hrtn esqr i a true rpy a w cochran secy has recently rdor a new scribers and friends of that society to pay their subscrip tions or give what they may think proper to wards this interesting object the parent society in london prints and circulates an nually more than seven millions of these use ful publications permission is given to the agent of tbo society to preacii a sermon and make an appeal to flic benevoleut in aid of the funds of the society at the british wes- leyan chapel ou saturday evening next at oclock it is hoped that the other congre gations in kingston will do so likewise prices current in the kingston market beef 3d to 43 mutton 5d to 4d veal 5d 4dpotatoes iscd 2s eggs 5d butter 8d to lod flour us cd to 9s hay gs per ton birth ou sunday last the lad of john low eq of a daughter ss3tj r- the ridbau canal oi tuesday last at one oclock the kingston section of this great undertaking was commenced ground was broke at the foot of tattles hilly within four miles of the town we regret that the wetness of the day prevented many of our inhibit ants witnessing a secne at once so interesting and important w shall have much pleasure it noli ing from time to time the progress olyhc work on the 10th instant the firsi division of the 76th regiment attired at fttfrbeg from mon treal under the command of captain hethcr- itigi and ou the 17th the ijvrl omner di vision of the 711 highhid liiit lnfantrv under colonel jones left quebec for ioo- treil to relieve the renidiuug ilivision of the 76th regt under major stevenson the weather during he early part of lb week has been rainy and favorable to the ve getation the glass since our last publicati on has ranged fiom 58 to 7 at noon in the shade arrived may io brig tu loaic andenoo 27th of m oeh froxd jamaica io kialy fie co wills rum and i ar snip sm francis burton miin i7ii of a- pnl liverpool to s iincl wlrti sah siri asia stead fttn jai from canton to ivth itfhardoun cu itiui i-i- ting lauiima ivloi 1 1 luii aprd im iii tou- rick iu wg pemberton iu ballast 130 witlers ijrij rvrccval johmnn 15th april froflj lena u order gneral caiy 47 etiler l7 ii blfilttfim warreo 8th of may tom newfuuuland to vv priced co in bailam lirif karl of idlouie boyd 17th ut a oil from greenock to vv price witii euefuj cargo 9 vettler bg donegal heytou i5ili an i from li- vcrptoi lo rodger lcan f co wih a ro- i it cars 45 eiilm uafc sur atkmoii i6ih april fiuin lancaih irr to mijir ueah it ballast sinp margnrtt sunsptoa 19h april from liverpool iu w pntvco uulieiuial cai- cork hu tire sodajafrom london to w pnr sc co in ballast tin ioitaivrry dotman i7th april from pnrtaferi o order witli ooj s letiter s ijiig auxander mftfhftu i9fl t april from livim iol io criugau sc co tiiingtfoe ral cargo brig sprightly johnson 15th of april from dundaik io h g forayib coiu ballast 9jealci bri jca i thompson 14ih april from aber deen to moir heaih iu ballast cleared may 16schr atielique dngas halifax 11 duoul lb briaiuine john lclin cell cork h ilallorau passengers in the sir frnocis burton mr finch and son aid two settlers in ihr ycreeval mr miller iu hie earl of dalhousie mr a jam parry and mrs vlvurii iu the corinthian 24th march packet sailed 4ih april mesf levey of qaebec latocque dc rocjiedlave and mcool of montreal intelligence tjic asia tea ship one of the two announced for canada iltl year arrived on vediuda last from canton nlncli stie led on ihe 12 ii ja too ann amelia the second vessel was abuut half lail- rd when iho aia th d le aia called at m leena and left die 26th muren the hanojii webber and hero stewart which icr obliged to viuer below hae come up for pairs ilio injury they have sutaiued i aol to be dul tritiiiiir llroiyrh april 15 sailed amethyst thomp- n fin quebec tue i ar ick for qo bee sailed fron liverpool on the i5ih of april bark prince roal towosliend wa lo leave grenada for ihn port on tnesotti apr it frtvi stjeam boat notice hi pubitr ne iiifontieri thai tb steaui buatqjfenston captain whitney iia coidincnced mnkit l regular trips ant will during ths junuuer leave the diileient ports as follows lenve niagara fr kingston bruckville and prescotf over tliui murniug at q oclock precisely ad leave preseoil ou her return for brorkvil kingston york and niagara every siinjuy at 12 oclock noon arrangement hag been made with messrs norton co sragi proprietorb prescuit by wmch passengers gjing down will arrive in montreal on salurriiy evening j and passen gers proceeding upward will by leaving montreal on saturiay morning arrive iu lime at prescott to isike the boat everv endeavour has been used to render the accoiuniodaiioiisand fare on board ol the best descripiion queenston filth nay 1s27 fiirsarp rzkiril by publjc auction rovsoa is mnjmv- qovl rnuieiii hving enn- jl j iriri hi y in the d coiupan u u uf die crown reserves in dpper canada mfuate in townwpi laid mil bfur ihc 1st rlay ufmnrcli ic3i as have noi been denihed fm trixis ol yoars m oroupd by wrinen ot verbal licence ol lite goverumeni r were oc cupied alinoiilh it i mil anv pietencc u ial title firrhe spare of ten ifears and upward before the ufh dv of novetnber t8s4 so t1ce is herebv iiven iv ilm canda dtitima- n to hllpifsonfl wbonwty now he in possessiuu 01 any crown ji serves which hy the said greetneut are io he uat4erred to tie compa ny and who may have held inch possession bt a period less than ten years befitre the sai s56th day ol november 11 vrubout any lee i iil or lit puce of ncenpaiun or pronuse ot lease that th must either relipgttwb iuimedi- telv their pvssion tf sueli reserves or treat with ihe cnnadn company for the pur chase of the same and thai proposal in uri- litkg post paid accordinylv will be received al york addiessfd tome grounded on the value oftmeleurrd landofetjual tjuality m the same township john jalt yorku c enthdec 18i6 t is requested imi all appticarions for ihe purchase of lauds from th canada cum- w vvlmri the if ill be sold on monday d july next at kingston as she now lays at the i steam boat j the asia being the first tea ship for the season for canada arrived at quebec on the 16th instant in 14 days from canton we have to inform the bapny youth for wbose eye the following is inteuded that as well as some other very pretty things lave beeu deposited in our hands bv the distressed but fair writer of these lines to be delivered to him on his shewing to us proof positive that he is really and truly the fortunate young rogue in question in the year 13 twenty three a young- man well drest sot on the back seat bet wean the third and forth windo next to the pulpit u galary on suuday t the last quarterly metig meting iu that year in h dowel with a wip of bush iu bis hand with his armo arround a notber mans shoaldor and wispered to a man next him i lbiug of a lite complocliou i ihini blue cloas with too btltfas on his alcaves i think at this ofice is a icter for flits vouug man if this young man will rite a icier to thi ofice with his nuin ad dwelling plac ha shal jtccq1v wich is at this ohce more monoj i- menfiotitiil iu the icier wich you shall have eny uuz discovorin this pursun shall recoil thtj aboye mentined reward ms hereby given that scaled tenders tlk will he received at this odioe lill loth jine for washing the following articles of 5 aao for a period of six months from 1st july to olst december 1827 round towels at f palliasses at bolsters at barrack double blankets at at at i sheets i rugs- barrack single f palliasses bolsters blankets- sheets i lings at at at at at hospital f palliasses at bolsters at s at j blanke sheets- i kugs at at wiih her anchors chain cables eteglog kc also die engine of so hwso power manufactured by mmrs wall uouhou sale to lake plat 0 board at 10 oclock a- at for any further iformaiion application to bj made to mr sir kmiuu or to j hamdlon jqoecnic mv 25 1 837 w espectfltlri mtfonws the inbabit- f ants of kiugsuh auj its vitiuily that io has opened a shop n storesfrcpi for the practice of his profe g n served a regular appr in scotlaud and pnsspd a coirso ol instruction under ihe bst masters io londot ai a utcii finisher flatters himself he qualified to under take watches and clocks of the highest finish and most approved oiinctiuu tliose who may please to favour hi with their work may depend ou the greatest attention aod the strictest jusiice n b mariners aid pocket compasses made aod repaired- pain engraving ee cuied wedding ringi warranted sterliog gold kingston it c 1tl mav 17 cafaroqti bridge office kiagswtwdmafr l8 notfce is hereby iven that two shares of the capital sfotk of the gulafjwjui bridge company will behold by public aic- tiou at 12 oclock noot at this office on thursday the 21st day o june next forfeit ed by nun payment of tin second instalment due on he 1st instant ageeable to the act of incorporation george r cob rett secret nj and treusnrer to parents and guardians ln this vktmty mk t a meeting of ih comnnittce of the isda kingston auxilian society for promot ing education and lnduirv iu canada held at st johns hall lhy24 1827 h c thomson es in the clair resolved that tbe lucasferian school house which has bee rented from the trus tees of midland school district society be prepared as soon a possible and a school opened on the british js taught by mr- j hawker recornme b le b aod foreign school societ in ndou terms of admission to this school will he lioa year or us 3 p al f closo ot each quarter includint tiic use of slates les son vc and each proprietor m tho above school house may snd one scholar upou each share at a discoun of lcn percent jfotl oe will be sold at iuldio auction on sa turday the 14th f ji textat is ovlocknoon at the turfiseof jjr e marsh in ililher that vaziabee pauy he made in writings stating the lots desired the price in halifax currency per acre ntrered the mode of payment proposed and the applicants place of residence iinmediate attention will be paid to written applications and an answei given iv uh ihe least possible delay signed john galt yuik 120th march ine7 5 aisa tipjih fhe canada comnuiv hive laid out and dig commenced ih huiktng of a town on an eum9 mfo in lie county of lion to frlijch tltpv have iven ilis name o uu iiru in uouoi ol tht ii v it koiiv tu situ nion is un ol th- ruosi dtsirsble in tin- irmoc- ijnu oo ilt i u ofiir ftp d ii i1 t vi- o j ut n place vuiere fin npwhtlsot n njiit and a half there is u continued sucoetjion of valua ble mill seats a ronl his already hreu opened to the town of cttiljjh fiuni waterloo ami oihis in different directions aie planned the buml- iiiii lois aic be i i it cjearrd al the expenbouf ihe company several mill aeuts aru engaged as well as a unjubei of ihe town lot and house to accommodate settlers until il shall hwve luilt or oblinnd houses lor tnem- selv6s are erected at ihe expense of the com pany the pi ice of the town lots is at present only t cut dollars and the half of the mo ney arising iioni the le is appropriated for the endowment of a free school the first hundred pui chasers of town lois when thv shall have wee led a bnbitablc house will at any time within twelve mouths from the date ui their puichae he entitled to the preemp tion or privilege to purchase a lot of twenty five acre- iu the immediate vicinity of the town at the low rale of 7s gd pet aero en fifty acres hi the next ramie of lots or on hundred acres in the third range at ihe same liiie payable by five yearly iiimjlnienis urtth interest as the parties miy agree the companys general office i to b es tablished at oue bin offers addreed to mr gait for land ujj m the uiein time continue to be received here john smith jour compnuy office ymu u c superfine and fixe may 1c27 fou sale by j watkins goveknmext transport by stea3i boats 2sf tice ishereh given to all proprietor of htcamvesjieu villit to furnish r5t on the lake shore in flillier and now in the occupation of mr wm bullock consistina of oxfc hundred au fifty agues of good jand a lare imnrovement a frame barn dwel ling house fruit tree c one half the purchase money will be quired down the re mainder iu twelve months for further par- licnuis enquire of mr ijuliock on tiie pre- mises james dougall lq ilallowcll or the subscriber chas big gar murray april 18 17 the prices to be stated opposite each arti olj in sicrlintr dollars al is 4d two becu ries vvil be required for the dtic perlbrmaoci of rjir coin act itjv further particulars apply to the barracl oiiiot- in kiivfon too teurici s to be addressed lo the rtpoei r ofsers orithe oduaoou litugston u c oidlu tiut kitgaioti- iod viv uj7 n excelleutpiano forte- apply at oci tins office tsrh may ih37 notice lo printers or sale on reasonable terms a print zfa inrr press constructed un the most ap uoved plan and which has not becu in use or inuc than four or h e weeks also ouplcie assortment o uvw types and turui- ure application may he made to the editor of ae chronicle ivhoisugeisifoi tiuj proprietor kiuffston i8tb attguit 4u6i vblic notice ts hereby given that a general meeting of the stockholders ol i he bank nf upper canada will be held at the hank in the town of york on monday ihe 4th day of june next for the purpose of elect ing by bailor directors to sert rp fhj the ensuing year as the act of incorporation directs thos c kidout cashier bank of upper canada 7 york gih april ic73 n b editors of the fceveral newspapers in the province are requested to publish tlif above uonce in their papeis until the diy ol election and then send their account into iht bank for payment h4 ill be sold at the subscribers auc tion room oil monday the ii inst the stock in trade of a bankrupt estate consisting of a general assortment of dry goods viz superfine and common cloths and cassimeies blank ets cassimere shawls and scarfs chin i z and imitation do do muslins camorics shirting e jkx c with a great variety of other ar ticles sale to commence at 10 oclock precisely bv order of the asmimiee m mouan a scb kingston may 17 ltf7 rhzskovat he subscriber begs to acquaint the pub- lie that he ha removed to the shop ad- ijining mr orange hayes corner of quceu and storestreet uhcre he intends pursuing his business as ahd hasst esaiser lie earnestly solicit a share of patronage and be can assure those who may favor him with their eummauds that even exertion ball be used on his part tu give satisfaction liingmoo march 13 lbs7 for the sorvi of ihe government during the present season for the conveyance of troops wu clodingscres fci from prcscot and kig tu tu v urlintou for g otge ou lrj ootario and 1 j queeoston in the niagara rivet nd vice fersa thai tenders will b received at this cfilco unj thursday tle jis mutant atuono the conitiooa c contract and form o tender to be made out iu british btoney may be known upon application at this offieet md thiv must express lireraies of cubtu and dccu pasc igers korss hardware stores per ton barrchs of turk beef four or li- qjiois and puncheqnsaud bugshfutls of hum no proposal tvrli he noticed utitea made ir the form pre sciki and signed bj twcsurtiei- eai sureties willing o become bounrl fur the fulfilment of tbo contract as well as by the party making tho offer vho or agents duly authorised on theii behalf must attend at the time of opening the tenders to give aoj ex- plinatioo required a i il will he a condition of any contract that may be colored into that u shall be optional with the commissariat offi cer in charge to pay for the transport fur nished either iu srirish silver ntorcy ai its nominal rate in other specie ai lse jarof4s 4d per spanish dollar or in iiiis of ex- change on ii mcjfil v treasury at thiily dajrs after sight of 100 for cacli 103 due unon tho contract- any furtber conditions and particulars may be known upon application at this office the tenders must he scaled ami endorsed tender for tranqwrt thos hill dac 6 commissariat oltcr kingston juu may 1 027 half- pay pensions and retired allowances payable by he com- m issarial pffmli i ouimissary general herebv notifies ta foftbe inftwmnon ofofiiecra j others e titled i pi nsiuo jnjf pay or other retired ailotvance wihin thii command 5nd v inch hi ihcuto have been pcid only al quebec tha rrrh hc r roily ui this rurvioo tho several amounts will a h- ried lo be paid al any of ihcoul poti cr satioiis by the commissariat ohoer in charge on du notice bring- nddr ed to th gommissarygenerats olficcat quebec int lime lo transmit the necessary advice by the oificpr or parties coucfcined and who will bo required to produce the usual cenilicatcs af fidavits and receipts o the officer of the corn- mksaftil by whom ihe same shall bo issued commtmrycveoeral9 office quebec s7ih a si 1827 ojjict of ike ctlirttiui bridge company kingston vltkmw 1027 otice is hereby given that tenders will im reserved at this offine uutitthnrs- diiy tiie 21st of june next m h oclock noon fiuin uh persons as may be ivillmg to enter into a contract for the costnicion of a wooden bridge across the great river cataraqui from tiits towp vt the opposite side tbeexliemewidth ol the rivec at the proposed suite is 1100 feet he greatest depth of water about 15 het gradually rtecrestshig to three and two feet and the bottom is a regnhir flat linn stone rock covered villi only a suiill poitmu of mud the bilgrf intended 10 be built i- to he thirty feet hi width with a draw bridge and a foot path of eight feci in the tnve protect ed in posts and rails with a toil house and gates either on or at oe pxtremtty and the in ver pari of the flooring o be n feet ab ve ihe high water line the bridge it to be mippomd un wooden piers and not to he co- reted and of suffinent strength trt ullowuf the trnnsport f artillery and s stability durability and economy are primary objects ornament i not to be t iken in considenwiin a plan ami specificatum of the iuienlcd ciidie is to be seen it tlis office bul should huypluntn model be ivch hi by those wil ling to contract with nu patitmueof he ex- r ie which m- be approved of bv the board of oirecinr such pi m niay he adopted by them if thought necessary stilrcieoi sure- tics uill be required and their names to be slated in ihe tendr- pen in ceo f corcctt st piwl itrct montreal brancis rasco ikes the liberty of jbi present injr his sincere thanks to his friends bud 1 lie public in general fur the very d slrngutshed patiomie he has experienced since ins commencement iu business and bes 10 asmire them thai 110 exertion on his part khali be wanting to merit a cununuance ot iheir favour having just com platen in edition of six suits of apartmius suitulufbrfumilits to his sew hotel he is now enabled tu ac commodate a mucii greatei number of guest than heretofore he therefore most respect fully solicits ihe support ol such ladies and gentlemen as intenu visaing montreal during ihe summer assuring them that the comfort jk aixonimdaloionn to be met with at bis new hotel are fully qud lo any hotie of public entertainment in canada as usual his saloon is supplied iritb an ex tensive assortment of confectioncrv jetio ices soups mineral waters ice in conclusion he has only io add that his table continues to support its former unri valled mpie and ihal his stock of wlnes itndlkuoks aie of the choicest dcaciip- 11011 thai can be proem ed montreal may 11 t5 aut9p mmfoiatcly by the officers of the cuth regiment a mess man also 11 experienced cook apply at tle officers quuitvts kingston ifithma iss7

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