Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 25, 1827, p. 4

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rscul j f bva v a 5qhgqf impossibilities from thf nf monthly magazine for jas jrifiniile roman oh ton remarquera que y or ii pa hewreux dans la conclusion de me imour rosfau ladt i bred you nil last year how bone9ily and well alas would weary you to hear and torture me to tell i raved beneath the midnight sky i sn beneath the limes orlando in my lunacy and pstracfa in my rhyme but all is over wben the sun dries up the bocrsdless main when black is white false hearted cne i may be youtft again when passions early hopes and fears are not derided things when truth is found in falling tears or faitb in golden rings when the dark fates that rule our way instruct me where they hide one woman that would neer betray one friend that never lied when summer shines without a cloud and blfes without a pain when worth is noticed in a crowd i may be yours again whon science pours the light of day upon the lords of lands when etuskissoa is heard to say what lothb we understands when wrinkles work their way in youth or ellens in a hurry when lawyers represent the troth or ir sumner surrey when fdermen taste eloquence 0 srvevhvvr chaxnpfrgrt when oorlrfton law is common sense 1 may be yours again when learned judges play the beau or learned pier the tabor when traveller bankcs beats cicero or mr bishop weber when sinking funds discharge a debt or female hands a bomb when bankrupt study the gazette or colleges tom thumb when little fishes leara to speak or poets xctt to feign when dr gcldart construes greek i may be yours again when pole and thornton honor cheques or mr const a rogue when jerichos in middlesex or minuets in vogue when highgate goes to devonport or fashion to guildhall when argument is heard at court or mr wynn at all when sydney smith forgets to jest or farmers to complain when kings that are are not the best 1 may be yours again when peers from telling money shrink or monks from telling lies tvlir hydfapn begins to niuk or grecian scrip to rise when german poets cease to dream americans to guess when freedom sheds her holy beam on negroes and the press when there is any fear of rome or any hope of spain when ireland is a happy hotne i may be yours again when you can cancel what has been or alter what must be or bring once more that vanisbd scene those witherd joys to me when you can tune the broken lute or deck the blighted wreath or rear the gardens richest fruit upon the blasted heath when you can lure the wolf at bay back to bis shattered chain today may then be yesterday i may be yours again from the liter art gazette anil spring ns ihough in the fickleness of her 1 reign she wished to point our more reflective thoughts to the incertitude of life sunshine in all us varying seavou of this exigence in the south beclouds were hunvil rolling away iotfithc path of the god of day- who now for i moment dispersed tlinn in their rapid way iiiri anon withdrew bid glory beneath their veil the eastern ky was freaked with fiap which exhibited his laded track of niri brightness while the north and the west were shaded between the cerulean path which seemed to invite his advancing course and the shades which were waiting to succeed the de parture of his setting brilliancy that day how many changeful thoughts hopes and fears were to he crowded into such a span a speck of time i the scene before toe was the epitome of this reflection for the world i think i havo understood it to be generally a point of military discipline to limit as far as is possible the numbers o friends and rela tions who assemble on the depniture of a re giment foi foreign service and it appeared to me us if this rule had been acted upon in the present case still there were and whocouhi bavehad the heart to prevent them collected round iho column manv male and female rela lives the women almost like kachael re fusing to be comforted wedded wives and betrothing lovers fathers and mothers bro thers and sisters all the tics of consanguinity and of heart stretched on the back of leave- taking and of separation you might see many a gallant fellow summoning up all his fortitude to bear himself and his afflicted fair one bravely through the trial yrtu might hear the icsu impassioned but not less sacred words of consolation bicfa an only son uttered into the ear of a bereft and widowed parent here was an old man exhorting the child o his promise to emulate his fathers dearly trea- tured courage in the same righteous cause that of his king and his country there a youth pledging to a brother the vow of filial duty and protection to their aged and common sire and in another direction was heard the deep drawn poignant burst of sorrow poured from the wife of his bosom into the struggling heart of many a manly mould dont be unhap py mary said one fino young man to a pale lair girl whose grief depicted in her gze was at first too acute to relieve itself in tears 4 dont he unhappy mary yon will live with mother ami you will write to me and i shall perhaps sometimes find time to wiite to yen aud a soldiers utter you know travels over the world for a penny and we shall soon set tle the matter and come back they wont date to stand their ground hmg when our bay onets touch them and then mary 9 ah exclaimed mary bursting into tears m but they may stay long enough to kill some of you and how can i tell that you oil no no replied the brave youth many chances befoie my turn mary come be cheery youll love me all the better when i have fought for king george and then mary wept again btt there appeared a bore in this second flow imparted by her soldiers confidence and pride ii youll get half my pay whispeffed a man with an accent of more tenderness than his appearance seemed to warrant the expectation of a tall hardfeatured stronglimbed figure with a waterloo medal suspended by the usual riband at his breast upon which he looked down as if the sight of it nerved him to some great exertion youll get half my pay said he to a pretty young woman who carried all infant on her arm while with the other hand she held a blooming boy of six or seven rears of ago and as we cannot spend any money in portugal we shall have the other half to send johnny to school and make a clever fellow of him shall we not johnny stooping down to kiss the rosy boy and he shall take care of his sister when he grows to be a man aid i thought i saw a tear full from his full rye as he raised it towards heaved and addel and when i come home i shall get my discharge and my pension well go and live at the old village and make all the country folks stare with ihe stories of all the bailies tod sights i have seen his sorrowing helpmrte was too deeply conflicted to utter a word but she looked first at her husband then at her boy whose ktile teais fell fast though he scarce knew why he wept and then at her infant which she clasped in silent anguish to her bosom and hid her face over the little in nocent at this moment the commanding officer who was to conduct these gallant me to victory or to death mounted on his wellpaced charger which seemed to know the exact extent of its military step placed himself at the head of the battalion the words of command at tention shoulder arms u march were given in rapid succession the scene was changed all was life and motion the band ttruck up martial air and ihe column moved forward the assembled crowd gave the de parting heroes cheers of encouragement aud farewell and i retired to my room and traced these few desoltory litres which may pertiaps be cavilled at by critics and condemned by the stern but which may nevertheless not be without the sympathy of some kindred spirits nor tire delights arising from the conscious- ness of a warm hearted sensibility passing events wednesday stk dec 1826 in the passing events and reflections of but one short hour what a picture of human life may we behold i was led to this considera tion by witnessing this morning the muster of a body of the footguards in the birdcage walk of st james park and the commence ment of their march to the coast to embark for portugal it was the second battalion of the third regiment of those fine troops who had won their full share of lory in the late peninsular war which was thus again on foot for the scene of their former triumphs there they stood resting on their arms in the most complete state of soldierly equipment not for the showy pageant of a field days exercise but for the endurance and fame of a foreign campaign there was no noisy hustle either amidst the thicltl v closed ranks of the soldiery or among the collected multitude which had assembled to be the spectators of their depar ture a sober gravity pervaded in general the countenances of both the settled pur pose the calm fidelity the unshrinking cou rage of british troops might all be traced in th visages of one group the deep interest the strong sympathy the warm hope of an eng lish populace were to be observed in the faces of the other nature too semed as if re solved to aid ihe scene with her accordant gaze ir was one of those still mild genial mornings which she loves to share alike be tween the buoyancy of the rising and the so lemnity of the declining year between tlv eason u hope and of loom between autuuu potthd a volume of voltaires history of louis xiv apply at this office itflh march 1827 to let a large twostory house comprising shop aid every convenience for a family situate on the napane river a short distance below the napane mills attached to the premisesare three acres of ground and a very good store house apply at this oilicc kingston 18th april 1826 cash ml i wanted 10000 bushels of merchant able wmafu for which cash will be paid on dajivery wm donaldson kingston jany 19 1s7 to be leased or sold that frame dwelling house and gar den beautifully situated near the com mandants house at present occupied by d a c g arnold possession to be given n the 1st of may next fo- particulars apply io john lowe esq kingston or to the edito of he chionirl alliance british a5l forklwp 1lu at8 jpftt uwanu co fj mt ff ikw 51 vi n n no act or p att cx assent capital five ml ions sterling the audits for this company tg leave to announce o the ninabitauls ol upper- canada that they contli w to assure against loss or damage occasioned bv and that they have lor uo convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as thir agents in the couuy towns of the dif ferent dricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs iv jwofhs co brockville james macfartane est kingston james g bfthune est colours jluhl win prentice etq york john ross esq jiafrara to either ol whom partes desirous of eitect ing assurance will please apply the aoeit mke leavi to remind the pub lic of the following imporraot and striking ad vantages that will he dfived from assuiing with the alliance company 1st pei feet seem in 3d honor and liber lity in the settlement of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4h a participation tt profits 5ti fifties hhoolnm the settlement of losses frjiii fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company qth losses fay lightning will he made good 7th the aenis have the power of sett ling losses to this country without refer ring to the board ul direction in london gih reasonable exposes incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance being made oiwproperiy fc less sum than ihe renl value thereof company will pay whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed- warrants the expec tation that fhe projis to be divided will be larce mackenzie eethcne fc co aoents montreal 28th september jegfi essrs mcupchon cross- man being abuit to discontinue busi ness at kingston john strange esq acts there as agent for this establishment a ivtanakan marmora tron works feb 1 1 1827 xoo rewxkjj is excellency ne lieut governor having received communication from his excellency the governor of tho state of new- york by which it appears that william morgan who some yvars ago exercised the calling of a brewer iuliis place and who has subsequently resided at canandagua in the slate of newyork wtf some time in the last year conveyed by force from that place and is supposed to be forcible detained under false pretences in some part ofthis province any person who may be able to aiford information respecting be said vidliam morgan shll upon communicating tltf same to the private secretary of his excellency the lieutenant governor receive the reward above oflered gcvornmeni house 3 is januarv 21 m iii m hi 1 ai v li i to capitalists aopsrty tsuts s n d -ui- n the first day of aufft 1827 bclween the hours pf puelve oclock a m to oclock pm will besnlit by public auction to the highest hwliiur at kingston in the province of upper cnada z m o is iir m ie s these works are sueared in the township of marmora in the county of basting tn the midland district m the ifcid pioviticcatwlare esteemcl one of the most vatble properties in thefoundery line in british 50 ill ameri ca and one it h coiimdcied which caturoi foil under proper management to realise to pmrhaset profits seldom arising to cuput lists from other investu eutvofcapiial thsse vvorks m the estahlhhmenl of which upward of thirty thousand pounds sterling frjavebecn expended consist of iwo furnaces the one capable of yielding two tens and the other one tone of iron in the the twentyfour hours wjth rtta necessary buildings connected therewith a forge for ihe manuficinre of bar iron with loin fires and iwo hammers a bawmn klmir mill dark mill and tan- neiy all impelled by water of which there is an abundant supply carpenters and biack- mihs yhois well provided with the neces sary tools biikuig house anil fourteen com- fortiihle dweliin louses three u htch nre well uitpti for taverns or larpc amilh v th to let house nut two mnall dwellins with a cood stable ano u double i lrden- wiih a good spring of water m grave street opposite ili btkyingvrounilgate for fuither infortnatioo enquire of hr john cox april 20 1827 famll e subscriber will r cash for 200g u buahtis of 21ye dhveicd in kingston jo mm satiukgb- kingston 29th march 27 ft sh if cv ffgtite snfcsci mm ftiniicrh bers havi aken ihe slcrc id i j d j smith at cape vincent now offer fi sulc a genera assortuvxit of occu m 5 am together with an addiiionhl flock o fancy silk goods aud crapc such as orange brown nhie lilac and oilier clourrd irosdenap and grosdeta nchcvs tilu vcsing fancy dress silk ran llrercliiefe kc n which rili beoflered ai very reduced pi ices for icn- dv pay onlv kelt ogo k reynolei- rnc vincent qd jcov lw6 port hope ekuwn bejja leave to info ni his ft fi i tjs and the public thai ha has coilt- qienced ilnxw gjgstihi acess ci emf unctonng ln i house executive ouncil office york 7t ffkruarv 1827 mpitice is hereby 7env drhhvta wis m excellence lbe lieut gov in council that unless john bowman late a private soldier in the giengar- lifht infantry ive- giment the original tocatee of lot no 7 concession c townslnp of murray in the district of newcastle 1 shevr cause within six months from this da why the location should not be rescinded the lot will begrant- ed to william m bullock of murray afore said gentleman john small c ec removal fsflle subscriber beg to acquaint the pub- lie that he has removed to the shop ad joining mr orange hayes corner of queen and storestreet where be intends pursuing his business as he earnestly solicits a share of patronage and he can assure those who may favor hitn with their commands that every exertion shall be used on his part to ive satisfaction james boes kiwgstfut march 18 1887 an continental assocziitzcsr j2 in the said township mirror ndinz ihe r and 8584 acrusinthe adjoining township of belmont in the nswcmje liitricr for which a deed in fee will be riven and upon fthtrfi are inexhaustible mines of re generally of a pood quality wirh 1500 acres of lard granted conditionally in perpeiuo bv the go vernment as fuel reserves the condition being that the works are never permitted to cease three successive years the distance at present at which ihe works are supplied with charcoal is between two aud three miles the lake org is brouahl by water five miles and oiheroie useful to be employed in the making of good i r o v is brought by laud a distance of six miles ore of the purest quality known in the brinsh provinces may be had at an unfixed expense r nimirc wiihin a few hundred yards of the works mixed with which is yellow ochre red eaith and hlick lead in great quantities these works are established on crow river a mile below the crow lake this river interrupted by many large rapids con nects with the river trent the distance by arftd ro the mouth of the trent the head of navigation is hi miles the limits of an advertisement will not ad mil of an enumeration of the many advantages of this property neither is it the purpose of the proprietor by any exaggerated statement to induce persons desirous to purchase to trust to his representation and save the trouble of personal inspection that it is at least equal to the representation heie made of si any person viewing plans of the works left at the different advertising offices in london liverpool newyork philadelphia montreal and kingston will he satined added to yhichthis circumstance is of consideration that the works are sufficient in supply fhe province ol tipper anaja vviph wm vou hren sssavt and at a price much lower than they can be brought from the lower province the object in selling is to fulfil the conditi ons upon which this property was placed in the hands of the present proprietor namely to pay over the proceeds to the creditors of mr charles hayes the original proprietor such sale being demanded by the majority in amount of debts of the said creditors for further information application to be made to messrs gould dowie sc co in london mr manahanatthc woiks or to the sub scriber in montreal peter 31gill montreal july 15 l2fi william rennie wig maker begs leave most respectfully to acquaint his friends and the public that he has recommenced business in his lineat the house lately occupied by mr f x rocheleaux op posite the mansion house hotel store street where by an unremitted attention to his busi ness he will merit the approbation of his for mer friends and the public kingston 20th dec 182c of ercrv dfsnipiion of a superior quality vim o he will sell for cash ct a proved hills an low as thev can be obtained at any manu factory in theutvired states port hop july 3 182b whk copartiieiship heietoine carried nn hhe subscriber wtu receive proposals for a the insurance for lives for any period terms and other particulars may be ascertain ed on application to any of the ageuts in upper or lower canada to whom also pros pectuses may be had h smith aeut for upper canada kingston jth october ls2ti few copies of the following works are for sale at this ollice march 9th mt capt parrys third expedition to the north west illustrated by a map denitam and clappertovs tra vels in africa the atlantic souvenir a christmas and new years preseitt for 1 8 7 handsome ly executed and splendidly embellished adventures of a young rifle man written by t for ibale a copy of sanpovalor the fhee mason aspfosh tale by the au- hnr of don estuban apply at ibh office iuler ihe firm ol smith fy but- itrhortl as hatteus in the town ol kingston is this day dissolved by mutual consent all persons indebted io the conrem are required to make immediate pvmem to tikons smith who is authorised u discharge the same and those to whom the firm is indebted ae requested to preseut ilieii accounts for adjustment thus smith john buttutworth kingston 9th dec 135 ku sale that vnlnaldi- farm in the 7th conces sion of the township ol ernesttown lately the property of mr samuel ward it is composed of lots no 35 aud 26 in said i concession and contains by admtasurmen 4k aches of good laij of which about 100 acres are under cul tivation there is a good oiu hard dwelllngiiouse iarn and other onlhouscs on the pre mises a liberal credit will be ghefl on part of the purchase money and possession may he had immediately for further particulars apply to john ivirby esa kingston or to allan macyherv son esq kapance mills kingston 20th august 1824 to sell or lease several thousand acres of land ittts enquire of ceo macau lay agent jortue iroprieior bab6lh oct 1s24 just published anh for sale at this office tiik chxjr c cate thl mq8tcn fjvonicu is printed and published everv friday afternoon by james macfarlajte a his office corner of water and barrac streets kingston terms seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance jusrecexvsd frice 5 dollars per annum and to be had of the editor of the kingston chronicle who is authorised to receive subscriptions the american quarterns review no 1 published bv care y lea of phidelphia nndediledb robert walsh esquire of ihe na tional gazette contents american biogra phy 2 hauler trigonometry 3 kulogieaof jefterson adams 4 ranking i ossil remains 5- verplaucks doctrine of contracts 6 seercl journal of tbe old congress 1 mrs hcmans f- ems 8 kents commentaries on american law 9 lite of napoleon by ihe author of wiverly 10 hnlih ihniiiiilc lifeahnack 11 captain symroes itieory of concentric sphere 12 the greek ships built at newyork 13 the work of imagination pohluhed in loudon and america oo the new year eaileil souroirs wilti their heaitiieiexrmced kington 1 lib may 1827 55 be xep and immediate possessjon givex tp hat commodious and plca- santly situate sbunxt btocufng jottar and premises near io tlics barrack gate in tlii town for terms apply to u ca3sajdyjvn prick of advlrtisements si lincsand under 2s 6d first insertiin and t ech subsequent inei lion ten lines and un dcr 3s 4d lirsl insertion and lod each subse quent insertion above ten lines 4d per line tor the frrsi insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without tcruten directions in 6erted titlforbid and charged accordingly orders for dironlinuing adverliseinents io be invsriting and delivered by wednesday noox at the latest no adver5isementsreeeivcd afterten oclock on the dav of publicaiion 0 produce received inpayment nt the w2l kei price march 161827 kingston maj 11 187 agents ttcnry coan esq quebtv phillip burn- esq three rivers jamev wiuiam esq montreal messrs j st j dunlop iancastet john cameron esq hochieu wm kay esq cornwall george browne ksq matilda alpheos jones esq prescntt henry jones esq brockville jusiah taylor hq pvrth whitmarsh esq richmond j k ilanu ell liq bastard mess c j w donald qmntmoquf j imkenzie esq bath allan jvlclmiim on eq nnyanet thomas parley eq bttlvilu joseph a keeler esq lramuhe james g bet hit ne kq hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan eq york daniel rosskq i ittoria john crooks eq ftwqara charles bgur eq canal murmt rev mr jollltftop amhtrubvrg george uulus kq adojmtonn liu madouald ksq mtyb

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