Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 19, 1828, p. 3

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mtion and in caso the said leave of ab- lence shall not be confirmed within ouo louth from tho date of such report hav- iiug boen received by the secretary of state tho persons to whom the said leave t of absonco may have been granted by f tho governor and council as aforesaid shall forthwith return to the colony set tlement plantation or foreign possession in which his office is situated and inde- kault thereof shall be deemed to have va- atod such office and his appointment to f such office shall be considered to all in- f toots and purposses void and of none ef- ifoct in the third section a penalty of ne hundred pounds is imposed upon tho governor not reporting as required by the last section the fourth requires that a return of absentee officers shall be laid he- fore the house of commons within six weeks after tho opening of every sessionof parliament the fifth clause provides thai re act shall not prejudice subsisting grants in this is the whole of the 54th geo iii dverted to by the learned judge i with these materials before him it is dif- fcult to conjecture by what strange pro cess ofratiocioation the conclusion was feometo that the absence of the chief jus tice of upper canada created de facto an fbsolute forfeiture of his office it would keeasy to shew that the doctrine of the learned jtidge is in the teoth of the com mon law of england that it has no sup port from the above statutes must be ma nifest to the most humble leguleius quebec 8th july 1828 foreign news latest from england by recent arrivals at boston english dates to the 30th of may have been received for the following summary of news we are indebted to the commercial advertiser the following article on the change of the ministry is from the london morning advertiser mr huskisson has resigned so has lord palmerston and mr yv lamb mr charles grant who has also tendered his resignation presists in it and although the most earnest applications have boen made to earl dudley to retain the seals of the foreign office we understand that he has uniformly replied that although no personal or political difference with the head or with any memhr of the govern ment or any stipulation with those who had already resigned rendered it impcra- hini to quit office along with tive on oim to quit them he nevertheless felt it incumbent on him tw firtfew she ran- flmwsft j0 f- feftvgtf fifiikafs tithi tf iltilfj ifaf- prcsidnt of the hoard oftrade lorda- berdeen mr huskisson and sir george murray or mr calcraft lord palmerston tho king it is said seems to take lit tle interest in the changes of the cabinet it is intimated that the east retford bill wbi uotthe solo cause of the dissolution of theministry but that the discord has been promoted by one of the royal dukes tho king gave a bail on the 26th at his palace in st jamess to which a numer ous company were invited there was a rumour that a dissolution of parliament must take place in such case it was supposed the liberal party would have a decided majority in the new house of commons unless n great quantity of business in parliament is left in arrear it will be neces sary to continue tho session uotil late in july asit will be juno before the budget is brouglt forward which is an unprece dented late period for submitting the ways and means of the year to the house of commons the deranged state of the administration will not only embarrass but prolong the business ofthc session at the middlesex sessions in may the ownerof two ferocious dogs who had bit ten a litflc child was fined 35- acco tints from jassy to the 10th may stated tht the russian army amounting to 35000 men were advancing with great rapjdity towards wallachia and ha ving occupied its capital on the 7th had penetrated is wersts beyond it hamburgh may 23 by official ac counts from the dutch consul at tripoli the bey intends fitting out two privateers this summer to cruise against hamburg ships off the coast of portugal the ship alciope arrived at boston on friday afternoon from liverpool bringing english papers to the 30th of may tho following items are from the boston pa pers the papers of the 20th state that the place of mr huskisson as colonial secre tary is to be filled by sir george murray this gentleman filled the post of quar ter master general under the duke of wellington and was afterwards comman der in chief in ireland the earl of dud- icy had resigned the seals of the foreign department the courier acknowledges the difficulty of filling the place of a minis ter who has inspired such respect in foroigu courts by his talents and conciliated all fomgu ministers at our court by the ele gance of his manners and the openness and straight forwardness of his intercourse with them and adds that tho successor is unknown the courier affirms with great confidence that the changes will produce no change in the system of domestic or throne belongs to hims and beseeching him to assemble the cortes and to abolish the constitutiual charter as contrary to the fundamental law of the monarchy it is said the old queen on her birth day crowned don miguel in her apartment with her own hands and kneeling before him called him her king and said that she was his first subject pari may 25 letters have been re ceived at frankfort from berlin which state that the russian army has hecn or dered to advance without delay throngh bulgaria to constantinople russia and turkey the grand duke michael set out from st petersburg on the 4th iud tho emperor on the 7th to join the army it is said that the army will not pass the danube till after the emperors arrival at ismacl the turks are reported to have assembled in bulgcria and reraelia inclusive of the garrisons and fortresses 20000 regular troops 20000 body guards of the pachas and about 100000 militia the chronicle kingston d c july 39th 128 our london dates it will be seen are down to the 30th of may copious ex tracts of foreign news will be found in our preceding columns quence of the total want of support which he must experience on questions which he deemed of tho highest importanco to the welfare of the country thus then arc the observations which we made in the month of january last completely verified the ministry which was constructed on the ruins of the canuiug cabinet is brokeu in pieces the two halves of the unshapely mass have been riven asunder and the duke of wellington has again to commence the laborious task pf constructing a new cabinet without al most any materials saving himself and a- j notber out of which it can be formed to- ryism in fact was never at a lower ebb w j either in the amount of talent on which it could reckon or in the estimation in which it is held by the public of the former it lias actually none of which it can boast in cither house of parliament in the latter respect it has been left behind by the spi rit of the age and on the whole we can- dont imagine a task of greater difficulty than that which the resignation ofthc libe ral part of the cabinet has imposed on the duke of wellington it was hard on the israelites to be condemned to make bricks without straw but still harder on the premier to be compelled to seek for and find that which does not oxist- an attempt however is to be made to ecu struct a tory cabinet and of it we say as we said of the cabinet which is now defunct that it will not and cannot en dure it will possess no talent for con- ducting the affairs of a great nation and talent was never more necessary thnn in the present crisis the public will have no i confidence in it and confidence is absolute- j ly necessary to the existence of an admi- i nistration it will have no leader in the i house ofcommons sufficient to contend j with even a secondrate combatant on the opposition side and yet of all things ne- j ccssaxy to the durability and efficiency of a government in this country a leader in the house of commons of commanding geni us and sterling talent of temper to soothe and intellectual power to controul and prudence to manaee the jaring and discor dant elements of which it is composed is e first the last and the great desidera- tum weak administrations certainly weak- rer than that at the head of which the duke of wellington will now be placed have t repeatedly governed this country but the j times were different the spirit of tho coun- try was different and we were not on ly at peace but we were not threat ened with war- suchls uot the case now ond when it is considered first how strong the opposition has manifested itself through- lout the session the great accession of ta lent which it will acquire in consequence of the late resignations and lastly the high 6timation as compared with the tory j jpart of the cabinet in which it is held by il l public we cannot for a moment con- lecive the possibility of the former standing the shock of even a first encounter on le one side there is mr huskisson mr irougham sir francis burden sir james mackintosh lord althorp mr humemr iharles grant and mr lamb not to iention many others almost equally dis tinguished by theii financial and political tnowledgc and on the other we have hr peel who however useful as an as- listant was never intended for the head f a party mr goulburn and mr her- of both of whom the less thatissaid eard the better can such a miois- itand against such an opposition pnblic thinks not and a dissolution of iament is publicly spoken of though jlection we suspect would add hut 1ltle strength to the enfeebled and decay- is ranks of toryism it was rumoured on the 27th that mr lewis would suocecd mr c- grant as dingo and the right hon mr fitzgerald have been named as successors to lord palmerston as paymaster of the army hut that nothing positive was known as to this appointment mr f being absent in ireland mr charles grams sceksor was nt known nor was that of mr wil liam lumb as chief fecntaryof ireland a council of the present ministers assem bled on the 28th cons iui me duke of wellington earls bathurst fend aberdeen lord melville lord lyndhurnt mr peel mr goulbourn and mr herri cs the courier attributes the resignation of mr huskisson and lord ptxxfctrfcumi to the vote which they felt bound to five in opposition to mr peel we suppose cu the fast bedford election bill a r hus kisson after giving his vote thought it ne cessary to write to the jjuke stating a having conceived himself obliged 10 t against mr peel he was ready to tentwi his resignation if his grace thought pro per no idea of mr hs resignation would have been entertained by the duxe the courier says if the letter had not been written but it having beeu written he did not feel himself bound to solicit him to remain- the other resignations ap pear to have been in consequence of these two operations in the east it is now con firmed that the russian troops crossed the lower pruth and the danube iu several corps on the 7th of may at roui aud is macl oo their approach the turks set fire to galatz and retired to rrahilow waltachta and moldavia were occupied without resistance the itusians were expected at bucharest on the 9th a russian fleet had sailed with 12000 troops on board which appeared oft the mouth of the dannbe steering for varna where the troops were to be lauded cssfi- stantinoplc at the last accounts was in a state of tranquility there had been a report that turkey had manifested a disposition to submit to russian terms but this report was soon reversed and she determines to resist at smyrna cotton was in demand the supplies from egypt falling short admiral coririogton was returning to england and had called for a court mar tial to investigate his conduct iu fighting the battle ofnavarin the marquis of pal me i a has resigned his functions as ambassador from iiusssa the empercr nicholas departed from t petersburg on the 10th of may to oin his army london may 29 the resignation ol earl dudley took place on tuesday uiter- noon so that the ministers lest known to general election the election for the town of kingston commenced on monday last and closed in favor of mr bethune on wednesday at halfpast 11 at the close of tho poll on the first day the votes stood for mr bethune 73 mr strange 44 at the close on tuesday the votes were for mr bethune 105 mr strange 07 and at the final close on wednesday there were for mr bethune 107 mr strange 70 majority 37 in favor of mr bethune the election for the town of york it tvi iltfapjuv aw inflmbftt ap few vi th attorney general by a majority of 17 the election for the county of fronte- n opens at atkinsons grove near wa- tetloo on monday next the stato of tho poll for the county of daham at 6 oclock on thursday evening stood thus boiihon 202 fothergill 130 smith 129 7ost office department the following conges have recently taken place in this deputmentin lower canada viz andrew porteous esq is appointed remaster of montreil vacant by the re- rent of james williams esq john b stehi esq of three rivers succeeds viccis beinnger esq at quebec and did chisholme esq succeeds mr big- ncll at three hi vers vf have to observe to equity who flourished iu the herald of tuesday last that had mr rycrson sent us ills commu nications in the first instance or had he e- ven eat them to us alternately with the herald we would certainly have published them but to copy them second handed from the columns of another journal after uus giimftt jvi ttf wui venders bad already seen them is what in justice to our sub scribers we could not think of doing equity is incorrect in stating that we copied monitor from the loyalist the manuscript of that article was in our pos session scmetime before it had appeared in the journnl in question por the chronicle to philomath the following is the solution of your question inserted iu the last chronicle problem 6th july 1828 2s2 inches in a beer gallon multiplied by 30 arc equal to 5040 cubic inches content of kettle divided by 12 its depth gives 470 mean area multiply by 3 makes 1410 virion is the turn of the areas of top and bottom together with the mean proportion between them then as proportion of iottoo to top is as 3 to 5 3 multiplied by 3 are nine tmd 5 multiplied by 5 makes 25 he public as able and experienced states nd tiic raeuo proportion between these is men and men of busines have resiaucu w therefore the ratio of the square of the births on friday the 18th insl the lady of tho rev j grier of a son atmorreal on the 14th instant the ladyol nry mnrkcnie esq of a son government house 5th july 1828 his excellency the lieutenant governor has been pleased to appoint by commn under the great seal christopher alex ander hagerman esquire to he a judge in his majestys court of kings bench for this province in the room of the hon john walpole willis amoved until he kings pleasure shall he signified com- mission dated 26th june 1828 the subscriber begs leave io in form the inhabitants gentle men of the army and navy of kings- jon and vicinity that he has arrived from quebec with an assortment of the best description of the following articles which he offers for sale or exchange for country produce at his store for merly the kingston bank thomas atkins kingston july 15th 1828 best port in wood bottles ditto madeira teneriffc bourdeaux coguiac brandy holland jamaica spirits rum whisky peppermint shrub molasses viuegar lime juice lemons gunpowder tea hyson do young do do heel ball shoe sprigs shoe tacks bristles wafers sealing wax soal aud upper lea ther binding skins black morocco do best cut glass de- cauters tumblers and wine glasses flint common do do- salts britania mettle tea and coffee pots do mustardscasiers and salts china breakfast and tea sets delf o do dinner supper and cheese plates edged soup and cream colour do- stone jugs with plat ed covers cruet and liquor frames brass candlesticks chamber do bracket lamps refined liquorice stick do barley candy rock do- jordan almonds comfits peppermints sugar plumbs blue black cloths fustians beaver- tines nankeens calicoes chentz striped muslin chentz shawls ginghams striped cotton factory do cotton shirting sarge dowlass coarse sheeting fine irish lineu half pieces ludia bandanas twankay do souchong do congou bohea loaf jamaica su gar spanish nuts almonds currants coffee rngllsb chcese american do carraway secdj mace chocolate rice earl sarfey pot do oat meal cyan pepper common do assorted pickles fish sauce olive oil raisins mustard pimento starch blue indigo araroot castile soap candles common soap xutmegs sulpher brimstone seal oil table cod fish japan ink in small vara writing and lctterbritania do paper imitation shawls day and maitinsjmens grey worsted iosc in blacking scrubbing brushes shoe do broom heads playing cards chalking lines fishing do pipes wine and porter cork shoe thread awl blades closing thread womens black do do cotton do boys cloth caps snuff boxes whip thongs black and whitcd brown threads bombazettes windsor soap umbrellas and 100 pr mens stoit shoes best quality men and men of busines nave a resign the king has signed the repeal of the test acts france the french chamber of de puties have passed the law for the loan ot 80000000 fraqcs by a great majority the general sense appears to be that as a leading continental power she must at least put herself in such an attitude mat no unexpected conscqueuces originating m the conflict between turkey aud itussu should find her unprepared it is rumoured at paris that a peace has been negotiated with the dcy of algiers the paris constitutiounel announces we hope erroneously the death of sir william con r vc dublin may it is said on the au thority of private letters that lord grey has been sent for by the king lord palmerstun aud mr huskiossous resignation is received with great triumph by the catholic party portugal the portuguese nobility or a portion of them amouutiig to eighty- three dukes marquises c c have ad dressed don miguel assuring liim that the lesser diameter of the mean proportion and of the greater diameter is 9 15 and 25 the sum of winch is 49 then as 49 to m10 so is 9 m 2589795 area of lesser eu divided by 854 the square root extracted from the product is 18 1588 j inches dia meter of leader end and as 49 to 1410 so is 25 to 719 3877 area of larger end di- videdi aud t- extracted as above gives 302646 tt inches diameter of greater end proof as 5 less 3 is to 12 so is 5 to 30 height of cutic 719387 multiplied by 30 divided l 3 gives 7193877 solid con tent of cone which lessened by 259795 multiplied ba s height of cone after frust- ram is cut ojr divided by 3 gives 553877 leaves 5040 cubic inches conteut of frust- rum answering the conditions of your questiou vlj top and bottom of diameters required of a kettle 12 inches deep to contain 30nuons beer measure not as sold hif kfagstox brewers the diameters bearing the proponifm to each other of 3 to 5 be- iii ariwatyy timy recollection for i have not tw 1 ioii before me the substance of your question lost on sundiy last near stum andrews church a ha i a bracelet with a gold clasp any person leaving the same at this office shall receive a reasonable reward kingston 18th july 1828 by auction will be sold at he subscribers store on satur day 26th july instant without reserve 5 puncheons jamaica spirits 1 barrel of brandy also 10 boxes window glass 1 case beaver hats 1 caso fur and wool ii ts 4 casks lamp black after which a quantity of dry goods and other articles sale to eminence at 3 ovock archd mcdonell a b kingston 18th july 182s a j ferns begs leave to inform his customers hat he has received a part and da ly expects the remainder of his sum mer supply of ladies and childrens shoes ladies and gentlemens gloves materials for manufacturing c which being imported direct from the manu factory in england he is enabled to ell as low as any other person in the can- adas he has on hand oi hi own man ufacture an excellent assort men i of j calf seal kip and black buck skin boots and shoes also upper and sole lcuher calf seal and cordovan black morocco coloured rons bid ing skins ate and all knds of findings for shoe m kers alsomons womans boys and girls coarse boots and slides by wholesale at as low i rate as lliev can be procured from anyoher quarter and warranted to be of good materials workmanship jf kingston june 27th 1s2s 4i 41 4 hi t k i it 44 44 it li cainada company ot1ce is hereby given to per sons settled in this province who maybe in the expectation of friends coming from the united kingdom thai the canada company have appointed the following agents at the outports to afford information jo persons intending to emigrate viz liverpool hugh matthie esq atbrisol mess w d w w e a- craman plymouth messrs hawker and sons hull richard tottie swansea j c morgan esq oundlc thomas bell esq edinburgh james adem esq ltith messrs james duncan and co glasgow alexander g gilkison esq greenock messrs robert ewing co aberdeen messrs john catto son co haddington john haldane esq dublin john astle esq cork sexton baylie esq belfast william grayesq jross tf waterford bfoss watson ev graves limerick john carroll esq londonderry george buchanan esq the company at their office st he lens place london will receive any mo ney which emigrants may wish to deposit in order to be at their disposal in america aud bills will be given for the same in sums uot less than 10 which will be cur rent at quebec montreal new york and york in upper canada at tho highest i a e of exchange the agents will instrct parties applying to thein as to the man ner of obtaining these bills the agents are furnished with maps of upper canada and diagrams of every township in which any of the lands as signed to the company are situated to be shown to all persons intending to emi grate the companys agents at que bec montreal and new york whose names are subjoined will give them on arrival every information and assistance contracts have also been maue uuder which those who arc provided with rec- commendations from the companys office in loudon or from their agents attheout- ports will obtain from the agents at que bec montreal or new york tickets or waybills of the route and mode of convey ance to upper canada by means of which at the espence of five dollars for grown persons or half that sum for children they will he enabled to go forward without de lay or difficulty john galt at quebec john davidson esq montreal mecsrs hart logan co neic yrk j c buchanan esq whereas hm jests rovj 1 roclamauon hath been issued fo- tho purpose of calling together a legisla tive council and house of assembb ior 1 2rt32 of u canada and whereas by a certain act ol this provmcc psedm the sixtieth yer ol ilie reign of hfs late mjestv george the third entitled an act to provide for encreasmg the represent ation of the commons of this prov in the house o assembly the county of fromenac is thereby entitled to be represented in the said house of as sembly by two members and whereas by a certain in strument under the sign manual nd sealed with the seal of office of his ex cellency sir peregrine maitland k c b lieutananl governoi of the pro vince of upper canada i have been nominated and appointed returning officer for the said county of frontem c an d whereasby a cert writ un der the great seal of the province of u c by me received i am thereby di rected to cause two members or re presentatives ihe most 6t and disc et to be freely and indifferently chosen o represent he said county of frontcmc in assembly by those who mny be pre sent at the dey of elecwon and whereas by virtue of rhe said nomination and ppointmen nd n obedience to his majestys sa i have heretofore gven no h i would attend in front of langwiths inn n from of he second concession o he township of kingston oi he 21s- day ot july instant at 10 oclock of be fo o noon and proceed o ihe said elec on bui whereasfn has been represented f me that it would be more convenient to ihe electors of the s id county of frontenac thai the s- eucion should be held at akmons grove nerj the villnge of waterloo now know ye that i iv v ii if canada companvs office york 2pth may 1828 mills at peterborough the grist millaud sawmill which have been lately erected by the governmental peterborough in the dis trict of newcastle will be exposed to sale by public auction at peterborough on the 1 0th day of september next ai 11 oclock a ai the terms of pay ment wll be one third of the purchase nwney to be paid within one month af- tothe sale one third at the expiration of one year and the remaining one- thrd at the expiration of two years firm the day ot sale with interest the mill site is most valuable com prehending a tract of about 86 acres thi grist alill has two runs of stones in operation and is well fitted for merchant wok having manufactured more than f0 bnrrels of flour this summer tie saw im ill is also in operation from the peculiar situation of these alus being at the head of the naviga and in the settlement ioa of iheoonaboe river midst of a very flourishing the establishment will be most valua ble to any person possessing capital i cannot bedisnokail e nalrtaaknd than 2000 currency but will go to the highest bidder above that sum with out reserve a plan exhibiting the situation of the mills and the land appropriated fo their use can be seen at this office every information obtained by writing to the hon p robinson york- upper canada york 3d july 1823 to the pree and independent electors of the county of frontenac gentlemen as the time is drawing near when you will be reonircd to choose two persons to represent you in the provincial parliament i beg leave to make you a tender of my services aud to solicit the honour of your suffrages having been resident in upper cauada during the last twelve years and having in a particular manner made this county my home by the purchase of a farm iu the neighbourhood of kingston 1 need not add that i feel my interests identified with your own or that i am equally as much concerned as each of you in all that effects the public welfare breda seaman 1 can freely say that as uhjavc served mj country faithfully and honestly during a long and arduous war and this service i offer you instead of wordy professions and promises as a pledge that 1 will zea lously and conscientiously discharge my duties as your representative according to my ability and judgment should i be so fortunate as to be honored with your con fidence at the approaching election i am gentlemen your obedient humble servant james mackenzie k 10th july 1826 mayors english spelling book j it st published and for sale at the chronicle office an extensive edi- ion of mavors spelling book stereo typed from the 32sth loudon edit ion- a d1827 having a beautiful frontis piece engraving j amis macfarlane kingston 0 1st march 132 rue of the nomination end pponnieni herein above mentioned i sh ill attend a at- kirfsovs glove near he v ihijre of wa terloo aforesaid ai 10 oclock in the forenoon of ihe cist dy of july wish aforesaid insed of n from of l ng- viihs inn s hei colore dierised by me and shell j oceed to he election of two members to represent the said ftauny vrtvirt- ciw irlvsflfj ironsc ol assembly and hereof 11 freehold ers of he said county of frontennc are to take no- end attend accordingly dated this 8th day of july 123 john kirby rfauyn tip ofiwi canada company to emigrants arriving from the united a ivgttom otice is hereby given that ihe canada company having complet ed their arrangements for the setlei it of that extensive tract of country which lies between tho districts of gore and lon don and the shore of lake irad is being opened from the township of wiluiot to the mouth of tho red river hereafter to be called thfl maitland this road is iu couiluu liou of one lead ing through waterloo from guelph and government i now opening another from duudas to guelph by which route lie journey from the head of lake ontario to ake huron may be performed in four or g days at the mouth of ihe maitland a town to be called goderich will bo founded the course of the sumuor as soon as lie oeccessary surveys can be completed along the road from v ilmot to gode rich the land which is all of the best quality av ill be sold in lots of one hun dred acres each for which st the oinon of the purchasers payment will be iu each juvivvivin r vawar tn use roads m the rate of 7s kl per aero from the firs two hundred heads of families h ho offer them selves as settlers and supplies of j-rovi- sionsandniedicalassistaree will be pro vided by the company saw and grist mills are building near the proposed site of goderich kmi grants or other persons to desirous embrace this advantage ous opportunity of locating themselves v ill plea so tr to the agents of the company in tte follow ing form by whom they will he furnished with tickets aodresxd to the gomp- nys office at gttelph where the applications will be registered according to the date of the presentation of the tickets john gaht superintendant canada companys olnce guelph 23th may 1838 j no to the canada coifwatty i am desirous of locating myself undej the company in their huron tract by pur chasing acres one hundred to bo immediately abutting on tho line of road leading from the township of wilmot to the mouth of the river maitland and 1 will pay for the same as follows here state whether in cash and how or in provisions teaming or in labour my family consists of persons my eldest child is years of age and my youngest i am a native of in by trade a in my religion i am a and i am known to resi ding at n b the applications arc to he de livered iu person open to the agents vizf at quebec john davidson tsq montreal messrs hart logan co nw york j c buchanan esq geneva iu tho stato of new york a mcnab esq pulteney land office or within this province to john gait fsq uperiuteodant for the canada com pany york or guelph chain cables c acramans patent chain ca bles and anchors warrncd proved by mtchne i constant supply kept on hand in stork of all szes by john w atkins kngston and in montreal and qnciicr hv july soih 1827 wt buddek 1 1 tt

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