Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 19, 1828, p. 4

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the mercy seat rx rut rev luflu rtoweii fran stormy wind that blows rrii every swelling tide of woes tbs iv i calm a surf retreat ti liiunl beneath the mercy scat there is a place wbsre jesus sheds tl nil of frhutuess ou our leads a iioe than tt besides more sweet it is tao bloodbought mercy scat there is a wenc where spirits blend viit tu friend holds fellowship with friend iho aiitidcrd tar by faith thevmect arouud one common mtrey scat alt wlfither could uc flee for siicl u hcii tciisjtted desulatci dismny1 or linw ilc hosts of liell defeat had suflerlug saints uo mercy scar there there on eagle wing wc son r a lid scin and ieciio seera all uo more and heaven cumes dovn our souls l pivot aud ciiory crowns the mercy scat 0 let my hand forget hev skill my tongue be silent cold aud still this hound i n ii bein forget to beat if i fcrgbt the mercy h 7oi ae cfiis of london dundas and the barber before henry dundas afterwards lor ml ivilic had oltained the pattouage oi seuriand he was not very popular ivitli the natives of thai country inriccd the iuu dutants of the udc toon of fctlinbro at tne time sought his life aud would iirv sacrificed i in to their fury fur having hern concerned in certain measures to wind luc general opinion was opjxtefed- in this slate of the public mind he madt a vui to the scottish capital and bell ono day ncognized walking on the noitl bridge or mound he sts surrounded hj an immense moh who hustled him in n ry rude inuuer ud made preparations for uirowiue him over the prftv ftv he hanueoed to have a coi w by saying the u he himself would preft felling a victim to their fury rather the eetft any person who had sought the as he happened to have a considerable tin of money in his pockof in the shape oi notes ami tffiver which ho had the pre seueeofrnind to throw altcmntoly among thcm so its o divert their mionriun whilst he made all possible way for the mansion of lie lord provost w uciv after gret diuiculty and having dtpoed of his last iaw lie arrived and found refuge au protection thc mob iftciciscd however and sur rounded the chief magistrates house cry ing vehemently l put out duudas put out duodas aud behaved otherwise in a very riotous manner- at length the pro vost feflriugthey would proceed to extre mities came out and addressed them on th duties of hospitality and on the anci ent aud uniform character of the scots for the exercise of that virtue and concluded iter than sgtft any person who had sought the asy lum of his roof this was ao appeal which no scotchman could withstand more particularly as it came from a man tvhose amenity of character aud mild dis position had rendered him generally be loved having given the provost three cheers they quietly dispersed to their houses whilst he remained in edinburgh on this occasion mr dundas took care not to show himself ajpin in the streets but soon took his departure for london soon afterwards being obliged torcvisil hi country and knowing kestormtohavc fc wnover he met with a very odd ad at tire fevfi w waii wwis mjvrj ly if not more so than on the north bridge it seems that he had been recent ly accessary to some other obnoxious niea- sure uot howevrr of such ttenoral im po a tcas the former one it was sue 8tv keop dive the public feejiup thvuj uot utllci nt to blow it into sutua uanie in tivu stattf of tilings fie arrived it sn i ote iu edinburgh ami next morning sent for a barber to shave hitn the toofon who happened to hn a wajr on entering the room luted air- dundas pm welcomed him to tdiul urh then i ins decorated him with an rpron he began to lthcrhis fice fluring which o- pvrftiion he caatfipon him sundry scowling and nenctrntinu gtanccs the meaning of which the strirnjr coud not well compre hend- at length liouriiing his razor le said in a sharp aud stern vwce we are muchoiivrfto you 51 1 dun ds for the part jou lately took in lon don lt what replied the secretary 41 you are a politician i find i sent for a barter oh yes returned the knight of the pewter basin ill shave you directly which he did until one half of the beard ws clearly mowed when coming to iis throat he drew the back of the razor across it saying l take that ye trajior j nod off he ran downstairs into the street whether mr- dundas had previously felt any uneasiness at the barbers manuer we kuow not but the latter expression tic action being so well suited to the ftord induced him instautty to apply the a ron to his throat and make a loud gug gling noise which being heard by some of the people of tlc house they immediately ran to his assistance they soou disco- veredt by the pantomimic gestures of mr dudas what had occurred ami it was nai long before the room wjs fuil of mem- llssit the faculty of all decrees apo thecaries surgeons aud physicians u w is a considerahle time before the patient ctfold be prevailed on to remove the apron nad expose his throat bur at leiiethwben br did so with much caution it was found to he iu a perfectly whole state there not hem even ix scar visible though mr dundas had much reason to he delighted at having escaped unhurt ho w iot a little mortified at the laugh wh this adventure occasioned aud his ct 4riu was greatly increased when he found thai he had to pay for the attendance oj te medical gentlemen which having done did having shaved the other side of hi face himself for he would trust no lutire harlwrtt i e dfcampft from kdin- hiugii and did not return for many r kingston boaiiljlftudal school pol voung ladies f ii mrs twlu bog icavo to icvull ihdllks lov tw ull 6tti upiori which their school has iccc ver iicu its coniittchctimon iid wish o s nic parents aiui guitfoiuns ihii iivy iirh mike il iheilmuly as they have evor ilotit to merit continwiiic o is by iiic siiicicni atcnon o im ct i brandies mo 1 rind iolic which consliiiuc i lilfd cihicaiion ueforonco niy he mic o ho c- ncrthle cironro oku siimt rov john m ichar lontcii al colonel mc- phcisoii iiul john mclcn esj k tv on i li a 1 1 1 i vu fisilor on nsiuthte fcr nx fo fei no 24 n i li confess on of ho towiifthip oiuiiifioss iiilu coun- voflock in he ohnovn district fo rirtlwi partculiirs pply at h affirc klnffson l h mv 1 book lilndino the snbsci her hivnn csblihc it dcok ivnderv 1 iho k nison oluonicle office iu th plco is now eidv to tcrp vo 11 knosofjoli wovk vh lie w 11 execue w ih nearness an ieich ii vng been rcgul rlv broil o the business he iltcs himself ha v 11 he able to cve genor1 satisfac o such us may fwour him with the r us om and paironjre ii vng m exceflen- ttvliiig machine he subscv be- w ii perfotn all son of rule woik iu rhe very host svle j i dfxkwitii k 2qh fo t votite to emigrants krsosdosotis otsctlnr in upper o mi da m iy pocun- lands on the il nd oitimsni i cd n l ke onlar o 9 iu lea alove kufon thee je sv a hound acres vol unoceup wh ch w 11 lie coicr soh or le soil upon renson he erms the siiuaton ispleasan nh be so 1 crcnenllv of an exccllcn iju ily further information mv le obtained by application o rchd ili-cli- ns esquire residing on the island or f k johnson esq at prescott momrel june 2 128- n b a steamboal passes the is land ibree i hues a week steam boat notice lit qnfario steam boat niagara capt mosier will after ihc tsrlh current leave niagara for kingston bockvule and pcsco every satui- day nf tor noon at 4 oclock on hev return w 11 leave prcssco i for brock- ville ktngaon yok and nsjra eveiy wednesday mornimr it 6 oclock arrangements have been mrrjc wih messrs novron sc co stae piopre- ors by wheh p ssenirers iro nif down rrive at monire 1 on tuesday evennff nd those proceedng upwardswu by leaving montre1 on tuesday arrive at picscoit to take ihc ro prosro 4rh 7mo isa2 s i a r foster archer recently fpom syracuse m ave taken the stand fomcilyoc- li l w soil m it o uoiie j r lynos inn and ben son liockcr cisoe co ner oi junes 6c first stree n owclo whee iliey ofler coarse sou fne sd by he single barrel oquintity mknufciures prices wih the add on oi transport ion riicir facilities for doing salt busnessare veiygict iltvme an estabhsbment at mracuc ibcy w 11 be enable io re- ce vo any quantity immediately on o dcr nd forward io any port in canada me chants and others are requested to c 11 and examine heir prices which hev think wul he found satisfactory also for sde as above a penc- rl s nd well selected assor ment of fo- egn and domestic dry gooils gro no crockery and glass ware c far which they will sell on reao dile terms as can be purchased else where oswepo june 1 canada company fersons havng bus n ess o transact wji the c- nida com pany wtll find an agenr from this oitice at the follow ng place n he lower part of th- p oince on the jays men tioned viz prescott 19 h 20 h 21st m y chamber ins t vem cienville 26 h 27 h 28di m y kingston nj 31 4h june penh 4fc aooi llh o richmond loh i tkstb do bv town 23d24b25th do lonenal 30hunels2n july conwiu 14 h lohl6h do for the supcrintcnden- john thomson canada companys oflice y 7th mv 1s23 f books for sale at the chronicle office coming out by mss porter the obrunsandthc plata tys by lady mo st valentines day or the fair maul of perth by the author of waver- iy- youth and manhood ofcyril thorn ton tales of a orandfathcr by the au- thoof wavcrly broughams speech on the english law i vicviiui l tiotel rslle bajisciiber no ni lis jr cuds m ami the pubic ihti luivimr taken virte and loinmou otts houe aihl i appurtenance n the centre of k mis oil nd m do preparations tor eiexjnn iraellcrs he liope- be le by his attention nd uccommod-t- i oiin o render it an pceible u s i fc ory pi ice of eiuertainmcm lb tose who bne been in the habit oi i uenin2 ii nndei isfomer establsh- weii and odifis who m iy fivour 11 m v h ihcir cus om no exenons shaii h spared on hs part o pomo c iheu ini6 and merit tlieir ajipoit ion h njrs mireh3iis2 john davy o ren t to lenn olk t immediate possess on given tlie p ucry at present in ihc occupation of j din gram in b rrieliehl consisting oa good dwell ng house bake house pun ami other on houses with the 1 ad attached tbi properly will be icscd lor a term of years on adv ml- tous terms apply o the editor of re k on chronicle kmwon vb may ls2r anted a looilil eksmith o whom 1 herd wges and con- s iii employment w 11 be given appl- cition o be nrde o a manihan m nvo ion wo ks m y 22d is2s totice the subscribers will ai follow nif pr ces for pork td flour sb on delvevy at then establishment at joness f lis south c oshy r dcau canal as undermen- oned vz fo pork in ihe ho weight from lio o 200 lbs 21s 3d duo do from 2 o 300 lbs 22s 6d for flour in hcbarrelline21s 3d o do middling iss jt do n the bag pr cw 10 id mackay 4fc redpatil joae f usridnan c n lder2 12 7ti sale i on lull of lo no 13 3d concess on of hahhrnan- district of newcastle containing 100 acres 10 of which arc under cult vat on an excellent saw nvll is erected on he lo- ou a durable stream and a line ctove of pine timber adjourne vi o comfortable frame dwelling house new barn and crpencs woik shop for particulars sec applies ion may be made to j c bethune esq cobout- or on the prem ses o mi feb iv leyjcole- flfesteam boat toronto james 1ivoi iip master tttiti lve kings on every mon day moiiimg at s oclock io it n adolplfs ownh dlowelsoph-a- durgh bclle he the carrying place and r ver tent lcve the trent at 10 oclock a m on tuesdays nd arrive ai kingston n the evenmg touching at the intermedi al pi ces leave knf every wednesday 8 oclock in the mo ninglbi prescon nd reuirn he follow ns day touching at omanoqui and brockvlle leivc k nb evcy friday morn ng ii 8 oclock to- bellevllc leave uellev lie on p tud ys ai 8 oclock a m and arrive k neson in the eveo- ii- ouchiu a ne iocniediate places t to oi o is np 4y firt tts awl every en on w 11 be pad o ihc ac- comno 1 1 on n coiijfor of passengers a siie w ii nice he bou ai the trent w on tvesd so a vs faie as tisuil fo- passace o- feuln application may le made o die m iser on board k i- i li ily 128 canada company se ot sluirdrum villa otice is hereby riven to rll pct sons who have cngtffcd lois n the rllafre of mtrrdrum i iid oui on lois w 18 19 20 n the 7th conce on oi ilie townshp of vaut- hani h it the ploi is now surveyed the s-ke- set and numbe ed nl ihal a pe nii w il he on ihe round o show die los untll tuesday ihe 2jrh instant on ivli di day ai ten omock in he lo enon a nieetnc w 11 be held hi m mon emerys mc b id in h nd on yonle street when nd where jl pe- ons r cescd ate requeued o attend o selci the r lo s in the order they stand or cho ce the- 1 wlio cannot attend person hy sliou epu e ome one in writing io cboc ii hem or iheywdl lose ihe be nefit o ii viiur tlr wn an carlv nunibe w winter wright cmd comp nvs ofti vov j a 14 1 t office 1328 f h 0i sale cite p pan of lot no 17 in the 1st concess on of uclimoritl containing about 80 acres of ood 1 nd with about 10 or 12 acres cle rcl on which is a good lo house nd a stable the said loi is siu on ho pfapano river about one and a h hnvles from the well known napane m us the river is navigable to he la iter plcc for such vessels as usully ntvisatc lke ontario the township of rchlwond is nearly all settled and be back country settling fast the situation vev opgrble br a country sioe the viemty abounds with same die river at varous limes of ihe year swarms with wid ecsc ducks and va- ious o her wld fowls and a cood sup- idv of pike pvkecl suckers salmon c price 100 cash application may be made io rirhard low e-q- napane mils or hay r the premises will be shown hv elias hiflin ti who ive- on the next lot kingston 22d feb t28 john watriks or l lis hi s thanks to his friends and the public generally io ihe 1 beral cn has mei with for sever years pastand bes 0 ntoini ihem thh be lias this season received by the ship montreal from lveipool sixty casks and cases of hardware cutlery ccc which has been selected from the firsi minuf ctur ne houses in birmingham sbellield wolverh impton among wh ch are asfouows tea kettles i cpars 5628 14 antl 1 lbs ireiffht diito jrn 4 lbs barn in oz saddle trees bitts buckles tjdvi japaod and plated girth kilcr nnd slraiuing wch and every arlicl in llit- millcrv line slamp d b ass cartain pins comnode knobs turn buckles bh scivws ke horn lanihnrn leaves rivets lurepar handles and ear teapot knobs faiitucsliclc springs and eveiy article used hv tinmen carpenters and coopers axes and adzes tame and desert knives and forks b itaania metal table and tea spoons ditio iron tind britannia metal and iron tind lidhspockct and penk nives scissors razors kent lh and j shoe hammers flemish tacks licks of all sorts round and flai bolls screws bun ii and hl hinges coffin furni urp steelyards assnrmeni of files white wash shoo and scrubbing brushes tea tras cdssels and gouges plane irons dinner table sleigh and cow bells house anc rai trfqj tind and jnpanti mailer chains smhfca and hand bellows c c c 12 tons inglishand woes iron h hoop iron 1 in to 3a in wide 2 4t round iron ase t casi craivlry l c steel e tons shot 2- 3 4 band bb m boxes tin ic and ix 50 do shoe iron 20 pdls double shnet iron 50 t eks wro jiiils ss0 hi do cut assd- 20 casks spikes 3 to 7 inches so bdis iron wire assd 4 to 6 wire guge b ke pans belly pots powder sheet and br copper sheet and br lead anvils vices bllows pipes fire irons ac ramans patent chain cables from j inch in 1116 in anchors all sizes english and ameri ran window glass drv white and red lead do mixed in oil dry colours foi painters use hoi id and raw linseed od whiltf and lard lord ge pitch rosin and oknin ioo doz follansbes grass and cradle scythes 50 philadelphia m1ilsas 10 doz viines patent anl shovels giilstones wagon di t art boxes trace and log haitis frmpg tau 4 caks of manufac tured tin wa 6 fi teriog slont the at ve nicies having all been re ceivedwil e sold wholesale or retail for cash 0 siott approved credit on the mosl moderate terms j watkins kingston june u 1j128 n b country merchants are res pectfully into mod that the above goods uavng been purchased on the most ad- vmiiiagcous terms en rbles him io ofler them ny articles of shell goods as low as ihey can he purchased in aiou- iel lou sc 1 c at a iriflni difler- evicc ivcfth nc monired priii j v warehousing for ward ing commission business the subscriber repecfully infoi ins ihe public that ke has taken n lose of that large srorhousc wharf n hs town recent oceup ed by messrs mccutchon cossman wncie he n ends o cany on the above business and v he redy at the open ing of the navigation io receive and for ward goods produce c c to ny pon in the cunados he w ii always have in h employ seiworihy boats navigated by careful mid experienced boatmen and his cinrces for transport will be is low as those of any similar establishment in the frvincc the subscriber will io pay every attention o the dispose of property that may be intrusted to his careagree- ably io instructions archd mcdonell kneson 14h much t82s 05 reference mriy be rnide to john kirby esq john m icanliy esq kngstoli and robert stanton esq yok steamboat notice on lake ontario the public arc informed that the steamboat qceenston c ipt whitney has commenced making her regular trps and nil durn the present summc leave the different ports as follows leave nhgnrn o ksson brock vlle and prescot every thursday morning at eieh oclock precisely nrl leave prescot on her return for brockville kingston yok and niaga ra every sunday at six oclock a m arrangements hve hewj made wh messrs norton co stage proprie tors fresco by which pssenges ro- ulg down will arrive in montreal on sa turday evening anil piisscnirers pro ceeding upwards will hy leavinp mon treal on saturday morn off arrive in time at prescott to tke ihe boat every endeavour ins been used o render the acrommodatiof nn fare on nod ohr best rlescripjon queenston 14th april 1828 alliance british and foreign life and fire as- suranee company of london estab lished by act of parliament capital five millions sterling the ageius for this company beg leave io announce io the inhabit ant of upper canada that they conti nue io assure against loss or damage by fire and that they have for ihe convenience of the public appointed ihe following gemlcmcn as iter agents in ihe county towns of the different dis tricts viz qny c wood esq cornwall messrs awmorrit co isrockeille james macfarlane esq kingston james g jicthunc esq cobourg robt hm prentice esq- york john koss esq niagara to either of wtiom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that wdl be derived from assuring with the alii ncc com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in he set- ilemcn of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participation of profits 5th parlies who obtain the settle- men of losses from fire arc not there by deprived of their right to participate in ihc profits of the company 6ih losses by lightning vill be made good 7th the agents have the power of setthng losses in this country without referring to the board of directors in london sth reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid 9h in the case of an assurance be ing made on property for a less sum than the real value thereof the com pany will pay whatever loss is sustain ed not exceeding the sum assured lhh the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants ihe ex pectation that the profits to be divid ed wul be large mckeniebethunco agents montreal 28th sept 1826 notice to printers for sale on reasonable terms a printing press constructed on ihe mosl approved plan and which has not been in use for more than four or five weeks also a complete assort ment new types and furniture application may be made to the e- ditor of the chronicle who is agent for ihe proprietor kingston 18th august 1826 port hope nailmanufac- tory j brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced manufacturing nails of every description of a su- peror quality which he will sell for cash or approved bills as low as they can be obtained at any manufactory in the united states port hope julyg 1826 for sale that valuable farm in the 7th concession of the town- sed of lots no 25 and 26 m said con cession and contains by admeasurement 400 acres of good land of which about 100 acres are under cultivation there is a good orchard dwelling house barn and other outhouses on the prenvses a liberal credit will be gi ven on part of the purchase money and possession may be had immediately for further particulars apply lo john kirby esq kingston or to allan mc- pherson esq napane mills k 20th aug 1824 jjarklts for secrage passen- jtgers only to sail on the 5 th and 20th of every month from liverpool for new york the ships composing this line are all of the first class copperfastened and coppered of about 400 tons burthen and as fas sailors as any packets in the trade they have superior accommo dations beingvery lofty between decks are commanded by experienced masters whose best endeavours will be to pro mote the comfort of passengers and the appointed days of sailing will be strict ly adhered to the facility and convenience of this establishment to persons residing at a disiance by saving them much delay expense ioo often atiending the uncer tain and proiracted departure of a tran sient vessel will it is hoped be duly appreciated and command such a pre ference and support as will ensure its continuance and success to irish emigrants this line is es pecially recommended on account of the easy and frequent communication beiween the irish ports and liverpool by mens of steamboats and smacks and 10 ml it will extend the peculiar ad- vintage of a connexion with respectable companies upon the hudson river and he new york canals by which is se cured the readiest and cheapest convey ance to either of the canadian provin ces those who wish to send for their friends can procure them a safe and ex peditious passage by applying to john macmilay esq kingstonwlliamgam- hle esq york or james morris esq brockvjle upper canada new york march 1828 ernest tow n cloth fac tory the subscribers beg leave to acj quaint their friends and ihepub- lc that they have erected a manufacto ry on the mill creek in the third con cession of earnest town for the pur pose of picking carding and spinning wool and weaving fulling colour ing and dressing woolen clothssati netts which they expect to have in ope ration in a few days this being the first establishment of the kind commenced in the midland district and no pains or expense hav ing been spared to procure experienced workmen and machinery of the best des cription the subscribers confidently trust that a liberal and discerning pub lic will duly appreciate the attempt to extend the domestic manufactures of the country and favour it with that patron age and support which they are deter mined to use their best exertions to de serve wool will be taken and manufactured either on sharesor at a reasonable price or carding filling or any other part of the process performed for those who wish ii on moderate terms isaac fraser david bbrown enoch drake ernesttow 2gih may 128 new school we whose names are hereunto subscribed recommend mr ro- bert offers as a man of capability and experience and fined to superintend the education of youth not only by theory but also by a long acquaintance wish the real and actual practice of bo siness we therefore believe it would be of advantage to a portion of the ri sing generation that he should under take such an employment ornrf orrr r qtj- vvp archdeacon of ho g on w fraser p i encouraged by the recommendation of the above venerable and rev cha racters and at the instance of a numer ous and respectable circle of friends the subscriber has taken that most eligible and commodious school room in the house owned by mrs tapin pronounc ed tapau 1 j minutes walk from the english church about the same dis tance from the french church and within a few paces of front street those parents who may feel dispos ed to commit their children to these scribcrs care may rest assured of having justice done to them as he intends to lake but a limited number of pupils and is determined to make itthe inter est of parents to patronise him robert jefers kingston may 12th 1828 wanted immediately at da vis mill souh crosby rideau canal a number of sione cutters to whom liberal wages will be giveneher by the day or foot with all tools found if required also a number of quarry men to whom liberal wages wll be gi ven and regular payments made either by the month or week donald mcljver kingston nov 8 1s27stonf mason fblo let and possession given im- uweujngdiuulv thai romfotfeblcffft ston nearly opposite the chronicle of fice and lately in ihe occupation of mr bastable terms may be known by applying at the chronicle office kngson 7th dec 1827 the kingston chronicle is printed and published eveiy saturday by james macfarlane av his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and six pence per annum if scntbjr mail twen ty shillings subscription to be paid a advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insei- tion and 7 each subsequent insertion ten lines tfnd under 3s 4d first inser tion and lod each subsequent inser tion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line vpr every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rections inserted till forbid and charg ed accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise- ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received aftci ten o clock on the day of publica tion ttj produce received in pa men- at ihe market price agents james belanger esq quebec john bignell esq three rivers james williams esq montreal james mclntoshesq lancaster john cameron esq lochid r clinc esq- cornwall george browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq prcscotu henry jones esq brockville josiah taylor esq perth h whitmarsh esq hiehmond j k harrwell esq bastard mess c j mdonald gananoqne r w warms esq bath allan mcpherson esq napanee thomas parker esq bellville joseph a keeler esq cramahe james g bethune esq hamilton j david smart esq port hove jp william allan esq york daniel rons esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara- charlcsbiprar esq canal f thomas dorland esq adolphuttou

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