i itlemen i must say i da not think the frernment capable of descending to the of such influence if it really were any eeewion attempted to be exercis- i am sure k would be npumed at toother objection raieed against me is tj will be a supports of dr strachan to seems 4o bo the bugbear of rh day lave a short answer to this objection in word gcddeiiicnj nm nor of his church jp eutlemen am a presbyterian and as such lave only to fay that while i maintain natural predilection for the church in ich i bare been bora and bred i en- tain the highest regard for devout chris- aad will scrupulously respect tho rlhts of every fc or denomination i dftlike religious strife and would be gw to es general humour and good will prevail long all classes and persuasions 1iiaext alleged gentlemen that lean- understand the farming interests now tntlemen this is a veryodd objection in- ted i if it were said i could not make long speeches like lawyers i would readily aj in i i that act because that is a trade and len a man is paid for making speeches soon acquires fluency of language and aready stock of words he lays up a large re of ideas and metaphors and senti- mts upon which he can at any time iw bis checks without fear of bank- ptcy- but as i have observed it is odd deed if i cannot after twelve years resi dence among you understand thefarm- its interests what are the farming inter- i the 6 r st gentlemen i take to be access to good markets for the sate of ir produce now this gentlemen has en already provided by the generous li- trality of the king in opening to us the est indies and the home markets of eng- id in the latter market we are more fa voured than any other people aud that larket is the best in the world in this tarticular then the first duty of your re presentatives should be to conciliate the flavor of his majesly and to retain the privilege of shipping our produce to en- elisji ports as long as may be practicable the next obvious interest of the farmer h the making of good roads and iorprov- ing the inland navigation of the province without good roads your intercourse with each other and with the neighbouring towns is inconvenient aud productive of delay as well as destructive to your horses harness and carriages without inn pro ve- 4uiiu ail your mittiiu nttvigrtiuu lie ex- pease of transporting your produce to omrket runs away with much money that f voud otherwise go into yourown pockets theseare among the matters principally land more particularly affecting the farming j interests in other respects the interests of farmers are affected much in the same a i degree as those of other classes of the peo- ple and on this subject gentlemen i rfnrve only to assure you that i am desi- irous of seeitig ejeh person and each class of poople receive all the protection aud support to which they can justly and rea sonably lay claim gentlemen i shall no longer trespass on your patience i have to thank you for the attention and kindness with which you have kindly listened to me if you make me the honourablffobject of your choice al ca assure you that i will devote my tnbfc andtest exertions to your cause and if i should ever be found wrong it shall bean error of the head and not of the heart of which i shall have to answer 1 am gentlemen give mo leave to say true blue and make these declarations with the sincerity of a sailor place me among the crew of the good hip constitution and during our four years cruize i pledge myself that no exertions shall be wanting ou my part to keep the steam engine in good order and in the proper tract and fi nally to bring her into port safe and sound 1 so heave ahead my hearties on tuesday morning last commodore barrie arrived in the bull frog from nia gara on his returti from a tour of inspec- tion to the upper posts the commodore on landing was saluted by the- garrison concert wo were last evening highly gratified in attending a concert given by mr and mrs knight at the large room of the commercial hotel the peculiar sweetness of mrs knights voice aided by a propriety of emphasis aud expression to her words rendered her singing the most effective of any we have ever witnessed in this country her transitions from one oc- iuve to another were exquisitely pleasing and correct and when dwelling on or jeustaining a high note hor voice reminded s of the sound sometimes drawn by a tekilful performer on tho musical glasses in the echo song uot being assisted by the flute mrs knight had to sustain the difficult task of executing the echo of her wn voice and in which she not only suc- ljeededto admiration but to theastonish- jncntof all her audience nearly the whole of her songs were repeated through general acclamation and wo are certain lhat no vocalist has ever afforded more ge neral satisfaction mrs knight was very ibly accompanied on the piano forte by mr knight who appears to be a very able ind scientific pianist and together with the hsistanee of the band of the 71st regiment tie concert proved a truly delectable treat p all the fashionable people of kingston we are sorry to learn that mrs knight in- nds to depart for niagara this evening ait we trust she will again favour us with concert on her way back to quebec of the public we shall take an early op portunity of giving a place to his statement in the columns of the chronicle i general election froritenac the election for this county commenced on monday morning last and since then the contest has been carried on with much warmth at six oclock this evening the poll was not closed and even at that late hour it was uncertain whether capt mckenzie or mr dalton would gain the day county of hastings friday evening for samson 289 coleman 130 lockwood 109 county of york wednesday evening for jesse kctchum 525 w l mckenzie 434 james small 321 r baldwin 154 lennox and aldington the poll clos ed at 11 oclock on thursday last when the votes stood for bidwell 335 perry 354 fraser 220 casey 212 the contest for the countyof leeds has terminated in favor of messrs buel and kilborn messrs fothergill and smith are returned for the county of durham and mr cawthra for simcoe robert dick son esq is returned for the town of nia- gara the upper canada papers says the quebec mercury are full of the matter of judge willis suspension some of the party in opposition to the government have formed a committee of condolence protection for lady mary willis we see the names of several individuals and their ladies as forming this notable coterie the male part of which should assume the title of me cherishers it some what sur prized us to see that of john gait fsquire and lady first in the list knowing that that gentleman was recently in montreal and could not with the present improved mode of travelling per steam boat and stage have readied even kingston at the time the committee was formed we feel satisfied that his name has been put to this ridiculous proceeding without his privity and cousent- a publick meeting has also been called at york and au address thereat concocted to judge willis the radical papers of that town set forth the meeting the address and the procession formed to present it to the suspended judge at his domicile with much pomp and circumstance and great exaggeration of numbers the meet ing was held in the market place not as we learn by private letters on account of the numbers attending but because the bonifaces of york would not admit such company into their houses all this would be ridiculous enough and aiford matter of merriment especially to those who know the due weight to be giv en to the leaders of the meeting and the full value of the respectable characters who have put their names down as members of the ladycherishing committee but a judge lending himself to such antics converting tho seat of justice into the stage of a charlatan leaving it with a pantomimic frisk to astonish the gaping multitude and gain fame with the populace and at the same time render ing it evident that his fantastic tricks are but the work of some crafty mr flocton who lying perdue pulls the string and makes his puppet kick and dance as he pleases to direct is a melancholy and de grading secptaele and one calculated to call up the most serious reflections shipping intelligence halifax july 22d the brig spencer for quebec capt huggup of north shields was found abandoned in the gulf of st lawrence in the mouth of april by several small vessel fouvngiog to the magdalen islands who saved her materials and sold them at the islands for the benefit of the underwriters c amount of sales nearly 500 halifax june 27 the cargo of the st charleswrecked lately at cape bre ton on her passage to quebec jvalued at 40000 has we understand been sold at sydney for 800 silk ribbons were it is said purchased at tho rate of twenty shillings a bushel a c buchanan esqr brother to the british consul at newyork arrived in this city on saturday morning on his way to quebec with despatches to his excel lency the governor in chief from the co- lonial office mr buchanan it will be re collected was lately appointed superinten dent of emigrauts at quebec montreal gazette wo have before us a statement by mr b sherwood refuting certain misrepre- atotttions which recently appeared in the tork observer aud colonial advocate respecting a conversation which took place between that gentleman and judge will ii on the 18th of june last as the misre- rosentations in question were highly cal- odatod to injure mr sherwood in the eye grand caravan the caravan which is advertised o be exb bited at mr davys man sion house hotel kngson for one week will only be exhibited for three days viz on monday tuesday sf wednesday the 2sth 29th and 30th insnnt positively for three days only hours of exhibition from ten oclock a m until five p ml admittance is 3d children under 12 7d i mtotice is hereby given by the i subscriber to any manof whom ho has his noe of hand not to pay to none but himself as he has lost such from mr merrills to loughborough and that there is no endorsement made on said note lost thos orecan loughborough july 22 1828 do do bottles ditto madeira tenerifle bourdeaux cogniac brandy holland jamaica spirits rum whisky peppermint shrub molasses vinegar lime juice lemon gunpowder tea hyson do young do do twankay souchoug congou bohea loaf 6c jamaica su gar spanish nuts almonds currants coffee english cheese american do carraway seeds mace chocolate uice pearl barley pot do- oat meal cyan peprer common jo assorted pickles fish sauce olive oil raisins mustard pimento starch blue indigo araroot castile soap candles common soap nutmegs sulpher brimstone seal oil table cod fish japan ink in small notice tlfe subscriber being appointed agent for the canada compa ny in tl place is ready to receive of fers fof ln purchase of any of the com panys lands in this quarter he tffeo begs to inform such persons as may inland to settle on the companys huron tract that by presenting them selves ip ebenezer johnston of buffalo they wil be forwarded by him from that place at he companys expense to the newsteitement of goderichat the mouth of the maitland heretofore called the red river f a harper kingst 26th july 1828 to let a store witt the use of the wharf in the rear of the pro perty occupied by the subscriber also goods and produce stored at low rates apply to thos atkins kingst 25th july 1828 the subscriber begs leave 10 in form the inhabitants gentle men of the army and navy of kings- ion and vicinity that he has arrived from quebec with an assortment of the best description of the following- articles which he offers for sale or exchange for country produce at his store for merly the kingston bank thomas atkins kingston july 15th 1828 bestportin woodheel ball shoe sprigs shoe tacks bristles wafers sealing wax soal and upper lea ther binding skins- black morocco do best cut glass de canters tumblers and wine glasses flint common do do- salts britanin mettle tea and coffee pots do mustard casteis and salts china breakfast and tea sets delf do do dinner supper and cheese plates edged soup and cream colour do stone jugs with plat ed covers cruet and liquor frames brass candlesticks chamber do bracket lamps refined liquorice stick do barley candy rock do jordan almonds comfits peppermints sugar plumbs blue black cloths fustians beaver- tines nankeens calicoes chentz striped muslin chentz shawls ginghams striped cotton factory do cotton shirting sarge dowlass coarse sheeting fine irish linen in half pieces jaw india bandanas writing aud letter britania do paper imitation shawls day and mattinsmens grey worsted blacking hose scrubbing brushes womens black do shoe do do cotton do broom heads playiug cards chalking lines fishing do pipes boys cloth caps snuff boxes whip thongs black and whited brown threads wine and porter bombazettes corks shoe thread awl blades closing thread windsor soap umbrellas and 100 pr mens stout i shoesbest quality 3 ost on sunday last near saint jla andrews church a hair bkacelet with a gold clasp any person leaving the same at this office shall receive a reasonable reward kngsion 18th juh 182 a j fems ssegs leave to inform his customers jlllvriat he has received a part and aly expects the remainder of his sum mer supply of ladies and childrens shoes ladies and gentlemens gloves materials for manufacturing c which being imported direct from the manu factory in england he is enabled to sell as low as any other person in the cun- adas he has on hand of his own man ufacture an excellent assoitment of calf seal kp and black buck skin boot and shoes also upper and sole leather calf seal and cordpvan black morocco coloured ron- bind ing skins c and all kinds of findings for shoemikers also mens womans boy- and girls coarse boots and shoes by wholesale at as low a rate as they can he procured from any other quarter and wirranied o be of good materials ind workmanship knga p june 27th 1828 for sale lot no 12 n the 2d concession of the township of pittsburg application io be made to ilit- hon g h mirkhmd kingston nov 23d jo27 by a u c t i o n w ii be som at the subscribers store on tues day 29tb july instant without reserve 5 puncheons jamaica spirits i barrel of brandy also 10 boxes window glass 1 case beaver hats i case fur and wool ifets 4 casks lump black afterwhich a quantity of dry goods and other articles sale to commence at 3 ocock archo mcdonell a b kingston 18th july 1828 4t 14 a 4 t 4 41 canada company jtotice is hereby given to per ai sons settled in this province who maybe in the expectation of friends comingfrom the united kingdom that the canada company have appointed the following agents at the outports to afford information to persons intending to emigrate viz liverpool hugh matthie esq atbristol mess w d w w a- craman plymouth messrs hawker and sons hull richard tottie swansea j c morgan esq oundle thomas bell esq- edinburgh james adero esq leith messrs james duncan and co glasgow alexander g gilkison esq greenock messrs robert ewing co aberdeen messrs john catto son co haddington john haldane esq dublin john astle esq cork sextou baylie esq befast william gray esq- ross fy wattrjord mess watson graves limerick john carroll esq londonderry george buchanan esq the company at their office st he lens place london will receive any mo ney which emigrants may wish to deposit in order to be at their disposal in america and bills will he given for the sami in sums not less than 10 which will be cur rent at quebec montreal new york and york in upper canada at the highest r e of exchange the agents will instruct parties applying to them as to the ban ner of obtaining these bills the agents are furnished with 5ps of upper canada and diagrams of every township in whiph any of the lands as signed to the company are situated to be shown to all persons intending to emi grate the companys agents at que bec montreal and new york whose names are subjoined will give them on arrival every information and assistance- contracts have also been made under which those who are provided with rec- commendations from the companys office in london or from their agents at the out ports will obtain from the agents at que bec montreal or new york tickeis or waybills of the route and mode of convey ance to upper canada by means of which at the expence of five dollars for grown persons or half that sum for children they will be enabled to go forward without de lay or difficulty john galt superintendent at quebec john davidson esq montreal messrs hart logan co new york j cbuchanan esq canada companys office york 28th may 1823 mills at peterborought the grist mill and sawmll which have been lately erected by the governmentaipeterbooughnthe dis trict of newcastle will be exposed t sale by public auction at peterborough on the ltth day of september next at 11 oclock a m the terms of pay ment will be one third of the purchase money to be paid within one month af ter the sale one third at the expiration of one year and the remaining fene- third at the expiration fif two yeax from the day of sale with im the mill site is most valu c prehending a tract of about 86 acres the grist mill has two runs o stones in operation and is well fined fc merchant work having manufactured m ihn 1200 barrels of flour this ummer the saw mill is also in operation from the peculiar s tuato these mlls being at the head of m naviga tion of theoionabee river n the midst of a very flourishing jetilemen the cstablishmem wdl be mst valua ble to any person possessing capital it cannot be disposed of o sum than 2000 currency but will go to the highest bidder above thavsum with out reserve a plan exhibiting the situation of the mills and the land approaed fo thti- use can be seen at this office every information obtained fcy writing to the hoik p robnson yotk- upper canada york i 3d july 1828 j kingston boarding day school for young ladies mr mrs twig bez leave to return thanks for tfce uniform support which the school his received since its commencement and wish to as sure parents and guardians that they shall make it their study as they have ever done to merit a continuance of it by the strictest attention o the seve ral branches moral and polite which constitute a liberal education reference may he made o the ve nerable george okili suart rev john machar lieutenant colonel mc pherson and john mclean esq kingston 4h april iss ijor sale on rcsonable terms lot no 24 in the 4th concession of the township of burgess m the coun ty of leeds in the ohnsiown district fo further particulars apply at this office- kmgston 21ihimay 1828 i notice midland m hereby gi- districtlowit j ven that a court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery assize and nisi prius will be held in andforthe aid district at the court house in the town of kingston on monday the first day of september next at ten oclock in the forenoon at which time and place all justices of the peace coroners con stables and all those oiherwise con cerned are desired io be then and there present to do and perform what to their several offices in that behalf appertains 1 john mclean sberut mf d sheriffs office kingston july 12h 1828 mayors englisrtspelling book just published and for sale at the chronicle office an extensive edi- ton of mayors spelling book stereo typed from the 328th london edition- a d1827 having a beautiful frontis piece engravin james macfarlane kingston 21st morch 1828 lands for sale b ot letter d inthe townshipof jupiusburgh fronting the st l-w- icace containing 200 acres well wood ed lot no- 26 fourth concession township of kingston containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance of bout 20 acres with a log house and barn lo no 26 sx concession in same township cont inng200aceson w i h here is a clearance of about 10 acres w ha good fence and now under a crop of timo hy for particulars apply lo f a harper k 12ih miy 182s llansoispe i i icatlons of a new gaol court house at hamilton district of newcastle oticeis hereby giventhat the undermentioned premiums are of fered o such persons as shall furnish the glerk of he peace for the approval of the magistrates of the district of new casrle on or belbre the 1st day of oc- ober next with plans specifications and estimates of a giol and cour house in one building to be built in the township of hamilton at or near the present court house the first story of stone second and third stories of brick o contain criminal cells debt ors- rooms gaolers apartments court room grand and petit ury rooms also looms for offices c such as are usually required in such a building the roof to be covered with tin- the whole expense not io exceed the sum of 5000 currency premiums will beawordedas fbllowsviz for the best and most approved phnc 15 2d do do 10 3d do do 5 t ward clerk of the peace n c district- hamilton nc district 10 may 1828 book binding the subscriber haying established a book bindery at the kingston chronicle oifice in this place is now ready o receive nil kinds of job work which he will execute with neatness and despatch having been regularly bred to the business he flatters himself he will be able to give general satisfaction to such as may favour him with their cutoju aiiu- patronage hiving an excellent ruling machine the subscriber will perform all son of rule work in the very best style j p beckwith kingston 29th feb 1s2s notice to emkrlianta persons desirous of settling in upper cmada miy procure lands on the island of tantisituat- ed in like ontaro 9 miles above kmgston there are several thousand acres vet unoccupied whch wdl be either sold or lesed upon reasonable terms the siuat is pleasant and the so 1 generally of an excellen quality furher into mation maybe obtained by application orichd hitch- ins esquire rerdng on the island or oa k johnsonesq at prescott montreal june 2 1828 n b a steumboat passes the is land hree times a week sai7t foster archer recently from syracuse h ve taken the stand formerly oc cupied by wilson as a tavern opposite j raynors inn and benison crocker cosiore corner of jimes first street in oswego where they offer course and fine srlbv the single barrel or quantity at manufactures prices with the addition of transportation their facilities for doing salt business are very great having an establishment at syracuse they will be enable io re- ce ve any quantity immediately on or der and forward to any port in canada merchants and others are requested to call and examine their prices which they think will he found satisfactory also for sale as above a gene ral and well selected assortment of fo reign and domestic dry goods groce ries crockery and glnss ware sec c c which they will sell on reason able terms as can be purchased else where oswego june 1828 canada compaq i persons having business to transact with the canada com pany will find an agent from this oflice at the following placet in the lower part of this province on the days men tioned viz prescott 19th 20th 21st may chamberlans tavern grenvlle 26th 27th 28th may kingston 2nd 3rd 4th june perth 9th 10th 11th do richmond 16th i7th18th do by town 23rd24h25th do longinl 30thjunels 2nd juiyv cornwall 14th 15tl 16th do for the superintem em john thomson canada companys oflice york 7 miy 1s28 canada company 7o emigrants arriving from the united kingdom otice is hereby given that the canada company having complet ed their arrangements for the settlement of that extensive tract of country which lies between the districts of gore and lon don and the shore efclake huron a road is being opened from the township of wilmot to the mouth of the red river hereafter to be called the maitlauu this road is in continuation ol one lead ing through waterloo from guelph and government is now opening another from dundas to guelph by which route the journey from the head of lake ontario to lake huron may be performed in four or five days at the mouth of the maitland a town to be called goderich will be founded in the course of the summer as soon as the neccessary surveys cau be completed along the road from ilmot to code- rich the land which is all of the best quality will be sold in lots of one hun dred acres each for which at the option of die purchasers payment will he in ehcfa provisions or labour on the roads at the rate of 7s 6l pur acre from the first two hundred heads of families who oer them selves as settlers and supplies of provi sions and medical assistance wil he pro vided by the company- sw and gt mills are building uejtctfefi nronoscd sje of goderich emigrants or other persons to desirous embrace this advantageous opportunity of locating themselves will please apply to the agents of the company in the follow ing form by whom they will be furnished with tickets addressed to the companys office at guelph where the applications will be registered according to the date of the presentation of the tickets john galt superintendent canada companys office guelph 28th may 1828 no to the canada comyany i am desirous of locating myself unda the company in their huron tract by pur chasing acres one hundred tobe immediately abutting on the line of nad leading from the township of ilmot to the mouth of tho river maitland and i will pay for the same as follows here state whether in cash and how or in provisions teaming or in labour my family consists of persons my eldest child is years of age and my youngest i am a native of in by trade a in my religion x am a and i am known to resi ding at n if the applications are to be de livered in personopcn to the agents vz at quebec john davidson esq montreal messrs hart logn co- new york j c buchanan- esq geneva in ihe state of new york a mcnab esq pulteucy t aud office or within this province to john gait esq superintcudaot for the canada com pany york or guelph chain cabled dec a cramaivs pnimftt chain ca- jk hlo n ht v n rt pidved by machne a constant supply kept on hand n sock of all sizes by john watkins k and in montreal end quebec by july 3q 1827 wm bf dpfn steam boat noticf lake ontario steam boat niagara capt mosier will after the 15th current leave niagara for kingston hiockville and prescott every satur day afernoon at 4 oclock on her return will leave presscott for brock ville kingston yok and niagara every wednesday morning at 6 oclock arrangements have been made w messrs norton co stage piopne- ors by which passengers gong down nrrive at montreal on tuedayeven and those pi oceedinjr upwardswdl ly leaving montreal on tuesday arrive at prescott to take tlie boat prescott 4ih june 1r82 cherry walnut curly maplf lumber the sub- r her is ready to contract for any quantity of cherry w lnut and curly maple lumber deliver hie at his mills 12 miles west of ancameror at kerby and h tts store burlington bay where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed o hm at ancaster will be duly at tended to james jqlfnston december 22d 1827 n the press and wul speedily be published io pamphlet form at he chronicle office two religious discourses by the author of waver v kingston 5h julv 1r2 the subscriber w 11 gve the h est price cash for from one to two hundred barrels of pot and pearl ashes c j stowe kingston march 7th iss- it k il