pouthy why so pale whv o pale and hsidi foud lover ifloc wliy so al will- when looking well caut move her looking ill prev ail i prctbcc why so pale why so dull and mute yoimgsinner preilice why so mute 1 will when sichkiine well cant win her saying nothing et peiheo why so muto quit for shame this will not move this cnuuot take lier if if herself she n ill not love nothing can make her the devil lake her ask me no more ak me no more where jove bestows wheujunc is past the fading roe trio your beautys orient deep those flowers as in their causes sleep ask me uo more whither do stray tire golden atoms of the day p ir in pure love heaven did prepare tiose powders to enrich vour hair- ask mc no mcrcvhuher doth hasto the nightingale when may is past for iu your svren dividing throat sie winters and keeps warm her note am me no more where tliose star light that downwards fall in dead of night for in your eyes they sit and there fixed become as in their sphere ask mc no more if east or west tie phomix builds her spicy nost for uoioyoiii at last she flies and in your fragrant boyoin die i s ylatsuel a story of the present the past and the future continued i sheathed the dagger docs this strength amaze you v said the being 4 look to youder dust aud he pointed to a cloud of sand that came flying along the shore i could outstrip that whirlwind i could plunge unhurt into die depths of tint sea i could ascend that mountain swifter than the eagle i could ride that thundercloud as he threw himself back gazing u- pon the sky with bis grand form buoy ant with vigour and his arm exalted he looked like one to whom height or deptli could ofler uo obstacle his mantle flew out along the blast like the unfurling of a mighty wing there was something in his look and voice that gave irresistible conviction to his wild words conscious mastery was in all about him i should not have felt surprise to see him spring up into the elements my mind grew inflamed with his pre sence- my blood burned with sensations for which language has no name a thirst of power a scorn of earth a proud and fiery longing for the command of the hid den mysteries of nature i felt as the great ancestor of mankind might have felt when the voice of the tempter told him ye shall be even as gods 41 give me your power i exclaimed 1 the world to me u worthless with man all my tics are broken let me live in the desert and be even as you are give me your power my power he repeated witli a ghastly laugh that rang to the skies nod was echoed round the wilderness by what seemed voices innumerable until it died away in a distant groan look ou this forehead he threw back the corner of his mantle- a furrow was drawu round his brow covered with gore and gaping like a fresh wound here howl ed iu sat ilie diadem j was ftpiphu- ocs u you antiochus the tyrant the per secutor the spoiler the accursed of isra el i bounded backwards in sudden hor ror i saw before me one of those spirits of the evil dead who are allowed from time to time to reappear on earth iu the body whether of the dead or the living for some cause that none could unfold judea had been within the inst few years haunted by them more than for centuries strange rites dangerously borrowed from the idolaters were resorted to for our re lief from this new terror the pulling of the maudrake at the eclipse of the moon incantations midnight offerings the root sairas that was said to flash flame and kill the animal that drew it from the ground our saducees and sceptics wise in their own conceit declared that posses sion was but aliuman disease and a wild er insanity but with the rage and mi sery of madness there were tremendous distinctions that raised it beyond all the ravages of the hurt mind or the afflicted frame the look the language the horror of the possessed were above man they defied human restraint they lived in wil dernesses where the very insects died the fiery sun of the east the inclemency of the fiercest winter had no power to break down theirsirengtb but they had strong er signs they spoke of things to which the wisdom of the wisest was folly they told of the remotest future with the force of prophesy they gave glimpses of 3 know ledge brought from realms of being inac cessible to living man last and loftiest sign they did homage to his coming whom a cloud of darkness the guilty and impene trable darkness of the heart had veiled from my unhappy nation but their wor ship was terror they believed and trem bled vol i pp 93110 a lion fight dismounting for the side of the hill was almost precipitous i led my panting arab throbgh beds of myrtle and every lovely and sweet smelling bloom to the edge of a valley that seemed made to shut out every disturbance of man ta a circle of low bills covered to the crown with foliage surrounded a deep space of velvet turf kepi green as the e- merald by the flow of rivlets and the moisture of a pellucid lake io the centre tinned with every colour of the heavens the beauty of this sylvan spot was enhanc ed ly the luxuriant profusion of almond orange and other trees that in every stafce of production from the bud to the fruit covered the little knolls below and tonned a broad belt round the jake pirc ed as i was by the intolerable heat this secluded haunt of the very spi rit of freshness uoked doubly lovely my eyes halfblinded by the glare of the and8i ind even my mind exhausted by plrxi- ties of the day found delicious rein nation in ihe verdure and dewy breath of the si- lent valley toy barb with the quick seos- of animals accustomed to the travel of the wilderness shewed her delight by playful boundings the prouder arching of her neck aud the brighter glancing of her bright eye here thought i as i led her slowly towards the deep descent would bo the very spot for the innocence that had not tried the world or the philosophy that had tried it and found all vnuity who could dream that within the borders of this dis tracted land in the very hearing almost within the very sight of the last miseries that man could inflict on man there was a retreat which the foot of man perhaps never yet defiled and in which the cala mities that afflict society might be as little felt as if it were among the stars a violent plunge of the barb put no eud to my speculation- she exhibited the wildest signs of tenor snorted and strove to break from die then fixing her glance keenly on the thickets below shook in every limb but tho scene was tran quility itself the chameleon lay basking in the suu and the only sound was that of the wild rtnvjsmurraurriug under the broad leaves of the palm trees but my mare still resisted every effort to lead her downwards her ears were flut tering convulsively her eyes were starting from their sockets j 1 grew peevish t the animals unusual obstinacy and was about to let her suffer thirst for the day whfn mysenses were paralysed by a tremendous roar a lion stood on the summit which i had but just quitted ho was not adoz- zen yards above my head aud his first spring must have carried me to the bottom of the precipice the barb burst away at once i drew the only weapon i had a dagger and hopeless as e cape was- gi a r ing the tangled weeds to sustain my font- iig awaited the plunge- but h imhv savage probably disdained so ignoble prey and continued on the summit lashing hissides with his tail and tearing up the ground he at length stopped suddenly listened as to some approaching foot and then with a hideous yell sprang over mr and was in the thicket bolow at a single bound the whole thicket was instantly alive the shade which i bad fixed on for the seat of unearthly tranquility was an old haunt of lions and the mighty herd were now roused from their noonday slumber- othing could be grander or more terrible than this disturbed majesty of the forest kings in every variety of savage passion from terror to fury they plunged and tore aud yelled darted through the lake hurst through the thicket rushed up the hills or stood baying and roaring defiance against the coming invader the numbers were immense for the rareness of shade and water had gathered them from every quarter of the desert whilef stood clinging to my perilous hold and fearful of attracting their gaze by the slightest movemen the source of the commotion appeared in the shape of a roman soldier issuing spear in hand through a ravine at the further side of the valley he was palpably unconscious of the formidable place into which he was entering and the gallant clamour of voi ces through the hills showed thai he wee followed by others as bold and unconscious of their danger as himself but his career soon closed his horses feet had si fircely touched the turf when a lion was fixed with fangs and claws on the creatures loins the rider uttered a cry or horror and for the instant saf hclplcsslv gazing at the opeonws behind him- 1 saw the lion gathering up ids flanks for a second bound but the soldier a figure of gigantic strength grasping the nostrils of the monster with one band and with the other shortening bis spear drove the steel at one resistless thrust into tre lions forehead horse linn and rider fell and continued struggling together in the next moment a mass of caval ry came thundering down the ravine they had broken off from their march through the accident of rousing a stran gling lion and followed him in the giddy ardour of the chase the sight now be fore them was enough to appal the boldest intrepidity the valley was filled with the vast herd retreat was impossible for the troopers came still pouring in by the ouly pass and from the sudden descent of the glen horse and man were rolled head foremost among the lions neithet man nor monster could retreat the conflict was horrible and the beavyspears of the legionaries plunged through bone and brain the lions made more furious by wounds sprang upon the powerful horses and tore them to the ground or flew at the troopersthroats and crushed and dragged awaycuiras and buckler the valley was a struggling heap of human and savage battle man lion and charger writhing and rolling in agonies till their forms were undistinguishable the groans and cries of the legionaries the screams of the mauglod horses and the roars and bowl ings of the lions bleeding with sword and spear tearing the dead darting up the sides of the hills in terror and rushing down again with the fresh thirst of gore baffled all conception of fury and horror but man was the conqueror at last the savages scared by the spear and thin ned in their numbers made a rush in one body towards the ravine overthrew every thing in their way and burst from the val ley awaking the desert for many a league with their roar- vol ii pp 7177 t t mansioxiiouse hotel uk sin itiuer informs ins friends and lie public ihat having lukcn tins large am commodious house am its appurcirncc- in the centre oi kingston made prepnations lb cm ci iumng travellers he hopes to be able by ins v tention and accommoda tions io render it an agreeable and s- tisfiiceorv pico of enicrtainment for those wiio live been in the habit o frequenting it under its former establish ment and otlers who may favour him with their cuscom no exert ons shall bo spared on his part to promote llicir comfort and merit their approbation k mrsionk john davy o kent for a term of years immediate possession given the popcrty at present in the occupation of john grant in barricfield consisting of a jrood dwelling house bake house burn and other out houses with the i md attached the property will be leased for a term of years on advanta geous terms apply to ihc editor of the kingston chronclc km mh may 1s26 wanted a good blacksmith io whom liberal wages and con- slam employment wdl be given appli cation to be nude to a manahan mar mora iron works m iv 22d 1328 otice the subscribers will pay the following prices for pork and flour in sh on delivery at their establishment at joness falls south ciosby ridcuu canal as undermen tioned viz for pork in the ho weight from 150 o 200 lbs 21s gd ditto do fiom 2 o 300 lbs 22s 6d for flour in the barelfine2is 3d do do middling iss d do in he ittg pr cw 0 6d mackay 6l redpath jones fills rideau c nldec27ls2 k salb iron half of lot no 13 3d concession 0 haldim ir and ui strict of newcastle containing 100 icies 40 of which are under cultivati on an excellent saw mill is erected on the lo on a durable stream and a fmegoveof pine timber adjoining also a comfortable frame dwelling house new barn and carpenters work shop for particulars c application may be made to j g bethune esq cobourg or on the premises to 7 feb 182 i evi cole the steam boat toronto james sinclair master will leave kngson every mon day morning at 8 oclock fo buh adojphusownhaiioweisophas- hurgh belleville the carrying place and river treni leave the trent at 10 oclock a m on tuesdays and arrive at kingston in ihe evening ouching at the intermedi ate places leave k every wednesdi yi 8 oclock in ihc mo nnfffor presto and return the follow in day ouchnr ii jnnoqiia nd ijockv he leave kingston eve friday morn ing at 8 oclock for belle vile leave belleville on satmd ys i 8 oclock a m and arrive al k on n ihe even- msf touching at the intermediate places the to on o is no tly fined up and iy iey srjljkp pta o ihe r- cotnmoj on and comfo- of passengers a sftge wll meet the bo t at rhe trent on tuesdays fare as usual for passage o- fregh npppcaion may be nride o he m s er on bond kings on 6 h my 2 canada company w village in 4 inn otice s he cby given o all ons who have eng tged lots in the v lhge of murdrum laid out on lots no is 19 20 in the 7th concession oi he town hip of vius- him that the plo now surveyed the stakes set and numbered and ihat a per son w 11 be on the ground o show the los unii tuesday ihe 29 h instant on which dy at ten oclock in the forenoon a meeting w 11 be held at mr montgomerys the brd in ii nd on yonge stree when and where 11 per sons interested are requested to attend o select their lots in the order they stand for choice those who cannot attend personally should depute some one in writing o chose for them or they w 11 loe the be nefit of having drawn nn crlv numbe w winter wright canada companys office york jn 14 1s2s f 101 sale rhe p m no 17 in the 1st books for sale at the chronicle office coming out by miss poer the obriens and the oflatettys by lady morgan st valentines day or the fair maid ofjcrth the author of waver- youlh and manhood of cyril thorn ton tales of a grandfather by the an- tho of wavei ly boughanis speech en the english law part of lo roncoss on of richmond containing abou 80 acre of good lnd wrh about 10 or 12 cres cleared on which is a coo- 1 log house and a stable the said lo is suated on the napane r ve- about one and a half miles from the well known napine mils the river is navigable o ihe latter place for such vessels as usually navigate l- ke ontario he townsfa p of richmond is nearly all set led the back country eid fas the situation is very eligible for a country sto e the vicnwy abounds with game he river at varous i of he year swarms with wild frecse ducks and va rious other wild fown and a pood sup ply of pike pickerel suckers salmon c price 100 c sh application may be made to richard low esq napane mills or hay bay the premises will be shown hv elias huffman who live on the next lot kingston 22d feb 182 60 j0 20 50 john w atk1s i feus hiss i irs friends and i hi public generally o the liberal cimiiaeinent he bus met with for several years nastund bes o inform them thai dp j season received by the sb montreal from liverpool sixty c and cases of hardware ltlery c which has been scloc ed from ihc firs manufacturing houses in birmingham sheffield wolverhai c among which are as follow- tea kettles sauce gg 2fl 14 and lbs weight ditto iii sots 4 lbs down to j oz saddle trees btis buckles tind japaud and plated girth roller and straining web and nvery article in the ddterj line stamp d b ass curtain pin commode knobs turn buckles bed scrwsfcc horn laniorntravrs rivets saucepan handles and ears teapot knobs candlestick springs and every article used h tinmen carpenters and coopers axes and adzes tabh and dceert knives and forks britannia metal table and tea spoons ditto iron tind britannia metal and iron tind ladles pocket and penk nives scissors razors kent loth and shoe hammers flemish tacks locks of all sorts round and plat bolls screws butt h and hl hinges coffin furni- urc steelyards as30rtiirent of files white wash shoe and scrubbing brushes tea trays cbisselsand gouges plane irons dinner table sleigh and cow bells house and fat traqs tind an japand walter chains smiihs and hand bellows c sic kc 12 tod8 rngli6band swuaes iron 5 hoop iron 1 in to sj in wide 2 h round iron assd 3 cast crawley l c sleel 4 tons shot i 2 3 4 b and jjb jo doxes tin ic 3od ix 50 do sheet iron 20 biils double sheet iron casks wrot nads assd do cut assd casks spikes 3 to 7 inches bdls iron wire assd 4 to 4 wire guflge bake pans belly pots powder sbet and bar copper sheet and bar lead anvils vices bellows pipes fire irons ac ramans patent chain cables from inch to 1116 in anchors all sizes english and ameri- ran window glass dry white and red lead do mixed in oil dry colours for painters use boild snd raw linseed oil white and tard cordage pitch rjo aud ohnm 100 doz follansbes grass and cradle scythes 0 philadelphia millsaws 10 doz vimes patem canal shovels griusiones vvagoii and art ijxes trace aid fog ha mi frying pans 4 casks of manufac- ured tin vvarr 6 fit ering stones the above ariicles having all been re opived will be sold wholesale or retail for rash oi short approved credit on the most mode rale terms j watkins kingston june 14 1128 n b country merchants arc res pectfully informed that ihe above goods having been purchased on the most nd- vaniigeoas terms enables him to offer them ny articles of shelf goods as low as ihey can be purchased in mon treal iron steal c at a trivng differ ence from the montreal prices j w warehousing forward ing commission business the subscriber respecfully informs the public mat he has taken a lcise of thai large storehouse wharf in thjs town recenly occupied by messrs mccutchon crossman where he in ends carry on the above business and will be ready at the open ing of the navigation to receive and for ward goods produce c c to any port in the canadas he will always have in his employ seaworthy boats navigated by careful and experienced boatmen and his charges for transport will be as low as thoe of any similar establishment in the frovince the subscriber will also pay every attention to the disposing of property that may be intrusted to his careagree- ably to instructions archd mcdonell kingston 14th march 1828 qj reference may be made to john kirby esq john macanlay esq kingston and robert stanton esq york steamboat notice on lake ontario the public are informed that the steamboat queenston cpt whitney has commenced making her regular trips and will during the present summer leave the different porisas follows leave niagara t kingston brock- villc and prevcots every thursday morning at eight ivlork precisely nd leave prescotr on her return for bockville kingston york and niaga ra every sunday at six oclock a m arrangements hav been made with messrs norton po stage proprie tors piesro i by which pnsseners go- intr down will arrive montreal on sa turday evening ald passengers pro- cecdine upwards wil hy leaving mon treal on saturday mornnp arrive in time at prcsroto the boat every endeavour as been nsed to render the accommodations and fare on hoard of the hosf deripvon queonston 14th april 188 alliance british and foreign life and fire as surance company of london estab lished by act of parliament capital five millions sterling the agents for this company beg leave to announce to the inhabit ants of upper canada that they conti nue to assure against loss or damage by fire and that ihey have for the convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as their acents in the county towns oi the different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrsasfvmorriscobrockviuc james macfarlane esq kingston james g bethune esq cobourg robt wm prentice esq- york john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will be derived from assuring with the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the set tlement of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not there by deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to the board of directors in london 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid 9th in the case of an aaeurntrol- ing made on property for a less sum than the real value thereof the com pany will pay whatever loss is sustain ed not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits to be divid ed will be large mckeniebethuneco agents montreal 2sth sept 1s26 notice to frinter5 for sale on reasonable terms a printing press constructed on the most approved plan and which has not been in use for more than four or five weeks also a complete assort ment new types and furniture application may he made to the e- ditor of the chronicle who is agent for the proprietor kingston 18th august 1826 port hope nail manufac- tory j brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced manufacturing nails of every description of a su perior quality which he will sell for cash or approved bills as low as they can be obtained at any manufactory in the united slates port hope july 3 1826 for sale that valuable farm m the 7th concession of the town- sh p of ernest town lately theproper- tv nf v- simnol v d t rr sed of lots no 25 and 2o in said con cession and contains by admeasurement 400 acres of good land of which about 100 acres are under cultivation there is a good orchard dwelling house barn and oiher outhouses on the prem ses a liberal credit will be gi ven on part of the purchase money and possession may be had immediately for further particulars apply to john kirby esq kingston or to allan mc pherson esq nrpane mills kingston 20th aug 1824 packets for steerage passen gers only to sail on the 5th and 20th of every month from liverpool for new york the ships composing this line are all of the first class copperfastened and coppered of about 400 tons burthen and as fast sailors as any packets in the trade they have superior accommo dations being very loity between decks are commanded by experienced masters whose best endeavours will be to pro mote the comfort of passengers and the appointed days of sailing will be strict ly adhered io the facility and convenience of this establishment to persons residing at a distance by saving them much delay dc- expense too often attending the uncer tain and protracted departure of a tran sient vessel will it is hoped be duly appreciated and command such a pre ference and support as will ensure its continuance and success to irish emigrants this line is es pecially recommended on account of ihe easy and frequent communication between the irish ports and liverpool by means of steamboats and smacks and to all it w extend the peculiar ad vantage of a connexion with respectable companies upon the hudson river and the new york canals by which is se cured the readiest and cheapest convey ance to cither of the canadian provin ces those who wish to send for their friends can procure them a safe and ex peditious passaby applying lo john mcauhy esq kingston william gam ble esq york or james morris esq brockvrile upper canada new yerk march x828- ernest town cloth fac tory the subscribers beg leave to ac quaint their friends and ihc pub lic that they have erected a manufacto ry on the mill creek in the third con cession of earnest town for the pur pose of picking carding and spinning wool and weaving fulling colour ing and dressing woolen cloths sati- netts which ihey expect to have in ope ration in a few days this being the first establishment of the kind commenced in the midland district and no pains or expense hav ing been spared to procure experienced workmen and machinery ofthebestdes- cription the subscribers confidently trust that a liberal and discerning pub- lie will duly appreciate the attempt to extend the domestic manufactures of the country and favour it with that patron- age and support which they are deter mined to use their best exertions to de serve wool will be taken and manufactured either on sharesor at a reasonable price or carding fulling or any other part of the process performed for those who wish it on moderate terms isaac fraser i david bbrown enoch drake ernesttown hcnh may 1828 new school we whose names are hereunto subscribed recommend mr ro- bert offers as a man of capability and experience and fitted to superintend t- j the education of youth not only by f theory but also by a long acquaintance l with ihc real and actual practice of bit- j siness we therefore believe it would be of advantage to a portion of the ri- sing generation that he should under- tuhl uci1 ii cliiplojllieili i george okill stiart archdeacon ofkngion w fraser p if encouraged by the recommendation of the above venerable and rev cha racters and at the instance of a nuner- ous and respectable circle of friends the subscriber has taken that most eligible and commodious school room in tlk house owned by mrs tapin pronounc ed tapau lj minutes walk from the english church about the same dis tance from the french church and within a few paces of front street those parents who may feel dispos ed to commit their children to thestj4 scribers care may rest assured of having- justiccdone to them as he intends to t take but a limited number of pupis and is determined to make itthe inter est of parents io patronise him robert jefers kingston may 12th 1828 wanted immediately at da vis mill south crosbyrideau canal a number of stone cutters to whom liberal wages will be giveneither j by the day or foot wilh all tools found if required also a number of quarry men to whom liberal wages will be gi ven and regular payments made either by ihe month or week donald mcliver kingston nov 8 182 mason to let and possession given im mediately thai comfortable siono svon nearly 6bs rice and lately in the occupation of mr bastable terms may be known by applying at the chronicle office kingston 7th dec 1827 the kingston chronicle is printed and published eveiy saturday by james macfarlane ai his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and six pence per annum if sent by mail twen ty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first inser tion and 7 each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first inser tion and lod each subsequent inser tion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rections inserted tillfvrbid and charg ed accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received aftor ten o clock on the day of publico tion ct produce received in payment at the market price agents john bignell esq quebec david chishohue esq three riven andrew portcous eq montreal james mcintoshesq lancaster john cameron esq- lochiel r cline esq cornwall george browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq prcscott henry jones esq brockville josiah taylor esq perth h whitmarsh esq richmond j k hartwell esq bastard mess c j m donald gananoque r w warffe esq bath allan mcpherson esq napanee thomas parker esq bellville joseph a keoler esq cmmahv james g bethune esq hamilton david smart esq port horn william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara charles biaretq canal rene mttrror thomas dorlamlesq adolpfotsttna i i