Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), August 23, 1828, p. 3

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are the peoplo of nova scotia fur the ad vantages that havo attoudod his equitable role with nwpect to his excellencys succes sor nothing definitive has yet been re ceived rumour points out sir howard douglass lieutenant governor of new brunswick sir peregrine maitlaud lieut governor of upper canada sir john keene now administering the govern ment of jamaica and sir francis burton who was lieutenant governor of lower canada that sir howard douglass is shout to he absent from new brunswick we are well assured but whether that absence will be temporary or permanent we are not aware tho london papers state that he is going to russia as was some time since asserted in the new brunswick papers we cannot refrain however from indulging in the expectation that his excelloncy will be advanced to this go vernment not only as an approval of the judicious policy which he has pursued in the neighbouring province but as an earnest of the continued welfare of this free press errata in the communication signed 41 philomath which appeared in our last number for and at tfco expense of a great loss of time labour hoexpense read and at the expense of a great loss of time la bour and materials the chroxiclk kingston ucaugust 23 1326 we havenojatcrdales fromeuropthao were contained in our last number- amongst the gloomy forebodings which the almost general failure of the wheat crops in this province is calculated to excite it is a great source of consolation as well as cause of thankfulness to the supreme be ing to find that the injury sustained is chiefly confined to upper canada as from nil we have been enabled to learn an ave rage crop will be reaped in the sister pro vince whilst in nova scotia and new brunswick the prospects of the farmer arc still more flattering it will be seen also that in case of ne cessity assistance in this most essential ar ticle of life could be obtained from thefiar- rtn siuritx ultiivhhkillitml certainly not of domestic but of foreign growth we aro happy to be informed that his excellency sir p maitlandwith that warm interest for the advantage of the people and prosperity of the province which has characterized all his acts since his assump tion of the governent is about to prohibit the distillation of whiskey from grain wd are enabled to give our readers a full and complete return of the menbers e- lectedto servo in the wth provincial par liament with some of our brother editors it ap pears to be matter of vxultation that only three of the present members were among those who voted for the naturalization bill of 1827 this it would seem was the touchstone by which the electors tried the conduct of their late representatives if true it seems to prove most satisfactorily how easily the people rf this province are gulled by the clamours and noise of a few discontented aud factious individuals the advantages to he derived by the people of this province under the provisions of the present law are in no wise comparable with tiose which they would have experienced under the proposed one although nothing has beeosaid by the truefriends of the coun try against it i u order excite a feeling in the country we shad for the present mention only one circumstance which may perhaps assist in dispelling the de lusion under which some people labor in 1827 two acts were proposed the one relating to naturalization and the rights of persons naturalized to hold lands the other relating entirely to real estates by which the titles to lands held by british subjects were uot to be questioned by reason of the person through whom the same may have passed having been an alien the two objects are proposed to he em braced in the present law but there is no provision therein effecting the latter ob ject so that the title f any naturalborn subject to any lands in this province is now liable to be questioned if the same has been derived tlirougft any alien either residing abroad or who may have resided here and left the provinse without being naturalized much is expected from the present re presentation for our own parts we anti cipate but little good brockville gazette a we are sorry to observo that the fevers which have been so prevalent during this summer have rather increased in tbe course f the present month scarcely a day pas ses without our having our feelings wound ed by witnessing the remains of some one or other of our friends or neighbours borne in solemn silence to their last borne and we are informed that in the country their ravages are equally extensive as in town medical men we understand attribute in a great measure tho appearance of these fevers and their long continuance a- mongst us to the unusual humidity of the 6eason the consequent exhalations arising from the earth and the excessive heat of the weather combined rendering the atmos phere exceedingly unhealthy the thanks of the community arc due to the female benevolent society for giving up the- use of their hospital for the recep tion of the indigent poor suffering under the disease as well as to the rev messrstun- ney and fraser for their exertions in col lecting and conveying the wretched suffcr- eps to this asvhtmv aii rmwrs ftw ftvn their support and comfort thereinto which praiseworthy and charitable purpose the venerable archdeacon stuart has liberally contributed and we have no doubt bis personal endeavours would not have been withheld were he not prevented from bes towing them by a severe illness doctors sampson geddes armstrong and black are also deserving of great praise for their constant and gratuitous services the quebec official gazette statesthat the commander ofthefnreoshas iwmi a general order granting a pension of one shilling sterling per tliemro simp son aged 96 one of the surviving compa nions of general wolfe on the field of abra ham we beg leave to state for the in formation of tbe commander of the forces that there is a respectable old person in this town mr john gray now 95 years of age who served in frasers highlanders with general wolfe at the seige of quehecand to whom a pension of one shilling per di em would be a most acceptable boon herald from the loyalist the following is we believe a correct list of the members returned to serve in the tenth provincial parliament of upper canada alex mcmartin ry the rev mr machar pastor of the scotch church in this town who has re cently suffered from a severe attack of fe ver left here on thursday morning last accompanied by the rev mr connell of glengary onboard the niagara steamves sel for niagara in the hope of deriviug be nefit from change of air in addition to our own wc have no doubt he carries with him the best wishes of all denomi nations in this place for his safe return and the perfect reestablishmcnt of his health in addition to the cost of the rideau ca nal a6 given in our last from its commence ment to the rideau lakethe montreal ga zette of the llth inst gives a statement of the expense from tbe latter place to king ston which is as follows 14th section l3640 rrastr glenga- archd mclean ambrose blackloch stonnont peter shaver george brouse dundas donald mcdonald prescott russel william morris lanark thomas radenhurst carhton john kilburo and william buel lteds george longley and rufus c henderson grenvult donald bethune town of kingston hugh c thomson and thomas dalton prontenae marshall sbidwell peter perv lenox f addington james wilson and paul pe terson prince edward james if samson fy joseph n lockwood hastings james lyons and benjamin ewing northumber land charles fothergill john dsmith durham john b robinson town of york jesse ketchum william l mc- kenzie york john cawthra simcoe caleb hopkins and george rouhaiton john wilson and george hamilton wtnt- worth robert dickson town of niagara robert randall john j leflvrty william wottfrotf fewtmram terry lincoln tio- mas horner and finlay malcolm oxford duncan mcall and win w baldwinaor- folk john rolph and john matthews mrt- dlesex william rcrczy kent alexander wilkinson and francois baby essex es quires died on tuesday the 19th inst mr john scautlebury proprietor of the commercial hotel aged 53 years at hillier on the 12th inst mr benja min darling at quebec on the 10th instant eliza beth wife of lieut col foster assistant adjutant gen to the forces aged 58 years afflictive dispensations wo forgot to state in our last the affiictivedispensations of providence which recently visited the family of henry warren esq j p of fort erie v c in april last lieut jackson mr warrens soninlaw was lost overboard in the night from a vessel on lake erie in the month of june mrs hamilton daughter of mr- w died at kettlecreek and very recently the wife of mr warren died at fort erie thus the iusatiate archer has thrice slew the peace of mr warren buffalo repuh september tea sale the agents to the hon east in dia company in canada give notice ihat there will be put to public sale at their warehouses in quebecon saturdayjghe 13th september a quan tity of teas equal to about 1500 chests and boxes and at montreal on saturday the 20st spember a quantity equal to about 3000 chests catalogues will be ready lor delivery and shew chest open for inspection at each place for six days previous to the sale which will commence at 11 oclock in the forenoon signed forsyth richardson co montreal 12th aug 1828 mansionho use hotel to be let lor one or more years and possession given the first of october next for particulars apply to mr jacob herchmer or the sub scriber charles anderson kingston 21st aug 1828 notice s speculation is the order of the day and as one monopoly seem- only o give rise o others we the undersigned acquaint the inhabitants of kingston that we will until such time as flour becomes cheaper and bread comes to a fair price bake good and wholesome biead for all persons who will furnish us with flour of a good qu jity returning one pound of breid for every pound of flour delivered o us satisfied that every erson who studies his own interest will see the propriety of taking advantage of ills proposal wc will from this date hold ourselves in rc- dinessio attend to all persons who may think proper to avail themselves of the advantages now offered wm donaldson jos daley wm norie kingston 23d aug 182 executive council office york tuh attf- jr28 mtotice is hereby given by order ax of his excellency the lieutenant governor in council that sealed ten ders postpaid for a lease of the ferry across the river saint lawrence from brockville in the district of johnstown to morristown on the opposite shore for the term of seven years subject to such rules and regulations for ferriage and attendance as the magistrates of the said district in general quarter sessions of the peace may adopt to be endorsed tender for ferry will be received at this office till the first wednesday in september next on which day the lease will be adjudged to the highest bibbei who w be required to enter into the usual security for the due payment of the rent and to pay one pound twelve shillings and sixpence currency for the patent before it issues john small c e c army contract itotice is hereby given that seal- ax ed tenders will be received at una office until noon of friday the 5th day of september next frrjm such per sons as may be capable of upply the commissariat with fifteen hundred cords of firewood the wood is to be of the host quali ty sound and merchantahle ad to consist of black or yellow birch m- ple and beech and so be of the follow ing dimensions each tivk to be cm full four feet long the cord to be eight feet in length by lour feet four inches in heigh and the whole i he delivered at the following places v 500 cords in the wood yard at point henry 200 of which rtmst be deliv ered before the 1st of january 1821 and the remainder before the 24 june follow n cords in the wood yard at point frederick to be delivered before the 24h june 1829 soo cords in the wood yard at king- son o be delivered before the 24u1 june 1829 the wood is to be delivered piled nd measured to the satisfatft on of the commissariat one cord ugh and af terwards replied three voids high to suit the dimensons of the wood yards by the contractor the tenders are to stale the price per cord in sterling and ptyments will be mde either in british silver money or in governmen bills and if by bills at the rate of one hundred pounds for each one hundred and one ponnd ten shillings due upon the contract they must also be made in tht prescribed form which may be obtained on appli cation being made at this office speci fying i kcwise the names of two res pectable persons who will become res ponsible for the due performance of such contract as may be eered into and the contractor must either live in the town of kingston or appoint an a- gent in the town who w 11 be answera ble for executing nil u h orders as may 1 fovmsfod ivrtv vviviwtfr cfef y john hark assist com- cat commissariat office kingston 4ih aug p2 notice well recommended tfcdicnl gentleman of sound british prin ciples wi1 meet wth every suppt n the vicinity of vittoi township ol charlotteville london district the centre of a dense populaton government contracts a 15th do 17200 16th do 8500 17th do 34200 18th do 1400 19th do 15000 20th do 10300 21 22 do- 30800 23d do 21101 total 152201 total estimated expense of the rideau canal 456711 to which add 143289 for contingencies and tho amount will be 600100 government notice 100d stone cutters will mji find employment ip the royal engneer department at this post application to be made at the royal engineer office john hare assist com gen commissariat kingston t 18th aug 1828 government work required a few goodquar- kymen o be employed by he hoy til engineer department par ticulars of the work c may be obtain ed on applying at the engineer office john hare assist com gen kingston 6th a i828 a j ferns begs leave o inform his customers bat he has received a part and daiy expects the remainder of his sum mer supply of lulies and childrens iihoes lides and gentlemens gloves materials for manufacturing c which beng imported direct horn the manu factory m england he is enabled to sell as low as any oher person in the can adaa he h- s on hand of his own nvm- ufaicture an excellent assortment of cilf seal kip and black buck skin dows and shoes also upper and sole letcher calf sel and cordovan bhk moocco coloured roans bind ing skins c and all kinds of findings for shoe makers also mens womans boas and grls coarse boots and shoes by wholesale at as low a rate as they can be procured from any oher quarter and warranted to be of good materials and workmanship kingston june 27th 1s28 lands for sale lot letter d in the township of pittsburgh fronting the st law- lence containing 200 acres well wood ed jot no 26 fourth concession township of kngson containing 200 icrps on which there is a clearance of bait 20 acres with a log house and bam loi no 26 sixth concession insame township cont- ining200acreson which ihive is a clearance of about 10 acres witji a eood fence and now under a crop of timothy for particulars apply o f a harper kington 12h maty is28 mtotice is hereby given that ax tenders will be received at thit office until the 29ih day of the juesens month at noon fom such persons as may be wiling o 0traci for putting up a picket ftncb sinking a well and performing sundry other service at the new hospital on point hnrj the particulars of whfch may be known on applying at the office of the royal engineer at kingston and to the same period tenders will also be receved fioin such persons as may be willing to perform such glaziers work as may be occasionally required to the different bairacks and public buldhigs at kings on and po frederick and henry from the date of accepting the tender o the 24ih december next en suing the trndfr mut bpbmltd fed agree bly to the prescribed form which may be obtained on application being made at this office they must also spe cify the names of two respectable per sons who will become responsible for the due performance of such contracts as may be entered into the princi pals must either live in the town of kingston or appoint agents who will be answerable for executing all such orders as mjy be furnished without de lay the payments for these services wll be made from time to time at this of fice on drafts drawn by the ordnance storekeeper in british silver money or in government bills at the rate of one hundred pounds for each one hun dred and one pounds ten shillings due upon the contract john hare assist com gen- commissariat office kingston 1st aug1828 canada company it is particularly requested that all claims on the canada companybe ben in during the first week in septem ber next and afterwards regularly in the first week of december march june and september addressed tho mas smith esq cashier and accoun- ani canada companys office york o whom application is io be made fbi payment t in the course of the first weeks in october january april and july john galt superintendent canada companys office guelph july 29 182s to be sold that valuable tavern stand in the town of kingston known as the kingston hotel comprising a substantial stone house with stable other apurtenances situated on los no 88 63frontingthe court house and containing twofifths of an acre this property is too well known to need repetition if not disposed of by pri vate sale before the 15th october next he same will on that day at noon on the premises be put up at public auc tion and sold without reserve the ti tle is indisputable conditions to be made known at the time of sale apply io the proprietor on the pre mises or to m mo ran auctioneer kingston 2d auffusr 1828 nb mr walker would inform his friends that he in the meantime will con duct the business of the house as usual and takes this opportunity of returning bis thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support which be has always expe rienced from them 1not1ce the subscriber being appointed agent for the canada compa ny n this place is ready to receive of fers for the purchase of any of the com panys lmds in his quarter he also begs io inform such persons as may intend io settle on the companys ii i on tract that i y present ing them- seles to euouwr 4ftiuttflrsiuo faloihcy wll beforw rdetl by him liom that place at the companys eprnseo the now settlement of goiencliat the mouhof the maitlaud hereiofore called lle red river f a harper kngsion 26 h july 182 notice nihe subscriber begs leave io in- fl fo m the inhabitants gentle men of the army and navy of kings- ion and vicinity that he has arrived from quebec with an assortment of the best description of the following articles which he offers for sale or exchange for country produce at his store for merly the kingston bank thomas atkins kingston july 15th 1628 t a w just published and for sale at the chronicle offwe two religious discourses by the autlioi of waverly kingston 23d aug 1828 a chain cables c cramans patent chain ca bles and anchors warranted psved by machine a constant supply kept on hand in sock of nil sixes by john watk1ns kingston an in montreal und quebec bv luly 30ili 1827 wm budden glerkship young man well acguainted with town and country business writes a good hand and understands the ma nagement of books wants employment in a store apply if by eter post paid to mr douglas prentis of kingston august 1st 1828 otice tenders wll be re- ceived by the subscriber until the first d iv of september next for budding two stone brick buildings fee ng mket square according to the plan and specification to be seen at his store the tenders must specify the nmes of two respect able person- who will become respon sible for the due performance of the contract j w armstrong tneson 7th au 12 wanted a lad fynted annex ions an an apprentice t fa grocery business best port in yood bottles ditto madeira teneriffe bourdeaux coguiac brandy holland jamaica spirits rum whisky peppermint shrub molasses vinegar lime juice lemons gunpowder tea hyson do oung do do twankay do souchong do hohea loaf jamaica su gar spanish nuts almonds currants coffee- english cheese american do carraway eeds mace chocolate rice pearl barley pot do oat meal cyan pepper common do assorted pickles fish sauce olive oil raisins mustard pimcuto starch blue indigo araroot castile soap candles common soap nutmegs sulpher brimstone seal oil table cod fish japan ink in small heel ball- shoe sprigs shoe tacks bristles wafers sealing wax seal and upper lea ther binding skins black morocco do- best cut glass de canters tumbler and wine glasses flint vv common do do salts britania mettle tea and coffee pots- domustardscasiers and salts china breakfast and tea eels delf do do dinner supper and cheese plates edged soup and cream colour do stone jugs with plat ed covers cruet aud liquor frames brass candlesticks chamber do bracket lamps refined liquorice stick do barley candy rock do jordan almonds comfits peppermints- sugar plumbs blue black cloths fustians beaver- tines nankeens calicoes chentz striped muslin chentz shawls ginghams striped cotton factory do cotton shirting sarge dow lass coarse sheeting fine irish linen in half pieces j india bandanas writing and letterbritania do paper limitation shawls- day and maitinsjmens grey worsted book binding ie subscriber having established u book bindery at the kingston v i omcle office in lhs place is now iedy to receive kinds of job wo k wh ch he will execute wih neatness nd despatch having been regularly bred io the business he flatter himselt he wll be able to give general salisfac on to such as may favour him with their custom and patronage having an excellent ruling machine the subscriber will peribim all sort of rule work in the very best syle j p beckwith kingson 29h feb isgs tnotloe to emigrants persons desiious of setting n upper canada may procuie lands on the island of tantisitu- ed in lke onloro 9 mles above kingston there are several thous nd acres yet unoccupied which w 11 be either sold oi leased upon reasonable terms the situation is pleasan nd the sol generally of an excellen quality further information may he obtained by application o ricliv h ch ins esquire residing on the isl- nd or toa k johnson esq at prescott montreal 7une 2 ls28 n b a siermhoit passes the is land three times a week sxtxr m foster archer recently fuom sybacuse have taken he st joiim-rlyoc- cuped liy w non as a tavi n ojjos te j r yuos inn rind ben oi docker cos o t tofnoi oi j nies fc fiist suee n cwejo wheie liey ofler course jnd f no sob by ihe snjlc barrel o qujntrtyat m nufactures pr res with the addt on of transport ion their facilities lor do n si busnessare very great fljiv njr sn establ shntent at syracuse hey w 11 be enable o or- ce ve any epi nuty inimedistely on re- er and forward o iiy port in canada merchrus and ohes are requested o c 11 and ex mi no their prices which hey hnk wll be found satisfactory also for sde as above a gene ral and well selected assortment of fo reign and domestx dry goods gioce- rses crockery and gihss ware c c c- whch thev wll sell on reason- able terms as can be purchased else where oswego tine 1r2s the subscriber w ii give ihe high est price in osh lbr from one o wo hundred barrels of pot and perl ashes c j stow kingston march 7tb 1823 to rent lor aterm of years immediate possession given he pioperty at present in the occupation of john gran in barriefield consis ug of a good dwell ng house bake house barn and other out houses with the lnd attached the property w ii be leased for a term of years on advanta geous terms apply fo tbe editor of the kingston chion cle kngson 5 h my 1s26 tktfi iice the subscribers wll ax piy the lollowmg pr ces fo pok flour in sh on delivery at iher establishment at joness falls sou h cosby r deau canal as undermen tioned viz for pork in the hoc weight fom 150 0 200 lbs 21s od ditto do from 2 o 300 lbs 22 6i for flour in the barreljine2js 3 do do mddlmg l hi do in the bag pr cwi 10 ld mackay redpatil jmti r its mdeau cnlpec2ls2 the steam boat toronto james sinclair master will leave kingston every mon day mo nmg at y oclock or b ih aolphusownhallowelsophs- burgh belleville the carrying place and river trent leave the trent at 10 oclock a m on tuesdays and arrive at kingson n the evening touching at the intei medi ate places leave kingston every wednesdayat 8 oclock in the moningfor presrot and return the following dity touching at gananoqua and biockville leave kingston every friday morn ing at 8 oclock for belleville lee belleville on saturdays at 8 oclock a m and arrive at kingston in the even ing touching at the intermediate pltces the toonto is neatly fit ed up ind every attention will be paid to the -ic- commodat and comfort of passengers a stage will meet the boat at the trent on tuesdays fare as usual for passage or freight application may be made 1 the master on board kng tvh my 1r2s foll sale lo no 12 in the 2d concession of the townsh p of pittsburg application o be made 10 the hon g h mrkland k on nov 23d 1827 blacking scrubbing brushes shoe do broom heads playing cards chalking 1ines fishing do- pipes wine uud porter corks shoe thread awl blnles closing thread hose womens black do do- cotton do boys cloth caps snuff boxes whip thongs black and whited brown threads t windsor soap lmbrellas and 100 pr mens stout shoosbest quality ost on sunday 1 ne mla andrews chur h a r si iuf haih bl a elet with a gold clasp any person leavin the same at this 4teey shall receive a re onble reward kngson 1s1 j 1r23 to let store with he use of the wharf in the tear of the p o- pery occupied by tiie subscriber goods and produce soed rates apply to thos atkin kmgstou 25th july ib2s a

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