no longer than sunday last i was a- woko at a very early hour of the morning by a tet of bacchanalian rioters in a ta vern not very distant from the entrance into the barrack square a couple of whom fought for a length of time in the public ttreet by moon light amidst the yells and profanity of their vile associates to the a- uoyance of their more peaceable neigh- bourswhose rest was thus disturbed by their brutal behaviour and the misconduct of the mastor of the house in harbouring and affording them tho means of degrading themselves beneath the beasts that perish i am mr editor your obt servt observer the return of daniel oconnel esq the celebrated advocate of catholic eman cipation as member of the imperial par liament for the coumy of clare has na turally caused a great excitement- and this excitement is further heightened by his having pledged himself as is said not only to sit but also to vote iu the house and that there is no law enacting a penal ty which will prevent him from so doing we greatly doubt mr oconneps power j of redeeming his pledge hut as wo are ig norant of the means which he may adopt to render himself eligible to all the functions of a member we refraiu from giving any opinion on the question contenting our selves by awaiting the result of so novel and unprecedented an cvont r the bishops of quebec and nova sco tia are expected in town this evening from niagara and we understand that the bish op of nova scotia will preach in st georges church tomorrow forenoonat 11 oclock the thermometer during the preceding week has ranged from 84 to 86 at noon in the shade mr jefters communication is unavoid ably postponed till next week from the london gazette oj ttie hoa juhc 71st regiment assistant j winterscalc to be surgeon vice barlow appointed to thy 3d light dragoons trespassers wc are informed that a party of men in the service of one of the kideau canal contractors recently enter ed the enclosure of allen macleaa esq and withoutthe permission of the owner commenced quarrying 6tone while auo- ther party without permission also were employed in cutting cord wood on the farm of john mclean esq sheriff of the midland district some of which they offer ed to sell the above farms are five or nxmiles distant from the line of the canal and yet the trespassers affect to shelter themselves under the statute 8 geo iv chap j which authorizes the officer employed by his majesty to superintend the rideau canal to take and carry away earth stone wood c from il any lands or grounds adjoining or lying contiguous to the said canal unlimited as tbe pro visions of the statute uudoubtcdly are it would be quite ridiculous to contend that contiguous moans five or six miles dis tant and besides it is within the true meaning of the act that in all cases where it can be done the officer employed by his majesty should make an agreement with the proprietors of property as to the amount of compensation to be paid for damages even when such property lies contiguous to the canal herald tbe editor of the herald is in error in respect to tho powers given to the go vernment in the construction of the kideau canal if he will refer to the clause from which he made his extract he will sec that the power given to enter upon lands and take materials extends merely to the repairs of the canal after the same shall have been completed where a sudden breach may have been made which may occasion great damages there is no authority to take materials of auy des cription for the construction oftlio canal without the consent of the owner and e- very trespass of that sort may be prosecu ted at law it would be exceedingly un just that that power should be given when materials can be had in abundance from oil quarters the making of canals be- iug for the public good it is necessary that their construction should not be impeded or put a stop to by any individual the lands absolutely necessary for the bed of the canal are arbitrarily taken but nothing more brockville gaztttt deacon of york it was pleasing to observe hat reverend gentleman stand forth in his defence confute the foul aspersions of his adversaries and reestablish the repu tation which had been so fiercely assailed and when after a portentous pause du ring which it was fondly believed that the smouldering fires of religious controversy were dyiug forever we beheld the contest resumed by a mr ryerson we were glad to observe an immediate stand against tbis new and unlookcd for encroachment upon the public tranquility nor wore we sorry we confess it to mark the tone of seve rity which pervaded the pages of mo nitor nor surprised to discern in his strict- turcs that disgust and indignation which chimed in so well with the feelings of a peo ple suddenly and violently aroused from a longdesired and momentarily indulged re pose castigator whose castigations from the specimens afforded us are likely to prove as effectual as the weapon dealt by the tottering priam against the buckler of tfce youthful neoptolemus seems to have been animated by a generosity which however theoretically laudable it may be will pro bably be accompanied with the rewards usually bestowed upon impertinent interfe rence this champion of mr r whilst he insults his adversary with every contemp tuous epithet aud seeks to wound him by personal innendos keeps sense and ar gument entirely out of sight perpetually shifting his mode of attack from praise of mr ryerson to abuse of mr rsreviewer he intersperses suudry tortuous incoherent sentences with conjectures as to the person whose writiugs he is assailing or rather with the manifestation of a longing to dis close his wayward suspicions monitor is as unknown to me as he probably is to castigator mr ryerson or even to the archdeacon himself nor care i who or what he is whilst i crave as little know ledge of the name and lineage and general pretensions of the person revciwed desir ous only of seeing his urritings scrutinized getting praise where they deserve it and reprehension where they provoke it but i cannot divine the reasons for the resentment so fiercely reiterated by casti gator at monitors assuming the mask the ferocious gentleman with whip and scourge in hand might fiud tbe employment of beating about the bushes for tbe conceal ed object of his hate rather tedious than sa tisfactory he may be bopoloss intiisbeardh or he may strike where the blow is unde served but to return to the mask of mo nitor the laws of criticism permit the disguise and it is at his option to employ it if then the antagonist who provokes his animadversions come forth to the world with the promulgation of his name he con cedes an advantage which it may require all the vast superiority which castiga tor is pleased to allow him to enable him to neutralize not that i advocate the ex ercise of such an advantage to the dispa ragement of private character or to theex- crciso of personal vituperation it rather rests i conceive in the cotisequences which must result from the discomfiture of an au thor who in entering the lists of contro versy accompanies his lucubrations with his name did i then discover in the strictures of monitor any departure from the rules which every reviewer is by pub lic concession permitted to use did i dis cover any studied disparagement of the man in the ridicule of his writings i would be the last u stand forth in the defence of the reviewer but such i cannot upon an impartial examination detect i observe severity but without coarseness raillery without abuse the unsparing castigation of the writer without an attempt to de preciate the private character of the man i discern throughout those reviews no ef forts to weaken the personal influence or lower the value of the professional servi ces of mr ryersou i discover indeed no sharpness of reproof or severity of recri mination which is not fully warranted by the particular passages which provoke them and to which they are directed 1 will stop a moment to particularize mr ryerson is by the concession of his advocates and his productions do not cause me to doubt it a young man nay a stripling and archdeacon strachan is a person venerable as the father of a fami ly and venerable as a dignitary of the es tablished church here then are odds which will amply justify the indignant tone of monitor again dr s had stood forth in his own defeuco after repeated attacks upon his principles and integrity and mr- ryersou in a strain of pert and silly rea soning chooses to contest the merits of both mr r- too with a great deal of absurd and disingenuous sophistry such as cannot but tire and disgust the scholar and the manof taste attempts to manifest discrepencies aud contradictions in tho statements of dr strachan this would justify monitor in exposing thoso illegitimate subtleties to use all the advantage which wit and ridi cule can give him advantages which he seems to have pretty successfully employ ed moreover mr r frequently addres ses his venerable antagonist in language not only uucourteous but insolent in the extreme and interjects suudry aspersions upon the other clergy of the church it seetni to be settled that his excel lency sir james kempt succeeds the earl of dalhousie it is reported that his ex cellency sir p maitland in the event of sir james going to quebec will be pro moted to the government of nova scotia andthathewill be succeeded here by of england here in rejoinder monitor sir howard douglas however much is fully warranted 10 exposing the feelings we may be gratified by the reward of me- f rit besiewcaipon sir peregrine we shall regret the loss to this province able as bis successor may prove jo bckvilh 2th june 1828 at a general meeting of the board of education held this day it was resolved thatno united states spelling or other book shall be used in the common schools of this district tbe board recommended for general use mavors spelling book last edition published at kiugston lb died at ernes town on thursday the 21st inst mrs sarah wiilcox wife of mr win wiilcox for the chronicle castigator investigtorpub- lius u c herald c c c odi profanum vulgus tt arceo horace mr editor after the ebullitions of malevolence and stupidity which had been propagated far vd near and so long against tbo arcb- which dictated the calumny aud in chas tising with alllawful severity the presuni- tion which accompanied such abuse last ly mr rycrsoos lcuers are in my judg ment as well as in that of every other per son from whom an opinion on the subject is worth respecting meagre in matterand above all too insignificant in style to merit the regard which he himself as a man aud a minister may possibly very well deserve castigator and his successors in striving to uphold the disjointed and crumbling mass of matter which make up those epistles- think it necessary to keep the unhappy monitor at au immeasurable distance from the halo of his and his proteges glory e are crammed to satiety with assertions of the talents and learning of that reverend letterwriter when the world had an op portunity to form their own judgment and a few illiterate or halfbred tyros are per- netuallv whining out their opinion that these exceed all that are have been or can he one in the zeal of his love lays by his castigating rod a moment pul s forth a napkin and coolly wipes the drt from bespattered mr ryerson no doubt with maufa sympathetic corrf of condolence dy attuned to the action but wo dsimss this vtulet de chambre for the swelling and extremiely magnificent investigator we cam only assure this writer if bis thick head the penetrable by conviction that the adnmred author of the said letters is extremiely indebted to monitor for a notice arauing the better class of readers i meani which they might not otherwise have very speedily received the well applimd and well expressed raillery of mo nitor first reviews with the scholarlike and tasteful construction of the latter ones have irivetted many a stray glance to a perusal of the whole controversy and thouglh the perusal of the said letters was a task urksome though hardly as satisfactory as a six hours research into the statutes at large as unpalatable as a glass of epsom drank to sols rising rays it was monitor be it membered who provoked me and 1 might add some others to wade through them still i am half ashamed of my pains when i discover so few who with all appliances and means to boot can yet be persuaded to take that trouble as for in vestigators productions the billings gate which he is so fond of noting is quite too congenial a thing to be absent from a paragraph of bis longwinded and windfall communication to notice them would be about as consistent as to enter the pancratium for a wrestling match with a chunacysweep in attempting it indeed i should have to throw a six pence to cas tigator and bid him be ready with his napkin as for publi us either he cannot or he will not see for the editorial emenda tion of the historical inaccuracy of mr though very kindly meant no doubt was unhappily a little too la e it should have taken place after the appearance of no 4 where exactly the same error had occurred what said that politician mr r- leans lord chatham certainly whom you archd strachan spoke of mr pitt positively call the greatest statesman en gland ever produced the illustrious father 0 ought here to have been timely announced as a typographical omission it is now too late as for the public cravings mr ryersons letters in pamphlet form- have only to say that if ten peons of acknowledged literary taste will duv thera we will buy ten more with tue p however as public good is alto- gethurjtendett dv them that the cost be a to exigencies and wants as local as possible e- g- iraigiu jiohet ur investigaur or for any other of his amiable fraternity to whom in the language of the gallant sidney he can exclaim thy nec is yet greater than mine last of all in the compact the u c herald whines out his indignation that monitor should have meddled with him always so meek and inoflending no body doubts he did full justice to lord kings speech but unluckily for his impartiality he confined himself to that he mado no allusion to the replies and gave no intima tion of tho result as lord kings speech certainly had a tendency to militate eainst th church of england the anient herald could only have escaped tne charge he denies and the retort he calls upon himself in tho conclusion of his pa ragraph by publishing tbe other side of the question if he never saw it it is an acknowledgment thathe is too shortsighted and too ill- informed a biped as we knew long ago by the way to be qualified for the editor of a paper whenever the trash of the above named worthies is likely to gain an admirer or make a convert they may hear again from flagellator kingston august 23th 182a government contract for dread biscuit 8- fresh beef itoticeis hereby given that jt sealed tenders will be received rit ihc office of the commissariat at kingston until twelve oclock on the morning of friday the 3d day of octo ber next from such persons as nriy be capable of supplying whatever quanti ties of bread biscuit tf fresh beef may be required lor the garrison of kingston indit fnnmxlnnrw tiwtv the 25th day of december next to the 24th december 1828 the terms and conditions of the contracts to be entered into may be known on applying at the commissa riat office the tenders must be made agreeably to prescribed form specifying the names of two respectable persons as sureties for the due performance of the contract and to state the rate for each lb of bread biscuit or fresh beef in sterling the payments w be made from time to time in british silver or in go vernment bills and if in the latter at the ratr of one hundred pounds for each one hundred and one pounds ten shillings due upon the contract john hare asst comis genl commusariatkingston 28th august 1828 t mlblons the sccrond anni versary of the kingston wes ley methodist missonar society will be held in the british wesleyan ohapelon monday sept the 6th 1828 i he cnair will be takem precisely 7 ovjock pm after which seve ral gentlemen will address the meet ing on the subject of christian missi ons two sermons will be preached pre paratory to the above meeting by the re john hick lately arrived from englandon sunday the 7th sept ser vice to commence at halfpast 10 o clock a m 6oclockpm collections will be made on each occasion in aid of the parent society in london kingston august 27th 1828 a uction o be sold at public auction on thursday the 4th ilay of sep tember next at the residence of dr bcrlow 71st regt king street the whole of his household fumilure con sisting of a portable hair bottom mahogany sofa chairs of the same materials porta ble mahogany chests of drawers work and sofa tables a set of excellent maho gany dining and card table a maho gany brass hound tea store a rose wood brass bound gardavine a mahogany writing desk an elegant large brussels carpet 2 kidderminster ditto green baize do hearth rugs stair carpeting and rods rush bottom arid common chairs mahogany bedstead with cur tains scarlet and green moreen window curtains wash hand stands basous and ewers 1 caddy of gunpowder teal do pekoe and gnen do looking glasses- green table clorlu plated j and ja panned candlesticks china jars with preserve sone do containing pickles and preserves a quanti ty best port and made vj cherrv and raspberry brandy s j ijj lamps feather beds e best quality blankets and counterpanes fanel of superfine flour a couking stove with boilers complete block tin lj covers tin safe crokery glass a earthen ware knives aud forks jjrvrrpiis of rvorv iwii a gig sleigh and harness a cart and harness a milch cow and a horse also a quantity of ready made clothing and several cords of firewood salt to commence at 10 oclock a- m and to continue from day today until the whole are disposed of m moran a b kingston august 29th 1828 ost or stolen at pres- cott on the 31st ult a smll lecher portmantea u about 2 feet in length any person giving such nfoi motion to the editor of the chro nicle as may lead to the recovery of the same will be suitably rewarded kngsion 29h august j828 notice entered on the premises of he subscriber last week a red milch cow with a whte face and belly her four feet are also white a- bout the ancles the owner is request ed to prove property pay damages and take her away hugh mcdonald hay bay 25th aug 1828 government notice good stone cutters w 11 find employment in the royal engineer department at this post application to be made at the royal engineer office john hark assist com gen commissariat kingston 18th aug 1828 s jlst published and for sale at the chronicle 0cp two religious discourw by the auihorof waverly kingston 23d aug 1828 lands for sale i j leller d in the township of ma pittsburgh fronting the st l w- rence containing 200 acres well wood ed lot no 26 fourth concession township of kiigston containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance of about 20 acres wih a log house and barn lot no 26 sixth concession in same township containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance of about 10 acres with a good fence and now under a crop of timothy for particulars apply to f aharper kingston 12th m y 1828 l september tea sale the agents to the hon east in dia company in canada give notice that there wll be put to public sale at their warehouses in quebecon saturday the 13th september a quan tity of teas equal to about 1 500 chests and boxes and at montreal on saturday the 20st sdeniber a quantity equal to aboui 3000 chests- catalogues will be ready for delivery and shew chest open for inspection at each place for six days previous o the sale which wll commence at 11 oclock in the forenoon signed forsyth richardson co monrrcal 12h aug 1828 government work required a few good quar- rymen to be employed by ihe royal engineer department par ticulars of the work c may beobtain- ed on applying at the engineer office john hare assist com gen kingston 6th august 1828 mansionhq use t o be le i tor one or more years ad possession given the first oi ocvojjer next for particulars apply to mr jacob herchmer or the sub scriber charles anderson kingstoa 21st aug 1828 a t f jerks begs leave o inorm hia customers mihat he has received a part and duiy expects the remainder of his sum mer supply of ladies and childrens shoes ladies and gentlemens gloves materials for manufacturing c which being imported direct from the manu factory in england he is enabled to sell as low as any ohcr person in the can- adas he has on hand of his own man ufacture an excellent assojment of calf seal kip and black buck skin boo s and shoes also upper and sole leather calf seal and cordovan bhick morocco coloured roans blnd- w sln a- nnrlnrl jnru offmdirur- lor shoe makers also mens woman s boys and girls coarse boots an 1 shoes by wholesale at as low a rate as they can be procured from any other quarter and warranted to be of good materials and workmanship kngson une 27th 1828 army contract totice is hereby giventhat seal- 11 ed tenders will be received at this office until noon of friday the 5th day of september next from such per sons as may be capable of supplying the commissariat with fifteen hundred cordsof firewood the wood is to be of the best quali ty sound and merchantable aid to consist of black or yellow birch mt- ple and beech and to be of the follow ing dtmensionseach stick to be cut full four feet longrhe cod to be eighi feet in length by four feet four inches in he ght and the whole o be delivered at the following places v7 500 cords in the wood yard at point henry 200 of which must be deliv ered before the 1st of january 1829 and the remainder before the 24 june following 200 cords in the wood yard at pont frederick to be delivered before the 24rh june 1829 800 cords in the wood yard at king ston to be delivered before the 24th june 1829- tbe wood is to be delivered piled and measured to the satisfaction of the commissariat one cord high and af terwards replied three cords high in suit the dimensons ot the wood i ards by the contracior the tenders are to state the price per cord in sterling and payments wdl be made either in british silver money or in government bills and if by blls at the rate of one hundred pounds for each one hundred and one pound ten shillings due upon the contract they must also be made in the prescribed form which may be obtained on appli cation being made at this office speci fying likewise the names of two res pectable persons who will become res ponsible for the due performance of such contract as may be entered into and the contractor must either live in the town of kingston or appoint an a- gent in the town who will be answera ble for executing all uch orders as may be furnished him without delay john hare assist com gen chaua cdwiani it is pamculrly requeued that all clams on the canada company ho sent in during the first week n septem ber next and afterwards regulnrly ihe first week of december march june fnd september addressed tho mas smith esq cashier and account ant canada companys office 7ork to whom application is io be made for paymentin he course of he first weeks in october january april and july john calt superintendent canada companys office uuplphju 29 1823 to be sold that valuable tavern stand in the town of kingston known xs the kingston hotel comprising a substantial stone house with stable oher ap suumed on lots no 8s 03frontingihe court house nd containing twofifths of an acre ths property is too well known to need repetition if no disposed of by pri vate sale befoe the 15th october next he same will on that day at noon on the premises be put up at public auc tion and sold without reserve the ti tle is indisputable conditions to be made known at the time of sale apply to the proprietor on the pre mises or to m moran auctioneer kingston 2d augusi 1828 n b mr walker would inform bis friends that he in the meantime will con duct the business of the house as usual aud kes this opportunity of returning lis h inks to his friends and the public for tire liberal support which he has always expe rienced fron- them inotltt the subscriber being appointed agent for the canada compa ny ri this place is ready to recee of fers for the pui chase of nny of the com panys lonus in this quaner he also begs to inform such persons s nav inipnh io seiile on the compti 6 uon iract llii y presenting lheii- selves io ebenezer jonnsonesqol buf- fulothey will beiorwarded by hm from that place at the companys expense o the new settlement of goderichat the mouhof the maitlandhereofore called the red river f a harperj kingston 26ih july 1823 notice the subscriber begs leave io in fo m the inhabitants gentle men of the army and navy of kings- lon and vicinity that he has arrived from quebec with an assortment of the best description of the following articles which he oilers for sale or exchange for country pioduce at bis store for merly the kingston brjik thomas atkins kingston july 15th 1828 best port n v ood bottles ditto madeira leneriffe bourdeaux cogniac brandy holland jamaica spirits rum whisky peppermint shrub molasses viuegar lime juice lemons- gunpowder tea t contract for birch brooms enders will be received at the commissariat office kingston until 12 oclock on the morning of tuesday the 23d september next for supplying the barrack department at this post with three thousand and fifty brooms to be wiade of birch agreeably io a pattern which may be seenand particu lars known at the barrack office the tenders must state the price in sterling for each broom and payment for the whole will be made at this of fice in british silver on a draft drawn by tbe ordnance storekeeper tht tenders must state the names of two persons who will be sureties for the undertaking john hare asst comis genl comnrsnarint kingston 38th august 1828 executive council office york 7th aug 1828 itoticl is hereby given by order l of his excellency the lieutenant governor in council that sealed ten ders postpaid for a lease of the ferry a oss the river saint lawrence from brockvillein the district of johnstown to morristown on the opposite shore for the term of seven years subject to such rules and regulations for ferriage and attendance as the magistrates of the said district in general quarter sessions of the pence may adopt o be endorsed tender for perry will be received at this office till the first wednesday in september next on which day the lease will he adjudged to the highest bibber who will be required to enter into the usual security for the due payment of the rent and to pay one pound twelve shillings and sixpence currency for the patent before it issues john small cteid commissariat office kingston 4th au i82g ttotige the subsbribers to jj the new york truth teller are hereby informed that mr thomas smith is appointed agent to the above newspaper instead of mr william driscoll ki 30th august 1828 ttotice tenders will be re- jl ceived by the subscriber until the first day of september nxt for building two stone brick buildings facing maiket square according to the plan and specification to be seen at his store the tenders must specify the names of two respect able persons who will become respon sible for the due performance of the contract j w armstrong itineston 7th aug 1828 wanted a lad of genteel connex- ioni as an apprentice t the grocery business hyson do loung do do twankay do souchong do congou liuhea loaf jamaica su gar spanish nuts almonds currants colfee english cheese american do carraway fceeds mace chocolate rice pearl barley pot do oat meal cyan pepper common uo assorted pickles fish sauce olive oil raisins mustard pimento starch blue indigo araroot castile soap candle common soap nutmegs sulpher brimstone seal oil table cod fish japan ink in mni jars heel ball shoe sprigs shoe tacfcs bristles wafers sealing wax soal and upper lei ther binding skins black morocco do best cut glass de canters tumblers and wine glasses flint at common do do salts britania mettle tea aud coffee pots d o m us tards c asi ers and salts china breakfast and ten pets elf do do dinner supper and cheese plates edged soup and cream colour do stone jugs with plat ed covers cruet and liquof frames brass candlesticks chamber do bracket lamps refined liquorice stick do barley candy rock do jordan almonds comfits peppermints sugar plumbs blue black cloths fustians beaver- tines nankeens calicoes chentz striped muslin chentz shawls ginghams striped cotton factory do cotton shirting sarge dow lass coarse sheeting fine irish linen it half pieces india bandanas writing and letter britania do paper imitation shawls day and mai tins mens grey worsted hose womensblack do do cotton do boys cloth caps snuff boxes blacking scrubbing brashes shoe do broom heads playing cards chalking lines fishing do pipes brown threads wine wid porter rombazettes corks windsor sop- shoe thread a awl blades wpr mens stout cusing threv shocsbest quality- whip thongs black and whitea