Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 20, 1828, p. 4

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sovg tinf ye banks and braes o bontiic doon how happy happy were tlie hours maugcrnwwickswiidsodccpnnir green w ion aft mang simmers dewie lowrs ve wiudert haith sac blest at een there first thy soft young hlushan choclf i to my bosom fondly prcssd what thy sweet lips refused to speak a trembling heart o luve eoufeit while oer ns flew the blutnan year ave kinder our acquaintance grew but all a putting hour drew near we met to tak a fond adieu then while thy languid downcast eye hid in my bosom fondly lay yon said and hreathm a fareweel sigh youd think on me when far away how thrilld my breast vi tender pain frao thy last dear embrace to part i tnocht that maybe neer again youd press nie to a luvan heart i thocht on days o luvo ganc hy on days when parted far frae you when last i met that tearful eye my lips coud hardly breathe adieu sweet partner o luves happiest hours companion o my midnight dreams o i link while waudring mane thcbowrs that shade my native mountain streams taourt oft recalld wp fond delight when in my eenin walks i stray mr hearts sweet song in falling night is my dear lassie far away from the edinburgh magazine curious facts is natural his tory i am much gratified to find that the fen- observations on the incubation of birds which i sent you in september last have attracted the notice of so able a zoologist as your correspondent physicus i should not have ventured to state my boyish re collections in opposition to the observa tion of a montagu of which 1 was per fectly aware if they had not been con- finned particularly as to the lapwing by subsequent observation- happening to be in holland in the spring of 1814 where this bird is much more common than in britain and having occasion to converse with many of the ua- tivesof that country who make a very good livelihood hy collecting the plovers girs not only for sale in the principal ci ties of their own provinces hut for expor tation to the london and paris markets whore they are esteemed a great delicacy i w is most particular in my inquiries and fo ml to mysurprise that all of them were pefoctly aware of the fact that hy takiug aray the egg as it was deposited in the dt the bird continued to lay for a consi- ditble period and they assured me that in this way they procured triple the num ber of eggs that could be obtained by rob bing the nest when the bird had complet ed its usual number for hatching viz four i believe it is well ascertained that most early birds among whom i reckon the lap wing breed twice in the season if they arc not interfered with of this i can as sure physicus that the ovarium of the lap wing contains the germs of a great many more ova than four a fact which may be demonstrated without much difficulty at hi season of the year with regard to the fork i have had no opportunity of rc- deviflg my observations since i was four teen years of age and shall therefore al low it to have no more weight than is a bnjhh recollection it may seem to merit this is the moment however to make such investigations and i hope if your corresnondeut resides in the country that he wili pay some attention to the subject and favour mo with the result of his obser- vations- n 0 v v were the most unfavourable instances he could have chosen as it is well known that the first is the most ticklisbofall birds and will very often forsake her nest if the smallest twig connected with it is pot out of its place while the last lays such an immense number of eggs in its natural state that there is scarcely a possibility of tfat number being increased by any interference with its ordinary economy it is well known that the cuckoo lays on ly one egg and that this egg is always de posited in the nest of some other bird iu fis country at least the gowk is seldom seen during the spring but in the compa ny of his faithful attendant the titling a very small bird in whose nest i have al ways found her patrons egg i have fre quently discovered these nests containing four small eggs and one large one i have witched their progress butnevcryet could ascertain what became of the small birds as the moment the young cuckoo emerg- s of a dyers mill where there was a small pond v as observed to exhibit y usuiil symptoms of terror and alarm i hen the ducklings first took to the water hug by degrees she became quite rech to their habits and was accustomed great quietness to euioy herself on the banks while they gamboled in the pol for two or three years a uniformly brought ut ducklings and at last as regularly led them to tire water as their natural dam would have done tn tho wurse of time however she brought out a breed of chickens these she immediately led to j the side of the pool also but when she found they dltl uotenter thevatei she he- came quite uneasy called them dose tp it made every motion for them i enter it flew over to the beetling stone j tjo centre of the pond and then culled on them to follow but all to no purpose when she found that nothing would en tice them to enter the water she actually seized upon one or two of them and threw them into it and if she had not been pre vented it is believed would have drowned her whole progeny this shows how much the native habits of even fowls may be changed by circumstances and prove in some degree the existence of memory without judgment in the feathered tribes we have had a great many remarks of late on the sagacity of dogs i dont find that the anecdote which 1 am about to re late and the truth of which maybe relied upon has been surpassed hy any thing that has yet appeared a gentleman in the county of sterling kepsgrcyhouod and a pointer and being foudof coursiug the pointer was accustomed to find the hares and the greyhound fo catch them when the season was over found that the dogs were in the habit of going out by them selves and of killing the hares for their own amusement to prevent this a large iron ring was fastened to the pointers neck by a leather collar and hung down so as to prevent the dog from running or jumping over dikes c the animals however continued to stroll out to the fields together and one day the gcntle- mau suspecting all was not right resolved to waub sbeok and v hte surprise aniws that the moment they thought they were unobserved the greyhound took up the iron ring in his mouth and carrying it they sot off to die hills and began to search for hares as usual they were followed and it was observed that whenever the point er scented the bare the ring was dropt and the greyhound stood ready to pounce upou pour puss the moment the other drove her from her form but that he uni formly returned to assist his companion wheu he had accomplished his object b it 44 ooks for sale at the c 1ikomcle office coming out by miss porter the obriens and the o plater tys by lady morgan st valentines day or the fan- maid of perth 6y the audio of waver- ly youth and manhood ofcvril thorn- john w atkins peers lib sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for the liberal encouragement he has me with for several years pastand begs j o inform them that he has this season o ton talcs of a grandfather by lliorof wavcrly broughams speech on the law tl ic au- english tri hi salt foster archer recently from syracuse have taken the stand formerly oc cupied by wilson as a tavern opposite j raynos inn and bomsou ciocker co store coiner ofjmcv first street in oswego whec they offer course and fine salt by the single barrel or quantity at manufactures prices with the addition ol transportation their facilities for doing stli busnessare very great having an establishment at syracuse they will be enable to ov- ceivc any quantity immediately on te- der rtnd forward to any port in canada merchants and others are requested to call and examine their prices which hey think will be found satisfactory also for sale as above a gene ral and well selected assor men of fo reign and domestic dry goods groce ries crockery and glass ware c r cv which thev w sell on re on- ui inns ub call tic piuliiocu elm- where oswego une 1828 cherry walnut curly maple lumber the subscriber is ready to contraci for any quantity of cherry wlnut and curly maple lumber deliverable at his mills 12 miles west of ancasier or at kerby and halts store burlington buy where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed to him at ancstcr will be duly at- icnded o james johnston december 22d 1s27 foltsale l01 no 17 iii he ninth concesson of the town ship ofloughboo forparticularsen- qureat this office jtngston 9th august 1828 mills at peterborough e grist milland saw mill whch ive been lately erected by the ouvciiiment at pcerborouglin lie dis trict of newcastle will be exposed 10 sde by publc auction at peterborough on the 10h day of september nexi at 11 oclock a m the terms of pay ment will be one third of the purchase money to be paid within one month ervho sde one third at the oxpiraon of one year and the remaining one- hird ill the expiration of two years from chodav ol sde wth interest the null site is most valuable com prehending a tract of about s6 acres ho grist mill has two runs of stones in aopenion arid is well fitted for raerchsn1 work li i ffj manufactured more h n 1200 barrels of flour this summer the saw m 11 is also in operation from the peculiar situation of these mills being at the head of the naviga tion of heotonabee river and in the midsl of a very flourishing settlement he establishment wll be most valua ble to any person possess ng capital it cannot bedisposed of for a less sum than 2000 currency bm wdl go to the highest bidder above that sum with out reserve a plan exhibiting the situation of he mitts and the land appropi ed o heir use can be seen at his office every information obtained by writing to the hon p robinson yori upper canada york 31 july 1828 kingston boarding day school for young ladies mr mns twig beg leave o return hnks ibr the uniform ij po which their school hs received snee us commencement and w sh to as sure parents and guardians that they hall niike it their study as they have ever done 10 merit a continuance of by the strictest attention o he seve ral branches noral and polie which constitute a libo 1 education reference miy be made the ve nerable george okill smart rev john michar l eutenam colonel mc- pherson and john mclean esq knpson 4th apl 1828 glok sale on resouablc terms lc jp no 24 in he 4th concession of no township of burgess in the coun- v of leeds in tlie onnstown district fo further particulars apply at this office knitrson 24h mv 182s alliance british and foreign life and ine as surance company of london estab lished hy act of parliament capital five millions stirling he agents for this company beg leave to announce to the inhabit- rvocved by the ship montreal from canad tlcy contl liverpool sixty casks and cases of 0 j ingt or daroage by hardware cutlery c jfire and that they have for hie which has been selected from the first convenience of the public appointed the fcturine houses in birmingham following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns of the difterent uis- iricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs a fy wmorris cobroctcville james macfarlane esq kingston fames g bcthvne esq cobourg robt wm prentice esq- york john ross esq niagara to cither of whom parties desirous of fleeting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will be derived rom assuring with the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in tlie set- jcmcni of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not there- fry deprived of their right to participate jq the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made cood 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to the board of directors in london 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be- mg made on property tor a less sum than the real value thereof the com pany will pay whatever loss is sustain ed not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits to he divid ed will be large mckeniebethuneco agents montreal 28th sept 1826 niaiiuiaciuring sheffield wolverhampton c among which arc as follows tea kettles saucepans 5623 14 and 7 lbs weight ditto in sots 4 lbs down to oz saddle trees bills buckles tind opaom and plated girth roller and mraiiiing web and every arlicle in the ddlerj line stamp d b ass curtain pins commode knobs turn buckles bed screvs c horo lantboro leaves rivets saucepan handles and ears teapot knobs candlestick springs and every article used hv tinmen carpenters and coopers axes and adzes table and desert knives ind forks britannia metal table and tea spoons ditto iron tind britannia melal and iron tind ladles pocket and penk nives scissors razors kent lath and shoe hammers flemish tacks locks of dl sorts round and flat bolls screws but h and hl hinges coffin furni- urc steelyards assortment of files white wash shne and scrubbing brushes tea trays cbissels and gouges plane irons dinner table sleigh and cow bella house anr hat traqs tind and japand vi titer chains smiths and hand bellows e c zc 2 00s english and rtweues iron if hoop iron 1 io to 3j in wide 41 round iron a9sd cast crawlev l c steel tons shot 1 2 3 4 b and bb boxes tin ic and ix do sheet iron xuus double ttnii fowl casks wrut nails assd do cut assd casks spikes 3 to 7 inches bjis on wire assd 4 to 56 wire fcuage bake pans belly pots powder sheet and liar copper riheet and bar lead anvils fire irons 2 3 10 do 50 50 io 0 50 notice imlind is hereby gi- discc owit j jl yen ihit icour ol oyer and tei miner und genet 1 r nl dnlverv assiyo md ns priu will li iicld in nndtbi the said district the court house in the town of kthgmon on monday he first day of september next at ten oclock in the forenoon at which time and place all justices of the pcicc coroners con stable and all those otherwise con cerned are desired o be then and there present to do and perform what to their several officos in thnt behalf appertains john mclean sherfl m d sheriffs office kingston july 12h 1s28 vics bellows pines ac ramans patent chain cables from men in 1116 io wchoks all sizes engiih and ameri can window glass dr white and red le i do mixed in oil dry colour for painters use boild am raw linseed oil wiitc and lard jordgc pitch rosii aud hqii 100 follansbes orass and cradle scythes 60 philadelphia millsavvs 10 doz aunes patent canal shovels griodbnes wagon and carl boxs trace and log iiains frying pnv 4 caks of maonfac- iured tin ware 6 filering stones the above articles having all been re reived will be sold wholesale or retail for vasb or short approved credit on the most moderate terms j watkins kingston june 14 1828 n b country merchants are res pectfully infonned that the above goods having been purchased on ihc most ad vantageous terms enables him to offer them any articles of shelf goods as low s ihey can be purchased in mon treal iron seal c at a trifling differ ence from the montreal prices j w ernest town cloth fac tory the subscribers beg leave to ac quaint their friends and the pub lic that they have erected a manufacto ry on the mill creek in the third con cession of earnest town for the pur pose of picking carding and spinning wool and weaving fulling colour ing and dressing woolen clothssatu netts which they expect to have in ope ration in a few days this being the first establishment of the kind commenced in the midland district and no pains or expense hav ing been spared to procure experienced workmen and machinery of the best des cription the subscribers confidently trust that a liberal and discerning pub lic will duly appreciate the attempt to extend the domestic manufactures of the country and favour it with that patron age and support which they are deter mined to use their best exertions to de serve wool will be taken and manufactured either on sharesor at a reasonable price or carding fulling or any other part of the process performed for those who wish it on moderate terms isaac fraser david bbrown enoch drake ernesttown 26th may 1828 new school e whose names are hereunto fd fron his shell all appearance of bird o- egga was removed from the nest it wai our belief as boys that the cuckoo de voured the young of his fostermother i should wish to kuow if physicus has made any observations on this subject i am inclined to think that although the cuckoo deposits only one egg in each nest yetthat he intrudes upon several dosts at the same time and i have met wi- a remark somewhere that a cuckoos eg bad been found in a nest into which the bird could never have entered to depo sit it 10 the natural way so that it must first have been laid hy the side of the nest and then placed in it we often meet in our aviaries with what are called mule canary birds that is tlie offspring of the grey linnet aud the ca nary- in the country where the domes ticfowls are accustomed to wander to a considerable distance from the farmyard i believe it is no uncommon occurrence for a chicken that isevidently the offspring of tlie partridge and common hen to make its appearance indeed i am inclined to think that the breed betweeu fowls of the sa ue genus is oftener crossed than we are aw 11 re of it u a common practice in the country to set a hen as it is called upon ducka eggs and th agony which she suffers when she se her youog charge first to take their na- tna element the water has often been otved aud remarked upon the fol lowing anecdote may be relied upon as tlie circumstance was observed by a gen- tlernaa nfscieurr and of high rank and h occurred in tlipfuwri nr vifrarhs if ster ling lien wl i h employe- hatch a ducks o in the neighbourhood wanted a good ulacksmih lo whom liberal wages and con- si 11 employment will be given appli cation io be made to a manahm mar- mor i ton works miv 22d 1s2s mansionhouse hotel 1 ii i- subscriber informs his friends and the public that having taken ihis large and commodious house and ts appurtenances in the centre of kingston and made preparations fo entertaining travellers he hopes to be able by his attention and accommoda tions to render it an agreeable cind sa tisfactory place of entertainment for those who have been in the habit of frequenting it under its former esrblish- ment and ohers who may favour him with their custom no exertons shall be spared 011 hs part to piomoe their comfort and merit their approbation john daw kingstonfeb3l82s for sale from half of lo no 13 3d concess of haldimand district of newcastle containing 100 acres 40 of which are under cultivati on an excellent saw mill is erected on the lot on a durable stream and n fine grove of pine timber adjonine also a comfortable frame dwelling house new barn and carpenters work shop for particulars r application may be made lo j c uetlmnc e coltfiiirtr or on tho premise 10 ah fob 1828 levi cole mayors english spelling cook just published and for sale at the chronicle office an extensive edi tion of mayors spelhne book stereo typed from the 328th london edition- a di827 havinga beautiful frontis piece engraving james macfarlane kingston 21s m irch 1828 plans specifications of anewgaolcoukthouse at hamilton distkict of newcastle t1iot1ce is hereby glventhai the a undermentioned premiums are oi- erod to such persons as shall furnish the clerk of the peace for the approval ol the magistrates of the district of new castle on or before the 1st day 0 oc- ober next with plans specifications and estimates of a go nd com house m one building 0 be bul- he township of hamilton at or near ue presen couii house the first story of sione second and third siories ol brick to contain criminal cells debt ors rooms giolcrs apartments cour room grand and petit jury rooms ilo uoms for offices c such as are usudly reqmrod in such a building he roof to be covered with lin he wh dc expense not 10 exceed the sum of 50 0 currency premiums will bo awarded as followsvi forthcbesi and most approved plan c warehousing forward ing commission business the subscriber respecfully informs the public that he has taken a lee of that large storehouse c wharf in this town recently occupied hy messrs mccutchon crossman where he intends to carry on the above business and will be ready at the open ing of the navigation to receive and for ward goods produce c c to any port in the canadas he will always nave in his employ seaworthy boats navigated by careful and experienced boatmen and his charges for transport wdl be as low as those of any sinilar establishment in the province the subscriber will also pay every attention to the disposing of property that may be intrusted 10 his careagree- bly 10 instructions archd mcdonell kingston 14th march- 1828 cy reference may be made to jomi kirby esq john micmly esq kingston and robert stanton esq y01 k steamboat notice on lake ontario the public are informed that the steamboat queenston uupi whitney has commenced niskmg and- will during the leave the diilcren port hope nail manufac tory j brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced manufacturing nails of every description of a su perior quality which he will sell for cash or approved bills as low as they can be obtained at any manufactory in the united states port hope july 3 1826 packets for steerage passen gers only to sail on the 5th and 20th of every month from liverpool for new york the ships composing this line arc all of the first class copperfastened and coppered of about 400 tons burthen and as fast sailors as any packets in the trade they have superior accommo dations being very lofty between decks are commanded by experienced masters whose best endeavours will be to pro mote the comfort of passengers and the appointed days of sailing will be strict ly adhered to the lac ility and convenience ol tins establishment to persons residing at a distance by saving them much delay expense too often attending the uncer tain and protracted departure of a tran sient vessel will it is hoped be duly appreciated and command such a pre ference and support as will ensure its continuance and success to irish emigrants this line is es pecially recommended on account of the easy and frequent communication between the irish ports and liverpool by means of steamboats and smacks and to all it will extend the peculiar ad vantage of a connexion with respectable companies upon the hudson river and the new york canalsby which secur ed the readiest and cheapest conveyance to either of the canadian provinces those who wish to send for their friends can procure them a safe and ex peditious passage by applying to john macuulay esq kingston vvillianigam- ble esq york or james morris esq biockville upper canada new york march 1828 steam boat notice 1 at her regular trips 2d 3d do do to do do t war clko be tc t r v hamilton xnc i5iriciie maw io2b present summer oris as lollo a leave ivgaia for kingston b-ock- vdle and presco- evdy thursday monug ai olghi oclock precisely od leave presco on her return lor brock villc kingston yoik and n g- ra every sunday at sx ociock m airngemeuis hc been made with messrs no ion 6c co stage poprie- ors prescoi by which pssengoi co ng down wll arrive r montieal o sa turday evenng in passengers o- reeding upwards wdl by le iv ng won- real on saturday morning arrive in time at prescoil to take tho boat every endeavour has been used o ondor the iccommod lion nd fail or- 1 vr ol i110 he tes p quconmon i4lh april ib28 lake ontario steam boat niagara capt mosier will after the 15th current leave niagara for kingston biockville and prescott eveiy satur day afternoon at 4 oclock on her return will leave presscott for jjrock- ville kingston york and niagara every wednesday mornng at g oclock arrangements have been made with messrs norton co stage proprie tors by which passengers going down arrive at montreal on tuesday evenng and those proceeding upwardswill by leaving montreal on tuesday arrive at prescott to take the boat prescott 4ih june 1s lrotlce is hereby gacn that i aji wll cxprsc to sale by public aucton at pont nepean in ihc dis trict of bathurst on saturday the 30th day of august next at ii oclock a m at rorths inn licences to cut timber on the waste or uugranied lands of the crown in upper canada on the tract of 1 tnd bordering on ihe gnnd or ottawa river above ihe chudere cam p uouinson yoik 20th juk 1x2 the kingston chronicle s printed and published evety saturday by james macfarfane his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and six pence per annum if sent by mail twen ty shillings subscription 10 be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first inser tion and 7j each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s lit first inser tion and lod each subsequent inser tion above ten lines 4d per line tor the first insertion and id per line fru every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rections inserted till forbid and charg ed accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the day of publica tion g produce received in payment at the market price agents j6hn bigncll esq quebec david chisholuic esq three piverc- andrew porteous esq montreal james mcint09hesq lancaster john cameron esq lochiel r cline esq cornwall george lirowse esq matilda alpheus jones esq prescott henry jones esq brockirille josiah taylor esq perth ii whitmarsh esq liichmond j k hartwell esq bastard mess c j mdonld gananoquek r v warfle esq bath allan mcpheraon esq knpanec thomas parker esq beltvillc joseph a kocler esq cromahe james g bethune esq hamilton- david smart esq port hope william allan ebq york daniel rosa esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara charlebliiiigarlho t uiut pmmrrajf4 thomas dorland luq- adotphustoic ww subscribed recommend mr ro bert jeffers as a man of capability rmd experience and fitted to superintend u ihe education of youth r only frgffil theory but also by a long acquaintance with the real and actual practice of bu siness we therefore believe it would be of advantage to a portionof the ri sing generation that he should under- george okill stuart archdeacon of king on w fraser p p encouraged hy the recommendation of the above venerable and rev- cha racters and at the instance of a numer ous and respectable circle of friends the subscriber has taken that most eligible and commodious school room in tho house owned by mrs tapin pronounc ed tapau lj minutes walk from the english church about the same dis tance from the french church and within a few paces of front street those parents who may feel dispos ed to commit their children to the si a scribers care may rest assured of having justice done to them as he intends to take but a limited number of- pupils and is determined to make ittlyj inter est of parents to patronise him robert efers kingston may 12th 1s2s wanted immediately at da vis mill south crosbyrideau canal a number of stone cutters to whom liberal wages will be giveneither by the day or foot with all tools found if required also a number of quarry men to whom liberal wages will be gi ven and regular payments made either by the month or week donald mcliver kingston nov 8 1827stone mason to let ctoip nvrn iin a 1i10 j wharf in the rear of the pro perty occupied by the subscriber also goods and produce stored at low rates apply to thos atkins kingston 25th july 1s2s

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