1 stanzas foeokt me nor though now we part nor lei our parting grieve thee it ut trust the firmness of a heart that will not cannot leave thee when liisc c met thy playful look bespoke n heart of lightness anil shamed tiie lilies of the brook for purity and brightness but now tis changed a passing cloud hath thrown its shadows ocr ilicc and all is mantled in a shroud arouud thee and before thee another sigh it may not be let time and absence prove me then doubt shall cease and ihou shalt sec how stedfasily 1 love thee remember how we oft have strayed as i at eve have met thee so lovely by yon hawthorn shade and how can i forget thee forget mc not though now we part nor let our parting grieve thee but trust the firuiucssofa heart that will not cannot leave thee m i bold and true- oh bold and true in bonnet blue that fear or falsehood never knew whose heart was loyal to his word whose hand was faithful to his sword seek europe wide from sea to sea but bonny bluecap still for me ive seed alinains proud champions prance have sceu the gallant knights of france unrivalpd with the sword and lance have seen the sons of england true wield the brown bill and bend the yew search france the fair and england ree but bonny blueeap still for me narrative of a soldier of the seventyfirst regi ment concluded the artillery had been tearing away since day break in different parts of the liue about twelve oclock we received orders to fall iu for attack we then marched up to our position where we lay on the face of a b ac covering a brigade of ruus we were so overcome by the fa tigue of the two days march that scarce had we lain down until many of us fell asleep i slept sound for some time while the caunonballs plunging in amongst us killed a great many i was suddenly awa kened a ball struck the ground a little below me turned me heelsovcrhead broke my musket in pieces and killed a lad at my side i was stunned and confused and knew not whether i was wounded or not i felt a numbness in my arm for sometime we lay thus about an hour and a half under a dreadful fire which cost us about 60 men while we had never fired a shot the noise and smoke were dreadful at this time i could see but a very little way from me but all around the wound ed and slain lay very thick we then mo ved on in columns for a considerable way and formed line gave three cheers fired a few volleys charged the enemy aud drove them back at this moment a squadron of cavalry rode furiously down upon our line scarce had we time to form the square was oiily complete in front when they were upon the points of our bayonets many of our men were out of place there was a good deal of jost ling for a minute or two and a good deal of latching 11 lord wellington came riding up we formed square with him in our cen tre to receive cavalry shortly the whole arm v received orders to advance we mo ved forward in two columns four deep the french retiring at the same time we were charged several times in our advance this was our last effort uothing could im pede us the whole of the enemy retired leaving their guns ammunition and eve ry other thing behind we moved on to wards a village aud charged right through killing great numbers the village was so crowded we then formed on the other side of it aud lay down under the canopy of heaven hungry and wearied to death we had been oppressed all day by the weight of our blankets and great coats which were drenched with rain and lay upon oar shoulders like logs of wood scarce was my body stretched upon the ground when sleep closed my eyes next morning when i awoke i was quite stupid the whole night my mind had been harrasscd by dreams i was fighting ami charging reacting the scenes of the day which were strangely jumbled with the scenes i had been in before i rose up and looked around and began to recollect the events of the 18th came before me one by one still they were confused the whole appearing as an unpleasant dream my comrades began to awake and talk of it then the events were embodied as re alities many an action had i been in wherein the individual oxertions ofour re giment had been much greater and our fighting more severe but never had i been where the firing was so dreadful and the noise so great when i looked over the field of hattle it was covered and heaped in many places figures moving up aud down upon it the wounded crawling along the rows of the dead was a horrible spec tacle yet i looked on with less concern i must say at the moment than i have felt at an accident when in quarters i have been sad at the burial of a comrade who died of sickness in the hospital and fol lowed him almost in tears yet have i seen after a battle fifty men put into the same trench and comrades amongst them al most with indifference ilookedover the field of waterloo as a matter of course a matter of small concern we cannot resist inserting a little pleas ing rencountre which our scotch soldier met with at paris when he was there with the army after this great victory when we were in camp before the thuillorics the first day two girls were looking vpry eagerly up and down the re giment when we were on parade do you wish a careless husband my dear said one of our lads may be will you tie v said a glasgow voice whore the devil ilo yon come from sa the rough fellow wvre paisley lasses this is our regiment we want to see if theres ony body here we ken the soldier v ho was a glasgow lad could not speak there is a music in our native tongue in a fo reign laud where it is not to he looked for that often melts the heart when we hear it unexpectedly these two girls had found their way from paisley to paris and were working at tambouring and did very well we must give likewise the affecting ac count of his return home hope and joy were my companions until i entered the firth i was on deck the morning began to dawn the shores of lothian began to rise out of the mist there is the land of cakes said the cap tain a sigh escaped me recollections crowded upon me painful recollections i went below to conceal my feelings and never came up until the vessel was in the harbour i ran from her aud hid myself in a publichouse all the time i had been away was forgot i was so foolish as to think i would be known and laughed at in about half an hour i reasoned myself out of my foolish notions but could not oring myself to go up the walk to e- diuburgh i went by the easter road every tiling was strange to me so many alterations had taken place yet i was afraid to look any person in the face lest he should recognise me i was suffering as keenly at this moment as when i went away i felt my face burning with shame at length i reached the door of the last house i had been iu before leaving edin burgh i had not power to knock hap py was it for me that i did not a young girl came into the stair i asked her if airs lived there no she said she has flitted long ago where does she live i do not know where to go i knew not i came down stairs aud re cognized a sign which had been in the same place before i went away in i went and enquired the landlord knew me 4 tom said he are you come back safe poor fellow give me your hand does ray mother live yes yes come in and i will send for her not to let the surprise be too great away he went i could not remain but followed him and the dxt tfaviv i ia nfcrt ttnfab a ui mother here we could have wished the hook had closed and that our gallant soldier were still living under the roof of his parent and within the reach of his countrys love butwe stated at the outset the melancholy conclusion that his mother died and that we had tho discomfort to see him once more thrown loose as a wanderer over the wide world how earnestly must every person capable of appreciating the mind displayed in this narrative wish that tire desolate heart of the writer may he cheered by knowing in the place of his voluntary exile that his countrymen share in his feelings and lament his fate government contract for bread biscuit freshbeef mtotik is hereby given thai lm sealed tenders wdl be received hi he office of the commissariat at kingston until twelve oclock on the morning of friday the 3d day of octo ber next from such persons as may be capable of supplying whatever quanti ties of bread biscuit fresh beef may be required for the garrison of kingson and its dependencies from the 25th day of december next to the 24th december is28 the terms- and conditions of the contracts to be entered into may be known on applying at the commissa riat office the tenders must be made a to prescribed form specifying the names of two respectable persons as sureties for the due performance 0 the contract nnd to state the rate each lb of bread biscuit or fresh beef in sterling- the payments will be made from time to time in british silver or in go vernment bills and if in the la iter at the rate of one hundred pounds for each one hundred and one pounds ten shillings due upon the contract john hare asst cooiis genl commissariatkingston 28th august 1828 removal elesslie sf sons beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed to that shop adjoining mr j g parkers store street kingston 1 5th sept 1s28 notice all persons having claims against the subscriber are requested to present the same duly authenticated without delay to henry cassady jun esq for adjustment and those indebt ed to him are requested to pay their ac counts to mr cassady who is author ized to give receipts therefor saml moniece kingston 19th sept 1823 to be sold till- sloop beaver with sails and rigging complete apply to johnbowen kingston 19th sept 1sk steam boat niagara for the future passengers onboard the niagara will be charged as follows cabin passage from prescot 1a to york aud niagara 10 ditto from kingston tododo 2 0 cabin passage from prescott to kingston as formerly deck passage from prescott crk to york and niagara 1o ditto from kingston to york in and niagara iu from prescott to kingston as formerly john mosier- master kingston 1st september 182 alt m 0 0 0 0 fostjir archer recently from syracuse evve taken the stand formerly oc cupied by wilson as a tavern odptmio j rayuors inn and bcnison gloifcer co store corner of james r st street in oswego where ibey oiler course and fine sahby the single bnirtj or quantity at manufactures prices with the addition of transportation the facilities for doing salt business are very rent having an establishment at syntmisc they will be enable to or- cdivi any quantity immediately on re- der ul forward to any port in canada merchants and others are requested to ca and examine their prices which they think will be found satisfactory aiso for sale as above a gene ral aid well selected assortment of fo reign and domestic dry goods groce ries crockery and glass ware dec c jc which they will sell on reason able erms as can be purchased else where onv june 1 323 cherry walnut curly maple lumber trie subscriber is reidy to contract for any quantity of cherry walnut and cirly maple lumber deliver hie at his mdls 12 miles west of ancaster or nt kerby and halts store burlington bay where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed to hm at ancaster will bedulv at tended to james johnston december 22d 1827 for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this office anston 9th august 1828 w anted a good blacksmith to whom liberal wages and con stant employment will be given appli cation so b miafi vk a- v njaim ill mora iron works mav 22d 1s2s mansionhouse hotel p11he subscriber informs his friends and the public that having taken this large and commodious house and its appurtenances in the centre of kingston and made preparations for entertaining travellers he hopes to be able by his attention and accommoda tions io render it an agreeable and sa tisfactory place of entertainment for those who have been in the habit of frequenting it under its former establish ment and ci hers who may favour him with their custom no exertions shall be spared ou his part to promote their comfort and merit their approbation john davy kingstonf for sale front half of lo no 13 3d concession of h aid mam district of newcastle containing 100 acres 40 of which are under cultivati on an excellent saw mill is erected on the lot on a durable stream and a fine grove tff pine timber adjoining also a comfortable frame dwelling house new barn and carpenters work shop for particulars c application may be maje to j c bethune esq cobourc oi on tho premises to 7th feb 128 levi cole mayors enclish spelling book just published and for sale at the chronicle office an extensive edi- ton of mvors spelling book stereo typed fiorn the 328th london edition- a d1827 having a beautiful frontis piece engraving james macfarlane kingston 21st march 1828 flans specifications of a new gaol court house at hamilton district of newcastle jtotice is hereby giventhat the ll indermentioned premiums are of- leiet o such persons as shall furnish the clerk of the peace for the approval of the magistrates of the district of new castle on or before the 1st day of oc tober next with plans specifications and estimates of a gaol and court house in one building to be built in the township of hamilton at or near the present court house the first story cf stone second and third siories of brick to contain criminal cells debt ors rooms gaolers apartments court room grand and petit jury rooms also rooms for offices c such as are usually required in such a building he roof to be covered with tin the wh le expense not to exceed the sum of 50 0 currency premiums will be awarded as followsvfc for the best and most approved planc 15 2d do do 10 3d do do 5 t ward clerk of the peace n c district hamilt nc distri 10 may 182s- books for sale at the chronicle office coming out by miss porter the obriens and the oflatettys by lady morgan st valentines day or the j air maid of perth by the author of waver- iy youth and manhood of cyril thorn ton talcs of a grandfather y by the au thor of wivcrly broughams speech on the english law john watkin8 ffers his sincere ih his friends and the publ generally for the liberal encouragc j u met with for several years p begs o inform them that he hi jjg eason received by the ship montreal from liverpool sixty casks cascs 0 hardware cutlery c which has been selected fiom the first manufacturing houses in birmingham sheffield wolverhampton among which are as follows tea kettles saucepans 628 14 and 7 lbs weight ditto in sets ba down to 0 saddle trees bitts buckles tind japaod and plated girth holler and st raining web and every article in the saddlerj line stampd brass curiam pins coirmode knobs turn lluckles bed screws sic horn lanlhorn leaves rivets saucepan handles and ears teapot knobs candlestick springs and every article used by tiumen carpenters and coopers axes and adzes table and desert knives nnd forks britannia metal table and tea spoons ditto iron tind britannia melal and iron tind ladles pocket and penk nives scissors razors kent lath and shoe hammers flemish tacks locks of all sorts round and flat bolts screws butt h and hl hinges coffin furni- ure steelyards assortment offiles white wash shoe and scrubbing brushes tea trays chisselsand gouges plaoe irons dinner table sleigh and cow bells house and rat traqs tind and japand malter chains smiths and hind bellows c c c 12 tons fnglishaodsweaes lion 5 hoop iron 1 in to 3 in wide 2 round iroo assd 3 m cast crawler l c steel 2 tons shot 2 3 4 band bb 30 boxes tin 1c and ix 50 do sheet iron 20 bdls double sheet iron 00 cosks wrot nails nssd j0 do cut assd io cetf cpitrvv- a1 vv 50 bdls iron wire assd 4 to 2 wire jguage bake pans belly pots powder sheet and bjr copper sheet and bar lead anvils vices bellows pipes fire irons acramans patent chain cables from inch to 1116 in anchors all sizes english and ameri- can window glass dry white and red fjcadj do mixed in oil dry colours for painters use boild and raw lmseod oil white and tard cordtge pitch rotm and oku- 100 oz follansbes grass and cradle scythes 50 philadelphia millsaws 10 doz aimes patent canal shovels grindstones wdgon and carl boxes trace and log chains frying pans 4 casks of manufac tured tin ware 6 fitering stones tue above articles having all been re ceived will be sold wholesale or retail for cash or short approved credit on the most moderate terms j w atkins kingston june 14 1828 n b country merchants are res pectfully informed that the above goods having been purchased on the most ad vantageous terms enables him to offer them any articles of shelf goods as low an they can bu purchased in mon treal iron steal c at trilling differ ence from the montreal prices j w warehousing forward ing commission business the subscriber respfecfully informs the public that he has taken a lease of that large storehouse wharf in this town recently occupied by messrs mccutchon 4c crossman where he intends to carry 0 the above business and will be ready a the open ing of the navigation to receive and for ward goods produce 4c c to any port in the canadas he will always have in his employ seaworthy boats navigated by careful and experienced boatmen and his charges for transport will be as low as those of any similar establishment in the province the subscriber will auo pay every attention to the disposing of property that may be intrusted to his careagree- ably to instructions archd mcdonell kingston 14th march 1828 0 reference may be made to john kirby esq john macanlay esq kingston and robert stanton esq york steamboat notice on lake ontario the public are informed that the steamboat queenston capi whitney has commenced making her regular trips and wdl during the present summer leave the different ports as follows leave niagara for kingston brock- ville and prescott every thursday morinng at eight oclock precisely and leve prescott on her return for brockville kngsion york and niaga ra every sunday at six oclock a m arrangements have been made with messrs noion co stage proprie tors prescott by which passengers go ing down will arrive in montreal on sa turday evening and passengers pro ceeding upwards will by leaving mon treal on saturday morning arrive in lirne at prescott to take the boat every endeavour has been used to render the accommodations and fare on bojd of the host drrrtpon queension i4ill april 12s alliance british and foreign life and fire as surance company if london estab lished by act of parliament capital five millions stiiplixc he agents for this company beg leave to announce to the inhabit ants of upper canada that they conti nue to assure against loss or damage by fire and that they have for tho convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns of the different dis tricts viz guy c woodesq cornwall messrs a w morris f co brock v ille james macfarlane esq kingston james g brthxmvesq cobourg root wm prentice esq- york john ross esq niagara- to either of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will he derived from assuring with the alliance company 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the set tlement of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not there by deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company cth losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to the board of directors in london 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of properly from fire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on property for a less sum than the real value thereof the com pany will pay whatever loss is sustain- 1 10h the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits to be divid ed will be large mckeniebethuneco agents montreal 28th sept 1826 port hope nail manufac tory j brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced manufacturing nails of every description of a su perior quality which he will sell for cash or approved bills as low as they can be obtained at any manufactory in the united states port hope july 3 1826 packets for steerage passen gers only to sail on the 5th and 20ih of every month from liverpool for new york the ships composing this line are all of the first class copperfastened and coppered of about 400 tons burthen and as fast sailors as any packets in the trade they have superior accommo dations being very lofty between decks are commanded by experienced masters whose best endeavours will he to pro mote the comlort of passengers and ihe appointed days ol sailing will be strict ly adhered to the facility and convenience of this establishment to persons residing at a distance by saving them much delay ac- expense too often attending the uncer tain and protracted departure of a tran sient vessel will it is hoped be duly appreciated and command such a pre ference and support as will ensure its continuance and success to irish emigrants this line is es pecially recommended on account of the easy and frequent communication between the irish ports and liverpool by means of steamboats and smacks and to all it will extend the peculiar ad vantage of a connexion with respectable companies upon the hudson river and the new york canalsby which is secur ed the readiest and cheapest conveyance to either of the canadian provinces those who wish to send for their friends can procure them a safe and ex peditious passage by applying to john macaulay esq kingston williamgam- ble esq york or james morris esq brockville upper canada new york march 182s steam boat notice lake ontario steam boat niagara capt mosier will after the 15th current leave niagara for kingston brockville and prescott every satur day afternoon at 4 oclock on her return wll leave presscott for brock ville kingston york and niagara every wednesday morning at 6 oclock arrangements have been made with messrs norton co stage proprie tors by which passengers gong down arrive at montreal on tuesday even ng and those proceeding upwardswll by leaving montreal on tuesday arrive at prescott to take the boat prescott 4th june 1882 ijotice is hereby given that i 1 wll expcse to sale by public auction at point nepean in the dis trict of balhurst on saturday the 30h day of august next at 11 oclock a m at foiths inn licences to cut timber on the waste or uugranted lands of the crown in upper canada on the tract of land bordering on the grand or ottawa river above the chnudiere falls p robinson york 20 1 h july 1828 w ernest town cloth fac tory the subscribers beg leave to ac quaint their friends and the pub lic jial ihey have erected a manufacto ry on the mil creek in the third con cession of earnest town for the pur pose of picking carding and spinning wool and weaving fulling colour ing and dressing woolen clothssati- netts which they expect to have in ope ration in a few days this being the first establishment of the kind commenced in the midland district and no pains or expense hav ing been spared to procure experienced workmen and machinery of the best des cription the subscribers confidently trust that a liberal and discerning pub lic will duly appreciate the attempt to exu n the domestic manufactures of the country and favour it with that patron age and support which they are deter mined to use their best exertions to de serve wool will be taken and manufactured either on shares or at a reasonable price or carding fulling or any other part of the process performed for those who wish ii on moderate terms isaac fraser david b brown enoch drake ernesttown 26th may 1828 new school e whose names are hereunto svtbscribed recommend mr ro bert teflers as a man of capability and experience and fitted to superintenuv the education of youth not only by theory but also by a long acquaintance with the real and actual practice of bu- siness we therefore believe it would be of advantage to a portion of the ri sing generation that he should tindery take such an employment george okill sxuartj encouraged by the recommendation of the above venerable and rev cha racters and at the instance of a numer ous and respectable circle of friends the subscriber has taken that most eligible and commodious school room in the house owned b mrs tapin pronounc- ed tapau l minutes walk from the english church about the same dis tance from the french church and within a few paces of front street those parents who may feel dispos ed to commit their children lo thesij- scribers care may rest assured of having justice done to them as he intends in take but a limited number of pupils and is determined to make itthe inter est of parents to patronise him robert defers kingston may 12th 182 wanted immediately at da vis mill south crosbyrideau canal a number of stone cutters to whom liberal wages will be giveneither by the day or foot with all tools found if required also a number of quarry men to whom liberal wages will be i- ven and tegular payments made either by the month or week donald mcllver tti or sale on rcsonable terms lot no 24 in the 4th concession of the township of burgess in the coun ty of leeds in the johnstown district for further particulars apply at this office kingston 24th may 1828 the kingston chronicle is printed and published eveiy saturday by james macfarlanty at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and six pence per annum if sent by mail twen ty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insei- tion and 7j each subsequent insertion ten lines and under ss 4d first insert tion and lod each subsequent inser tion above ten lines 46 per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rections inserted till forbid and charge ed accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and deliveredby wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the day of publica tion fly produce received in pajmeot at the market price agents john bignoll esq quebec david chisholnte esq three rivers audrew porteous esq montreal james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochiel r cline esq cornwall george browse esq matilda alphcus jones esq prescott henry jones esq brockville josiah taylor esq perth h whitniarsli esq richmond j k hart well esq bastard mess c j mdouald gananoqve- r w wnrfie esq bath allan mcpherson esq napanee thomas parker esq bellville joseph a kceler esq cramahe james bethune esq hamilton- david smart esq port hope william allan esq lor a daniel ross esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara chnrlesbiegir esq canal resemvayrr thomas dorland esq atlolphusletcn-