1 p njont is likoly to como out to thia country in the spring the september army list contains a notification to officers now on half pay that in future they will not be permitted to re- ceive any portion of their half pay should they accept any civil appointment after the 28th july last major general john macdonald deputy adjutant general to the forces has been appointed colonel of the 97th regiment of foot vice sir william keppel appointed to the 2d or queens vacant by the death of sir henry torrens q off gax the chronicle kingston october 18th 1828 on monday last the hon and rev dr strachan archdeacon of york arrived in town io the queenston from broekville the venerable archdeacon we learn will proceed up the bay on monday on his way to york visiting the different schools on that route during the present week we have had some sharp frost reminding as in a very feeling manner of the near approach of winter district on tuesday the 23d of september c and held a confirmation the same day in which he was assisted by the missionary the rev mr mgrth and by the rev mr maulay his lordship preached au impressive and appropriate sermon at morning service and mr maulat gave an excellent one in the evening as the funds for erecting the church had proved inadequate his lordship added to his for mer donation he was also pleased to ex press himself in terms of approbation of the conduct of the missionary 16 o tan 15 1971945 tanlqq52l 92832 12c 1 urn co tan 30 198551841 102335606 f r the general quarter sessions in and for the midland district commenced on tues day last in this place in the absence of mr macaulat isaac fraser esq was appointed chairman who delivered an ap propriate speech to the grand jury on the occasion his excellency sir peregrine mait- andand colonel by passed by olivers ferry on wednesday evening last on their way from by town to kingston the hon and rev dr strachan who had accom panied them from their former place left them at the traverse on the rideau lake and arrived in perth on thursdny morning and after visiting and examining the public school and common schools of the place he took his departure on friday morning intending to visit the other district schools between this place and york bathwst ex tan 92 o 2ft 19 96k6235an12 c2 9cj01ti41 100000000 proclamation murder and robbery 100 reward auus co tan 45 tan3537 1qu 98551841 c 3 sum 198551841 co tan 60 97614394 tanlqsloj iqu937447an 12c 4 sum 198551841 co tan 75 94280525 tan692940- 104271316 i i the angle 12 c is a right angle or 90 a y napane 14th oct 1828 the lady robins schooner which was rumoured to have been lost in the late gale arrived safely in our harbour this morning from the genesee river on sunday afternoon last the revd mr machar preached a very eloquent and appropriate discourse to the young in saint andrews church collection including some donations privately obtain ed by a friend to the cause 20 to be ap plied towards establishing a religious li brary for the use of the congregation we have it- from good authority that or ders have been received to proceed with the fortifications at this post without delay melancholy accident one of mr ives ferry boats left this for long island about 4 oclock p m on monday last on hoard of which were his son george mr williams a tailor and francis may boatman when within a quarter of a mile of garden fs- jnnd the boat capsized soon after which williams disappeared may continued on the drifting boat about an hour and a half longer when being overcome by fatigue and henumbed with cold he sunk in sight bf his snfferingcompanionand was drown ed toorge fves stilr continued on the boat which drifted into browns bay five or 6 miles down on the island shore about 12 oclock at night when he succeeded in reaching the land in a very exhausted state remained in the woods till next morning and finally succeeded in reaching a house and arrived at his fathers on wednesday morniug the bodies of williams may have not yet been found religious ad vocate our village was brilliantly illuminated from one end to the other this evening in honour of the arrival of mr merritt from london with abundant means to complete the welland canal li as it should be bonfires and fireworks a continued dis charge of musketry ruusick and various other demonstrations of joy were also ex hibited on the occasion with the utmost alacrity and good cheer three flags were waving in the airduug4lfe day one the union jack aajt containing the na i eof jliurhf in large capitals and a third on which was elegantly paint ed in gold letters the sentiment which was given with acclamations on his arrival at the centre of the puhlick square honour to whom honour is due we hope soon to see business assume a more brisk and auspicious appearance in rtemtriotllfcjttwiwee in to of the expected liberal circulation of the ready brought out by mr merritt for the purpose of being expended in this vici nity in the improvement of the country st catharines journal oct 9 steam boat sir james kempt this elegant boat made the first trial of her en gine yesterday afternoon and we believe to the no small gratification ofher captain end owners and a number of gentlemen who were onboard her speed we thiuk the lake and her accommodations for tra vellers are 6uppassed by none from the well known character of capt gilderslieve in attending to the accommodation and comfort of his passengers and a desire to please we have no doubt this excellent and beautiful boat will receive thatpublic pa tronage which capt gs indefatigable exertions so highly merit we are in formed she will make her first trip to the bead of the bay of quintic on monday next lb major general sir john colborne k- c b the successor of sir peregrine maitlano in the government of upper canada arrived with his family iu the co rinthian from london his excellency proceeds to his place of destination today or monday taking the route of the welland canal sir john we understand has re ceived instructions from his majestys mi nisters to adopt the most liberal and conci liating line of policy to the country ver which he is destined to preside insttue- tions which we are informed fully comjort with his excellencys own feelings and principles he is to keep but one objeitin view namely the advancement of the cran- try and the welfare of the people le is appointed to govern albion died at amherst island on the 8th october george aged three years and jean aged one year and six months mill children of mr george mcleod list of letters remaining in the post office at bath 5th oct 1s2s thomas anderson john anderson robert atkinson robert bound thomas boag thomas brown john j blacker 2 geo brown peter babcock bernard bolton spencer bryant johu burley the bishops and members of the canadian conference george boone juo 2 samuel belton james branden wyatt chamberlain mat thew clark william collin- william close 2 william clough elias chatter- son sen william case paul comer eleanor dusenburg andrew dynes wil liam davison mrs m douglass peter detlor 2 alexandar edgar henry elliot thomas empey nathan fellows 2 thos fraser 2 lewis fritz alexander furgu- n abel p forward perry g gardner james grant james graham abiel b goodrich f h cuinther henry l hol- comb alexander huffman mich hally 2 hiram hawley richard hitchens john hogehoom lewis hartman jacob hill- man abigail haom cornelius huffman martin hicks james hume henry hutch- ins audrew johnston ann johnston rev mr johnston f know i tun e ii lane isaac lewis 2 johu livingston hannah mkiro james mkim lovil g mickles klisha martin edieth madden patrick mcarty johnmquoid 2 owenmshea faniel overocker 2 john pickle 2 samuel purdy joseph purdy 2 hugh attci su j atoos ilcnarridon robert rose elijah suitzer moses p snider thomas seay philip simmons jlhnmxsinith joseph smith roht smith j v sills george swainston chris topher snider abraham snider 2 mrs ann smith henry stodard joseph thom- sou daniel thomson robert thomas mrs j vanclcak william vroman ro bert williams elijah williams 2 william wilcox james wilson 2 stephen war ner rev daniel wright james wright john walker robert warren richd w warffe p m upper canada- by his excellency sir peregrine matt- land if c b lieutenant governor of our province aforesaid and ma jor general commanding his 3iajes- i hfs forcess therein fyc c c whereas a young man named isaac james son of ezekiel james of the townsbipof uxbridge in the home district ofthisprovioce was found dead behind a log heap near the road side in the township of whitchurch on the thirtieth day of september instant and from several gunshot and other wounds inflicted upon his person no doubt can exist of his having been barbarously murdered and from his having left home six days previously io company with john christie whom he was wasconveying with his wife and family to york in a waggon and the said john chris tie with his family having absconded with the waggon and horsesthere is every reason to believe that the said john christie hath committed the atroci- ousact now know ye that the above re- wafltwill be paid to any person who shall apprehend the said john christie and cause him to be brought before any jus tice of the peace of this province to be dealt with according to law given under my hand and seal of of fice at york this thirtieth dayofseptem- ber io the year of our lord 1828 and the ninth year of his majestys reign pm by command of his excellency hj boulton solicitor general d cameron secretary n b- john christie sometimes calling himself welman is thus described a bout 5 feet 6 inches high tolrrabjy stout dark eyes and hak but of a iw complexi on full face apparently from to 30 years of age and a native of ireland when he left home he had on a dark co loured dress his wife is a middle sized woman with black hair bh eyes and thin face much marked witjj the small pox ijis eldest child a son about three years old the younger a daughter about a rear old both read hair- fatr vii hiu full feck led faces the waggon which was stolen with two mares was a good one with a white linnen cover one of the maresabout 16 hands highdapple grey with dark legs and face the other an iron grey about 15 hands bigheach about 0 or 7 years old frm on sale at auction wmill be sold it public auction f on monday the 20th inst in front of the court house in the town of kingston at 12 oclock noon a farm situate in the township of mu- rysburg being the east half of lol no 9 in the first concession lake side west of the rock containing about ninetyfive acres of land of which one half or thereabouts is cleared and culti vable also the west half of the said lot no 9 containing 95 acres with the same quantity of cleared land belongingto the estate of the late mr james grant of marysburg the conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale and indisputable titles given enquire of john macaulay esq kingston kingston 4th oct 182s a notice well recommended medical gentleman of sound british prin ciples will meet with every support in the vicinity of vittoria townftip of charlotteville london district the centre of a dense population the steamer sir james kempt to the editor of the kingston chromic sir in reply to the problem propose by your correspondent mr courtenay in the chronicle of the 13th instant i send for your insertion the mode of solution as fol lows rule as the sine of the latitude given is to the radius so is the sine of the uus declination to the sine of his altitude when due east or west example given the latitude of a place 57 10 n and the suns declination 18 12 37 n required his altitude when due east or west solution as sine 57 10 9924409 jhis splendid new and swift boat will leave kingston on monday morn ing next at 9 oclock for bath adod- pihjstown hallowell sophi- asburgh belleville the car rying place and river trent a stage will meet the boat at the river trent on tuesday for cobourg and york for passage or freight application to be made to captain hesry giloerslieve on board kingston 18th oct 1828 auction to be sold at public auction on the premises on thursday the qsth instant the east half of lot no 228 to gether with a dwelling house and outhouses erected thereon adjoining the gate of the artillery barracks conditions to be made kuown at the time of sale sale to commence at 12 oclock noon m mohan a fy b kingston oct 14th 1828 is to radius 10000000 soissineiam2la4 9494861 his excellency sir peregrine mait- a9b lieutenant governor of novascotia arrived here on friday last from bytown and on saturday proceeded to york with commodore barrie in the bull frog we are informed that his excellency nar rowly escaped being drowned a few yards above the kingston mills on thursday night it appears that his bark canoe run foul of a log of wood and immediately fill ed with water fortunately another canoe was at hand the crew of which succeeded in reseueing his excellency and his com panions from their perilous situation herald 1494661 9924409 to sine 21 50 3 9570452 the suns altitude therefore is 21 50 3 a y 16th sept 1828 b we regret to learn that a serious acci dent has happened to mr hamilton mer ritt on his journey from newyork the stage coach in which he was passen ger was overturned while the driver was imprudeutly racing whh another coach and mr merritts thigh bone was broken besides other bruises received he has been brought on his way home as far as buffalo and hopes are entertained that he may soon without incurring danger be roughtto st catharines loyalist the lord bishop of quebec conse nted the church of toronto in the home to the editor of tke kingston chronicle sir allow me to request a place in your very useful paper for a few lines in auvwer to a communication signed z which ap peared io the chronicle of the 11th instant the hour angles of 4l a direct south ver tical dial for any given latitude may be found by the following rule deduced from the 17th prop of the elements of spheri cal trigonometry annexed to simpsons euclid rule being furnished with a taole of logvrith- mic sines tangents c add the radii or sine of 90 to the sine of tbe co laifcude of the place and from the sum subtract the the co tangents of 15 30 45 60 75 severally the remainders will 1 the tangents of the hour angles 12 c 112 c 2 12 c 3 c or their equals 12 c 1 1 12 c 10 c c being the point at which the hour lines meet example 90 40 141 17 45 45 43m co- latitude of kingston and the angle yf the gnomon radius 100000000 sipe4345 98551841 198551841 y auction wll be sold on friday the mill inst on the farm of alexander simpson esq adjoinii g colonel m kays at ernest townthv whole of the stock and farming uten sils viz two mares two oxen five cows one heifer two calves seven pigs harness wagons sleighs ploughs hay oats barley c c also one double stove with pipes sale to commence at 1 0 oclock a m john strange a b kingston oct 14th 1828 jtotice a general meeting of jl the dorcas society to examine accounts and chose officers for the en suing year is requested on wednesday the 23d instant at 3 oclock at the house of mr bidwell in storestreet by order of the directresses s g bidwell secretary kingston oct 15th 1828 notice all persons having claims against the subscriber are requested io present the same duly authenticated without delay to henry cassady jun esq for adjustment and those indebt ed to him are requested to pay their ac counts to mr cassady who is author ized to efive receipts therefor saml mcniece kingston 19th sept 1828 removal elesslie sons beg leave to inform their friends andihe publc that they have removed to thai shop adjoining mr j g parkers stove street kingston 15th sept 182s government notice lfotlce is hereby given that a j quantity of jackets and caps and marine clothing wdl be exposed for sale at his majes tys dock yard at kingston on the third of november next at ten oclock in the morning jnor glover naval sxorekeeper kingston dock yard 14ih0ct 1828 cataraqui bridge office kingston 9ch oct 1828 at a meeting of the board of di- recors this day it was resol ved that a further instalment of 10 per cent upon the capital stock subscri bed shall be called in payable at this office on or before monday the loth day of november nex geo f corbett secy and treasurer notice whereas ii has been the practice for the chelsea and kilmainhani pen sioners io give up their instruction pa pers to agents and receive their pen sions through that channel instoad of appearing personally for the purpose of being identified as his majestys instruc tions require the commissary gene ral hereby gives notice that all pensions must be claimed in person at least once in each year the pensioners resi dent at richmond perth and vicinity will in future receive their pensions on and after the 25th december 1828 at bytown instead of montreal and they must ell im their first payment at that post in person so that their existence and identity may be proved as no other person or persons are pursuant to act of parliament entitled io receive the same under any pretence whatsoever if the pensioner is living any pbn- sioner wishing to change his place of residence must notify the same through the commissariat officer from whom he received his last payment comnissariat head quarters quebec isth september 1828 ltotice au persons indebted i to the estate of the late george macaulay esq are requested to make immediate payment and those having any claims against tbe said estate to present them without delay duly au thenticated to simon h macaulay esq of bath who is authorised to set tle all accounts relating to the said es tate james b macaulay executor york 1st oct 1828 lands for sale w ot letter d in the township of mj pittsburgh fronting the st law- iencecontaining200 acres well wooded lot no 26 fourth concession township of kingston containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance of about 20 acres with a log house and barn lot no 26 sixth concessionin same township contaiiing200acreson which there is a clearance of about 10 acres with a good fence and now under a crop of timothy for particulars apply to f a harper kingston 12th may 1828 government work required a few goodquar- rymen to be employed by the royal engineer department par ticulars of the work oic may be obtain ed on applying at the engineer office john hare assist com gen kingston 6th august 1828 canada company it is particularly requested that all claims on the canada companybe sent in during the first week in septem ber next and afterwards regularly in the first week of december march june and september addressed tho mas smith esq cashier and accoun- ant canada companys office york to whom application is to be made for payinentin the course of the first weeks in october january april and july john galt superintendent canada company s office guelph july 29 1s28 notice the subscriber being appointed agent for the canada compa ny n this place is ready io receive of fers for the purchase of any of the com panys lands in this quarter he also begs to inform such persons as may intend io settle on the companys huron tract that by presenting them selves to ebenezer ohnstonesqof buf falo they will be forwarded by him from that place at the companys expcnseto the new settlement of goderichat the mouth of the maitiandheretofore called the red river faharper kingston 26th july 182s left on mcdonells wharf about six weeks ago a barrel of pork the owner is requested to prove his property kingston sep4 1828 kingston boarding day school for young ladies mr mrs twig beg leave to return thanks for the uniform support which their school has received since its commencement and wish to as sure parents and guardians that they shall make it their study as they have ever done to merit a continuance of it by the strictest attention to the seve ral branches moral and polhe which constitute a liberal education reference may be made to the ve nerable george okill stuart rev john machar lieutenant colonel mc- pherson and john mclean esq kingston 4th april 1828 to be sold that valuable tiiternitand iq the town of kingston known as the kingston hotel comprising substantial stone house with stable ohcr upurteoances situated on lot no 88 63frotinngthe court house nd containing twofifths of an acre this property is too well known to need repetition if not disposed of by pri vate sale before the 13th october next he same will on that day at noon oo the premises be put up at public alto tion and sold without reserve the tie is indisputable conditions to be made known at the time of sale apply to the proprietor on the pre mises or to m mohan auctioneer kingston 2d august 1828 nb mr walker would inform his friends that he in the meantime will con duct the business of the house as usual and takes tbis opportunity of returning his thauks to his friends and the public for tie liberal support which he has always exue- nenced from them o rent for a term of years immediate possession given he property at present in the occupation of john gram in barriefield consisting of gooddweil housebkehupe barn and other out houses with the lnd attached the property will fa- leased for a term of years on ndvanta- geous terms apply to the editor of the kingston chron king 5th may 1826 notice to emigrants persons desirous of settling in upper canada may procure lands on the island of tantisituat- ed in lke ontario 9 miles above kingston there are several thousand acres 3ei unoccupied which w be either sold or leased upon reasonable- terms the situation is pleasant and the soil generally of an exccllen quality further inibimation maybe obtained by application o richd hitch- ins esquire residing on the island or toa k johnson esq at prescott montreal june 2 1828 o iilavmcriuljddi paases uie nnd three me w pek wanted several respectable youngsters as apprentices to the moulding and bar iron making bu siness at the marmora iron works for terms apply to a manahan 2d oct 1828 mansionhouse hotel to be let for one or more years and possession given the first of ociober nexi for particulars apply to mr jacob hercb or the sub scriber charles anderson kingston 21st aug 1s28- blank meeds ad memorials for sale at inis office notice the officers of the 71st regt will not be responsible for ajny debts contracted by corporal alexan der mulvany the messman ofthe regt kingston 2d octob 1828 for sale the brick house and lot situate on the place d amies at pre sent occupied by assistant com gen hare for terms apply to thos kirkpatrick kingston 18th sept 1s2s o o vernmen t no tic is fa ood stone cutters will x find employment in the royal engineer department at this post application to be made at the royal engineer office john hare axsist com gen commissariat kingston 18lh aug 1828 j wtot1ce the subscribers will i pay the following prices for po k and flour in cash- on delivety at their establishment at jones falls south crosby rideau canal as tinderraen tioned viz for pork in the hog weight frbm 150 to 2g0ibsr21s 6d ditto do from 2 to 300 lbs 22s 6d for flour in the barrel fine 21s 3d do do middling 18s d do in the bag pr- cwt 10s 6d mackay redpath jones falls rideau c nl d- 27 1s27 tlil si lam boat toronto james sinclair master will leave kingston every mon day morning at 8 oclock for bath adolphustownhaliowelsophas- burgh belleville the carrying place and river trent leave the trent at 10 oclock a m on tuesdays and arrive at kingston in the evening touching at the imeimedi- ate places 8 oclock in the moningfor prescott and return the following day touching at gananoquaand biockville leave kingston every friday mom ing ats oclock for belleville leave belleville on saturdays at 8 oclock aj m and arrive st kingston in the even ing touching at the intermediate places the toronto is neatly fitted up and every attention will be paid to the ac commodation and comfort of passengers a stage will meet the boat at the trent on tuesdays fare as usual for passage or freight application may be made to the master on board kingston gth may 1828 lamp black he subscriber offers for sale half a ton of lump bhick in barrels from 90 to 100 lbs each it is of a superi or quality not caked or mildewed and will be sold very low for cash geo f corbett sept 5 1828 5w to be sold the sloop beaver with sails and rigging complete apply to john bo wen kingston 1 9th srpt ls commercial hotel market square kingston mrs scantlebury begs to acquaint the public that since the demise ofherlate husbandshe continues to conduct tbe above commodiousestablish- ment in offering her services to the iuha bitapts of kingston and tbe traveller gene- rally she trusts that experience added to assiduity and attention will enable her i e study the comfort and convenience of her t guests it were needless here to enumerate the advantages possessed by this hotel over e- very ether of the kind in kingston they will be obvious io every person wh may please to visit the apartimms kingston sopt 4th 1626