sonnet sat what is heaven a place of pure delight of perfect jov of harmony of peace where augcls tuuo their harps and never cease the universal chorus clothed in light thcv fl thro ether iuuubouuded space audwait with outstretchu wing before the throne of the almighty oreat eternal one there sorrow never finds a resting place nor vet the ills that mortals feel below nor death is there the stream of time shall flow and injure none and none shall know dotay no night is there hut one unclouded day shall shed its lustre when this mighty world and snn and stare are into ruin build when drtinkcnncs becomes a habit the only time a man lives and is himself is when he is getting drunk to this arc transferred all his pleasures his ac- tiviiy his affections in his sober in tervals he is a bow unbent an instru ment out of tune and what are the powers the activity the affections of drunkenness when we coniider the object for which men apply to medical aid it is a poor recommendation of a medicine that it do no harm when we consider the frequent effects of medicine it is a great deal joys and here begin our a soliloquy how short the pa9t how long the future bo e ins here fade our dreams from youth to age one giddy maze we tread and trust gainst hope till numberd with the dead a coming period of delights to taste the coming period lays our lives to waste awake my friend the preseut hour im prove it is the gift of an alltender love he woo3 us to him woos with tears of blood o let us flee to an incarnate god he bids our anguish and our sorrow cease he gives us pleasure and he is our peace the sigh what pangs severe those bosoms feel where love and truth reside when cruel fate steps in between aud mutual hopes divide lu vain they seek heartsoothingpeace jn vaiuher aid implore quickly she flies the eager grasp and hails a dittreat shore ftftew awn neer msxfe a racm pdtrw nor bndo the flow ret die where brighter suns illumo the scene and paint a milder sky account of the first establishment of coffeehouses at constantino ple a d 1553 translated from the turkish history of hatched there was no coffee used nor was there even a single shop where it was sold cither in constantinople or any other part of romelia before the year 962 of the hegira in that year two private persons one of whom was a native of damascus called chems and another from aleppo named hakim came to constantinople and opened two shops in the quarter takluecala where they sold that excellent beverage at first these coffeehouses were only resorted to by the indolent and idle but they soon became popular among the wits and men of letters who assem bled in perhaps twenty or thirty differ ent knots in each house parties were fui med for reading others foi chess or trictrac some discussed new poems and others pursued scientific conversa tions as the expence only amounted to 1 tew aspirs it was a cheap mode of entertaining a friend to carry him to a coffeeroom all persons out of em ployment and paying their court to ob tain it kadis moudaries and all who hive no great business crowded to am stesesi a alfovtlmg m tei musements in short the rooms became so crowded thai it was difficult to ob tain a seat and their reputation was such that many distinguished persons ahvivs excepting ministers went to them without scruple but the im- aums the muezzins and the professed devotees declaimed against them say- inir 1 he people ran to the coffeehouse instead of f mosque maxims and reflections the lady makes herself as lovely as possible the beggeras wretched as pos sible o move in tempting to sin by removing good principles you not only take away vir tue hut repentance want is a passing cloud care a gloomy sky want brings our foes a- gainst us occasionally and one by one care collects them by legions and keeps them in perpetual array want is win ter care a bad climate remove care and even want may smile care covers wealth with a gloom it is a grievious thing to malignity when the faults which enabled her to gratify spite under the appearance of virtue are forgotten in a mans worth it is but a little way folly can go in acting wisdom ii is not in a day a man is prepared to change the course of his life to pass from pleasure to wisdom from business to reflection he who spends his youth in nothing but pleasure when sense fails will find himself as dead to intel lect as to sense he who spends it in nothing but business must toil on to the end to be able to avail yourself of them you must from the beginning of life cultivate the pursuits which you wish 10 become the retreat and the so lace of age from the beginning you must mike others subordinate to them in leaving a dissipated life or a life of mc e oil and saving to repair to the enjoyments of wisdom and reflection you seek to reap what you have never sown a careless workman may wrong me the- hillofhs wages a careless over seer the half of be wages of all the people under him seegeant campbell s statement of his interview with the emperor of russia at paris in 1s15 the following little scene of impe rial curiosity may be amusing to our readers it reminds us somewhat of the ordeal through which gulliver is described as having passed in the pre sence of their majesties of brobdgnag or lilliput there can be no doubt as to the authenticity of the narrative which was drawn up by serjeant campbell at the request of an officer of his regiment in the month of august 1815 i was ordered to proceed with piper john fraser and piper kenneth mackay to the palais delisee in paris then the residence of the emperor of russia when we were joined by serjeant mac- grigor private munro and piper mac kenzie of the 42d regiment serjeant grant piper logan and piper came ron of the 92d regiment about half an hour after our arrival at the palace lord cathcart sent a valet to conduct us to the grand hall where we met his lordship whom i immediately recog nized he was pleased to order me to take charge of the party while he went to the emperor to acquaint him of our arrival and in alvmit ion mntirpo nftw the emperor entered the hall accom panied by his two brothers prince blucher count platoff and several o- ther distinguished personages the emperor had a very minute inspection ofus and his curiosity led him to point upon me as being the most robust of those that accompanied me to step to the front and ordered the rest to sit down as soon as i step to the front i was surrounded by the astonished no bility and the emperor commenced his inspection and questions viz 1 examined my appointments drew my sword inquired if i could perform any exercise of that weapon which i told him i could not and at the same time lord cathcart made a remark that it was a deficiency in the british army that he never look into consideration before 2 examined my hose garters legs and pinched my skin thinking i wore something under my kilt and had the curiosity of lifting my kilt up so that he might not be deceived the questions were- how long i was in she army how many actions i was in if i was present at the actions of the 16th 17th and 18th how many officers and men the regiment lost on the l6ih 17th and lsth of june whether 1 was in egypt if we wore the kilt in winter or it i did not feel cold in that season if i was married if my parents were alive the emperor then ordered void cathcart to make me put john fraser through the manual and platoon exer cise at which performance he was highly pleased he then ordered the pipers to play up and lord catbcart desired them to play the highland une called cogue na shu war or peace which he explained to the emperor who seemed highly delighted with the music after the emperor was done with me the veteran count platoff came up to me and took me by the hand and told me in broken english that i was a good and brave soldier as all my countrymen were he then pressed my hand to his breast and gave me his to press to mine after all was over i was ordered to take the party to lord cathcarts quarters whore we had a refreshment and received a piece of money each from his lordship and also his approbation for our appearance c t11 campbell sergt 79th reght camp near blandfur 3d july 1s2s 1 2 10 0 2 0 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 steam boat niagara for the future passengers onboard the niagara will be charged as follows cabin passage from prescot to york and niagara j ditto from kingston tododo cabin passage from preseott to kingston as formerly deck passage from preseott to york and niagara ditto from kingston to york j and niagara i from preseott to kingston as formerly john hosier master kingston 1st septomher 18 t1j o t i e there is now in the j possession of mr charles wil son poundkeeper at barriefield in the township of pittsburgh a stout dark bay horse short tail formerly belonged to mr junis and mr hart of the ordnance department whoever may own said horse are requested to pay the expenees of poundage keep ing and take him away otherwise he will be sold according o law barriefield lgth sept 1828- salt foster archer recently from syracuse have taken the stand formerly oc cupied by wilson as a tavern opposite j raynors inn and benison ciockcr co store coiner of james first street in oswego where they offer course and fine saltby the single barrel or quantity v manufactures prices with the addition of transportation their facilities for doing salt business are very great having an establishment at syracuse they will be enable to or- ceive any quantity immediately on re- der and forward to any port in canada merchants and others arc requested to call and examine their prices which they think will be found satisfactory alsofor sale as above a gene ral and well selected assortment of fo reign and domestic dry goods groce ries crockery and glass ware c c c which they will sell on reason able terms as can be purchased else where oswego june 1828 cherry walnut curly maple lumber the subscriber is ready to contract for any quantity of cherry walnut and curly maple lumber deliverable at his mills 12 miles west of ancaster or at kerby and halts store burlington bay where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed to him at ancaster will be dulv at tended 10 james johnston december 22d 1827 for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this office amgston 9th august 1828 wanted a good blacksmith to whom liberal wages and con sume employment wdl be given appli cation to be made to a manahan mar mora iron work may 22d 1828 mansionhouse hotel f i1he subscriber informs his friends and the public that having taken this large and commodious house and its appurtenances in the centre of kingston awl made preparations for entertaining travellers he hopes to be able by his attention and accommoda tions to render it an agreeable and sa tisfactory place of entertainment for those who have been in the habit of frequenting i under its former establish ment and others who may favour him with their custom no exerions shall be spared or his part to promo e iheir comfort and merit their approbation john davy kingsionfcj or sale front half of lot no 13 31 concession of haldimand district of newcastle containing 100 acres 40 of which are under cultivati on an excellent saw mill is erected on the lot po a durable stream and a fine grove of pine timber adjoining also a comfortable frame dwelling house new harn and carpenters work shop for particulars c application may be made to j g bethune esq cobourg or on the premises to 7th feb 12 levi cole mayors english spelling book just published and for sale at the chronicle office an extensive edi- fon of mavors spelling book stereo typed from the 328th london edition- a d1s27 having a beautiful frontis piece engraving james macfarlane kingston 21st march 1828 plans specifications of anewgaolxourthouse at hamilton distr1ctof newcastle ttotice is hereby giventhat the ai undermentioned premiums are of fered to such persons as shall furnish the clerk of the peace for the approval of the magistrates of the district of new castle on or before the 1st day of oc tober next with plans specifications and estimates of a gaol and court house in one building to be built in the township of hamilton at or near the present court house the first story of stone second and third siories oi brick to contain criminal cells debt ors rooms gaolers apartments coun room grand and petit jury rooms also rooms for offices c sucli as are usually required in such a building he roof to be covered with tin the vh le expense not to exceed the sum of50 h currency premiums will be awarded as followsviv forthebest and mostaoprovdplanc 15 2d do do 10 3d do do 5 t ward clerk ofthe peace n c district hamilton nc district 10 may 1828 books for sale at the chronicle office 44 coming out by miss porter the obriens and the o plater tys by lady morgan st valentines day or the fair maid of perth oy the author of waver- youth and manhood ofcyril thorn- ion tales of a grandfather by the au thor of waverly broughams speech on the english law f john w4t1uw8 offers his sim ere thanks to his friends and the public generally tor the liberal encouragement he has met with for several years pastand begs to inform them that le has this season received by the ship montreal from liverpool sixty cfckfl and cases of hardware cutlery c which has been selected from the first manufacturing houses in birmingham sheffield wolverhampton c among which are as follows tea kettles saucepans 56 28 14 and 7 lbs weight ditto in sets 4 lbs down to 07 saddle trees bills buckles tind japan d and plated girth roller and straining web aud every article in the saddler line stampd brass curtain pins commode knobs turn buckles bed screws ice horn lanthoro leaves rivets saucepan handles and ears teapot knobs candlestick springs and every article used by tinmen carpenters and coopers axes and adzes table and desert knives and forks britannia metal table and tea spoons ditto iron tind britannia mctai and iron tind ladles pocket and penk nives scissors razors kent latb and shoe hammers flemish tacks locks of all sorts round and flat bolts screws butt ii and 111 hinges coffin furni- urc steelyards assortment of files white wash shoe and scrubbing brushes tea trays chissels and gouges plane irons dinner table sleigh and cow bells tlouse and rat traqs tiod and japand mailer chains smiths and hand bellows c c sec 4um- 12 tons english and swedes iron hoop iron 1 in to 3 in wide round iron assd cast crawley i c steel tons shot i 2 3- b and bb boxes tin ic and ix do sheet iron bdls double sheet iron 2 3 30 50 20 so du 20 50 u u i i casks wrot nails d do cut ass d casks spikes 3 to 7 inches bdls iron wire assd 4 to 26 wire guage bake pans belly pots powder sheet and bar copper sheet and bar lead anvils vices bellows pipes fire irons ac ramans patent chain cables from k inch to 1116 in anchors all sizes english and ameri can window glass dry white and red lead do mixed in oil dry colours for painters use boipd and raw linseed oil white and tard cordage pitch rosio aud oafaum ioo doz follansbes grass and cradle scythes o0 philadelphia miilsaws 10 doz aimes patent canal shovels grindstones wagon and carl boxes trace and log 0 bains frying pms 4 casks of manufac tured tin ware 6 fitering stones the above articles having all been re ccived will be sold wholesale or retail fur cash or short approved credit on the most moderate terras j w atkins kingston june 14 1828 n b country merchants are res pectfully informed that the above goods having been purchased on the most ad vantageous terms enables him to offer them any articles of shelf goods as low as they can be purchased in mon treal iron steal c at a trifling differ ence from the montreal prices i w warehousing forward- ing commission business the subscriber respecfully informs the public that he has taken a lease of that large storehouse wharf in this town recently occupied by messrs mccutchon crossman where he intends to carry on the above business and will be ready at the open ing of the navigation to receive and for ward goods produce c c to any port in the canadas he will always have in his employ seaworthy boats navigated by careful and experienced boatmen and his charges for transport will be as low as those of any similar establishment in the province the subscriber will also pay every attention to the disposing of property that may be intrusted to his careagree- ably to instructions archp- mcdonell kingston 14th march 1823 tt reference may be made to john kirby esq john macanlay esq kingston and robert stanton esq york steamboat notice on lake ontario the public are informed that the steamboat queenston capt whitney has commenced making her regular trips ami will during the present summer leve the different ports as follows leave niagara for kingston brock- ville and preseott every thursday morning at eight oclock precisely and leave preseott n her return for brockville kingston york and niaga ra every sunday at six oclock a m arrangements have been made with messrs norton co stage proprie tors preseott by whih passengers go ing down will arrive if montreal on sa turday evening ami passengers pro ceeding upwards will by leaving mon treal on saturday morning arrive in time at preseott to take the boat every endeavour has been used to render the accommodations and fare on hoard of the best descp queenstoo 14th ap 1828 alliance british and foreign life and fire as surance company of london cstab lished by act of parliament capital five millions sterling he agents for this company beg leave to announce to the inhabit ants of upper canada that they conti nue to assure against loss or damage by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns of the different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs a wmorris fy co brockville james macfarlanc esq kingston james g bethune esq cobourg robt wm prentice esq- york john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will be derived from assuring with thcalliancecompany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the set tlement of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participation of profits 5th parlies who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not there by deprived of their right to participate in the profits ofthe company clh losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to the board of directors in london 8u1 reasonable expenses incurred in the removal flflteropcrty from fir- will be paid p 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on property for a less sum than the real value thcrpof the com pany will pay whatever loss is sustain ed not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits to be divid ed will be large mckeniebethuneco agents montreal 28th sept 1826 port hope nail manufac tory j j brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced manufacturing nails of every description of a su perior quality which he will sell for cash or approved bills as low as they can be obtained at any manufactory in the united states p o i hope july 3 1s26 ackets for steerage passen- ers only to sail on the 5th and 20th of every month from liverpool for new york tin ships composing this line are all of the first class copperfastened and coppered of about 400 tons burthen and as fast sailors as any packets in the trade they have superior accommo dation being very lofty between decks are commanded by experienced masters whose best endeavours will be to pro mote the comfort of passengers and the appointed days of sailing will be strict ly adhered to the facility and convenience of this esituiisiimeiu o persons resitting at a distance by saving them much delay expense too often attending the uncer tain and protracted departure of a tran sient vessel will it is hoped be duly appreciated and command such a pre ference and support as will ensure its continuance and success to irish emigrants this line is es pecially recommended on account of the easy and frequent communication between the irish ports and liverpool by means of steamboats and smacks and to all it will extend the peculiar ad vantage of a connexion with respectable companies upon the hudson river and the new york canalsby which is secur ed the readiest and cheapest conveyance to either of the canadian provinces those who wish to send for their friends can procure them a safe and ex peditious passage by applying to john macaulay esq kingston williamgam- ble esq york or james morris esq brockville upper canada new york march 1828 steam boat notice lakt ontario steam boat niagara capt mosier will after the 15th current leave niagara for kingston brockville and preseott every satur day afternoon at 4 oclock on her return will leave presscott for brock ville kingston york and niagara every wednesday morning at 6 oclock arrangements have been made with messrs norton co stage proprie tors by which passengers going down arrive at montreal on tuesday evening and those proceeding upwardswill by leaving montreal on tuesday arrive at preseott to take the boat preseott 4lh june 1882 wltotice is hereby given that i ll will expose to sale by public auction at point nepean in the dis trict of bathurst on saturday the 30th day of august next at 11 oclock a m at forths inn licences to cut timber on the waste or uugranted lands of the crown in upper canada on the tract of land bordering on the grand or ottawa river above the chlodiere falls p robinson yoik 20th july 1828 ernest town cloth fac tory the subscribers beg leave to ac quaint their friends and the pub lie that they have erected a manufacto ry on the mill creek in the third con cession of earnest town for the pur pose of picking carding and spinning wool and weaving fulling colour ing and dressing woolen cloihs sati- nctts which they expect to have in ope ration in a few days this being the first establishment o the kind commenced in the midland district and no pains or expense hav ing been spared to procure experienced workmen and machinery ofthe best des cription the subscribers confidently trust that a liberal and discerning pub- ill duly appreciate the attempt to ir wl extend the domestic manufactures ofthe country and favour it with that pa on- age and support which they are deter mined to use their best exertions to de serve wool will be taken and manufactured either on shares or at a reasonable price or carding fulling or any other part of the process performed for those who wish it on moderate terms isaac fraser david bbrown enoch drake ernesttown 20th may 1828 new school we whose names are hereunto subscribed recommend mr ro bert jeffers as a man of capability and experience and fitted to superintend the education of youth not only by theory but also by a long acquaintance with the real and actual practice of bu siness we therefore believe it would be of advantage to a portion of the r sing generation that he should unde take such an employment archdeacdn of kingston w fraser p p encouraged by the recommendation of the above venerable and rev cha racters and at the instance of a numer ous and respectable circle of friends the subscriber has taken that most eligible and commodious school room in the house owned by mrs tapin pronounc ed tapau lj minutes walk from the english church about the same dis tance from the french church and within a few paces of front street those parents who may feel dispo ed to commit their children to thestj- scribers care may rest assured of having justice done to them as he intends to take but a limited number of pupil and is determined to make itthe inter est of parents to patronise him robert jefers kingston may 12th 1828 wanted immediately at da vis mill south crosbyrideau canal a number of stone cutters to whom liberal wages will bcgiveneither by the day or foot with all tools found if required also a number of quarry men to whom liberal wages will he gi ven and regular paymonts made either by the month or week donald mcliver kingston nov 8 1827 stone mason fjor sale on reasonable terms lot nn l in flip lib cmirncnu s the township of burgess in the coun- ty of leeds in the johnstown district for further particulars apply at this office kingston 24th may 1828 the kingston chronicle is printed and published evciy saturday by james macfarlane at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and six pence per annum if sent by mail twen ty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insei- tion and 7j each subsequent inscition ten lines and under 3s 4d first inser tion and lod each subsequent inser tion above ten lines 4d per line for the fust insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rections inserted till forbid and charg ed accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the day of publica tion flj produce received in pajnienl at the market price agents john bignell esq quebec david chisholme esq three rivers andrew porteous esq montreal james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochiel r cline esq cornwall george browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq preseott henry jones esq brockville josiah taylor esq perth h whitmarsh esq richmond j k- hartwell esq bastard mess c j mdonald gananoque r w warffe esq bath allan mcpherson esq napanee thomas parker esq bellville joseph a kceler esq cramahe james g bethune esq hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vitloria john crooks esq niagara charles biggar enq canal rese murray thomas dorland esq adclphwtoica-