Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), November 1, 1828, p. 3

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pale though there was no mark of pertur- bation in his countenance and although he was assisted by two of the constables in ascending the steps which led to tbe scaffold tbore was not any thing which indicated a want of sufficient strength to have done so without that assistance he was clothed in a suitable dress of white with a cap of the same on bis headhis arms pinionedbut so as to admithis crossing his hands over his breast in the attitude of prayer he cast but a single glance at the assembled multitude on his coming out of the gaol before ascending the fatal steps on reaching thescaffoldthe executioner having performed his office and drawn the cap over frenchs face he was placed on ibe drop and preserved his position with composure and firmness during the few minutes which were to number his mortal existence the rev mr ryerson then came to the front of the stand and at frenchs request addressed the spectators during the moroingand a short time previ ous to his execution he made a statement to mr ryerson on which the rev gentle mans address was founded of which the following is a brief sketch 14 i think tbe sentence of tbe lawwhich condemns me to death just i confess i shed the blood of nolan and on that ac count deserve to die it is bad company aud drinking whieh have involved me in all my miseries and finally brought me to my present unhappy state it was by mixing with such company that i first be came acquainted with the unfortunate nolan and by associating with wicked and unprincipled men that i was led to indulge in those fatal excesses of intem- perence which prepared me for the com mission of the crime for which i am about lo suffer i was often warned of my danger and advised to avoid those destructive ivay a i would not listen to the friendly couu- i laml consequently have involved my- piin shame and ruin it was liquor that led me to perform the fatal deed that brings me to this untimely and shameful death had i not been intoxicated i should not have armed myself with such a dangerous weapofl and had i been sober at the time ef the unfortunate encounter i should not have used it but at that time i had been intoxicated for severul hours and consequently incapable of taking care of myself ardent spirits always excited in me a very daring fearless spirit and while under its influence i met the unfortunate nolan and was led to take his life but notwithstanding i have been guilty of these and many other crimes i trust god bath mercifully forgiven me and i now feel that j am at peaee with god and all mankind i feel that i have experienced pardon through the atoning blood of tbe saviour and am now fully prepared to meet death i most sincerely and heartily forgive every one who has ever injured me and humbly beg the forgiveness of any one whom i may have injured i wish others especially the youngto take warning by my unhappy fate and to avoid those vices that have proved my ruin had i attended to the often repeated advice of my friends especially my dear mother and mr mckeozie and avoided bad com eany and drunkeness i should not now e here but i would not attend and now i have to suffer my dear young friends but little consider when listening to the kind advice of their parents from what anxious solicitude and affection such advice flows and when disposed to complain of the rigour of the discipline under which they live how necessary such wholesome restraints are for their present as well as eternal good i now return my most grateful acknowl edgements to mr parker and family for their friendship and kindness to mo since i have been confined with them and most fervently pray that god may abundantly reward them i also most sincerely thank thosekind friends who have so generously interested themselves in my behalf and make them all the return that it is in the power of a poor dying youth to make my gratitnde and my prayers assuring them that with my latest breath 1 shall imnlorethe messina of heaven on them ana their families the address by the rev mr ryerson at the request aud on behalf of french was delivered in an impressive manner and was heard with respectful silence and attention and we trust with good effect by those to whom it was made the rev dr phillips thencommened the solemn service of the church as used at the burial of tho dead french joining in the prayers as the rev gentleman proceeded at the conclusion of the lords prayer which was slowly and impressively uttered french joining in its several petitions in a distinct and composed manner the signal was given for removing the fastenings of the drop and with the last word of that prayer upon his lips the unfortunate criminal was launched into eternity his sufferings were not protracted and in a few minutes he ceased to exist thus perished at the age of 21 in the very spring time of bis life charles frencn the victim by his own dying confession of intemperance and its usual attendants bad company aud vice habits of intemperance associating with bad company and the pursuits of vice had led french to the commission of crime of the deepest dye the shedding the blood of a fellow being he has paid the forfeit of that crime with his life and it is to be hoped that the dying warning he has given in the above statement and his untimely end wi 1 not be without their eflect in deterring others and especially inexperienced youth from pursuing those courses to which the unfortunate french traced all hw misfoi tunes which involved him in all his mise ries which eventually brougnthirato an ignominious fate v e lsyahst we extract this day frwn tho u e loyalist of the 25th ul an account of the execution at york of tfce unfortunate charles french for hhc murder of edward nolan as well as the dying confession of the young wan acknow ledging the justice of the punishment a- bout to be inflicted uponbim we sin cerely hope that this awful example may be the means of deterring others from the baneful practice of intoxication a constant indulgence in which is always certain either sooner or later to plunge its victim into disgrace even if it should not bring him to an ignominious end army contracts lvtotice is hereby given that tenders i1 will be received at this office for the on monday last francis collins the editor of the freeman received the sentence of the court for the publica tion of the libel of which he was re cently couvicted at the york assizes the sentence was that he should be imprisoned in the common caol of the home district for the space of one year pay a fine to the king of 50 and at the end of the term of his imprison ment to find bail for his good behaviour for 3 years himself in 400 and two sureties each in l00 this a coroners inquest was held morning on the body of thomas wil liams a tailor by trade who was drown ed on monday sennight by the upset ting of mr ives boat while crossing to long island verdict accidental ly drowned his excellency sir john colborne visited the navy yard at brooklyn a few days ago attended by capt creigbtonof his majestys 81st regl was received by commodore chauncey with the honours due to his rank on his arrival on board the fulton the commodores flag ship the marine guard was paraded and a salute of seventeen guns fired his excel lency we understand expresses bis deep sense of those honours thus spontaneously paid as well as of the kind and delicate personal attentions rendered him by the amiable and gallant commodore and the officers under his command sir john and family left town this morning for canada they are accompanied professionally by dr hosack jr albion died on monday last stuart st geo tazewell infantsou of mr so tazewell lands for sale on the canal route between the ottawa and kingston being lot 32 in the 10th concession of pittsburgh about 16 or 17 miles from kingston containing 200 acres of good arable land well situated foraolno the public road passing across the south end and the cranberry creek passing through the north application maybe made to francis a harper esq kingston nov 1 1828 undermentioned supplies until the 22d day of november next at noon 70 barrels of inspected prime pork of 200 lbs each warranted to keep sweet and sound for twelve months after deli very 150 gallons of best lamp oil impe rial measure to be delivered into the cis terns in the commissariat magazine 150 bushels of oats 34 lbs to the bushel 5 tons of hay of 2240 lbs each and 150 bundles of straw of 12 lbs each the prices to be stated in sterling mo ney and payment will be made in british silver or in bills at 30 day3 sight on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 sterling for every 101 10s due upon the contract two sureties will bo required for the per formance of each contract whose reasig- natures must be affixed to the tenders which are to be sealed and endorsed ten der for inspected prime pork lamp oil oats hay or straw as the case may be any information required respectiugthe above contracts will be given on applica tion at this office where blank tenders ean be received la the absence of a c g hare john leggatt d a c g commissariat office kingston 22d october 1898 mjoticeaii persons indited jj to the estate of the late olpb macaulay esq are requested to pk immodiatc payment and those having any claims against the aid estate to present them without delay duly au thenticated to simon h macaay esq of bath who is authorise u sel tle all accounts relating to the said es tate james b macaulay- executor york 1st oct 1828 soap candle manufactory daniel coffray impressed with a grateful sense of the very liberal support he has received from his numerous friends as well as from the public at large would inform them that he continues the above business at his old stand in front of the holdings of john s cartwright esq and near mr a ivess and the long island ferry he is determined to have constantly on hand a general supply of soap can dles which he pledges himself shall be of the best quality he will give the highest price in either soap or cash for tallow and lard aud will give soap in exchange for house grease and asbes delivered at his works kingston oct 22 1828 pork merchants can have their lard tried and packed in the first order at the shortest notice aud on the lowest terms mansionho use hotml to be let for one or moreyears and possession given the first of october next for particulars apply to mr jacob herchmer or the sub scriber charles anderson kingston 21st aug 1828 removal elesslie sons beg leave to inform their friends amuhe public that they have removed to that shop adjoining mr j g parkers store street kingston l5thsept 1828 qherry walnut curly maple lumber the subscriber is ready to contract for any quantity of cherrywafinut nd curly maple lumber deliverable at his mills 12 miles west of ancastee or at kerby and hatts store burlington bay where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed to him at ancaster will be dulv at tended to james johnston december 22d 1827 jj ost on monday evening last by li gunner gordon mkay of capt frihdys company royal artillery a silver watch no 154 with a steel chain six gold seals 2 gold keys and a ring attached whoever has found the same and will deliver them to thu owner shall receive a reward of 2 october 25 1s28 steam boat niagara for the future passengers onboard the niagara will be charged as follows cabin passage from prescot in n to york and niagara j 10 ditto from kingston to do do 2 0 0 cabin passage from prescott to kingston as formerly deck passage from prescott n to york and niagara j u ditto from kingston to york f a and niagara j 10 from prescott to kingston as formerly john hosier master kingston 1st september 1828 w the chronicle kingston november 1 1828 furs and skins anted at the stores of the subscriber in kingston and at cape vincent all kinds of shipping and hatting furs also deer skins and horns cattle horns c for which cash or goods will be paid henrys phinny kingston nov 1st 1s28 stoves just received and for sale at the store of the subscriber small as sortment of stovesconsisting of cooking franklin boxand nine plate alsoon handa quantity of stove pipe of differ ent sizes together with apneifll assort ment of tin ware which will be sold wholesale or retail at reduced prices henrys phinny kingston nov 1st 1s2s shoes cotton goods just received and for sale at the store of the subscriber at cape vincent a few bales of 34 and 44 shirting and sheeting also a quanti ty of coarse and fine shoes which will be sold low to country merchants for cash or furs henrys phinny kingston nov 1st 132 sylvesters 130 broadway newyork particulars worth attention our distant friends are most respectfully invited to the following most splendid scheme such an one has not been pre sented to the public for twelve months or more we tbusearly advertise it that or ders mav be sent as 60on as possible as in the lastlarge lottery we were unable to supply abuve 1 50 tickets and they advanc ed in price from the scarcity we have already engaged a large quantity in hopes of being able to satisfy all our friends sceme of newyork lottery class no 15 to be drawn in this city 15th nov 1828 1 prize of 50000 1 of 20000 1 of 10000 5000 4000 besides mauy of 2500 1350 1000 500 c c lowest prize 20 yates aud mintyre ma agers tickets 20 halves 10 quarters s5 eighths 2 50 clubs and societies wbo send tor large lots are allowed a liberal discount all auction to be sold at public auction on the premises on thursday the 28th instant the east half of lot no 228 to gether with a dwelling house and onthouses erected thereon adjoiniug the gate of the artillery barracks conditions to be made kuown at the time of sale sale to commence at 12 oclock noon m morana b kingston oct i4th 1828 government notice trotice is hereby given that a i quantitv of jackets and caps and marine clothing will be exposed for sale at his majes tys dock yard at kingston on the third of november next at ten oclock in the morning jnor glover naval storekeeper kingston dock yard 14th oct 1828 cataraqui bridge office kingston 9th oct 1s23 at a meeting of the board of di rectors this day it was resol ved that a further instalment of 10 per cent upon the capital stock subscri bed jthall be called in payable at this officii on or before monday the 10th day of november next geo f corbett secy and treasurer j otice there is now in the possession of mr charles wil son poundkeeper at barriefield in the township of pittsburgh a stout dark bay horse short tail formerly belonged to mr junis and mr hart of the ordnance department whoever may own said horse are requested to pay the expenees of poundage keep ing and take him away otherwise he will be sold according to law barriefield 16th sept 1828 notice all persons having claims against the subscriber are requested to present the same duly authenticated without delay to henry cassady jan esq for adjustment and those indebt ed to him are requested to pay their ac counts to mr cassady who is author ized to give receipts therefor saml mcniece kingston 19th sept 1828 a the american mail has put us in pos session of london dates to the 15th and liverpool to the lfith september co pious extracts of which will be found under their proper heads orders by letter meet the same attention as on personal application and all tickets and shares sold by tbe subscriber are the ori- 6 s n s sylvesters licenced lottery brokers 130 broadway newyork ctf the chronicle kingston upper canada upper canada gazette york courant montreal and neilsons gazette quebec will insert the above until the 8th of november and send their bills to the subscribers for payment and one paper notice whereas it has been the practice for the chelsea and kilmainham pen sioners lo give up their instruction pa pers to agents and receive their pen sions through that channel instead of appearing personally for the purpose of being identified as his majestys instruc tions require the commissary gene ral hereby gives notice that all pensions must be claimed in person at least once in each year the pensioners resi dent at richmond perth and vicinity will in future receive their pensions on and after the 25th december 1828 at bytown instead of montreal and they must chim their first payment at that post in person so that their existence and identity may be proved as no other person or persons are pursuant to act of parliament entitled to receive the same under any pretence whatsoever if tbe pensioner is living any pen sioner wishing to change his place of residence must notify the same through the commissariat officer from whom he received his last payment cnmmissariat head quarters quehcc 18ia september 182 government work required a few goodquar- rymen to be employed by the hoyal engineer department par ticulars of the work c may be obtain ed on applying at the engineer office fi j 6 j0nn harei assist com gen kington 6th august 1828 notice well recommended medical gentleman of sound british prin ciples will meet with every support in the vicinity of vittoria township of charlotteville london district the centre of a de population lands for sale it ot letter d in the township of jlipittsburgh fronting tho si law rence containing 200 acres well wooded lot no 26 fourth concession township of kingston containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance of about 20 acres with a log house and barn lot no 26 sixth concession in same township containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance of about 10 acres with a good fence and now under a crop of timothy for particulars apply to f a harper kingston 12th may 1823 canada company it is particularly requested that all claims on the canada company be sent in during the first week in septem ber next and afterwards regularly in the first week of december march june and september addressed tho mas smith esq cashier and account ant canada companys office york to whom application is to be made for payment in the course of the first weeks inoctober january april and july john galt suyerintendant canada companys office guelph july 29 1s2s j notice the subscriber being appointed agent lor the canada compa ny in this placa is ready to receive of fers for the purchase of any of the com panys lands i this quarter he also begs to inform such persons as may intend to settle oh the companys huron tract that by presenting them selves to ebenc ohnstonesqof buf falo they will hi forwarded by hira from that place at ik companys expenseto thu new settlement 0 goderichat the mouth of the wetland heretofore culled the red rivcy f a harper- kingston 26th july 1828 list of letters remaining in tki post office picton hauoxocll 5th oct 1828 thos archer philip ainsworth john abercrombie jos allen david b alduch jno abraham henry anderson titus ames samuel aldrich 2 hugh j barker barker stevenson w c barker 2 john bull dennis brenan 2 jno boyd daniel baker 3 edward beaulien elijah bentlay ichabod bowerman j e brown vvm black jos black vincent bowerman jessee band- win amzil benedict elijah bennet james h bennet john black hesekiah bristol james claik thos mccreedy jona than clark 2 yctte chamberlain aaron conner james ciapp hen crout gavil d clute samuel clapp jonathan cumming tunis cuvert 3 samuel h carson john carley elijah y cunningham jas curuca jacob cronk jno cairnes miss jane cole jno clark robert cooper ellen coles francis b clark jno covert jno christee vvm clark miss rachael covert teney carpenter james crandell vvm cunning ham henry davis esq jno davis 2 hen dingraan arsam dean geo drenvy silas dyre jos duframe sam detlor barnard dayuard mrs dulac jno dickson mrs deasy pelip or david dulmaee hiram dickerson welber dewel jacob dykeman matt dunne publius v elmore henry ewing timothy nihan john english vvm essington arra ferguson 2christiam fry 2 alex eraser rozel ferguson elijah ferguson sen john fail hen fluke jas ferrington vvm fortune alex greer michael graves jaisen garratt mavel gar- reson daniel gilespie abrain hodge vvm hicks robert hill vvm hudgeous vvm horton patrick jiagerty sam howe jno harris allen head a bram hyatt nathan hicks thos herrick orton hancock 2 jno hinginan jno height jacob jerraan mrs jameson thos jones robert jackson 3 horace c joslin 2 john johnson paul kingston moses kenedy michael keury borough david kelly mrs knapp john kennery charles kennev 2 jno kearns jas t larkin jlenon jno low andrew lawson 4 sam leavens normon landon jos vv locklin 2 j t lane vvm lan sing mr luran jno good murphy 2 archd mcfaul2 stephen martin jno mc- faul stuart waller vvm matthews jno mercer jno mcgill hugh mcguirethos mckenney 2 sam mccartney john mc kinn thos martin jno martin jno mc- connell robert mclaughlin robert mc- arthur charles minaker mrs mary mc- murugh mrs joanah mccarthy thos s mills jno nugent 2 manuel northop vvm nethery miss lidia orser william palmer sam g porter robert patterson mrs nelly prcvost rev richard phelps stephen potter christopher putman 2 simon e pruve geo parlment flenrv raiincr oblepieslontioov licjuse win pears jno ryckman wm read 2 hugh read isaac reynolds philip ryckman richard russel joseph redman jos seyers elizabeth b smith alex sallons samuel solmes 3 wm smith mrs jane smith wsweatman robert shannon owen sul livan robert sheriff daniel spragg b spencer matthew or owen shudun alex scogle jas h swail john simon john sechrist sam spragg wm spaltord owen sutlift daniel thompson dr fibbets jno teate wm turner john twine robert thorne miss grace vaie p salonson trueman wiman gilbert white joseph waters 2 reuben b way charles whit ney ralph willoughby david williamson amos white wm wiley aaron weeks jno waters jas wilson 23 jno wilson robert youngsthos jos demerest2 w eft on mcdonells wharf about ma six weeks agoa barrel of pork the owner is requested to prove his property itingstonsept4 1s28 kingston boarding day school for young ladies mr mas twig beg leave to return thanks for tho uniform support which their school has received since its commencement and wish to as sure parents and guardians that they shall make it their study as- they have ever done to merit a continuance of it by hie strictest uucimon to the seve ral branches moral and polite which constitute a liberal education reference may he made to the ve nerable george okill stuart rev john machar lieutenant colonel mc pherson and john mclean esq kingston 4th a 1828 wanted several respectable youngsters as apprentices to the moulding and bar iron milking bu siness at the marmora iron works for terms apply to iu a manahan 2d oct 182s notice the officers of the 71st regt will not be responsible for any debts contracted by corporal alexan der mulvany the messman of the regt kingston 2d oc 1828 for sale the brick house and lot situate on the place darmes at pre sent occupied by assistant com gen hare for terms apply to thos kirkpatrick kingston lsth sept 1828 steam boat notice lake ontario steam boat niagara capt mosier will after the 15th current leave niagara for kingston brockville and prescott every satur day afternoon at 4 oclock on her return will leave presscott for brock ville kingston york and niagara eveiy wednesday morning at 6 oclock arrangements have been made with messrs norton co stage proprie tors by which passengers going down arrive at montreal on tuesday evening and those proceeding upwardswill by luaving montreal on tuesday arrive at prescott to take the boat prescott 4th june 1882 to be sold that valuable tavern stand the town of kingston known as the kingston hotel comprising a substantial stone house with stable other apurtenances situated on lot no s8 63frotinngthe court house and containing twofifths of an acre this property is too well known to need repetition if not disposed of by pri vate sale before the 15th octobernext the same will on that day at noon on the premises be put up at public auc tion and sold without reserve the ti tle is indisputable conditions to be made known at the time of sale apply to the proprietor on the pre mises or to m moran auctioneer kingston 2d august 1828 n b mr walker woald inform his friends that he in the meantime will con duct the business of the honseas usual aud takes this opportunity of returning his thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support which he has always expe- rieneed from them to rent for a teim of years immediate possession given the property atpresentin the occupation of john grant in barriefield consisting of a good dwelling housebake house barn and other out houses with the land attached the property will fa- leased for a term of years on advanta geous terms apply to the editor of the kingston chronicle kingston 5th may 1826 notice to emigrants persons desirous of settling in upper canada may procure lands on the island of tantisiluat- ed in lake ontario 9 miles above kingston there are several thousand acres yet unoccupied which will be either sold or leased upon reasonable terms the situation is pleasant and the soil generally of an excellen quality further information may be obtained by application to richd ilitch- ins esquire residing on the island or toa k johnson esq at prescott montreal june 2 1s28 n b a steamboat passes the is- and three times a week government notice gi ood stone cutters will 1 hn omnlovnn i1 in in engineer department at tins post application to he made at the royal engineer office john hare assist com gen commissariat kingston t 18th aug 1828 s lvtotice the subscribers will jjf pay the following prices for pork and flour in cash on deliveiyat their establishment at jones falls south crosby ridcau canal as undermen tioned viz for pork in the hog weight from 150 to 200 lbs 21s 6d ditto do from 2 to 300 lbs 22s 6d for flour in the barrelfine 21s 3d do do middling 18s 9d do in the bag pr- cwt 10s 6d mackay redpath jones falls rideau canal dec 27 1827 the steamboat toronto james sinclair master will leave kingston every mon day morning at s oclock for bath adolphustownhallowel sophias- burgh belleville the carrying place and river trent leave the trent at 10 oclock a m on tuesdays and arrive at kingston in the evening touching at the intermedi- leave kingston every wednesday at 8 oclock in the morningfor t rescott and return the following day touching at gananoqua and brockville leave kingston every friday morn ing at 8 oclock for belleville leave belleville ori saturdays at 8 oclock a m and arrive t kingston in the even ing touching at the intermediate places the toronto is neatly fitted up and every attention will be paid to the ac commodation and comfort of passengers a stage will meet the boat at the trent on tuesdays fare as usual for passage or freight application may be made to the master on board kingston 6th may 1828 lamp black the subscriber offers for sale half a ton of lamp black in barrels from 90 to 100 lbs each it is of a superi or quality not caked or mildewed and will be sold very low for cash geo f corbett sept 5 1828 5w to be sold the sloop beaver with sails and rigging complete apply to joiinbowen kingston 19th sept 12s commercial hotel market square kingston mrs scantlebury begs to acquaint the public that since the demise ofherlato husbaudshe continues to conduct the above commodious establish ment in offering her services to the inha bitants of kingston and the traveller gene rally she trusts that experience added to assiduity and attention will enable her to study the comfort and convenience of her guests it were needless here to enumerate tbe advantages possessed by this hotel over e- very ether of the kiud in kingston they will be obvious to every person who may please to visit tho apartments kingston sept 4th i62s

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